wa.iw?t i.rf'KM . 1L. w wr sr VfjM:wKjyt wwww(wiirti)im t (-, '"'A ! hi. A .' r.t'' ac. t; I T h AVW-'W- CHRISTMAS SEASON is nearly here and we ask you to come in early and select Your Holiday Presents. Don't forget that we carry the heaviest stock of Books of all kinds. Hundreds of the standard novels at 50c per volume besides the laW popular novels and " the many beau tiful Gift Books. The Conklin Self Filler Fountain Pen the most satis factory pen on the market. We have the finest and largest stock of Pocket Knives in the city and all strictly guaranteed. These are only a few items from our Stock. We invite you to come in and see for yourselves. CHAS. L. COTTIN6, The Druggist. vsAnxanaA nnA"naavx' yJyJ vA3 l LOCALITIES Leather Belting at Fold's. Oscar Teel was in Hastings Monday. S. S. All of Fairmont Sundaycd in town. C. H. Dungan of Peru was in Friday. J. W. Yarley of Hardy was in town town Sunday. G. A. Knapp of Avre was in town Monday, George Trine was a Hastings visitor Monday. Mrs Bernard MoNeny. was in Guide Rock Friday. Bernard , MoNeny is home from Bloomlngton. B. McNeny was in Blue Hill on bus iness Monday. Jas. Mcintosh took a trip to Hi's, tings Monday. Mrs. John Blaine of Bladen was in town Monday. Miss Etta Smith of Rlverton was in town Monday. All kinds of Electrical work done by Morhart Bros. Mrs. C. F. Cather was a passenger to Lincoln Friday. R G. Borum is in the cltj this week TUiting friends. r C. C. Lace of Republican City spent Tuesday ln'town. "i ' - ., , A square Inch oT good-will for a cent a Christmas seal) . Win. Kirkpatrick of Guide Rock was E. E. Arnold of Campbell was on onr streets Monday. Miss Helen Blake af Beatrice was in the city Wednesday. , Arthur MoKira of Lebanon took in the Institute Tuesday. E. V. West of Deweese was an Insti tute visitor this week. F. M. Ziegler of Lincoln was a Red Cloud visitor Wednesday. Omcr Doling of Lincoln is a guest of Boyd Smith this week. Mrs. Grant Turner spent Sunday vis itlng relatives at Blue Hill. Josepn verbek or superior was a Red Cloud visitor Monday. H. C. Steffes of Scotts Bluff was in town on businesu Tuesday. R. E. Boles of Esbon, Kas was tak ing in the Institute Tuesday. Christmas exercises at the Christian church Sunday evening at 7:30. Mrs. Jno. Polntoky and Mrs. Ja. Ryan were in Hastings Friday. Weesner & Koontz shipped 3 cars of hogs to Kansas City Weduesday. Mrs. J. Bernett of McCook is the gnest of Mrs. E. B. Smith this week. Mrs. E B. Smith returned from an extended visit at Lincoln Thursday. Special attention given to diseases of eye and ear. Glasses accurately fitted, Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr. M m m m m m m Do Your Christmas Shopping Early ' $ II0ur different are ready for you. m m Our store if open in the evenings. J. C. MITCHELL The Jeweler. m m m m Jesso Boyd of Bird City, Khs , Is in this vicinity visiting friends this week. We understand that the wedding bells will ring In Am boy ou Christinas. Geo. VnnCanip visited his brother-in-law O. E. Hughes nt Hastings Mon day. , Warren Longton returned homo from Hastings Monday and is on tho sick list. Mesdamcs Pulsipher, Tony Clark and Moore were passengers to Hastings Friday. Joiin Yost handles the best mince meat in town. Try some and be con vinced. We had a nice fall of snow here this week which will benefit everything in general. Leon Ryan arrived home from Oma ha Wednesday evening to spend his vacation. Will Rants returned' from Juniata Thursday where he has been visiting relatives. J. A. Miller and C.E. Bryant of Rose mont were taking in the Institute Tuesday. ' I will buy your furs, hides, ooultry, and sell you bard and soft coal. J. O. Caldwkll. Fritz Moede returned from Blue Hill Monday where he has been visiting his parents. Mrs. Geo. . Shepardson of Riverton was in town Tuesday doing herChrist mas shopping. ; Will .Mitchell is in the city visiting his brothers Dr. Robt. and James Mit chell this week. Miss Vernon Storey is home from Lincoln to spend her holiday vacatiou with her parents. Mrs. Robt. Cummings of Riverton was in the city Tuesday taking in the Farmer's Institute. W. H. Thome and wife of Bladen were in this city Tuesday attending the ' Farmer's Institute. Mrs. t-ames McCullum left Thursday for her home in Stockton, Kas., to vis is during the holidays. Messrs. Plesiger and Buschow of Blue Hill were in the city this week attending the Institute. A marriage license was issued last Thursday to Frank F. Beyen and Ber tha Klatt both of Bladen. "Mrs. Noble Ball leaves Friday for Franklin where she will spend Christ mas week with her mother. MVavrlcka and sons Joe and Louie and wife have gone to Ord to visit their cousin. They went via auto. Ben Williams arrived homo from Grand Island Weduesday night to spend his Christmas holidays. Rev. Clifford K. Tllus filled the pul pit at the Christian Church lost Sun day. Ho is a student of Cotner. School wlfl let out Friday sd the youngsters can enjoy a short vacation after several months of hard work. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fentress came down from Superior Tuesday for a short visit with Mr. Fentress' parents. Of ft uv lines of goods $ ft Mr rYod Mnmlovillo 1ms loft his farm nenrniuo Hill ami 1ms engaged lii business In Grand Island. Success to you Fred. Foot warmers and nil kinds of Lni Holies, everything to keep you WBrm while you rltle. Joe Fouur. the Har ness Man. There will be no services at the Brethren church next Sunday evening, lingular services In tho morning by Kev. Jnrboe. OotoSloss for wall paper, paints uml varnishes. Also see Christmas ilno of Mndoreas Cupids, Sepias and Carburettus. For Salcj Tho two buildings oc cupled by the Chief Olllee and E. II. Newhousu's jewelry store. Inquire of E. II. Xowhouse. Tho Job Printing equipment of tho Chief Ofllce Is up-to-date for nil kinds of work. Quick service, neat woilcmntiship and reasonable prices. Dou't forget we make farm loans money ready the day tho title is up proved. flAitni'.it, Hutchison & Saladen. Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Sheridan, Wyo , who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed McAllister the early part of the week dopartod for their home Mon day : Without opiates or harmful drugs of any kind Foley's Honey and Tnr Compound stops coughs and curec colds. Do not accept any substitute For sale at Dr. Cook's drug Store. Paul Johnston, Howard Foe, Floyd Turnurc, Miner and Phil Sherwood, Cecil Essig, Don Fulton, Sheridan and Henry Pharcs and Bruce Beckwith are home from Lincoln for their holiday vacation. , 8ee J. H. Bailey for a farm loan. He has a reduced ate of Interest and is sole agent for Trevett, Mattia & Baker who are .noted for promptness and square dealing and are always ready for business. Mr. and Mrs.,R. C. Wallace returned Sunday evening from Red Cloud where they had been visiting at the home of Mrs. Lois Cowden. Mrs. Wallace had been down all week but Mr. Wallace did not go down until Sunday morn ing. tvrannun News. Max Fentress of Red Cloud and Miss Ethel Ireland of Mt. Clare went up to Nelsoh this morning and were married by County Judge Peebler. They were employed at the Henry Cafe and will goto Red Cloud for a short visit.-Tues- day's Superior Journal. Christmas services at the Congrega tional church next Sunday. In the' morning, the subject of the sermon will be Glad Tidings, Special music by the choir. Solo by Glen Walker. In the1 evening a musical and Literary pro gramme by the choir and Sunday School. All made welcome. The yule clog or log the great stick of timber placed in olden times upon the Christmas fire was derived from the Saxon feast of Jul or Yul, at which a similar piece of timber gave the prin cipal fire and principal light. The yule clog and the superstitions connected with it are among the most venerable of Christmas associations. The Woodman of the World meets every Wednesday night in the Potter hall. This order is setting the pace for all of them. There is a reason. It will be to your interest to investigate. A contract with this society brings no sorrow noil' added cost to its aged members, f 14,000,000 surplus to pro tect CoO.OOO members. More surplus than 50 percent of the old line compan ies. A contract with them not only protects your loved ones, but protects you should you live to be old. A word to the wise is suflioient. So don't de lay handing in your name.-Commlttec. Yes, Christmas is drawing very near. Then let us with one band tenderly cling to the old year while1 we stretch forth tho other to greet the new. To some ft1 litis been n vejtr of I prosperity, toothers, one of adversity and sorrow. As we look back over past events wo cannot fall to note the absence of many that were with us a year ago. But now they are gone, been called home to return no more. This time last year they were planning a surprise for someone near and dear to them in the way of a Christmas present that would cause them to be remombered as the years roll on bringing the joyous Christmas time. Hastings Business College None better. Charges reasonable. Exceptional advantages for winter term beginning January S, 1012. ' Call or write for particulars. Kcal Estate TraMfrn. Transfers for tho week ending Wed nesday, December 20, 1011. Compiled by M, W. Carter & Son Bonded Abstractors. Nebraska Conference Associa tion of Sevon Day Ad'ventlsts to Samuel I. Howard, wd to lots 13-14 Smith & Moore's ad to Red Cloud Moo COO Mortgages Hied, 830,03.-5 Mortgages released, 11850. jL -E?f St ili f& J TwT -Win srfftt Ml iiP.rJ mil Ji5 Hi ' I M T. 'Ili't' III1 ("WW 9 ilii i till S Weir 2! I CHRISTMAS SPECIALS! m m m m Fresh Peanuts per lb. New fancy No. 1 mixed I pound. Candy Specials it 10c, ff Special 30 boxes No. 1 (I? ! Cvmmnm sir 3Ar mmch. H SW VIVUI WWW WW.W . M Chriitmas Committees are especially 8 invited to get our prices. We are J m better prepared to serve you than ; 9 ever before. ?i CAN GOODS m S Our can Berries at 20c TO ' . . - , A - g others. Wiiy pay d 2 V Call for Turtle or J. m equal to any Z5c can goods sow w.2'touAmM r.u. ri,,i7ii i-i m get the best extra stanaaro gooas lm t2.00 to nacked. 5J If you want the best money will buy than they m call for "White House" or Kamo." I in ctr IoJf Ml ITURNURE EWA1D i IS - fifty PtHaratcwar. - IS The undersigned agrees to pay to any one for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons violating tha liquor1 or gambling laws of the.stato of Nebraska, In the city of Red Cloud, the sum of fifty dollars. Run Cloud Civic Association. GARFIELD Gloomy yveathcr for (he Farmer's Institute, but lots of them Rolng in. Corn shucking is a thing of the past and they all want to shell it at once. , George Smith took his big mules in to the Farmer's Institute on Monday. Will Fisher lost two head of cattle in the corn stalks this week and one colt that died in the barn lot from causes unknown. Joe Mudd shelled corn on Monday. Fete Manley assisted Smith Brothers to finish shucking their corn last Fri day. J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paint and Varnishes. Room Mouldings, Pict ure Framing, Pictures and artist Material. The Only Exclusive Store. THERE MAY Be a Cloak or Suit In our Stock you Might Want 23 per cent off on whats left. ttttttttfrttt 10c, 3 for 25c Nuts 20c per We htve e faf tf ' I eties grown and quality the best. $ 15c and 20c. t Extra fancy Jonothan $5.00 to &.50 Fancy Choco-1 Choice, extra fancy Ben Davis 3.75 S tt it tt M it 5 it it -4t it per can is . nMt ,u it a ''!. ViIV1 "wK1VUivi. vvrav -VKVimiwriw! 7-; perceni more, j to 4 59 '?Ai?.jrrj:n i.uvn (i,n,;u. 1 y M. Brand and j, Extra fancy Jonothan apples i bn,7 or J. M. Brand and j, Extrt f extra standard goods box tt 2.00. 't ti.. a.:Jl1..am tk... .nnu. ,.- l. w m IUG Ullkll Mrs. Al Smith and daughters Called on Mrs Fred HarriB Sunday. The small-pox in this vicinity is about over. " . BARGAIN OFFER During the month of December the price of the NEBRASKA FARMER Nebraska's Real Farm Paper is cut squaro in two. Tho publisher, B. R. McKolvlo, agrees to Bond it very week until January 1, 1916, (three whole years) for fl.GO. He will also include the beautiful Now Year's Number and tho handsomo 1912 Nebraska Farmer Boy Calendar FREE. The regular price Is $1.00 per year In advance. If you wish to accept this offer simply cut out this announcement and send to the NE BRASKA FARMER, Lincoln, Neb., together with the money, or see or phone the local agent In thl terri tory. If you prefer to pay some time before March 1, simply say so and the paper will be sent to you on TRIAL until that time. The above offer Is good during December only. Be sure to give your naii-e and address. Subscriptions sent direct will be1 credited to the local agent Don't confuse the NEBRASKA; FARMER Nebraska's Real Farm Paper published weekly at Lincoln1 with a cheap mall order semi-monthly, of similar' name published In Kansas.' Always Friendship. in tho hour of distress and misery tho oye of every mortal turns to friendship; in the hour of gladness and conviviality, what is our want? It Is friendship. Walter Savage Landor. Life's Irony. Tho tragedy of llfo was played again when Bernard Goonnewlch, a young Russian Inventor, was killed by the poisonous fumes o,f a secret process of staining gloss that was to make him millions. ili m ItV t it Jeniton 3.75 Seek No Further 4.50 Wallridge 3.75 Dominee 4.00 Gano 3.75 Golden Beauty 4.50 Wine Sap 5.0t tt t wV S it ti 11 ti it wV Jonothan apples - riL - " w VU MlfWIwS U kl. be bou hl for tod BROS. wV ili wV Oi wV wV Red Cross Seals Bring a Merry Christmas Red Cross Seals Provide These Things Public Education Hospitals and Sanatoria Dispensaries and Visiting Nurses These Prevent Tuberculosis and Protect Your Home Last YeJr $300,000 Worth Were SM This Year a Million is Needed from Red Cross Seals WILL YOU DO YOUR PART?, Red CroAi Seal Cost onlr Ob Cent each, and ihould be uaei oa the back oi au cnruiaaaa It jrou cannot bur Rid Ciai fcalt In rouirUlnhf, writ to Local Distributors The Miner Bros.. Co. ti if i Vi m HI .1 n i is s&Miil iS-feteas