r K K ii&lS!' ' VrfftlllliiiiiVViVrAliihrii?itf'ViVi7imMir''li '?"vB . , . Jbi-i'Jj.liM4-.wiwt .Biwtfc4icyWiwiwMaww ,;w ' - - -, - - . 'T,nmf , ,,rWf THinft , t,t 'rTti d JW1. WVklrSfiLFSS. ' - "1. '."-"TBWmW" ,MjMJ .., . , J.J ..... . ..... . . " " -"" '- f ! if ii -i r' n . iinyirtiriWT'gSTMBmi&iSiiiiiii ffi.Jr If II M & 7 $jW& . A Newspaper That (ilvcs The Ncs FIy-tKo Wctks l-atli Year For 51.50. x . r'.f VOLUME XXXVI111. K.ED CLOUD, NKUK.ASICA, XOVWM15EII 2, H)ll. NUIttlSU 44 THE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 ouhlnftatNlftht Mentis loss of sleep which is biul for everyone. I'oley'n Houey am Tiir Compound stops the oougii :it once, re lieves the tickling and dryness In tlie tliroivt iind lieuls the iiiDaiiicd inetn 'brunns. Prevents it eold developing into bninehitls or pneunioniu. Keep always in the lions'. Refuse Butisli tutes. For Halo tit Henry Cook's dvnj? store. The llnet't lino and hvsl uviorhnent of Humors ever curried be fori;. Call and look itoror. MmttlAitr Ditoet. Head The Chief for all the news. Wall paper, paint, varnish, mould ing, pnlutiug and papering contract ed. Slo.s, the Wall Paper Man. Backache. Headnchr. Nervousness And rheumatism, both in men and women, mean kidney trouble. Do not allow it to progress beyond tlits roaeh of medicine but stop it promptly with Foley Kidney I'ills, Tliey regulate tlio action of tins m-inury organs." Tonic in action, quick in results, For sale at Dr. Cook's drug. .'ore. OVERCOATS $9.50 y. I Wi TO 325 .OO JAny where between these prices you will find ju the Coat you are looking for. Pn the new shades Tans, Grays, Browns. With the new collars either "close up" or "low down" you will find comfort either for cool or cold weather. Let us show them to you Now, -" Tfi cxoSSsgg " This itore is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes x Edith L. McKcirjhan, candidate for Clerk of the District Court, was born in Illinois, and came to Webster County with her parents when o child. The qualifications which fit her for the office which she seeks arc as follows: she is a graduate of the Queen City business col lege, was her father's Secretary during his last term in congress, has ncld the posi tion of stenographer in the office of the Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings, of the State of Nebraska, four years experience as book-keeper and stenographer in the State Hospital at Hastings, Nebraska. Two years ex perience as stenographer in different law offices and for the past five years, has been employed as Deputy Clctk ot the District Court. To any person entertaining the idea that a man is better fitted to perform the duties of a public office than a woman, 1 desire to say that there is no citizen of Webster County better quali fied to discharge every duty pertaining to the office of Clerk of the District Court than Miss Edith L. McKcighan. 1 am in a position to know, as she has been my Deputy for the past five years, and it is a pleasure to me to testi fy to her ability and worth. If elected, I am positive Miss Mc Keichan will discharge the duties of the office to the entire satisfaction of the public. " -.. ..., GEO. W. HUTCHISON. Clerk of the District Court. t'n M- Ai; Jk -i rtv The New National Alarm BIG BB?IS Ml , -mi &Kt' W$ Election Day Tuesday, November 7, 1911 v s x Mark Your Ballot Thus: FOR OLKRK OP THE DISTRICT COURT EDITH L. McKEICHAN. (xj UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, WESTERN 'DIVISION WESTERN DISTRICT OF MISSOURI. ADELAIDE UTTER, CMRK. KMNBAB OITY, MO., Sept. 21, 1011. Mtsa Editu L. McKkiohan, Dasr Madam: I am in roipt of your letter of the lOtu. As you are entirely familiar wltli the duties of the office of District Clerk, I aee no reason why you should not be clerk, simply because you are a woman. I have been United States Circuit Olerk for a longtime, to the apparent satisfaction of both Benoh and Bar. The United Mttttes Dlstilot Cleric here for a number of years wsb a woman, she having resigned last July, and-there is also a woman deputy in charge or the united States Circuit and District Clerk's ofllce at Joplin. With best wishes for your success ' Yours truly, ADKt.AIDB UtTMR. To the Voters of Webster County. A few reasons why you should vote for Oscar A. Arnold for County Treas urer. IIo is Jn every way qualified to per form the duties of the oftloe. His honesty is unquestioned. He Is exceptionally well thought of in his home community. lie ta willing to lay down bis pres ent occupation (that of faming) and take personal charge of the offlM ha aspires to. He will give to the offlca the same careful attention that he has gjreo to his private business. His habits are strictly temperance. He has been a life long resident of Webster County. From 1802 to looi he taught school in Webster eounty. xoo will make no mistake by eastina your vote for OSCAR A. ARNOLD, Dnnf an's Record The county stamlpat republican midline comprised of two dignified ent)omeu of our acquaintance is making home wort of effort to promote the campaign of Mr. Orermau, their candidate for the district judgeship. No doubt Mr. Orermauwould make a very satisfactory judgallf elected but there is no reason for desiring his election over Judge Dungan except a political reason and wo have faith enough in tlie voters of this county to believe that this consideration will have very little weight. Harry S. Dungan, who is lust com pleting hie first term, has made a most commendable record and haa confine ed the people of this judicial district that he has all the qualities of the good judge. It is universally conceded by attorneys of all political faiths as well aa by the great majority of per sons who have observed the record of this first term that the Judge Is entitled to the usual courtesy of another elect Ion. Of the twenty-eight district Judges In the state Judge Dungan stands sixth in the percentage of decisions affirmed by the supreme court. The five judg es whose, records are better than his are all serving second, third or fourth terms. Judge Duugan's knowledge of the law ia above par and the moat able men in the profession over the atate predict continued success for blm on the bench. Tlie oftloe to which he has been elected and to which lie again aspires Is an important one and should be tilled by a man of strong and sturdy character. Judge Dungan has quail lied In the past four years, he has made guvu, auu no urn iu ibvui u huukidk our appreciation. Hoidrege Progress. 1 The Best Alarm Clock ever made. Built and runs like a watch. More than a million already sold. If you have not gotten yours, do so now. NEW STOCK JU.ST IN Newho SfeOSi Jeweler and Optometrist. 7 U vriirimiri- .'. Mum n. nt,rrnuuaL rrop.. C B. & Q. w&'Inspector 'IL DR.S. J. CUNNINGHAM MNTIfT Succeanor to Dr. J. S. BMtOH At tfctMStMltVKtlM Staff Baik. PkfM 131. 7TT Cluef Ads Bring Retails im Physician andSurgeon D. D. SandersW M. D. .' Office in Mood Block. Boll, BlMk 4; Ind., 1S Residence, Royal Hotel. Belli 47; Ind., 37 Calls Answered, Day or Night BID CLOUD, MKB. f M ,n When you think of SToyes THINK OF MORHART BROTHERS They have the finest showing of stoves ever brought to Red Cloud. : : ':) : HEATER AND RANQEB At special Low Prices and extra HifktQuality. Mt-- flJuit t$ a sample we have 15 inch firebowl Heaters -' ' ' 48 inch high for lHaief eUsBBBBaHawV BBBrBBeBsVeJBBlVl. A aaPSafcHrl4 $7P J Always Glad To Show Moods. l -v m s l'M .?, 'A A , " M 9 4 A l M i.SI ?i 'I 1 3 mi fy ? I m "fit m . M .&' n 'mm 1ST -".w51 JfJH fdL mm ' ;.-i,. -:.f.( t&&'zsti -, a ,tn J-jw 'f. j..:i. sfn ".- j: "., t . . rfJ&trijit.i ?.., ti &v$MU.' . ik&it '-i,.''..i5?;,'- , . ' 'i-w -.f! c-.r' .'' v.il