The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 23, 1911, Image 10

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. i1
H t.
I ??
10 Per Cent Discount on
all Stoves for Ten
Days Only.
The Victor Laurel Steel Range is not a
new stove, but new to the State of
Nebraska. :::::::::
Come in and let us demonstrate to you how
we can cook over six lids without turning the
fire in the oven.
Some of the
It will pay you to give
r-v.i T!
- Jl.
W. S. Sense's" Farm land Brick
i . Building For Sale to the ,
Highest Bidder
For Cash
All Midden Are Requested to Keep Their Bidi Secret. Tell Seme to
No One. All Bids oa Farm and Brick Building Will Close at 12 6'CloclT
, Noon, January 2nd, 1912. All Bidden on Same Will Meet at the
State Bank Between 2 and 3 P. M. January 2nd, 1912.
' - '- far,'..
Some one of the bidders will be asked to open the bids In the presence of
the assembled bidden. Then you wilt all know you are getting a square deal.
My farm and brick building are positively for sale and will be sold on
January 2nd, 1912, to the highest bidder. I ask you to look over and thoroughly
investigate both the farm and brick building at your leisure. I purchased the
(arm and brick building In 1906 at $6,500 and since that time have added $9,000
Improvements, making the farm cost me $16,100. I purchased the brick build
Ing in 1901 at $7,000 and slnco that time have added $5,300 permanent improve
ments, making this building cost me $12,300. This building rents for $7!i0 per
year in cash. These figures on both farm and brick building do not Include any
raise In real estate values while I have owned them.
Bidders are requested to place all bids In a sealed envelope and deposit
$500 with each bid in some bank, and before 12 o'clock njpon, January 2, lvl2,
all sealed bids and deposits must be transferred to the State Bank of Red Cloid,
Nebraska, In case you are the lucky bidder and fall to take either place, you
forfeit your $500 deposit, and then such place will fall to next highest bidder.
There is a lease on said brick building that expires May 17, 1914. 1 will
give a clear title to both places except the lease on building.
This farm is In first class shape. The plow land has all been plowed
8 Inches deep In the past year. Ten acres Is now in fall wheat and 15 acres fall
plowed for coin. Eighty acres plow land In one field. Twenty-eight acres In
alfalfa, fine new stand of 30 acres pasture and 10 acres wild grass meadow.
Balance in lots, yards, orchard, etc.
Thee arc no sunflowers or cockle burrs on this farm. This farm will
make any person a fine home. Plenty of good shade trees, fruit trees, grapes,
etc, Plenty of good water piped to ten separate places. Excellent hog sheds
and feed lots with cemented floors and troughs.
I will give to the purchaser of said farm first chance to buy anything I
.have, such as alfalfa, prairie hay, corn, oats, wheat, horses, cows, Implements,
etc., t private sale. Also 14 brood sows that raised 127 spring pigs and 114
fall pigs this year.
Bidders must realize that 1 must have something near what these
properties have cost me. I will donate the Increase In reat estate values since
i purchased them.
I will reserve the right to reect any and all bidi If unreasonably low.
W. S. BENSE, Owner.
Rod 'Cloud, Nebraska.
Good Points of
Steel Range:
Laurel Twin-flu Construction.
Laiirel fiUck htailnf reservoir.
Oven bottom properly braced to prevent
Extra stool bottom.
Stjuare ventilated ovon.
UtkrfVvAk,' i
the Laurel
fit", -
us a call.
T" J
Receiver's Sale of Stock;
Mules, Horses, Cattle, Hoes!
Tueatock Involved Ir the ault ol Amboy
Mining & Kh'vatorCo. s Harm, now on the
ranch at Amboy Sl-2 miles Kant of Ilcd
Cloud, Nibraaka, will be sold at public aue
Uon on the premises. , v
41 yoking mules; 24 young horses and ranrcs?
2 grade stallions; I jack; 7 milk cows; 0 calW
es, (under 1 year old); i sows; MB shoatx; tA'
pigs. '
Terms, cash or time with approved sectirl-
' ' Of.trfcR itf llKDOK, ItKCKIVKH, jjj
'lted Cloud, Nebraska
A UOWWmmMM SlOglClnv
That stops aoufcbs tiuicklrand cures'
colds la Foley's Honey and Tar Com-,
pound. Mra..An)ia l'elzer, 2526 Jeffer4
ton'8tr, 'H6,'Omih, Nebr., says: "t'
can recommend r Foley 'h Honey an
Tar Compound a a sure cure for
coughs a,ud colds. It cured my daughi
ter of a bad cold and my neighbor,'
Mrs. Benson, cared herself and her
whole family with Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound. Everyone lu our
nqlghborhood apeak highly of It"
For sale at Dr. Cook's drug store.
In The ntatrkt Curt mf ttfuhfttur u
Cswty. Nebraska.
Mhliie Ilrltt,
Lulu Hmltll,
Joanna I). J, Kent,
liurton T. JudtMin,
Ida K. Williams,
Irwin T. Parker,
Klmer K. Parker,
ilurtou U. l'arkor,
Jumi'H II. l'arkor.
KiiBKcll T. Parker, and t
Hie afoovo named delcndants will take
notice that on the 2M day ot Octobur, 1911.
Llbblo Ilrltt platntlir herein Hied her petition
In tho District Court ol Wcbxter County, Ne
braska ngalriHt the nlKve named dvlendants,
tlioubjiutand prnjcr ol which Is to deter-
MilnethorlKhUnf the partleH In the nbovo
named case, to tho following dcscrltmt pro
mUts, to-wlt; lots ten (to) and eleven (II) In
block twenty one (21) In the City ol lied
Cloud, Ncbcnska, nnd for a Judgment con
triulug tho Jlmrcs ot tho parties to tho above
'escribed premises and tor a partition of the
laid nbovo described premises according to
tho respwMlvo rlghtsof tho partlcslnterciittd
therein and It the same cannot bo equitably
divided thnt wtlri premises be sold and tho
prnrcuds lie dl Idcd between the partlcshcre-
lo according to their respective rights and
for general eiu!tablo relief.
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before tho 18th day of December, lull,
Hy V. C. Dorsey and
llornard McNcuy
llcr attorneys.
' Main uic
I f .'.Id, Coin
j1o. t.mui ilobiuhon,
.!.. i
Girls Who Are
..... . .. .
.. M .
"It's no uae," sighed the Industrious
girl as she looked up from a stocking
she was trying to darn. "None of my
theories work for more than a week.'-'
"What's wrong now?" Inquired the
one Btunning member ot the crowd.
"Have you turned the other cheek
onco too often, or what?"
"Oh, denr me, no," replied the In
dustrious Rlrl. "You know I gavo that
tip long ngo. Hut I told you, didn't 1,
thnt my brother in married? Woll,
you know I've nlwnya believed in
'woman in woman's sphere' nnd all
that bort of thing, nnd it doesn't work
at all.
"He married a girl Just out of
school nice pretty girl, frenh and
charming nnd all that. Could cook
Bomo, and play, too. Well, sometimes
he can't, get home when he says he
will, and then she goos about looking
liko a small sized thunder cloud and
tries to stir up things generally, I
don't believe it is the fault of any
thing except that she never was down
town herself and so doesn't know
what things are liable to turn up."
The Industrious one gave her needle
a vicious yank and looked hard at the
rest to see If they agreed with her.
"Well, my dear," drawled the fam
ily peacemaker, "you see how good It
is for you to havo had this experi
ence. Now, If your brother had mar
ried a girl like one of us, for Instance
girls who for a good while have
been supporting ourselves more or
less he probably would feel that he
had acquired a chum, and food
one, too, but he'd mlsa the freshness
that the other girl has.
"I doa't kaow a single girl who haa
worked downtown who Isn't mora con
siderate or the toan she autfrtM thaa
la a girl who 'hasn't worked down
town. Of cottrMfwe lose a Jot of the
gloss and all tnat, but w'e get sonie
talng which h"a higher Taint, I hon
estly betters.
"Now, take dm for Instance. Kara
I've been working .for ten years or so,
and last year t met a young girl from
the- south. I don't believe she ever did
a thing for herself Inher life) at leait
not In the way of making money; but
he was sweet and gentle, like all
southerners, and could make perfect
ly delicious gowna and could play a
little, and everybody liked her.
"All the men she' met thought she
was fetching, and she was. I thought
bo. too, but I felt like a battered old,
war horse beside her. I looked at
everything so differently, , ' ' '
"Things that bothered her nearly 'to;
death I didn't even notice, and a man
Just a mere man didn't mean any
thing more to me than a' girl would.
Votl understand that when you are)
with them all day you get sort of
used to them."
This was added In a rather apologet
ic manner, for the peacemaker knows
that the stunning girl, though' she",
too, sees men every day, still takes 'a
somewhat violent Interest In them, at
least in certain ones, and no dls
paragtag remarks are 'allowed.
"But to com back to the original
remarn or yours," went 'on the peace
reclites a ho'me stad'ali ft main's w.
HI 'she has been away from It!" Ever
sfnceMothsV'ftve pu'tterJsd 'Arourid tVe
garden ahiTfbuna the 'tree? gfrls nave
wanted 'to v putter, too, and you can't
putter whentowf:Slowat6wn.! Be
sides, -a gfrl Wfto' fig ftad'nb Hfo'At
fcnows how vmMchfaorr furi'lt 'Isfo
stay at home'an'd'Bo' something 'else
than go downtown 'and 'hear 'in' the
morning's 'mail 'that Smith, Brown "ft
Co. have sent In a large order which
Will have' prompt attention.
"As for me and my house," declared
the peacemaker, firmly, "we wonld
rather make out a list for the grocery
than write patent specifications, and I
kndw I'd rather make a nice loaf of
bread than hammer at a typewriter,
But then, what's the use! Why re
pine?" And the peacemaker went
back to her book.
The Industrious girl was not to be
shut up thus caslif, so she came back
again before the time limit was up.
"Well," she declared, "what I want
q know Is why such a lot of girls who
'aren't nearly as pretty aa Molly nor
as smart as you are should be mar
ried, while we three, who are pining
'for a chance to run a house and a
man should remain on the parent
stem, aa it were.
"Of course, It is fun," she sdded,
."living as we do, but It Is only a sort
of rnnko believe. It would be real
enough If we didn't have to go down
town during tho day, but we do." And
'she heaved a prodigious sigh.
Trust the Motor-man.
i Spring has arrived over in Bayonne.
Whenever a hen lays an egg In the
street everyone knows that the jig Is
up with old man Winter. It was In
Avenue C that a hen found a place
that autted her, between the trolley
'car rails. When a car came along she
.refused to budge.
th mntArmin. reeosmlalnv thm &.
cred bird of Bayonne, brought his car
to 4 atop In record time and refused
(o start It until with a loud cackling
the' hen arose and dashed for cover,
leaving a brand-new 48-centa-a-doxea
eft laying on the aaphaltv While aa
'admiring throng gathered, around tho
motorman sUppod t and took pos
session ef the wtr-New York Morn.
! tag Telegraph H ?,t
il--.J.4b... . M.JmLlLM
maker, "I think you are nearly'rlght
Not that I want to puff you4, up, you'
U .JJiruLl 11 J l VI mH JHJ
The Best on Earth. Guaranteed
Let us Show Them to You
All kind of High Grade Furniture, Carpets and Rugs.
Undertaking A Specialty
We Lead Others Follow. All The Phones.
Successor To A. C. Bradshaw
Exclusive Dealers In
Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden
Seeds and Alfalfa Meal. : :
T" . -.. ... ' " 7."!" " "
SaisssssssssBnlFa .eaaw-
d3aft?awawsnikrVPB9nw M aMaLaUsaaUaallHlsauaV
Tor 'you particular' customers
we recommend Folger's Golden Gate Coffee."
r-i (CUTAs-'io stood we cannot obtain
. ..-
r &jWi r . .. r
Everything about Folger's Golden
7T lig-
.l .1 . - .1 . - ll 1
We handle the best of everything in
The Miner
with the potrave guarantee tnat it win piease you. , , , , -j
The Home Grocery
P. A. Wullbrmndt, Prop.
A Cempl0tm Unm ot mtaplm and Fanoy Qrocerlaa,
alto tha Lataat Pattarna In
Wm arm alto making a Bpaolalty of tho GolomratoB
"A. B. C."
Phono to. Indamandant Phono 44
miMtm n rmtWmmmmMMmm0M&OWtmili
who ' demahd the best Groceries,
i.. - i a
a better coteemot H we pan 91 n
. -
Gate Coffee u perfect, and we sell it
Groceries as well as in all other lines.
Brothers Co.
nwwmmw myjift wyaaKyHj
' I
f I
i i
7 r
.' I