The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 02, 1911, Image 4

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66e, CHIEF
4 Cloud Nebraska
In the Postofflre Mitted Cloud, Nib
as Second (,'Ikm Matter,
Jtrnm It. Utaiu-, 4 ...Ilrokcn Ilow
WHIIr 1). Oldham .Kearney
William L. MarK Aurora
Clarence K. Itarman Iloldrcgo
3. K. Miller.- ...... . .- Lincoln
Charlen I. Anderson ... - Oxford
CharleH T. Knapp . ...Lincoln
JUnoK tknth judicial dihtiuct.
Harry H. Duugan. UnntitiKi
pOUNTY judoi:.
A. D. Ilnniu'y.-.... . Hluo lllll
CJcorgo B. CooiC. District No. 4
A. II. Ilrlght Dlatrlct No. I
William It. UnlUy Red. Cloud
Owar A. Arnold,- -. Hluo lllll
Kdlth L. McKtltfhnn . .... Hcd Cloud
James Mcllrldou Cowlcii
"Gertrude Coon..- .. ned Cloud
Peter Merton Hluo Hill
George B. Coon is so well known in
this county that he needs no introduc
tion from us. He isono Webster coun
ty's early settlers and has always been
known as a mau of sterling worth and
a man of oxcollent character. His elect
ion to the office of County Commis
sioner would mean that all funds of
the county bo safeguarded and that all
money would bo wisely and econom
ically exponded.
A. H. lirlght, Democratic candidate
for County commissioner, came to this
county in 1B78, took possession of a
homestead and is still living ou the
name farm. He Is one of the men who
have made gdod. He Is careful and
prudent yet progressive aud alive to
present day needs. He has never bo
fore ask for political proferment, nev
er baa been n candidate for any office.
Mr. Bright Is well fitted for the offloe
end if elected he will devote his ener
fries aud abilities to the service of Web
ster County.
Mr. W. R. Bailey, Democratic can
didate for county clerk, is a man of
clean habits, excellent diameter and
tiujoya the high esteem of all his ac
quaintances. His long years of e.Npcr-
lence In complicated book-keeping,
his well kiipwu accuracy, his careful
ness aud geiitlomanlliiOhH all combine
to make him fully equipped for tho
duties of that olllce. For two years be
was deputy In tho oillce and his work
there will show that he known how to
recoid documents of every nature neat
ly and in oi dor. Vote for Mr Dailcy
for county clerk.
Clarance Harmon Is surely the popu
lar candidate for the office of Railway
Commissioner. His well known legal
training, Ids falrnets to corporations
and to individual his stability aud
firmuess all testify to his qualifications
for that office., This office demands
that the large corporations in this
atate shall deal fairly by the people
aud there is uot a candidate before
the people better fitted by nature and
by training for just dealing than Mr.
Harmon. Regardless of politics ho is
considered THE MAN for the place.
Miss Edith Molveighau is conceeded
by all to be thoroughly competent for
tho position of Clerk of the Distiict
(Joint. No one questions her ability
to handle that olllce satisfactorily
All ate agreed that he will make an
excellent ollleer. Her years of exper
ience as a nlioilliand Monographer and
her woik a deputy In thooftleosunplj
fit her for the tchponsibiliticbconueut
ed w ith legal matters. Shu is accurate
paluslakiuK,,nnd In every way quali
fied to serve this county in a manner
that will Te are no room for complaint.
Sheiswmthy of your suppoit. Vote
for her.
Mr Voter you kuow that vegardless
of paity ntfilUttlons tho public gets
better cervleo fiom all stato hennis
when thoj are. divided politically
Any paity glvon exclusive powers
for a long let U of , veins tends to be
come corrupt. Most of usam tainiliar
with the conditloiiH which prevailed u
few years ago vhcu a political lint;
controlled tho state otltcesaiupald olV
political debts with state funds about
S50o,OOQ.OO. 'A change was mado aud
further loss was stopped. "This whs
accomplished because the people be
gan to do their own thinking. A lit
tle prevention is better than a gieut
deal of cure, ,
Now let u think a little, You know
that iu this sjate we have seven Sup
reme Court judges and that wo elect
three this November. Now if tbe
Democrats elect all three of their can
didate, the Hupicme Court will stand
four Republicans mill thri'o Dotno
crats Also there are six .Regents of
tho Rtite University and there arc to
bo two elected at tho coming election
If Hie Democrat elect both of ttielr
cxudldati-s tho llontd of Regents will
hluml four Republicans and two. Detn
ocratft. Tho name is true of Hallway
Commiftssonor, If we elect our candi
date there will bo two Republicans
and one Democrat. In this county wo
have live commissioner, Two are t
be elected and if the Democrats are
elected thetc will be three Republic
ans nnil two Democrats on the county
board, Just think these thing? over
when jou are alone, arrive at a just
and honorable conclusion and vote for
the bust interest of yourself, your
county and your state.
Since this la the last issuo before
the election we earnestly ask every
voter to carefully and thoughtfully
consider the qualifications, the inte
grlty-nnd t he honesty of the candidates
on the Democratic ticket for county
and state positions. You Mr. Voter
and Taxpayer aro about to employ a
number of people to transact your
business and it is to your interest that
yon select the ones most capable, most
elUeient. We have every confidence
lit our candidates. They are widely
enouirh located that every part of the
county is represented. They arc all
worthy and deserving. You will make
no mistake by casting your judgment
in favor of the Democratic candidates
next Tuesday.
Miss Gertrude Coon, Democratic
candidate for the ofllco of county sup
erintendent is a lady whose scholastic
attainments are of the very highest
order. She was successfully graduat
ed from our high school, the State
Normal and the State University. She
holds a life professional certificate,
has taught school in tho rural district
iu the graded schools and In tho high
school and Is thoroughly acquainted
with LI he needs and requirements of
nil branches of our public school sys
tem. She is enthusiastically devoted
to her chosen profession and is emi
nently qualified for tho olllce of count y
superintendent. Miss Coon was born
and reared in this county and is essent
ially a Webster county girl. Vote for
The roads in this district havo been
very noilcibly impioved in the past
year. James nicintosn lias accomplish
ed a great work in road building
Tbe mile of road between tbeRlver
bridge and the depot has been graded
and placed In,, better shape than iu
many years. Two deep well defined
gutters carry tbe flood on either side
of a fine wide graded track tbiongb
which two concrete culverts equalize
tho oveiflow, ,,Jlm" has personally
superintended his road building, aud
already has built moie than 18 miles
of rond In Hie district at u minimum
cost Heistapidly becoming exper
ienced in the art of eood road build
ing and the taxpayers aro getting val
uo received for their money A vote
for James Mclntosh'lsan cudoisement
for an industilous, capable public ser
vant. Judge Harry S. Dungau has lived In
Adams County for the past thirty
eight years aud may well bo consider
ed as having earned a residence, as be
ing a permanent fixture. For twenty
two years he studied aud praoticed the
profession of law and gained an in
fluential position among the lawyers
of the state. He has served one term
as District Judge and during that
time lias tried and disposed of 1400
causes more than one a day for every
working day of the four years. Judge
Duugan applied the law so well in
these cases that only ten pet cent of
them were appealed. And of those ap
pealed a large pioportlon of them
were affirmed by the Supreme Court,
lu faet out of tho 28 District Judges or
this state he stands sixth on propor
tion of cases affirmed by tho Supreme
court. Judge Duugan lias made good
and ho glows with his woik. Pro
giessive, fearless, honest and square,
ho Is the people's ideal of a judge.
One thing can cettaiuly bo said in
Judge Dungtiii's favor aud that is he
has conducted a fair and dignified
campaign and he has gi ou his decis
ions without fear or favor. He is un
der no obligations to anybody or any
body of men Vote for him.
I have a few words to say as candi
date for County Cleik to the voters of
this county and 1 will he brief and con
cise. I havo always been a resident of
Webster comity having been born on
my fathers homestend near (lUidcltouk
lu ISS1. lu 1883 tho family moved to
lied Cloud myself among tho number.
Since then 1 havo been a resident of
that place and ncqtilied my edtiu'itlon
Iheie. 1 am 30 years of age, and for
the first time I am a candidate for of
Soino of the friends of my opponent
say that I look tyo young for the posi
tion it seems to bo an oftVnso in their
eyes to look young at thirty. I may
Out-grow this handicap iu time, but I
hope to look young evou at sixty.
My education, occpatlon and environ
ments have been such as to fit me to
discharge tho duties of the otllce as I
believe In an ettloieut and Intelligent
S tti r-r unoi'iui
I 1 WSoSfec I-
1111 1 "" I
The Miner Brothers Company
f'A Mighty Safe Place to Trade"
way which I know I can aud wlJUlo.
I have been deputy County Clerk for
two years and nm thoroughly acquain
ted with all the requirements urid dut
ies of that office. I shall appieciate
tbe high honor of being elected Coun
ty Clerk, hut aside from tills I will say
that the salary of 9 1000,00 per yeui
would be very occoptable and of grea'
assistance to'mc at the present t'.tnaa
like all young men I hhi striving to get
a stait in llfo and make me a homo.
My opponent piineiplo aigmnent
is that because he has been elected
twice to that oillco that lie should
nowbeelected for a third term, itsecms
to mo that this will not appeal strong
ly to tho voters of this county, for if
he baa perfoimed his duties well he
lias been well paid for it, and the
county owes him nothing.
In conclusion I will say that if I
have herein said anything wot thy of
your careful thoughtand consideration
that you will weigh it at Its true worth
and render a verdict accordingly at the
polls Nov. 7th.
Thanklnc the voters In advance for
any kindness or favors shown me I
am very respectfully yours,
W. R. Baii.ev.
James McBride
r w
TTjJ t
James Mellrhle, Democratic, candi
date for oounty sheriff came to Web
ster county lu IftJO l'or eight, years
ho was engaged iu tho grain business
lu which vocation he was very success
ful and since that time he has been
conducting a real estate business in
Cowlcs and has built up n good trade.
"Macleans he is usually culled, has a
good education, Is a man of good judge
ment, Is pleasant In manner and robust
In physique. A man who stands hb
well in public favor as Mack does, nnd
has the endorsement of tho pooplo
where he has lived, certainly is a pret
y go od muu for you to vote for.
As there is a disposition at this timo
to cleot men from different pnrtsof the
county. Mr. MoDrlde Is certain to re
ceive a largo vote at tbe coming elect
Ion. No ono qnestlons his ability to
conduct the olllce with credit and we
creun anu wo
believe that it will be to the best In-
terest of tlio county tooicct uuu lues-
... . a .
t "
liavn .-&
-T. . ..
ill i
in Suits and
it '
We now have a most complete and attractive line of
Womens Suits and Coats.
The best in line, in quality of fabric, in style and in workmanship that
eastern factories can manufacture. Smartness, modishness character
ize every linel We carefully examined the Suits and Coats of the
most reputable Eastern women's tailors before buying; we compared
lines, fabrics, workmanship, lining in short every detail of the gar
ment, before buying! Needless to say, you re assured the best that
money can buyl
Made of Serges, Cheviots, and Mixtures, in the most practical of
fall colors. Some are plainly tailored; others show dressy little touch
es of braids and trimmings.
Ideal Suits and Coats in weight, color and style for Fall and Win
ter wear. Other departments are equally able to supply your wants.
To the Electors of
Webster County.
As an aspirant for the office of Coun
ty Judge I wish to say to the citizens
of Webster county, (hat I have had
experience as ai attorney in probating
estates for the last fifteen years, and
know what is to be done iu such cases,
and bow to do it, and I can, and will,
conduct tbe affairs of that office wttli
eredltto myself and the community iu
the event of my election. In contest
ed cases, where the interested parties
cannot agree among themselves, all
that the court can do is to decide the
issues as presented according to the
law and the evidence, impartially and
without fear, favor or control from
outside influence.
This, and this only, is what I intend
to do if elected to that olllce.
Dining the campaign I havo travel
ed over a considerable part of tho
county, uud have engaged In conver
sation with a great many olectois, bill
In no cibe have 1 engaged iu personal
abuse of any candidate for office, and
I do uot Intend to do so, neither do 1
assume responsibility for any article
appeaiiug jn the public press, unless
the saino is presented over my own
siguatuie. I am out for votes and not
to appraise the wnithyness or un
woi thy uess of my opponeuts, or in any
manner engage in the vivisection of
their character, motives, or qualificat
ions, 1 received the Domination for this
office bv a large majority over my
opponent iu the pilmary, and will ap
pieciate the suppoit of every elector
who believes that I am competent aud
qualified to perform the duties of the
otllce with such judicial uccttmcti and
rectitude of conduct, as will give to all
a square deal.
A D. Kaxxky
Weather Summary for October
Tempoiaturo. Maximum 85 on the ith,
mlnumum U0 ou the 2lst. Greatest
range 10 on the 23d.
Precipitation, Total O.tVJ In. greatest
in 24 hours 0.1ft on 20th. Snow total )
in. number of days with .01 inch' or
' nr ..uatlon 7. Clear 14. partly
doudv (l.eloudy II, Flrt killing frost
". .. -. ...I .. .1 .1
()ii 20tli. rrevatnug
nw Udays. Chas,
wind direction
S, Ludlow.
Paint Now and Save Money
ECONOMY demands that you
paint your house or other build
ings just as soon as you discover the
lfccd. ' The longer you wait the more
paint it will take. Every week of de
lay will cost you money. Use
Pure White Lead
pure linseed oil and turpentine, which
make good, old-fashioned paint
never equaled for wearing qualities.
They should be mixed by the painter
on the job after he has examined the
surlace to be covered.
Stall for Oar Free Palatial Helps
containing color schemes, mltccllanooui paint
Ins directions and names ol "Blue List"
Painters in your community who use our whito
lead, Ask for Helps No. D.
To Painters: If you ue our while lead
send us your name (or our Painters' "Hluo
List." Send for circular No. B. It gives
722 Chestnut btrcct. St. Louis. Mo.
.1. C. SLOSS.
Don't Throw Away Money
By paying more &EPA
than $e)ls
for COO
for this is the price of a
Other Slsca at Other lrlcM
The most sanitary separator built. The
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washing device that overcomes all
the drudgery of washing up the
AbMlately Guaranteed Tbrsaihtnt fer
Beatrice Creamery Co.
Uacola, Nebr.
Highest Market
If you read the Chief tell your
For Poxiltry.
friends to lubscribe for it.
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