j.MHWxitrawiwimxji MUxZAuT. MMMtwNWvtfiiWt ,K-m. -..:Miftf; ic. 77 '.;' s4 ,f fti. , -rA -, .ttmf. -t m t i,iwa.Y.wa,t(B,'iMn hixj i1 1 l Honest Labor and -High Grade Lumber is nil you need to build a homo Unit will defy time Itself. Look ut some of tlio old frame houses that have been standing right here tit home ever since long be fore you were born. TliatT. proof Isn't It? Taho it from us, when you go back on proven material like this you are surely .tempt iny misfortune. What is true of the lumber and workiiiriibliip in thepo old houses should be evon more likely in a house built to day with such Improved mill, work as wo have and the modern methods of hulltlitig used by our leading contractors. The first thing to rid your mind, of, how ever, is not how cheap but how good, and then let us talk It over with you and show you the lum ber, sash, doors tnid trim we furnish. ,. "There's Nt Place Like Heme' Saunders Bros. Lumber and Coal KKD CLOUD, : : : NEUIIASKA 9 I ft LOCALETTES Chas. Fort was in .Hastings Monday. Noble Ball was in Blue Hill yester day. A, T. Walker was in (Hastings Mon day. John Fuller of Fremont is in town today. C. D. Robinson was in Blue Hill Sat urday. Oeo. Warren returned from Hastings Friday. G. A. Black of Exeter spent Sunday in town. A. E. Atkins was In Guide Itock Monday. Mrs. 'Clara A lies spent Sunday in Hastings. Mrs. Lou Walters is seriously ill nt her home. John Tulleys of Lincoln was In town this week. John Tomilson was a Hastings visit" or Monday Nobel Hall returned from I.looming ton Friday. J. A. Saunders of Hardy was in town Weduesday. All kinds of Electrical work done by Morhart Hros Isaac Moore returned to his home nt Merna Tuesday. James O'Lear returned to his home at Kearney Saturday. Have your picture framed at Sloss Best selection in town. Miss Mabel liuckles has accepted a position with Miner Bros. Jack Osboru of Grand Island was in town Monday on business. Tbos. Beall and wife of Alliance are visiting. in town this week. , Warren Longton was hone from Hastings Tuesday to vote. H. A. Carlton left for bis home at Waterloo, la., Wednesday. Mrs. Ed Uillard and children of Naponee are in town this week. Close Emlgh arrived in town this morning for a visit with friends. Wm. Doyle of Lincoln was transact ing business in town Wednesday. W. H. Wiley returned to Hastings today after transacting business Mr. and Mrs. Gene Miller of Lincoln are visiting friends in town today. Fou Sale 15 and '20 gallon cider barrels. Inquire of Parks & Havel Morris dnrtnan returned from Host wick and is employed at Albright's. Mrs. J. E. Butler returned from a visltat Hastings nnd Cowlos Tuesday. Foot-ball Friday Bloomliigton and Bed Cloud. Game called at ,'Mo p m. Miss Edna l'ltzpatrlck of Denver Is visiting nt the homo of Mrs John Pol nicky. The Chief will print a tubulated statement of election returns next week. Matt Doyle returned Saturday from a three weeks stay In Smith Center, Kansas. Orris Fearn was down Jfrom Super, ior Sunday and Monday visiting his parents, Dr. Sanderson has moved his olllcc Into the rooms formerly occunled bv Dr. Cross. Sam Smith returned from au extend ed visit in Oregan and Washington Saturday. Rlloy Carpenter came homo from Campbell Tuesday to cast his 'vote nt the election. (luy Hradbrook was down from Franklin at Tuesday's election cast ing his vote. Mrs. Jim Dewitt or visited her mother Mrs. !. Ilojmgrain the llrst of the week. Goo. Bushee returned to Hastings Saturday after a weeks' hunting along the Republican. The Diamond Electric Vacutu clean er demonstrated in your home free. Call Phone Bed 07. - Thomas C. Newman of Germantown left for his home today after spending several days in town. Mrs. A. A. Barry and children return ed to their home at Shclton after a week's visit with friends. Att'y John C. Stevens is in town to day attending preliminary hearing in Justice Burden's Court. Sheridan and Henry I'harcs camo home from the University at Lincoln Tuesday to cast their votes. Mrs. Ed. McAlister who has been visiting her sister in Kansas the past week returned home last night. Don't forget the foot-ball game Fri day Nov. 10 at 3::io p. m. Hloomiugton High school and Bed Cloud High. Mrs. Cora Eldrego of Colorado is visiting her brother Allen Tulleys and friends here lu the city this week. A chicken pie supper will bo served at the M E. church Friday, Nov. loth, from f to 7 p. m. Everybody invited. Special attention given to diseases of eye and car. Glasses accurately lltteH. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nobr. Boost fortho Farmers I ustitute, and say merchants why not start up a farmers parade and offer a prize, think it over. Dr. Cross will be in his otllcu over the State Hunk everyday in the week, Having discontinued his visits to Rlverton. The Lewis Stock Co.. held forth here three nights the tirt of the week in the opera house. Thev put on three good shows and had excellent specialties between acts. The Republican Committee has on hand a large quanlty of unused print ed stationary which this office would be glad to sell for storage. Rev. Cole, the Baptist pastor will preach Sunday Morning on: "Contag ious Religion," in the evening: "The Benlflt of the Storm." All invited The Amboy Band will give a basket supper at the Amboy School house' for the purpose of recuperating their treasury. Friday evening, Nov. 10. Everybody Come. Wolfe & Whitaker, general black smiths, now carry a full line of fartit' implements, surreys, buggies, wagons, gang plows, gas engines, stacker, ropes, all kind a of machinery and , heavy hardware, and all supplies for same. Also ail kinds of oil. Licensed Plumb ers Calls promptly answered. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure ' Economizes Duller, Floor, Eggs; makes Ihe food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder mode from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar A. ID. Wondorly and mother left this morning for an extended visit in Pennsylvania. They will visit at Hiawatha. Kus., and points in Mlss ouri on their way. Ifr. Warrick the specialist, will meet FJye, Ear, Nose and Throat patients and those needing glasses properly tit ted at Dr. Domeralls (Mice lu Red Cloud, Tuesday Nov. .'.;. C. W. Kaley leaves Thursday for Boston whoro ho will leave for an ox tended vlsltthrough Central and South America and also take a look at the great Panama Canal. Ileres hoping a pleasant voyage. Grant Turner has been appointed the city representative of the Adams express company and will have charge of that business In the future. Grant is a hustler and makes good where over he Is placed, See J. II. Bailey for a farm loan. He has a reddced rat of Interest and Is sole agent for Trevett, Mattls A Baker who are noted for promptness and square dealing nud are always ready for business Ancil Crabill is the proud parent of twin boys born Thursday evening. Mother and boys are doing line, but Ancil is ravaging around the country like a mail looking for farms to rent in March. The. Chief extends con gratulations, Postmaster T. C. Hacker returned Sunday from a pleasure trip through Texas, Mississippi and other southern states, also attended the National Con vention of Po'stmastcrs at Washington. He reports a fine time but had to be home lu time to cast his vote. For Sai.eI My residence property, a 10 room house new and all modern. Might consider a trade for a cheaper property in town. Also r. Hudson automobile to trade for farm horses and must make a deal in the next tun days. For particulars inquire of Ciiah. A. SCHULTZ. We wish to announce to the public generally, that wc have the well known Taylor Ranch for sale. This consists of 510 acres, (J miles south east of Red Cloud. This place needs no commeda tiou.as It is known far and near as the very best bottom farm in Webster county. Wai.kku & Kknt. lho Real Estate firm of Dnn Garbcr fc Co. of Red Cloud, Nebraska are ud vertising farms for sale lu the great RepHbllcau Valley in the vicinity of Rod Cloud, that will rent for cash for as much as ft per cent, of purchase price. The great, corn, wheat, hogund alfalfa country. Homeseekers should writ for their laud list. Fine well improved homes. One of the new Everett "IJU" self starting nutotnnbiles was in town Tuesday, driven by R. B. Thompson, from the vicinity of Cowles. Mr, Thompson lias' owned several different makes, but he thinks this one far sur passes them all; in fuet, the car has but to be seen to be admired. This car was deljvored Saturday by the Red Cloud Auto company, and Mr. J. vV. Mnranvillc has ordered one just like It. There is one place, according to re ports, where a considerable number of cattle are going on feed. That place is territory tributary otlna vale, which has for many years been a noted feed ing point. C. W. Fruit of that place, who was in Monday and bought 120 head: of stockers, is authority for tbe statement that a good many cattle will bo fed there, 'flu the neighborhood arouud Inavale there are at present approximately 4000 cattle that have been taken there for feediug purposes thin fall and winter " Mr. Fruit said, "One feeder has engage 10,000 bushels of new corn at oOo a bushel, and alfal fa 1b now selling around 9 in the stock We are pretty well fixed on hogs, and there is little doubt but what the number of cattle fed will be almost as many as a year ago. -Kansas City Drovers Telegram. BtBKBtRKBIKnnKtBnEBBUUHKUKBBKKBKtKUIBtKRBttBKtinnKKKBKBKKKBnUtKHKntKIKB mmmm,mm'm'lammmmmBmmwmammia mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm z TTfllfiT T h'l ii T Piiiii M ' fefefe Now is the limCm m m Right now is the time to buy the Winter Goats for yourself and Children. Or l) tti li ifc m Uf Br Sale 200 bu. of Potatoes at G5c per bushel Inquire of Gus Puudt, oute '.. Mice District Court has been adjourned till Monday Nov. 20th. Teachers' ExaalaattM Regular Teachers' Examination will be held in Blue Hill and Red Cloud, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 17 and 18. Registration hours 8 to 10 a. in. and 1 to 2 p,vitf. ' Mabol Day Albright, Countv Supt. atLfe ten! We are showing greater values this season, than ever before, in this line of Merchandise. Our stock is complete in every particular no two garments alike Our plan is to give our trade assort- ment in price, style and pattern, of the best garments t from the best garment makers in America. & Or to $32.00 I to 25.00 Prices to fit purse of every people. laV We cater to the trade with the best and newest as- $ sortment of Shoes and General Dry Goods, in the coun- Jj ty. Our desire is to have the privilege of showing ifc Or Ladies' Stylish Cloaks ...Up-to-date Kind... From $ 7.50 Suits 14.00 you our lines. Turnure Bros. itsetiesties-'t: vllle wd to lot 11 blk 0 Bed Cloud v S700 00 David II. Knley to Martin S. Brown wd to se X 1 1-1-1 1. U 100.00 Thos It. Hall it wf to Esther O. Stark wd to lots V blk a Cow els 1250.00 Henry M. Kohmltseher it wf to Henry and Mary Reinerts 2 cd to sw U h nw i '23.4.9 1.00 Frauds J. Wbbbcrman sg to Chas , A. Campbell wd to 11 ; nw i ' 8-1-10 7ftOtt.OO Patronize Home Industry AMI lay Heae Grewi Petataes The Miner Bros. Co., Inform us that they are well supplied with Early Ohio Potatoes (Home Grown) which are far superior to any stock that has been on the market from other points. They Look Bettor 1 Cook Better ! I Keep Better ! ! ! Are Better Nil 81 per bushel lu G bushel lots or over. . Real Estate Transfers. Transfers for the week ending Wed nesday, November fltviij I W. B. Ryan & wf to J. W. Moran- S 15800.00 Mortgages filed, 'J3O0.00 Mortgages released, 87050 00 Avoid Harah Prujs ty Cathartics Tea 1 Caste lalary ts the tswels If you are subject to constipation you should avoid strong drugs and cathartics. They only give temporary relief and their reaction is harmful and sometimes more annoying I than constipation. 'I hey in no way effect a cure and their tendency is to weaken the already weak orgai.s with which they oome in contact. We honestly believe that we have tbe best constipation treatment ever devised. Our faith in it is so strong that we sell It on the posltlvo guaran tee that it shall not cost tbe user a cent If it does not give entire satis faction and completely remedy consti pation. This preparation is called Rexall Orderlies. These are prompt, sootblntr and most effective in action. They are made of a recent chemical discovery. Their principal ingredient is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. Combined with other well-known In gredients, long established for their usefulness in the treatment of consti pation, it forms a tablet which is eaten just like caudy. They mny be taken at any time, either day or night, with out fear of their causing any Incon venience whatever. They do not! gripe, purge, nor cause uausca. They act without causing any pain or ex cessive loesencss of the bowels. They are ideal for children, weak, delicate persons, and aged peoplo, as well as for the most hearty person, They come in thrco size packages, 12 tablets, 10 cents; IttJ tablets; 25 cents; 80 tablets, 50 cents. Remember, you cau obtain them only at our store The Rexall Store. The II. E. Gilce 'farug Co. SkaejMBjewaaw , 30 Horse-power Five-Passenger Fore-Door Touring Gar Thin car is now ready for demonstration. Come and see it Td fuHy understand the exceptional value of this car you have but to compare it with what the entire market has to offer for 1912. Study tne speculations below carelully. in what other car will you find such value at such a price? What machine under $ 1 25 can you line up again! t this anditem for item seeso much for so little money? Whea you stop to consider the fine thorough construction the heavy drop torgmgs the pressed steel framethe selective.transmission fitted witk F. & S. annular bearings (which the most expensive cars in the world use) -the 30 horse-power motor, the big wheel base, the, fore-door body with door handles and all levers inside the car; you' can better realize what an actual advanced manufacturing step this new car is. SPECIFICATIONS OF MODEL 59 Wheel base, 106 inches; body, five-passenger fore-c'oor louring; motoc, 4x4 1-2; horse-power, 30; transmission, selective, three speeds and reverse; F. & S. ball bearing wheels, artillery wood, 12-1 1-2 inch spokes, 12 bolts each wheel; tires, 32 x 3 1-2 inches Q, D. Silk Mohare Top and Brass Wind Shield SI000 F. 0. B. RED CLOUD JAMES PETERSON See The Chief Office for Up-to-date job work w m L i ; 1 '"m y, 5v8hi ' J . -.rw r (itv.x .L"1 rmtnuKmfi'WfiwyMwwfc 'xmv H-ftA4tiit tlMtMfimmm Ha V., .w ' i'uJli ttJUs wNsssoxm . .iu..a.. 'Stia