The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 28, 1911, Image 1

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    qtfl Hl1orloa Society
' T? .V Y ' '' .11
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- ip ' w- r .""- i saarf-- --s- a ps-ssg ssssssssssaassssssssssssM'siBsssBssssErBBSsssBsssr:BSssar-BSs-a.' .. -:x:B:m:mrrmmmmiKmm:ziMz:K:xiEj?smm. .JJ.. M'Lr . j.1'' K
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i mm -""wFMTTrT,FrinrTT"rirTr,-Tii ir-r-TiTTr vttiiih i gwnMgrrMw---m: bbbbm i t:-..., ' hW
volumjo xxxynn
THE New Banking Law is now in force and
the payment of every dollar of deposits in I his
institution is guaranteed
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
Tho Christian's expect to begin
meeting early in January.
Twin girls were born Sunday Dec.
34 to Lee Spracher and wife.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alva
atiokley Friday of last week.
William Sawyer is quite ill. A
physloian was called Tuesday.
H. Mllner.and' wife entertained a
numberofcrelatlve.s jblirlstba'as day.
NelHeytHMriatto'' Storking bat
RiohardaonWtore during the '.holiday
rush. " - ..
Miss Mary TomDklnfl(V principal at
Southerland is speeding her"hoKdky
Tacatlon aTh6ne.,, w-7 bit-
Lola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Obas.Mahnke died after quite a long
illness. The funeral was held Sun
day. Miss Leona Richard, who has been
411 for the past three weeks Is better
but not yet able to be out of the
house. ,-
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Garber and
daughter Ethel of Bed Cloud were
down attending a big family dinner at,
the home of J. H. Crary Christmas
The ofloera of the Farmers' Institute
for next year are:
President, J. W. "Hamilton, Jr.
Vloe President, J. 8. Sennits, Jr.
Sec'y-Treas., Garhard Ohmstede, Jr.
Woman's Acxilliabt.
President, Mrs. E. Peters.
Save Dollars and Cents For You.
Save time, save labor, save repairs-save all the valuable buttcrfat
in your milk, and give you fresh, warm skim milk for feeding calves and
pigs. You could not afford to do without one if they sold for twice the
price, but the price is right.
.500 lbs.
per hour
There is nothing cheap about
separator sold at any price ,
ad are guaranteed from top to bttom by
Lka Am, Near.
Highest Market Price
Paid For Poultry.
by the Bank Guaranty
Vice I'rostdent, Miss Ella Van Woert.
Secretary, Mrs. Hert Vanllorn.
Tho bad weather and the small-pox
scare made it especially hard to have
a good attendance The speakers
were fine and attendance good con
sidering conditions.
Walter 'Thomas of Bird City is here
vislttng.frlendaiand relatives.
Mr1, and 'Mrs.' Castello ate their
'XeiWdlnher at Jeff Chaplin's.
Mr, and Mrs..Nardy Marsh of BladeO
'pending their .holidays'in Co'wles.
Mr..Lawler and Ed
'igj'ij Btooj to
d. ,iiU,j,iii
mil .snipped a
market Wednes
day. ''iu,ir i i
Guy'Scottfof Xiihcoln is here spend
ing the holidays with friends and rela
tives. Mr. and and Mrs. Nate Piatt of Red
Cloud ate their Xmas dinner at J. T.
Lacy's. ,
Chas. Francis and wife have moved
into their new home in the east part
of town.
Miss Macy Spracher came home' for
the holidays. She is attending college
at University Place,
Rev. Millard
! Scott of Lincoln, came
I the holklai&lth old
ilatives. ,5V ..
down to spend
friends and relatives,
Emery Waller is spending his holi
day vacatlqja at home this wtek. Ha
has been attending a Veterinary school
in Kansas City,
other sizes
at other
them but the price.
There is no better
Des Moiaea, la.
Dubuque, la.
RcKspnjwr That (lives The flews Fifty
Wo ni'i having miiiio vety duo Kl(rh
i-hllnjf in mid uroiiixl Cnvvlt n. Hoy
impiovo jour opportunity.
Dwitflit .Ki'msDti iiml wife of t lit;
tlrm nl Ku'lci-t'. .lohimtiii Ml for Mm-
y for ti slioit visit at
n Uiithiinv lloitflits.
llem-y Koeney is wnlUinj,' ,-v Khl-unA MU' ',.v,lo(1 '" ih,'1K l'"' "I'lM
i iI.ommIih seven if it is on snow ' of ,UM' ,M' ""tH- MlH Voum; Iiiim mi-
Sunt ii'laua Kite him u boy for H iihuhI tibility m u roil lor mill wn lie
Ninas inesunl ami liu duos not want to! to hear her oHon. Tho musical purt
wake liitu. iof tho proiiun was well rmulurcil o.s-
Xiniis exurclsih were bold at tho M.
I., ami Uiiiir cliiiiolio.sSutui-
day oeuiii'r. I'lue proL'iaiiis wore
romloted to largo and appieulutlvo
If yon want to know how cold it is
about midnight now just ask I.'.'o
Spmchcr. He has a pair of twin girls
at his house. They urrlved lust Satur
day evening and aro doing well.
Miss (leorgla Scott of Mitchell, S. 1).,
is hero spending her vacation with her
relatives. Bhoisouc of the teachers
of music in a high school at Mitchell,
South Dakota, which position she has
held for a number of terms. .
December School
Followlug is the statement of the
December apportionment of state
funds among the schools of this county:
Received xrom-state appor
tionment $2672 Q7
Received from fines ,. . 95 00
Total Amount Apportioned. 2707 07
Number of districts in county en
titled to share, 70 whole and 4 fractional.
Number of children in county en
titled to Bhare, 8988.
Amount of the one-fourth apportioned
among the districts, $691 70.
Amount of the three-fourths appor
tioned pro rata, $2070 81.
Amount per district from the' oae
fourth apportioned, $8 04.
Rate per child from the three-fourths
apportioned, (.02064. 1'
Dist. No. Amount Dist. No. Amount
1 $188 18 2 $816 14
8 87 80 4 '"' 98 II
5 """'SB 78 03 89
8 fciu,i8'48 ' 9 98 90
10 rtW'ipol II ' 17 91
19 88 01 18 96 94
14 98 89 18 - 98 94
18', 98 24 17 ' 99 87
18 99 87 90 98 89
21 24 68 23 99 87
28 21 04 24 18 95
20 86 60 28 21 66
27 27 28 28 26 24
29 24 68 80 16 87
81 103 82 82 18 05
88 18 48 N,, 84 20 80
;?& - 9t:ft1g3ti& 29 87
rjfr . - 23-19V" 88.- 18 05
80 14 20 40 ' - 81 07
41 20 80 42 10 00
43 24 08 '45 20 24
40. 28 32 47 21 07
48 1 57 40 30 03
50 43 01 51 18 05
52 10 35 53 41 31
51 22 08 55 28 il'J
50 20 24 . 58 10 47
59 30 41 f 00 41 80
01 2(1 70 03 28 00
03 21 10 01 10 00
05 22 03 00 23 12
08 41 -1(1 (10 31 45
70 10 35 71 21 01
72 '211 51 73 01 23
74 HO Oi 75 25 73
77 33 53 78 35 01
70 10 21 80 20 21
81 10 87 8J 23 12
83 33 03 81 10 87
85 . 22 CO 80 R 31
87 10 47 83 7 80
80 27 80
Christmas at the Churches
ChrWtmss cvo was celebrated genet -ally
in all the churches of theoltyjwitli
appropriato exercises much to tho de
light of the young and old, This
event is the most dearly loved by the
children and their hearts aro inside
glad at over and ovmi- aguliithey lUten
to the story of tho birth of the Sav
ior. At the Baptist
Tho lluplist church was nleely dec-
- two Week-) Each Year Fcr 51.50.
'orauil for tlu ncotslnti ami 11 nnsl
pli'iising nt oki'iiiii whs iuiiiIimtiI. Tho
j little (oiks porfot-mod tlioir purt with
much I'reillt In Hiiiitm1vos ami Id
tliui who Inn! tin ir liuitiliiu' In oh:n(o
'Ah". A, .1. Vounc i.muv tin iw.vlltMit
rondlni,' entitled "Td tint l'oor Knrin''
puuiiilly tho illicit by MNsos Kiiltoti
ami K-sij,' while thosoKwof Hun Will-
iamsiiml llminlo Hssl pleased every
one. At tlio ooncliisloii of tue proirrain
the little ones wero rntiioniborod with
gifts ami candy.
At the Gonftrcftattoiial
At the congregational church the
program was given by tho children as
sisted by tho choir. Thero wero a
number of recitations, souks, and class
exercises, all of a very high order.
Every part of tho program was car
rio out in a very creditablo manner
the boys ami girls recolvod much
praise for the manner in which they
delivered their various parts. Tho
rcu was tastefully deooruted and
presented a pleasing appearance. Rev.
Cretstnan was presented with a beaut
ituVsil ver set by the members of the
church. After the program gifts from
the teachers and candy was distribu
ted 0 the children.
AttheChrtetlM . v
Y the Christian church vas filed 'to
its capacity sunuav evening wun
scholars and parents to listen to the
Christmas exercises, after some good
music by the quartette and the school.
The little folkB gave some flnei recita
tlonsr The drills and marches were
finely executed. Much credit is duo
the teachers for the efforts in training
the little folks. After tho exercises
Santa Glaus (For we had a real onefur
coat, reindeers and bells.) distributed
eandles and presentsf rom a',log house,
whteh .was something new to them,and
disappeared wishing them a Merry
Christmas 'and 'promised to return
again next year.
Sunday evening the Christmas .exer
cises were held at the tytodlst
church by the Sunday sebool qjfaaes.
The church was crowded to Its full ca
pacity and many were turned' away.
An excellent program consisting of
solos, duetts, quartettes, recitations,
dialogues and chorousea were render
ed by the young folks which was en
joyed by all present. After the pro
gramme was completed, Santa Glaus
called and delfvered candy to the
ohildren who hoped he would return
again next year. The church was nice
ly deooratedrfefrthe-ywasalQft;.
leal Estate Trmfsrfti 7T
Transfers for the week ending Wed
nesday, December 27, 1011,
Compiled by M. W. Carter & Son
llondcd Abstractors.
Fred It. Mauilevillu to Oeorgo
Trine, vd, lots 13 to 10, Ulk. 21
Ued Cloud, 27.10
I. S. Gilliam, Heforco to Horace
A. Spanoglo et al, Itcf. deed,
WK, !l6 8W?-f 23-1-12, 0800
,7. S. Gilliam, Itufcieo to Anniu
iiello Spanoglo ot al, Kef. deed,
sJi hwM 23-1-12, lots G, 0, Ulk.
'J, LeDuo'w Add to Hod Cloud, .1225
Dennis It. IJurrto Ed win E. Uurr,
(jed, , 10,000
.lames W Moranvillu to 'J'hudii
M. Moranvlllo, wd, lots 8 0-111,
Ulk. G, Heil Cloud 100'.)
Ilwirv J. Mawrcr to C. 11. & Q.
K. 11. Co , wd, p.ut e swj 23
till,, 1500
.1. W. Moranvillu to Tliedi M.
Moranville, wd, lot lis lilk. 0,
lied Cloud, bCO
Ilarriet J. lit ws to Earl 0. Llml-
v say, wd, lots 23, 24, Dlk. 21,
Smith & Moore's add to Red
Cloud, 400
James M. BelttontoGeo A. Ilrit
toil, wd, lots? to 11, liUC. 10,
Guide Hock 400
ii ,,r.
Mori pages (Ho J, S92G0,
Mortgages released, Sj025.
$11 Eft
Htiy.'yihe litli
noraph, plays
on Gum pho
)oth the two
intl four minute records. OakRmuutu in the, talking machine.
cover, black horn, metal parts
finished in Japan and nickel.
For the fireside, also plays
the two and four minute rec
ords, straight horn, oak cabi
net and cover, metal parts,
nickel and Japan.
Edison Standard Phono
graph antique oak cabinent
new style cygnet horn, metal
parts Japan, nickel and gilded.
t.'x, 1 I,
" " IT" M
-t J mf VI
. ll'l'..
.Come and heir any of thesfe y.bvtrjfait pt.titri&tgt'
complete catalogues of machines arid records We haye'.an
easy payment proposition on any of these. ,
Newhouse Bros.
' E. H. NEWHOUSE, Prop.
Jeweler and Optometrist.
For Your Liberal Patronage
J)urm the Past Year and wish
all a Happy and Prosperous New
Year. ::::::::::
Furniture and Undertaking.
I Have Moved
In my Building East Side of
Webster Street
Wm. KOON, Pioneer Neat Narket.
Hastings Business College
None bottor. Char'os rcasouable.
itdvarituges for wiuier
t'lrtn beginning Janunry S, 1013. Cull
or write, for particulars,
Buys the Victor Victrola
VIII, one o( thf latest achiev-
Made in solid oak without
horn, all metal parts nickeled,
liqual in tone to any other
make al from $10 to $25 more.
For the Victrola, one of the
most popular self-playing in
struments evei made. One
of the greatest successes in a
moderate priced instrument.
For the Victrola, absolutely
the best low priced instru-
Imentofl tjie market. Hear
iityssc now, vasn or easy pay
G.,B, & Q. Watch Intpcetor
Foley HliMT Pills
Toiiio in notion, quick id resulfa
Will eiire any cusu of kidney or bladder
(INor'dor ijiit buyoud tho reach of modi
oiiie? No need' to say more. Sold ti
Dr, Cook drug store.
lUit all the ytifip. .JvVU .)
- --
;m, ..! ri t i ,Jnrrm.TtrrMrT.Jni)r
. .,M rl,iT
1) ... o( r .A. V,l.lAfjiiHCii Ml
'K"S !
WWBWMjUUa&jm 1
VjiVrVu, UVJ. M" I J 4-.i TWST,-";,,!
rt . i' I. rv 'T iT.-r
X&iiidf&irXy .W