ta. T,- -i .. . .. . " J3 T" ;V"""T-M"t"-f" ,W1H Pw, ... rju3 i !. , i ii i i OTHUMMBMintMRPMBHtnMHMBMIHMB fciMBSSBBmB - v 1 S.- ' ' iwmihww . ,. ., .. r.:( ii1- .e y wwaLRHuaB'i.iPt .jwi ...-umjjJj i w-i mmwmmrtiSSySSBtB'XXxA'T& """IT '""-iTi'lir fli ff I'lrmifmiiiiniMwiiiiii 1 1 iii II- - - - - r l if t J 1 ' A " M 'I f' IC r. K, rYic fyh , .". The Chief C B. HALR, Pobllsaer RED CLOUD NEBRASKA FORCED TO GIVE WAIT CHINESE GOVERNMENT SUFFERS REVER8E AT HANKOW. REBELS ARE ON THE HIGH TIDE Imperial Troop Beat a Retreat to Point Ten Mites North of City Part of the Naval Force Deserts. Hankow. A (.wo dayB' battlo be tween the government forcoa from the north and the rorolutlonluts ended In a victory for the latter. Tlio rebels forced the Imperial troops to retreat to a point ten miles north of Hankow. Tho loyalist gunboats dropped several miles down tho river. Tho Imperial Chlncso forces mot with defeat Wednesday at Hankow, being driven back by tho rebels. The extent of tho defeat la not yet known, but tho government forces aro sup posed to bo entrenched seven miles north of Hankow, awaiting reinforce ments. The warships which took part in tht engagement, with one exception, re treated down tho river. Ono of the .Teasels, It is reported, went over to tho revolutionists. Consular dispatches received at Pe king from tho province of Yu Nan re port disaffection among the troops there, who threaten to mutiny. The Chinese government admits a serious situation at Chang Cha, province of Hunan, and this admission Is believed I to Indicate that tho people there have Joined tho revolt. It is feared by the legations at Pe king that news of the ropulso of the government forces at Hankow will ut terly domorallzo the troops now mob ilizing, and also that tho provinces south of tho Yang Tso and somo north of the river will secede. Although the Poking government re ports that War Minister Yla Thang has about completed the mobilization of the army with a view to putting down the revolution, the foreign min istry alone eeoms to have c6nfldence in Its proposed attack. The fear seems to generally prevail that he will rely on proclamations and negotiations with the enemy, being fearful or un able to move his army. A financial crisis is threatened at Shanghai, where several native banks Aave suspended payments. & Will Investigate the Records. Ottawa, Ont. A commission will be appointed by the government to 'make a thorough investigation of tho busi ness transactions of Us predecessors. The liberals were In power for fifteen years and records of all its dealings now are In tho hands of the conserva tives. Tho Investigations will include fourteen departments of tho govern ment and will require about two years. Jubilee at El Paso. El' Paso, Tex. With governors and other visitors In atendanco from states on both sides of tho Interna tional boundary, a big celebration was begun hero Thursday In honor of tho admission of Arizona and Now Mexico to tho union. Tho festivities will con tinue thrco days and will bo conduct ed on an claborato scale. Have Discovered a Plot. San Antonio, Tev. To provont any attempt to kill Francisco I. Mndoro during his visit at 1'iso Dogrds sym pathizers will leave hero for Eagle Puas, Tex., opposite tho Mexican town. Local Maderlatas say they dis covered u plot to bhoot Madoro, who haB been warned. Too Much for Mr. Morgan. Now York. J. p. Morgan appeared at tho department of taxos to swear oft a portion of his personal taxes. Mr. Morgan had restored enough to rortuco his assessment of $800,000 to ?fi50,000. It was Bhuwn by Mr. Mor gan that ho could bo held only for tho latter amount. Pastor Accused of Murder. Boston, MnsB. R.'v. Claronco V. T. ftlchcBon, paBtor or n Haptlst church in Cambridge, was arrostod here aB a result of police investigation of tho doath by poisoning of Miss AvIb Lon noil, a student at tho New England conservatory of music, Cleveland, O. Tho six thousand garment workers hero who have been on strike nineteen wcoks will vote on the question of giving up the fight. Tho prediction 1b made that thoy will vote to return to work. Rome. Thero Is nn interesting dis cussion being had in military circles as to how tho Turks will bo likely to treat the Italian aviators If tho latter fall Into their hands, particularly as to whether they will be regardod as prisoners of war. It Is recalled that the five French balloons captured by the Prussians in 1800 wero considered pies by Bismarck. In tho second case tho aviators itro in uniform and do not conceal their Identity. Accord ingly the Italians think that if cap tured the aviators should be accorded lbs) protection of prlaonera of war. NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD ITEMS OF INTEREST PERTAINING TO VARIOUS LOCALITIES. GREATER OR LESS IMPORTANT i Che Newa of Many Cllmea Told In Short and Pithy Paragraphs, Writ ten Expressly for the Busy Man's Perusal. Washington. Secretary of Agrlculturo WilHon do .iIub ruinorH that ho hud handed his rcBlgnatlon to President Taft. All foreigners In China huvo been advised by tholr contnils to leave tho dlatrlcto affected by tho revolution. Tho American Tobacco compuny naka for an extension of sixty daya, or until March 1, 11)12, for perfecting its reorganization, Former Sonntor Nolson W. Aldrlch of Hhodo Island, has submitted to the national monetary commission, of which ho Is chairman, a revision of his plan for monetary legislation. Tho population of Canada, accord ing to tho census takon on tho first day of Juno and Just mado public, is 7,081,806, an Increase In ten years of 1,710.554. All railroads aro forbidden by the intcratato commerce commission to cancel rate contracts with other roads when such action will result in a raise of freight rates. A call has been Issued for a meeting of the democratic national committee at Washington, D. C, on January 8, to fix tho time and place for holding the next democratic national convention. The United States circuit court will be asked to exercise its alternative In tho tobacco trust case; order a dis solution of tho Amorican Tobacco com pany and appoint a receiver therefor. Attornoy Genoral WIckorshnm do- nlos that he had given out any state ment Indicating what action tho de partment of Justice might take rcla tlvo to tho reorganization plan an nounced by tho American Tobacco company. Tho discrepancy of three million dol lars Bhown by the books of the Wash ington navy yard between the mate rial on' hand and the amount called for by tho accountB has been reduced to $025,000, according to tho navy de partment. President Taft spent Monday In Insurgent-southern California- and re ceived a hearty welcome In Los An geles and Pasadena. The streets wero thronged and there were cheerss.aU along the route. It was entirely a non partisan reception. ' The courts in Washington 'paid tri bute Monday to the late Associate Jus tice Jotin Marshall Harlan of the su premo court of the United States. The highest tribunal of the land, of which Justice Harlan was the oldest mem ber, tho court of commerce, the court of claims, and the various branches of the supremo court of tho District of Columbia adjourned immediately and tho court of customs appeals an nounced that out of respect to him it would not bo In sessloa Tuesday. General News. ' The defenso In the McXamara mur der trial has passed six talesmen. Dr. Hyde was denied elisors to take charge of the Jury at Kansas City. An edict has been Issued forbidding tho exportation of rlco from Poking. An engineer waB killed and a fire man Injured In a wreck near Winni peg. Boys of Rudolstadt, Germany, six toon years old, fought a fatal duel over a girl. Knl Fung, tho capital of Honan pro vince, 1b reported to have fallen bo foro tho Chlncso revolutionists. Miss Clara Barton, who has been very lit for somo tlmo, 1b reported to havo much Improved In health. A holdup artist cot S1.C00 from Ihn State bank at Vera, Okla., but was captured boforo making a getaway. Governor Munn bxprosses tho opin ion that tho women of Virginia will hao equal suffrage within ten years. Flvo Btatc, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Oregon and Now Jersey, will by law chooso delegates to tho national conventions next year by di rect vote. Sixty-five thousand revolutionary troopB havo been ordered from Wu Chang and Knl Pong to Intercept Im perial soldiers on route from Peking to tho provlnco of Honan. Tho warehouso of tho Atlas distil lery at Poorla, III., waB destroyed by fire which is supposed to havo been caused by spontaneous combustion. Tho loss Is estimated at $100,000. To prevent an epidemic of typhoid fover In Iowa this fall, Secrotary Guil ford H. Sumner of tho Iowa state board of health has issued a warning to tho peoplo to boll tholr milk and water. Tho First National bank of Porto Rico has been placed In voluntary liquidation. Striking a submerged stump In tho river near Wellington, Mo., tho gov ernment lighthouse tender Lilly stovo a huge holu In her side mid sank. IlurglarB wrecked tho vault of tho Planters bank at Clarksvillo, Mo., Monday nnd after a pistol battle es caped with what is believed to bo a largo sum of money, Joseph Vail, who waB charged with counterfeiting whllo, serving a sen tenco In the Missouri state peniten tiary, has been acquitted. Owen Wlster, tho novelist, died in Wyoming Friday. Tho total registration for lands in tho RoBcbud reservation at Gregory Is 18,014. John Henry Smith, for many years ono of the Mormons' ablest leaders, died suddenly at Salt Lako City Fri day. Horaco Bngley of Spokane, Wash., 100 years old In September, made the trip to Lincoln, Nob., to visit rela tives. Emperor William Wednesday un veiled a stntuto of his father, Freder ick. Ill, at Alx La Chappclle, Rhenish Prussia, , An nrt museum to cost $300,000 is given to Kansas City by tho will of Mrs. Mary Atkins, who died there re cently. Sheik Hlcnusa, a noted Arab leader in Tripoli, has declared a holy war against tho Italian invaders of tho country. Governor Noel has issued a procla mation calling tho Mississippi legis lature to conveno in special sessloa November , Tho next annual meeting of tho Na tional Educational association will bo held In St. Paul next year, July 6 to 12, Inclusive. The Turkish covornment Friday or dered tho expulsion within twenty-four hours of all Italian correspondents Id Constantinople. Monroe H. Kulp, familiarly known as "Farmer" Kulp, who served in tho Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth congresses. died at Shamokin, Pa. Iowa 'women's clubs are up In arms at tho action of Sheriff Holdron of Mason City In turning tho hose' on an obstreperous female prisoner. Mrs. Prlscllla Klebey, who is dead at her home in Muscatine, aged 60, was a slater of Jack London. A large part of her life waB passed In Iowa. United States Judge Smith McPher son of Iowa will preside in tholltlga tion pending the division of tho prop erty of F. G. Lewis & Co., at St. Louis. Another terrlflo storm has Rwant the coast of Mexico. Eight schooners. aro reported ashore at Mazatlan, and tho "Frisco" coast haB been severely damaged. t Firo completely destroyed the beau tiful country homo of Robert Bacon, Amorican ambassador to Franco, at Westburv. L I.. Wednesdnv. Thn man. etary loss Is estimated at approximate ly (200,000. Jason K. Wright, aired 71. once known as tho "Cedar King" and one of the best known lumber owners in the northwest, died at Marinette, Wis. Wednesday. The Chinese government claims to have won a great victory at Hankow, and announces that the troops hold the station where the troop trainB are arriving rapidly. Proclaiming Bernardo Reyes presi dent of the Mexican republic, a group of disaffected citizens have sounded the cry of insurrection in Teapa in tho state of Tabasco. The sixth International dry farming congress, probably the greatest agri cultural congress ever before, held, opened at Colorado Springs Monday for a flvo days' session. Several thousand Chinese troops havo reached tho outskirts of Hankow, while troop trains are carrying thou sands moro to the scene of tho revolu tionary rising In Hu Peh. Right Rev. Augustine Van De Vyver, for tho last twonty-two years bishnn of tho Roman Catholic dioccBo of Rich mond, Va., died Monday of complica tions resulting from a sovcre cold. Forty persons woro overcome by smoko and a company of firemen nar rowly escaped Injury by flying glass in a firo which caused S15.000 dam ages to a five-story brick building lr Chicago. Nathan Pett Langford. pioneer res ident, who waB ono of the discoverers of tho Yellowstono park and Its first superintendent, died at the family homo at St. Paul, Wednesday, aged 79 years. W. T. Burgo, a train caller for tha Illinois Central at Ccntralla, 111., sinco tho strike, was uttacked and seriously injured by strikers. , City, stato and federal warrants wero issued for tho assailants. W. J. Vosbcrg of Kcarnoy was elect ed grand maBtorj T. W. Bass of Brok en Bow, deputy grand master, and Frank John of Grund Island, grand warden of tho Indopondent Order of Odd Fellows at tho session Just end ed at Lincoln. Chinese womon will havo a chanco to voto If tho revolutionary uprising is BUCCOBflfUl. x Ono of tho features of tho sixth In ternational dry farming congress nt Colorado Springs, was tho convening of tho first International congress of farm women. Two hundred progressive republic ans in their first national conference at Chicago Monday endorsed tho can didacy of Senator Robert M, LaFol lotto of Wisconsin for president and declared in favor of a direct primary as a moans for the expression of a presidential choice. Three men wero killed and flvo ser iously injured by tho explosion of steam pipes in tho plant of the Fow ler Packing company in Kansas City, Wednesday. Harry Heath, Kenneth Murphy, Alma Weed apd George Weed, accused of lynching Charles Sellers. Juno 18, on a ranch near Valentino, Nob,, woro sentenced to life imprisonment. Thn nlnntnnnth annual irrigation congress will be held in Chicago De cember 5 to 9. Delegates from each state, city and town in tho United States havo beorr Invited to be present. MINE OS LAWN DID IT AND MAN THREW LIGHTED MATCH. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What Is Going on Here and There That la of Interest to the Read era Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Humboldt. Frankle Albright, four years old, opened a faucet In a gaso lino tank in tho yard at tho rear of a grocery Btoro, filled up several sprinklers and gavo tho yard a gen eral bath with tho oil. A little later a clork camo out of tho Btore and threw down a lighted match and tho land scape was ablazo immediately, but tho weather bolng very damp, and quick work by tho firo company saved tho adjoining property. Get .a Life Sentence. Valentino. Nob. Harrv Heath. Knn. neth Murphy, Alma Wood and Georgo weeu, accused of lynching Charles Sellers, Juno 18, on a ranch here, were sentenced to life Imprisonment by Judgo Westover in district court Mon day. Eunice Murphy, tho girl accused of being an accessory before the fact wob ordered released. Thoy received their Bontences calmly. Tho four wore arraigned on charge of murder In the first degree, but the court allowed them to ignore this charge upon their petition to plead guilty to the second degree crime. Observe "Anti-Tobacco Day." ' Fremont. Wednesday wan Antl.rn. bacco day In tho Fremont public schools. On behalf of the local or ganization of the W. C. T. U 1,000 copies of the new Btate Jaw, forbid ding tho sale of tobacco to minors and making possession of it by a boy un der eighteen punishablo by a flno, wero distributed. The school princi pals In all of the wards, made talks to tho Btudents on tho subject. Will Tear Down Old Church. Beatrice. The old .Methodist church building, probably the oldest public building in Beatrice, has been con demned by the firo prevention asso ciation and will be torn down. The building Has been standing vacant Blnce tho erection of Centenary church in 1882 and Is in a badly dilapidated condition. It was erected of stone in tho early sixties. Fall Injured Aged Man. Central City. William Paterson, whilo building a chimney on a house here, fell from a height of about thir ty feet. Mr. Paterson Is about sev enty years of age and suffered serious Internal injuries. Drops Dead at Lunch. Wllber, Neb. "Jack" Knight, editor of tho Saline County Democrat of Wll ber, dropped dead Wednesday in a restaurant. Ho stepped Into the place, ordered a lunch and fell dead while it was being prepared. NEW8 FROM THE STATE HOUSE. Editor H. A. Bralnerd of tho Hebron Champion, haB donated an old-fashioned Gordon printing press to tho state historical society. Tho balance in tho general fund of the stato haB dropped to $22,000 and county treasurers aro being tinrnd tn .send in money. The older, more pop ulous counties aro chiefly the delin quents, counties in tho Bhort grasB region having paid their taxes to the ntato( treasurer. Tho Havelock public school will give an exhibit at tho mooting of the stato teacherB' association to bo hold In Omaha November 8, 9 and 10. Other schools In tho state will also exhibit tholr work there. Tho Havelock school won tho first prize at the stato fair this year for the best goncral ex hibit. Football once again saved tho state university uthlctlc board from facing n deficit at the end of tho fiscal year, according to tho report of treasurer L. J. Logan, Just mado public. Tho popular fall sport yielded n profit of $0,001.99 In 1910. As a result of this surplus tho bnlanco July 1, 1911, at which dato tho report ends, is $284.11 larger than that January ,1, 1910. Honry T. Clarko, Jr., member of tho Nebraska railway commission haB re turned from Washington, D. C, where ho attended a mooting of tho national association of state railway commis sioners. . Governor Aldrlch's order that tho Irst man to get drunk at tho Mllford homo should bo "canned," has been carried into effect. Commandant Hill yard having given ono inmato a forced furlough because ho brought liquor to the home, and another bocauso he pur chased the "boozo." A 350-page abstract of the evidonce in the ouster suit against Chief of Pollco Donahue of Omaha, has been filed in supreme court by A. F. Mullon, special counsel for the state In this case. According to Superintendent H, F. Carson, the Anti-Saloon league is tak ing a hand In the Judicial fights In six districts. Tho league is also using Its power against F, O. Hamer, republi can, and W. D. Oldham, democratic candidate for supremo judgo. The league is not attempting to take a hand in tho railway commissioner fight. KID BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA. Ashlnnd Is to have a public library. Burglars aro getting In their work at Exeter. Fremont schools will obGcrvo No vember 3 ns firo day. Tho Odd Fellows' homo at York was1 dedicated Wednesday. Beaver City wants electric lights, nnd a meeting has been called to dls cuss tho matter. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Hcdlund of Au rora, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Saturday. Tho fifty-fifth Bcaaion of tho grand lodgo of Nebraska, I. O. O. F., will bo held In Lincoln next year. Russell Dccrson. nn 11-year-old Elk. horn boy, foil from a high tree Sun day forenoon and broke his neck. Lester MeycrB, seven years of ago, was struck by a U. P. paBsenger train at Central City, and instantly killed. Tho fifth annunl Sunset social of tho Mothodlst church of Hastings will bo held on Friday afternoon, Octobci 27. ' Miss Lola Iimphcar, whllo out nut ting with a crowd of young peoplo near Elmwood, foil and broke her right arm. Burglars invaded Broken Bow Mon day night, and got away with numer ous valuables and a small amount of cash. Tho Gorman Lutherans at Moore field havo bought ground and will1 erect a new church building UiIb fall and winter. Oscar Lcut, an old resident of Wa hoo, died Wednesday, after Ivine un- consclouB for two weeks following a stroke of paralysis. Frank Potter of Kansas, lost a leg by tho accidental discharge of a shot gun when his auto overturned on a hunting trip near Anthony, Kas. At a railway bond election hold Sat urday, Tekamah voted $10,000 bonds to aid In the construction of the Om aha, Sioux City & Northwestern rail- roao. Walter Hopewell of Tekamah, had a narrow escape when tho auto ho was driving, with four friends, went Into a ditch at a street car crossing nt Omaha. If tho wishes and ambitions of some of Beatrico'a public spirited citizens are realized, that placo will havo a real, suro nough "Coney Island" next summer. Ben Brown, a strikebreaker employ ed at the Union Pacific shops at Oma ha, was found dead on his cot at tho BhopB. H1b death is attributed to nat ural causes. After being without a minister foi several weeks, tho Methodist congre gation at Howe has secured the ser vices of tho Rev. Chenoweth from Uni versity Place. Chase Emerson, who held up a res taurant at Lincoln Wednesday, and was captured a few minutes later. hn been placed under $1,500 bond to await preliminary trial. Tho German Day celebration at Lin coln, Wednesday and Thursday, was a marked success In very particular, and It Is moro than probable It will become an annual event. Sunday evening a number of farm ors who wero in York attending church, had overcoats and robes stol on from their rigs whllo they woro at worship and no trace of tho thief ha yet been found. Gago county's permanent road fund may bo augmented by $10,000 if the efforts of tho county attorney to com pel tho estato of tho lato William Scully to pay that sum on inheritanco tax aro successful. Sixty automobiles, decorated with every variety of American flowers, forming tho main body of the German day. floral parndo at Lincoln Wednes day, passed through four miles ot streets banked On each side with largo crowds. Tho stockholders of the Plckroll Farmers' Elevator company met in an nual session Monday and elected offi cers. Tho managor mado a very flat tering roport, showing that over 150, 000 bushels of grain had been handled during tho past six months at a profit ot $2,100. A dividend of 20 per cent was declared. , ' Will Plerson, a rural mall carrier at Sterling, had a very narrow escape Friday mornlrfg. Ho was crossing tho bottom land which was badly flooded by tho recent rain nnd in trying to crosB a culvert which was covered with water, in somo way missed it and was swopt down tlio current at a rapid rate. Mr. Plorson foil from tho cart ho was driving in, but by unusual prosenco of mind saved hlB life. Otto R. Marks has boon appointed postmaster nt Wlnslow, Dodgo county, Neb., vice W, E. Kaufman, resigned. Joo Parker, a 19-year-old Hastings boy, foil from a moving train nt Te kamah and lost a foot just abovo tho ankle. .Tho other foot was so badly mangled that ho may lose It. Whllo picking apples Saturday after noon, L. C. W. Murray of Plattsmouth had the misfortune to have a largo ap ple fall, striking him in tho oye in such a way that It rendered him al most totally blind In that eye, Several stores at Aurora were vis ited by burglars Sunday night, ,and good hauls made at each place. Tho veterans of the Franco-Prussian war hold a big celebration at Clatorila, which was attended by soveral hun dred old soldiers who carried a mus ket under the German flag. Thero is a movement being inaug urated in Kenesaw to secure the con solidation of all the churches of that village into one, with ono pastor. The plan suggested calls for tho erection of ono very large church at an outlay of $20,000. with one Dastor at tn. ana I salary. WHAT I WENT V' - I THROUGH Bcloreiaking Lydta EPinkhun's Vegetable Compound. Natlck, Mass. "I cannot express what I wont through during the change oi mo Deioro 1 tried Lyoia E. Pinkham'a Vego table Com- nminrl. T w.ir in mini a nervous condition 1 could not keep still. My limbs woro cold, I had creepy sensations', anal could not sleep nights. I was Anally told bv tu-n nlivtt. lclans that I also hml a fnmnr Trn-i,t one aay 01 tno wonderful cures mado by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegctabla Compound nnd decided to try it, and It has mado me a well woman. My neighbors and friends declnre it had worked a miracle for mc. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound is worth its weight in gold for women during this period of life. If it will help others you may publish my letter." Mrs. Natiian B. Greaton, Gl N. Main Street, Natlck, Mass. Tho Change of Life is the most criti cal period of a woman's existence. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry womon through this tryine Sriod as Lydia . Pinkham'a Vego blo Compound. If you Would likeT special advice about your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pinkuatn, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice Is free. AVlfl nltvnvtt liAlni.l - w.w. A .ltlA OTM.Hja uvijituu tP ISO'S THE BEST MEDICINE ouchsiIi Cold A Cross-Reference. Mistress Have you a reference? Bridget Folne; ol held the poker over her till I got It Harper's Bazar. BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS FREE Send SoiUmp for Ore itmplea of mj Terr choio Mt Gold Bmbosnd Ulrtbdtr, Flower and Motto Post Card.; beaoUfnl color, and lovaUMt d.tlpii. Alt Port Card Club, m Jackaon BU, Obpeka, Kaaua Rivalry. "Does your automobile fo faster than your neighbor's?" ' "No," replied Mr.'Chuggtns. "But my danger signal makes a much mora disagreeable noise than bis." Not If He Knew It. "That's a nice little game you played on that girl In not showing up' at the church when you were to be married to her." "Well, -it wasn't a tie game." Would Arrest Him Anyway. . Sergeant 'Alt! Take Murphy's name for talkln' In the' ranks. Corporal Wy, sergeant, 'e weren't talkln'. Sergeant Wasn't ho? Well, cross It out an' put '1m in tho guardroom for dccclvin' mo. Tatler. Is of Scotch Origin. Ellen Key, who baa written a num ber of books and has had much to do with molding public opinion In Swe den, la descended from a Scotch high lander, Colonel McKcy, who fought un der Gustavus Adolphus. In 1880 her father lost all hlB money and Miss Key went to work as a teacher. She then 'Kave lectures and has for 20 years boen lecturer on tho history or civilization at tho Popular University , of Stockholm, Serious Business. Madge Was Georgo fooling while you wero playing golf; Marjorle Gracious, I hope not? Why, I accepted him. Llpplncott's. One Mother Says "There's only trouble with one Post Toasties "When I get a pacK age or two, Father and the boys at once have tremendous ap petites." Post Toasties Require No Cooking Serve with sugar and cream and the smiles go round the table. "The Memory Lingers" Seld sy Oroctrs Po.tum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Ulcb. '' ' ' "- t'Wm mtm.'.'i, 'jMrs fslw f, Jfess.',"' : IHi J Y A i m:i .r.