The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 04, 1912, Image 5

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-W" '
vv"vvx,v,"vvvvW"v v"vr,,s'v'VNN,ls,x,
Columbia Graphaphone ?
Intelligent comparisions is
the basis of intelligent buy
ing. Wc claim to have
the most powerful motor,
GRAFONOLA le rnost perfect reproduc
er giving the clearest and
sweetest tone of any
Phonograph on the market.
We invite comparison.
Columbia instruments play
any make of disc records.
Wc will give you a liberal
allowance for your old ma
chinein exchange and
payments to suit you.
-. fliHl ihV ?.,W&H;I
.' -.--''
v .-
IDEAL" $35.00
George Trine wa9 in Hastings Tues
day. Ed Walters returned from Mindeu
C. J. Piatt and wife are home from
Lew Peterson lias gone to Montana
for a visit.
All kinds of Electrical work done by
Morhart ltros.
Otho Owens returned from Lebanon,
Kansas Monday.
Thomas Wells returned to Stockton,
Kansas Tuesday.
Milton Do Fon of Tocamah was in
the city Monday.
School is again in session after tlio
holiday vacation.
II. W. Wheeler of Hastings was in
town Wednesday.
Amos Mikscli returned from Kansiis
City, Mo., Tuesday.
Mrs. (Jims. Robinson entertained
the M)0 club Thursday.
The New Year is here. Did you
make those resolutions?
John Adams of Wray, Colo., spent
New Years' in the city.
Roy Rlckerson of Bedford, Mo is
visiting ltooiiu Saunders.
Mrs. Roiit. DeWitt .visited her moth
er Mrs. A. W. Holmgrain. v
Ben Williams returned to his stud
ies at Grand Island Tuesday.
Felix O'llarc of Hastings was in town
Wednesday visiting his sister.
W. A. Wiley of Hastings was a bust
ness visitor in town Tuesday.
Miss Kcohler of Hastings was the
guest ofJMrs. Ned Grimes Tuesday.
La Verne Pope of Hastings is visit
ing his uncle R. D. Morltz this week.
Mr. Lloyd Grimes of Blue Hill was
in town taking in theY. P. club dance.
G rover Carey returned from Crete
Monday where he spent the holidays.
The W. It. C. will meet Saturday at
1:30 p. m. Every member be prompt.
I. A.Couawav returned from 'Hast
ings Tuesday where he spent tho holi
days. Miss Mabel Uiiliugraiii was visiting
friends at Hustings the tiist of the
Get the Facts
About Our Lumber
before you decide on the con
stitution of your new home.
Investigate our stock closely
and let us show you the differ
ence between No. 1 and - and
sclear siding, sbeathiug otc. Find
out first baud what the material
is going to cost you and then
you'll know whether or not
there's anytruth In the state
ment you hear occasionally
"Oh, you can't afford fo build a
frame house at the high price of
lumber." Such expressions in
themselves are all the evidence
you need to tell you what is
the best kind of material to iie
Ttf building your; home. Don't
be misled, then, into using less
substantial material until you've
found out lirst handed just how
high prico lumber really is and
pitrticulary tho different grades
for different purposes.
"There's Ne Place Like Hone."
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Grimes and
daughter Erina vjsited in town Xew
Mrs. David Morrison of Council
Bluffs', Iowa Is visiting relatives and
friends in town.
A. D. Kunney and family arc located
in the Hughes property which he pur
chased last week.
Miss Arnold returned from Bloom
ington Monday to resume her duties in
the public schools.
Arth'ur B. McArthur spent New
Years in Long Island, Kas., visiting
friends and relatives.
Our ice men are busy cutting their
first cutting of ice this week which is
very clean and thick.
M.S. Martin returned 'from Good
land, Kas., Tuesday morning where he
had been visiting his son.
E. II. Newhousi and Mrs. Pharos
moved their stock of goods in their
new building Wednesday.
The new 10IL fishing and hunting
lieonses have boon received by County
Clerk Ross and are now on sale.
The llnest. line and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
ind look It over. Moiiiiaiit Bros.
Glen Walker left Friday foo Chicago
where ho will agoiu take up his work
with the Midland Lyceum Bureau.
Edgar Mcintosh hrs returned home
from Di's Moines, Iowa, where he at
tended the Highland Parle college,
utilises Mario and Katheiinc Burke
have returned from Walnut, Iowa to
resume their duties in the public
The Chief tor all kinds or work in
Job Printing, done with neatness
and dispatch. Printing that attracts
Dr. Cross will be in his ofllce over
the State Bank everyday in the week.
Hnvinc discontinued his visits to
The R N A. lodge met Wednesday
night and installed olllcers for the en
duing year. After lodge a banquet
was served.
(to to Sloss for wall pinor, paints
and varnishes. Also sec Christmas
line of Madoreas Cupids, Sepias and
Lloyd Hiekerson returned from Bed
ford, Mo., t'l'uesday and resumed his
studies at the High school after visit
ing his mother.
Fon Sam:; The two buildings oc
cupied by the Chief Otlleo and H. II
Nowhniise's jewelry More. Inquire of
E. 11. New house.
Miss Gertiudu Blackledge returned
to her studies at Uockford, Illinois
Monday after spending the hollidays
with her parents.
Frank Wilson who has been visiting
with Mrs. F. N. Rrokaw, left last night
for a visit with friends in Red Cloud.
Superior Daily Express.
Mr. Jarboe will preach at the Indian
Creekjsehool house next Sunday at .'1 p.
m., and in Red Cloud both morning
and evening in the Brethren church.
The Job Printing equipment of
the Chief Office is up-to-date for all
kinds of work. Quick service, neat
workmanship and reasonable prices.
Don't forgot we make farm loans,
money ready the day tho title is ap
proved. Gariikk, Hutchison & Saladen.
Dr. and Mrs. It. F. Raines and family
left Monday for Carsbod, N. M , where
they will reside untiiJune. Dr. Raines
goes with the hope of benefiting his
A very line improved farm for sale
on veiy easy payments. Worth the
money, mostly smooth, close to town
and easy to handle. Dan Garber it
Co. Chief Office.
See .1. H. Bailey for a farm loan,
He has a reducod rate of Interest and
Is sole agent for Trevett, Mattts &
Baker who are noted for promptness
and squaro dealing and are always
ready for business.
). It. miiiisim went tn Lin. tim Wed
ties 1 1, on busiu .
1 I will Inij yiuir fins. Iiuli-4. noultry.
and sell oit tin t-il nii.l soft eonl. ,1. ().
, Special alti uthiu given to diseases
of i',M' and ear. Glasses nrcut itto'v
fitted. Dr. MiH'kman. Kcdl'luud. Nebr.
Foot wat hums ami all Muds of Ltm
Holies, everything to keep you warm
while you tide. ,loi: FnOKt. the liar .Man.
Dr Win rick. the. specialist will inoel
uye, ear, novo and tluoat patients and
those needing ulasses properly fitted
at Dr. DiimoroH's otlleo in' Red Cloud
Tucsda., Jan. Hi.
Ki'V. Hummel was a passenger to
Blue Hill this morning where ho will
perfoiin tho mat lingo ceremony of
Miss Leila Siebiass to Mr. S M. Lynch
both of llliio Hill.
L a x I) -See us If you wish to buy a
good farm worth the money. The lar
gest local laud list from which to so
led. Several mighty good deals,
Dan Garber ,v Co. Chief Olllce.
The G. A. U.uud W. K C. will have
joint installation Saturday at 'J o'clock
l. in. Every mouther ot both lodges
is urgi'ii to lie piosont. After lodge a
supper will be served by the ladles.
.Mrs. Alex, lliiekles has returned to
her home In Red Cloud after spending
two weeks wit ti her mother, Mrs. Win.
Irwin. Iieue accompanied her to
spend the holidays - Shaffer's Alma
Last Tuesday evening the I), of II
mot and a very .largo number of mem
bers came out to start the new year
right. Several candidates were initi
ated and after lodge a banquet was
served by tho first division.
Do not allow your kidney and blad
der trouble to develop beyond the
reach of medicine. Take Foley Kidney
Pills. They give quick results and
stop irregularities with surprising
promptness. Sold at Dr. Cook's drug
Experience and travel among the
various countries of this little old
world has made Jack Simmons, the
leading man of the Ilillmaii No 1 com
pany about as interesting a gentlt
man to hold a half hour's chat with
as we often meet.
Mrs. L. II. Fort accompanied by her
son Chas. Fort and Dr. (iiirdner of
Orleans passed through Rod Cloud on
No. 1 1 Wednesday for Omaha where
they wore taking Mrs. Fort for a con
sultation of doctors We hope for a
speedy recovery for Mrs. Foit.
The management, of tho opera house
Is, from all reports, starting the new
year in a creditable manner. The
Ilillmaii No. 1 Company is the first at
traction at the Opera House for l!Ui2.
Their engagement is for three nights
commencing Thursday, Jan. 1th.
Wolfe & Whltaker, general black
smiths, now carry a full line of farm
implements, surreys, buggies, wagons,
gang plows, gas engines, stacker ropes-,
all kinds of machinery and heavy
hardware, and all supplies for same.
Also ail kinds of oil. Licensed Plumb
ers Calls promptly answored.
We have a party with 81000 cash
who wants to buy a quarter with im
provements priced between 87r00 and
89000. Also another party who wants
a quarter without Improvements, and
he will pay the cash if suited what
have you got to offer..
Gardek, Hutchison & S.w.vdkn.
The following students returned to
their studies at the state university
nnd the agricultural college at Lin
coln, Monday: Paul Johnston, Henry
and Sheridan Pharos, Minor and Phil
Sherwood, Bruce Beckwith, Howard
Foo, Floyd Tiirnii re, Cecil Essig, Don
Fulton, Leouaid Re'ther, and tho Miss
es Vernon Storey and Mubtl Pope.
tho annual moll In ' of the Connie-
in' oni 1 church mII bo In Id Fi id ,
en t tin: at 7 :!!. t tho oin-o if the
tiu- ting lofresliiiu '.'. will lie seiwd.
All tlli'liibcis ami 1'iii'llds of the
church aleoarnesilv n i posted loo iino
and hoar the loporlsnf iiur w.oii f-n
tin-past j oar, meet the now pastm
ami spend a pleasant social evonlii, .
I'.ilmi Scivlccs (lining the week ot
pui.u r commencing Jan, St li will ln
held as lollows;
M. unlay Methoilist
Tuesday itlothioil
Wciliicsiliiy I'lMigregntl n I
i hutsilay F.plsi'i.pnl
F'ltlny t'ln 1st i. hi
s.ituiilny I'.aplis-t
Si'i i id's will commence at. ::i0 i
Everybody eoidially invited to
tend all the meetings.
Chillies Durham. Lnviiigtou, 111,
lias succeeded in lliidiug a positive
cure for bed wetting. "My little buy
wot lite bed every night clem tlno' on
the llnir. I tried scvoial Muds of
kidi'ey medicine ami 1 was In Ihcilnm
stiii. hulking lor sntncthiiiir ditVetent
to help him when I heatil of Foley
Killing Tills Artel' he had fnkoii
thei'i imi das wo emilil sec n ehimie
mid u lien he had t ikon two thirds of
a li'ttlo he was cured. That is about
si weeks ago and ho has not wot in
bed since." Sold at Dr. Henry Cook's
drug store.
The meetings of Organized Agiicul
lure begin at the Fnlversily Farm,
Lincoln, January 15, 10 111.
Tuesday, January, 111, will bo de
voted especially to Horses, Wednesday
to Swine, and Thursday and Friday to
Cattle and Silos. The Horticulture
and Dairymen's meetings continue for
three days.
The reception at the Governor's
mansion is to bo held on Tuesday eve
ning, with full programs of music and
speakers of national reputation at the
University Temple on Wednesday and
Thursday evenings. The nineteen bod
ies of Organized Agriculture will meet
hero and hold their annual meetings,
at which general business Is transact
ed and officers elected. Every pro
gressive farmer In our county should
attetiil aiiilsecureall up-to-date mens
possible for the benefit of our com
The tilth anniversary of the Em
mancipation of tho American slave
whs pioperly observed by the Rod
CI. .ml High sehool lest Wednesday
atieiiioon Mr. E. .1. Ovcriiig, Jr., ad-die-sed
the students choosing for his
s-ul.ject Hid Ktiimaiiciputioii Proclam
atiuii. The speaker drew a menial
Picture of the horrors of slavoiy as it
existed in the southern states and how
iiic'iisistiint ami antagonistic tliis s, s
ti'in was to the principles of our con
stitution. Tho speaker also related
s-iino itisido history, why Lincoln's
Proclamation was issued as a Now
Vear's gift to the nation in lS("t and
that it furnished the real impetus
which led the federal forces from vic
tory. Mr. Overing also asserted that
tho abolition of slavery murks the be
ginning of the first real progressive
movement in America that our social
Industrial and commercial advance
ment dates from the day when Lin
coln dared to make our country In fact
bs well as in theory u land of tho free.
mmssassi m Qmxzsssz
3L i
IF YOU DO you'll say thank
you. No where else in Red
Cloud can you buy teas and
coffees as low in price and
as high in quality as you can
from us. ...
Ben NcFarland
-:- All the Phones -:-
Chas. Johnston and Miss Hannah
Oleson took the train last Wednesday
morning and went to Red Cloud, where
they were married. The young folks
are well and favorably known In this
vicinity, where they have resided so
A reception was held last night in
their honor at the home of the groom's
Tho Advocate joins with their many
friends in wishing them a long and
happy prosperous married lifo.-ltlooui-ington
final listatc Transfers.
Transfers for tho week ending Wed
nesday January :t, I'.H'J. ,
Compiled by M. W. Carter X: Son
Itonded Absti actors.
Fred hot, and wife to Conrad
Eckhardt wd evf no'
.Speiico and Bennett to W. S.
Dcl.ell wd lots 1-i! blk'JSpenco
and Bennett's add to Bladen. -loO
County Court to heirs of Jarvls
N. Burr decree 480 acres in
Molse Roullcr nnd wife to Carl
Schmidt wd eH sef 12-3.13.... filOO
William A. Bailey to J. II. Bail
ey wd lots l to '24 blk 4
Platts add to R.C 2800
Albert D. Ranuey ami wife to
John B. Lane we lot I) and pt
10 blk 2 Rohrer's add to B. II . 2500
Mortgages tiled, 1430.1.
Mortgages released, 88I1P:
Have You Read It?
The Adlor-i-ka book, telling how
you can EASILY gumd against appen
dicitis and got INSTANT relief from
constipation pr gas on the stomach, Is
being read with much interest by Red
Cloud people. It is givon away free
by C. L. Cottlng.
Co: 'n.nty of Sleep.
Plenty of sleep is conduclvo to
beauty. Even n garment looks worn
when it loses its nap.
No. ill. A qiiai tei section for sale at SH.OOOou easy payments.
About too aoies smooth, balance gently rolling, nil good soil under
laid wilholay subsoil and free from sand or rock. About DO aoies
under cultivation, balance In pasttite, all first qualify corn and
alfalfa land mid Is an excellent dairy fat in. Located I miles from
good town on mainti'iivoleil toad lu dlstiiet of all good lauds and
piodiictlvo I'm ins Coinpleleset of fair Improvements, house, stable,
granaries, oto TERMS SI, MM) cash down, all the balance at 15 per
cent until paid. ifiOilt) can bo hud on r, years time with options to
suit purchaser This farm would readily rout for g.'lM) in cash or
more for term of years, and Is priced 61. lion cheaper than any of Its
iiolghhoi lug farms on the miitket with less iinptovetiieiits Any
good farmer witli cash for first payment, could with little extra
elfoit. make the ronU take care of tho Interest until paid put, and
Mion own a good farm w hich will grow in value from the day of
purchase. A leal snap.
No. III. A line well Impioved fai in at SlO.fillO An exception
ally well improved farm, located close to two good towns on good
roads. About 1,10 acres under oiilflvitatlon, II) ill alfalfa and ;t() lu
past itro About tin or 70 acres smooth, balance gently rolling, none
rough, nil readily tillable. All good fertile soil underlaid with clay
subsoil and free from sand or rock. Complete set. of now Improve
ments till in good repair. Large house 7 good rooms and I closets;
large barn .'liiMO H double stalls. lOo bushel granary and .10 ton
mow Double granary :i()xlii. to ft driveway with plank floor and
10 ft eaves, all shingle roofed, capacity to, 000 bushels Machine
shed l-'lx.'IO with shingle roof and repair shop attached. Wood-shed
12x20 shingle roof, henhouse, cow-shed HOxIS with stanchions and
section of floor cemented. Those improvements nro all less than
r. years old except tho house and would cost but little to repair into
first class condition, Young orchard of apples, plums, cherries, etc.,
nicely laid nut. Fino well drained fcedlot very conveniently lo
cated, can bo made any sl.u desired, and all drains by natural slope
Into the garden and orchard, a most desirable arrangement. This
farm is situated in territory of good land and district of productive
farms It is all good alfalfa laud, and as it is located in an ex
cellent corn producing belt, with its lino food-yard and granary
Opacity, it Is absolutely one of the best grain farms and feeding
stations on the market in this country. Plenty of pasture lands not
far distant and no neighboring competition in the corn market.
'I miles from one good town and 5 miles from another. The im
provements on this farm cannot be rebuilt for less than $1,000, and
surrounding laud of no better quality and less than one fifth of tho
improvements and failher from town, Is on the market, at S'.'.OOO
and IDJioO a quat tor, Spenlal tonus to purchaser. Worth your
time to investigate. CHIEF OFFICE
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Collection Agency
IF your title is clear, farm loans are easily and
quickly closed. Have your abstracts made and de
fects corrected now. N. W. CARTER & SON, Bond
ed Abstracters Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Closing Out Sale
Boots, Shoes, Etc.
I will offer my entire stock at a big reduction in
prices, and the more you buy the larger the discount.
This will be your opportunity to lay in several years
supply. I have been in the Shoe Business for more than
20 years and I am now ready to quit business, so take
advantage of this opportunity. It will save you much
money. Come fast as I want to close the stock out just
as soon as possible. ......
Henry G. Diederich
Wall Paper, Paint .and
Room Mouldings, Pict
ure Framing, Pictures
and artist Material
The Only Exclusive Store.
The Diamond Electric Vacum clean
er demonstrated in your home free.
Call l'bone ited 07.
D. D. Sanderson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Otllce in Moon llloclc.
Hell, Black Ind., 103
Residence, Hoyal Hotel.
Hell, 17; Ind., 27
Calls Answered Day or Night
-rsmxit)sssxr Jzr"OX3&x.2i -r-
"- ''pfpt,