The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 16, 1911, Image 6

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XK5SHraH5&giJA A
I know not what the futuro holds
But UiIb I know,
Touth It a guest, who on hla wny
Too Boon wilt go.
Onco gone wo call to deafened ears,
All prayers nro vain! - ,
For tears of blood, ho will not come
Back onco again.
(, 1911, b Aitoclated Literary i'tets.)
Lcsllo was very glad to bo homo.
Bhe left tho elevator with a buoyant
tatep, opened tho door -to tho studio
feulto, and breathed a bIrIi of supremo
happiness. Homo was homo after all.
j It was a warm Indian summer
tight Sho decided not to light the
gas. Tho view ot tho city was too
enthralling nt that lato hour to spoil.
Bho threw her cloak and hat on the
hall settle, nnd went on into tho re
ception room.
Yes, It was Just ns sho had left it,
two months before. Tho Janitor's wife
had been up and cleaned for her, and
left tho windows open, sho noticed.
Tho couch wub not In its usual place.
Sho turned nround and nearly fell
over a chulr placed at n now angle,
laughed, and dropped down on tho
"Just for a mluuto's rest." she told
herself, uftor the long day of travel,
and oven with thnt thought weighing
on her, she fell asleep, cxhuustcd but
Tho closing of tho outer door was
.what wakened her. Sho heard it far
Staff in her dreams, and wakened listen'
ig Steps sounded through tho hall,
ulet, rather slow, but steps. As she
propped herself on ono elbow, and
ooked cautiously out boyond the
anglngs at tho arch, sho saw the
gure of a man outlined distinctly
against tho half light Ho was tall
rod young, sho could tell thnt much
even as she stood with averted face
before tho dining-room door. Ho en
tered tho inner room, after a pause,
and she caught tho scratch of a match.
It was a daring burglar. More, ho was
whistling Boftly under hla breath as
ho moved about
t Lcsllo roso determinedly. Packed
jundcr tho sideboard was a full tea
fot of sliver, and various precious
amily odds and ends that sho hnd
Xaken from the family homo In Ver
mont to brighten her city abode. They
should not fall Into tho snek of uny
Raffles if she could save them.
' "What are you doing horo?"
Ho turned at her voice It was a
jtrlflo shaky, but determined. Her
jwavy blond hair wns rumpled, her
cheeks Hushed from her short Bleep
and her blue eyes very wide and Btart
llngly bright. Sho was figuring tho
distance to tho telcphono in tho hall
even while she watched him.
Yet bis answer wns an old one, and
most touching In his simplicity.
"I'm hungry," ho said, gently.
, "Oh, you poor fellow," sho ex
claimed before sho thought. "Can't
you find any employment at all? Do
you have to follow this life? You
don't look that kind."
"It's bully of you to say so," he re
turned warmly, hands in pockets,
leaning across the tablo toward her,
with oyes full of frankest admiration.
"I'm awfully hungry, don't you know."
"And there Isn't a thing to cat In
the Icebox. I've been away for two
, "I know It."
I "And you thought I wbb still ab
Bent," Bho dashed back. "Please don't
think I'm nervous. I'm not a hit, but
won't you tako your hands out of
your pockets? I keep thinking you
are going to leap at me and brnBs
knuckle me."
By Jove, I'm sorry." His hands
came from his pockets instantly
"Honestly, 1 haven't anything desper
ate on mo."
"Haven't you? Bccbubo you didn't
(expect' to 'meet anyone, I suppose
'Can't wo compromise? Truly, I'm
Bhlverlng tucks. I never even saw a
burglar before. Couldn't you tnko
Iwhat cash I havo on hand It's about
twenty dollars, I think and call it
toff? That woukl get you something
to eat, and grubstake you to the town,
ao to speak "
Tho two faced each other, tho broad
kilning table between. Ho looked
straight into her eyes until the gaze
wavered and drooped.
' "You're tho pluckiest girl I over
feaw," he said, fervently. "1 didn't tell
jyou at first because it wob such a rip
ping Joke, you know, but you're in tho
(wrong apartment."
"I am?" gasped Leslie. "Why, no,
I'm not. I'vo been asleep on the couch
in there "
"It Is my couch," he murmured hap
pily. "I'm glad you slept ou it, Gold
Then spread tho board of Life, with wlno
'And rnscs drest,
Drink deep nnd long, great Joy and Lovo
Whllo Youth Is gucRt!
enhair. Did you nlso drink from my
bowl, and eat from my table, and sit
In the little bear's chair?"
"Isn't this number twelve?"
"It 1b number twenty-two, directly
above number twelve."
"But tbo pass key fitted tho lock"
"They usually do fit all locks.
Please don't bo disturbed. I'm awful
ly glnd you came in. If you bad
opened tho icebox you would have
found something to cat, honestly. I
packed away a couplo of lobsters
ngnlnst this fatnl hour of eleven my
self, and there's salad stuff to fix It
up, or wo can broil them. I only
enmo In ahead of the crowd to start
things going. Wo'vo nil been spend
ing tho evening nt friends' on tho
square, and now we're going to havo a
dialing dish feast. Won't you stay,
Goldenhair? Thero nro some bully
sisters and cousins nnd nuntB in tho
crowd, and wo won't blto you.
"You'ro tho boy who builds things."
She felt bewildered, but vaguely re
called hearing that young Pomcroy
Sownrd was her distinguished neigh
bor, Soward who at twenty-eight had
won more awards and architectural
prize contracts than any other man
of his ago In New York. And sho bad
entorcd hla studio, slept on his couch,
and been on tho point of arresting
him as n burglar, or rather 'phoning
for tho polico to do it She felt panic
stricken, and looked around help
lessly. "You can't Jump through tho win
dow, Goldenhair," ho reminded her
gently. "We're five stories up. Dot
tor slay."
"I'm so sorry, and ashamed of my
Btupldity," she began.
"Please don't Ho lenned over nnd
took her hands. "I'vo been wnntlng
to know you for months, and this Is
a gift rrom heaven. I'm so glad your
key fitted."
A ring camo from tho front door.
Ho opened tho dining room window.
"How about tho flro escape? Then
I can tactfully suggest calling on you
In a fow moments, nnd Inviting you
up to the lobsterfest? I'll help you
Out of tho window sho climbed,
laughing, flushing, nnd trembling too,
hut ho went first down tho steps, and
led her to her own window.
"I'm arrald it's fastened," Bho whis
pered. "No, it's not. The window elennors
were hero today. In you go." Ho hes
itated a moment, and pressed tho
hand sho held.
"Good night. Goldenhair. I'll bo
down tho other way In five minutes.
Wasn't I a good bear?"
"You must havo been," she laughed,
"for I am coming back again."
Explanation for (Spontaneous Wound.
Dr. Y. Tannka describes a form of
wound which occurs spontaneously
nnd Is frequently seen In Japan, tho
so-called Kamnltachl disease. The
wound suddenly occurs apparently
without rhymo or reason, as It were
nnd Is exactly Identical in appearance
with a tear of tho soft parts; In shape
It Is somewhat crescentlc. Usually It
appears In ono of tho lower limbs,
boniotlmo"? on tho face. The Injury
inatcrnllzes during thunder storms In
explanation tho author points out,
through a nolo In the British Medical
Journal, that, as Is known by meteor
ologists, during thunder storms a tem
porary vacuum may occur In places as
a result of stray nlr currents; ami If
a part of tho body comes Into such a
ppneo n tear niny resut from tho In
ternal prcssuro unmodified by tho no
tion of external prossuro. "Tho ensea
usually occur In outlying mountain dis
tricts, rich In trees and streams; and
It is In Just such districts that In a
thunder storm atmospheric conditions
cnu most roadly produce a vacuum of
the kind described."
Perils of tho Theater.
"What do you think about this 'ere
Monnn Lisa beln' stolen?"
"Ah I These hactresscs be alius
gettln' into trouble." M. A." P.
The Offender.
"Do cigarettes annoy you,
"Not at all. It's the fellows who
smoke them that I can't stand tor,"
Jet Hair Ornament
im-AO. a0HaHaaH
P, v3fl7fV ;JriMaMPaH
y-TCWJ' r JbKAJIB V '&aaaaS0K.aaaV: JJMbMMMHI
LJiKJr X "uJBBBflflflflflflfli. WbTTjbbt ,X.1atE6r7..JBL.
& jaBa fF , '""IMKlalijaBaK I
&ajBBau .,,,, 4jgl2" JI31s1Bb
t K .aaaW Mi- JSbbbbbVbT N
( ) tm w Sf i
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jf 'fjMr tBaSaaanMBaBaaVT' BMIaBal ' v
JVPr 1 JV m m mm' M
' ,''-''J)'' 5" f Tbbbb' aV I ' '?"' aaaa'-- 'aaarCii a 'o
Photograph by Underwood & Underwood,
JET Is the vogue this fall on gown trimmings and hats, and for the hair.
To a blonde there Is nothing moro in contrast, or more becoming, than
a brilliant Jet hair ornament. It Is tho crowning success of any costume.
Will Save Much Time and Trouble.
and Garments Wilt Be In Order
When Required.
Thero is nothing on earth like sys
tem, and nowhere do you realize this
moro than in matters of dress. Tho
tiny holo In your stocking that you
might have mended in two minutes
grows into an undnrnablo "run," tho
rip under the arm In your new blouse
extends alarmingly; nothing that must
bo mended stays "where it Is put."
Tho remedy for all this is a regulnr
mending day or a regular mending
evening If you nro a business woman
As soon ns a garment needs mending
if It be only a button or a hook that
must bo replaced, put it aside unless
It Ii bo necessary that you must at
tend to tho trouble at once, and when
mending day rolls around do tho re
quired sewing. You will bo surprised
to find how much lighter your work
becomes when you can thus catch
rents nnd tears at their start Instead
of nt their disastrous finish. Tho oth
er point to remember is to nlways
havo your sowing Implements where
you can get them nnd In perfect order.
Do not wait until tho very moment
for mending to find that you nro out
of white thread or that your needles
aro rusty. When a .thing needs re
pairing, repair It; when It needs re
placing, replace It. It might even bo
well to havo n "preparation" day to
antedate tho mending one.
Light gray scrgo is used for the
costume wo show here. The skirt has
an added piece nt lowor part of sides
and back, which is piped at top with
silk of a llttlo darker shado; the but
tons aro covered with tho same silk.
Tho coat has an added nleco to match
Bklrt. Tho right front wraps over In
a point und is fixed with press studs;
tho cord ornaments being for trim
mlng only.
Grny Tagal hat, trimmed with cerise
Normandy Needle.
A special noodle, called n Normandy
needle, Is necessary for ono of tho
new klndB of hand work punch, It Is
called used on table linen or gowns
Tho needle, bolng largo, pushes the
threads to ono side, much tho samo
as In the Bermuda fagoting. The pat
tern, In this wuy. 1b worked out in n
series of holes Tho Greeks have long
donq vork
woven linen
of this sort on hand
which Is most beautiful.
Punch embroidery Is effective, too, on
marquisette, chiffon or voile.
N. Y.
Materials and Designs So Varied That
Choice Is Made Something of
a Difficulty.
A very Jaunty model for a young
girl is a coat of wool diagonal,
which comes in brown and white, nnd
grny and white mixtures, with plaid
cuffs and button-trimmed Bailor collar.
It Is piped with braid. Another prac
tical Junior coat is made of a novel
diagonal mixture, in tan, gray and
brown combination. It Is semi-fitted,
and has a largo round sailor collar.
The collar and cuffs are trimmed with
plnld cloth.
A good looking coat for misses or
small women Is mado of all wool navy
diagonal, with a largo round collar and
deop Cuffs, trimmed with bands of tan
or Copenhagen cheviot.
A woman's coat of heavy blanket
coating comes in a variety of colors.
It has a largo convertible round Bailor
collar which will button high at tho
neck, as well ns with turndown collar.
Tho collar nnd cuffa nre inlaid with
contrasting color broadcloth. An ex
tra bag to match goes with this
An attractive model is mado of a
good quality of gray and brown mix
ture. Tho largo round sailor collar and
turnback cuffs -aro Inlaid with good
quality velvet. A good looking cout
is mado of reversible cloth in combina
tions of grny and coronation purple,
or bluo and tan. It has the new sot
in sleeve. Tho cuffs are mado of re
verse of material, and tho detip shawl
collar and large patch pocketB are in
laid with reverse of material.
Novel Emery Bags.
That useful little article of the Bew
ing and embroidery bag which first ap
peared in the strawberry form can bo
bought at up-to-date counters in sev
eral other shapes, among them being
the thornberry, grape and chestnut.
By this it can bo seen that almost
any bag, no matter how elaborate the
basket, no matter how expensive, can
havo an emery bag to match it A
needle worked through this tiny object
will have many minutes ot vexatious
endeavor In drawing the needle
through the obstreperous silks and tho
thicker linens. Many bags have a com
plement of tho whole gamut.
New Ideas In Negligees.
Fashion's latest decree is to use two
thlokneses of messallne or thin silk,
white for tho outside and a delicate
color underneath. They nre separate
ly mado and aro only caught together
at tho hems.
Thoy arc oluslvo In their shadings
and are trimmed with flvo ruffles ot
five-inch footing, Tho neck Is polntod
In tho front and the back. The
sleeves aro rather looso and ruffled
from tho elbow to the shoulder with
tho footing From tho point at tho
back of tho neck thero Is a squnre
bow of tho silk edged with footing.
Leaf green under white makes an ex
quisite combination.
Silk Stockings.
First, buy them large, maybo a full
Biro, larger than you may wear in a
cotton or lisle stocking; next, darn
loosely tho heel and too and places
for garter catches all before wearing
the stockings. This prevents holes
from appearing In heel and toe and
tho knoe from having "runners."
Rinse out in cold water after each
wearing nnd the stocking will last two
or three times longer than when theso
precautions aro not taken. L. 8. W.,
In Harper'a Weekly.
Mad About It.
"Blnks Is Just crazy about being up-to-date."
"How does he show It?"
"He la trying to get his parrot a
wireless cngo."
It Is much castor for us to forgive
somo ono for being an enemy to our
friend, than for being a friend to
our enemy.
Many n mnn who 'claims to be as
hoticBt an tho day Is 'long wouldn't
want tho searchlight turned on his
night record.
r r J .L.VJ..
! MlaMl II 111 BfBll
AVegcrablePrepa'ralion for As
similating iheFoodarkJRegula
ling (ho S tomachs and Bowels or
Promotes Digcstion,CHeerful
ncssand "csfContains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narc otic
Rwpt troid DrSAMVEirrmsn
JKimililn StiJ '
Mxhtl,Slts -
toprrmi -a
i CoritnatfSntn
Hrm Sftd
Cfartini Suytf
Hinkrfitm fmvr
A perfect Remedy forConstipa
lion . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Fever ish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
The Centaur Company,
Guaranteed under the Food art
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Death Bed Jest.
Among what may be called death
bed Jests, thnt of the Rev. James
Outhrio of Stirling, ono of the Coven
anter martyrs, deserves n high place.
Lord Outhrles recalls the story In
"From a Northern Window." Mr.
Outhrles was executed nt the Cross
in the High street, Edinburgh. The
night before ho asked for cheese for
supper. His friends wondered, for the
physicians had forbidden him to eat
cheese. Hut he said, with a smile,
"I am now beyond tbo hazard of all
earthly diseases." Uncle nonius'
Wasted Blessings.
Aunty (just arrived) lllcss your
sweet heart!
Marie You needn't wasto any of
your blessings on him, aunty.
Aunty Him7 Who?
Marie My former sweetheart.
Wo'ro mad at each other now.
Tain and Swclline seldom indicate in
ternal orcanic trouble. They are usually
tho rcwilt of local cold or inflammation
which ran be nuickly removed by Hanilins
Wizard Oil.
A man has reached the age of dis
cretion when he is willing to admit
that other men may have opinions dif
ferent from his without being tools.
Bend XoitAtiip for flro minples of D17 Terr cbulc
Mt Gold KmtKMwtd and Nnw Tour
I'ost Card! bonutlful colors und loTcllett dMlgnt.
Art I'ukt Card Club, 731 Jackson bt., Topcka, Kaiuas
Peoplo who take the will for tho
deed never break into tho millionaire
Mm. Wtnnlow'n Soothlmr Hyrnp for Children
teetbluR, Hot tens the RuinH, reduceu Inflamma
tion, alloy pain, ouraa wind colic, 2&o u bottle.
A practical joko Is never what It's
cracked up to bo.
bW 3
scrofulous conditions, ulcers, "fever-sores," white iwelllngs, etc., by taking
Dr. Pieroe's Discovery. Just the refreshing and vitalizing tonic needed for
excessive tissue waste, in convalescence from fevers or for run-down, an-cmic,
thin-blooded people. Stick to this safe and sane remedy and refuse all "just
as good " kinds offered by the dealer who is looking for a larger profit. Noth
ing will do you half as much good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
B9WiT""ijaBKtbBaTaBT&aTaBBTBjBMiaBaTBaTBa &jvBBTa"a"a"Ba.
BfwiiBa''am.'m'Baa'g'Br"B?Bi BSjaj'tanSBiac'i'am, ,:'itwiiaiTmtWmt,(t-, iir?-BBBBBBM
KLtu&sykBSfeBltJTCyrafiEzSBBBBK "aS""ljHS?-3'4 A'lfefe RbbH
Don't put your money and labor Into a bunch of Kur or IIIiIch und tlun "Ioho out" In tha
Ulna. Tlml's iho Important part, an extra, 10 per cent (or inure' obtained thiiiuali pood alt.
mantitilp, menu increubed protUn to jou. You nlltled to lU hlcheit nricai und a sonant
deal, we will K to you both. We cliurgq
Menu tor price-um Him lipping iou.
1AWMLU. ioui mm rvuv iuuuu to uruvr
Could Hardly Hear
Senses of Taste and Smell Were Alto
Greatly Impaired.
"I was afflicted with catarrh," writ;
Eusene Forbe. Lebanon, Kansas., t"I
took several different medicines,, givins
each n fair trial, but grew worse until
I could hardly hear, taste nr smell. I
was about to give up in despair, but con
cluded to try Hood's Sarsiparilla. After
taking three bottles of this medicine I
was cured, and have not had any return
of the disease."
Hood's Sarvnparilla effects radical and
permanent cures of catarrh.
Get it today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Don't Persecute
Your Bowels
Cut out cathartics and purgatives. Tb'sy art
nruiai, narsn, unnecessary, irv
Purely vegetable. Act .
genuy on ttic liver,
eliminate one, ana .
membrane of thci
bowel. Curti
Slrk HhiI. '
icht aad Inllf ctlon, ai million know.
Genuine must bear Signature
Live Stock and Miscellaneous
In great variety for sale
at the lowest prices by ,
S21-531 W. Adams St., CHICAGO
Defiance Starch
1 6 ounces to the package other starches
only 12 ounces same price and
Faint ?
Mb til
ft $ in
A& Use
II ID J of this paper de jl
I II tiied in itt columns thoula intiO upon II
j I having what they aik (or, reiwicg all II
' II (ubflitute or imitation. II
1 hi jaj
Havo you weak heart, dizzy feelings, oppressed
brcatUnit after meals P Or do you experience pata
over the heart, shortness of breath on going up-stsirs
and the many distressing symptoms which indicate
poor circulation and bad blood? A heart tonic-',
blood and body-builder that has stood the test of
over 40 years of cures is
Dr. Pierce'sGolden Medical Discovery
The heart becomes regular as clock-work. The red
blood corpuscles are insreased in number and the
nerves in turn are well fed. The arteries are filled
with good rich blood. That is why nervous debility,
Irritability, fainting spells, disappear and are over
come by this alterative extract of medicinal roots
put up by Dr. Pierce without the use oi alcohol.
Ask your neighbor. Manv have been cured nf
NO COMMISSION nnd im.e nmmnt rrtiirViit
prompt returns.
iney nre tree. HORSES AND
iruia yuur vwn uidVB.
mrvr irttt a n t T7t
1012 Q St., LINCOLN, NEB.
,1 '
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