The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 30, 1911, Image 10

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5- -.i
f f "
10 Per Cent Discount on
all Heating Stoves for
Ten Dav
The Victor Laurel Steel Range is not a
new stove, but new to the State of
Come in and let us demonstrate to you how
we can cook over six lids without turning the
fire in the oven. ::::::
Some of the Good Points of the Laurel
Steel Range:
Laurel Twin-flue Construction.
Laurel quick heating reservoir.
Oven bottom properly braced to prevent warping.
Extra steel bottom.
Square ventilated oven.
It will pay you to give us a call.
. t p f m T J & a m
W. S. Bense's Farm and Brick
Building For Sale to the
Highest Bidder
For Cash
All Didder Are Requested to Keep Their Bids a Secret. Tell Same to
No One. All Bids on Farm and Brick Building Will Close at 12 O'Clock
Noon January 2nd, 1912. All Bidders on Same Will Meet at the
State Bank Between 2 and 3 P. M. January 2nd, 1912.
Some omi of the bidden will be asked to open the bids in the
presence of the itwinliled bidden. Then yon will all know yon are
Retting h eqtmrti deal.
My farm and brick building are positively for hnle and will bo Hold
on January 2nd, 1013, to the hlnlivHt bidder. I ntd: yon to look over and
thoroughly invefliigato both the farm and brick building at your Ieitmro.
I ritmliHHd the fniiu in HMO at ijft.COO nnd hirico that time
have added l ROD improvjiuuiit'', milking tho farm cot me $10,100.
I purchased the brick building in 1001 nt $7,000 and aince that time have
added $15,1100 peinuitit'tit improvements, making this building cost me
119,300. Tlila building rents for $720 per year in eauli. These tlgurett
on both farm and brick building do not include any raise in real estate
values while I have owned them.
Bidden are requested to place all bide in a Healed envelope and
deposit T00 with each bid in houio bank, and before 13 o'clock noon,
January 2, lOt'J, all Healed bids and deposits must be transferred to the
State Bank of Red Cloud, Nebraska. Iu case yon are the lucky bidder
aud fail to take either place, you forfeit your $.100 deposit, and then such
place will fall to the next highest bidder.
There is ti Iwue on Hiild brick building that expires May 17,' 101 1
I will give a clear title to both places except the lease oti building.
This farm is iu first clues shape. The plow land has nil beeu
plowed 8 iuches deep in tho pust year. Ton n'cies is now in fall wheat
and IB acres fall plowtd for corn. Eighty ncres plow laud in one field.
Twenty-eight acres iu alfalfa, tine new stand. 1J0 acres pasture aud 10
acres wild grass meadow. Ilulnuce in lots, yards, orchard, etc.
There ate no sunflowers or cockle burrs ou this farm. This farm
will make any person a fluo home. Plenty of good shade trees, fiuit
trees, grapes, etc. Plenty of good water piped to ten separate places.
Excellent hog sheds aud feed lots with cemented floors and troughs.
I will give to the purchaser of said farm first chance to buy any.
thing I Invve, such as alfalfa, prairie hay, corn, outs, wheat, horses, cows,
implements, etc., at private sale. Also l-l brood sows that raised 127
spriug pigs and 114 fall pigs this year.
Bidders must realise that I must have near what these
properties hayo cost me. I will donate the iucrease in real estate values
since I purchased them.
. f
I will reserve tba right to reject any and all bids if unreasonably low.
... . ...,w, ununi
Bed Cloud, Nebraska,
A Household Medicine
J That stops coiiglm quickly and cures
eolils is Foley h Honey and 'Inr Com
pound. Mrs. Anna l'elzer, 25'JO J offer
bou St., So. Omaha, Nebr., says: "1
can recommend Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound as a Mire cure for
coughs uiid colds. It cured my daugh
ter of a bad cold and my neighbor,
Mrs. Benson, cured herself aud her
whole family with Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound. Everyone In our
neighborhood spenks highly of it"
For sale at Dr. Cook's drug store.
In The District Coirt of Webster
County. Nebraska.
I.lhblc llrltt, '
I.ulu Hudoll,
Joanna It. .1. Kent,
llurton T. Judiioii,
Ma K. William.
Irwin T. I'urkir,
Kliuer K. I'nrker,
llurton (I. Parker,
James II. Parker.
ItuKsellT. Parker, nml
Minnie J. Smitli.
The iiImivu iiauuil dulcudantH will luko
notice that on the 2M day of October, mil,
l.llitilo llrltt plalntlirhereln (lied her petition
Iu the DUtrlct Court of Wulwter County, Ne
braska UKiiliiHt the nliovo named defcndantH,
tho object and prayer of which la to doter
inlnotherlKhtsottlio parties In the nbovo
named caHe, to tho following described pre
iiiIkcr, to-wlt: lots ten (10) and eleven (II) In
block twenty one (21) in tho city ot Jled
Cloud, Nubraiska, and for a Judgment con
Inning the shares of the partus to the above
escribed promises and tor a partition of tho
mid al)ovo described premises according to
the respective rights ot tho parties Interested
therein and If the saino cannot bo 'equitably
divided that hi. Id promises liu sold and tho
proceeds bo divided between tho parties hero
ic according to tholr respective rights and
for general equitable relief.
You aro required to answer said petition on
or beloro tho 18th day of December, niu,
liy V. c. l)oicy and
lloruard MeNcny
Careless About Appen
dicitis in Red Cloud
Mnpy Red Cloud people bave stom
ach or bowel trouble which is likely
to turn Into appeudloltis. If you have
constipation, sour stomaoh, or gas on
the Htomuch, try simple buckthorn
bark, glycerine, etc., as compoundeiUn
Adler-i-ka, the new German appendi
citis remedy. O. L. Cotting, the Drug
gist states that A SINGLE DOSE of
this simple remedy relieves bowel or
htomaoh trouble almost INSTANTLY,
CI Hilly Cbnji er No. 7, Or IvV of
bo l-,U!.lein Stars, meets at MaM)nlc
Hull nlWfitnU MuuduyV-MraTCom
Potter, vV. M. Mrs. Edith Uou.aeoa,
Secretary, '
Hilly sat on the extreme edge ol the
Inst ntono forming the low wnll bor
dering tho ground! nbout his homo
There was n lowering expression upon
his fnco Now and (hen ho heal tils
heels viciously tignlnst tho stones or
the wall
Around tin comer swung Mrs Don
noli. Hilly mid Airs. Dottt'pll wi'io
chums, to kIip l)p.uii(.( and rallod
"llpllol" n3 n clnun should. Hilly
looked up'trom unUpr his trnu 111113
brows and u title no tinuwcr.
"My gootliipss!" cxclnlnipil Mm.
Donnoll, patifclng In surprise. "Whit's
tho nmttpr with ou this morning?
Where's your laugh? And your dim
ple?" Hilly growled Hoiiotlilng nnd stitrted
r-round. Then he bjioIo with n grout
effort. "They've got" lie nctimlly
choked over the word "Thpy'vo gnno
nnd got n a baby nt our lioute! Ilo
Jprkeil his hend townrtl what hud been
homo to hltn. Thp cxpreEsinn ot Ills
face slgnlllcd thnt his connection witn
tho plnco was now completely sev
ered. "Oo oh! I see." cnld Mrs. Don
nell. She lllcltcd the top of tho wnll
with nn nhsurd hnndUerchler nnd then
snt down besldp Hilly. Her serious
ness wnn very comfortlnK. "No wonder
'you arc excited."
"I'm not oxcltod." contradicted Hil
ly, llutly "I'm mnij I don't want It.
What good Is a baby? Nobody but
toned my plioes for me this morning!"
"Horrible!" sympathized Mrs Don
noil. She pulled one fat ten up on her
lup nnd proceeded to remedy tho de
fect In llllly's toilet. "Well, you see,
tho bnby's new, nnd you must expect
Hioni to be drendfutfy Interested In It
Peoplo aro that way. You've no Idea
how foolish they can be over a red,
homely little now baby, Hilly."
"Theirs Is awful rod." Hilly de
clared scornfully. "And It yells. That
Ir.n't the worst, though It's n 'girl!"
Ho shot out the words In exploslvo
contempt. , "What Rood's n girl?" .
"Tlii'v certainly hnvp piled It up on
you. haven't they'" cried Mrs. Don
noil. "Whatever are you going to do?"
"I'm thlnklu," announced Hilly.
"First I thought I'd run away. It ain't
going to bo any fun at home nny more.
All they do 1b look nt tho baby and
(nct silly over It. 1 enn wait an' watt
for somebody to pour the crenm on
my ponchos, nn' there's nobody to do
jit. Mother she stays right with that
baby nnd fntlipr tip stay with It, nnd
Mary sho Just runs around rrom tho
kitchen to upstairs nnd back ugnln
nnd snys 'The darlln'l Ain't It sw-ww-e-et!'"
"Well, Isn't It?" queried Mrs. Don
,noll In suspiciously shaky tones.
Hilly glared at her In reproach.
"Sweet!" ho nlmost yelled. "It's Just
ugly and red, and I hnte It!"
"I do!" repeated Rltly. "It enn't do
n thing! It doesn't know anything!
When fnther took me In to see It this
morning I showed It my ncwv knlfa
nnd It wouldn't even look nt It! It
would If It had been a boy! Hoys
hnve some sense! Father Just laughed.
And nnyhow I didn't bave any use for
a baby."
"1 know," said Mra. Donnell. "I'll
go and buy the baby and tako It away
aud that will rid you of It."
Wild hope sprung Jnto nilly's eyes.
Then It died out "You don't want It."
.be said, disgustedly. "After you tnk
n good look at It you wouldn't oven let
'em give It to you!"
"Mercy!" snld Mrs. Donnoll. "Is it
as bnd as that? Well, 1 might tako
It anyway just to oblige an bid friend
llko you. Hero comes your father
I'll see nbout it now!"
"Good morning. Sir. Rnxtcr! I was
Just talking business with your son.
Ho says there Is a superfluous baby
up nt the house thnt Is In his wny, and
ho'd like to dispose of It. If you'll
'sell It I'll take It off your hands.
What prlco do you ask?"
"Um-in!" said BUIy'B father, frown
Ing thoughtfully. "Now, thnt'a kind
of you. What shall wo Bell It for,
"A quarter," Hilly suggested tenta
tively. "Oh, I think wo ought to ask nt
least 30 cents," snld his father. "Hut
wouldn't your mothor objoct? I think
sho'd feel sorry If we sold it!"
'"Would sho?" asked Hilly lu sur
prise. "Yes," said his father. "It's queer,
but Bho'B Just crazy about It You and
I hnvo got to stand together nnd bear
It! Wo don't want to hurt mother's
feelings, do wo?"
"Nool" admitted nilly, lrrosolutoly.
"Have you seen what funny fingers
It has? They curl around ono of
yours, tight!"
"Do they?" asked Hilly, Intcrcntcdly.
"That's what they do," snld his
father. "Come with mo and I'll show
you. You can havo lots of fun with
It. Billy. Como on!"
"All right." said Hilly, sliding down
from tho wall and Joining bis father.
"I guess we won't sell It," ho called
back to Mrs. Donnell. "Hut thank you.
Just the enmwl"
A Manager.
"Why do you Insist on ' carrying
that umbrella T" asked the bridegroom,
"For purposes of domestic econ
omy," replied the bride. "I'm going
to turn it upside down and catcp
enough rloe to do the family tot aer
sral weeks."
The Best on Earth. Guaranteed
Let us Show Them to You ;
All kind of High Grade Furniture, Carpets and Rugs.
Undertaking A Specialty
We Lead Others Follow. All The Phones.
-M-t.-vi.i nS'iimii ii i iwiimiii i i n-!ttirrrti
SmA MJr .irSL J. JE. Jtrn s M, sk
Successor To A. C. Bradshaw
Exclusive Dealers In
Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden
Seeds and Alfalfa Ideal. : :
jrV- CT
ts rj . t- v..v i: :s ;r t".v.t 1 1
rivf -. --. ?iT'j-;sj:.
. r.
. v -
Sir! .V
I . " T .
r --L- VH
. &b'TQVT us-T--c:
i.r'TJ A -
j vj . rs? -
ii.- v i.i it. : r -"v
nnun -. ;xi l
. .
"For you particular customers who demand the best Groceries,
we recommend Folger's Golden Gate Coffee."
It is to good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid $1 a
pound for it.
Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it
with the positive guarantee that it will please you.
We handle the best of everything in Groceries as well as In all other lines.
The Miner Brothers Co.
General Merchants
ta-" 4
P WMm . JLJFav AM A mm . . . .
P. A. Wullbrmndt, Prop.
A Completm Un of Staple and Fancy Qrocerlaa,
alao the Latent Pattern In
Queens ware
We are also making a Specialty of the Celebrated
"A. B. C."
mell Paene tot.
44 J
Independent Phono
i I
A '
L E33S
ss,. .,i i u'"-i-----MW-twiw)wiBarjtiiiMiaiMMiija
jMJwfo'Wimfitdn.- ' .:"-:x,-gr.j-fe..-.iLu-j-jBa-aa
taaWSMwPiTzff JsVi. ' " ' - 1 s i i i i i rm iiiniiiiiini-rni- iii r i n - - i - j - i -j- ii - -