The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 16, 1911, Image 4

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In I
M4 Cloud
ftttred In the VoilnfllPS nliHetl riniKl.Nrii.,
m second CIumi M slier
0 B. HAtE
Tho campaign forthe primHry elect
Ion Is now begun. April will soon bo
here anil this reminds us thatitne peo
ple of Nebraska aro practically mnli
lag b business of politics. Wo nri
engaged In political battlcsslx months
twice a year and yet ,complaln of tlic
high cost of living. Afler a while we
will not be nble to find the time to do
tho chores nnd then ye will bo coin
polled to ash our eastern relatives and
friends to ship us in provisions just as
they did when wo were alllictecl with
the other kind of a drouth. These
elections tiro expensive and the cry of
the taxpayer can bo heard in eveiy
nick anil corner of the state. "Four
years and out" would make a popular
plank In any pnrty platform. 'I he
candidate for the legislature who
voices that sentiment anil election
every two years, other things being
equal, will receive Muttering endorse
ment. We are going election mad
and it Is high time a change is 'made.
We very much wish that the gentle
men whom we named a few weeks ago
will complete tho organization of a
county commercial club. Aside from
being a benefit to the county in general
this organization would do much to
unify the towns In tbo county. Then,
too, each town would gain because It
would learn how the other towns
were meeting the problems which are
coratnonto all. For instance, down at
Guide Rook, the merchants collective
ly purchase calanders and give them
out wit,h the compliments of the city
thus saving hundreds of dollars. How
this is done would be of interest and
Droflt toTthc others.
AtWoTgatilzatlon, and after a few
of the main projects will have been
disposed of, there would be many is
sues of, Interest present themselves for
solutio and the county club would
find that it would have plenty of op
portunity to serve the county. We
re pleased that the other papers of
the coafety have takes kindly to the
suggestion and .with dhr assistance
this claK cotta 'bajalrtf&tfe
fqree. In-order to get the matter
startedVo, suggest thatall the gentle
men named write toM. John's,' Marsh
of Guide Rock stating when they
would be ready to attend the first
meeting and appoint. Cowles as the
first meeting place,.
This city is confronted with the
same condition which existed when it
was first organised namely it will
have every ntTlce to All at the spring
election. Mayor, all the councilmcn,
treasurer, clerk and all the rest. Here
ia the opportunity which the business
men have so long desired. A time to
elect a full business board who will
give the city an administration that
will meet the approval of all. Many
of us do not realize the problems
which mut.t be constantly met and
many of us do not realize that city
officials must sacrifice considerable
time in looking ufter city affairs.
Let tho business men get together,
adopt a plan for the years work, and
Big Ben
the busy farmer's
Biff Ben is for the, farmer who
believes in the advice of old Bea
Franklin "Plow deep while slug
gards sleep."
' He's for the farms whose owsers
want big yields. , -
He's for the hard-to-get-up farm
hands. It's up to, him to get
them in the fields on, tjnie.
- He keeps watch time. He's
reliable and handsome. He's
sturdy, well set and long lived.
Be first in the fields every morn
ing. Get the farm hands out
bright and early. Depend on
Big Ben.
He'll more than earn his wages
the first month you employ him.
then maud Mpimoly ullh the nun
eleeted, We en II see no Willd lemon
why niiy Inisine'S man should hesltnto
to iiceupt n immlnatloin Mils jetir. II
i a duty to mtc a community which
setves joii by helping to enrry out u
enH-fnl economic' polley ns It is by pay
ing taxes. This Is the best opportunity
that could be piesotited of electing fa
full force nf nUlcials of one mind nnd
of one opinion! Let nil sti lf and dl4
coid disappear, lot by gones be by
goncs and let us all help tho Commer
cial Advertiser make Red Cloud a city
of ten thousand by 1920.
The new course of study as adopted
for our city high school Is without
question the bust ever offered to the
pupils of this nnd surrounding ills
tilcts. it meets the needs of our home
people much better than ever before.
It provides for the boy and girl who
expects to make a home in Webster
county and that menus fully seventy
live percent of our children.
training, commercial arithmetic, busi
ness English will be of more benetlt
to this community than nil the ora
tions of Cieiro, the odes of Horace or
the antics ol Caesar. We do not wish
to abolish cultural education but we
do rejoice because the practical has
been placed side by side, and of equal
importance, with the so eal led cultural
courses. The present crowded condi
tion of our school is due largely to the
fact that this practical course is pro
vided which has the effect of keeping
the boys and girls in school. The
population of this city Is practically
the same as it was tweuty years ago
and yet the enrollment in the schools
is much higher than ever before. The
attendance in the high school, leaving
out non-residents, is more than double
what it was in the nineties and we be
lieve the choice of courses offered has
much to do with this condition.
When the taxpayer discovers that a
graduate of the high school can cor
rectly add a column of figures the first
trials, can write a sensible letter or
keep a set of books, he will feci that
his money has not been spent in vain.
The Red Cloud school is one of the few
schools in the state which bas psreeiv
ed the need of the people and has met
it with a satisfactory course.
Do not fail to make preparations to
attend the Farmer's Institute this
year which will be held here Decem
ber 18, K, and 20. The Institute will
be even better than last year. Cattle,
sheep and goats have been added to
the hog, hbr ifU :pptrX"bow and
the instituttftvlll ba'h kaiigmer. Last
year the -Attendance was over five thou
sand and iliis year will undoubtedly
exceed that number by several thous
and!,. The Farmer's Institute is the
most important ogranizatlon lu the
country. We ate an agricultural peo
ple aud we depend upon the soil to
make our living aud our prosperity
depends upon the manner in which
we cultivate our tesouices. At the
Institute all learn to do thinirs in the
licit way. Each learns from the ex
perience of the other aud besides this
tho Instructors fiom tho state univer
sity are paid by the state to make ex
peitmenls aud we all receive the bene
tlt of their findings.
That much can yet be learned In re
gard to farming this great state is
easily understood when it is remem
bered that statistics show that, the av
erage yield per acre is less today 'than
it was in 187.1. The acerage is larger
now but the yield is smaller. This is
also true of Iowa ami Missouri yet no
one believes tlmt our soil Is poorer
now than It was then. Not only will
our culture of corn be discussed but
also that of wheat, oats and alfalfa
and all the cereals aud live stock. The
horse and cattle show alone will be
worth going miles to see. Remember
the date aud come prepared to get all
you can. Every thing free and many
valuable premiums will be given away.
Both tie barns nnd the new building
just being erected by Newhouse Bros
have been turned over to the muiiHg
eis of the Institute nnd there will be
plenty of toom These three latge
buildings will bo full of exhibits the
largest ever shown in the county.
Franklin Now His Electric
Franklin's municipal lighting plant
was put in operation for the first time
Saturday night, and is sure working
In fine shape. Hut very little trouble
has been experienced so far, and the
plant could support more tbau double
the service it is nowgiving. Fifty-one
street lamps aud over five hundred
interior lamps are now being used.
This should be a paying proposition
in u shoit time, and persous who have
been waiting to see whether the plant
would be a success before taking light
can do so now with peifect confidence.
I'ranklln County News.
Freellf It Falls
Your Msney lack If You are set Satis
fled xlth the Mrdlclne We Recommend
We are so positive that our remedy
will permanently relieve constipation,
no mutter howchionio It tuny be, that
wo olfcr to fm iilsli I lie medicine at our
expense should it fall to pioduce satis-
c-vsvnv'v -v
S ' T T f w i
m m m
.factory results.
It is worse than
useless to attempt
to cure constipation with cathartic
drugs. LavatTves or cathartics do
much harm. They cause areaction?
irritate, and weaken the bowels and
tend to make constipation more chron
ic. Besides, their use becomes a habit
that is dangerous.
Qonstipation is caused by a weakness
of the nerves and muscles of the large
intestine or decendiug colon. To ex
pect pcrmaneut relief you must there
fore tone up aud strengthen these or
gans and restore them to healthier ac
tivity. We want you to try Ile.all Orderlies
on our recommendation. They are ex
ceedingly pleasant to take, being eat
en like candy, and are ideal for child
ren, delicate persons and old folks, as
well as for the robust. They act dl
rectly on the nerve and muscles of the
bowel. Thev apparently have a neu
tral action on olber. organ b or glands.
They do not purge, cause excessive
looseness, nor create any incouvenience
whatever. They may be taken at any
time, day or night. They will positive
ly relieve chronic or habitual consti
pation, If not of surgical variety, and
the myralds of associate or dependent
chronic ailments, if taken with regular
ity for a reasonable length of time.
VI tablets 10 cts; UG tablets 25 cts; 80
tablets 00 cts. Sold in lind Cloud only
at our srore The Rexall Store. The
II. K. Grice Drug Co.
Real Estate TraMfers.
Transfers for the week ending Wed
nesday, November 15, 1911.
Fred Itlobarum to Lulu Bio-
baura, wdtonetf, !J4-:i 10, . . . 1000 00
L. K. Upence et at to Ulen H.
Phelps, wd to lots 14-15, Blk.
1. Snence & Benuetts add to
tiladen 002.50
Jacob G. Bottortt and wife to
W. H. Ruyle, wd pt ntf of
nwi, 17-4-12 5000.00
Aldro B. Turner to E. R. Slaw
' son', Wd to lots 4-518, Garber's .
add to Red Cloud and lot 10
of annex to Red Cloud 3000.00
J. M. Burgessand wife to Sher
man Wovman, wo to se,i, et
swj, senwi, '20-2-12 14000,00
F. A. Hood aud wife to M. R.
Adamsou, wd to lot 5, Blk.
10, Cowles, 40000
N. V. Anderson and wife to F.
A. Omul, wd to lots 5. 0. 7.
Blk 10. Cowles 1500.00
Wlllam P. Kenady to Earl R.
atnnrcnn. vi til lnt 7. 111k. .1.
Yelsers add to Red Cloud,. .. 23.00
Jacob Qoll and wife to Albert
Kort, wd to lot 7, Illk. H,
Robror's add to Blue Hill, 2.r)00.00
Charles M. Smith and wife to
' .1. I. Howard, wd to s$ life. ,..
32, Red Cloud, &000.00
Lyra 0 (larber and W. S. Gar
br to Joseph Tophsm, qcd
to lots 10-11-13, Rlk. 1, Oar
ber's add to Red Cloud 1.00
Mortgages filed, ?2!P05.W
Mortgages released, 81787 50
L2acr 2800
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in Suits and
We now have a most complete and attractive line of
Womens Suits and Coats.
The best in line, in quality of fabric in style and in workmanship that
eastern factories can manufacture. Smartness, modishness character
ize every line! We carefully examined the Suits and Coats of the
most reputable Eastern women's tailors before buying; we compared
lines, fabrics, workmanship, lining in short every detail of the gar
ment, before buying! Needless to say, you're assured the best that
money can buy!
Made of Serges, Cheviots, and Mixtures, in the most practical of
fall colors. Some are plainly tailored; others show dressy little touch
es of braids and trimmings.
Ideal Suits and Coats in weight, color and style for Fall and Win
ter wear. Qtrer departments are equally able to supply your wants.
i Miner Brothers Company
"A Mighty Safe Place to Trade"
jO i . i ( y .
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umciai voie ror
Forjudges Miprenie Cotut
. Francis U. H amer,-rep
Charles B. Lettou, rep
Wm. B. Roso, rep
James R. Dean, dem. p. i
Willis D. Oldbam, dem. p i
William L: Stark, dem. p. i
James R. Burleigh, boo
James Campbell, soc. ....,
Henry C.,Bittenbender, pro
Oeorge I. Wright, pro
For Regents University of Nebraska
Frank L. Haller, rep
Victor Q. Lyford. rep.. . ........ .t
Charles T. Knapp, dem. pvi.. ......
J. E. Miller, dem. p. i
Elbert I. Morrow, soc '
Geo. Clark Porter, soc
Geo. C: Fitch, pro , . .
T. Bi Fraser, pro
For Railway Commissioner
Thomas L. Hall, rep '.
Clarence E. Harman. dem. p. i. . . .
Emry D. Moody, sou ;
L. O. Jones, nro ' -
District Judire Tenth Judical District
Elmer U. Overman, rep. . . .
Harry H; Dungan, dem. p. I
C. J. Lindall, soc
For County Judge
A. A. Cressmnn. rep
A. D. Ranney, dem
I. W. Edsou, p. i
Win. J. Lippencott, soc
For County Sheriff
O. D. Hodge, rep
James McBride, dem. p. i . .
L. O. Chapman, soc
For Coroner
Ed Amack, rep. pro
Peter Merten, dem ........
Geo. Fentress, soc
For'County Treasurer
' R. W. Koonta;orep.'.-
Oscar A. ArnoldVueu. p- I v
' .Henry Rath jen, boc. ...,,.,.. .
For'County Clerk ' '
B. W.Ross,' rep.'.. ...... '...."..
. William K. uaueyaetu. p. !....;.
Geo. S. Perry, tmw
For County Surveyor -
Geo. H. Overing, ten
For County Superintendent!'
Stella Docker, vep. ..-.'
Gertrnde Coon, dem. IP- i
May me Waskom, soc.
For Clerk District Court
Charles E. Reigle, rep. . .V.
Edith L. McKeighan, dem. p. I, . . .
Martin Danelson, soc
County Commissioner First District
T. J. Chaplin, rep
A. H. Bright, dem. n i
County Commissioner Fourth District
Panl Storey, rep
Geo, E.Coon, Dem. .p. I
Jos. Herbnrger, soc
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