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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1911)
wa- uTj l V Mr4MVKKitfiMit ' WHWMKk.v ?m?W3Wto Sf mJIJiMlliteW w3mmNWummWtikfa gtata HMorleal Ssolet? T5 f7 1 4 -Jl ?! , r c J $: i i I I 4 r k . tV t BktjggtKfe5agB.i&at.i.' - .r-..c&3Jafejfsfcr it-gr.4:i-'J?-tSgag'Jiigv jW; y-yii a Itfl 7&1 III tk I Wl 3.M III p - ...s - . "s -vsv . - "- - - " ' '' -- ..W.J'-TI", - . .-- -- ". f . --- -,? VOJL U Mii XX X V i J 1 1 . THE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 aufthlnjUt NI4ht Mentis loss of sleep which is bad for veryonc. B'oley's Honey and Tar Compound stops the cough tit once, re lieves the tickling nnd dryness in the throat mid Ileitis tho iutliiiued mem branes. Prevents n cold developing into bionchitis or pneumonia. Keep always in the house. Refuse snbstl tutos. For sule at Henry Cook's drug store. The lluost lino and best iitsoitmout or llnrness ever carried before. Call and look itovor. MmtiiAitr Buoh. OVERCOATS r $9. $25.00 tJAnywhefe between these prices you will find juft the Coat you are looking for. Cflln the new shades Tans, Grays, Browns. With the new collars either "close iip" or "low down" you will find comfort either for cool or cold weather. Let us show them to N you Shulsft THK Ci, Thia is the home of Hart T ' J ! I y.. Head The Chief for nil the news. Backuchc. Headache. Nervousness And rheumatism, tyith in men and women, mean kidney trouble. Do not allow It to pi ogress beyond the reach of medicine but stop it ptomptly with Foley Kidney I'llls, They regulate the action of the miliary organs. Tonio in action. quit-It In results, For Mile at Dr. Cook's drug store. Tim Diamond Klectilc Vacum clean er dcmnnstinted in jour home flee. Call 1'lpone Ited 97. i SO ow. Schafar & Marx clothes J t 2n5few f fHO mmmi i g 4 NcwMinucr lljat Ghcs Tim Nr.s Flftyrttto Weeks Year Por 51.50. WHO '"LOUD, NKUIlASK.v "NOVUM VA JJO, '.911. COWLliS Homy Keiiney was iniiiketing liogH Tucsdiiy. , '.Uncle' Todd l'.uil was in Red Cloud Tuesday. The hushing season is nuinly oier in tliis tunitoiy K. A. Gondautocil to Ited Cloud Mini-, on l)i)hlncs, Hay Scott has piiulniscd the hotel titiil will tuku charge tomoriow. Alls. AMi IJoicn kft Tuesday for r. short visit with, Mr Win Hind who lives in the s'ltid-hill eountrv Thanksgiving services will bo held in the Congregational church Thuis day llov. Hose will hold the services. .1. D Watson returned from Lincoln Monday wheiu he went to take In the I game and stopped oif'to visit Ins sons Morton and Orvill. The lit in of Wells & McTaggnrt nre moving their furniture into a larger loom in older to buve plenty of spiico for the car-load of new goods just ie celved. Bladen to Have Electric Lights V; & Line Now Bciiift Surveyed AndWork fioon To ISi&iii The cluuler lias been granted the Webster County Light uud Potter Cotnpiny. and the lino is now being surveyed between here and Blue Fl ill, preparatory to letting the coatitiet for building (lie electric lino to fur nish power to liladcii. It is tho pur pose to have the eoustiuction woik begin noon and the line hurried to completion, and liludeu will before tuaiiv weeks huve. the plant in oper ation. In the meantime the work of wiring the houses iu towu is progress ng and by the time the power isroudy to turn on a goodly number will bo liued up. Dladeu Enterprise. Eastern Sheep Fanciers To Judge at Omaha Show Special to the Chief. Omaha, Nebr., Nov. 27, 1011. -Judges for the mid-winter Bheep show, which will be held iu conjunction .with the Forty-Eighth Auuuul Convention of the National Woolgrowers Association on December 11 to 11, have becu named by tho executive committee. Men prominent iu the sheep world huve becu cliobcu to distribute the pile", which will amount to more than l,0ou u dish, usldo trout special prizes. Iu casting about, for judges, who would be acceptable to the great num ber of exhibitors, thouiuuugemeut bus gone to the four paits of tho country. Iu the pure classes, II. L. Com n ton of Kyle, Ohio, K. L. Shaw of Washing ton, u. V. uud s. M. Cleaver of Dela ware, Ohio, have beeu chosen. Mr. Compton is u high cluss sheep breeder, who specializes iu the medium wool breeds. lie has judged in the largest shows iu the Uuited States with splen did results uud comes to .Omaha Jioui one of the largest shoop breeding states iu the country. Mr. Shaw Is 11 imht.uiii.ti.i t. id.. i.i of judging mutton breeds, For the past year, he hus beeu connected with the Tarill liouid complliug data con cerning the sheep industry of tho Uni ted Biates and Is particularly well equipped to award the ribbons iu the Omuuu show. Mr. Cleaver, who is bectetaiv of the American uud Delaine Record Associa tion, is generally recognized us one of the best Informed men on Merino tvnes of sheep. Cleaver refused an invltu- tiou to talk before the Fenusylvuuiu atato Collcgo in order that lie might act as one uf the judges. TLe uwurdiug oi tliu ribbous ,lu ktho fat classes will bo douo by J. J. Casey of South Omaha, Nobr. Ho Js the chief buyer for Armour & Co,, at South Oum. ba, the greatest sheep .market .In tho country. , The selection of the Ju,dge for the Ra'mbouillet olass has been leh to the American BambouUlet Sheep Ureeders Assoclatloo. The selections insure absolaU fair "- Siv3hh, . ness mill v1um Hint (lie 'ii'utlve coin-1 lillttei) Is ilelcimiiled to give eeiy es hlbitor .i squat i deal These men halo 1 bton ucceptfd by the exhibitors with- o U a pmlist. Willi the tune for Hit show ami ton 9ntlni1 ili.iwmg ileal, the elitiy list is filsl assuming glgiiiitlo piopoi lions. Snllli'lenl liaie alieady been receliod tdlusuii' the baniiei sluep show eer lielO in tliu west. Likewise the in i.ingemeiits for the eiiiiNentloii aie iie.iiiiigciiiupletloli. A teiilatiiu pioginiu Incluiles addresses by lea ling slice) men of the wast, seu atois, lepieseiitatives nnd goieruuiH. In the way of euleitaiiiineiit, the del igatesiireptotnisedtiti uucciisiiigiouud of moiiitnent. Chiel aiuoiig Hie feai nies is a sinoUer and luudiivlllo which will bo giien by ihc houth Omiiha stockmen on the evening of December 15. Ariangemeuts me also under way for a iccept Ion and theatre party the preceding night A theatte will be bought out for the evening uud el cry inomlu-r ot the association and his fiieuils will be the gmstsof the Omaha t'tiiiuncicial Club and the business men. Omaha realizes the impoitutico of the convention and the inui who con stitute lis ineinheisolp. They will bo gheu the best iu shop and In tho met nip ilis iliiil meattn the Lost Iheie is to be had iu the country. Special Iuipioved 1(10 act e I'uun, 3J miles ffoln good. totVYMis 1 mile io mjlu)il. Half level, balance gently rolling. 80 acres under cultivation, Hunrics past ure. 4U auies of best laud utlbroUeu. All good fertile soil, tindeihiid with clay subsoil and free from suud or roolc, ill good territory. I'rieo 81W0O. Will accept desirable town property up to 82(100 or&JOOO, or trade fornu HO acres or any desii able property up to 83000 or 91000. This farm is fairly im proved with house, birn, granaries, windmill etc uud will tent for 9400 cash or better. Worth your time to investigate. Chief Ofpiok. DAN GARBER & CO. Pit Brow Lassies. ( How difficult it is to make laws to! Jult everybody Is Illustrated again in , he tale which comes from England jnbout the lassies of Lancashire. The poor slaves I Thoy spend tholr young lives pushing heavy coal tubs to tha Jnlt brows of tho mines. No decent (civilization wotiiu permit Its women to jbo bo injured! So tho philanthropists jargucd, and straightway a (bill was, passed forbidding tho employment of! Jwomen ut tho pit brows, nut wore' the beneficiaries grateful? Not at all. iTliey protested. A deputation of them, traveled to London under tho aegis of tho mayor, and mayor's wlfo of Wlgan jto urge tho repeal of tho law! "They, all looked healthy," says tho report,! ,"and well dressed for their station.". fThey are quito able to do tho work, jthey protested, and do not want any! fcenovolent Parliamentary Intorvcntloal jta their behalf. Shifting Ministers. One of Wesley's reasons for shifting Ids preachers every thrco years was nvowedly that they might be able to preach tho samo sermon over again to different congregations. Ho knew by jexperlenco tho dlfllculty of sormon baking. After a few weeks, he said, ft preacher cannot find matter for fircachlng every morning and evening, 'nor will tho peoplo como to hear blra, jwherens If he nover stays more than ja Fortnight in one place be will find ?lonty of matter, and tho people will ear htm gladly. I know that were I' to preach .one wholo year In one place, 1 should preach both myself and my. congregation to sleep. ' Live Litterateur Resented. ' , "Yon don't soem to care for any au thors eieept those of a previous gen ration." "Well," replied Mr. Cumrox, "I ami Elnd o' prejudiced in their favor. You' ee, there's no chance that aiothar a the girls will invite 'em to partial to act auperdllous aad superior." Ckief A& Briif Remits The New National Alarm I G tz5 1 ySULMr 1 The Best Alarm Clock ever made. Built and runs like a watch. More than a million already sold. If you have not gotten yours, do so now. NEW STOCK JUST IN Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE. Prop. Jeweler and Optometrist. Can You Ask More? . Ytar Nmcv Back far the Askln. Tea rrewisawtaiat We ure so confident that wo can fur nish relief for indigestiou and dyspep sia that we promise to supply the medicine freo of all cost to every one who uses it uqcording to -Mrectlons who Is not perfectly satisfied with tho results. We exact no promises uud put no one under Hny obligation what ever. Surely nothing could bo fairer. Wo are located right here whore vou live, and our reputation should bo suf- tlcient HBsurnnce of the genuineness of our offer. We wont everyone who is tumbled with indigestion or dyspepsia in anj Opera House! . Mon. & Tues., Dec. 4 and 5 M ssVMissiaa,isssssusjidStiJ 1 lie & CO. magIoans ! $5000 worth of Illusions, Mysteries, Tricks, Etc. Lavishly Mounted and Excellently Presented A GUARANTEED Pricei for this engagement ON LYr, " 1i. Off. J fB! !? IOC, , - - aWC 1 ' --W ' " ' '' NILMIJISR 4.S BEN C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector T ' form to come to our store and bny a box of Kexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take them home, and give them a reasonable trial, according to direct ions. If they don't please yon, tell us and we will quickly return your money. They have a very mild but positive action upon the organs with which they come in contact, apparent ly acting ns a regulative tonio upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus overcoming weakness, and aiding to restore the bowels to more vigorous and healliy activity. Three sizes, 3fic( 50u and 91. lleiueniber, you can ob tain lloxall Remedies only at our store The Kexall Store. The H. K. firico Drojr Co. Great ATTRACTION ! - CCil , III.MI nflDsBBBBfTLkfleSBBBBBBsHHw HeflBBBBBBBBBBlSBBBBBBBBBBBBBllBSSr rf sHbbbIbbbbbb'-HiUIwS) sMsMI9Bmv7IHcQesT' BBBBBs1BVSBBBBKklSBfflsBBWlU nBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBstlBBBBfBBBBBlSBfiKflMK M i 1 i $ 4 V i . oil 'CM M'Lii m i ' M 4 M xi m5"v" ' 'tf ' tJsI 2, .! s.-S i-mikit, - :i 's &xfV A .? Jvj . ' 'U