The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 16, 1911, Image 3

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a :oll!j iMflULall
wtwMwMmMi W-lW)MBiMiV
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IX' 1
Watch For It
Jack London's
of Millions and a
ft s masterful writer who
SBWt aMBMBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnMr-ifl
ut UUVEiuuiCi j-ui 111115 j-rjriitii la u uuuabiu iaaiiiuuu
out of the frozen North; how he comes out of the Klondike with
wealth won from the obdurate earth, is vanquished and stripped
of his millions in Wall Street, regains them, and returning to
the West from whence he came, is conquered anew by love,
then to renounce his riches, is told in the powerful style
of this author who has achieved world-wide popularity.
this intensely interesting story will bo found
in those columns n a short time, followed
up by a weekly supply aa our space permits.
Brilliant Story
Maid .Writf ?.
the best work yet produced bv
has roughed it in many fields
What It polno on Here and There
That la of Intereit to the Road
era Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
I'OxinKton. M. E. Deloliunty, n
fnrtucr HvIiir two and u half liiiloa
southwest of town, wua nccUU'iitully
killed whon on IiIh way homo Irom
town, whero lio had jiiBt roiio to cast
his vote. Ho had opuiH'il tho i;alo
and Jumped back Into tho wagon to
drlvo Into tho yard when tho team
bocamo frightened and Blurted to run.
Thoy rati Into a thicket and Uclo
htinty'B head hit a '.l;nb or the tree,
breaking liln neck and killing him In
stantly. Want an Injunction.
Clay Center. Suit was filed In the
district court or Clay county Tues
day by the minority stockholders
of tho St. Joseph & Grand Island
railway asking for an Injunction to
prevent tho Union Pacific, tho ma
jority stockholders, from putting In
heavier rails and other improve
ments on about 120 miles of track
ago of tho St. Joseph & Grand Island,
which tho minority stockholders
claim is to be based hi conjunction
with the Union Pacific.
Investigating Hotel Fire.
Nebraska City. Deputy Flro War
den Ed. WllllnniB, who has been here
Investigating the origin of tho flro at
tho Watson hotol, 1b still working on
tho case. Tho hotel was insured for
$18,000 and tho furnituro and furnish
ings for $3,:i00. Ho Is inclined to the
belief that tho hotel was sot on fire
nnd ho Is trying to ascertain who did
It nnd for what purpose.
Want It Made Appointive.
With a vlow to malting the position
of state superintendent of public in
struction nppointivo Instead of elec
tive nnd taking tho olllco out of poli
tic , a commlttoo of live members of
tho Nebraska state teachers' associa
tion In session at Omnhn, was appoint
ed to look Into tho subject and repoit
on what stops would bo advlsablo to
accomplish tho end.
Attempt Was Unsuccessful.
Superior. A young woman who reg
istered at a local hotol as Bon Loo,
nnd who is unknown hero, was found
in a haystack across tho river, where
sho had niado an unsuccessful at
tempt to commit suicide. Tho city
physician revived her and expresses
tho belief thot sho will live.
Big Land Deal.
Alliance. Ono of tho largest land
deals negotiated hero for somo tlmo
was tho salo or tho Hampton ranch
to Hall and Graham for $80,000. Tho
stock sold with It brought tho total
up to $120,000.
Govornor Aldrlch wont to Omaha to
epeak at a banqot to bo given In honor
or W. J. Crnbtroo.
Mrs. P. F. Barbor of Lincoln wob
choccn hend nurso for tho state tu
berculosis hospital at Kearney nt a
meeting or tho board of public lands
and buildings.
Tho first complaint under tho law
declaring irrigation companies to bo
common carriers has boon filed with
tho railway commission. Tho now
law glvcB tho commission control of
irrigation companies.
Dean Charles E. Bossoy of tho
stnto university will Introduco Presi
dent Tart to tho American associa
tion for tho advancement or science
at its annual meeting In Washington
during tho Christmas holidays. Dean
Bossoy Is president or tho associa
tion, havng been elected to that posi
tion, having beon elected to that poI
principal duty at tho .Washington
meeting will bo to prosldo at gonoral
sessIonB of tho association, in which
capacity ho will Introduco a number
or distinguished men.
Tho Bocrotarlcs of tho stato board
?f hoalth recently hold an examina
tion at tho state houso for applicants
Tor llconso to practlco medicine. Com
plaints havo boon mndo from timo'to
time during tho past fow years that
tho secretaries and the board or health
pormlt physicians to practlco without
a llconso and that no action has been
tnkon In somo or tho flngraut ciscb
nnd ror this reason tho rorco and of
foctlvonoBs or tho Btato medical law
is becoming less every day.
"Teach your young pooplo of tho
country to find good rood and a clean
bed when thoy como to tho city. By
going to cheap hotels thoy orton got
vermin nnd worso," said Dr. Georgo
E. Condra or tho University or Ne
braska to tho sclonco section or tho
teachers' convention at tho Young
Mon's Christian association at Omaha.
Ho donounced tho common drinking
cup nnd declared that Its users drink
slobbers. Ho dwelt especially upon
tho dangers open to tho young poo
plo or tho country In coming to tho
city uninformed, his subject bulng
"Rural Environment In' Nebraska.'
Enlrbury Is soon to have n now pa
senger station.
Tho state optical board 'will meet at
Hastings In February.
Tho Nebraska Teachers' association
Is In session at Omaha.
George l.lghtbody, an Implement
dealer at Harliue, 45 years old, com
mitted sulcldo by shooting.
Tho York public schools closed so
tho teachers could attend the state
teacheiB' meeting In Omaha.
Several branches or tho Nebraska
Slate Grange havo been organized In
the western pnrt or the slate.
An nuto turned turtle near Beaver
City Sunday, pinning E. J. Ijunli be
neath It and seriously injuring hlin.
It. A. of Kansas City lias made
a gift of 1,57fl to Coiner university
on condition that the university raise
I.V.'S more.
The Christian church at Beatrice
recently celebrated the payment or a
?:tO,0U(l pledge by making a bonfire of
tho notes.
lOlnborate preparations are being
made for the dedication or tho new
Catholic chinch ut Alliance on No
vember lf.
Frank I. Heed, editor of tho Shot
ton Clipper, died Sunday from an at
tack or peritonitis after a sickness
covering a week.
Frontier county farmois havo put In
a very large acreage or winter wheat
this fall which looks very line because
the soil Is moist.
Mr. and .Mrs. Jacob Good of Nema
ha county, celebrated their widen
wedding anniversary a few days ago.
Thoy camo to Nebraska In lSno.
Tho Nebraska woman suffrage as
sociation will hold its thirty-first an
nual convention nt All Souls church,
Lincoln, on Novomber 21 and 22.
Tho largo 2,300 pound bell In the now
Catholic church at David City, was
installed and received tho blessing of
the bishop In appropriate services on
Samuel Pence, one of tho plouccis ot
Seward county, passed away at his
homo In Seward Thursday in his sixty-ninth
yenr, after an Illness lasting
several months.
H. J. Leo of Fremont had a nnrrow
escape when, nftcr a gasolluo tank In
his garago had exploded, ho was acci
dentally locked In with the blaze. Ills
Injuries uro serious.
B. O. Helms, teacher of physics In
tho high school at Weeping Water,
was severely burned about tho hands
and body by tho explosion of an alco
hol lamp In tho school laboratory.
Annlo Pllsek. tho 4-year-old child of
Stazlo Pllsek, while nlono In tho houso
on a farm near Bralncrd, In some man
ner sot flro to her clothing and was
seriously burned. Sho died as a re
sult. '
Tho Incrcaso In hog cholera In tho
south nnd southeast portions of Ne
maha county Is causing nlarm. Tho
dlseaso Is said to bo spreading rapidly
and numerous heavy losses havo oc
curred. When a mnn nt Broken Bow pulled
n handkerchief from his pocket a re
volver In tho same pocket was caught
In It nnd It dropped to tho pnvlng, ex
plodlug and killing Mrs. Mngglo
Tho Odd Fellows' homo, recently
dedicated In York, Is now opon for
the reception of Inmatca who desiro
to make It tholr homo. Thcro nro
about twenty applications on fllo for
Mrs. Francis Pfclfor celebrated her
89th birth anniversary with a family
reunion nt Nobraska City. All of her
children, grandchildren nnd great
grandchildren were at tho homo and
wcro entertained and feasted during
tho day,
Becauso of tho recent cold spell
come of tho owners nnd others that
purchased fruit on tho trees In vari
ous parts of tho stato, havo lost heav
ily, as all of tho apples In many or
chards which thoy purchased, nnd
others ownod, wcro frozen..
Bishops of tho Methodist Episcopal
church who havo just closed a confer
ence In Oklahoma City, voted to ac
cept an Invitation to hold their spring
meeting in Lincoln, April 19, 1912. All
of tho Methodist bishops of tho world
are expected to bo present.
A detective has boon at Nebraska
City for several weeks' looking nrtor
law violators and moro especially vio
lators of the Sunday law, regarding
saloons and other things. Tho ovi
donco he has collocted has beon placed
In tho hands of tho county attorney
and It is exocted arrests will follow
Mrs. Grlffeth Cooloy was seriously
burned in an explosion of stovo polish
which she used by mistake on a warm
stovo Sunday at Lincoln.
Whllo putting up n stovoplpo In tho
Catholic church at Bancroft, Samuel
LBoln fell from a scaffold 20 feot high
receiving Injuries that will lay him
up ror somo tlmo.
Postmaster Jamos Beaver of Scrlb
nor was probably fatally hurt In tho
streets of that placo when run down
by an automobile driven by August
Kurtz, n photogrnpher of Wont Point.
Tho Good Bonds minstrels or Ne
braska City will go to Plattsmouth
Novomber 15 to glvo a performance
and tho money will bo dovotcd to the
causo or good roads.
Frank Nowby, a rarmer north of
Tobias, shot a largo American eagle
Tuesday which measured nlno feet
two Inches from tho tip or ono wins
to tho tip of tho other.
Pror, J. O. Lyno, rormer suporln
tondont or tho Mlnden schools, ha;
been chosen to tako Superintendent
Martin's place at St. Paul, Mr. Martin
having resigned to tako a similar po
sition at Brokon Bow.
Snaky Scktol Lessee for Nor. 19, 111
Specially Arranged (or This Paper
I.KHBON TKXT-ttxri. 8:1&-IC.
MKMOllY VRHH1C8-21, 23.
UOLDKN TKXT-"Tho linml of out
Clod Is upon nil thorn for stood that Reek
hlm."-i:zrn 8:22.
TIMK-ll. c. 46S, the sevonth year oi
Kira leave Babylon with his company
on tlin 1st day of tho 1st month, March:
and renclirs Jerusalem on tho 1st day ol
tho Mli month, July.
Tlir convocation wrts on tho 20th day of
tho 8th month (In Nov.-Uec).
Ills rnformM wrro nirulo during tho win
tor, Dee. 43S, to March. 457.
Tho nenrly Blxty years between the
clxth and seventh chapters ot Ezra, of
which thcro Is nlmoBt no direct rec
ord, could scarcely bo cnllcd 'the
blank annals of well-being." Without
tueso happy periods of dullness our
lives would bo hell, nnd our hearts
rtcrnnlly bubbling nnd boiling in a
hugo pot made hot with thorns. But
theso wero years of glow progress, of
dullness, nnd neglect, llko a garden
wherein tho heavenly plants, whllo
still growing, wcro overrun with
Weeds, nnd tho vlneB nnd ollvo trees,
untrlmmed niid neglected, boro but
Bmnll nnd scanty fruit.
Tho tcmplo had been built, but tho
opposition had been bo great that
tho walls had not been restored nnd
tho rubbish still aroao In long-stretching
mounds. Tho visions of glory had
faded. They had expected a vnst In
flux ot their brethren, from Babylon
nud other lands, but had been to a
great extent disappointed.
Ezrn, no doubt knowing the condi
tion ot things In Jorusnlcm, had not
only prepared his heart to seek tho
law ot tho Lord, nnd to do it, but he
planned to go up to Jerusalem and
teach in Israel statutes and Judgments.
Moved by religious zeal, and also. It
would Bccm, with tho statosmanllko
view of making Jerusalem onco moro
tho real spiritual metropolis of Ju
daism, Ezra conceived tho Idea of in
fusing now llfo nnd now ideals into
tho Judcan community by leading a
fresh band of zealously religious ex
iles back to Judca on a mission of re
form. They enmo to Jerusalem, after a
Journey of four months, arriving thero
tho first dny of the fifth month, or
about tho mlddlo of July. Tho dis
tance in a direct lino was about COO
miles, but tho road followed by Ezra's
caravan mndo a long detour to avoid
tho desert and could hardly havo been
loss than 900- miles.
Ezra brought $2,000,000 for tho re
pair of tho tcmplo, nnd for all that
was necessary to put tho outward
forms of worship In perfect condi
tion. Ho infused tho community with
his own dovoted and consecrated spir
itual llfo and fervor. Ho brought with
him tho Book of tho Law and tho
Prophets, with Its strict morality, and
mado it known to tho people In con
traBt with this holy law the conduct
of tho people in adopting "tho 'abom
inations" of tho heathen appeared in
all its glaring wickedness.
Then Ezra entered upon his great
refdrm. Somo of tho leaders pointed
out to Ezra that tho people, oven tho
princes and rulers, wcro intermarry
ing -with tho Idolaters, and thero was
danger thnt the religion of Israel
would bo destroyed, that all the sins
which caused tho exllo would bo re
pented, and all that tho exllo had done
as a dlsclpllno would bo lost.
Ezra first by himself was astound
ed and stunned by tho report, and
showed all tho signs of deepest sor
row and humiliation. Then thero was
a meeting together with hllh of "ovcry
une that trembled at tho words of the
God of Israel, becauso of tho trans
gression of thoso that had been car
ried away." They Bat in bitter aston
ishment till tho time of evening
prayer. Then thoy bowed themselves
before the Lord, and wept and prayed
and confessed and entreated.
Then followed a public meeting, a
great congregation of men and women
and children. Thero came tho great
moral reform. Thero was a proclama
tion throughout all Judah and Jeru
salem, that all should gather them
selves unto Jerusalem, upon pain of
having their property confiscated and
themselves cxcomunlcatcd from the
brotherhood of Israel. In a great rain
they confessed, repented and re
formed. Those who aro bribing and taking
bribes trying to get rich by graft
and dishonesty, forging, cheating4
banks, committing all kinds of crlmo,
although tho sinners are rich, nnd of
ficeholders are now working In jails
separated from tholr wives and chil
dren, and aro learning honest trades.
It Is sad, indeed, but thcro is no
other way of saving tho nation.
The suffering Involved by Ezra's
course was not necessarily so great
as it would seem, not so great as im
prisonment or u family man causes to
day. Tho man could still support the
discarded wlfo and children, and do
all possible for hor comfort. But he
nuBt not join In her Idolatry, or be
subject to a bad family atmosphere.
Tho suffering caused by this course
was tho fruit, not of Ezra's work, but
of tho wrong doing. Tho physician Is
not to blanio for the bitterness of his
modlclno nor tho surgeon for ampu
tating tho limb. Ahab laid all his Buf
ferings to Elijah, saying: "Art thou
he that troubleth Israel?" And ho
answered, "I havo not troubled Israel;
but thou, and thy father's house, In
that vo havo forsaken the command-
fnents of tho Lord."
This courso is not narrow, It It
simply wise statesmanship for the
preservation of our country. There
are things that must b shut out.
How to get a
Mother's Oats
Fireless Cooker
This advertisement is
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cut it out and you have
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Mother's Oats you will
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the cooker free in a
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tisement will be accepted
from each customer as,
10 coupons.
Cooks meat, vegetables,
etc., perfectly and with
a delicious flavor. Re
quires no attention what
ever while meal is
cooking. If you are go
ing out, place the entire
dinner in the cooker and
it will be ready to serve
when you get home.
Buy a package of
Mother's Oats today and
send a postal for com
plete premium book.
Mother's Oats"
Tho Farmer's Son's
Groat Opportunity
Wlirwultfor tlin old (inn In htuimil
yourlnlicrliunco? Ucylnnuwto
procure for your
.pruBifcnijrunu n
I nrinnoH.
tiffin. A nrnitl mn,i.
tunltr awulu ynu In
ur una, wnera you
fflfl tMi . Vfaal I am 4V
(trid or bur land at tea-
.vutmwiu i(ivc
not yomr from now,
when land will bu nigh-
Tlin itrtiflLH .nruriwt
tha nbnudant rrnna of
Ut. and Ilurlav.
vrull Aa cattle rml.lnu. &
cantjna a itrudr advance In
rrlu. Dorr rnmrnt returna bow
hat tho iiuinlivr Of aattlers
In Weatarn Cund from
V, H. wim OO per cent
vrn OO per cent
larger In iuio
1U1U uuui
ttiaa tne
Many .firmer have. pld
i Tmr.
for their lutul nut nf ilia
proceed of one crop.
free Ilumeatomla of 160
nrrea Bud pre-emption of
1(10 arrca lit 3.u6nnucre.
Vino rllruate, Knpd school,
excellent, railway facilities,
low freight rates; wood, wa
ter and lumber eaillr ob
I' or pampnlot Tout Itost Wert,
particular us to suitable location
nnd low nittlcrs' rate, applr to
Hupt of Immigration, Ottawa,
Can., or to Canadian UoTt Aft-ant.
RoAMIntllf. Oath,!.
Pleat writ to tbc a Rent n-arot yu
Nebraska Directory
Keister's Ladles Tailoring College Sru.
lal oOer and booklet. IMS O BT LINCOLN, NK&
Room from 1 1. 00 up Mlntrlf, 70 cent Yip double.
I limit my practice to Heart and Circulatory
ailment. Thirty yean experience ought to
mean much touch patient. Experimenting
and neglect it costly and bad. Write
J. 3. LE0NHA1DT. H. D.. Heart SpecUH
1726 N Street llacolm. NeWiika
My way of doing; business la
Rlrlnir full Talue and prompt
returna. 1 do not charge a com
mission for bundling your f ura
and will bold separate on re
quest. Write for my price IlaU
C. IA7.
ftnrrMuni to Vmralhart Hid Jt Fur Va.
Auctioneer are not all
allkt). Homo are much bet
ter lliati atliorn. Tlio brttet
tlio unclloiifliT tlio target
your check. The beat selling
serrko coils 71m n mors
tlmn tho poorest. There's'ourllyanrt itlfsc
llon In dolnu business with
s.J Rsl lUlatt IsrtlosMr, IJ
Yrsrs, LUlOUf, Mil.
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho Saline Springs
Located on our own premises and used In tha
Natural Mineral Water
Uniuroaissd In the treatment o.
Heart. Stomach. Kidney and Liver Diseases
,.n. .?. O. W. KVKRKTT. Mar.
I40S M Street Lincoln. Neb.
I Bjfew
I lilllB IV - 1
aaw-JlstiaH front
IBaflaVaVs Wbc
'f sUbbbBR
is 1
4 1 ,i
' jV'JI
. ti As'lvM -i '&&$l?ft1