mmmmmm SSS- jjjawM innw jMnMK'Vg"g'22gWMinainnHa 3gnMbwiw6tS i&Sikm mJSmfsea rtp,iiijni im. in m,i flip iiwi Mtiii'iunwiH 1 "I ...! frigffld fOAi. srar.S3 snfwaMraaiajM i isjss mm """"''' " 4 i r ". Now is the Time to Order Your Monument for Fall Delivery and have it erected before cold weather sets in. First class material and workmanship guaranteed. Overing Bros. (Si Co. fr Dealers in Monuments, Red Cloud I AfiHDn .tosta. lmmLmmmUmmW m QwIQbiBBBBbV BssssiPipK FofaL. tk lflgagaswsYgP& JHMh (be? Wo 'HI ''For you particular customers who demand the best Groceries, vc recommend Folger's Golden Gate Coffee." "Il is so good we cannot obtain a belter coffee not if we paid $ I a pound for it. Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it vith the positive guarantee that it will please you. Wo baudle the best of everything In Groceries as well ns in all other lines. The Miner Brothers Co. General Merchants "A MIGHTY BAFK FLACK TO TRAOK" SUKPSON & REflWORTHY Successor To A. C. Bradshaw Exclusive Dealers In Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Neal. : : PHONE US YOUR ORDERS. BEIL RED 57 mm wMwmimmwiiwA iin e Wi Which Do You Choose vr ihic 3wan W0, Mattress 'm. Complete Com- pf fort m Guaranteed 30 Years wMmxMWmmzz?, Ypwrm7, m M The "White Swan" is positively the biggest mattiess bsrgain buyable. No mattress at any price soHtmugly. , You can't go wrong if ou buy a "White Swan." NPS GUARANTEED THIRTY YEARS 4 Come in and see the Whit Swan ED. A MACK THE FURNITURE MAN Uidertakinf a Specialty All the Phoiet DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTIBT ' Mion Block, Red Cloud In Riverton every Monday "Cheap Cost" Mattress. Near Comfort Soon Lost, Gone j to Pieces in a Few Years is better. Nd other is guarantee' Mattress and let utput ohe'in your SEE G. C. BAILEY About Your Phone Batteries and Electrical Supplies '&. Mfi prrj-M'V H0 . " ' Frightened Hippopotamus Nearly ( Drowns Hit Keeper at the ( Zoo In London. ' A hippopotamus Is not tho most de lightful bathing companion In the World, especially on a dark night In a small tank and with a snorting, floundering hippo as badly scared and as anxious to get out of the tank as you would bo. The hippopotamus keeper at the London Zoo knows all about It. One night recently, after the too Was closed to visitors and all the ani mals had been bedded down for the night, the keeper saw his charge locked up In his sloeplng quarters, a compartment adjoining the swimming pool. After the hippo was locked up attendants cleaaed out the swimming foot and filled It with fresh water, all ready for the animal to tumble Into .when released next morning from tho sleeping den. Satisfied that every thing was all right for the night, tho keeper west out visiting. Sometime later In the evening a too watchman heard the hippo making queer nolaes as If it wanted to get up and take a bath, so the watchman let the animal out. It plumped Itself down In Its bath with a snort of relief and went to sleep again there with scarcely more than the tip of Us note above water. Still later the hippo keeper returned and decided to take a plunge In .the hippo's tank. He stripped and dived In. Then followed an exciting strug gle, which took place mostly under water. First the keeper was on top of the hippopotamus, trying to get a footing so that ho could Bcramblo out of the tank, then the hippopotamus was on top of the keeper. Each was terribly frightened of the other. One dived, the other dived. The keeper yelled for help and the hippo bel lowed In fear. Just as several of the watchmen arrived the keeper man aged to scramble out more dead than alive. DISCORDS THAT MAR LIVES Not Always Easy, or Possible, to Blend One's Notions Into a Perfect Harmony. Carlylo says that "Bplrltual music can only come from discords set In unison." It Is a good thought to keep In mind, and the moaning of It Is worth an Intellectual strugglo to got at. Wo can refer to but one common circumstance. Here Is a person af fllcttu with a variety of notions. Out of all of them there Is no conclusion. One Is uppermost one day and an other the next. One has no compass; no guiding star. One has no compass; with another, and he finds his life a round of discords. There are many of that sort They only believe some little fact. The next day that Is forgotten and an other appears, bringing a new view and a new purpose with It These are the discords referred to. They may e unpleasant or even painful, but no matter, they are discords, and many a life persists In keeping them up. Of course, that Is not the way of the true life, which is to take all these discords and blend them Into a har mony. And how Is that done? Easy enough. By avoiding our low standpoints, our Tain opinions, our limited stores of knowledge, and getting up on a mount where a strmon was once preached, and listen to that There the discords melt Into harmony and become celes tial music. There Is the point to which all evolution takes Its way. umo awie journal. Callsd the Huff. I "The only way you can legitimately keep out undesirable persons from a hotel Is to raise the price or to assert that your house Is full," said a hotel clerk, "but you never know when this may fall. "A couple once 'came up to register whom I sized up at once as the kind we were particularly anxious not to take in. 'I am very sorry I said to the man, 'but the house Is absolutely filled and the only thing I could offer you would be a small suite.' " 'What's thatr demanded the trav eler, and I explained that It consisted of a small parlor, bathroom and bath. '"What's the price?' he asked. "'Twenty-five dollars a day,' I re plied. " 'I guess that will be all right' said the stranger calmly, and he registered. He bad ro." Holland's Trade In Flower Bulbs. The cultivation and exportation of flower bulbs has been carried oa In Holland since 17S0, but the trade did not begin to attain Its present enor mous proportions until the last twenty r thirty years of the nineteenth cen tury. About four million dollars' worth f bulbs are new exported annually. The Dutch bulk growers form a gen eral federation which numbers about tars tkousaad members. The federa tion aaallsass a yotr twice a week, organises sales curias tho season, sub mits new varieties to a committee of Sulfas aad lays all trade disputes be fore a council specially named for the' purpose. The federation has also or ganised exhibitions and sent Dutch produce to foreign shows. Wonderfully Realistic The Customer There's something wrong with these grand opefa records. There's a orrlble racket la each one that spalls tho effects of tho music.' iao uemoastrator Ah, yet. One of oar latest electa, That's tho ceaver mUlea la the boxes. Wonderfully real V""""'l " ,,, . ,.- i.ii ;uj jji lUil. I., i Millionaire's Son After Eight Months' Struggle In Tannery Voluntarily Returns te His Studies. This Is the manner In which a self-made millionaire mot a crisis In the llfo of his son and heir. "Young Tom" was In a famous New England school, preparing for Yale. He was a good boy and a hustler, but gymnastics and the school paper ab sorbed so much of his time and en thusiasm that he lagged In his studios. The father went over the school re ports for several months and remon strated. The boy replied that he was tired of school and wanted to go to work. 'lAll right" said tho father, "but take time to think" it over. Work in this case means work, and not sitting at a desk or loafing around the office." The boy made his choice. The .father put him in a tannery In which he had an Interest He became a member of a gang of men scraping flesh from hides. He went on the payroll at $10 a week, the same as the others, and out of that paid his board. He labored eight hours a dsy, for six days a week. He had to keep up with the others, or be docked. He stood It manfully for eight months; without a kick. Then he went to his father and owned to his mistake. "I need more education, and wnnt to go to school," ho Bald. "All right" Bald lifa father, "but on what terms?" . f "I'll stand nt the head t,ol my,' class." he answered. .' )ott,v I have soon his ropprta. In) ever case ho stood "A." Next yoar he en tera Yale. . , x ' f MAN MUST REST '0 WORK EST SJO V asSuVMhtt FrerttfelMW'l no Experlmen a Laborer W Efficiency After Cc oses 8ays ctlng Experiments. Prof. Jules Amar has submitted to the Academy of Medicine In Paris the results of his Btuily of tho man ma chine. Bays the Dietetic and Hygienic Ga7ette. Ho proceeded upon tho prin ciple that u mun who cats liberally ought to recuperate In weight every twenty-four hours. If his weight lessens he works to excess, If his weight Increases ho has not expended the maximum effort. Amar found that tho human machine gives n profit of 25 to 3fi per cent, on tho expenditure; hut that tho best artificial machine roturns only 14 per cent. It would seem from theso experi ments that man is indeed superior to all mechanism; with the very slight exception that he always wastes ener gy during the first five minutes of work before regaining his equilibrium. It would seem that Monday's hu man labor Is the most Inferior and Tuesday's the most superior, owing to the curious action or Sunday as a rest day; the Monday lassitude of the French worklngman Is proverbial. And It Is found that the workman who does not rest gradually loses his energy, and this Is now a subject of keen Interest among scientists. Denver Republican. tarty Christians in New York City. Tho Methodists of New York city over a hundred years ago started their first organized charity. Tho record of this early venture is pre served In a volume In the library of the Methodist Historical society. On November 12. 1808, at a meeting bold in the school at Worth and Hudson streets, the Assistance Society for Re lieving and Advising Sick and Poor Persona in the City of New York was organized. The city was divided Into districts. At first there were four, then five and six, till finally the num ber became seven. These were called walks. In 1809 the distribution of food, clothing and fuel began. Cath arine Graham of 81 Church street, to whom $1 was given, was the first to be aided. During the war of 1812 the society purchased soup tickets from the Humane noclety at $3 a hundred, and distributed 80 loads of wood. In December, 1812, 3,499 "suffering indi viduals" were helped, and the total for the first four years was 28,000. Survey. Colors Give Us Their Secrets. The famous blue color given to the porcelain manufactured at Sevres has long been believed to be the result of a secret process, and many legends exist about It It has, however, been recently shown that It is a mistake to suppose that Sevres blue cannot be produced elsewhere. As a matter of fact. It Is produced In many French potteries, where sufficient care Is ta ken aad where pure oxld of cobalt Is used. Formerly It was dimcult to procure this article without impuri ties, which Injured tho color; bat oaemlcal science has overcome all tho disentitles. Tho same Is true of tho Chinese green known as celadea. It was Invented In China, but it can bo perfectly reproduced elsewhere; Har per's Weekly. Honestly Answered. A good reply wss once given by Miss Mary Moncrleff, aa elderly spin ster without any pretensions to good looks, ihe was at a dlaaer party at Perth aad the late Thomas Duncan, procurator-fiscal, who was sitting- op posite her, addressed her: "Now, Miss Mary, I'll give you a toast 'Honest men aad bonnlo lasses!"', 1 can drink that without say compunction," the old lady replied, tar It applies to aelthor you aor mJU.I CATARRi i M&& Sffifiu? & M SfriSsOT N7VJTJ riFlH i ivm.r OUJ ii-rbw Krf 7iaf SJPJ Ely's Cream Balm Thla Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. OIVI8 RILIIF AT ONOg It cloAnxcs, snot ho, lionln, ntul protects tho diftoiwd mmiibrano. It cures UitUrrh nud drives awny a Cold in tho Itmul quickly. It os to res tho Botiftiw of Tinto nud Hmoll. Easy to nm. Contain no injurious drugs. Ajijillwl into tho noMtrils ntul nbxorboa, Lnrgo Hlzo, 60 cents at Druggints or by mail ; Trial Hlzo, 10 cents by luail. ELY MOTHERS. M Warren II.. Niw York. Why la ii bakery liko ii meat market? Old Mother Hubbard Went to the cupboard To get her poor dog a bone. But she was mistaken For she had ordered some Bacon of us that morning, And so the poor dog had none! Have You Tried Our Fine Breakfast Bacon Yet? WM. 0K tCLEAlt illVaalMWimil CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND LADIES 1 BRAND Tm ft, 6V7e (MM. S Art j r IraMirt for Cni-CHRS-TBR'S UltHUMJ IIKAND FILLS tl Gold metallic boxtf, sealed Ribbon. Takb no otbbh. 1 Branti amd uk f.r CHUtm lAMOND SHAKO PU.I.S, for twentT-fl?e years regarded aa Beit, Saktit, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMR CUCRYWUPRP WORTH Tuau ctn i TV nunc tkstko! OPERA HOUSE Friday, October 13, 1911 Cbas. Ellis presents bis proteau play "Thy Neighbor's Wife" Drama and Vaudeville Auspices of tie M. W. A. Popular prices ID, 25, snd 8Co. Reserved seats at Cook's Drug Store sTtBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaa rr Bvenuso there's linkln there 1 ft r?fll' o) fi nS wjS with BluetO) cs.Taa V -i- - ii 1 a "&E&;v" Jt-"P. Simply Designed Monuments nru often ns effective ns moru elab orately carved memorials. It dcpemla largely upon the skill aud taste of the mnUor of the monumont. We Execute With Skill nny memorial design you mny choose, whether it be from our book of 1,000 designs or from Bti idea of your own. Wo are at your Hervioo for any monu mental work you may require. ED. McALISTER UKI CLOUD, - NEBRASKA THE HAPPY BRIDE IF SHE believes that part of the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. She will succeed best in her bakimg if she uses our IMPERIAL FLOUR Red Cloud Milling Co. fire INSURANCE POUCY Oon't Dmiay Ordmrlng a tiro insurance poliojr from us a single day. Fire isn't going to stay away because you arc not in sured. In fact, it seems to pick out the man foolish enough to bo without riC INmUHANCK POLICY Have us issue you a policy to-day. Don't hesitate about the matter. The firo fiend may. have your house down on the list for a visit this very night. MAKK WHA Tl BAY O. G. TEEL, Rmllmbl Inturmno: Swlffs Premium Hams and Bacon "Dutch Bitcker" T jSBBBBBBBHBB9BBaaBBa a JVC f jsfNwS$: 'mmmWkK$ If . SbbbbHH . 'pi '.': J S5-Sar&V boEtJs An stagl Am sfigsf For Sale ISKmH) fJTWMMMMMMl John Yost B tr GSM THE ftpMM JBtfjfi gaoTsr va St, 'ii M $ t ,4 , 1 1 hi T I. L At it- "ft, $ I v, tf 1 & l s ; 4 1 "S VJ&& 'jj!.i !'')SV, v. M.Jm