WVwimmMMIi iwattlwwflVMjWWK - ' "' tiMf-IB,Jac , r ,j r Pile HUlorical Su'h ty s.. iiiarra i..r:.. .. 1. .".. ,JL! TVrr:" t. . " ... .. ..'"". .'jif l(J rTTTlirPWimV Jg-q BflBjav ilm i . - - if MSSBBBllSBBBMeissBMsssja.Mi " !! Kpi-;rr-i g """'-'gwBijgKjEffi "cJ-fc .MBaivifHiu?HHBi9iiBBEBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHB iHHh jFhvl8s . ii r;SBSSSSBBSSSSSSSjlPBlSgteP'ilvaJ. HlJi3l ItyBr! mhllL.kMra UT JKrBBREBKiKXMRESSsSsSLESjmU&Biisxi PgSSSi usBBBsBBwBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBbiL vbm Tjyrj- f gjBwrpii BBBfa-MMMgM sT' ""bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbm SA bBBHBBJBBtBjBmMB 4 NewsMtr Tint filvea The Htw Fifty-tut Weeks Each Year Per $1.50. VOLUME XXXV III1. BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. OCTOBER t!, 1911. NUMBER 42 r-rtw p y n 1 I J 'spending-the with Mrs. J. S. Gleason. I Hh. New Banking Law is now in force and, she is a sister of Mrs. wuurd smith the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 of Ilurr Oak and had been attending a family reunion there. GUIDE ROCK. Mrs. O. W. Hoover Is on the sick list. Mrs. E M. Parker was quite ill Tues day and Wednesday. J W. Hughes and wife are spending this week out ut the faim. The Methodist parsonage has been treated to several coats of paint. Hastings Milner and wife visited several.duys at Superiorand Hotwlck. Wilbur Ayer, wife and son came up from Dostwick Tuesday and were the guest of W A.Fccleyand wife. Miss Edith McKclghan spent Satur day in Quid KooU. Nho was a guest at the homo of Mis. Van Woert and daughter. Miss (lanliner returned Tuesday to her lioniH in Edgar niter u pleasant visit with Itev. E. L Hurcli and family at the M. E. p.trsnnitg. Mrs. R. Kuowlh i.f I'ulliertson re turned to her home Monday after GARFIELD Clyde Bowen iinished haying Wed nesday. Jim Coleman was ou wind mill row Monday. Carter Lippencott Is working for Ed Wiggins. Henry Wiggins and family were vis iting in Garfield Sunday. Will Fisher is building a new bridge near Cap Houohlns this week. George Houohln has bored two wells in the last week and both of tbe wells are dry. Pete Manly is working for Will Fisher and will shuck corn for him this fall. Julius Wotiberman returned home from Texas last Friday and reports a good time. Mr. aud Mrs. John Harris and Fred Harris and family spent Sunday with Smith Bros. Sam Jones papered Guy Barnes' house the first of the week and now they are building a cattle shed. Mrs. Charley Ailcs went to Kansas City last Friday to visit with her brother Lee Pope for n couple of weeks. There- was a socialist meeting at the Bchool house in Dist. 85 last Friday evening. It was called to order by Cap. Houchin, their committeeman. Their candidate for sheriff told what he would do if elected and then their candidate for county judge told what he would do in regard to Wills if any one wanted to die. Cup. Houchin then addressed the nudicuco and the meeting closed. COMING TO REDCLOUD Associated Doctors, Specialists, Will be at the Royal Hotel Monday, Nmv. . taf will r: main ONE DAY ONLY The New National Alarm BIG BEN Remarkable Success of These Talented Physicians In th , Treatment of Chronic Diseases OFFER THEIR SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE Copyright lUrt Schafflier & Man YOUR interests are ours, in this busi ness; there wouldn't be much sense in selling clothes that were not good for you; we couldn't keep it up very long! Our idea is to sell you clothes that are best for you; we know something about quality in jelothes., ,v - &- :, Hart 3chaffner'fc& Marx clothes are the best for you, because there are no better clothes made; they're , best for everybody; best for us. Suits $18 and up' Overcoats $16,50 and up clothes This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Seed Laboratory Dlscentlnued During the past three years there lias been inalutulned thru the co-operation of the United Slates Department of Agriculture and the Nebraska Ex pet itueiit Station a Brunch Seed Laboratory. Tnis Laboiutoiy was counected with the Department of Agricultural Botany, the head of this department being Collaborator In charge of the seed laboratory. Over 3300 tests of seeds have been made during this period aud by this means aud thru extensive correspond ence there has been aroused umnnir Nebraska farmers great interest In "p ire seods." The interest in and demand forpure seeds of known quality developed by the work of the Nebraska Seed Lab oratory was suflloieiit to induce the last legislature to enact a law govern ing the sulo of seeds. The enforce ment of this law was placed in the hands of the State 1'ood, J)iug nnd Dairy Commissioner. The State having made provision foi the continuation of this wot It it hub boon deemed lcstJ,o dUcoutluuu the Nebraska Seed Laboratory. Accord iugly con etmondeuce and samples of sociIh for test with rufeienco to the now seed law should bo sent to tho Stato House. The Dopaitmont of Agricultural Botany will continue its own investigation of corlnln seed pro blems and of Nebraska weeds. To the Farmers: Tho i:ecutiio Committee requests you to begin to prepare for the Farm ers' Institute. Solect tho host ears of corn out of your fields, best of pota toes, pumpkins, boots, squnshee, tur nips, onions, parsnips, enrrotts nnd all other farm products, also begin to got your cattle, horses, hogs, chickens, ducks and gecso up lu shape. Ladles ploase begin to get your preserves, onn goods aud needle work ready for tho Institute. Tho school exhibit will bo opon to all of the country surround ing Red Cloud, "Don't forgot tho dates Deo. 11), 20, 21, 191J. Everybody is in vlted to take part and make this the best Institute in the styteof Nebraska G. W. Hummkl, Pres. Henri OitiiAM, Soo'y. i t The Associated Doctors, licensed by the state of Nebraska for the treat ment of deformities and all nervous aud chronic diseases of men, women and children, offer to all who call on this trip, consultation, examination, advice free, making no charge what ever, except tbe actual cost of medi cine. All that is asked in return for these valuable services is that every person treated will state the result ob tained to their friends and thus prove to the sick and atfllcted in every city and locality, that at last treatments haveheen discovered that are reason ably snrn and certain la their effect. These doctors are considered by many former patients among America's leading stomach and nerve specialists and are experts in the treatment of chronic diseases, and so great and won derful have been their results that in many cases it is hard indeed to find the dividing line between skill and miracle. Diseases of tliestomueh, Intestines, liver, blood, hkln, nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys, or bladder, rheumatism, sol- atics, di.ibetes, bed-wetting, leg ulcers, weak laugh and those atllicted with lonif-stauding, deep-seated, chronic diseases, that have batlled'the skill of the family physician, should not f.ill to call. , According to their system no more operations for appendicitis, gull stones, tumors, goiter or cortaln forms of can cer. They were among the ilrst in America to earn the name of the "Bloodless Surgeons," by doing away with knife, with blood and with all tialn In the successful treatment of these dnngoi ous diseases. If you have kidney or badder trou bles bring a two-ounce bottle of your urine for chomical anulysls and mi croscopic examination. Deafness often has been cured In sixty duyc. No matter whin you ailment may be, no matlor what others may have told you, no matter what experience you may have had with other pbjsic inns, it will bo to your advantage to nee them at once. Have it foioyer ottlod in your mlndt if your case Is luuiiiablo they will glvo you such ad vico at may lelieve and stay the dis ease Do not put oil' this duty you owe yourself or friends or lolatlvos who aro suffering because of your sick ness, ns a visit this time may help you. Remember, this fiee oiler is for one day only. Married ladies must como with'thelr hnsbaudh and mlnois with their par ents Otllcc at Hoyal Hotel, Red Clou'd. llouis 10 n. in. to 8 p. m. The Best Alarm Clock ever made. Built and runs like a watch. More than a million already sold. J If you have not gotten yours, do so now. NEW STOCK JUST IN Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE. Prop. Jeweler and Optometrist. C. B. fit Q. Watch Inspector DR.S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. EMIOH At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone 131. Chief Ads Bring Results D. D. Sanderson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Olllee in Moon Ulock. Dell, Black I; lud., 1U3 Residence, Royal Hotel. Boll, 17;.Ind., 27 Calls Answered Day or Night , m:i oi.oui), nkii. Combination Sale On Out. 21, 1011, E. S. Fit, will soil ut his fai m 1 Jjj miles wesl uud .'1 north of Red Cloud ut Public Auction 00 head of Cuttlo nnd hogs, 18 head of thor oughbred Poland China tried sows, 00 head of shouts and pigs. Foley Kidney Pills Supply just tho Ingredients needed to build up, strengthen and restoic tho naturul action of the kidneys uud bluddcr. Specially prepared for buck uche, headache, nervousness, rlieuma tlsm and all kidney, bladder and urin ary irregularltios. Sold at Dr. 'Cook's drug store. When you think of SToves THINK OP MORHART 'BROTHERS They have the finest showing of stoves ever brought to Red Cloud. : : : : , HEATERS AND RANGES o At special Low Prices and extra High Quality. CI Just as a sample we have 15 inch firebowl Heaters 48 inch high for VilggWHQivJf $7M I Always Glad To Show Goods. V sM ' 5 e fc ' s :4 sSr Vt'' 4' A'iftl w i. il"t m m W i ,Pi M ffU j .. i M if i NV J'f w? V JM,rti;jii.