The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 14, 1911, SECTION TWO, Image 16

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Now is the Time to Order
Your Monument
for Fall Delivery and have it erected
before cold weather sets in. First class
material and workmanship guaranteed.
Overing Bros. O. Co,
Dealers in Monuments, Red Cloud
W. S. Bense's Farm and Brick
Building For Sale to the
Highest Bidder
For Cash
All Bidden Are Requested to Keep Their Bid a Secret. Tell Same to
No One. All Didi on Form and Brick Building Will Cloie at 12 O'Clock
Noon, January 2nd, 1912. All Didders on Same Will Meet at the
State Bank Between 2 and 3 P. M. January 2nd, 1912.
Someone of the bidders will bo naked to open the bids in the
presence of the assembled biddeis. Then yon will all know'.'yon are
getting a square deal.
' My fann and brick building are positively for sale and will be sold
' on January 2ud, 1012, to the highest bidder. I ask you to look over and
thoroughly investigate both the farm and brick building at your leisure.
I purchased1 the fnitii in 1CC0 at afO.GOO and since I hat time
have added $0,000 improvements, making the farm cost me $10,130.
il purchased the brick building in 1001 nt $7,000 and since that time have
added 5,800 permanent improvements, making this building cost me
12,800. This building rents for $720 per year in cash. These figures
on both farm and brick building do not include nny raise in real estate
'Values while I have owned them.
Didders are requested to place all bids in a sealed envelope and
doposit.500 with each bid in some bank, and before 13 o'clock noon,
January 2, 1012. all sealed bids ami deposits must be transferred to the
State Bank of Red Cloud, Nebraska. In caso you are tho lucky bidder
and fall to take either place, you forfeit your friOO deposit, and then such
place will fall to the next highest bidder.
There is n lease on Bald brick building that expires May 17, 1014
x I will give a clear title to both places except the lease on building.
This farm is in first class shape. The plow laud has all been
plowed 8 Inches deep in the past year. Ten acres is now in fall wheat
and 15 acres fall plowed for corn. Eighty notes plow land in ono field.
Twenty-eight acres in alfalfa, fine new stand. 30 acres pasture and 10
a,cre8 will grass meadow. Balance in lots, yards, orchard, etc.
There aro no snnfloweis or cockle burrs on this farm. This farm
will make any person iv fino homo. Plenty of good shade trees, fruit
tijees, grapes, etc. Plenty of good water piped to ten separate places.
Excellent hog sheds and feed lots with cemented floors nnd troughs.
I will give to the purchaser of said farm first chance to buy any
thing I have, such as alfalfa, prairie hay, corn, oats, wheat, horses, cows,
Implements, oto., at private sale. Also 14 brood sows that raised 127
iprlug pigs aud 114 fall pigs this year,
Bidders must realise that I must have something near what these
properties have cost me. I will donate the increase in real estate values
ince I purchased them.
I will reserve the right to reject any and all bids if unreasonably low.
W. S. DENSE, Owner.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Ii The District Caart a! Webster
Caaaty, Nebraska.
Mbblc Ilrltt,
, vs.
lililu Hiulcll,
Joanna II. J. Kent,
Burton T. JiuIhou,
Ida V. Williams,
Ir,wln T. Parker,
Klmcr 15. Parker,
Burton U. Parker,
James II. Parker,
Russell T. Parker, and
Minnie J, Smith.
Tho above named defendants will tako
notice that on the 23d day ol October, 1911,
Llbblo Ilrltt plaintiff herein filed her petition
In the District Court ot Webster County, No
braska against the above named dolendants,
(he object and prayer ot which Is to deter
mine tho rights ol tho parties In tho above
named case, to the following described pre
mises, to-wlti lota ten (10) and eleven (11) In
block twenty one (21) In the City ol Hed
Cloud, Nebraska, nnd (or a Judgment con
Irmlng the shares o( the parties to the above
described premises and for a partition ot the
'told above described premises according to
the respective rlghtsof tho partlcstntcrcstcd
therein and If the samo cannot bo equitably
divided that stttd premises be sold and tho
proceeds be divided between the parties here
to according to their respective rights and
for general equitable relief.
You aro required to answer sald'petltlon on
or beforo the 18th day ot December, 1U11.
By W. C. Dorsoy and
Her attorneys.
About Your
Pfctie Batteries and
Electrical Supplies
Publication of Summons
Notice to take Depositions.
Tho dofondnntH, Augiut inter, irwln Inter,
Mary Inter, l.'iullio Wltilinnu ir,.-.. w...
haus, nnd Arthur Tracy, non-residents, will
tnko notice that on November !fi)th, mi,
Joseph Inter, Florence Inter, Kiiiiua Alto-
uuj-i:r, iicnry Aitemoyer nnd Amanda
Tracy, ns PlalntlllN, tiled their pctltlou nnd
commenced nn action against said non-rosl-dents
ns defendants, In the District Court of
Webster County, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which aro to obtain tho Judgment
of said court confirming tho shares ol said
parties as In said petition sot forth, and their
respective rights and Interests, as owners or
otherwise, In nnd to tho following described
real CHtatulu said Webster county, to-wlt:
Tho oast half of tho south-west quarter and
imi wesi nan oi mo south-east quarter ot
section 1, m township 4, north, rango 11, west
" muuiu.t-. ju., aim tora partition of said
fi-wunio, or, ii tno same can not equitably
bo divided, that said premises bo sold and tho
iMuvvvu uiviueu between tho parties accord.
Ing to their rcsncctlvo rihta i.n ti,. .,
account bo taken aud stated of tho rents and
proms received by defendant KmlUo Witt-
IiaUH, that tho doucrllllnrnat r .nM l.-... 1 1 1..
wittltaus bo ascertained, commuted, aud a
sum In gross awarded her on account there
of, after deducting therefrom tho amount
duo tho co-owners on account of Hald.ronts
and prontH, Plalntlifs also pray for general
equttnbto relief.
Said defendants nro required to anawer
said potltion, on Illo In tho ofllco of tho Clerk
ot said court at Hed Cloud, Nebraska on or
beforo Monday, Jnnunry IBth, 1812,
Said defendants will also tako notlco that
on Tuesday, January 1(1, 1012, said plaintiffs
w III take tho deposition of Josoph Inter wit
ness, to bo used at tho trial ol said cause, at
tho law ofllco ol JohsoH. Schaper, in Wash
ington, Franklin county, Missouri, between
tho hours ot 0 o'clock A. M nud 0 o'clock p,
M., of said day,
Dated November 29, 1811.
Joseph Intku, et. al., Plaintiffs,
by L. II. Blaekledge,
their Attorney.
Batkruit. Notice
In tho District Court of tho United Htatts
for tho District of N'ebrnikn. in tho in alt it
ofAdolpli l' NletirnH, bankrupt. ToUrcdlt
orn: You nro hereby notified that the nboo
nAiiicd bankrupt linn filed lilt petition In tho
nliovo limned cou t f r ills ills:linrtfu In bank
ruptcy. It Is ordered Hint the 22nd day ot
Jnnunry 11)12 bo and tho same hnrohy Ih fluid
astlio d.itoon or In'foro wlilili all creditors of
and nil other porson Interested In Nuld on
titte nnd lit tho matter of dlrcharRe in bank
ruptcy ot tliomld bankrupt, fchnll if they do
ulro to oppose tliosniuu, illu In my olllce In
MnstliiKi, Nebr., tjielr nppenrnnco In wrlt
Iiik In opposition to tho gniutliiK of the mid
dlncliarue nnd nlRO within ten dnH thereaf
ter file In my n.ild olllco pccl(lcntlons ot tho
grounds of Kald oppoHltlou.
D tied Dec. 1), 101 1
J. A. (lAitniNi:it, llcfcrce.
W.O.W. Elect Officers
Tho V O. V. mot In rKulnrfiesston
Inst Wadui'Silnytind elected tlio follow
lni (illlcerH for the cunning .your.
Jas. Ollhnui, l. O. C.
1M. MuAllister, ('. C.
P. A. Kenworthy, A L.
S. 1'. Flornnce, UmiUcr.
T. J. Diamond, Clerk.
A. L Deck, Escort.
Dr. D. D. Sandorson, Physician.
J. C. Hloss, Instilo watch.
Uert Person, Sentry
Hoard ) R E Outmnn.
of Dell Tiirnurc.
Managers ) H. A. Letson.
A. 1. 11 W. Elects Officers
Tho A. O. U. W. met In n regular
session Tuosdtiy olght nnd elected tho
following officers for the ensulnp year
S. S Olllmm, P M. W.
J. II. Hatiscn. M. W.
O. W. Atkinson, Forcinnn.
II. J Mnuror, Overseer
Paul Storey, Financier.
W. O. Hamilton, Recorder.
J. B Stnnser, Trustee.
Weddlni Bells Ring The Third Tine
Rov. Jnrhoe seems to bo very popu
lar nniontf our younx people. He lias
performed three Marriages in the last
eight day, which goes to show that
the young people of this community
have great coulidence in his ability as
a kuot tier. And by the way we have
never heard ot any complaints from
his work. Here is luck to you El
der, make all of them happy that you
Christmas Presents.
Can you think of anything
more desirable, as a pres
ent, than a neatly framed picture.
Harrison's, Fisher's and Weiss1 colored
pen sketches, Picture framed
all complete forOOcts and up.
Also Madonnas, Sepias, and Carbon
ettcs at
Slops' Wall Paper & Paint Store.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for tho week ending Wed
nesday, December 13, 1911.
Compiled by M. W. Carter & Son
Hondcd Abstractors.
John D. Blnln ot al to A. A. Dor
en, wd part of se4 sec 1-2-10. . . 1200
Porter 1J Hale et al to George A.
Latin, wd part ue4 ne4 eo 21-2-10
William Guy and wife to Luoln
da J. Guy, wd, nwl sw4 sec 8-2-0
Rctta Miner to Clara E Sherer,
wd lots 5, 0, Hlk. 22, Subdlv
annex lot 27, Red Cloud 450
E. Dargman and wife to John E.
Jarbor, wd lota 31 to 24, Blk 14,
Smith & Moore's add to Red
Cloud 5O0
Samuel Harding and wife to Ella
M. Johnson, wd xx)i neH 29-4-11
.".. r.0
Samuel Harding and wife to
Fred Harding, wd, bJ nej 20-4-11
Jcnn A. Penman and husband to
James McBridc, wd lots 8, 9,
Blk. 12, Cowles 150
Cora Crnns and husband to Walt
er E. Frances, qcd, lots 20, 21,
Blk. 8, Kaley & Jackson's add
to Rod Cloud 1
Cora Crnns to Walter E. Franc
os, wd.lots 10, 22, 2324, Blk. 8,
Kaley & Jackson's add to Red
Cloud 450
United States to William C. Ben
son, copy of patent, netf 20-2-11
Mortgages filed, 912,016.50.
Mortgages released, 9800.
School Board Duties
OMAHA, Nov. 13. To the Editor ot
The Bee; At tbedast city election, as
In many past, I was at a loss to know
how to vote on the School board. This
matter has always puzzled me, and I
know it was equally puzzling to many
others. Therefore, I feel that you will
bestow a great favor upon many if you
will answer tho following question:
"What are tho duties of a member
of tho School board, or rather, what
part does the School board have in the
education of our children, and in what
way is a member ot the School board
paid for his service?"
Thanking you, as will a great many
of your readers, I am, A VOTER.
The school board of Omaha, made
up of twelve elective members, has
completo tihurire of tho ndiuluUtrittlon
of theputillosolioolsi. It has Just ns
much, If not more, power in Owulia
thau havo the school trustees. In a
country bcUoo! disttiut, but It has come
to txe.oiuo that power aocordlog to
R. C. Rhode Island Reds
Botli Sexes at 50c and 75c each
Ki'iiU, PhonC 2-lI
llt: (Ji.olmi
D. D. Sanderson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Olllco In Moon Iilock.
Hell, Ulnok ; Iud., 103
Itoidunuo, Hoynt Hotel.
. Hell, 17-, lint., 2V
Tulls Answered l)ny or Nljrht
iiKD rt.oun, Nt:ii.
fixod rules nud precedent which amount
to solf-cstabliBhed limitations. As u
consequence tho part of tho school
board In n school room work of edu
cating the children is performed thru
the superintendent of bchools and his
corps ot principals and teachers whose
recaommendntion or orders aro sub
ject to approval or revcrsnl of the
board. The fact that this power to
overrule the superintendent is not of
ten exercised in any drastic way docs
not make it less real.
The mala part of the School board
in tlu education of our children arises
from the control of the parse strings.
Not a dollar of school money may be
lawfully expended except by the board.
The board makes the budgot, fixes tho
school tax rnto, formulutes bond prop
ositions, sells the bonds and disburses
tho proceeds.
Under the law a member of the
School board reoeives no pay for his
services; membership is supposed to
be entirely honorary and uncompen
sated. Everyone knows, however,
that the temptation is htrong to use
tho position for personal advantage,
and we have had many cases of sisters
cousins nnd aunts attached to the pay
roll merely because of relationship or
dependence upon some school board
member. Some members of the school
boat d also havo been able, by judic
ious truding, to put themselves on the
payroll on their retirement, although
these Instances have been exceptional.
For these places on tho school board
it goes without saying we ought to
command tho mostiutelligentnnd high
est grade of our citizenship nnd part
icularly men who may bo depended
upon to perforin the duties wholly and
solely in the interest of the children
who look to the public schools for
their education Omaha Bee.
Wo Cause To Doubt
A Statement of Facts Backed by a
Sttonft Guarantee
We guaranteo immediate and posi
tive relief to all sufferers from consti
pation. In every case where our
remedy falls to do this we will return
the money paid us for it. That's a
frank statement of facts, and we want
you to substantiate them at our risk.
Roxall Orderlies are eaten just like
candy, are particularly prompt and
agreeable in action, may be taken at
auy time, day or night; do not cause
diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive
looseness, or other undesirable effects.
They have a very mild bat positive
action upon the organs with which
they come In contact, apparently act
ing as a regulative tonic upon the re
laxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus
overcoming weakness, and aiding to
restore the bowels to more vigorous
and healthy activity.
Rexall Orderlies nro unsurpassable
and ideal for the use of 'children, old
folks and delicate persons. We cannot
too highly recommend them to all
suiTorers from nny form of constipa
tion aud its attendant evils. That's
why wo back our faith in them with,
our promise of money baok if they do
not give entiro satisfaction. Three
sizes: 12 tablets 10 cents, 'M tablets
35 cents, 80 tablets, 50 cents. Remem
ber, you can obtain Rexall Remedies
in Red Cloud only nt our store The
Rexall Store. The U. E. Grice Drug
During the month ot December
the price ot the NEBRASKA FARMER
Nebraska'! Real Farm Paper la
eut equare in two. The publisher,
B. R. McKelvle, agrVea toNeend It
very week until January 1, 1016,
(three whole yeara) for $1.60. He
will alio Include the beautiful New
Year'a Number and the handsome
1913 Nebraska Farmer Boy Calendar
FREE. The regular price 1b $1.00
per year In advance. If you wish to
acoept this offer pimply cut out this
announcement and send to the NE
BRASKA FARMER, Lincoln, Neb.,
together with the monoy, or eee or
phone the local agent In this terri
tory. If you prefer to pay some time
before llarch 1, simply gay so and
the paper will be sent to you on
TRIAL until that time.
The above offer la good during
December only. Be sure to give your
name and address.
Subscriptions teont direct will be
credited to the local agent.
Don't confuse the NEBRASKA,
FARMER Nebraska's Real Farm
Paper-pubJIrthed weekly at Lincoln
with a cheap maU. order semi-monthly.
el ilmilajr name published 1 Ksasas.'
ruuv ?' . .
Feed Store. I
Hay, Grain, Flour,
Alfalfa Meal Delivered
: : Opposite Post Office : : ,
'Phone Us Your Orders, Bell, Red 57
The Home Grocery
P. A.. Wullbrandt, Prop.
A Comptof Lin of mtupte and fancy Qrooorloa,
alto tho Lateat Pattcrna In
Wm arm mUo making a BpaeMty of tha Catamratad
"A. B.
Ball Rhona 102.
Caret la Her twa Htaie Tawa
Kkarnet, Nkiir. Mrs. Belle Harlan,
13l8-8th Ave., tolls the way for her
follow townsrn to be cured of their
kidney aud bladder ailments, as she
was cured. "I hud a severe attack of
kidney trouble when I heard of Foley
Kidney PUls and took thorn. I had a
severe pain across my back and felt
miserable and all nlaveil out, but
ttftor taking Foley Kidney Pills the
pain left my back and I felt greatly
improved and once more full of life
Today I am glad to say I am free from
kidney troublo and gladly recommend
Foley Kidney Pills to nil who suffer,
as they cured me." Sold at Dr. Cook's
drug store. '
The Chief for all kinds of work in
Job Printing, done with neatness
and dispatch. Printing that attracts
Rest b Earth
This is tho verdict of U. J. Howell,
Tracy, O., who bought Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound for his wife. "Her
case was the worst I have ever seen,
and looked like a sure case of con
sumption. Her lungs were sore and
she coughed almost incessantly and
ner voice was aoarse and weak. Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound brought re
lief at once and lees than three bottles
effected a complete cure." For sale at
Ifr. Cook's drug Btore.
Aa Alarai At Nlaht
That strikes terror to the entire
household is the loud, hoarse nud me
tallic cough of croup. No mistaking
it, nnd fortunate thou the lucky par
ents who, keep Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound nnhand. II. W. Cusselman,
Canton, N. Y , Rays: "It is worth Its
weight in gold. Our little children
are troubled with croup and hoarse
ness, and all we give them is Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound. I always
have a bottle of it in the house. Sold
at Dr. Cook's drag store.
policci muhdkhi rmmi
Our house is burning down and
John's away a million miles rfff on
his vacation. A true picture though
a bit exaggerated.
Qat an Inauranoa folloy an
YaurHauaa and Furnltura
while Mf think about it. For
solid security have ub write it up.
Our premiums are low and compan
ies are safe.
a r
Reliable Ineurenoe.
Chief AMt Brlnt Rmltt
H iRRESRKRytiflAlEsuRlf Si aS I
wIEmlulwam KaffMsTsi a
""'' l"!lllaVBW
Oils, Garden Seeds and
to Your Door.
Indapandant Phona 44
and Bacon
John Yost
Orlaf May ma Moftenad
everything possible for the departed.
The last thing you can do 1b to erect a
memorial to the one who has passed
sm fff
For Sale illSk wLwl
-by- ffiaflSlr
THE fifffig
Ji anaLamaJinmm
Oaalgna War Manumanta v
of every description aro here for your
choosing. We shall be glad to execute
any you may select, whether it be a
simple, inexpensive stone or the most
elaborate of tributes to the memory
w wuv uwyai WUl
I have opened a bakery inRed
Cloud and solicit a share of
your patronage.
Freih Bread, Pies and Cakes
always In stock. Phone me
your wants (Ind. phone 188.)
Retail store opposite Postof
floe, in Dlederleh building.
WMi 'J1Llml!