The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 28, 1911, Image 3

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Economies Have Effected Cut
in Expenses of Various
' Departments.',
President Hopes It Will Not De Made
Subject of Party Politics Sur
plus In Postal Department
Attention Called to Canal
Matters Postal Savings.
Washington. FlnancoB and cur
rency reform ore tho subject of a spe
cial message to congress, which reads
In part as follows:
Tho financial condition of the Kovorn
ment, as shown at tho cIoro of tho Inst
fiscal year, June 30, 1911, wai very satin
factory. The ordinary receipts Into tho
foneral fund, excluding postal revenues,
amounted to I701.37J.374 9, and the dis
bursement from the general fund for
current expenses and capital outlays, ex
cluding postal nnd Panama Canal dis
bursements, Including tho Interest nn tho
public debt, amounted to Id 1,377,907.89,
leaving a surplus of $17,231,377.10.
The postal revenue receipts amounted
to 237,873,823 CO, while tho payments made
for the postal servlco from tho postal
revenues amounted to $237.CG0,7C0.49, which
(eft a surplus of postal receipts over dis
bursements of $219,118.12, tho first time in
IT years in which a surplus occurred.
Tho Interest-bearing debt of tho United
States Juno 30, 1911, amounted to $315,
883,190. Teh debt on which Interest had
ceased amounted to $1,870,830.26, nnd the
debt bearing no Interest, Including green
backs, national bank notes to bo redeem
ed, and fractional currency, amounted to
1386,761.917.43, or a total of Interest and
non-Interest bearing debt amounting to
The actual disbursements, exclusive of
those for the Panama Canal and for the
postal servlco for the year ending Juno
fO, 1911, wero $34,137,997.89. Tho actual
disbursements for the year ending June
), 1910, exclusive of the Panama Canal
and tbe postal service disbursements,
were $03,706,891.08, making a docreaso of
$5,667,393.19 in yearly expenditures in the
year 1911 under that of 1910. For tho year
ending June 30, 1912, the estimated re
ceipts, exclusive of tho postal revenues,
are $66,000,000, while the total estimates,
exclusive of those for the Panama pay
able from the, postal revenues, amounted
to $684,843,799 34. This is a decrease In the
191$ estimates of $1,534,167.21
Tor the year ending June SO, 1913, the
estimated receipts, exclusive of the pos
tal revenues, are $667,000,000, while the
total estimated appropriations, exclusive
of the Panama Canal and postal dls
busements payable from postal revenues,
will amount to $(37,920,903.35. This is a
decrease In the 1913 estimates from that
of the 1913 estimates of $7,921,996.9'.
As to tbe postal revenues, tho expan
sion of the business In that department,
the normal Increase in the post office
and the extension of the service, will in
crease the outlay to the sum of $260,933,
463; but aa the department was self-sustaining
this year tho postmaster general
Is assured that next year tho receipts
will at least equal the expenditures, and
probably exceed them by more than the
surplus of this year. It is fair and equit
able, therefore, in determining the econ
omy with which the government has been
run, to exclude the transactions of a de
partment like the post office department,
which relies fon Its support upon its re
ceipts. In calculations heretofore made
Tor comparison of economy in each year.
It has been the proper custom only to
lnolude In the statement the deficit in the
post office department which was paid out
of the treasury,
A calculation of the actual increase
In the expenses of government arising
from the Increase In tho population and
the general expansion of governmental
functions, except those of the post office,
for a number of years shows a normal
Increase of about 4 per cent? a year. By
directing the exercise of great care to
keep down tne expenses and the estimates
we have succeeded in reducing the total
disbursements each year.
Efficiency and Economy In ths Treas
ury Department.
In the treasury department the efficien
cy and economy work has been kept
steadily up. Provision Is mado for the
elimination of 134 positions during the
coming year. Two hundred and sixty
seven statutory positions were eliminated
during the last year in the office of the
treasury in Washington, and 141 positions
in the year 1910, making an elimination
of 642 statutory positions since March 4,
1909; and this has been done without the
discharge of anybody, because the nor
mal resignations and deaths have been
equal to tbe elimination of the places, a
system of transfers having taken care
of the persons whose positions were
dropped out. In the field service of the
department, too, 1,269 positions have been
eliminated down to the present time, ma
king a total net reduction of all treasury
positions to the number of 1,801. Mean
time the efficiency of the work of the
department has Increased.
Monetary Reform.
A matter of first Importance that will
eome before congress for action at this
session is monetary" reform. The con
gress has Itself arranged an early Intro
duction of this great question through
tho report of Its monetary commission.
This commission was appointed to rec
ommend a solution of the banking and
currency problems so long confronting
the nation and to furnish the facts and
data necessary to enable the congress
to take action.
In order to do Its work with thorough
ness and precision this commission has
taken some time to make Its report. The
country Is undoubtedly hoping for ss
prompt action on the report as the con
veniences of the congress can permit.
The recognition of the gross imperfec
tions and marked inadequacy of our
banking and currency system even In our
most quiet financial periods Is of long
standing; and later there has matured a
recognition of the fact that our system
1s responsible for the extraordinary de
vastation, waste and business paralysis
of our recurring periods of prnlc. Though
the methods of the monetary commission
have for a considerable time been work
tag In the open, und while large numbers
of the people have been openly working
with them, and while tho press has large
ly noted and discussed this work as it
has proceeded, so that the report of the
-commission promises to represent a na
tional nicvement, the details of the re
port are still being considered, I can
not, therefore, do much more at this time
than commend the Immense Importance
-of monetary reform, urge prompt consid
eration and action when tho commission's
report Is received, and express my satis
faction that thn plan to be proposed
promises to embracn main features that,
having met tho rfpprovnl of u great pre
ponderance of the practical and profes
sional opinion .of the country, are likely
to meet equal approval In congress.
'With the present prospects of this long
awaited reform encouraging us, It would
be singularly unfortunate If this mone
tary question should by any chance be
come a party Issue. And I slnoerely
hope It will not. The exceeding amount
of consideration It has received from the
people of the nation has been wholly non
partisan; and the congress set Its non
partisan seal upon It when the monetary
commission was appointed. In commend
ing the question to the favorable con
sideration 'of congress, I spunk for, and In
the spirit of, the great number of my
fellow cltleens, who without any thought
of party or partisanship feel with re
markable earnestness that this reform Is
necessary to the Interests of all the peo
ple. Ths War Department
There Is now beforo congress a bill,
the purpose of which Is to Increase the
efficiency and decrease tho oxpunso of
tho army. It contains four principal fea
tures: First, a consolidation of the gen
eral staff with tho adjutant general's
nnd tho Inspector general's depurttmnt;
second, a consolidation of tho quart r
master's department with tho subsliilencn
nnd pay department; third, tho creation
of an army servlco corps, and fourth, an
extension of the enlistment period from
throo to five yitirs.
With tho iHtaltllshment of an army
servlco corps, as proposed In tho hill,
I urn thoroughly In nceord and am con
vinced thnt tho establishment of such
u cotps will result In a material econ
omy and a very Kreat Incriiisc of elll
clency In tho army. It has repeatedly
been recommended by me and my
predecessors. I . also believe that a
consolidation of the staff corps can bo
mado with a reuniting Increase In ef
ficiency and economy, tint not iitonir
tho lines provided In the bill tinder
Tho army of the United Stiitis Is In
good condition. It showed Itsolf nblo
to meet nit emergency In tho muvess
ful mobilization of nn army division or
from ld.OOO to 20.000 men. which tonic
place alontr tho bonier of Mexico dur
ing tho recent disturbance;- In that
country. Tho mnrvclius freedom from
tho ordinary enmp diseases of typhoid
fever nnd measles Is referred to In
tho report of thu secretary of war, and
shows such nn effectiveness In the
sanitary regulations nnd treatmint or
tho medical corps, nnd In tho disci
pline of tho army Itself, as to Invoke
tho highest commendation.
The Panama Canal.
The very satisfactory progress made
on tho I'.man-a canal last year lias
continued, nnd there is every reason
to believe that the oanat will ho com
pleted as early us tho 1st of July, 1913,
unless HomethliiK unforeseen occurs.
This In nbout 18 months before the
time promised by the engineers.
We are now near enough the com
pletion of the canul to make it Im
peratively necessary that legislation
should bo enacted to fix the method by
which tho canal shall bo maintained
and controlled and tho zone governed"
the fact Is that today thero Is no stat
utory law by authority of which the
president is maintaining tho govern
ment of the zono. The Implied author
ity of the president to maintain a civil
government in the zone may be de
rived from the mandatory direction
given him In the original Bpooner act,
by which he was commanded to build
the canal; but certainly, now that tho
canal Is about to be completed and to
be put under a permanent manage
ment, there ought to be specific statu
tory authority for Its regulation and
control and for the government of the
sonc, which we hold for tho chief and
main purpose of operating the canal.
I fully concur with tho secretary of
war that tho problem la simply the
management of a great public work,
and not the government of a local re
public; that every provision must be
directed toward the successful main
tenance of the. canal as an avenue of
commerce, and that all provisions for
the government of thoso who live
within the zone should be subordlnant
to the main purpose.
I renew my recommendation with re
spect to the tolls of the canal that with
in limits, which shall seem wise to 'con
gress, the powor of fixing tolls be given
to the president. In order to arrive at a
proper conclusion, there must be some
experimenting, and this cannot be done If
congress docs not delegato the power to
one who can act expeditiously.
I am very confident that the United
States has the power to relieve from
the payment of tolls any part of our ship
ping that congress deems wise. We own
the canal. It was our money that built
It. We have tho right to charge tolls
for Its use. Those tolls must ba the same
to everyone; but when we are dealing
with our own ships, the practice of many
governments of subsidizing their own
merchant vessels is so well established in
general that a subsidy equal to the tolls,
an equivalent remission of tolls, cannot
be held to be a discrimination In the
use of the canal. Tho practice In the
Sues canal makes this clear.
The Philippine Islands.
In respect to the Philippines, I
urgently Join In the recommendation
of the secretary of war that the act of
February 8, 1906, limiting the Indebt
edness that may be Incurred by the
Philippine government for the con
struction of public works, be In
creased from $6,000,000 to $16,000,000.
The finances of that government are
in excellent condition. The maximum
sum mentioned Is quite low as com
pared with the amount of indebted
ness of other governments with sim
ilar resources, and the success which
has attended the oxpendlture of the
$6,000,000 In the useful Improvements
of the harbors and other places In the
Islands Justifies and requires addi
tional expenditures for like purposes.
Rivers and Harbors.
The estimates for the river and har
bor Improvements reach $32,000,000 for
the coming year. 1 wlsli to urge that
Whenever a project has been adopted
by "congress as one to be completed,
the more money which Yean he eco
.nomlcally expended In Its construction
in each year, the greater the ultlmatn
economy. This has especial applica
tion to tho Improvement of the Mis
sissippi river und Its large branches.
It seems to me that an Increase In the
amount of money now being annually
expended in the improvement" of the
Ohio river which has been formally
adopted by congress would be In the
Interest of the public. A similar
change ought to be made during the
present congress. In the amount to be
appropriated fur the Missouri river.
Waterway From Lakes to the Gulf.
The project for a navigable water
way from Lake Michigan to the mouth
of tho Illinois river, and thenoe via
tho Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico,
Is one of national importance. In view
of the work already accomplished by
the sanitary district of Chicago, an
agency of the Htate of Illinois, which
has constructed the most difficult and
costly stretch of this waterway and
made It an asset of the nutlon, and
In view of the fact that the people or
Illinois have authorized tluv uxpendl
turo of $20,000,000 to carry this water
way B2 miles farther to Utlca, I feel
that It Is lining that this work should
be supplemented by the government,
and that the expenditures recommend
ed by the special board of engineers on
the waterway from Utlca to the mouth
of thu Illinois river he mado upon lines
which while providing a waterway for
tho nutlon, should otherwise benefit
that state to the fullest extent.
The llmltutlon of tho liability of the
maeter to his servant for personal In
juries to such as are oooasionod by his
fault has been abandoned In most civ
ilised oountrlee and prolslon mado
whereby the employe Injured In the
couree of hie employment le compen
sated for his toss of working ability
Irrespective of negligence. The prin
ciple upon whloh suoh provision pro
ceeds Is that accidental Injuries to
workmen In modern Industry, with Its
vast complexity and Inherent dangers
artslnc from complicated machinery
and the use of tbe great forces of
steam and wlectrlolty, should bo re
garded as" risks of the Industry and
the loss borne In some equitable pro
portion by those who for their own
profit engage therein. In recognition
of this the last congress authorised
the appointment of a commission to
Investigate tho subject of employers'
liability and workmen's compensation
and to report the result of their Inves
tigations, through the president, to
congress. This commission win ap
pointed and has been at work, holding
hearings, gathering data and consider
ing the subject, and It Is expected will
bo able to report by tho llrst of the
year, In accordance with the provt
slons of tho Inw.
Measures to Prevent Delay and Un
necessary Cost of Litigation.
In promotion of thu movement for
tho prevention of delay and unneces
sary cost, In lltlitiitlon, I am glad to
sny that the Supreme court has taken
steps to teform the present equity
rules of the Federal crturts, and that
wo mny In the near futuro expect i
revision of them which will be a lotiu
step In tho right direction.
Postal Savings System.
On January ::. 19 11. postal savings
depositories were established experi
mentally In 4S states and territories.
After three months' successful opera
tion the system won extended as rap
Idly ns feasible to thu 7,500 pontoltlccs
of tho first, second nnd third classes
constituting thn presidential grade.
Uv the end of tho year practically all
of these will havo been designated and
then the system will bo extended to
all fourth-clnss postofllces doing a
money-order business.
The deposits huvo kept pace with
tho extension of the system. Amount
Itur to only J00,fi52 nt tho end of the
llrst month's operation In tho experi
mental nllloes, they Increased to $679, -310
by July, and now after 11 months
of operation havo reached a total of
$11,000,000. This sum In distributed
among 2,710 banks and protected un
der tho law by bonds doposltcd with
the treasurer of tho United States.
Parcel Post.
Steps should bo tnken Immediately
for tho establishment of a rural parcel
post. In tho estimates of appropria
tions needed for the maintenance of
tho postal service for tho ensuing lin
eal year an Item of $160,000 has been
Inserted to cover tho preliminary ex
pense of establishing a parcel post on
rural mall routes, as well as to cover
an Investigation having for Its object
the final establishment of a general
parcel post on all railway and steam
boat transportation routes. The de
partment believes that after tho Initial
expenses of establishing the system
are defrayed and tho parcel post Is In
full operation on the rural routes It
will not only bring In sufficient rev
enue to meet Its cost, hut also a sur
plus that can be utilised In paying the
expenses of a parcel pott In the city
delivery service.
The suggestion that we have a gen
eral parcel post has awakened great
opposition on the part of eome who
think that It will have the effect to
destroy the business of the country
store kocper. Instead of doing this, I
think the change wilt greatly Increass
business for the benefit of all. The re
duction In the cost of living It will
brlntr about ought to make Its coming
The Navy Department.
On tho 2d of November last I re
viewed the fighting fleot of battleshlpe
and other vessels assembled In New
York harbor, consisting of 24 battle
ships, 2 armored cruisers, 2 cruisers,
22 destroyers, 12 torpedo boats, 8 sub
marines, and other attendant vessels,
making 98 vessels of nil classos, of a
tonnage of 676,634 tons.
The fleet was deficient in the num
ber of torpedo destroyers, In cruisers,
and In colliers, as well as In large
battleship cruisers, which are now be
coming a very Important feature of
foreign navies, notably tho British,
German and Japanese.
The building plan for this year con
templates two battleships and two
colliers. This la because the other
and smaller vessels can be built much
more rapidly In case of emergency
than the battleships, and we certainly
.ought to continue the policy of two
battleships a year until after the
Panama Canal Is finished and until In
our first line and In our reserve line
we can number 40 available vessels of
proper armament and size.
Like the Treasury Department and
the War Department, the Navy De
partment has given much attention to
economy In administration, and has
cut down a number of unnecessary ex
penses and reduced Its eetlmates ex
cept for, construction and the Increase
that that Involves.
I urge upon congrese the necessity
for an Immediate Increase of 1000
men in the enlisted strength of the
navy, provided for In the estimates.
Four, thousand more are now needed
to man all the available vessels.
Departments of Agriculture, and Com
merce and Labor.
For the consideration of matters
which are pending or have been dis
posed of In the agricultural depart
ment and In the department of com
merce and labor, I refer to the very
excellent reports of the secretaries of
those departments. I shall not be able
to submit to congress until after the
Christmas holidays the question of
conservation of our resources nrlHlng
In Alaska and the west nnd the ques
tion of the rate for second-class mall
matter In the postofflce department,
Elimination of All Local Offices From
I wish to renew again my recom
mendation that all the local offices
throughout the country, Including' col
lectors of Internal revenue, collectors
of customs, postmasters of all four
classes, Immigration commissioners
and marshals, should be by law cov
ered Into the classified service, tho
necessity for confirmation by tho sen
ate be removed, and the president
and the others, whose time Is now tak
en up In distributing this patronage
under the custom that has prevailed
since the beginning of the government
In accordance with the recommenda
tion of the senators and congressmen
of the majority party should be re
lieved from this burden. I am confi
dent that such a change would greatly
reduce tht cost of administering ths
government, and that It would add
greatly to Its efficiency. It would taka
away the power to use the patronage
of the government for political pur
poses. When officers are recommended
by senators and congressmen from po
litical motives and for political serv
ices rendered, it Is impossible to ex
pect that while In office the appointees
will not regard their tenure aa mors
or less dependent upon continued po
litical service for their patrons, and
no regulations, however stiff or rigid,
will prevent this, because such regula
tions, In view of the method and mo
tive for selection, are plainly incon
sistent and deemed hardly worthy c4
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Lincoln Three hundred citizens of
Cherry county have forwarded a peti
tion to Governor Aldrlch nuking him
to call u grand Jury lo Investigate tho
hnnglng of Perry Hellers, near Cody,
Inat June. Alum nnd George Weed,
Hurry Heath ami Konnotli Murphy
nro now serving Hfo sentences for tho
o.i !u. 'nt Uunlco Murphy, tho girl
who is alleged to havo Incited tho
deed, is said to have left tho slate.
Lived Two Years With Broken Spine.
Lincoln John It, Sliouf, who Ikih
lived for two and a half ears with a
broken spine, died Sunday ovonlng nt
IiIh home here. Mr. jfclumf was former
ly a conductor In tho employ of tho
Burlington, and tecelxcd his InJurloH
April 117. llio'.i, by anchor polea of n
stretched cable breaking and knock
ing him against a dump car.
Showed Good Horse Sense.
Paton a horse nnd colt belong
ing to (', P. Hoardiuan fell Into his
cistern The water wan deep and tho
horse saved himself by hanging Ills
head over one of the pipes and stand
ing on his hind legs, The colt stood
on ills hind feet, with liis front ones
on tlie homo's back.
Meeting of State Grange.
Broken How. Tho llrst annual ses
sion of tho Nebraska stnto grnngo was
hold In the assembly rooms of the
city hull under the personal super
vision of National Organizer Charles
B. Hoyt nnd was largely attended
thirteen out of twenty-one state
granges being represented. '
Delivery Auto Explodes.
Beatrice. A delivery automobile be
longing to tho J. W. Hill drny lino
exploded in front of n grocery and
wua completely destroyed by fire, to
gether with a load of groceries. Tho
driver, who was underneath the car
making some repairs, had a narrow
Crushed by Automobile.
Lincoln. Struck by an automobllo
which was proceeding at lesa than
eight miles an hour, Mrs. L. M. Ed
miston, was instantly killed Just as
she was attempting to board an East
O street car here Wednesday noon.
Fire at State Normal 8chool.
Peru. Tho pumping plant of the
state normal school was totally de
stroyed by fire Wednesday morning
with' a loss of about $3,000. Origin
Senator Norrls Brown has written
from Washington to Secretary of
State Walt for biankB to boused by
him In filing as a candidate for United
States senator.
Figures for the 1911 state tax levy,
compiled by counties, show an in
crease in the returns over those of
last year.
Governor Aldrich has Issued par
dons to Martin Hicks of Richardson
county and Fred Bishop of Kimball
county, in accordance with recom
mendations of the advisory board of
The state board of pardons has re
fused to recommend a pardon for Jay
O'Hearn, the Omaha young man who
with others shot and killed a saloon
keeper, Nels Lausten of Omaha. The
object of the robbery was to obtain
money to continue a protracted spree.
O'Hearn was first sentenced to death,
but the supreme court reduced the
sentence to life imprisonment.
Secretary of State Walt is of the
opinion that in the matter of presi
dential and vice presidential races
in next spring's primary petitions
asking the names of various men go
on the ballot for the preferential ex
pression must have 3,000 signers, the
same as Is required for those who de
sire election ns delegates-at-Iarge to
either of the big national conventions,
Floyd Seybolt, formerly of Lincoln
hut now a legal resident of Geneva,
has filed nomination papers aB a can
didate or state treasurer on tho demo
cratic tlcko't. Ho has filed a request
with the secretary of state to have his
name placed on the primary ballot.
About $79,000 has been received by
the state treasurer's office for the gen
eral fund since December 1, and the
accumulated cash in excess of current
obligations Is being used to redeem
warrants regiatered during October
and November.
Banuer county failed to abolish the
ofllce of county assessor at the recent
general election and County Assessor
O, W, Langmald will continue to hold
his position. The total vote cast in
the county at the general election was
283. A majority of all votes cast at
the election is required to carry the
proposition to abolish tho ofllce of
county assessor. Nlnoty-ono votes
were cast in favor of abolishment and
89 votes against tho proposition. As
less than a majority of all votes cast
were in favor of abolishment, the
proposition failed to carry, Nemaha
county also failed to abolish the ofllce.
Dcemer has Installed an up-to-dato
electric light plant.
A movement Is on foot to organize n
Y. M 0. A. nt Koarnoy,
Tho West Point fnrmorx Institute,
will bo held .Tnnimiy 21 and Fobru
ary 1.
Mtb. Robert Blotlgott of DoWltt died
suddenly in Missouri while vlsltlnf
with relatives.
The Onklnnd commercial club has
inaugurated a sorlos of monthly smok
era and luncheons,
Saturday wns "Rod Cross Seal day"
in Falrbury and about 100 young
ladles from thn high school sold seals
on tho streets.
Tho new high school building wns
dedicated nt Nebraska Mty Friday.
Chancellor Avery of the state uulver
slty inatle thu principal address.
The humanitarian slogan, "Do your
shopping eaily," has not aroused thq
people of the city to unusual activity
In CliiliiltniiH buying, according to I. In
coin merchants,
Fremont school authorities are dci
termlned to sen that the law proi
hibltlng tho nalo of tobacco to mlm
ors, Is enforced, and a number of an
rest have been made.
Hog cholera which has been play
ing havoc, with many splendid herds
In .Teflcison county Is dying out. Tho
epidemic, while it prevailed, was un
usually fatal thlfl year.
The circuit court at Bloomlngton,
lias denied a writ of mandnmiis nsked
by the city of Finiiklln to compel tho
county boaitl to call u special election
for n county seat location,
Clulslmas decorations In tho show
window of the Xunipycr store nt Dot
wltt caught on llro and considerable,
tlnmngn was dono to tho slock nnd.
building beforo It could ho 'put out.
A mysterious epidemic has broken
out In Lincoln which tho doctom nro
ns yet undecided whether to catalogue
as la grippe, ptomaine poisoning, or
the result of the usu of polluted water.
Four trumps wero overcome by
gasollno fumes In a Burlington pump
house ut Benkleniun, Neb. Two nrq
dead nnd tho others are dangerously
An automobllo stolen four months
ngo at Kansas City has Just been lo
cated nt Stella whero It had been,
placed In storngo by two men whq
wero to call for It later, but failed to
do so.
Tho Ashland brldgo across the
Platto river connecting Saunders and
Sarpy counties, was opened' to traffic
Saturday. Tho structuro Is fifiO feet
long and one of tho best bridges In
the state.
University Place claims that no
other town- of 4,000 population can
boast of having only ono storo where,
cigars are Bold and having no bil
liard halls or bowling nlloyB or pic
ture shows.
Mrs. Dorothy M. Frazlcr of Lincoln
will receive $11,000 from the Burling
ton railroad for tho death of her hus
band, Ernest M, Frazlor, an express
man, who was killed In tho Indlanola;
wreck. May 29 last.
The proposed school of forestry to
be located at Nebraska City, whlcl
met with some public discussion some
tlmo ago, may bo revived and an at
tempt made to get an appropriation
for It. ,
At tho seventh annual convention of
the Nebraska Stato Association of
County Commissioners, Supervisors
nnd Clerks, Just closed at Grand
Island, Lincoln was chosen as tho next
meeting place.
Foreman Ericon of Valparaiso was
fatally Injured near thero when be
jumped from a car of flaming gasoline
which was being propelled at tbe rate
of thirty-five or forty miles an hour
in front of a band car.
Peter M. Plamondon, driver and
owner of the automobile which Wedt
nesday noon struck and killed Mrsi
Eliza; J. Edmlston at Lincoln, has)
been exonerated from all blame in
connection with tbe accident by the
coroner's jury.
The Boys, Agricultural club and the
Girls' Domestic Science club of Gage
county, will hold their fifth annuafj
contest at tbe court house December!
27. There will be exhibits In sewing)
baking, manual training, corn, po
tatoes and regular school work.
The body of John D. Troyer was;
found in the Blue river above the,
power company's dam at Milford. He,
had but a short time before rowed,
across the river with a companion,;
and whether his death was due to
accident or suicide does not seem"
Six-year-old Helen Davey, at Tecum
seh, was badly Injured when she
stepped in tho way of an axe in the
hands of a boy cutting kindling, re
ceiving the force of the blow In the
face. The Jaw bone was broken and
several teeth knocked out.
Fears entertained by the Fremont
friends of Miss Ruth Mulliken for her.
safety at Canton, China, were relieved
by the receipt of a letter from her by
her brother, Warren Mulliken. Miss
Mulliken writes that thero have been
no serious outbreaks at Canton.
Ed Cameron, a trapper, was found
dead In a claim shack on the Dismal
river, near Thedford.
James Hall; employed at a Lincoln
cleaning and dyo works, was pain
fully burned on the hands and face
when a white woolen Bklrt he was
dipping In gasollno caught fire.
"The biggest fruit show that ever
came down the pike," Is what Secre
tary 0, G, Marshall of tho state board
of horticulture predicts In connection
with the forty-socontl annual meeting
of tho State Horticultural society,
which will be held at the university
farm, at Lincoln, January 18 to 18
Bellboy's Suggestion Would Seem te
Be Natural Way to Get Around
The Englishman who has been,
woarlng n top lint nnd a frock coat
impressed all who saw him with his
distinguished nppearauco an he
strolled nbout with an expanslvo nlr
In ono of tho mora cxpciislvo hotels.
On Wednesday morning ho camo up
to a clerk.
"I would llko to havo a shirt laun
dered," ho said. "I must havo It back
by flvo o'clock."
Tho clerk told him that tho tlmo
wns unusually short, but ho would do
what ho could, and tho shirt was do
llvorcd on tlmo.
He came down Thursday morning
nnd said ho wanted another shirt
laundered, but that this ono must bo
back by two o'clock In tho afternoon.
The clerk said that would bo too
short a tlmo. Tho llrlton giew angry
nnd demanded to see tho proprietor.
Ho got ns far as the bell boy captain,
to whom ho protest oil that ho would
not stand for such ttcatment. Tho
boll boy suggested tho purchuso of, a
thlul shirt. New York Sun.
"I deem it my duty to tell about a
euro that tho Cutlcura Soap and Oint
ment havo mado on myself. My trou
bio began In splotcl 29 breaking out
right In tho udgo of my hair on tho
forehead, and spread over tho front
part of tho top of my head from car to
car, and over my cars which caused a
most fearful burning itch, or eczema.
"For thrco yeurB I had this terrlhlo
breaking out on my forehead and
Bcnlp. I tried our family doctor and
ho failed to euro It. Then I tried tho
Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment and used
them for two months with tho result
of a complete euro. Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment should huvo tho credit
due, and I havo advised a lot of peo
plo to use thorn." (Signed) O. D.
Thnrrlngton, Creek, N. C, Jan. 26, 191L
Itching Scalp Hair Fell Out.
"I will say that I have been suffer
ing with an Itching on my scalp for
tho past few years. My hair fell out
In spats all ovor my head. .My scalp
started to trouble me with sores, thea
the sores healed up, and crueta
formed on the top. Then the hair fell
out and left me three bald spots the
shape of a half dollar. I went to more
than one doctor, but could not get any
relief, so I started to use the Cutlcura
Remedies. I tried one bar of Cutlcura,
Soap and some Cutlcura Ointment,
and felt relieved right away. Now the
bald spots have disappeared, and my.
hair has grown, thanks to the Cutl
cura Soap and Ointment. I highly
recommend the Cutlcura Remedies to
all that are suffering with scalp trou
ble." (Signed) Samuel Stern, 23$
Floyd St., Brooklyn, N. Y Feb. 7,
1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment are sold by druggists and
dealers everywhere, a sample of each,
with 32-page book, will be mailed
free on application to "Cutlcura,"
Dept 9 K, Boston.
8he Needed It.
One of tho llttlo swarthy cherubs
from sunny Italy, whose great eyes
and sweet mouths can be bo appealing
to their teachers In tbe great pri
mary schools In tbe North end, was
introduced to the public bathing plant
the other day, In accordance with
tbe bygtenic regulations of tbe public
schools. She was so delighted that
she asked her teacher the next day
If her grandmamma could go and en
Joy a bath there. '"You see, grand
mamma has not had a bath," said the
Innocent, "since she first came to this
country, and that was 11 years ago."
Another little girl objected to taking)
the prescribed bath, Just now; be
cause, as she explained, her mother
had Just sewed on her under-flannelsl
for tbe winter. Still another little'
Latin remonstrated less decidedly tof
the bath. She knew It was wrong to)
be dirty, she admitted, but "It is so)
warm In the winter time." Boston'
Beware Cheap Bills.
An examination of paper currency!
by Warren H. Hlldltch of Yale showed'
an average of one hundred and forty
two thousand bacteria to the bill.
Twenty-ono bills were examined, and
while some were relatively clean, car
rylng only a trifle of fourteen thou- "
sand Irving things, others swarmed to
the figure of five hundred and eighty
six thousand. And, strange to say, tbe
bacteria did not seem to Bwarra to
the $1,000 bills In preference to the $1
This shows that It Is far healthier
to carry $1,000 bills about than It la
to tote'$l bills. Here Is a valuable
financial hint.
First Kid My papa's got so much
money he don't know bow to spend
Second Kid That's nothing. My
papa's got bo much money that mam
ma can't even spend it.
Small Comfort.
"You seem cross, Pillsey."
"So I am. A fellow called me a,
born idiot today." .
"That's nothing to worry about I
think it was very considerate of him.)
to blame it on your ancestors."
Even It anybody accidentally bap-,
pened to save a little money Christ
mas or birthdays or something like,
that would come along to burn it up.
It takes a wily widow to call a;
I bachelor's bluff.
iMklttm W . & :,W -,t ,
. Twfii