The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 19, 1911, Image 8

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The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publlsner
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Tariff Exaction, He Says, Wholly If
the Interest of Beet Sugar
1 Men Exact One-thlrd
on Duty.
Now York. Just boforo sailing foi
Europe, John Arbucklo, tho sugar re
llnor and coffee manufacturer, issued
a statement strongly attacking the
tariff on raw sugar, declaring It to ba
a "wicked tax" for tho bonoflt of beet
sugar Interests. Mr. Arbucklo said:
"I have not been well, and am go
ing abroad to roHt and rocuporato In
preparation for tho fight to bo mado
in congress at Its noxt session for free
sugar. I propose to dovoto all my
tlmo and ability to tho abolition of nl
import duties on raw Bugar, a most
wicked tax on a food necessity of all
our people. It taxes tho man who
works for a a wage of a dollar a day
as much as It taxes an Astor, Mr. Mor
gan or Mr. Rockefeller.
"Just look at theso figures showing
how tho prlccB of refined sugar to tho
consumer Is mado up. I dlsrogard tho
abnormal price lately prevailing for
the raw product and tako a normal
"Prices paid by Now York rofln
erics for raw Bugar, 2.40 cents; duty
per pound, 1.G85 cents.
"With tho raw sugar costing tho
roflnor 4.08G cents per pound, his
prlco to wholesale grocers for granu
lated sugar Is about 4.90 per pound,
nnd tho wholesalo grocers' not price
to the Now York retail grocers per
pound Is about 4.9G cents, and tho ro
tall grocers' prlco to consumers was
between B.15 nnd 5.25 cents por pound.
So that If for ovory pound of sugar
going Into a household In Now York
city at 5.25 cents por pound tho gov.
ernment of tho United States has ox.
acted 1.G85 cents, or almost onothlrd
of tho total prlco. It means that every
household that now buys throe and
ono-half pounds of sugar could, with
tho Bamo monoy. buy flvo and one
quarter pounds If this tax were ro
Thief Returns Plunder.
Chicago. Tho public appeal of a
mother for tho return of sevoral trin
kets rovored by her as remembrances
of a daughter who perished in tho
Iroquois flro, was answered by tho
thief who had stolon them. Thoy were
Bent back by mall. 'Two little rings
nnd 'two lockets, that had been tho
moans of Identifying tho torn and
mangled body of her llttlo girl after
the theater flro, were part of the $250
worth of plunder taken by tho robber.
Sentences Are Affirmed.
Now York. Tho United States clr
oult court of appeals has handed
down a decision affirming the convic
tions In the lower court of Charles D.
ttolko, former secretary of the Ameri
can Sugar Refining company, and
Ernest Gorbracht, former superinten
dent of tho company's Williamsburg
roflnery, who were found guilty of pan
tlclpatlng in the underweight frauds.
Many Idle Men Thla Winter.
St. Paul, Minn. "There will bo
more Idle men this winter than over,"
predicted James J., Hill, chairman of
the board of tho Great Northern rail
woy, In discussing the condition of
business over tho country and partic
ularly In the wost. "Our capacity for
production along Industrial linos has
grown faster than our consumption
along the samo linos," said Mr. Hill.
Joplln, Mo. In an attempt to cross
the path of a biplane during a trial
flight hero, James Kinnoy, fifty years
old, a minor, was Instantly killed. Tho
machlno struck Kinnoy and broke his
neck, lib nu
Leaves Fortune to Fiancee.
Des' Moines, la. By tho provision
of his deathbed testament, W. T. Sow
ers, a prominent Dos Moines insur
anco man, bequeathed practically all
of his worldly goods to his flanceo,
Miss Jean Townsond of Beatrice Nob.
Ho died as tho result of nn nccldontal
Bhotgun wound received while squlr.
rol hunting.
Poking. Betweon 5,000 nnd 6,000
troops In Hankow natlvo city are re
ported to havo mutinied and killed
from 200 to 300 Manchus.
Will Advance on Interior.
Tripoli. General Caneva, commander-in-chief
of tho Italian expedition,
has, it appears, ordered an immediate
advanco against tho positions occu
pied by the Turks in tho interior a
San Francisco, Cal. If tho present
ratio of gain Is kept up woman suf
frage will bo shown to havo carried nt
Tuesday's olcctlon by a safo major
ity, Belated returns from sixty-eight
precincts reduced the majority against
suffrage) to 356.
the Newt of Many Climes Told In
Short and Pithy Paragraphs, Writ
ten Expressly for the Busy
Man's Perusal.
Walter L. Fisher, secretary of Uio
Interior, Is In a hospital at Chicago
following a Blight operation for throat
Bocauso MIguol E. Dlabold, Moxlcan
consul at San Antonio, Bomo tlmo ago
said "Texas is hell," ho has been re
called by his government.
Tho newly appointed Russian am
bassador to tho United States, M.
Goorge Eakhmctirr, and Madame
Bakhmotlff left for Now York.
Washington. Tho department of aa
rlculturo has prepared for confiscat
ing any shipment of unrlpo oranges or
other unrlpo fruit from Florida.
An apparent discrepancy of 2,
288,271 has been discovered In the
Bupply dopartmont of tho Washington
navy yard. It is thought to bo of a
clerical nature.
The national association of railroad
commissioners In session at Washing
ton, recommends tho taking over of
the express business by tho railroads
of tho country.
At a cabinet meeting at Panama it
was decided to recall tho minister to
the United States, Dr. Bollsarlo Por
ras, as tho government waB not satis
fied with his services.
The house committee which inves
tigated tho affairs of tho so-called su
gar trust during tho extra session of
congress will resume its consideration
of tho subject about November 15
That tho American public can for
ever dellvor itself from tho peril of
high sugar prices is tho opinion of
Secretary Wilson, of the department
or agriculture, who Bays the remedy
lies In tho production of more sugar.
Washington. Postmaster General
Hitchcock has authorized the estab
lishment of the longest railway routo
In tho country. It will extend begin
nlng November 1, over tho Western
Pacific lines between Salt Lake City
and San FranclBco, 092 miles.
A circular note from tho Turkish
government asking tho powers wheth
er they consider that the time has ar
rived to seok a basis for negotiations
looking to poaco betweon Turkey and
Italy, and under what conditions, has
been presented to tho Gorman foroign
offlco at Berlin. '
General New.
Tho McNamara trial at Los Angeles
began Monday.
Chlneso revolutionists are in pos
lesslon of Wu Chang.
Five inches of snow on tho lovol
covers Bennington, Vt.
Reports to tho Iowa stato board of
health Bhow that thcro is an opldomlo
or mrantile paralysis in Calhoun
Oxford university is Bonding an ox
poditlon of Bdentlsts to tho South Sea
iBlands to study the habits of the
Southwestern Montana Is la the grip
of a terrific snow Btorm that has cut
off Butte from communication with
the world.
Provisional President do la Barra
has issued a statement declaring he
would not accept the vice-presidency
of Mexico.
Fusion of tho democrats and pro
gressive republicans la one of the
features In tho first state campaign in
Now Mexico.
The ordeal of getting married
provod too much for Horace Dodson, a
Hutchinson, Kan., swain, nnd he faint
ed on the spot.
Isaac Hammers, a farmer of Greens
burg, Kns., has mado a gift of 136,000
to tho Friends university, tho Quaker
collogo in Wichita.
Declaring that tho clause "lovo,
oonor and obey" in tho wedding ritual
compols perjury and is unjust, Magis
trate Thompson of Elgin, 111., has
stricken It from his ceremonial.
Tho Fronch cruisers Lean Gam
betta, and Ernest Rcnan aro In readl
noss to start at a moment's notice to
Tripoli to protect tho French resi
dents there.
An explosion of gas In a catch basin
wrcckod a power houso of a New
York elevated road, and caused a
panic among passengers on a train
passing at tho time.
Word has boon recolved from nearly
ivery town in tho stato, which con
tains a percentage of Germans, that
delegations will bo sent to Lincoln for
the colobratlon of Oorman Day, Octo
ber 18-19.
A considerable amount of snow has
fallon In northern Massachusetts and
Bouthorn Vermont.
Preparations havo been mado to dy
namlto tho ruins of tho dam and
power houso of tho Black River Falls
municipal power plant, which wont out
Saturday, In nn effort to clear the
channol of masonry which now throws
the forco of tho flood current against
tho city.
Tho Moxlcan regulars have over
taken Yzldro Escobsa and his band
of sevonty-flve revolutionists in So-
nora and a battla raanA all )..
I Saturday,
Italy In announcing her policy says
sho sees no Immcdlato ondlng of the
war, but that the occupancy of TrlDoU
has only Just begun.
Wnltfcr Welsh, a McmphiB, Tonn.,
grocer, was shot when ho tried to on
forco tho recall of a straw hat worr
by a citizen of that placo.
Accompanied by local officers, Attor
noy General John S. Dawson of Kan
sas, raided the Elks, Antlors and
Eaglos clubs at Leavenworth.
Returns from Tuosdny's constitu
tional amendments election In Califor
nia confirm 'earlier Indications that
woman suffrage has been dofcatcd.
It is proposed by a committee of
Now York citizens to bring a protest
against tho rofusal of Russia to honor
Jowlsh-American passports to tho at
tention of congress.
Southwestern Colorado and north
ern Now Mexico aro devastated as
tho result of the heaviest storms and
most sevoro floods this section hat
experienced since 1884.
Tho International maratlmo con
gress opened In Paris Monday under
the presidency of the minister of
commerce M. Couyba, Twenty-five
countries aro represented.
Mansfield, O. Nino women were In
jured, ono probably fatally In tho de
struction of the millinery store of
Rlech &McCoy by an explosion of
natural gas In tho basement.
Tho Portuguest royalists entrench
ed near tho Gallclau frontier were at
tacked by tho republicans, but re
sponded with a hot fire, compelling
tho government troops to rettro.
Tho Turkish troops who retreated
to the interior when Tripoli was bom
barded, havo been obliged to open
negotiations for tholr surrender, ow
ing to tho failure of thoir supplies.
Havana. Tho forty-third anniver
sary of tho beginning of the great
struggle for Cuba'B Independence,
which lasted from 1868 to 1878, was
generally observed in Cuba Tuesday.
Two men were killed and five oth
ers injured by tho premature explo
sion ot thirty pounds of dynamite
while excavations for the new union
station at Kansas City were being
A band of Zapotlsts held up and
robbed a train on the Intcroceanic
road near Axochlapam, in Puebla,
causing a wreck, in which the fireman
and a train boy wero killed and fifteen
passengers injured.
Four persons aro believed to have
perished at Bonwod, W. V as tho re
Bult of a Black Hand outrage, when
a big frame tenement housing forty
parsons was blown up and, taking
fire, was consumed.
Four men wero killed and six in
jured in an explosion ot dynamlto
sixty feet underground in a shaft In
Central park, New York City, whore
thoy aro working on the aqueduct for
tho Catsklll water system.
William Holtman, a patrolman,
walked into a police station at St.
LouIb with his son, Frank, ten years
old, whom ho had taken into custody
for Bhooting to death Edward Lamb
ten years old, in a quarrel.
American Methodist missionaries at
Chong Tu, tho recently besieged capi
tal of Sze Chuen provinco, China, es
timate that 10,000 persons wero killed
during tho fighting between the insur
gents and government troops.
Spirit rapplngs, dancing tables and
other physical manifestations are
barred In tho anual meeting of tho
spiritualists' association of tho United
States, which began a flvo days' con
vention in St. Louis Monday.
Tho trial ot James B. McNamara
brother of the secretary of the Inter
national Association of Bridge and
Structural Iron Workers, charged
with the murder ot nlnoteen persons
In the dynamiting of the Los Angeles
Times building on October 1, began
Miss Phoebe Cousins, of Washing
ton, D. C, famous as a lawyer and
lobbyist, one time United States dls
trlct marshal for eastern Missouri,
and of late years conspicuous In hor
opposition to woman suffrage Is qlx-ty-elght
years old and her health has
become so enfeebled that sho Is en
abled to move about only In a foiling
The fortieth anniversary of the
great Chicago Are was colebrated at
that placo Monday. A replica of the
O'Leary barn was shown, with a cow
being milked. Tho bovine, proper! '
trained, again kicked over tho lamp
but this time a modern flro depart
ment extinguished tho blazo to show
how easy It would have been bad the
flro started today. '
The Chinese revolutionaries have
captured Wu Chang, tho capital of tho
provinco of Hu-Poh, where troublo has
been reported for soveral days.
Prof. L. L. Ducho, Kansas fish and
gamo warden, announced that ho will
bogln the construction of tho largest
fish hatchery in tho world at Pratt,
It 1b roported on good authority that
tho Turkish government has ad
drossed a noto to tho powers stating
that it will expel all Italians from the
countrnvlthln a specified tlmo unless
Italy doslsts from hor aggression in
Bandits hold up an M K. ft T, train
near Okosa, Okla., and rifled tho rontl
and baggago cars, but It Is believed
got llttlo for tholr troublo,
Cornollus Nowton Bliss, for years
ono of tho loading figures in national
republican politics, died In Now York
Monday night ot heart disease
After a search across the continent
and up Into British Columbia the se
cret sorvlco oporativos havo captured
Albort Leon, a Russian political rofu
geo, as ho was about to leave New
York forVouth America. Leon Is al
leged to e the head of. an extensive
counterfeiting gang.
What It Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and VJclnlty.
Fullerton. J. s. Holman, a well-to-do
shoemaker who has lived many
years In Fullerton. was married Oc
tober 3d. to Mrs. Mary Hall, of Okla
homa, who an Miss Hannah M. Parker
was married to Mr. Holman on Octo
ber 3, 1858, Just fifty-three years ago
Tuesday, in Oakwood, Mich. They
lived together flfteon years and five
children wero born to thorn, four boys
and one girl, all living. Rev. Driver
of the Presbyterian church performed
tho marriage ceremony that united
them for tho second time In tho bondB
of matrimony.
Kills Monster Gray Eagle.
Nebraska City. Marcus Slchl, whllo
hunting on the bottoms cast of thlB
nlitf atin, ..! f.,t.-. -
-.., oiiui, aim Kiuoa a large gray
eaglo that measured twelve feet from
tip to tip of wings. This 1b tho first
eagle that has beon killed or seen in
this part of the valley for tho past
twenty years.
Arm Broken by Fall.
Lyons. Claude Phillips, the eight-year-old
on of Sherman Phillips of
thlB placo was thrown from his pony
today and his arm 'was broken.
Busy 8hlpplng Apples.
Peru. Apple 'exportation Is in full
swing at poru. Eight carloads havo
boon sent out and tho prospoctB are
that the total will roach last year's
output of thirty-nino carloads.
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A View of the Record Breaking Crowd at the State Fair, Wednesday
September 6, 1911.
Tho warden's roport bIiowb a -population
at tho ponltentlary of 462 on
the first of September and a total of
464 at the close of tho month. During
the month twonty-two were received,
thirteen discharged, four paroled, two
pardoned and one escaped.
In the first football game of the
season, tho Cornhuskers beat I the
Kearney State Normal team at Lin.
coin Saturday by the score of 117 to 0,
Just two points less than the record
Nebraska scored, that of 11D to 0,
against the Haskell Indians last
Thanksgiving day, and Just four points
lesB than the world's record score
among colleges, that of 120 to 0, made
by Michigan against Buffalo in 1903.
The financial statement of the 1911
Nebraska state fair has been made
public by Chairman C. H. Rudge of
the state fair board. Making allow
ance for outstanding clalmB estlmatod
at 1,000, the roport shows that the
fair board has a balance of over $14,
000 in excess of that held at the time
The sorcallod balance Includes the
$10,000 reserve fund, which tho board
maintains to meot possible rainy
week deficiencies,
A crank In Now York City has writ
ten Governor Aldrlch a letter asking
him to be a running mate for the pres
idency. Assistant Adjutant General L. M.
Scothorn of tho Grand Army of the
Republic, has received notice from
Commander In Chief Harvey M. Trim
ble of Illinois, that S. K. Spauldlng
of Omaha has been appointed a mem
ber of tho national council of admin
istration of the organization and that
J. H. McClay of Lincoln has been ap
pointed inspector general. Both are
positions ot honor with no salary at
tachment. ( j
At a meeting of local progressive
republicans who are boosting the can
didacy of LaFollette for the presiden
cy It was decided to plan for the lm
modlate opening of stato headquarters
arrangements mado at the meeting,
which was hold at P. P. Corrlck's of
fice, the location of tho headquarters
will be In the Fraternity building,
The legislative referonco bureau,
which has boon housed with the sec-'
retary of the board ot pardons and
tho state veterinarian on the third'
floor of the state house, will be moved
to University hall on the university
The stato poultry show will bo held
at York in January.
Rain interforred with attendance at
the Greeley county fair.
Nebraska university overwhelmed
Kearnoy In football In Lincoln Satur
ady by a scoro of 117 to 0.
Comparison of the Btato fairs during
tho past throo years show constant
gains, with tho last year the best ot
Tho City National bank of York is
Preparing plans for tho new bank
building which it will build next
Just after she had completed a hear
ty breakfast In a Fromont restaurant,
Mrs. Arthur Nowlln dropped dead ol
heart failure
A pageant of firework Axtnnrilno
several blocks in longth 1b to be the
closing feature or tho Gorman day
celebration in Lincoln noxt week.
Children playing with matches
Btarted a fire at Calloway that only
tho heroic work of tho volunteer fire
department prevented from becoming
fa OntiflnftiintlnH
Dates for the annual meeting of the
east contral Nebraska teachers' usso.
elation, which will bo held In Fremont
next year have been fixed as March
28, 29 and 30.
Tho Beatrice board of education has
appropriated tho sum of $100 as pre
liminary expenses toward the instal
lation of a public nlaycround for tha
children of that placo.
Whllo workmen were removing nn
old platform at tho Hubor Manufac
turing company at Lincoln, foiir coun-
torrolt silver dollars woro discovered
Thoy bore the date 1899.
W. L. Crlssler, near Tablo Rock
claims to bo tho champion pumpklt
ralsor in Nebraska. Ho had Bever.
hills from which ho gathered 12(1
pumpkins, somo of thorn weighing 50
pounds each.
Hog dipping proved nearly fatal to
Prathor Dolan, a farmer living neat
Beatrice, who was ovorcomo wltfc
fumes from an acetylene mlxturo used
Ho was rendered unconscious and fel'
Into tho tank, but was rescued.
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Architects have completed orlglna
sketches for tho plans of Llncoln'i
new high school building which will b
started next spring.
Rev. J. p. Anderson, lato of Huron
S. D., has accepted a call to the pas
torate of the Presbyterian church o;
Central City, which has beon vacant
since the resignation of Rev. Dr. WI1
Hams last winter.
The average salary of high schoo'
teachers in schools on the unlversltj
accredited list Is $68 per month. Tin
average salary of the thirty-sever
graduated class 1911 of the Peru nor
mal who hold high school posltlonj
is $74 per month.
Arrangements are being made to
seat a thousand delegates at the ban
quet board at the auditorium on th
night of October 26, when the Meth
odist congress convenes la Lincoln
Delegates will attend from every
charge In tho state.
At 6:30 Friday morning, in the pres
ence of the building committee and
officials boards of First Church oi
Christ, Scientist tho cornerstone oi
tho new 'church e'difice at Lincoln was
laid, accompanied by simple but Im
pressive ceremonies.
Charles Reove of Nelson, suicided
by shooting Wednesday, HI health be
ing presumable the cause.
Arthur Krautor, a fanner near
WHbor, Bet a trap gun to get a coy
ote, and accidentally set it off, re
ceiving tho charge In his legs.
Rev. W. C. Lessley has resigned
the pastorate of tho Tecumseh Chris
tian church and has accepted a call
to the pastorate at Broken Bow.
C. E. Senf, a Lincoln business
man was thrown under a moving
train in the Burlington yards and so
badly Injured that his recovery la
Verne Hedge of Lincoln, was re
elected president of tho Nebraska ab
stractors at their recent meeting at
A rule prohibiting football at Cot
ner university, which has been in
forco for four years, was rescinded
at a recont meeting ot tho college
board after somo discussion.
There Is considerable disquiet pre
vailing among Jefferson county farm
ers over an epidemic of hog cholera
that is prevailing In that vicinity.
The disease has sprung up In a num
ber ot droves and is playing havoo
with the hogs.
Cured by Lydia E. PInkham'a
Vegetable Compound
Pound. "Wis.-i am giad to an.
-ounce that I have been cured of dys,
and fnmnla
roubles bv vnim
moaicino. had
beon troubled wlt
both for fourtoeq
yoars and consulted
different doctors,
but failed to get any
relief. After natna
- . "
Lydia E. PInkham'a
Voffotablo Con-
pound and Blood
Purifier I can say
nm WaII ntnm.
I Can't find Words tnnrnrneo muthmVi
for the good your medicino has dona
me. You maypubllsh this if you wish.'
Mrs. IIeiuian Sietix, Pound, Wi3.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham'g
Vegetable Compound, mado from roota
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may bo
used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements. Inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, Ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache.
cestlon, di-unoss, or nervous prostra.
Foi 'thirty-ears Lydia E. PInkham'a
Vegetable Compound has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
suffering women owe it to themselvea
toat least give this medicino a trial.
Proof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others, and why should
It not cure you?
If you yrant special advico vrritm, Lynn.Massforlt.
It Is freo and always helpful
'Robin Hood for Mine?
To be assured of the best
shooting results that science
has made possible, ask your
dealer for Robin Hood .
the scientific ammunition, i'
Nol MadebyaTrusfc
excels in speed, accuracy and
penetration, because of the "pro
gressive combustion" feature of
our smokeless powders. All tha
force of the powder is used to pro
pel the shot the explosion la
forward, not backward.
The more progressive dealers sell
R. H. If yours Is not supplied
write us. Send for our catalogue
8th St, 8 wanton, Vt.
Vanishes Forever
Prompt ReliefPermanent Cure
fail. Purely vegeta
Die act surely
out genuy on
the liver.
Stop after
-inner dls
improve the complexion, brighten the eyes,
Genuine must bear Signature
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