' ' t. r ft ' v1 T If K :T w i 1L "" fc .. rsia$$ !?. - & , - uw VOLUME XXXV III1 . I Hh Mw Rnnlrinrr I t 1 11 f 1 ..i.i the payment or every dollar or deposits in this . ... 1 I I n 1 . , institution is euaranieea Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 YOUR interests are ours, in this busi ness; there wouldn't be much sense in selling clothes that were not good for you; , we couldn't keep it up very long. Our idea is to sell you clothes that are best for you; we know something about quality in clothes. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are the best for you, because there are no better clothes made;, they're best for everybody; best for us. Suits $18 and up Overcoats $16.50 and op 3hjuls$bnii This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes NEW BAKERY I have opened a bakery in Red Cloud and solicit a sharo of your patronage. Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes always In stock, Phone me your wants (Ind. phone 188.) Deliver to any part of the city Retail store opposite Tostof floe, in DUderlch building. CURtHATFlELD,Prop. in Itmainit aAT ic nnxar in fruv ann ovine DanK viuaraniv; Copjrrifhl Hut Sduftcrtc Mam DR.S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. EMIQH t At the oM stand over the State Bank. Phone 131. Chief Ads Briag Resilts -ff5-!!!' ,r A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For S1.50. ' " if. vjrwfllM!a;iM, RED CLOUD, N BUR ASKA, OCTOBER 12,1911. GUIUU ROGIC. Mrs. TO. I.. UiiR-aii is on tho wick list. In(l tt ls itl k,mm1 si,,ipu .omas Pohiemus went t. "",l jsuutn un... ami u.... Ki H v..ico City Wednesday, f.tnol. of 100 head of Mourn on Satin- Amunuerniourpcopiciire "",.y t0 reed thN wiut..r, ing the aviation moot nt Superior j AVo hour that Prof. Knoll and wife will occupy tho residence of A Horn. C. F. Ely, wife and daughter return ed Tuesday from their summer sojourn lit I. os Angles, Call. Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Klinkkaminer of Cheyenne, Wy., visited Tuesday Hnd Wedno&day with their brother John Delay. Mr. Miner, wife and two children from Amazonia, Mo., have been the guests of William Miner and wife. The men are cousins. Mrs. Hosaltlm Ayer of Rostwlck and son Wilbur visited in Guide Rock Thursday and Friday. Mr. W. Ayer has just roturned from Cuba. Mrs. C. L. Holes eutortertained the "sparklers club" Friday afternoon, Twelve ladles wero in attendance. Games were played and lunch was served. The Degree of Honor wore enter tained Tuesday evening at close of lodgci several or tue memuers serv ed sandwiches pickles, cako and coffee. E. A. llendricksou and hisassistants arc remodeling the residence of ClaranceOuy. When tt is completed Mr. ami Mrs. A. Horn, parents of Guy will live with them as Mrs Horn is lu poor health COWLES Miss Mabel Fuller and brother Fred arrived in the city from Bethany this week. Miss Olive Foe was on the sick list last week but is improving at this writing. Mrs. J. R. Morse and Mrs. M. H. Davis were in Hastings between trains' on Thursday. We are glad to see Ernest Terrill on the streets again after a long siege with blood poison. Rev. Deakin has purchased lots of Mrs. Bennett and will soon build a commodius home thereon. Mrs. Nola Herrick and baby of Red Cloud spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mre W. W. Rltchey. Mrs. E. E. Davis departed on Wednesday morning for Beatrice to spend the winter with her sister. Miss Vera Brubaker returned Mon day from Campbell where she has been the past few weeks assisting in the bank. Harry MoTaggart has sand on the ground preparatory to tho erection of a seven room house on Ills lots on Fourth street. Chas. O. Bennett accompanied by his wife and daughter departed Thurs day for Columbus, Kas,, where be has business interests. '- .The old restaurant building is being torn down and remodeled whloh is a good idea as it was very unsightly as well as dangerous. McBride, Saunders and Deakin went to the river duck hunting last week, they returned Friday. Their "catch" hardly supplies the demand for ducks. , On Friday mornlngof last week Mr. Jones, the plaster man, and his lady quietly stole away to Bed Cloud and were married but the secret leaked out and Saturday night they were enter tained by a serenading party. GARFIELD A slight frost tho last few nights, , George Coon and sons wero on wind mJU row Sunday. Mr. Thompson took a load of wheat to Red Cloud Friday, Will Harris aud family called on Smith Bros, Sunday, B. F. Watt was shopping in Red Cloud last Saturday, Will Fisher sold his calves to Col. Jake Elllngerone day last week. Charley Alls, had two loads of hogs ! en the Bed Cloud market Friday. 2'fiWF(oiiIilMf Will Fisher lists the now cement bridge on the bottom road graded lu pieorgo Smith and Will Fisher at tended (lie Odd Fellow lodge in Hed Cloud on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs X. K. Simpson of lied Cloud snout Sunday with their sou-ln- Iuw, Clyde Simpson and wife. C The rainy season has broke away Itnd wo are having tine weather for the people (o finish sowing wheat. ' Tom Hawkins and Sherman Ship man are a couple of (larileld'h lucky ones to get cattle to food this winter. I John Wittwer, the well man, was on 'wind mill row Monday. He ilxod Smith llroV wind mill and Will Fish er's pump. .Bryan Spoke Last Night to Large Crowd. Enthus iastic Meeting. Hon. W J. Uryrn arrived a llttlo be hind schedule time last night and ad dressed an audience, of about one thousand people last night from the stand on the corner of Webster slieot ami Fouith Avenue. With him was Judges Dean and Stark nnd also Clarence B. Harmon candidate for '"""7 -"- ' - Mra-AP"" "" """V;" " '""" , "K YT gentlemen Wh6ywere with "him. He showed why each was especially fitted for the ollice He next Introduced Judge Harry S. Dungan and in well chosen words spoke highly of the Judge's record in the army camp life of the Spanish American war. He testified to Judge Dungan's wortli us a jnan and as a official. This part of the address brought forth enthusiastic applause. Mr. Bryan then spoke feel ingly of his relations with W. A. Mc Kelghan in tho hails of congress and urged the voters to remember his daughter, Edith, who is seeking the election to the office of olerk of the district'eourt Then Mr. Bryan began to speak of things concerning the nation and for nearly an hour held his audience as ouly he can. The speaker showed that he was still a master in the art of word painting, his cloqueuce candor completely captivated his bearers. The remarks of the audience at the close of the meeting showed plainly that the people of Nebraska agree with the rest of tho country that Mr. Bryan lsstlll the most distinguish ed private citizen of the United States. Owing to the fact that we were called away to Uloouiington this morn ing we are unable to give an extended account of the address delivered by 'Mr. Bryan in this issue. However we have arranged to publish the major portlou of the address next week. CardtTTIiaiks To the kind friends aud neighbors who so willingly assisted us during the death of our beloved mothor,rwe wish to express our heartfelt thanks, also to those sending flowers. May the Lord bless you all and spare vou such sorrow is our sincere wish. Mk. and Mbs. McChilmh. Mn. and Mbs. Fbbd Wittwkb. Mh. and Mrs. W. A. Foboby. Mr. and Mbs. Geo. IWittwkk. Mrs. Emua Botiiiiock. John and Fbank Wittwer. Nttltt ts StalllM fwMrt The 1911 Stallion Registration Law requires all males, pure bred, cross bred, grade or jaok to be examined by a State Inspector. An Inspector will be at the Royal hotel in Red Cloud 0 a. m., to 1:30 p. ni., on Oct. 17th, and at the best hotel in Blue Hill 3 p. m., to 11:50 a. m., on October 17 and J8th, for the purpose of inspecting all stallions and jacks in the vicinity of respective towns named. Horsos In tho vicinity of Lester and Cowles should be brought to Red Cloud for inspection. The in spection will cost 15.00 for each animal and will begin at 0 a. m. each day. Copies of the law may be bad from W. R. Mellor, Secretary- Nebraska Stallion Registration Board, Lincoln, Net. The New National Alarm BIG BEN The Best Alarm Clock ever made. Built and runs like a watch. More than a million already sold. J If you nave not gotten yours, do so now. NEW STOCK JUST IN Newho E. H. NEWHOUSE. Prop. Jeweler and Optometrist. C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector Hastings Fail Festival... REMEMBER, this is a Central Ne braska entertainment and you are ex pected. Entries are free to all. Auto mobile Flower Parade, Tuesday, Oct. 10th. Farmers' Parade Wednesday. Oct 11th. Industrial Paiade, Thurs day, Oct. 12th. Come and see these free parades. A big tlruo When you think of stoizes THINK OF MORHART BROTHERS They have the finest showing of stoves ever broug ht to Red Cload. : : : : HCATER9 AND RANGES At special Low Prices and extra High Qtality. S Always Glad SMaasag; NUMBEB II , B use ros. D. D, Sanderson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OfHce la Moon Block. Bell, Black 4; Ind., 183 Residence, Royal Hotel. Bell, 47; Ind., 27 Calls Answered Day or Night BED CLOUD, NKH. " " v. J Juit at a sample we have 15 inch firebowl Heaters 48 inch high for m To Show Goods. ! i i 5 'Vill 'J58H L K.' fr : H f i M '!! H "It I ' m no viv I 'fe m '($ w ,m d.4ii i.i '. W", :4M$mSM,: HHf WMWW J4 S .ItS.rJ'' CJ ntwtmVftikvlfltttVH I)