7Wiri7 ipaSJTFsFf Ljajinnl lmmmmmmmmmmmiimmm iSr!vv5i3$e tfs ui ummmamm 4 K i E3E1 GOOD CARE OF YCUNG CALF Prof. Redman Does Not Favor Pastur ing Animals During First Summer on Account of Fliea. The Mnlno Farmer thUB reports tho addrosa of Prof. n. W. Itedman given on the Farming Special trip, on the subject of tho dairy calf: His sug gestions were the results of the best practical experience along that line. After somu preliminary remarks along the line of selection of the cow and the use of n pure-bred bull, In which ho emphasized tho quite generally ac cepted assertion that tho sire Is half the breed, ho spoko particularly of the treatment of tho cow before calv ing. She should rest a few weeks an-J should be fed well but not high, and should have somo succulent feed. She should have good care and attention and will respond with better offspring. He suggested tho following treat ment of the calf: Leave It with tho dam a few days and then take It away and teach It to drink. A clean pall should be used and tho milk should always be the same tempera ture. After a few days of whole milk, tho ubo of sklmmllk may bo com- DAIRY L3I lb Comfortable Calf JStanchlon. v menced, with some substitutes for tho fat which is taken out in the cream. The feeding of grain and clover hay may be commenced and gradually increased as tho calf is able to assimilate It Professor Redman said that tho calf should be kept growing and not al lowed to get a setback at any time, for It might never fully recover from It and would not bo likely to make the high quality cow that It other wise would. Professor Redman did not favor pas turing tho calves during the first sum mer, but rather keeping them Inside and away from the'annoylng flies dur ing the warm days, for often they lose more in fighting flies than they gain by the open air and pasturing. They might bo turned out into a pen at night CARE OF THE YOUNG CALVES Especially Susceptible to Ravages of Flies and 8hould Be Kept In Barn Good Repellent. (By W. W. KIMBALL.) The young calves are especially susceptible to the ravages of files and It will seldom prove profitable to al low them out of the barn except for exercise during the night when the files will not prove troublesome. There are numerous remedies that may be used as fly repellents but the following formula recommended by Doctor Moore has given excellent sat isfaction wherever used and where many of tho expensive preparations have failed to perform what their manufacturers claimed for them. Fish oil 100 parts Oil of tar 50 partB Crude carbolic acid 1 part The cost of the mixture Is about 30 cents a gallon and it may bo ap plied with a hand sprayer every two days. Some prefer applying the mix ture once a day, using lighter1' appli cations. Loads of clover and other forage hauled to the stable every two or three days will keep tho calves and cows in excellent condition and the manuro thus made will nearly pay for the increased labor required in cut ting and hauling. When we consider the relationship between the comfort of the cows and calves and the amount of milk and growth we can hardly fall to see that we should do all In our power to im prove their condition In fly time. Learning dairy Business. The man who Imagines he knows ( all there Is to know about dairying ' without attending the short courses for dairying at tho agricultural col leges or without reading a reliable form paper Is making a great mistake because no one man can bold all thoro Is to know about the dairy busi ness. Temperature of Dairy. Bacteria do not thrive in the cold, but in heat only. If you keep your milk below 40 degrees the bacteria will have small chanco. Tho dairy cannot be managed Just right without the use of a thermome terand It must be a good one, no 25 tcent affair. WAY TO READ CREAM TESTS One Big Difficulty May Be Overcome by. Adding Small Quantity of Fat-Saturated Alcohol. In the llnbcock ten-bottle tho bot tom of the fat column Is practically a straight line but tho top has a con cave surface and the question as to whether the fat should be road at tho top, the bottom, or somo other point has been much, discussed. This uncertainty mny bo entirely overcome by dropping a smnll quan- Reading Cream Tests. tlty of alcohol Into the seek of the test bottle after the cream test is completed. Tho alcohol Moats In the top and changes Its concave surface to nearly a straight line. As the uso of the alcohol dissolves tho fat, there fore reduces the length of the col umn and gives too low n reading, this can be overcomo by first adding to the alcohol all the fat It will dissolve and then ronrlng n small quantity of this fat-snturatcd alcohol on the top of the fat column in tho test botlo The diagrams In tho flguro show the difference. In bottlo No. 1 It shows tho top curve of tho fat which occupies a space between A and n of 'nearly 1 per cent of the scale. The test should be read 19 or 20, depend ing on the selection of A or B as tho point to which It Is read. In bottle No. 2 tho alcohol makes a straight line at tho top of the fat column, so that the test can bo read at that point without any uncertainty. HANDY BARN DOOR FASTENER Cross Piece Should Be as Long as the Door Is Wide and Tolt Tight to Keep In Position. A piece lxG inches Just as long as the door is wide, is bolted to the door exactly In tho center. Two pieces aro bolted to the sides of the door, one hook up and ono hook down. When the door Is closed and you wish A Handy Door Fastener. to fasten It, pull down on the left and raise up on the right and the cross piece will fit In place. The bolt should fit tight so as to keep, tho cross pioce in position. Never allow tho bull to run loos about the yard or fields. Tho cream should be delivered not less than three times a week. Watch the milch cows carefully, and see that they keep up their milk flow. The value of milk for cheese mak ing should bo based upon tho contents of both fat and casein. Despite every effort, there is always more or less complaint of shrinkage of milk In tho dry, hot months, Tho example of a successful dairy man neighbor doesn't seem to have any Impression on some farmers. The woman who makes good buttei and clean butter and puts it up attrac tively does not havo to cut prices. Tho man who getB his principal In come from tho dairy should breed bli cowb to registered dairy-bred sires, Scours in young calves can b checked by feeding a teaapoonful ol dried blood for each calf In two quarts of warm milk. The averago production of butter fat per year per cow Is Bald to be be tween 140 and 1C0 pounds. This Is far too little to be profitable The separator and all utensils should be kept clean and sweet by washing after each milking and then set In the sun to dry. Nobody has yet discovered how to get all of the dirt out of milk. The only way to have absolutely clean milk Is to prevent the dirt from get-. ting Into tt r" - - 7t ji Si A. S " U: y-c o-fc I I LP m 3 & J&SF-BBBBBBBS -SBBB) JSeKaW-rssWC'sssPM 3KaW 3 LW SLEEP Tounrj Woman in State of Como for 100 Days. physicians Attribute Miss Haiel Schmidt's Experience to Work Which Overtaxed Her Nerv- ous System. Vnndalla, 111. Hazel Schmidt, after a .sleep of 100 days, recently awakened, and is picking up tho looso threads of llfo, reading the newspapers and mar ivollng at tho inflnlto number of things ithat can occur In so short a tlnfo. This ,'cmarkablo sleep of a youni land handsome woman Is said by th jdoctors to bo unprecedented In authen tic cases of a similar nature. To bi sure Kip Van Wlnklo was made tc sleep 20 years by Washington Irving but that story Is fiction, while Hazo) 'Schmidt's sleep la attested by hun jdreds who saw, and no ono In tnli city will doubt its truth. I It was on April 25 that she entered on tho long sleep. The permanent 'awakening did not occur until Thurs day, August 3, making It exactly 10C 'days that she was practically with drawn from the world. During that 100 days tho longest 'time that eho could be kept awak !was a period of two hours, and th longest period that she was asleep con tinually was 61 hours. , despite tho fact that during these 100 days, and for four weeks before 'they began, and for two or three days tfter they were ended, she did not leave her bed, she looks nnd feels Just Kb well today bb when sho entered on this record-breaking Bleep. 1 Her Intellect appears Just ns keen ns ever; she la Interested In the jworld'a doings, Ib cagor for informa tion, but Is so scnsitlvo about the ro tnarkable experience that sho has un dergone that sho will see no strangers, and she is loathe to discuss her case With even her closest personal friends bnd Is even reticent when talking with her father and mother regarding It Hazel Schmidt 1 21 years old nnd fa remarkably pretty. She Is a. trifle Girl a Rip Van Winkle. above the medium height, Is slender, weighing about 125 pounds, and Is oj a graceful carriage and figure. , Five years ago she accepted a posi tion In the telephone exchange In Van dalla, and for five years she was em ployed there. Sho became the chief operator, and had charge of the long distance wires. At first the work did not appear onerous, but during the last months those who knew "her best could not fall to detect she was de cidedly more nervous than she was When she undertook the work. Her father observed this, and he prevailed on her to abandon tho work. She was ambitious, and after at first demurring she did glvo up the place, but accepted a clerkship in the office of the county clerk, and was employ ed on the arduous task of making out the tax books. Her nervousness Increased to so alarming an extent that a doctor was called, and he diagnosed her condition as a weakening of the nervous Bystem, and that a complete rest and. no men tal exertion 'was necessary to restore her to her normal condition. She gavo up work altogether and remained at her homo and went Into society but lit tle. During the latter part of March her condition became such that her family was alarmed. "There is no cause for apprehension," the doctor said. "It Is purely hysteria, and with careful treatment she will eventually recover, but It may be a long time." j During the first week of her strange 'sleep the girl waB never awake to ex ceed a few minutes at a time. She appeared to suffer none. Her awaken ings were calm and peaceful. - Thoy were preceded by no nervous manifest ations of any alarming character. She lwould open her eyes and calmly ask .some question, and apparently did not realize that sho had been asleep to an unusual extent The -fact that she bad slept so long was kept from her for fear that It would frighten her. "Dad, bring me a glass of water," was the request and first Intimation that George A. Schmidt received that Morpheus bad relinquished bis grip on the sleeping daughter. Attending physicians say that she has gained weight during her long sleeping spell, and that sho will fully recover. A E Munyon's Stomach Treatment Performing Miracles. MUNY0N TELLS YOU HOW TO GET WELL FREE OF CHARGE "A few days ago 1 rccr-lveri a letter from a young man, who suites ho In S3 yenrs of m:c, nnd hn.i occupied several Important positions, but owing- to Indi gestion and Inability to Bleep ho has been unnblo to concentrate Ills mind upon Ills work and has consequently been dis charged on tho ground of m-Klect of duty. IIo goes on to nay thnt ho In a young man of steady habits, but for yours ha has Buffered from dyspepsia, which has so nffected his nerves thnt hu Is unable to sleep, and thnt It Is not neglect upon his part, nor lack of Interest In tho busi ness, but dimply physical weakness. lie asks tny ndvlce In this ninttor. "For the benefit of a largo number of those similarly situated 1 propoio to nnswer this letter publicly. Imping that It mny be tho means of helping many who mny be affected In this way. "In tho nrst placo, the, stomach must be made well before tho nerves can be mnilo strong. The nerves must be made strong before one enn sleep well. No ono Is cnpnblo of doing his best who Is In any way troubled with Insomnia or nny form of nervousness. Thn greatest gen erals have been men of Iron nervo nnd Indomltnblo will. Thoy havo had perfect digestion, being nblo to cat well, and di ces t nil they ntc. "It Is said that Napoleon lost the bnt tle of Waterloo because of n lit of Indi gestion. Grant's enormous reservo power wns duo to a well stomach. Abraham Lincoln snld that "ho did not know thnt bo bad it stomach.' Orover Cluveland, It Is snlil, could work IS hours a dnv. eat a hearty meal at 2 or 3 o'clock fn tho morning, go to bed und sleep Roundly un til 0 o'clock nnd get up refreshed, ready for n new day's work. "Pros. Taft In another tynn of healthy manhood. Who thinks for ono moment thnt ho would bo tho President of the united States today lind ho been n dy speptic or nffected with some nervous nilnient? I elnlm that two-thirds of nil tho failures In proreHnlnnul nnd business llfo aro duo to weak and deranged stom achs. "No business Iioubo would enro to em ploy a dyspeptlo representative to sell goods for them on thn rnnd. One-half tho men who stand behind counters to day, earning from 112 to SIS n week, will never get beyond these figures, for the renson that they nro physically weak. They lack tho nerve power and com manding strength that como from a good, sound stomnch. "No ono cares to henr a dvspeptlo prencher. No matter how pious lie may be. he Is bound to reflect his bilious and laundlccd condition. IIo will unconscious Iv Inoculate his hearers with his melan choly feelings. "No ono would think of entrusting nn Important legal caso In tho hands of a dyspeptic lawyer, nny moro thnn he would caro to entrust his own life, or that of a dear one. In the hands of a phy sician who Is nervous, Irritable or n, dy speptic. Men must hnvo good digestion, strong nerves and vital manhood In or der to render n clean, clear-cut decision cither In medicine, Inw or business. "I believe that more thnn hnlf of the divorces enn be traced to 111 health. I want every dyspeptic to try my stomach treatment, for It corrects nearly nil forms of Indigestion and nervousness. It makes old stomachs almost as good as new. Its marvelous power for digesting food nnd getting thn best out of It makes for good rich, red blood. This, In turn, strength ens the nerves, builds up tho general sys tem, and will surely prolong life and make It a pleasure to live and do the things allotted to us." Professor Munyon makes no charge for consultation or medical ndvlce: not a pen ny to pay. Address Prof. J. M. Munyon, Munyon's laboratories. Fifty-third and Jefferson streets, Philadelphia, Fa. Red Cross Christmas 8eals. A statoment denying the recent re ports about the abandonment of the Red Cross Christmas seal Bale has been Issued by the National Associa tion for tho Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. The statement declares that not only will tho sale be held this year, as In the past three years, but that It will be conducted on broad er lines than ever before. The only order Issued by the postofflce depart ment which boars on the sale of Red Cross seals wassent out on July 1, and prohibits the use of the malls to letters and packages bearing non postage stamps on the face, and also to any mall bearing seals which re semble postage stamps, If used either on the face or back. The Red Croes teal to be used this year has been submitted to the postofflce depart mehnt and approved, and turfs may be used, but only on the back of letters and packages. The design to bo used this year depicts a pretty winter scene enclosed In a heavy red clrclo. The corners are white, thus giving the ef fect when' affixed to a letter or a package of a round seal. About the 8lze of It. "Why Is It?" queried the youth, "that so many people fail to mind their own business?' N "There may be ono or two reasons, or both," answered the home-grown philosopher. "They may have no mind or no business." Philadelphia Press. BEAUTIFUL POSTCARDS FREE Brad te itotup for Are simple, of wj very choic est Gold Hmboaud Birthday, Flower and Motto PotC'ardi beautiful colon and lovelleit designs. Art Cost Card Club, HI Jackson BU, Toueka, Kama There Is a certain amount of lye In soap, but thnt Is no reason why It should be Injected Into the advertise ments. Inflammatory Rheumatism may males you cripple for life. Don't wait for inflammation to set in. When the first slightpaln appear, drive the poison out With Hamlins Wizard Oil. There are cures for the dope and rum addictions, but the self-kldder never gets It out of his Bystem! lira. Wmslonr Soothing- Byrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduce Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, Uo a bottle. Some men think they aro ambitious If they try to avoid hard work. Ml Ml 0 IffirlN PUTNAM FADELESS DYES CoIormoregoodsbriBl.terandfaatercolorethbnaDrothwdye. One 10c package colors sll fibe 4ye any aarment without ripping apart. Write tor free booklet How to Dye. lUcach and Mix Cobra. MONBOE DBUft COMPANY, tfalacy, IM. HE WAS ON. ,:!!!!'.!nss!?n wk Grnco (as clock strikes 12) Gra cious I Twelvo o'clock. How tho hours hnvo flown. Tom Yes j nnd your father has helped 'cm some, too. 1'vo heard hlra tinkering with tho clock In tho library for tho last ten minutes. Lesson In Good Manners. When tho "Hoy Scouts" movement wns at its height, three of tho young sters journeyed from llaltltnoro to Washington to ho Introduced to the president. When Mr. Tart shook hands with them, ono of tho little follows stuck out his tart hand. "Why do you give mo your left hand?" asked tho president. "That's thu way uh Hoy Scouts shake hnndH," snld the boy, with pride. "Well," commented Mr. Tntt dryly, "thu Roonor us Hay Scouts learn better tlio nicer im Hoy Scouts will bo." Tho Twlccn-Month Popular Magazine. What a Husband Replied. Amom; tho bnrKiiltiH to ho found thesn days nro womeu'a lints, and a fnshlotuiblo young Philadelphia wife, who has all tho lints sho can wear without exciting suspicion, could not resist tho temptation to add "just one moro" to tho collection. When sho reached home, Rho produced It for hubby's admiration. "Howard, U'h n poem!" she said. "Yes, but It doesn't rhymu well with my pockctbook nt this time," ho commented. Too Late. "Hubby, I found n lock of hair among your old papers. I never gave It to you." "You ncdn't worry. I don't remem ber who did." Some nelghDurs don't llko It unless you talk about them. zznnunr Kb K iff ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVegetabte Preparation Tor As similating Ibe Food and Regula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of L 15 ft J! ar ijt Promotes Diggttion,Cheerful nessandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narc otic finf tfoMOrsJuwumurat V K nnpm Su4' MxSumm IMtttliStJti Jm JfJ 4WvXmJmi MinmSttd . HitttwirtM fntvtii ? $ !. I iFo A nrrfeet Remedv forConslioa &1I) lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, ei Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Loss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of Tire Centaur Company;, NEW YORK. ? iC Guaranteed under the Fooda(J Exact Copy of Wrapper. mmJUT KH ffX pnNiniiijiii!jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM g TA i srsrsTWarwil J BflBaaKssKiBBB lUllMiiUialliAiiaaUlailaiaiiial Ct 'jn"lrfnltissB xfeuarantccd under the Foodasj) . ...... i. - i i .-..-.m ...-.... ...... i iii hi,, .ii iasi W. L. DOUGLAS, 2.50. 3.00, 3.50 & 4.00 SHOES WOMEN waar WJ-Dougla. stylish, partact fittiaf ,aay vralldajr boots, bacauaa thay ghr loos; wear, tana as W.LDouglaa Man's ahoaa. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 80 YEARS The wotknunthip which has madeW. L. Douglas shoes famous the world over is maintained in every pair. . If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton, Mas, and snow you how carefully W.LDougJas shoes are made, you would then understand why they are war ranted to hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than any other make for the price RIIITinil Tne sennlne have W. Mm Dnuglaa www nun uam and price stamped on bottom If mil nnnnt nhtaln W I IVltifflll ihoes our town, write fnr catalog. Rko sunt direct ONK FAIR of mr BOYfC ?,9.S0o roni faotory to uearor, all cbarRM prepaid. W.I. SS.00 BIIOKM will positively outwear WUUI.A8, lis spark aU alrockton. Mass. TWO rAUIaof ordinary hoys' shase To Get Its Btneficial Effect Always Buy f ht Genuine $YRUPflG$ una lIXK'NNA manufactured ly .he (frrWflliSw(jl Sold by all leading ' Drvqqlsts One Size Only, 5K o Bottle Ism S1N61B auiBHiascitii Ym Pay tie for Clgara Not Oeed. rr. LEWIS Peoria. Ill Don't Persecute Your Bowels . Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They brutal, harsh, unncccstury. TnRa. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. gently on. tho liver, eliminate nne, line soothe Ihq delicate mcinurnncuu bowel. C u ri Conitlpitloa, Bllloutntit, Sick Htii. Kb ass InJIf tillon. as mlllUat knew. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL FRICI, Genuine must bear Signature PATENT APPLICATION $15 fomfwrft I oiiwiuHWKET,8oUeitor,i.Moina,ia, CASTORIA For Inflmti and ChUdran. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA In ,BBME5is Let .aBBBBBBBlOanvmV, flWjftKICKd -BHfaw Wll ILK. iiaaaaar av fcrx BsW pilli. bzttJf&frZrzg M W BB Of AW AT at ft TWfl MflTMHI VOVPAflTf Msv VHI Mnb Jt sa Pi'.'"!" ysagt ,. w& IJiJBv I ':':':Ur' l .allB t ' "A .M "V J . n '! JjVvVWW. ' r JVUf.r&- mj- u ,4-4-