The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 04, 1912, Image 2

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    The Chief
C. D. HALE, Publisher
Election of Dr. Sen to Presidency Re
gnrded at Initial Move Toward
Fall of Empire Missouri
Politician Arouned.
Peking The iipwh of the election
of Dr. Sun Vat S'en iih president of
f tic Chinese republic Iiiik reached the
members of tlio cabinet by means o?
Ilin Associated Press. No eomniunlcu
lion of any nature arrived from Tiuih
.Sliao Yl, who Is at Slianulml attend
ing the peace conference aa Ibe rcprt
Bctitatlve of Premier Yuan Shi Knl
It Ib said tlii! memberB of the c.otitt
will remain In Peking until the ab
dications of the empress-dowager and
the emperor are announced, which Is
considered only a much! Ion of a few
days. The royal family have taken
Iiouhcb within the foreign concoHBlonn
nt Tien TbIii and It Ib Bald n Becret
nrangomont has been mado for tlio
emperor and empress-dowager to take
refuge In the legation quarter of
Russia Holds Tabriz, Persia.
Tabriz, Persia. A nlno days' siege
of thin city by the HuhmIiiii troopB baa'
resulted In Kb complete occupation
by tho Ilusslan forces and the dis
persal of the combatantB belonging to
tho conBtltutlonal progressive party
(or Ildals). Numerous casualtleB were
Biltitalned by both sides, tho Itiisslnns
nt one time losing from Kin to linn men
while tho loBHOB of I ho lldnls wero very
severe, although the number cannot
be ascertained During the Huhiing
nn enormous amount of damage to
property wan done and the stars and
Htrlpes floating over the United States
consulate was shot down by a Russian
shell, which, however, did no further
damage to the consulate.
Senator Stone Arouses Missourlans.
St. I.ouls. United States Senator
W. J. Stono of Missouri aroused much
Interest among politicians by giving
nut a statement containing reasons
why Speaker Champ Clark should bo
tlii' nominee for the presidency. Cer
tain democratic, lenders aro out with
statements assailing Stono for his
course, and a tight for the state dele
gation to the democratic national con
vention Is going on openly In St.
Isolds. The light arises from the fact
that the democrat le foment Inn in
11M0, of which Speaker Clarl: wart
chairman, (indorsed Joseph YV Folk,
former governor, as Missouri's choice
lor the presidency.
Valuable Mail Package Lost.
Lincoln. A registered mail package
containing $.".1)00 in currency, was lost
between Lincoln and York Tuesday.
It was shipped by the Mrst National
Hank of Lincoln to the l-'irst National
Rank of York and was lost In the mall
car on a llurllngton train or nt York.
Although Inspector H. K. Randall and
other postotllcu olllclals have been
working on tho case they have an
nounced no opinion as to how tho
pnekago disappeaicd or an to who was
responsible for Its loss.
Old Soldiers Well Cared For.
(Irocloy, Neb. Ceneral P 11. Harry
has Just returned home from Wash
ington, 1). C where ho attended a
meeting of tho board of managers of
tho national homes for disabled volun
teer soldiers, (ieneral liarr.v reports
that tho management of the various
homes visited Is tlrst class and that
tho old Boldleis are being well carer
for by tho government.
Dalhart. Tex With sacks of oil
cake tied to their saddles, horsemen
nro riding over cattle ranges saving
whnt cattle they can from starvation
by glvlug them the cakes. A crust of
Bnovv has cut off practically all food
from tho animals. Reports are that
ninny cattle are being found dead
Wenther conditions continue hopeless
San Luis Potosl, Mex.-I-'our hun
dred prisoners In tho penitentiary
hero overpowered tho guard, seized a
few guns and attneked sixteen rurnle.t
quartered In neurhy barracks, killing
tho sontlnol and wounding it number
of tho troopers. The escaped men
sought refugo In the country, but be
fore night soldiers had captured nuvt
of thorn. Governor Cnpcdn says ne
believes tho Jail dollver.v was pint of
n Reycsta movement planned before
the turrendor of General Rcves.
New York. Tho nowl.v pledged
fund of fL'GO.OOO for aged or disabled
Baptist ministers and missionaries.
their wldovvB and dependent dilution,
will bo Increased to ut least $1 OOO.Odo,
according to plaim announced by the
tccrctnry of the board in charge of
the fund.
fit. Petersburg. Twenty thousand
troops of all arms havo been dis
patched to Porsla. Orders were given
to hang nil Persians who had partici
pated in uttneks upon the czar soldiers
Sun Yat Sen China's New President
Yuan Shi Kal Tenders His Res
Ignatlon Reyes' Ameri
can Supporters Protest.
Nanking, China Dr. Sun Yat Sen
lias been tiniiiiliiioiisly elected presi
dent of tho republic of China.
Poking. The assembly in discuss
lug affairs connected with a settle
jnent of tho revolution was proline
tlvo of at least one dramatic Inci
dent. Tho dowager empress, Premier
Yuan Ski Kai and tlio princes or tlio
Imperial clan were present, and the
debate waxed so warm that Nu.illy
Yuan Shi Kai arose ami offered Ills
resignation Tills, howoer. was re
cused. Premier Yuan explained to the
princes that he could continue the
government and retain the country
north of the Yang Tse only by having
Junds placed at his disposal, lie
asked the princes to empower him to
obtain money, lie explained that $10,
IMIO.UOU would meet the payments for
tlio soldiers for live months, after
which the south would become dis
united and province after piovlnee
would return to their allegiance to the
Meets With Indignation.
Mexico City Tim indignation which
tho surrender of (ieiieral Heyes has
inspired In the minds of his erstwhile
co-revolutionists in the Culled States
found cut in a telegram tiled by .lose
Peon Del Yalle. In behalf of himself
"and friends" to Kl lleraldo .Mei
cano. from New Orleans.
"Wo protest with Indignation be
foil! the Mexican lepubllc against the
iimiuallliuble conduct of (lonornl
Jltoyes In surrendering, for tlio leason
that to us he declared lie would die
before he would give himself up."
Russia Retaliates.
St. Petersburg. -A supplementary
legislative proposal of a frankly pro
hibitive character lias been Introduced
by the nationalists Into tlio diima. It
in aimed directly at tho United Status.
According to tho terms of the pro
posed enactment, American citlcns of
tho Jewish religion are to bo totally
excluded from Russia, and in tho sec
ond place customs duties aro to bo
raised by UK) per cent unless the Rus
sian normal schcdiilo is lower than
tho American.
Police Judge Pays Prisoner's Fine.
Hutchinson, Kan. Police Judge
Martin lloaglaud hunted up J. W.
Itabb, a man whom ho had lined for
stealing coal, repaid out of his pocket
the amount of the line, loaded the re
cent prisoner with groceries, clothing
and toys and found him a job. Judge
lloaglaud learned that it had taken
every dollar that Itabb had to pay IiIb
line, and that the man had stolen the
coal to keep his sick wife and baby
Will Elect New President.
Guayaquil. Kcuador. Cailos Krollo
tfalduinbldo, who Is temporarily In
charge of the executive department in
Kcuador, has fixed the date of the elec
tion of a successor to President ICmllo
Kstrnda. who died on December "U,
for January 2S. The polling will end
on January III. The majority of tho
liberals In the republic give their sup
port to ex-President-General Leonldas
Phi'a for tho presidential olllce
Verdict of Not Guilty.
New York. The state failed In Its
effort to llx the blame tor the lire
horror of March 2.".. 1 ! 1 1 . in which IIS
employes of tho Triangle Waist com
pany lost their lives A verdict of
"not guilty" was returned by the Jury
in the case of Isaac Harris and Max
Hlanck, proprietors of the factory,
who were Indicted In connection with
tho holocaust.
Children Decorate Grave.
New York. Upon the grave of
Clement C. Moore, who wrote "Twas
tlit Night Rofore Christmas," a holly
wreath was placed Sunday by a bun
dred children from the Sunday school
of the Church of the Intercession
Crusade Against Collar Button.
Washington.--Dr Mary Walker Is
in tills city preaching a crusade
against collar buttons. She traces uu
morons cases of Insanity among men
to tho pressure of collar buttons upon
their necks She says the pressure Is
conducive to brain disease and Is pos
itive that If men will wear mine com
fortable neckwear insanity will bo ma
terially reduced. U'b the only thing
In tho matter of masculine attire that
Dr. Walker taboos.
Cincinnati. O. - When the "hobo"
delegates to the annual convention of
tlio Brotherhood Welfare association
meet In this city January ISO. James
Knds Mow, "millionaire hobo," presi
dent of the organization for many
years, will not preside. How has an
nounced his resignation as president
of tho "hobo" body In n telegram from
St, Unils. President Taft. Androw
Carnegie, John D, Rockefollcr and oth
ors will bo Invited to nttonrt tho meet
ing. Thousands of delegates aro ox
pocted to arrive In this city about the
middle of January.
is ' ii iii i m fiisiis" I -v v
Cv ;fiW- Briar w
' ' --
ue.1 iini. iiiu i
Initiative, Referendum and Rscall
Principal Tenets of His Faith
Dr. Qeosey Speaks to Scien
tists at Washington.
Cleveland, O. .Senator laKnllultu,
now an avowed candidate for, the pres
idential nomination on the principles
outlined as "progressive republican,"
closed his tlrst day of campaigning in
President Tail's state Wednesday
witli a largely attended meeting in the
Cleveland (Iraj's armory, after a few
hours' visit at Yoiingstown In the af
ternoon. While at both meetings con
siderable attention was paid to cor I
potations ami their worth and eon
duct, the greater part of the speeches
were devoted to explaining what was
meant by "piogrenslve republicanism"
and whnt the "progressives have done
In their control of the slate govern
ment in Wisconsin."
Wlille Die llrst campaign declara
tion was made at Yoiingstown. his talk
here was along the same Hues, hut
with greater elaboration on the pro
gressive principles
Scientists and Congressmen.
Washington. Presiding over tho
llrst meeting of tho assembled scion
title society that makes up the associ
ation for the advancement of science,
held in tho national museum. Dr. C K.
Ressey of the Cnlveisity of Nebraska,
responding to the welcoming address
of President Taft, expressed his deep
sense of the honor paid him. Mo com
pared the scientists gathered here
with members of congress, hut de
clared that while they dealt with pres
ent day pioblema, scientists have he
fore them the past, present and future.
Packers' Merger Failed to Go.
Chicago. Details of the plan for a
$ri0il,noo,0fl0 merger of the Armour,
Swift and Morris Interests, in 1IH2,
by which the government contends, It
was sought to control the meat Indus
try or the country, were brought to
light In tho trial of the ten Chicago
packers before United Stales District
Judge George A. Carpenter The con
tract, which was dated May SI. 1902.
was read to the Jury and offered In
1 evidence by counsel for the govern
Christian Science nt Panama.
Washington President Taft lias set
tled the vexed question of allowing
the practice of Christian Science or
other no-medical methods of healing
the sick on the Panama canal one.
The executive order, made several
months ago. which members of Chris
tian Science church feared would pro
hibit their met hod of hunting was mod
llled so that there can now be no
doubt as to the lawfulness of such
llerlln. Thirty-six homeless men,
who sought with decayed smoked her
ring to add to a frugal meal of bread
and soup, served to them at the
municipal lodging house lieie. are
dead. More thuii forty others ate sick,
several of whom are believed to be
dying. The cause of (eath has not
yet been announced, but the authori
ties are contldent that the putrid llsh
are responsible
To Decide on New Government.
Pekln --Premier Yuan Shi Kal has
submitted to the more prominent Man
chus here the proposal emanating
from Shanghai for the meeting of n
special national assembly to decile on
the future form of govorunicn' which
shall be adopted for China. Tins su"
by the premier practically means that
he asks the court to decide ,1a own
fate, because the members of such n
national assembly would decide In
favor of a republic.
Two Men Accidentally Electrocuted.
Omaha,- Thomas J. Pelly and An
ton Hilda, both department foremen
for the Cudahy Packing company,
were electrocuted by tho cable of nn
elevator in the gluo house. Hilda was
lowering tho oluvator from the second
tloor, and was found dead at tho bot
tom of the elevator pit. Pelly under
took to move the elevator nnd died
from tho electric curront, which had
accidentally been connected with tho
oluvator controller cable In the elevator.
Thinks Mr. Roosevelt Can Withdraw
from Official Ballot President
Taft Thinks Economy Will
Save Much Expense,
Washington. At the rctiucst of Dr.
G. K. Condra, Congrcbsinan Maguiro
called upon Dr. Wiley of the agricul
tural department and presented to
him a reiiiest to make an address
at the conservation congress to bo
held at Lincoln next rebruary Dr.
Wiley sahj that he would be unable to
accept because of other demands made
upon his time lor addresses and of-
liclal duties
Walter L. Ilouserof the progressive .
eague lias stated that lie believed mi-
der the Nebraska primai.v law Colonel
Roosevelt had the option of withdraw
ing liis name from the olllcial ballot
if lie so desired The general opinion
is that the appearance of the names
of LaPollette and Roosevelt on the or
liclal ballot would gieatly increase
the chances or President Taft at the
coming primaries.
Washington. -For the next week
President Taft will work on a message
to congress dealing with economy and
elllcieney In the government depart
ments. The president has received a
preliminary report from the economy
and etllcicncy commission Indicating
that many millions or dollars might bo
saved each year If duplication wero
avoided nnd changes made In the op
eration of the various hureniis.
Murder Mystery a Hoax.
Olathe. Kan. Rloodstalns in a de
serted mill In tills city which for two
days kept detectives .busy running
down a .supposed murder (dew have
been found to be the work of small i
boys who, as a hoax, slew a rooster, J
spattering his blood about the des'rS
ed building and upon a heavy iron bar I
found there. Hairpins nnd strands ot j
woman's hair found In the mill iue
also believed to havo been pliced
there by the jokers.
In Memory of Fire Victims.
Chicago. Archbishop Quiqloy pre
sided at a requiem high mass celebrat
ed at Holy Name cathedral in mem
ory of Kire Marshal James Moran and
a number of his men who mot diath
,ln the Chicago stockyards lire a year
Much Molasses Destroyed.
Roston, Mass More than l.Wlu.tion
gallons of molasses was destroyed in
a lire among the wharves and build
ings of the MiMtnii Molasses company
The loss on the stock and property of
tho company, which is said to have
been the biggest plant of Its kind in
the world, is estimated to amount to
between 2."i0.00l) and JIHIO.d'W.
Cost of More Pensions.
Washington. Secretary of the In
terior Plshor hah Informed President
Taft that the llnal adoption of the
Sherwood dnllnr-n-dav pension bill as
It passed the house would Increase the
government's pension expenditures at
least 7.r.,ono.000. Pensioner Commis
sioner Davenport will send a detailed
report to congrcK
Madrid- The Spv ilsh government,
It Is understood, has Hnall) settled
upon the basis for a provisional com
mercial convention with Cuba. A spe-
clnl committee hns had under oxam
Inatlon the various treaties with tho
United States and Cuba for many
months, nnd It Is believed that the
treaty with Cuba as now proposed, has
an excellent chance or being accepted,
as it does not clash with Cuba's com
mercial conventions with the Cnited
States her best market.
Wants Marriage Annulled.
Rome Count lionl do Cnstellane,
former husband of the present duchess
of Talleyrand and Sagan, whoso
maiden niuno wns Anna Gould, being
now In Rome to urge the granting by
the vntlcan of tho annullniont of hl
marriage, tho duchess of Talleyrand
has expressed her doslro to make pub
lic tho following statement from
Home: "I hopo the count will succeed,
as that would frco mo from all moral
obligation to bring up tho children In
their father's religion Duchess Anna
Hy Be?. William Kvnns. 1). P.. Director nible CotirM
Mood 7 UlblD lnntlluU), Chicago.
LKSSON TKXT Luke l:5-t3.
OOLDKN TKXT-"Wltliout faith It l
Impossible to p!oiu4 Mori.' Itch. 11 :C
Tho Old Testament closes with a
prophecy; tho Now Testament opens
with tho announcement of the fulfill
ment of that prophecy. Thus both
Testaments aro characterized In this
lesson: Tho Testament, prophecy;
ftio New Testament, fulfillment. It
is clenr from our Lord's own words
that John tho lmptlst fulfilled this Old
Testament prediction, (Mat. 17: 10
13). It may ho that n more literal
fulfillment Isc still future, proceeding
Christ's second Inning.
Our attention Is llrst drawn to tho
persons through whom God fulfills his
promise. Xncharins and Elizabeth
were both righteous, lly that Is not
meant that they wero. either sinless
or perfect no human being Is that
but that they wero parents whoso
whole heart, mind, and strength wero
dedicated to the will and service of
God, Zacharlas' unbelief shows that
ho was not. sinless.
This is the kind of people through
whom God is willing, and ready oven
today to fulfill his promise and bless
the world not through perfect peo
ple, but through those who nre con
stantly Btrlving after perfection.
There Is no limit to the blessings God
will confer upon the world through
us If only we will not touch tho glory.
The glorious vision and message
rn,1Us t0 '""" w,,t'n no WIls Perform
,nB ,l13 ,,ul'- Aml K0 ll ,s nlways
While shepherds watch their Hocks
i the angel comes. Vo must not for
' get that Kliabcth also In her modest,
humble seclusion was need to bless
I the world just as much ns Zacharlas
who was exercising a priestly function
l so high that the opportunity camo to
a priest but once in a lifetime. God
I chooses the weak things as well as
the grent things: D. L. Moody, tho tin
! educated shoo clerk, as well as Paul,
I tho Bcholar. So Isaac was a quiet
man nnd dwelt in tents.
I Tho next thing to which our ntten
I tiou Is tho content of the prophecy
' First, It concerns a child. Zacharias
I nnd Elizabeth were childless. It Is
no sin to bo childless provided that no
law of nattiro Is violated. It Is a sad
thing to he childless. At least It was
bo considered In Old Testament days.
Would that It were considered so to
day! A revival of the mother Instinct
Is needed.
This child was to be nn extraordin
ary child well every mother's child
is wonderful! This child was to go
before the Lord nnd prepare his way,
just ns your child mny follow after tho
Iord and walk In his steps a worthy
career for both John and your child,
and every child. Why should wo not
hold this ideal constantly beforo
Upon the promised child was to rest
tho vow of the Nazarlte. That mennt
two things: Absolute prohibition
from intoxicants, and entire dedica
tion to God. Can you think of any
two things more desirnblo for your
child, for every child? These par
ents had an ideal beforo them for
their child, and that was a trcineud
ous help. Have you? Or do you
bring your child up at random? Start
today with nn ideal. Let it bo high;
let It ho tho highest, even Christ.
Tho mission of John, tho Haptist,
was to be perormed by tho aid of tho
Holy Spirit. Is thero not n Biibtlo
contrast here between tho prohibition
of Intoxication nnd tho filling with
tho spirit? Just ns the person under
the Influence of Intoxicating Hnuor Is
governed and controlled by such spir
its, so the Christian worker Is to be
como bo fulfilled with tho spirit that
every part of him Intellect, sensibili
ties, will, feelings, nro under the
spirit's control. This spiritual equip
inent is what Is needed for Christian
workers today.
Recauso the Haptist was splrlt-flll-ed,
ho was enabled to turn tho hearts
of tho children townrds their fathers.
Doubtless tho Jews had becomo taint
rd with tho Idolatry of the surround
ing nntlons t that thoy hnd to some
extent forsaken the faith of the pa
triarchs. Every Christian has tho Holy Spir
it, Just ns Egypt has the river Nile;
but every Christian does not havo tho
f fullness of tho Spirit, any moro than
Egypt always has tho overflow of tho
Nile; nnd Just ns the overllo'vv of tho
Nile means a bountiful harvest to
Egypt, so tho infilling nnd overflow
ing of the spirit In tho believer means
a bountiful harvest of fruit unto etor
mil lire.
It Is strnnge, is It not, that Zachar
las should doubt in tho presence of
thlB heavenly visitor! Surely one
should believe In tho presenco of such
a sign ns this. Thero aro peoplo to
day who say that they would believe
If thoy could hear n volco from tho
other shore speaking to them, or If
ono should come to them from tho
other life. Did the Jews believe even
though Lazarus camo back to them
from tho dead? No. If wo bellovo
not tho scriptures, neltbor would wo
bo persuaded In the presenco of so
supernatural a sign as this. Zacha
rlas continued ministrations.
, Free with
Mothers Oats
This beautiful noou
ftft lr'l'le ''ver l''aN
ed and is guar
anteed for 20
years. Tho
handle is the
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The bowl il
hand burnished-
This advertise
ment is good
for 10 coupons
cut this out
and send to us
with only 2 more
coupons taken
from two packages
of Mother's Oata
and wc will send this
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Buy a package of Mother's Oats today
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Mother's Oats, Chicago
Aviator Was Clever at His Work,
but Shown Best in Another
Line of Endeavor.
Henry M. Neely, the aviator poet of
Philadelphia, said at a recent i-anquct.
at the llellevuo-Strntford:
"Yes, It is true that It takes a lot
of money to becomo an airman. You
can't get nn aeropluno nnd you enn't
learn to fly without plenty of cash."
Mr. Neely smiled.
"I was watching a brother nlrmaa
making a volplane the other day
when I heard a young lady say:
'"He can do a lot of tricks, can't
" 'Yes, you bet be can,' her compan
ion agreed.
'"What Is his best trick?' she con
tinued. "'His best trick far and away,' was
the leply, Ms buying a biplane on cred
it. He's dono It twlco now, nnd I
shouldn't be surprised to seo him pull
it off a third time beforo he breaks hit
neck.' "
Mary's Little Postscript.
Mistress Mary, wasn't that gentle
man asking for mo?
Tho New Maid No, mum, ho de
scribed the lady ho wanted to see as
being about 40, nnd I told him It could
n't be you.
Mistress Quito right, my doar. And
you shall havo an extrn afternoon off
The New Maid Yes, mum! Thankee,,
mum! Yes, mum! I told him It could
n't ho you, as you was about GO.
Mistress And while you're taking
your afternoon off you'd better look
out for a new place!
Nebraska Directory
Auctioneers am not all
nllko. Huiiih aro much bet
ter ttan other. The bettor
th iinctluunnr the larger
yntirrhnuk. Tim belt sol line
mtiIw ousts jim tin morai
tlnin tho poorest. Thero'e
pnillt, be cnrlijr and natlsfac
lion In dulnu bualncsa with
u4 KmI rUI lirtloaMr, Ii
1 cm KiprluM, U.ICOLS, III,
I limit my practice to Heart and Circulatory
ailments. Thirty years experience ought to
mean much to such patients. Experimenting
and neglect i cotdy and bad. Write
i. S. LE0NIIARDT. M. D.. Heart Specialist
1726 N Street Lincoln, Nebraska,
Ihm Dr. Bcnj. F. Bailey Sanatorium
Lincoln, Nebraska
Its brick nnd Btono buildings so taste
fully furnished and thoroughly equipped,
in the beautiful park of 25 acres, with
staff of experience and a nursing corps
of unusual merit, offers you most per
fect hospital results, yet nlways pro
serves the atmosphere of n delightful
country HOMK. Write for particular.
Ijmcr'T VJFTf.h-iV.fll
. iw :7f?'zx jj.3 : x.ur.
i m -.T-,itfca s'f-'Attri frr tr
'i t-)t- i-Ji ((ivt'j'oia.x
" 1nJ?4BLbW.