apntawMnmaHBrnanMniMMiiMnn t-rartymjcmwutLi. mnnowm'.-'j srctrmii jii j..i .n .mjrmifvjii.ia iTfacrr.,iwjwii i r-mwiw7rtTm03WJ5i .xrv4cTmi.tcvnMiBk 15- T5he CHIEF Umd Cloud - - Nobraskiv PUBLISH KD KVKKY Til I KM' V filtered In tlio rontiii11ru hIiIIlmI 'lml,"Vrti., w Sernliil ('In" Mutter. 0 II. IIALK PtlllMHIIKIt TIIK ONLY IlKMOCItATK I'Al'KU IN wiwntku county FOlt UI'JPUHSKNTATIVH I licrcby iiniioiiiicii niyxi'lt as u mnilliliili' for Iho iiiiiiilimtloii f(ir rcpri'sonlallwi from tliolllliillHtrlct (it NcliriiHkn. Hiilijtet to tint Will "I tllll lltlllllHTIltll! Itllll l'L'()lllH lllltl" lii'tiilcnl votirmit tlio primaries to l In 11 April 17, Ml-i. (Icoiimt W. IiI.niisi-.i. The holding of memorial services in hutiiir of mr uitixtis vln have lived worthily in cuir I'oiiiiiiuitily ought l 1)0 CllCnlll'llgcd If II CltiCII lllM pcr- fnrinuil his tush faithfully and well lit) deserves linn H tli.tn a riini'iiil eeiu tunny. If liis life has lii'i'ii spent In tlio betterment nf iniinliiiiil mill the upbuilding or I lii' community it is lil ting thut IiIh efforts should In- pill lie ally recognized and public iippn'cln tlon shown, "Nut" Ayors, mi nitl-tiino resident of Heaver Clly, Antlinr nf the muv and popular book "Iluildlug ii New Empire," was In tlio city I nut week. The book la a historical story written in faelnntlng style. Thu trials nml trlbiilutioim of t lie Nebraska Home steader arc woll pictured anil iiIho much interesting information about the early IndiatiN. The book Is an ex cellent record of the plains written by an intelligent plainsman and is wisely dedicated to the Nebraska State HIh toricul Society. Wo held ititerviuwH with nearly all our business men this week and I hey all assure us that their Christmas trade was tlio largest of all years. Notwithstanding the fears of last Au gust corn and other crops yielded abovo the average ami our fat mors have plenty of money, Hod (Jlotid is a good place to trade. Our utcichituls are proving right along that bettor values can hi: secured light here than in oth er places and that a dollar will buy more in our mai Uets than in any of our large cities. This is it good show ing and as long ns our, business men give Hie values that they do trade will be attracted to our town. This city ought to make u few New Year's resolutions. Wo ought to learn to respect tin; views of our neighbors. We ought to net In our municipal af fairs with more unanimity. We ought to find out what the most of us want and then carry out tlio wishes of the majority and all join In and help, We ought to elect a lull setof city ollltilals in whom we have the contldeuee that they will conduct an economical utile lent administration. We ought to in sist that business men accept ollices. There are a number of other things we ought to do but the most important one of all Is that we net in harmony. We need to get together and not us a unit. Let byegones be hyegnnes and everybody work for Ked Cloud and Webster County. Hon. John M, Morehead of Fulls City is the tlrst man to tile for the Demo cratic ticket. .Mr Morchentl stated that he had tiled eaily in older that the voteis of the state might have ample time in uh'.chto investigate his icpiitntlou mid his icccul. lie has no reason to lo ashamed of idtlu-r, He has been lesiilcut ot the state for nearly thlrtv j ears nud has served his county in various ollices and has mnde a success of I'ai miii. and stock tai-ing lie Is at present n member of the stale sen ite isii-s, slam Lieutenant (iovcruor owing to the death of Lieutenant (iov eruor ilopi'W-ll. Mr Morchcad comes before the otiis of Nebraska with a good record and with an olllcial ex pel ienee that pie-eiuinently tit him for the highest olllee in the gift of the fctato. With our big llnauciors and the com mercial agencies all predicting good times ahead wo may reasonably expect most prosperous year. 'Tlio usual bugaboo which the elections bring out has been eliminated this year. No no seems to takeour presiduntalcam paign seriously enough to let it stand in the way of business. Just how bad ly scared tlio money power is of any candidate is problematical. They have always pulled thru no matter which party won tho election and wo presume that they have reason to feel optimis tic now. At any rate they are not go ing to let noise interfere with business. Tho big steel corporation has tlio lar gest number of orders ahead that it ever has had, the cotton eiop Is u bg one and 10 1 .' starts out with u Kll0( hhowing. Here in Webster county prospects are also encouraging on nc count of excessive moisture, and the excellent condition of all farm lauds. Winter wheat is in the best condition it has been for a number of years and the year Ninetccn-eloven has passed into history. The im m i o ili'i ill It. til (' hi le ill i a ( Inn 1. 'ii honor of li.il.f r '"I hi. lie ne. .m II iittt-udiil and w is .i most N.ied -ful ineitlug. The luii-ili! was well selected for the occasion1 imil the udiliessis were ex cellent. Mr, .1. S. (IHIia'iii spoke with refoienee to Mr. Coohinnc's associa tion with the A. U. W nml showed that this organization appealed to one of Mr, Cochrane' temperament be cause il emphasised the human side of life: that the (licensed took an active put In eanjing out the tcachingn of love ami that to have u pail in tlio woik of alleviating I lie distress of mankind was of great consolation to one who realized that his hours weie few, Mr. (illhain's diction, treiK'haiu thought and manner of delivery was exceedingly pleasing and enjojnblo. Mr. C. I' father told of the worth of the man as ii citizen mil a Mason, llestatid that whenever u moral ipiesi ion arose no one doubted for a moment where Hubert fochrat e would stand. Ills life was a life of modest service and he vwis a gentleman at all times and in '.II pi ic s. His iiilliieuce was felt all over the city ami he was honor ed and i expected by all. Mr. ('. Ii Colling then told ol the departed bmllierVi work in the church nml his connection with tin .Sunday .School, lie paid tribute to thu le Miiiicefnlness and tact the energy and devotion to work for thu church as ex hibited in thelifuofllrathcr Cochrane. Mr. I'ieice added a few remiuisetices and the meeting closed. Widow's Pension. The recent act of April tilth, tiK)8 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension (12 pttr month. Fred Matirer the attorney, has fill necessary blanket: Till' Uoal Fstate and Loan Agency In t.lin I'lHKl' Olllen llllu n liirirn list nf improved farms for sale that will in terestany land-buyer or home seeker. A number of farms that will pay good interest on the investment: several that can be bought on easy navments and special deaN: mituv that will miv their way ami grow in value. These farms mo priced according to quality, location ami improvements. Their list of farms is located right here in The tlreat Republican Vallev Countrv- the Heart of Thu Creat Corn and Alf alfa Hell. Among their list are some of the best fariits in Webster and Franklin Counties. 'The hills look green far away' but the farm lands here are safest for investment, pro-ini-o the greatest rise in values and olVer best inducements to easy, thrifty running, (moil alfalfa laud is crop producing while sclM'ortllizing and never wems out. One of the best dis tricts in the Middle West, in which to raise hogs and feed cattle. The cheap est and best all-purpose farms to be found. Fertile and productive corn and wheat laud: every Held is thu best alfalfa land: bountiful grain and buy crops: good schools, excellent roads, rural mails, telephones, convenient matketh and shipping facilities. This country has every qualification neces sary to unexcelled grain farms, dairy furntM. mmltrv fiit-inu btfi,1 fnt-mu fi.,.1 "" 1 l' ",J --..-', vv.I . CI ...II. feeding stations. The best land values to do nan at lowest prices. Also a number of excellent City Properties listed and several good local farm trades. Correspondence solicited. Big Ben has something to say to people who like to get up promptly in the morning. He guarantees to call them on the dot just when they want and either way they want, with one pro longed, steady call or with successive gentle rings. And he guarantees to do it day after day and year after year, if you only have him oiled every year or so. I've known him ever since he was "that high" and I'll vouch for every thing lie savs. J.C.Mitchell The Jeweler. to jfo aM Iff W-7 eWW New Year Nuggets si art 'glil I Wind up right Kci p to the right. liesolve and rightabout. Don't sham but be real. Keep buy In order t be healthy. Think evil of none but well of all. He content with the little you have. Consistently add lo what you have got. Undertake something1 good mid stick to it. Itodoublo your efforts, show mail linesH there. Advertise fiom the stmt ami make business thrive. Ilnvo bush and get-up and show that you're alive. If you break your resolve, don't give up in dlspair. Ureak away from bad habits, evil companions and vile books Aim to lie something, do something, gel soinetnlnganil keep something. Cultivate courtesy, kindness, cheer- fullness, carefulness, mid promptness. Keep your word, keep out of debt, keep good company, keep your own counsel. Don't kick, don't grumble, don't critielso your brother's shortcomings, but smile at your obstacles and be gracious and forgiving. Happy New Year, To Our City "A Happy Now Year" dear old town itejoico in all thy ways For happy years have come and gone Wltli brief and fleeting days. Years we've watched thy growth In numbers and in wealth: In lovely homes, and lovlier trees; In cleanliness and health. In pretty st roots and shady parks Where birds their carols slnir. And sunbeams play the livelong day And joys supernal bring. Tlio crystal water that we drink, Springs from the heart of Karth: As ceaseless ns a woman's love, Wherever it has birth. Our men are those of enterprise, Of gumption, grit and grace. Who believe in good improvements Should have no second place. Our boys will average well with boys hleady, staid and true. With tact and purpose well in hand Tho light they will pursue, Our girls! Ah, heaven bless them, No better anywhere, They're the kindliest, and sweetest And fail est of tho fair. Our babies and our little girls; Our mothers and our wives, Are beautiful to look upon; Are lovely in their lives Our schools all stand without a peer; ith promise great in store, Whore "Cho8tortield''is taught as well As Greek, or Latin lore. This leads to the higher schools; Our churches where the soul Is fed from God's own gratiories And broken lives made whole. 1 ho guardian angles of our homes. Where faith and charity Arc taught to bless ami lit us for A bright eternity. A Promising Candidate. Hon. John . Morehead of I-'alU City, who wai the Hist to 11L as a democratic candidate for governor, was in Lincoln Thursil.iv mid tho Herald had the ple.iMnc nf a brief visit and lulerxlew wiiii the gentle man. .lohn II. Moreheal w s born In Lucas Con my, Iiiwn. in ls:i, luisul mi a faun, ntleu.leil puMic s, hool also short tcims at luslin-. colleges at Kuowillo and Sh, nun .onh. Iowa. Came to Xcbrasl.a in IS--, located at IJiiMilit, ltlchaid-on o'uity ami in gaged in the mercauti!.- business. Ulcctcd rounty Treasurer of Richard son County and ciigngi d in the mer cantile business. K'ccted County Treasurer of llichatiNon County In 1S1I5, re oleeted in Is'.lT. Klectcd Mayor of Falls City in 1000, elected Cashier of tho First National Uank of Falls City and served in that capacity nine years. Elected Vice President and is now acting in that capacity. Elected in 1()8 from tho First Congressional District of Nebraska, to National Democratic Convention at Denver. Elected state Senator, 1010. from the First Senatorial District, chosen Presi dent protein of the Senate at the ses sion of 1011 and now acting governor since Hie death of Lieutenant Gover nor Hopewell Mr. Morehead is in comfortable cir cumstances, not rich. His interests are mostly in stock raising and farm ing. Stalling as he did without any tluaiicial assistance mid being success ful in his undertaking particularly qualltled liim for the position "lie now aspires Horn in Iowa, living most of his life in Nebraska, both Republican states, is sttlllclent proof that he be lieves in the principles of the party to which ho belongs. Mr. Morehead is known as a progressive Democrat. Financially able to pay his campaign expenses as provided by law would leave hint free to servo all the people BEFORE BUYING . ; : . . .. BE SURE AND SEE A. E. ATKINS' LINE OF EVANSVILLE Iron and Brass Beds Cotton Top Combinations and all Felt Mattresses A. E. ATKINS, The Furniture Nan and Undertaker. as his judgment dictates. Mr Morehoad considers the proper expenditures of public money one of the most important questions before the people. Ho Is also a good road enthusiast and dc-ires to see liberal appropriations when there if an or ganization to see that tho money is judiciously spent for tho purpose which it is intended. Ho gives Ids reason for filing early that any voter taking his candidacy seriously can In vestigate his past life as ho believes that one of the principal planks in the candidate's platform is his past record If a progressive mid good citizen in the past, wo need have little fears for the future. Should he be nominated and elected, ho promises to devote his entire time to this State and it will be up to the voters to judge if hisserviees will be of value to the slate, and lie knows of no other way to determine than by his past lire Mr. Morehead will prove a strong candidate should the demociats of the state nominate him to the governor ship. New Year's Greeting. I wish through the columns of our papers to glvo to Ked Cloud and vicin ity a New Year's greeting I wish that when the book of life is opened I shall Hud charged against me no neglect of service that would have made you more hrist like. I wish you a clear and single eye, to see the pattern our Father has made for your life. I wish for you the strength and courage to follow the (ted made pat tern for in so doing you will find foy and peace and "a house not made with bauds." Other wishes may co.T.e true and fade away, but my wish for you ful tilled, will abide forever." If you are not, a regular attendant at church mid Sunday sebm ), the Baptist church extends to you a tyjI eoine. Services every Siibbatli U10 'ii- ing and evening at the regain, bo ir of service. W. F. Com:, Fa- Or. Are Microbes in Your Scalp? Il St lis ljr,ii Frovcrt That Microbes Cause Ilaliltir.ss N l'rotessor I'liiiu of Hamburg, (ier many, and Dr. Saboiir.iud.the leading French dermatologist, discovered that a mieiobu cui-es baldness. Their theory has time and again been amply verified throiuh rooarcli experiments carried on under the observation of eminent scientists. This microbe lodg es in I lie Sebum, which is the natural hair oil, anil when permitted to dor ish it destroys the hair follicles and in time tho pores entirely close, and tho scalp gradually takes on a shiny ap pearance. When tills happens there is no hope of the growth of hair being revived. We have a remedy which will, wo honestly believe, remove dandruff, ex terminate the microbe, promote good circulation in tho scalp and around the hair roots, tighten ami revitalize the hair roots, and overcome baldness, so long as there is any life left in the hair roots. Wo buck up this statement with our own personal guarantee that this rem edy called Itoxall "IHJ" Hair Tonic will bo supplied freu of all cost to tho user if it fails to do as we state. It will frequently help to restore gray and faded hair to its original col or, providing loss of color has been caused by disease; yet it is in no sonso a dye. Itoxall "till" Hair Tonic accom plishes these results by aiding in mak ing every hair root, follicle, and pig incut gland strong and active, and by .stimulating a natural flow of coloring tliioughotit tho hair cells. We exact no obligations or promises we simply ask you to give Roxall "93" Prices Lower Than Ever Before THE Palace Cafe The New Resta uran Robinson's old Stand. ALL REMODELED SHORT ORDERS SQUARE MEALS Good Cooking, Good Service and Good Treatment. Tables Reserved for Ladies. W. R. CARPENTER, Prop. Hillman Ideal Stock Co. Frank Manning Manager "ll . ,. iTil t'-t liktWVJ iCl Opera House Ihree Nights January 4-5-6 Reduced Prices on Season Hair Tonic a thorough trial and if not satisfied tell us and we refund the money you paid us for it. Two sizes, 50c ami 91.00. Remember you can ob tain it in Red Cloud only at our store The Rexnll Store. The 11. K Uriee Drug Co. I Can Save You 55 Gents! In Tlio Saturday Hvening Post, there will be published the first installment of K. Phillips Oppenheim's new novel, The Minted Wav the best story this author has yet writ ten. There will be. eleven installments of this serial. For only r.nu I will serve you u copy of each installment of Tho Lighted Way, so that for iio a week you will get the new novel and all other stories and articles in th'e 11 numbers. Allan Mourn, Agent. 111 imwtm. Mm Tickets. $1,25 - 3 Nights Foley's Honey and Tar dnptund Is a reliable family medicine. Give it to your children, and take it your self when you foel h cold coming on. It checks nml cures coughs and colds and croup and prevents brbnchltis and pneumonia. Sold nt Dr. Cook's drug stnre. Was In tho Tolls. "Geo! Now tell mo as man to man what you would do If you were "mar rlcd to that woman." "You toll mo what you would do; I am married to her." Houston Post. Degrees of Patience. Patlenco In cowards in tnm hopeless four: but in hnm ..... . -ir r cum or wnat tney hear. -Sir R. Ho ra, i -.TT "STU 'xMt A flfflit un t -i ! f V -- -vw w WjUhinmwierB-