frnnTP Irff rinMWMMiii"TT''ni"ifii'TriiTr-i i in mm if aTiiiiiiiiM n n i i .. , ..- jJiilt. Home Permanency vs. Home Monotony i lus ts a vttni ijiit s'ioii lor pres ent any iininiMMiiiiii'iN wintli k. to linvu ii house wlni'li in appear mice tniiht always remain tlu Humour a Ii on - will penult of a little refrcstii'iiiricnci'utloii ally. XelKlorlii)oilh cliitiitrp as ilo ta tus n franiu can cnsily be inarto to har monize with Its siirruiiiuliiiKs frush coat of paint often will make It as good us your iivIkIi bur's now hoa4e the siiine as a new suit nialcs you feci like a new man. At any rate a frame house is susceptible to most any uhango you might desire and while it is permanent itdoesnot necessarily need become an eye sore or a monotony. There are lots of things we've observed about houses and lumber that you should know before building come In and we'll give you our views. passenger "There's No Place Like Heme" Saunders Bros. Lumber and Coal RED CLOUD, : : : NEBRASKA ,44444f-(tfrC LOCALITIES "To-day is Dentist Day." fid Walters is home from Mindeu. Rov. Crcssmnn was in Inavale Mon day. John Barldey was in Woden Satur day A. D. Stanley was in Hastings Men day. Geo. Warren was in Cowles Tues day. Dr. Cunningham, Dentist over State Bank. Dan Sullivan of Grand Island is in town.' H. A Nelson of Bostwick is in town to day. Miss Ella Kohloe of Alma Is in town to-day. Mrs. Chas. Steffen is in (iuido Rook to-day. A.J Vance of Hastings is in town to-day. C.C. Carson of Edgar was in town Tuesday. C. Elliot of Osborne, Kans., is in town to-day,. Dr. Archie Kessler of Oiletins is in town to-day. Dr. II. J. Porter of Cambridge Is In town to-day. Geo. Sclnuil of Lcxingtou was in town Friday. Miss Ethel Uummingb was in Super ior Saturday. ' All kinds of Electrical work done by Morhart Bros Win. Hummel of Superior was in town Tuesday. A. E. Everett of Hastings was in town Tuesday. Ii. M. Woods of Dewel, Colo., was in town last week. Rob't. MoBride was a passenger for Naponce Sunday. .Tohn Grans was a passenger to Hastings Tuesday. Miss AdaScbultz was a passenger to Hastings Tuesday. Fred Maurer was a passenger to Hastings Tuesday. Miscs Hvii uiul llliineh Foster arc home from Hastings, riius, Irry is home from Ills homo si end at Viiinn. Colo. Mr .las. C 'Marko of Chester is in town visiting friends. Koy Angels was inking in the Su pel ior festival Friday. Have your picture framed at Sloss'. HeM selection in town. Mrs. Dr. Crolghton was a to Hlue Hill Wedncsdiiv. Dr. Holes and Harvey Rickurson were in Ouldii Hock Sunday. Win Westey of Stratlou. spent Sun day in visiting friends. Mrs, Heed of Hastings is visiting her son Geo. Heed this week. Will Ko -t returned from a business trip at (iulde Rock Saturday. (t. M. Ilochler of Alma is taking part in tho dental meeting to-day. Hall and Hrochot Dress Form for sale uheap. Ms. A. M. Attorney Fuller of Hastings trans acted burliest In town Monday. Dave Whitaker of Hastings is in town this week visiting relatives. Weesner and Koontz shipped 2 cars of hogs to Kansas City Wednesday. Tlie W. C. T. U. meets next Wednes day at the homo of Mrs. C. II. Rust Henry SteiFen departed Sunday for a pleasuro trip in sunny California. W. A. McIIcnry of Nelson came in Wednesday for the deutist meeting. Dr. C. V. Cross of Franklin is in town visiting his brother 0. E. Cross Audio Walker of Esbon, Kas., was transacting business in town Monday. Mrs. I. H. Holmes is in Lincoln this week attending the Rebekah Asscmb- ' Fred Ilurden, Teddy McArthur and Carl Warren are home from Gregory, S. D. Misses Alice and Grace Schuck were passengers to Hastings Wednesday. Al. G, llllesc of Lebanon, Kas., was a passenger for Gregory, S. D. Wednes day. Will Rants returned Friday from n week's visit at Saronvlllo and Hast ings. Mrs. lldrtfelt and family of Alma are In the city visiting Mrs. T. A. Jones. Carl Peterson.left Tuesday for Dal las, S. D. to register at the land drawing. Lee Keith spent several days in town visiting friends returned home Monday. Will Kent departed Tuesday for a business trip to Grand Island and Ravenna. Misses Rose McGuire, Alfa Longtin and Grace Kinsell spent Friday in Hastings. MesscisDr. Damerell and Steward left Sunday on a business trip to Wray, Colo. Prof. Hetz and his orchestra played for a dance at Guide Rock last Satur day evening. Mrs. Ned Grimes and son returned Friday from ashort visit with relatives at Hluo Hill. R. A. Roberts returned to his home at Falls City after spending a few days in town. Miss Coon has had experience in rural, grade and high school. Vote for Miss Coon. J. B. Keathlev is in Omaha this week on a buyiug trip for the Model Variety store. Warren LongHn returned to Hast ings Tuesday after a few days visit with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hale stopped over a few days to visit relatives. They will leave for Denver to-night. See J. H. Bailey for a farm loan. He has a reduced rate 6f Interest and is sole agent for Trevett. Mattis ft n.Loi. whn rA nnfcftrl tnr nrnmnlntu Ole Angels of Colorado is visiting his and square dealing and are always brother Roy Angels. ready for Business. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Abmolutily Putm Absolutely ham no mubmtttutm Many mixtures are offered as substitutes for Royal. No other baking powder is the same in composition or effectiveness, or so wholesome and economical, nor will make such ffine food. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar The Diamond Electric Viiciim clean er demonstrated In your home free. Cull Phono Red 07. Miss Elln Downer loft for her homo at Welton, Mo., after a visit with friends, Wednesday. II J. Sheldon and son George led Tuesday for Gregory, S. I), to register at the land drawing. Orris Fearn of Superior spent Sun day in Red Cloud with his parents, Mr. mid Mrs. Ed Foam. Mesiliiines. F. L Smith, Win. Wees ner, Geo J. Warren and Frank Smith autoed to Superior Friday. C. B, Hale and Ed. Hanson wont to Lincoln Tuesday morning to attend the I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. J. F. Nelson of Superior, president of tho South Western Nebraska Dent al society Is in town to-day. Losr A burnt leather fob with- a horse head charm attached. Leave at this otllco and receive reward. Geo. Hutchison and Oscar Tool were passengers to Lincoln Tuesday to at tend the I. O. O. F. Assembly. The D. of I! will meet next Tuesday evening. Every member should at tend as Micro will bo initiation, Geo. H. Hurlton left for his home at Fremont after a short visit with friends in towu and In Kansas. Mrs, J. L. Miner and daughter Miss Irene returned Saturday from a short visit with relatives at Blue Hill. Mrs. P. L. Owon returned to her home at Franklin nftor n fw days visit with Dr. Cross and family. Wall paper, paint, varnish, mould ing, painting and papering contract ed. Sloss, the Wall Paper Man. The finest line and best assortment of Harness ever carried before. Call and look It over. Mohhaht Bros. Mrs A Firman and daughter who have been visiting Mr, aud Mrs Dave Kaloy departed Sunday for Ohio. Miss Francis Gnrborof Philadelphia Pa., arrived Friday to spend the winter with W. N Richardson and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Runchey went to York Wednesday to attend the dedi cation of the Now I. O. O. F. Home. Win. Reeves and family returned t lis morning from Denver and will make their home here in tho future. Misses Florence Kellogg and Pearl Shercr returned to their schools Sun day after a few days with home folks. R. M. Beatty and son for General Maoksmithing, Wagon Work, Horse shoeing a specialty. At Day's old shop. Fred Wallace of tho Miner Store, was in Republican City Monday hold ing a suit sale for the Miner Bros. Co. Special attention given to diseases of eye and ear. Glasses accurately fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr. Roy Garber and family of Lawrence spent Sunday in Red Cloud visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs John1 Garb er. Who will win the World's champ ionship? Is the querle of all base bull fans. We can predict no team yet. Hude Robertson and family of Itlue Hill spent the first of the week here vising his parents, brothers aud sister. Morris J, Weise a former resident of Red Cloud has located here again and has taken the agency for the Standard Oil Co. Mr. and Mrs. David Morrison of Council Bluffs, Iowa are visiting their daughter, Mrs Geo. Corner near Cowles. Frank Huffer and wife returned last Friday evening from a several weeks visit with old friends and relatives in Indiana. Miss Coon is a graduate of the State Normal and State University. Vote for Miss Coon. Bernard Fruit and family are home from Pauline where thev have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Vincent. W. R. 0. will meet Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock p. m. let every mem ber be present business of Importance to be attended too. m. itaricman, who nss been agent for the Standard Oil Co., left Wednes day for his home at Rochester, Ind., where he will reside. Mrs. A. H, Keeney returned to her home at Denver Saturday, after a three weeks visit with Dr. Nellie Maurer and other friends. About 80 deutistsof the South West ern Nebraska Dental Society will be banqueted to-night at the Masonic hall by the local dentists. Grand Master Paul Storey, E. n. Newhousc and Dan Garber went to Lincoln Monday morning to attend the I. O O. F. Grand Lodge. O. A. Bryant, brother-in-law of Frank Huffer, of Lewis, In-Muna came to Red Cloud last Friday evening with Mr Huffer aud will probably locate hore, Wolte x vVhitftkor, general black smiths, now carry a full Hue of farm implements, surreys, buggies, wagons, gang plows, gas engines, stacker ropes, all kinds of machinery and heavy hardware, and all supplies for same. Also all kinds of oil. to to to m to 'AS n to to to to to to m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to . A MM .l N&J' My SWli t: I! Ki'iaw ,rai VVTAA . N,iS ii mm SlSl2tfi Now is the m MM MM Cm m m Right now is the time to buy the Winter Coats for yourself and Children. We are showing greater values this season, than ever before, in this line of Merchandise. Our stock is complete in every particular no two garments alike Our plan is to give our trade assort ment in price, style and pattern, of the best garments from the best garment makers in America. Ladies' Stylish Cloaks ...Up-to-date Kind... From $ 7.50 14.00 to 25.00 U il tt it i ir H ii it) it) a) ii) ) f it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) wV it) it it) vV it) it) Suits tO $32.00 3 mt Prices to fit purse of every people. it) it) it) 0) 0) We cater to the trade with the best and newest as- it) sortment of Shoes and General Dry Goods, in the coun- x JJ iy. uur desire is 10 nave ine privilege or snowing y it) 0) it) it) it) it) ii) it) you our lines. Turnure Bros. Mrs. Julia McCartney and Miss Sadie McCartney returned to their home at Butto, Mont , after a pleasant visit with their sister Mrs. Jas. Ryan. Dr. Warrick, the specialist will meit eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses properly litted at Dr.Damereirs oilico in Red Cloud Tuesday, Oct. 31. . The South Westorn Nebraska Dent al Society is in session today and are holding meeting at the oftlec of Dr. C. B Cross and a banquet to-night at the Masonic Hall. After exposure, aud when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It checks and re lieves. Use no substitute. The genu ine in a yellow package always. For sale at Dr. Cook's drug store. FusMiTcar For Sai.b As I am leaving Red Cloud f offer for sale my household furniture, either by piece or In lot. Call at my home known as the Bhlpmsn house. Mas A. Isom. Mrs. Mary Jones and Mrs. Geo. Weaver returned to their homes at Stella Sunday evening after a three weeks visit with relatives. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. J H. Robinson are sisters. Fob Balk Mv residence property a 10 room house new and all modern. Might consider a trade fbr a cheaper property in town. Also a Hudson automobile to trade for farm horses aud must make a deal in the next ten days. For particulars inquire of Ciiah, A. Sciiultz. We wish to announce to the public generally, that we have the well known Taylor Ranch for sale. This consists of 540 acres, G miles south east of Red Cloud. This place needs no commeda tion as it is known far aud near as the verv best bottom furm in Webster County. Walkkr Kknt. Rov. W. F. Cole has returned home. He filled ilhe pulpit at tho regular hours last Sunday and wiJJ preach next Sunday, 11 a. 111. on the subject, "What does life mean?" 7:0 p in. on tho subject, 'Training the ear." Every body iuvited to the DaptUt church to hear able sermons. Dr. J, II. Walluee of Omaha, secre tary of tho Statu Dental Society aud vlco president of the National Hoard of Dental Examiners arrived in town Wednesday to attend tho tith Semi Annual meeting ' tho South Western Nebraska Dentnl Society which is in Mission today. Dr. Wallnco will bu one of tho principal speakers, rW 4&h jjs 30 Horse-power Five-Passenger Fore-Door louring Car This car is now ready for demonstration. Come and see it;. To fully understand the exceptional value of this car you have but to compare it with what the entire market has to offer for 1912. Study the specifications below carefully. In what other car will you fudt such value at such a price? What machine under $ 1 25 can you lin up against this and item for item seeso much for so little money? Whe; you stop to consider the fine thorough construction the heavy drop forgings the pressed steel frame the selective' transmission fitted whir F. & S. annular bearings (which the most expensive cars in the world use) -the 30 horse-power motor, the big wheel base, the fare-door body with 'door hapdles and all levers inside the car, you can better realize what an actual advanced manufacturing step this new car is. SPECIFICATIONS OF MODEL 59 Wheel base, 1 06 inches; body, five-passenger fote-door touring; motor, 4x4 I -2; horse-power. 30; transmission, selective, three speeds wfi& reverse; F. & S. ball bearing wheels, artillery wood, 12-1 1-2 inch spokes, 12 bolts each wheel; tires, 32 x 3 1-2 inches Q. D. Silk Mohare Top and Brass Wind Shield $1000 F. 0. B. RED GLOUD JAMES PETERSON See The Chief Office for Up-to-date job work v fi m 3: 4 i J? .l t" ' I'' -y uW -'i r V fl n m ffw A tJJ i'JW I Wxi if $& ",' 1. M $ ',. &mm.v,fimjv!wt dto& . 'k