The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 19, 1911, Image 11

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Ji- r. -.iri "V"
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Good Shingles
Properly. Applied
R Htlllou'crtliucinsei vutlte home
R builder tho best value lit a roof
ing yet produced. Where lminy
fall, however, In getting t tic ictil
worth out, of their shingles is in
nulling thorn on with mi Inferior
mill. Can't expect u 'J.Yykais
shingle to give you the proper
service if It is put on with u fi
ycaii nail. This Is frequently
done mill the result is that the
shingle Rets the bhune not the
nail. Of course, in some historic
vs the shingles may be lit fault
but if you aro careful and get
shinies made of heart wood with
good straight grain, manufact
ured full thickness and properly
dried, you'll never have a kick
coining. Let us show you
shingles that are right mid tell
you about the nails.
There's No Place Like Heme"
Saunders Bros.
Lumber and Coal
? .
Edgar Cowden was In Franklin Sun
day. "
Ned primes was in Blue Hill Fri
day. Dr. Cunningham, Dentist over State
Chas. Owen of McCook spent Sunday
in town. -
II. Hilblsh of Ucrittice spent Sunday
in town.
Wm. Guy of Hastings was in town
N. E. Marsh of Cowles was in town
J. E. Everett of McCook was in town
J. II. Iiailoy and wife are in Omaha
this week.
Vote for Miss Coon for County Sup
erintendent. Ben Alvoe of Norton, Kas
town Friday.
i ,,,!. B. Colvln of Guide Rock was in
town Friday.
Mike Durdcn was down from Blue
Hill Monday.
All kinds of Electrical woik done by
Morhart Bros
H. E. Reincrs of Lawrence was in
town Tuesday.
Bert Allen of Marysville, Mo., was
in town Monday.
Dr. Dlrkner of Lawrenco was in
town Wednesday.
. Guy Strong of Manhattan, Kas was
in town Tuesday.
O. K Stakebale of Sallna, Kas., is
in town this week. ,
Nine years teaching experience.
Vote for Miss Coon.
Oracle Leggett is Buffering with au
abscess on her neck.
N. V. Anderson of Cowles was on
our streets Tuesday.
G. M. Hoppes of Long Island, Kas,
was in town Saturday.
Have your picture framed at Slogs'.
Best selection in town.
L. E. Dere of York was in town
Tuesday visiting friends.
A. B. Hurg of Hastings was in trans
acting business Saturday.
O. G. Carltou of Hastings was in
town on business Monday.
H.E.Edwards of Lincoln wasjn
town Monday on business.
Absolutely Pure
Used and praised by the most
competent and careful pas
try cooks .the world over
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of
Tartar made from grapes
J. O. Burton of Hansen transit.'. ed
business in town Tuesday
Frank mid Kdwin Valsou of Womer,
ICas , wete in toe.ii Mnndny,
t" W. Pi nit and A. Ijendorbnonl of
Hustings Stindajed In town N
Giant Miller of Dresdoti, Ka., lnlt
ed with .1. K Butler this week.
Kay and Ailhur Tnylor of Franklin
visited friends In town Monday.
Mr and Mrs. S. E. Worden of Guide
Rock visited relatives over Sunday.
E. l Good nud Fred Schard of
Ksbon, Kas., wore in town Saturday.
Noble Hall was In Blue Hill Monday
and Tuesday on telephone business.
Mrs. Sarah Nelson of Ohlowa spent
sovetat days in town visiting friends.
Mrs. Mark Parks returned from a
three weeks visit in Denver, Monday.
Mrs. Chas. Sohellak and Mrs Chas.
StefTen visited in Guide Rock Wednes
day. Mrs. O E. Hughes of Hastings is
visiting Mrs. Bernard McNony this
Mrs. Wells of Cowles visited over
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. E
Mrs Garrison and Miss Ella Van
Wocrt of Guide Rock were in the city
Agent R. E. Foo who has been on the.
sick list all week Is some better at this
Charles Vance .Ir. of Phllllpsburg,
Kas., transacted business in town
Mrs. Adolph J. Ring of Inavale
spent several days in the city visiting
Dan Garbcr is homo from Lincoln
Omaha and other eastern points in
Miss Coon has taught In the rural
schools of Webster County. Vote for
Miss Coon.
R. E. Daughtory left for his home
at Iloldrcgn Wednesday uftur a short
btay in town.
Misses Mabel Holingraln and Alfa
Lniigton and Mr. Will Rants arc in
Hustings to-day.
The Diamond Electric Vactim clean
er demonstrated in your home flee.
Call Phone Red 07.
Mrs. Luydora left for her home in
Illinois after a pleasant visit with
Miss Ethel Whlttaker.
Mrs. Rob. Dewitt who was hurt in
a run away last week is able to be
about the house again.
Air. Voter 'be sure and vote the
Democratic ticket this fall .and you
will not be sorry you do it.
Lost A burnt leather fob with a
horse head charm attached. Leave at
this office and receive reward.
Wall paper, paint, varnisfamould
ing, painting and papering contract
ed. Sloss, the Wall Paper Man.
The finest line and best assortment
of Harness ?vcr carried before. Call
and look it over. MoitiiAitT Bros.
R. M. Heatty and son for General
lilacksmithlng, Wagon Work, Horse
shoeing a specialty. At Day's old shop.
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and car. Glasses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Trains 4 and II, Hastings to Red
Cloud, it issUted, willbedisconttnued
about November 1st. Tuesday's Mc
Cook Tribune.
The Misses Smalley departed -for
their home in Eureka, III., after a
three weeks visit with their sister,
Mra. Fred Plumb.
Donald Fulton, Cecil Essig and
Lenard Reiher leave Friday for Lin
coln where they will enter the state
agricultural ohool. ,
The Democratic and People's Inde
pendent parties precinct committee
men met Saturday and had a very
enthusiastic meeting.
The Red Cloud High school foot
ball team went to Franklin last Friday
and was defeated by the Academy
team of that place 0 to 0.
Head the Chief adds Tho bring the
desired icMills.
The Encampment meets Friday even
lug. Oct. 27, and all membeis aro ie
quested to bo present as thoiu will he
business of iiiipottan 'e.
The Hon. R. I). Sutherland J1I
speak at Mine Hill Monday afternoon
Oct. .'loth and at Uladeti In the even
ing on the Issues of the day.
Ue. J M. Hates returned yesterday
from St. Paul imd will hold service al
(Juice church next Sunday and the
second Sunday In Nov. lie expects to
bo absout Nov, S.
Furitture far Sale.--As I am leaving
Red Cloud I offer for sale my house
hold furniture either in piece or lot
Call at my house known as the Ship
man house. Mrs. A. M. I bom.
Rev. Cole wilt preach at the Baptist
church next Sunday on the following
subjects: Morning, "Launch Out'';
Evening, "Pay your Debts to God and
Man." All come out aud hear him.
Mr. Arle Van Pllsum, brother of
Mrs. E. J. Overing Jr, stopped over
for a short visit tills week while en
route home from his summer vacation
which ho spent in the mountains of
A. E. Turner of Rod Cloud was In
the city, Saturday, making another
shipment of stock from hero. This
makes 11 cars ho has shipped from
this neighborhood, th Is fall. Tuesday's
McCook Tribune.
After exposure, and when you feel a
cold coming on, take Foley's Honey
aud Tar Compound. It checks and re
lieves. Use no substitute. The genu
ine In a yellow package always. For
sale at Dr. Cook's drug store.
Wolte .v. Vhlthker, general black
smiths, now carry n full line of farm
Implements, surreys, buggies, wagons,
gang plows, gas engines, stacker
ropes, all kinds of machinery and
heavy hardware, and all supplies for
same. Also all kinds of oil.
Fon Sai.u My residence property, n
10 room house new and all 'modem.
Might consider a trade for a .cheaper
property in town Also r. Hudson
automobile to trade for farm horses
and must make a deal in the next ten
duys. For particulars Inquire of Chas.
We wish to announce to the public
generally, that we have the well known
Taylor Ranch for sale. This consists
of 510 acres, G miles south east of Red
Cloud. This place neediTno commedu
tion as it Is known far and near as the
very best bottom farm in Webster
county. Wai.kkb 3k Kknt'.""'- '
Wednesday morning at 3:15 the cit
izens of Riverton were awakened by
the tolling of the fire-bell informing
them of a fire in that community when
the department arrived at the scene
of the conflagration it was discovered
to be .the building owned by John
Myers, and rented by Frank Stephens
who conducted a billiard and pool hall.
Mr. Myers can led Insurance to t!:t
amount of S17.10.00 on the building and
fixtures, of which everything Avhs re
duced to ashes.
Stevens Bros, have purchased the
Alma Photograph Gallery, aud llert
will leave for the aforc-suid city Fil
day .morning to take charge of it.
They now own and operate 4 different
studios, and as they are artists of no
mean ability in ctheir profession ami
are conceeded by many to be past mat
ters in the art of making pictures.
Their expanding business testifies to
their ability and we are pleased to ex
tend congratulations and wish them
continued success.
Mrs. Cora Potter, Mrs. L. H. Black-
ledge, and Mrs. Edith Robinson of
Red Cloud, attended the school of in
struction given by Grand PatronTerry
for the local Eastern Star chapter at
this place Tuesday night. The ladles
were guests over night at the home of
Mrs. Perry Hlldreth. Mrs. Robinson
was at one time a student at the
Academy, her maiden name .being
Edith Wilson. She will be remember
ed by a number of the older students
of tho Academy. Saturday's Franklin
Send fifty ceuts to the Lincoln State
Journal and you will receive that big
state-daily all the rest-of tho year. It
will stop at the end of that time. The
Journal is different from other statu
papers. It is independent, progressive
and fearless, not in politics 'for its
owners or friends, does not print liquor
or nasty medical advertising, spends
more' money for state news, all of the
Associated Press, splendid Washing
ton service, and does things for the
good of Nebruskaus. It prints more
columns or reading matter than any
other state paper, has many high class
special feutures, and Dlxby himself is
worth the fifty cents. Try It at this
cut pi Ice. Including Sunday paper,
70 cents.
See J, H. Bailey for a farm loan.
He has u reduced rate of Interest utid
Is solo agent for Trevett, Mattls it
Baker who are noted for promptness
and square dealing and arc alwuys
ready for business
Hev. J. Ml listen, l'nator.'
Hervlco tlio tint two Kuiulnys In each
Holy Communion at niornlnB scivlccion
tho tint Hunday.
Sunday icliool at.12 o'clock uvery Sunday
Mr i. K.H. Hmltli, Superintendent.
ip pil
lar W
Dr. Wan ink, tho special 1st, will be
at Red Cloud, Tuesday, Nov. U, in
stead of Oct. 31. .
Leu Metcalf Dead
Len Metcalf, uged 21) years died
Tuesday evening at 0 o'clock, lit the
home of ills parents north-west of
this city. lie wus born aud raised In
Webster County. For several years he
has been iu thv protralt business in
tills city. He has been sickly for the
past two mouths and a weok ago he
was taken seriously ill and was com
pelled to go to bed. The cause of bis
death was blood poisoning. He was
a young nan of good habits and
character and bis death will be a sad
blow to his parents, relatives and
many friends. The funeral took place
today from the borne and interment
took'place in the Fisher cemetery.
The Chief along with his many friends
extend sympathy to the bereaved
parents, brothers and sisters during
their hour of bereavement.
John P. Unn, wus born in
Pennsylvania, April 3, 1833, and died
Oct. 17, 1911. He was .8 years,
months and 14 days old at the time
his death. He moved to Kansas in
1870 and settled on a homestead and
iu 1871 he moved his family there and
has lived there ever since. He was a
soldier iu the Civil war and was h
member of the 32nd Iowa Volunteers.
The funeral services took place Tburs
day, Oct. 19, at the Oriole school house
and interment took place in the Oriole
cemetery. Rev. Geo. W. Hummel con
ducted the funeral services, Mr. Upp
was one of Smith County's earliest
pioueeqj. He leaves a family to mourn
his death aud the Chief along with his
many friends extend sympathy to the
bereaved family dining their hour of
Take Your Common folds Seriously
Common colds, f-evcio and frequent,
lay the foundation of chronic diseased
conditions of tho uohc and throat, and
may develop into bronchitis, nose und
throat, and may develop into bronchi
tis, pneumonia and consumption. For
all coughs and colds iu children and
iu grown persons, take Foley's Honey
and Tur Compound promptly. Sold ut
Dr. Cook's drug store.
Now is the
Time. . .
Right now is the time to
buy the Winter Coats for
yourself end Children.
We ire showing greater
ever before, in this line of Merchandise.
Our stock is complete in every particular no two
garments alike Our plan is to give our trade assort
ment in price, style and pattern, ojF the best garments
from the best garment makers in America.
Ladies' Stylish Cloaks
...Up-to-date Kind...
From $ 7.50
Prices to fit purse of every people.
We cater to the trade with the best and newest as- $
sortment of Shoes and General Dry Goods, in the coun- jj
ty. Our desire is to have the privilege of showing yfc
you our lines.
30 Horse-power Five-Passenger
louring Gar
This car is now ready for demonstration. Come and see it
To fully understand the exceptional value of this car you have but to
compare it with what the entire market has to offer for 1912. Study
the specifications below carefully. In what other car will you find
u.l -.!.. .. ..L : " YL. L: I I ")ft !
I ouw" a,uc " oin.ii a puicr w uai
I up against this anditem for item see
J.P 6-thorough cons.ruc.ion-.he hvy drop
ojiuigwgs me pressed sieei irame
of . F. & S. annularbearincs ("which
use) --the 30 horse-power motor, the big wheel base, the fcre-door
body with door handles and all levers inside the car, you can better
realize what an actual advanced manufacturing step this new car is.
Wheel base, 106 inches; bodyt five-passenger fore-door touring; motor,
4x4 1-2; hprse-power, 30; transmission, selective, three speeds and
reverse; F. & S. ball bearing wheels, artillery wood, 12-1 1-2 inch
spokes, 1 2 bolts each wheel; tires, 32 x 3 1 -2 inches Q. D.
Silk Mohare
$1000 F. 0. B. RED CLOUD
See The Chief Office for Up-to-date job work
Mm K a A
values this season, than
25.00 $
iiiduiinc uuuci j i cjt can you line
so much for so little 'monev?
uie selective transmission mted With
the most expensive cam in th wnrU
and Brass Wind
" -,.-Ok
i m
,Vj i
i .wan .
1 1 .