iMMMimin'iaai-uiBgau!? i- ,V I'lV . IP . - 1 f !?. - ': ' ll,Ml'"iwi-wwwwMia.iJiAJ.,Bsaaw.rtf.'rn.TM4.-J.r,.T"s? -ii i i i iimn l. n. '. fr r-" Si ft I? tK If n 5 K- & ?i SSfi' i. 14 K bi m- z- ' I I LAND! i Farms Listed and Sold on t Commission Basis While you are thinking of buying a Christinas Present let us suggest that you buy one usefull, serviceable and lasting. All other Property is Transi tory: but "The Earth Abideth Forever". We have several mighty good Deals you ought to snap up. Farms that will readily take care of the investment and grow in value. Special Pay- Iment Terms on several. The Largest Land List from which to select. CHIEF Olf ice. : DAN GARBER&CO. Red Cloud, Nebraska. j FARM LOANSI Negotiated. Lowest Rates and I m i i 'iJtfT Best Optional Payments. BEATRICE $REAM $EPARATOR$ 'Save Dollars and Cents For You. Save time, save labor, save repairs-save all the valuable butterfat ia your milk, anil give you fresh, warm skim milk for feeding calves and -pics. You could not afford to do without one if they sold for twice the 'price, but the price is right. 600 lbs. capacity perhoiir $50 other sizes at other prices Mb---------M--M1 m Their Quarrel I w J5 a Imogcno cnmo down the street with a stalking step and her chin high., She hcrsolf might have added that! fire flashed from her eyes, but allow anco must be made for Imogene's ac tive Imagination. If nnn hntl trnnafnrrofl tilfl baza to the other end of the block one would' havo eecn Imogene's duplicate stalk ing In the opposite direction Just as haughtily. The duplicate was ,Jano. A few moments 'previously all nego-i tlntlons between tho two had been; broken oft abruptly by Itnogene'i hurling to the ground the do)! dress which was tho subject of dispute and1 anounclng that she hated Jane and never no, ont If she lived thousands and millions and trillions of years would she so far forget herself as to) speak to Jane again. So there! Jano had glared. Then with shrill haste she had declared that, so far as she was concerned, shea never speak to Imogeno first If Imogene was the very last girl left on earth and never no, never would she come, within miles of her hated presence If she could avoid It. After which be gan their progress down the street. rsssasst-ivsa Wrath still darkened Imogene'B brow as sho sat down at the lnnchcon .table. "Don't you feel woll?" Inquired her mother In surprise. Imogcno regarded her mother in por tentous silence. "Jnne and I have quarreled," sho said at last. "Oh!" said Imogene's mother In re lief. "I'm glad you're not coming JLy f V -HI At tyt w"' u 4sL -zm i Q i DST i '; RED CLOUD HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT CQ. Headquarters For Builders Hardware Heavy Hardware Majestic Ranges Laurel Ranges German Heaters Bath room specialties Rope Oils Paints Wagons Buggies Gilson Gas Engines ' - Fields Gas Engines Olds Gas Engines ' - Badger Gas Engines Joliet Corn shelters Louden Hay Tools Everything of the best at Lowest possible, prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. BOTH PHONES: Ind 48 Bell Red 28 There is nothing cheap about them but the price. There is no better separator sold at any price BEATRICE CREAM SEPARATORS are EFFICIENT, SIMPLE and DURABLE and are guaranteed from top te bottom by BEATRICE CREAMERY CO. CUcageflU Uteris, NeW. Dee Me la. Dubuque, la. Sold by GEORGEW.TRINE Highest Market Price Paid For Poultry. I Have Moved w In my Building East Side of Webster Street The Duplicate Was Made. vt down with anything, I don'Mee why you and Jane cau't play without al ways having a fuBB." "Fuss!" repeated Imogene, Indig nantly and coldly. "This Isn't a fuss It's a real quarrel, an I hate her and we're never going to be friends any moro. "I don't want you to talk that way," reproved Imogene's mother, with utter disregard of tho seriousness, of the oc casion. "Don't put so much sugar on your berrieBl" , ' Imogene pushed tho berries away. "I don't want 'em," she said. "I' guess you don't understand. It isn't Just a common, make up quarrel. I ain't ver going to speak first' and she ain't " : "Isn't," corrected Imogene's mother. "Well, she ain't isn't," resumed Jmogene- impatiently. "So, you see, jwe- won't ever speak again nor be friends. We've been mad before, but not llko this." "You and Jane are eternally quar reling for the last time," said Imo gene's mother easily. "I guess It isn't as bnd as you make out. It Isn't 'nice of either of you to act so." Imogene set her lips. "We'll never play together again," she declared. "I .can't like her any more when she's so mean and selllsh. Why, she-" "That'll do!" said hor mother. "I've no doubt that Jano thinks you're the selfish one. I'd bo ashamed." "I used to like Jane," went on Imo gene In a reminiscent vein. "I thought she was real nice. That was before she got so mean." "What are you going to do this aft ernoon If you don't play with Jane?" .inquired her mother. "Dunno," grumbled Imogene. "I don't care if there Isn't any one else In the world to play with but Jane, I wouldn't play with heri She never, could be nice enough to me to get me to apeak to her. Besides, I won't speak first an' she won't." ; ?' . Wm. KOON, Pioneer Heat Market. "1 guess 1 can play without her." re sumed Imogene after a pause. "1 guess she ain't Isn't tho only girl In tho world. I can play by myself. I" "Yal-e-ool" cut tho air. The call pame from the street "Ya-l-e-ool" Imogene called back me chanically, turning toward theopen window. Imogene's mother for once did not reprove this breach of good manners. She seemed to have trouble controlling the corkers of, her mouth -' ' "Coming outr pursued the outside voice. T,tfb-aualH called jlmogene abruptly fromHha tables ('Did you bring your doll, JaneT" Imogene turned on her mother aa she departed. "Whatchu - laughing fort" she demanded. I "I guess we didn't either of us speak int. We Just ra-1-e-ooed." Actual Starvation Facts Abeat IndlftesllCR aid Its Relief That Sheuld Interest Yea Although Indigestion ami Dypepsia are so prevulcut. most people lo not thoroughly understand their cause and cure. There is no reason why most people should not eat anything they desire If they will only chew It carefully and thoroughly. Many act ually starve themselves Into sickness through fear of eating every good looking, good-smelling, and good-tasting food, because it does not agree with them. The best thing to do is to at your self to digeBt ariy good food. We believe we tan relieve Dyspepsia. We are so' confident of this fact that we guarantee and promise to supply the medicine free of all cost to every one who will use it, who is not perfect ly eatlsBed-with the results which it produces. We exact uo promises, and put no one under any obligation what ever. Surely, nothlDg could bo fairer. Wo are located right hero and our re putution bhoulri be sufflclent assurance of the genuineness of our offer. We want every one troubled with Indlgehtlon or Dyspepsia In nny form to come to our store nud buy a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take them home and give them a reasonable trial, according to directions. Then, if not satisfied, come to us and get your money back. They are very' pleasant to take; they aid to soothe the irritable stomach, to strengthen and Invigorate the digestive orgauB, and to promote a healthy and natural bowel action, tnuB leading to perfect and healthy di gestion and assimilation. A 25c paokage of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets furnishes IS day's treatment. In ordinary cases, this ia sufficient to produce a cute. Iu more chronic cases, a longer treatment, of course, is necessary, and depends upon the sev erity of the trouble. For such cases, we have two larger sizes which sell for ftoo and 81. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this com munity only t our store The Rexall Store. The H. E. Grico Drug Co. . History: of Red Cross .Seals Red Orad Christmas Seals date back iu their origin to charity stamps" first used for the soldiers'1 relief funds In Boston In 1869, during the Civil War. After the war, this method of raising money was discontinued in this country for a generation) although, It found vogue In Portugal, Switzerland Austria, France, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Russia-, anil other, European couutrlesr There-Hrenow. several hundred different kinds of charity stamps used iu all parts of the world, as many as forty used in Aus tria for children' hospitals alone. Stamps or seals were first used to get money for the anti-tuberculosis crusade iu Norway and Swedenju 1004. After being used in these countries for three years, as a direct result of the Interest of Jacob Rlis in this move ment, the Delaware Anti-Tuberculosis Association, headed by Miss Emily P. Bi&sell, and the Red Cross Society in Delaware, combined in issuing a tuber culosis Stamp. So successful was this campaign that nearly 13,000 was real ized, and the next year, in 1008, the American Red Cross was induced to is sue a National Red Cross Tuberculosis Stamp. From this sale, 9135,000 was realised, that amount being nearly doubled in 1000. Last year, for the first time, the sale was organized on a comprehensive basis, taking in all parts of tho United States, 1310,000 worth were sold. In 1011 the slogan for the campaign Is, "A Million for Tuberculosis from Red Cross Seals. Simple Mixture Used In Red Cloud . Many in Red Cloud are now using the simple buckthorn bark and glycer ine mixture known as Adleri-ka, the new Germau Appendicitis remedy. A SINGLE DOSE relieves constipation, sour stomach or gas on the stomach al most INSTANTLY. This simple mix ture antiseplioizeBthe digestive organs and draws off the impurities Jand peo ple are surprised how QUICKLY It helps. C. L. Cotting Druggist. The Diamond Electric Vacum clean er demonstrated in your home free. Call Phone Red 97. The finest line and best assortment of Harness ever carried before. Call and look it over. Mokhart Bros. Wolfe & Whltaker, general black smiths, now carry a full lino of farm implements, surreys, buggies, wagons, gang plows, gas engines, stacker ropeB, all kinds of machinery and heavy hardware, and all supplies for same. Also ail kinds of oil. Licensed Plumb ere Calls promptly answered. BRICK Best Quality Building Materials Ready for Prompt Shipments. Building Brick. Hollow Blocks SidewalkBrick. Paving Brick Blocks All inquries for Prices will receive our prompt attention. We solicit correspondence. Polenske Schellak 6k Co. Hastings, Nebraska. . H A V mkt, m "Vr acviap1 mtHtorKjMv&hs&smfe. V,..,wwhvt:.jjj feJga v- (W t y. W ,a -u , r 'JWSH?,1:.. JITHWWWI-H.JIWJJ yl; EpTrIIT7 !! II ljl