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VOLUME XXXV 1111. THE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. 'CAPITAL $25,000 ttujkhlnftatNUht Menus loss of sleep which i bud for 4!Veryouc. ' Foley's Honey uud Tar Compound htops the ooujth t once, re lieves the tickling and dryness in the throat and heals the inilunied mem-brami-. PreveuU u cold developing into bronchitis or pneumonia. Keep always in the house. Uefu.sc sulmtl. tutes. For snlo at Hfcnry Cook's drug stoi e. The iluobt Hue aud best assortment The Diamond Electric Vaeum clean of Harness tver cariied before. Call r deinoustruted In ,our home freo. and look it over. Moitiuin Dnos. Call fHiono lied 07. OVERCOATS 99.50 TO $25.00 f Any where between these prices you will find juit the Coat you are looking for. JIn the new shades Tans. Grays. Browns. With the new collars either "dose up" or "low down" you will find comfort either for cool or cold weather. Let us show them to - you Now, - This store is the home of Hart Schtifner & Marx clothes - Read The Chief for all the news. Kkache. Hcateclie. NervwisMSS And rheUiuHtlbm, both in men aud women, mean kidney trouble. Do not allow it to progress beyond the reach of modiciue but stop it promptly with Foley Kidney 1'IUh, They regulate the action of the urinary organs. Tonic in action, quick in results, For sale at Dr. Cook's drug store. A IScNhpapc.r That Gives The News Fifty-two Kecks Each Year For $l.r0. UED CLOUD, N BKBASKA, Ts'OVKMHHH Mu 1911. GUll)l: ROCK. J. K. Fiey one of the directors of the (iiiide itock stale bank is very ill. Win. Sawyei is doing some house moving at Noitli lit tiiu-li, Kansas. Mis. 13. 13. Burr and Mrs. Uob't. (iaiiison were In Ued Cloud Tuesday Mrs. 13. S. Schobnurg of Holdrege is Iilmh visiting with her husbuul's tela tlves. Mrs. Frank Marsh and children of IMootnlicId are guests of .1. 8. Marsh aud family. Veiua Payuu of Kansas was over Wednesday visiting her grandpnrents J. S. (ileabon aud wife. A "Male Quartette" the second num ber on the lecture course wbs the at traction at the opera house Wednes day. .1 D. Andrews of Lincoln was in Uuide Honk on business soveml days this week aud visited his brothor-ln-law William Sawyer. Mr. Andrews is traveling salesman for the Kimball Mouumeutal Works of Lincoln. GARFIELD Cold weather aud still freezing. Mis. Ida Kent is on the siuk list this week. Shucking corn is the order of the day in (iai Held. ' ' Will l'isher hauled two loatlsofhogs to town last Friday Will l'isher was rather Indisposed the early part of the week sulfoiing f i om la grippe. There is seveial eases of small-pox in east Gat Hold ,aud considerable hog cholera on the west side. Smith Bios., sold their fat hogs Sat uiduy aud boughta nice bunch of stock hogs on Monday from Kansas. Julius Wouerniau sold his farm aud stock to Chas. Campbell and departed for the sunny south where be expects to locate in Texas, he was accompan ied by his brother Herman. They have resided la Webster oouuty for aboubtweuty-Uve years. i t COWLES Harry Waller was a passenger on the north bound ft eight Wednesday. Mrs. Elsie Bennett was lu Hastings Tuesday having some dentftl work done We understand Mrs. Ida Squltes is improving nicely at the Omaha hos pital. The people of the Christian church are putting lu a furnace in their churoh. Fuller & Bennett are putting down a well on their property in the east part of town. Quite a few of our industrious farm ers are through hu&king corn. The yeild is not as great as at first antici pated. Mrs. Paul Storey came up from Red Cloud on the passenger train Wednes day morning for short visit with relatives. The Itoyal Singers, the second num ber, of the Leoture Course, rendered a good and pleasing oolleottou of songs to a good sized audience Tuesday even ing. Meetings are being held at the Christian church evsry evening by Pastor Rose. He' is being assisted by a godU singer. You are cordially in vited to come. Telephone service was somewhat imparcd Saturday by the high winds. These 2x4 lines are ull right for still weather but if you want good service you will have to put in good poles. F. A. Good has started a new build ing east of the Hotel. We understand it is to be occupied by M, R. Adamson, who intends to run a Garage. Success to you Myrt In your now enterprise. Teachers' E.Wliuilwi Regular Touchers' Kxamlnntlon will bo held in Blue Hjll and Ued Cloud, Friday and Saturday, ;Nov, 17 and 18. Registration hours ft, to 10 a. m. and 1 to a p. ra. Mabel Day Albright, ' CountvSupt. I To the Voters and Tax , Payers of Webster County i Now that elect inn is over I take this method of branding as false the report ciictilatcd Ihiough tint itllVorcUl pro- I duets of tho county just a few dajs be tot o the last lMtuaiy for the pur pose oi defeating me. Said report was to the effect tiiat at the last sess ion of the legislature "l.ludsev voted ' to double the pay of the Senators aud lieprescntativcs mulling a big tax on the people and thus putting money In his own pocket." Twenty lire jours ago such a report would have been branded as a POLI TICAL LIIi3. While the English lang uage has not changed much yet I would dislike to speak in snob terms of these gentlemen perverters "whoso belittle themselves In spreading broad cast such untruths." The naked facts as they appear upon tho llouw Re cords are that from all the Represent atives fiom the entire statu only Tfc.N votes were oast against that Bill aud that Lludsey cast onk of them. Let just credit be given when due. The following list is a copy of the llecoul for und against the bill: von: iv nousr. o.v kcnah: ru.i:, no. 117, notr.SE iioi.i., l'.dl. Vka: Allen Anderson Aun'oss Bailey linker Dartels Hassctt lirecht 'fiulla " " "- Bu'rfse Clarke Clayton Coltou Dok.al Dort Dostal Eager Wastniau Eggenberger Ellis Evans Fries Fuller Gallagher Gait 'Uerdes Grossmanu Oruuber UuBtafson Harrington Uasik Uelliger Herzog Holmes Uoush John ' Johnson Jones' fcZD Kent Kirk Kotoue Lawrence Leldlgh Liver Mast Matrau Metzger ' " ' Meyer Mockett , ,i Moore Morlarty . , Murphy McArdle McCarthy MoKelvio Neir Nutztnau Prince Puis Quaokenbush Regan Rlba Roberts Sagl Shoemaker Sludelar Sink Stebblns Swau Taylor Waite Weehiicr Nay: FUley Hardin Hatfield ' Howard Llndscy MoKissick Norton Potts Sohueth Skeen Yea 72, Nay 10, Absent aud Excused 18. I hereby certify that the above is an exact copy of the vote in House on Senate File No. 147 as shown by the original records. Artuuii E. Howaiid. The position I took in the interest of the tax payers and especially the recorded vote upon the Telephone Merger till, The Bucket Shop bill, The Sunday Base Ball bill aud many other bills besides my personal work upon the different committees should be a credit to any manly citizen and should not belittle him in the eyes of any respectable citizen legardless of his creed or political achievements. In conclusion I desire to thank my friends who have been loyal to me und to announce atthlB time that I will be a candldato for re-election as Repre sentative of Webster County at the April Primary subject to the will of the Democratic and Peoples Independ ent Parties. Yourw for a Square Deal, O. W. Ll.NIISET. HrSalt 200 bu. of Potatoes at Ouc per bushel Inquire of Gus Pundt, route U. The New National Alarm BIG BEN The Best Alarm Clock ever made. Built and runs like a watch. More than a million already sold. J If you have not gotten yours, do so now. NEW STOCK JUST IN Newhoiise Bros. E- H. NEWHOUSE, Prop? Jeweler and Optometrist. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS . DKNTIBT tVEt Sf ATE BANK Red Cloid ' ' Nebraska For cousbinir. drvnesH ami Mnbiinrr in the throat, hoarseness and all coughs and colds, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Contains no opiates. For sale at Dr. Cook's drug store. When you SToy THINK MORHART : BROTHERS They hive the finest showing or stoves ever brought to Red Cloud. :r : HEATER AND RANGE At special Low Prices and extra High Quality. Vt9bbMbbbbVbF BBjSBEBPJVTCk? Always Glad To Shpw Goods. S&!.t! IS?5!5ffi5 " ' . i Z-wJ-Aii tt; TJMJJBR 4 C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector D. D. Sanderson, M. D. Physician, and Surgeon Office In Moou Ulock. Bell, Black 4; Iud., 193 Resldence,Royal Hotel. Bell, 47; Ind., 27 Calls Answered Day or Night iiko1 Cttvi, NRII. think of Vf, T OF ',' y'"t fl Just ts a sample we have 15 inch firebowl I Heaters 48 inch high for $7M ' 'it m nf it Wl I Ml I 8 l ' 'M m M M .$r m WM X'l WJ '"" '" iiM" N' T yr-'''' '"sy ' . i ' t .- , r.n 1in,-.ry.., -sV -k. A- ik, rt.x m i &&m'7&j& i'kS