lilt b'llVMtiriiJfMnmMXJLmnMximinmTirTSSllmi CURED 8IX YEAR3. No Fear of Further Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Joslnh Clinker, State St.,Tnma, Iowa, says: "My first Bymptom of (kidney troublo wob Intense pnln In my back. This tircw wnmn mnii i .. . "" ""HI UUUCU in every part of my body. I rested poor ( ly and was so stiff In the morning I found It hard to dress. I becamo tired easily, lost flesh and was In n bad way. I was WMI nlnncrwl fll. it. quick relief Doan'a Kidney Pills gavo me. They Urovo the pains away and restored my kidneys to a normal con dition. I have been frco from kidney troublo for six years." "When Your Hack Is Lame, Hemom bcrtho Name DOAN'3." GOc.nllstoreB. Fostor-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. OTHER PART ALL RIGHT. He When we are married wo will live on bread and kisses, won't wo, darling? She Oh! I don't like bread. MRS. SELBY AND PRIZE BABY "I have always used Cutlcura Soap and no other for my baby and he baa never had a Bore of any kind. Ho does not even chafe as most babies do. I feel sure that it ia all owing to Cutlcura Soap, for ho Is lino and healthy, and when five months old, won a prize In a baby contest. It makes my heart acho to go Into so many homes and see a bwcet-faced baby with tho whole top of its head a solid mass of scurf, Caused by poor soap. I always recommend Cutlcura, and nine times out of ten tho next time I ceo tho mother she says: 'Oh! I am so glad you told mo of Cutlcura.' " (Signed) Mrs. G. A. Selby, Rcdondo Deach, California, Jan. 15, 1011. Although Cutlcura Soap and Oint ment aro sold everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-pago book, will bo mailed free on application to "Cut! 1 cura," Dept. 20 L, Doston. The Happier Age. Tho Hronzo Age man chuckled. "If I wns steel, I suppose you would dissolve me," ho cried. Herewith he rejoiced he didn't llvo too late. Some men have a well-seated preju dice against giving up their place to a woman In a crowded car. MY DAUGHTER WAS CURED By Lydia E. Pinkham'j Vegetable Compound Baltimore. Md. "I send von here. Kith the picture of my fifteen year old uauguier Alice, wno was rostorea to health by Lydia E. I'inkhum's yegeta. bio Compound. Sho was pale, with dark circles under ber eyes, weak and irrf. table. Two different doctors treated ber and called it Green Sickness, but she prow worse an tna time. LvdiaE.Pink. tarn's Vetrotable Compound was rec ommended, and after taking three bofc. ties sho has regained her health, thanks to your medicine. I can recommend it for all female troubles." Mrs. L. A. ComcRAX, 1103 Rutland Street, Baltl. aore, Aid. Hundreds of such letters from moth, srs expressing their gratitude for what Lydla E. Finkham's Vegetable Com. pound has accomplished for them have been received by the Lydia E. Pinkbam Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. Young Girls, Hoed This Advice. Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, head ache, dragging-down sensations, faint, ing spells or indigestion, should take Immediate action and bo restored to health by Lydla E. Pinkham'i Vege table Compound. Thousands have been restored to health by its use. Write to Mrs. Pinkbam Ljbxu &tis.; for advice, free, DIIDTIIDE CURED in a few days plUr I UnE without pain or a sur fical operation. No pay until cured. Write DB. VKAV, 307 Oca llld., Omaha, Neb. ISO'S IB THK NAME Wb&ff fHflffihisri&l I v V: WM&ffli I H'wRdKII fei ' mf,mm& . r tsii&ii il)ijiii(( m. tea W lefln fiBB Vj i BEr WW c i ik f A VTi r k gpJMi iff" I IWflLTfflfflrakW j . ai miTO v !..'' I'i'ilu-iJV. .. mVWM Jfff a HM V PawToi OF TMEIIIT IW1COICINK nfcuBSDR ( iti TTVHfw&r J vt wZZ- -yg - HANDY RACK FOR SEED CORN algeon Hole Is Provided for Every Ear and Is Easy to Make Mice Are Kept Off. A linndy typo of rack for storing seed corn, which Is cry simul in construction. 8 Hhnwn In tin. Illnulrn. Hon, says tho Kami and Home. It tuny ho made nny size, but one tlint is seven feet high and four feet wldu Is very convenient. Tho frame la made of Inch boards 12 Inches wide, and at Intervals of three Inches two laths aro placed crosswise and wires nre strung mm mwinwiwwiiii iifl - -- jLJ AJ UU 1U LA M M M kfl. iK4 4 4 .. M.X I rjuiuutiujcuuiuujJi-itiI'jj -4 i- tjOa kUJij AiJ A 1 JtULkUi Si til,lLg''!r,.rjff"''?trf?fvffs-iH ilDTnTrKrttmrVPJ'i" wTrrT; WJAxiu-iiAaj'Mi.i'uj-i.tvrrv?i . ff' fKai'tuuajrj.U'u jiSGttrrW'Ii M Handy Corn Rack. 2 Inches npart, running from top to bottom. This makes an ideal dIk- eon hole for each ear. Two cross wires aro run through tho center around tho lath, as shown, to prevent them from sagging. Each division can bo numbered so that Individual tcstB can bo made of every ear. LARGE WHEELS ON TRACTOR Largest of Their Kind Manufactured by English Firm for Experi mental Purposes. The largest wheels ever used on an agricultural traction engine were built by n llrm in Leeds, England, for ex perimental purposes, says tho Popular Mechanics. Tho giant wheels nro 12 One of Large Wheels. feet In diameter, with a bearing sur face 18 Inches wide. The wheels wero designed for use on soft soil. Cottonseed Meal. If cottonseed meal costs delivered $35 n ton, each pound of digestible protein will cost loss than 4V6 cents. If corn Ib worth $25 a ton, each pound of protein will cost about 16 cents a pounu. in other words, a pound of protein in corn will cost nearly four times as much as a pound of protein in cottonseed meal. ThiB clearly shows that tho dairy farmer will lose money If ho purchases corn to feed his cows, providing, of course, that cottonseed meal Is available. But if cottonseed meal 1b not available other feeding stuffs can bo had. Tho buyer of grain feeds should consider his purchase In thU light. Marketing Vegetables. The successful marketing of vege tables, beyond doubt, is the most se rious question of all for commercial growers. In many instances it 1b ap parently impossible to make ship ments to the city and realize a fair profit This condition is duo to high freight or express charges, unscrupu lous dealers and too many middle men. There Is too much difference bo tweon tho price- received by tho pro ducer and that paid by tho consumer, nnd this 1b tho primary cause of tho high cost of living in the large cltleB. Winter Feed for Oeeie. I never feed any apodal grcon food except cabbage to my breeding geese during tho wlntor. But I rnlso field corn and feed that, allowing tho geese the range except when thero la snow on the ground, says a writer In an ex change. I have tried various fn0ri .but never have found any nd vantage ovor corn, ine pasiuro is, or course, best of all for geese, since the bird's will care for themselves. Profit In Alfalfa. One middle west seed company pur chased recently 700 bushels of alfalfa need. The seed, uncleaned, sold for $8.50 the bushel, and was Bold by Ste ven Heel of Shawnee, Okla., who re ceived $6,060 tor the 700 bushels. Prevent Washing of Soils. . On billy lands great difficulty is ex perienced In preventing washing by heavy fall and winter rains. The use of cover crops, therefore, becomes Im perative on euch lands If clean cul ture Is to bo practiced In the summer. Size of Farms. Our farms aro decreasing in size, the average number of acres In farms having decreased from 146 In 1900 to 138 In 1910. II I II I rr mo,, ",' v- 43 gsii! tL2IL4)au SELECTING GOOD SEED CORN Little Practice Will Enable One to Become Quick and Reliable Judge Points to Study. With n llttlo practice ono can be como u quick nml reliable judge of an ear of corn suitable for Feed. Hut tt will be necessary to study such points as triipness to t pe, shape of ears, eolol of kernels, tips and butts of ears, unl' fortuity of kernels, shape of kernels, spaco between kernels and tho pet cent, of grain to the cob. Briefly It should be stnted that tho rows of ker nels should bo straight, running from butt to tip; tho kernels w-odgoshuped, thus Insuring a large per cent, of tho corn on tho cob. Tho furrows, or the space between tho kernels, should ho narrow; the gtnins deep, tho colt comparatively small. Tho color of tho kernels should bo uniform, having no Indication of a mixed vnrlety. All cars that show Immaturity or rotted ker nels should bo eliminated, and espe cial enro should be tnken to select ears with largo gprms. Tho fact should bo borne In mind that n largo yield requires oars that aro well tilled and as few nubbins and barren stalks as possible. It costs as much to produce nubbins as It docs good ears, nnd or dinarily 20 bushels to tho aero will cost as much work ami other expense nB 10, hence tho economy of Increas ing the yield. PLAN FOR STRETCHING WIRE Method Shown in Illustration Will Enable One Man to Do as Much Work at Two. Tho following method of stretching wire over rough ground Is a good one. Oct some big nails and drive them into iho posts ub Illustrated, on top Stretching Wire. or knolls, Blaming tho nails downward. Inng tho wlro over them. Jn the low places drive them Into tho post up ward, and hook tho wlro under them. Then stretch tho wire ns tight as de sired. Ono mnn can stretch nearly as much wlro this way ns two can with out the uso of tho nails. Stock Crops. The farmer makes tho most money wlto devotes his fields to tho growing of crops to feed stock, making uso of all tho raw products nt homo, thereby not only saving much of tho cost rtf transportation, bpt nlBo maintaining tho fertility of the soil. Taking every thing Into consideration, corn will probably produce more rood per acre for domestic animals thnn nny othor plant, nnd there nro but fow feeds which can bo fed in a greater variety of wnys. World's Wool Crop. About one-third of tho wool crop of tho entire world Is produced In Australasia, which Includes New Zeal nnd and Tnsmanln. Last year's crop exceeding 800,000,000 pounds. Tho flocks of this section contain ncnrlv rlwlcc as many sheep as thoso of tho united States. Spinach Is one of the best things to grow. Fifteen to 20 ears of corn will plant an acre. Don't use barb wlro If you can avoid It. Productive soil must contain a largo amount of vegetablo matter. There is no better fertilizer for grasB than farmyard manure. Potatoes make a fairly good crop with which to follow millet. There ia no more convenient placo to haul the manuro than to tfto grass land. Small patches of quack grass should be dug out with forks and tho roots burned. Putting a small gasoline englno on Iho grain or corn binder Is a new wrinklo to save horse flesh. Those who have not already saved their seed corn, however, must do so from the product as it Ib busked. Seed corn must be selected early enough so that It may have plenty of time to dry beforo cold weather. Cover crops are divided Into two classes, based upon whether or not they add any considerable amount of food. Cover crops, when plowed under, Im prove the physical condition of the soil, making it porous and of better tilth. Farmers operating on a large scale often keep In telegraphic or telephon ic connection with the market to which their products are consigned. Millet is rather bard on the for tuity of the land, but an ordinarily rich corn belt soil should yield two good crops of millet In succession. A piece of rubber hose about a wlro pall handle offers a splendid safe guard against cutting the band when carrying cemont and other heavy stuff. Tho manner In which the corn is stored Is not so Important so long as some method Is used which will permit a free circulation of air all about the ears. ' Youth and Age. "The difference botween youth nnd go was never bo well put," said Itov. C. V. Pcttlow, In an address nt an Ocenn Grovo beach meeting, "as by a playwright who wrote: "'Youth, which is forgiven every thing, forgives Itself nothing. Age, which forgives Itself everything, Is forgiven nothing.'" Equivocal. "Gladys can't hide tho fact that sho dyes her hair yellow." "You don't suppose, do yon, thnt she could keep It dark?" PUTNAM Color more KoodbrlKlitcrnnd faster colorntlmn dcnny itatinrnl without rlpntiiK apart. Wrlto JUST BEFORE THE TROUBLE How Could the Listener Know What His Friend Was Trying to Say? If nny man over ndmlrcd his wlfo. that man was Howler. And when tho Fltznoodles asked Mrs. Howler to got up nnd sing, "Thero Is n Garden In My Fuco," tho husband glowed with pride. No mnttor thnt sho had a fnco llko a hippopotamus and n volco llko an elephant, ho sat beaming ns sho sang, and could not refrain from bonding otcr to his neighbor and whispering: "Don't you think my wire's got a line volco?" "Whnt?" said his nolghbor, who was a llttlo deaf. "Don't you think my wlfo has got a fine volco?" repeated Howler. "What?" "Don't you think my wife's got a Ono volco?" roared Howler. "Sorry!" returned tho neighbor, shaking his hend. "Can't catch a word you say. Thnt awful woman over .thero Is making such a frightful row singing." Rubbed Hard. Tho Venus of Milo explnlncd her missing arms. "I triod to get the ton off," sho said. Herewith sljo rejoiced sho hadn't nsed tho Bamo method on her neck." Harper's Dazar. The Humor of It. Stella Wero you shopping today? Hclla Yes, 1 got some thingB to exchange. We Get a The big coiTeo trust, made up of Brazilian growers and American importers, has been trying vurious tactics to boost the prico of coffee nnd got moro money from the people. Always the mnn who is trying to dig extra money out of the public pocket, on a combination, hates the man who blocks tho gnmc. Now comes a plaintive bleat from tho "exas perated" ones. The Jotirnal of Commerce lately-said: "A stir ring circular hns just been issued to the cofioo trade." The article further 6nye': "Tho coffee world is discussing what is to ho tho future of coffco as a result of the campaign of raiseducation carried on by the cereal coffeo people. Wo lmvo before us a letter, from one of tho largest roasters in tho South asking whnt can bo done to counteract the work, of the enemies of coffee. "Tho matter should have been taken up by the Brazilian Gov't when they wero completing their benutiful valorization scheme." Then the article proceeds to de nounce Postum and works into a fine frenzy, because we have pub lished facts regarding the effect of coffee on some people. The harrowing tale goes on. , "Where a few years ago every body drank coffee, several cups a day, now we find in every walk In life people who Imaglno they can- not drink it (The underscoring Ib ours.) Ilurly blacksmiths, carpen ters, laborers and athletes havo dls? continued or cut down the uso of f coffee; as thore is not a person who reads this and will not be ablo to And the same conditions existing among his own circle of acquaint ances, Ib it not well for tho Brazil fans to sit up and take notice?" - Isn't it curious tbeso "bur ly" strong men should pick out cof fee to "imagine" about? Why not "imagine" that regular doses of whiskey are harmful, or dally slugs of morphine? It "Imagination" makes the caf feine In coffee clog the liver, de press the heart, and steadily tear down the nervous system, bringing on one or more' of the dozens of types of diseases which follow broken-down nervous systems, many people don't know It. But It remained for the man who has coffee, morphine or whiskey to sell, to have the supreme nerve to say: "You only imagine your disorders. Keep on buying from me.1 How Fldo Lost Out. "My girl used to think n lot of her pug dog, but I've managed to get tho edgo on him slnco wo married". ' "How did you work It?" "Fldo wouldn't oat her cooking, and I did." For DISTEMPER .5.'ir"c"W,.',.,'p,.",t""rrn,,T,'l,0",l''''iwt'"r"'tmiiriititlnfKt1 Pf ei.i l.l'iulil irHrt1,,i,ti,t(,nHiinirllionllinll,KKl,((.n'l.i tiltth at;.rnfPi:r.W SPOHM MEDICAL CO,, FADELESS DYES nny othcrtlyc. OneKVpaikacccoloiiinllfilxr. TlicydveinriililwntrrMtrrtlinnnnynthcrdvc tor (rri' liixiklrt How til)rc. Meaclmml Mix Color. MONHOli mtUli COMPANY. UuJncy, . Came Easy. HepreseutiUlvo James T. Lloyd of MIbhoiiiI whs discussing tho presi dent's belief thnt tho extra session of congress would not try to rovlso tho whole tariff 'law. "Ho had about ns much to go on," said Lloyd, "as tho man who n prnached a hanker with a request to lend him money on n note. Ho want ed five hundred dollars. " 'Cnn you got an Indorse!'?' asked tho banker. "'Sttro,' replied tho prospective bor rower, mentioning tho ludorscr'a name. "'Hut has ho got nny money?' "'Lots of It,' answered tho other. 'Ho wins It at poker.' "Tho Sunday Mngazlne. A Matter of Constitution. "There's no uso talking nbout wom en making themselves tho equals of men. They Hover can do It. It's a mero matter of constitution." "How do you make that out? It has been demonstrated that women can endure hardships even mora stoically than men." "Oh, I don't mean It that way. Thoy will always wait for tho chango, even If It doesn't amount to moro thnn a cent." Special Talent. "Cnn your boy road 'Tho llllad' In the original?" "Not vory well. Hut ho can innko ten ynrds around tho left end almost every tlmo." Pessimism Is tho undigested fruit of cxperlenco. Let us continue to quote from bis article. "Notwithstanding tho enormous Increase In population during the past three years, coffeo shows an appalling decrease in consumption." Then follows a tiresome 'lot of statistics which wind up by show ing a decrcaso of consumption In two years of, In round figures, two hundred million pounds. Here wo seo tho cause for the at tacks on us and the Brazilian sneers at Americans who prefer to use a healthful, home-made break fast drink and lncldentallykooptho money in America, rather than send the millions toBrazil and pay for an article that chemists class among the drugs and not among the foods. Will the reader nlease remam. ber, we never announce that coffee "hurts all people." Some persons seem to have e cess vitality enough to use coffee, tobacco and whiskey for years and apparently be none the worse, but the number-Ib small, and when a sensible man or woman finds an ar ticle acta harmfully they exercise some degree of intelligence by dropping It, We quote again from the article: "TheaA flcrtirAR arn nnrnlvclnv but correct, being taken from Leech's statistics, recognized at the most reliable." FOR WALLS AND J " I' fl IIHiMniMit bonk eif U color ami 1'tmtn- Kl.STOhK VAltNlNIICO., Ilrnoklju, N.T. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NOMe-IQliT" Pink Eye, Eplxootte Shipping1 Fever & Catarrhal Fever AWoWr.?. 60SHEN. IND U. S. A. Caring for Consumptives. Thoro nro now four special methods by which consumptive worklnginen In tho United States aro being cared for. In Bitch cIIIoh tut Albany, lOlmlrn and lllnghamton, N. Y., tho unions support a Hcpnralo pnvlllon or hospital. In cities llko Hartford, Now llrltaln and South Manchester, Conn., tho work men contribute toward tho malnto iiiinco of n fund for tho caro of con sumptives. Tho employers nlso con trlbuto to tlicHo futids. Thoro aro also two national snnltorln for tho treat ment of tuberculosis owned and oper ator by labor unions; ono by tho In tornntlnunl ' Typographical union, nml tho other by tho Printing PrcsHtnen tind Assistant!)' union. In Massachu setts. Illinois and nlsnwhttrn Inrcn nor. Doratlonn and manufacture Iihtr Ittgreed voluntarily to caro for all their consumptive employes for u limited length of time. Since Teacher Old Not Know. It wns In tho primary class of a graded school In a western city and tho dny was the 22d of February. "Now, who can tell mo whoso birth day this Is?" asked tho teacher. A little girl arose timidly. "Well, Margaret, you may tell us, Eald tho teacher. "Mine," was tho unexpected reply, Everybody's Magazine. After all, youngwomen Judgo n man moro by his accomplishments than by whut ho hnB accomplished. . Mnrrlugo Is n contract and there nro lots of contract Jumporn. Slap This Ib ono of the highest com pliments ever paid to tho level-head ed, common sonso of Americans who cut off about two hundred mil lion pounds of coffee when they found by actual experiment (in the majority of cases) that tho subtle" drug caffolno, in coffee, worked dis comfort and varying forms of dis ease. Somo people haven't the charac ter to stop a habit when they know it is killing them, but it is easy to shift from coffoo to Postum, for, when made according to directions, It comes to table a cup of beverage, seal brown color,' which turns to rich golden brown when cream Is addedi and tho taste Is very like the milder grades of Old Gov't Java. Postum Ib a veritable food-drink and highly nourishing, containing all the parts of wheat carefully pre pared to which Ib added about ten per cent of New Orleans molasses, and that Is absolutely all that Postum Is maae of. Thousands of visitors to the pure food factories see the Ingredients and bow prepared. Every nook and corner is open for every visit or to carefully inspect. Crowds come daily and seem to enjoy it "There's a Reason" Postum Cereal Company, Limited Battle Creek, Michigan UYTIL-; TTUVfl'lBBrgMQY SM A V Coffee m a, v g SsJj T 9 ' . .J' . fcti a f t w W 4 4i M M m . M Ffor for COUGHS B COLD! M A niiiinui,iWI-WHlilfilvy,VXj.yyiS