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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1911)
fVf- ,,- vmmix. uJLutil JitiaCuJEWKrajSMrt 'SuUKiaafe,, -L. t.isR3scj: b&r.?;. rs4TjitiwxriKW3viSS??S rartrwvugiasiMWijiiyw -tt. --,s swmw.nBT w-mwjnm ' frvjyx'v''v,vvyv-l-Nrrv j?" i J - - - - w -w -w v-"vvr-7 C CHRIS! WAS SEASON is nearly here and we ask you to come in early and select Your Holiday Presents. Don't forget that wc carry the heaviest stock of Books of all kinds. Hundreds of the standard novels at 50c per volume besides the later popular novels and the many beau tiful Gift Books. The Conklin Self Filler Fountain Pen the most satis factory pen on the market. We have the finest and largest stock of Pocket Knives in the city and all strictly guaranteed. These are only a few items from our Stock. We invite you to come in and see for yourselves. CHAS. L. COTTING, The Druggist. WVW.W,,WVvvWvxvA-5 HlfKllliKIIIIKH 10CALETTES : . Leather Belting at Fogcl's. Sm theDuroc Jersey Hog Sale Adv.v Marlon Mercor was a Hastings visit or Friday. Ezra Conner of Pawnee was in town Saturday. All kinds of Electrical work done by Morbart Bros II. J. Crow of Esbon, Kas., was in town Sunday. W. T. Harris of Guido Rock was in town Tuesday. Win. Hackctt of Riverton was in town Saturday. C. j. Dixon of Longmont, Colo , is in the city this week. Miss Iretu Kent visited friends in Uuiilo Rock Sunday. Miss Klva Skilos of Cadanis visited in the city Tuesday, Dudley Ilrnwuliig of lnqtin, Kansas was in town Friday. Dr. Henry Cook made an auto trip to Iuavale Monday. ' it. E. MoFarland transacted business in Hastings Monday. Morton Smith made his regular visit to Superior Sunday. D. II. Najor of Oronoque, Kansas spent Sunday in town. S. V. Itrubaker of qyvles transacted business in town Saturday. H. E. Brown of Hastings transacted business in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.' Bert Stevens of Alma visited relatives over Sunday. L. M. Baker of Kansas City trans acted business in town Saturday. Lloyd Ilines came down from Has tings for a visit with his parents. . Mr. and Mrs. Noble Ball Sundayed at Will Robertson's north eastof town. Sm the Duroc Jersey Hog Sal Adv. O. A. Chapman wbb In Lincoln Sat urday where he purchased an alfalfa hullcr. John Yost handles the brat mince meat in town. Try some and be con vinced. Don't miss the big foot-ball game this afternoon. Come ont and root for the boys. I will buy your furs, hides, ooultry, and sell yon bard'and soft coal. J. 0. Caldwkll. Clare Pope arrived home Sunday from Denver where be has been for tbe past year. '" The, D. of H. meets next Tuesday night and there will be Initiation in the 2nd degree. See J. H. Bailey for a farm loan. He has a reduced rate of iuterest and is sole agent for Trcvett, Mattis & Baker who are noted for promptness and square dealing and are always ready for business. O. Strickland ami J. W. Wonderly of luavale were in (own Tuesday on business. Hilly Hints and Miss Alfa Longton will cat their Thanksgiving dinner in Concordia, Ka& J. C Savior left Wednesday for Kearney wheio he will engage in the practice of law. Ray Palmer, wife and baby of Arap ahoe are vlsl iug his parents Mr. and Mrs. CIihs. Palmer. The Five Hundred club met with Mis. MuKeeby Tuesday evening and had an enjoyable time. Iletiry C. Vain loft Tor his home nt Chej emie, Wyo., Tuesday after a brief visit heiu with friends. Ilfgulnr pi caching service at the Christian church Dec. .Id, at 11 o'clock. Also 7:30 in the evening. The CHIEF for all kinds of Job Print ing done with neatness and dispatch. Printing that attracts Readers. Announcements are out for the com ing widding of Mis Pearl B. Smith and Mr. HalbertA. Thomas Dec. 0. The Y. P. club danco hold forth Tuesday night nt the Potter hall. Kelri otclicittn furnished the music tipeciul attention given to diseases of eye and ear. Glasses accuiatclv lilted. Dr. Stockman, lied Cloud, Nobr. See the Duroc Jersey Hog SaleAdv. Lost A leathor folding pocket book containing $'15. Fin ler please return same to Joe llender-ou and receive re ward. Rev. iJ.ohn Bayne, of Clyde Park, Mont., will preach at the Congregation al church next ..Sunday morning and evening Dr. Cross will bo iu his office over he State Bank everyday in the week. Hnvinir discontinued his visits to Riverton. Foot warmers and all kiuds of Lap Robes, everything to keep you warm while you ride. Job Foqkl the Har ness Man. Guy Bradbrook was .home, Sunday from Franklin enroute to Bladen where he will do electric wiring for some time. Frank Ringer of Lincoln arrived in town Saturday for a week's visffand spend Thanksgiving with Boyd Smith and family. Go to Sloss for wall paper, paints and varnishes. Also see Christmas line of Madoreas Cupids, Sepias and Carburettes. For Sale; The two bulldiugs oc cupied by the Chief Office and E. H. Newhouse's jewelry store. Inquire of E. H. Newhouse. Bert Qarber returned home Satur day from Salt Lake City where he played with that team 'in the Union league. Bert says he had a very suc cessful season and will report to Salf Lake City again next spring. II C. litter, of Red I'lnn.l. 1MIi . came iii todio with in a-of hogs (hat sold well Monday's -St. Joe Stock Vaids D.illy Join mil. The lob Pilutiii.r Den.irtineiiNifTlio CHIEF Ollleo Is better than ever for all kiii'is of wmk. Quick service, neat wui luiniuslilp and iciiMitnialo pi Ices. .Ml. and Mis. (mm). Wurren inut Mr. and Mrs. NVd (Irlmes an in Blue Kill to lay us Hk gu.Ms of J V Oilmen and familj to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner. Mis KiIii Clink l'utritlli mil il.ini-li. ter ii'tnrneil to her home at Omaha Mm day after a m-wii weeks visit ullh nt-'. p.iii'itts Dr. anil Mi. Henry Cool.-. Mien llluuklt'dire 'Imlid Pi. Hit. Will rJ -i Storey, d Kelher and Harold rut nine witnessed the .Michigan No Iitalia foot hull game at Line dn Sat u i day. The ladles of the Xinus club will tin teriain the gentlemen of t ho club al Mrs. Fr.uik Perry' Thursday evening. Mi m1, uiics ll E. Me Fm land ami Pel ry hostesses. Mis. Frank Campbell of Red Cloud who has been visiting with Mrs. .las. Thompson left this morning for a visit with friends at Fairbury. Friday's Superior Express. Dr Warrick, the specialist will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses properly fitted at Dr. DamcrcU's office in Red Cloud Tuesday, Deo. 12. Kenneth Williams returned home from Talmngo Saturday with' a bride, surprising all his friends Never the less the Chief joins in wishing the happy couple congratulations. For coughing, dryness and tickling in the throat, hoarseness and all coughs and colds, take Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound. Contains no opiates. For sale at Dr. Cook's drug stote. Ahs'f Coach Ituthbone of the State University foot hull team arrived in town Monday to coach up tho local high school team In their coming gaum with McCook High School today. If it was what it looks to bo and it was what it isn't and then you knew It was what it wasn't, iitul it really was what it never was, what then? Well, Ormerod nan straighten it out for you. The jury in tho murder case at liloomlngtnti of the state vs Chu. Clems accused of the murder of Frank .1. Smith at Fiaukliii on Sept .12, brought in a verdict of acquittal Wed nesday. Will Knon has moved into his cement building on the east side of Webster Btieet uud Ids meat market presents a most pleasing appcaiauco. He now has the room to display his meats in a most creditable manner and he has one of the best appointed maikets iu southern Nebraska. Wo congratulate Mr. Koon ou his thrift and progress ireness nnd bespeak for him au ever . 'A j j", fcAA ' ftllpffl 'Ita 5 iSiliiivna WW WWKl llll lli m :t'Aiod B'W'i.hIi'ISWOU mm 1 W Royal BAKING POWDER Abmoluimty Purm Used and praised by the most competent and careful pas try cooks the world over The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar made1 from grapes increasing trade. A very serious accident happened Sunday morning about 0 miles south of town. Guy Runyon and Otho Owens started for Lebanon, Kas., to spend the day. Runyon rode a motor cycle and Owens a bicycle pulled by Runyou. At the, place of the accident Owens' bicycle not being able to keep up with tbe motor, collapsed, throw ing Owens to the ground, striking on bis shoulder, causing a compound fracture of the collar bpne, he was at once brought to town where 'medical attention was given. The Done was so badly splintered that it' had to be wir ed in order to hold It together. Luck ily he escaped with his life. Wlerd witches of the woods, dancing devils from the dells, impertinent imps from tbe isolated islands and flutter ing, fascinating fairies from Fairyland are all to be seen' in the mysterious performance given by the Great Or merod, nt tbe Red Cloud Opera House on Deo. 4th and Qtb. You deny your self a pleasure when you miss this. And should you be uncertain as to whether the entertainment is worth the price you need but to turn to another page of this Issue of the Red Cloud Chief, nnd see there in Mr. Orrac rod's advertisement, the statement that it is a guaranteed attraction, which means your money buck if uot satisfied. vi f K M Now is the m ffiiViii Right now is the time to buy the Winter Coats for yourself and Children. We are showing greater values this season, than ever before, in this line of Merchandise. Our stock is complete in every particular no two garments alike Our plan is to give our trade assort ment in price, style and pattern, of the best garments from the best garment makers in America. Ladies' Stylish Cloaks . ...Up-to-date Kind... From $ 7.50 to $32.00 Suits 14.00 to 25.00 Prices to fit purse of every people. We cater to the trade with the best and newest as sortment of Shoes and General Dry Goods, in the coun ty. Our desire is to have the privilege of showing you our lines. APPLES Just received another car load of barreled apples. The finest we ever unloaded consisting of Jonothan. Pearmains, Snow. Grimes' Golden Seek no further. Stark, Willow Turg, Wallridge, Mo. Pippin, Iowa Blush, Wine Sap, Chantry Golden Beauty, Ben Davis, Dominee and Gaho. We'll take pleasure in showing these. Turnure Bros. SS-.&S'I Hi id il to il ii iii to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to' to to to to to to to' to' to to to to to to to to to to to to PUBLIC SALE v I -M I I. 0. 0. F. and Encampment Elects Officers. Monday night at the I. O. O. F. lodge tbe following officers were elect ed for the ensuing term; Noble Grand-Fred Wailln. Vice Grand Harry flllbam. Secretary 0. C. Teel. Treasurer -8. R, Florence. Trustee Paul Storey. Mouday night, Webster Encampment No. '25, elected the following oflicers for the following term: Chief Patriarch Hurry Uilhnm. High Priest-Fred Wo,llin. Senior Warden Dan Oarber. Junior Warden Wilber Hamilton. Sorlbe-0. C. Teel. Treasurer 8. R. Florence. Ifetke Having bought Metcalfe's stock, can show you a large assortment of choice molding, pastel and artist materials. J. O. UL09S. 20 ROYAL BRED 20 DUROC-JERSEY-BOARS At SMITH'S BARN IN RED CLOUD SATURDAY, DEC. 2nd, Salt commence at one o'clock p. m. refardloat of weathor. This offering it a choice selection of the best swine I have raised the past year, end is by far the best lot of young hogs I have ever offered. Every animal is of the best breeding and as individuals cannot be beat. I have bred these animals from prolific families only. Nany are no kin to any hogs I have sold before. BIDS! BIDS!! BIDSm If you cannot come to the sale, send your bids to Col. J. H. Ellinger, Auctioneer or to C. J. Pope, who clerks the sale. TERMS! TERMS!! Cash or Six Months time at 10 per cent Interest. All hogs must be settled for before being taken away. Crates furnished to hogs shipped, only. JANES CONKLING, Franklin, Nebr. The Heal Kstate Department in the Chlmf Olllce has a lnrgu list of im proved farms for sale that will inter est auy luud-buycr or home-secker. A number that will pay good Interest on the investment. Several that can be bought on special payment terms. Many that will enhance greatly In va. uo. These farms uro located right hereintheGuKAT Kf.iuiii.ican Vai.lky CoUNTHY-the Heart of the (Ireat Alfal fa and Corn Belt. 'The hills look green far away,' but the farm lands at home are safest and offer the best lnduoe ments to Investors, tlood Alfalfa Land never, wears out. Also a number of excellent City Properties listed, and several good local farm trades. I Have Moved In my Building East Side of Webster Street Wm, KOON, Pioneer Neat Market. '. ' i;. 'iih'S rr 2 i'i vi f 'J t ffl . r u M l i, i m .ftV' 3l "?: 'W ' Ji 1 LH1 mi. I 1 m ' viv1' $ .. v.. .. . . i W, J' t .WfiV'J aa-ay" " t'au'Ww.fe' r m