The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 12, 1911, Image 10

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wMH..i...irii ,. ,.- -r .-..rj. .', j,-- ..
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iiibii n.i,.w.wi y.i-A I
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No Reason For Doubt
A Statement f Facts, lacked by a
Wo guarnnteo compfete relief t all
sufferers from constipation, or. in where wo fall, vu will snip
ply tlio moiHi'Ino fioo.
Hexnll Orderlies wen gentle, elect
ive, dependable, and safe bowel regu
lator, blreiigthoner, and tonic Tlioy
nittt to reestablish imtnro's functions
In a quk't, easy way. They do not
Tlioy lire so pleasant to tiiko mid work
so easily tlint tliey inny bo taken by,
HiiyoiH'ii any tiin. J hey thorough
ly tone up the whole frystcm to healthy
Re.vitll Orderlies uro tiu&urpiisiibli
and ideal for the uso of chlldicn, old
folks, uud delicate persons. Wo can.
Hot too highly reeonitiieud ilium to nil
suiTerorcrs from any form of constipa
tlon and its tittuniliuit evils. Three
sizes', 100, 25c, mid Coo. Remember,
you can obtain Koxall Remedies In
this community only atourblore The
Ucxtill Store. The II. K. Orlco Drug
Commissioners' Proceedings
Ilr.n Ci,oui, Nkii., Oct. .Jd, A. D. 1011.
Hoard of County Commissioners met
In regular session. MomborM iirosoul
T. J. Cluiplin, (5. Olnnstodo, Paul)
Storey, L. F. Schmidt, mid O. W Hum
mo I chairman of said board.
Moved and soconded that (lather.
Hutchison and Hnlndeii be andlslieie
by Instructed to f tit iiImIi to tlio county
a policy of I hi unmet! coveting the
flourt house In the hiiiiI of SlflOu for the
term of fi yours at it premium or rate
of 890.00 for said term, said policy to
be written with theL'hoenlx Insurance
Co., of Ilnrtfoid, Conn. Motion carr
ied. It was moved and seconded that
Klmur WilMin, Supt. of Poor Farm, bo
and Is hendiy authorized and Instruct
ed to build a hothouse 2oxl8, 5 foot
high, H pltuh roof mid cement floor
on the poor faun Immadliituly or as
soon as possible. Motion curried.
Hoard adjourned to Oct. J, 101 1, 1) a
Oct. I,, 11)11. Uoiird eamo together
as plir ndjoiiriimeiit members all pres
ent. In the matter of the petition to move
thu voting placo from school home in
Dlst. Xo. 3, Walnut Creel: precinct to
ome suitable place in South Inttvale
In said precinct Webster County, No
binshii. It was moved nnd seconded that the
petition be and is heieby granted and
the voting placo bo and Is heieby
changed from said school house In
Dlst. No. 3, Walnut Creelt Precinct to
ome suitable place in South luavale
of said precinct as prayed for in said
petition. Motion can le 1
Tlio following claims were audited
nnd allowed and thu cletlt authorized
to draw wat rants on their respective
funds in payment of same.
iiiUDoi:. tOM)
W. A, l,nwv U fi.00
U. I'. f iillwvlilur 351,01)
0. O. Pitney ; 15.50
Total 8 101.50
E. Fit. , ? 0.00
Elmer Wilson 100.00
doe Fogel 17.10
Total 8.P2(i.0
Dr. Diuiurell. . t ,'U.OO t'lld Maitrer S IA00
.ilnllnu rorson '.Mo OliinnHoHo.Ir.. I. Hi
Prank Havloii 4.10 V. I.. Crawford I. II
Mrri. KM Taylor KM Taylor ... . I. ID
Hen Mul-'urlnml 12.10 M. V, foe 'All)
IColivrt llnll. 11.00 I.toyit Hall.... Il.ou
Win. (looil :i.00 Mahal Day s'J.7U
II O. Dlederleh !I.CHJ (leo. Hutchison tflffi
Sinltli I'rvinclrCii 7.U 1. A. I'ueo M. Ii. 17.00
Hammond a H., 'M.'a
Total 8 W)M
On motion Hoard adjourned to Nov.
11, 1011. E W. Ross,
(ska I.) bounty Clerk.
The Until d of Directors of the Red
Cloud Fanners' Institute will meet at
( the court house Saturday, Oct. 11, at 2
p. in, O. W. Hummel, President.
Hii.viiy ( M, Secretary.
Helpful Hints M Hair
Scald and Hair Troubles Generally
Caused by Carelessness
Dandruff In a contagious disonse
caused by a microbe which also pro
duces baldness. Never use u comb or
brush belong lug to some one olsc No
matter how cleanly the owner may be,
these articles may be Infected with mi
crobes, which will Infect jour -calp.
It is, far easier to cittclvMiuir microbes
than it is to get rid of llietii, and a
single stroke of an infected comb or
biusUitiay well lead to baldncs.
Never try on anybody else's hat.
Many a hut band Is a restlnK place for
mic lobes
If you happen to be tumbled with
dandruff. Itching scalp, falling hair or
baldness, wo have a remedy which we
believe will completely leiiove these
troubles. We tiro so sure of this that
we offer it to you with the understand
ing that it will cost you nothing for
the trial if it does not produce the re
sults we claim This remedy is called
Kexull "9.1" Hair Tjinlc. Wo honestly
believe It to be the most scloutltlu
romedy for scalp and hair troubles,
and wc Know of nothing else that
equals it for effectiveness, because of
tlio results it has produced in thous
ands of cases.
Koxall'"l'.T' HalrTorilc Is devised to
bauish daiidiutr, restore natural color
Wagons - Buggies - Farm
Implements and Maciaer)
October 9 to 28th 'I I
Mr. Farmer if you need a new wagon, buggy or any other
kind of farm tool or implement, call on us during this sale and
buy at a bargain, as during the next twenty days we are going
to offer a large stock of wagons, buggies, farm implements, etc.,
at less than cost. The list includes the following:
Hay Stackers, I. N. G.
4-Wheel Sweeps
3-Wheel Sweeps
Glover Leaf Spreaders -Litchfield
Spreaders -Bettendorf
Wagons, complete
Burg Wagons, complete -
40 00
25 00
22 00
92 50
92 50
54 00
65 00
1 Parry Surrey
1 P. and O. Surrey
Sulky Plows jv
Gang Plows - -Pioneer
Imp. Co'. V Buggies,
including the Anchor Line,
at $57.50 to
$112 00
100 00
25 00
42 50
77 50
Also numerous other articles at similar values. This stock
will be disposed of for cash only, but at the prices, the reduction
will pay interest for two years and more. :
20 . DATS ONLY . 20
whon its loss has been brought about;
by disease, and nuke the hair natural
ly slllty, sofi and tflosy. It does this
because itstlmulatos the hair folllclles,
destroys the Kerui matter, Hiid brliliisl
nbntlt n free, healthy clieulatlou of
blood, which nourishes the hair roots,
causing them to tighten and glow new)
hair. Wo want everybody who has
any trouble with hair or scalp to know
that we think that ltexall '!):" Hair
Tonic is tho best hair tonic and restor
ative in existence, and no one should
seoir at or doubt this statement until
they have put our claims to a fair test,
with the understanding that they pay
us nothing for the teinedy if it does
not give full ami complete satisfac
tion in every particular. T.w sizes,
Boo and 91. liemember, ydti ein ob
tain Hexnll Uemi'dles In Ued Cloud on
ly at oursNire Tho Iloxall Store. The
II. K. Grlca Drug Co.
Balance on hand Ost 3, '11... 8 21
One registered warrant out
standing a 23120
General Fund;
Amount on hand Suit. 5, '11. . . 134 93
GO 00
Balance on hand Oct. 3, Ml..,
Electric Light Fund.
Amount onlmnd Sept. 6, '11.,
Receipts none.
Dishurf omenta ' .
74 93
898 52
9G1 49
Combination Sale
On Out. 21, 1011, K. S. Fit, will sell
nt his farm tj miles west and 3 north
of Ked Cloud at Public Auction 00 head
of Cattlo and hogs, 18 head of thor
oughbred Poland China tried sows, 00
head of shoats and pigs.
H. B. Miner Duroc Jersey
Swine Sale October 14th
H. H. Miner, of Guide Rock, breeder
of thoroughbred Duroc Jersey Swine,
announces his fall sale of Go gilts and
boars to bo hold at the South Lumber
Yard In Quldo Hock October 11. Cat
alogues now ready. Write for one.
02 07
3 Gi
3 Gl
Overdraft Oct. 3, '11 .',.
Electric Light Levy Fund.
Amount on hum! Sept. 5, '11.,..
No receipts or dlshuri-emuntB
Balance on hand Oct. 3, '11....
lwo registered warrants out:
fltnnding, amounting to ) 818 84
Judgment Fund.
Amount on hand Sept. C, '11... ?281 30
Receipts none
Disbursements 284 30
Balance on hand Oct. 3, '11 ... . 000 00
Firements Fund.
Amount on hand Sept. G, Ml. k.
No receipts or disbursements
Baiancoon hand Oct. 3, Ml....
Occupation fund G20 49
Water fund U2 1G
Water levy fund a o
oenerai fund i
Electric Light Levy fund 'A ft
Firemen's fund GO 20
Total , 79963
Electric light fund 62 07
,G0 20
GO 20
City Treasurer's Report
Red Cloud, Neb. Oct. 3, Ml.
Honorable Mayor and City council,
Gentlemen: I beg to submit herewith
statement of, receipts and disburse
ments of your treasury for the period
from Sept. 5, 1911 to Oct. 3, 1911:
Occupation Fur.d.
Amount on hand Sept. 5, Ml... $1093 14
Receitps 37 00
1130 14
609 65
Balance on hand Oct 3, Ml ... . 520 49
Water Fund.
Amount on hand Sept. 5, Ml.. 631 62
Receipts none
Disbursements 492 46
Balance on hand Oct. 3, Ml. . .
Water Levy 'Fund.
Amount on hand Sept. 5, Ml . .
No receipts or disbursements
Cash on hand Oct. 3, Ml 736 66
Less overdraft 799 (-3
Reg. warrants outstanding. . . . 1050 04
b. K. Florance, City Tres
142 16
8 21
Notice to Creditors.
wXttTUo'Sr.'lS " County Court.
In tho matter of the cotatoot I-'erdliiand
ll.Clcrlach, IieccnHed.
Notlco Is hereby given to nil persons bav
in claims and domntuU ngalnst t'crdlunnd
11. Uurlach, Into of Webster county, deceased,
.that tho tlmo Used for illlug claim nKnlnst
said estnto Is six months from tho iWlth day of
(ictobcr 1911.
All such persons aro required to present
their claims, with tho vouchers, to tho
County Judo of said county, at his oltlco
therein, on or before tho -Jfith day of April
iuu; ami an claims so nieil will bo heard
beforo tho said Judge on tlio '.Tth day of
April 1!)1'2, atono o'clock p. m.; nnd that
tho Kxtcutors are allowed one year from
tho itli day of October mil, In which to
pay tho debts allowed agalns! said estate
ami scttlo the same.
tsKAi. I. W. Ensox
County J udgo.
Miss Coon is a graduate of the Stato
Normal nnd State University. Vote
for Miss Coon.
? A A I Vfe J
VAIIUII5 0 Dciiucr
Furniture, Rugs, Carpets,
: window Shades, and :
Visit our store, inspect the
immense stock and get our
prices. We know that
We Can Save You Money!
the Home Grocery
P. A. Wullbrmndt, Prop.
th0 Lt0t Patfrnt ffi
W arm atam making a Mpoclalty of the Celebrated
. -.xi
Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp. Co,
"A. B.
Bed Cloud
WZSWtJU .:.' Asa .
w ' IneJemenitent hamm mm
m a. a a.