The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 05, 1911, Image 6

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    UVMiftiuntowaMrrro w(Wiiwiirt5SS353E3
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The Chief
C D. HALS, Publisher
Declining for Two Years anel Feeble
When Visited by Nebraska
Friends Died ae Home
i Journey Commenced.
New York. News has been received
at the offlcca of the White Star lino oil
tho death of former United States
Cenator Charles Frederick Mnndcrson
of Omaha, Neb., on board tho steamer
Cedric, which Bailed from Liverpool
General Mnndcrson has been In UL
health for two years. Hla trip abroad!
"was made with a view to hlsrecuperaj
tlon. He was a passenger on tho
steamer Olympic, which was rammed
by an English warship just after salli
ing from Liverpool and the shock Is'
belloved to have hastened death.
Delay in securing passage on an
other vessel had a depressing effect on
tho general's nervous system and
private telegrams received here stato
that his condition was sorloua when
the Cedric sailed.
Senator Mnndcrson was president
pro tempore of the senate during part
of his scrvlco In the upper houso o'
Death of Dr. J. T. Hay.
Lincoln, Neb. Dr. John Titus Hay,
superintendent of tho asylum. for tho.
Insane, died Thursday morning after,
an Illness which became grave only1
threo days ago. Death was due to)
heart disease Dr. Hay had been suf-;
ferlng from tho disease for several,
years, but was able to perform hla,
duties. It was not until last Monday
thnt ho felt so poorly that he took to,
bis Bed. Wednesday his condition be-
came worse and the physicians became
alarmed. At that time he had a sink
ing i.rell. Ho passed away at 10
o'clock Thursday morning.
I Auto-Bus Ooes Into the River.
Paris. An auto-omnibus, occupied
by about twenty persons, was crossing
the Bridge Archeveche over the Seine
near tho Cathedral of Notre Damej
(when suddenly It left the roadway andj
crashed through tho parapet, falling'
Into tho water. The auto-omnibus was
a closed vehicle with the passengers
inside. The bodies of five persons who
bad been drowned were recovered ana,
twelvo persons alive but unconscious
were taken from tho water.
Court Will Establish Identity.
6t Louis. Whether tho man of mys
tery now In Nlles, Mich., claiming to
bo Georgo A. Klmmel, missing bank
cashlor, Is the real Klmmel or an Im
postor, may bo legally decided In St.
Louis within tho next few months. Tho
testimony will bo mado In tho trial of
the suit of Georgo C. Hankln, rccolvcr
ot tho First National bank of NTlss,
against the New York Llto Insurance
company to compel It to pay a $5,000
policy on Klmmcla' life.
Yeggmen at Wabash, Neb.
waoasn, Neb. lllRhwavmen mado
three attempts to enter tho vault In
tho Farmers' Stato bank here. Officials
of tho bank are unablo to tell whether
or not the yeggmen succeeded In ob
taining any loot from tho safe until
an oxpert arrives and opens the door
of tho vault, the combination lock of
.lsjch was blown off by tho robbers.
Ablkno, Texas. Tho second annual
meeting of the central west Texas dry
farming congress opened hero Wednes
day with' sovernl hundred men Inter
ested In raising grain and vegetables
with llttlo rainfall present, Tho ses
sion will last two days, during which
timo a number of agricultural expeita
and practical farmers will explain to
tho convention that dry farming.
methods can accomplish under seem
ingly adverse conditions.
Filing Rights for Land Opening.
Dallas,, S. D. Announcement has
Just been mado by Judge James A.
Wltten that there will be 8,000 names
drawn In tho process of establishing
filing rights for tho Rosebud nnd Pine
Ridge land opening, for which regis.
ratlon will commence on October 2.
Five Victims of Kerosene Can.
Mitchell, Iowa. Mrs. Virgil Vando
Tor and four of her children were
irarned to death when a can of kero
sene used, to start a fire In tho kitchen
etove exploded.
'-Ouallflee as Aerial Mall Carrier.
, New, Tork. Frank H. Hitchcock
postmaster general ot the United
States, kas auallfied as an aerial mall
'urlr. H took a. Mat beside Can-
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'mj&r SL Ularatu sector tne uniiea states
S.WVW" h , :Lnar ia e,,iatterataeropiane at wo
.& i ' . . - .. . .". ii. ..
?V. ' 'Nassau Boulevard aerodrome, carrying
$?-!Fy?-'JnF PPon'signsi tne posimMieBji
. i ftr-." a JX.Z, r. arms ' mm w n itibbi savrsu" t xmm uu i . a sjtjvttj (
Paragraphs of timely
Items of Evente That Are -Transpiring
. In Our Own as Well ae In
Foreign Lands Washing
ton Political Newe.
v Washington,
Border patrol at Columbus, N. M.,
by United States cavalry Is to bo re
sumed at once.
Former Governor Fletcher D. Proc
tor of Vermont, died at bis homo after
s protracted Illness. .
The appointment ot V. N. Kokovsoft
as Russian premier has been gazetted.
He retains tho ministry of finance.
Former U. S Senator Thomas II
Carter of Montana, died Sunday of
lunga trouble. Jle was 57 years old.
Dispatches from Home Indicate that
Italy Is trying to put Turkey on tho
aggresslvo in an endeavor to provoke
an Incident which would constitute a
causus belli.
Tho first army aeroplano bought
from tho Wright brothors In 1909, at
a cost of $30,000, has arrived In Wash
ington to bo placed In tho national
museum as an exhibit.
Dan Y. 'Stephens, four times cam
paign manager for other democratic
congressional candidates In tho Third
Nebraska district, has been nomi
nated to succeed tho late James P.
Tho Chincso government has re
fused tho terras of a salary of $50,000
and a single yenr contract mado by
tho Dutch banker Visscring, who was
proposed for tho post of financial ad
viser to China, and has tiBked tho
United States to select another finan
cial ndvlscr.
Naval officers who have contended
that the battleship Malno was destroy
ed by an Internal explosion and that
there was no external cause for tho ac
cident claim that there was over
whelming proof of tho soundness ot
their theory In the terrible disaster In
Toulon harbor.
General News.
Clgarmakcrs at Tampa, Fla., to the
number of 700 are on strike.
The London, England, Bank of
Egypt haa suspended payment.
James J. Hill has given $20,000 to
Zlon Methodist church at Winnipeg.
.Honolulu will equip its fire depart
ment with motor driven apparatus.
The first olectlon of state officers
In Arizona will be held December 12.
Joseph Taggart of Kansas City, Kas.,
was nominated for congress by Second
Kansas district democrats.
Peter Maygard, a balloonist, fell 650
feet at Webster, la., and escaped with
out a broken bono and but few bruises.
Dr. D. J. Crumblne, secretary of the
Kansas state board of health, haa dis
covered two cases of leprosy at Hays,
Four more unidentified bodies have
'been recovered from the ofllcers'jroom
of the Maine.
Tho twentieth biennial Besslon of
,tho supremo chapter ot the P. E. O.
began at St Louis Tuesday.
Asbestos in paying quantities has
been discovered In the Big Horn
mountains near Buffalo, Wyo.
r Cigarette-making students of tho
Indiana university ot Notro Dame have
como under tlt9 official ban of tho
A comet has been discovered by
Professor Qulnlsset of Juvlcly. accord-
jlng to a-cablegram received from Kiel
The strlko of tho clorks ot tho Illi
nois Central which began a week ngo,
was sctlcd by tho company taking
back all clerks.
Five are dead as a result ot a
pitched battlo between officers and
several negroes near Dumas, Ark.,
Tuesday afternoon.
Mayor J. II. Graham and Commis
sioner E. M. Ieach were recalled by
'the voters of Wichita, Kas., at a spe
cial recall election.
Two wcro wounded fatally and tif
teen Injured In riots at tho City ot
LMexlco following tho return of Fran
cisco I. Madero from his speaking trip
in tho south.
Jarcd Hamm, a retired business man
ot Iowa City, la., has disappeared. As
he bad nearly $6,000 on his person,
foul play Is suspected.
Since the announcement of tho with
drawal of Bernardo Reyes from the
Mexican presidential contest, Interest
now confers In the election ot tho
That the conservative movement Is
making rapid progress In this country
was mado apparent when representa
tives of a dozen states mado brief von
bal reports at the opening session of
tho third national conservation con
gress Monday at Kansas City.
Mary McCarthy, believed to hare
been the oldest person In Massachu
setts, dlod at Stookbrldge Saturday,
aged 112.
with a vlow to preparing for a
world-wido strike for an eight-hour
day, tho International Union ot Ma
chlnlsts have voted to Increaso tho
per capita tax ot tho organization from
45 cents to 76 cents per month.
Thousands of visitors are at Mitch
ell, S. D., for the opening of the thin
teenth annual corn belt exposition,
The corn palace which is the promi
nent feature of the exposition, is the
'rone ot us kibq in tae worm-
!7Ttl IBBIl
Heavy frosts In tho Saskatchewan
country have ruined the grain and
growors in tho newly settled districts
will suffer a total loss.
Thrco firemen were killed and sev
eral other persons were Injured when
a six-story building collapsed during
a Are at Louis vlllo, Ky.
A passenger train crashing Into a
party or young folks riding on a hay
rack at Neenab, Wis., caused the
death of sixteen of them.
Twenty-six persons were Injured,
four probably fatally, when a street
car crowded with churchgoers, over
ran a switch at ''Atlanta and turned
Many eminent clergy and laymen ot
tho Roman Catholic church are In
Cincinnati to take part In the na
tional Eucharlstlc congress In session
" The doors of the Night and Day
bank at Llttlo Rock, Ark., have been
closed, following tho appointment of a
receiver of the Night and Day bank
of Memphis.
That a registered package contain
ing a bank shipment of between $25,
000 and $30,000. In currency was stolen
from the postoffice at St. Louts a year
ago, has Just become public. ,
Four earthquakes Sunday did seri
ous damage at Rionmba, the capital
of Chlmborazo province, Equador. The
shocks continued throughout the day,
but with diminishing Intensity.
Upton Sinclair, tho novelist, was In
an automobile which ran down and
probobly fatally Injured an unidenti
fied peddler while the author "was on
his way to his home In Edgemore, Del.
J. J. McXamara was re-elected by
acclamation secretary of tho Interna
tional Association of Structural Brldgo
and Iron Workers, In convention at
Milwaukee. ,,,
The first Italian squadron, command
ed by Rear Admiral Aubrey, composed
of four 'dreadnoughts, three cruisers
and several torpedo boats, Is anchored
In lino oft Tripoli.
James Rolph, jr., was elected mayor
ot San Francisco Mondayat the first
direct primary election to dctermmo
the personnel of municipal officers of
tho city and county.
Ono fireman dead, five persons bur
led under a fallen wall and financial
loss of half, a million dollars was the
toll of a fire that broke out early Wed
nesdaymornlng at Wichita, Kas.
Tho Iowa state board ot control has
purchased 3,000 pounds ot candy from
a Chicago wholesale house. The candy
will bo distributed to the boys and
girls in state institutions at Christmas
Fifteen Magonistas were killed and
four were captured in a battle with a
Maderlsta force which began Saturday
at tho Santa Rlia ranch, near Colom
brcs, Max., and contlnuod through un
til Monday.
Plans weVo made at the reunion of
the veterans ot tho union and confed
erate armies held at Memphis, for a
peace Jubilee and general reunion ot
the blue and gray to tako place at
Washington In 1913.
As tho result of the Massachusetts
primaries, Governor Eugeno N. Fobs
will head tho ticket for the democrats,!
for tho second time and Lieutenant
Governor Lewis A. Frothingham will
bo his republican opponent In the No
vember elections.
George Walker, a South Dakota
farmer, has completed cutting his sec
ond crop of oats for this, season. The
first crop was cut and stacked early In
tho season and the second crop camo
on after the rains commenced In July.
Both crops are good.
John R. Walsh, the former Chicago,
banker, who Is seeking a parole from
tho tedoral prison at Leavenworth,
will not know his fate for Boveral days
Applications for parolo aro taken up
In their regular order and Walsh's
Is fiftieth on tho list
Bound together with straps about
their wrists, tho bodies of Mrs. Mary
Lacey and her son, J. G. Lacey ot
Fltcltburg, wero found In Lako Lash
way, near Brookfleld, Mass. Grief
over a chargo on which her son had
been arrested Is supposed to have led
them to commit suicide.
Tho latest official estimate, from
Toulon places the number ot victims
of tho Llberte disaster as 230 dead and
1G0 wounded dangerously. It Is be
lieved this eBtlmato Is nearly correct,
nnd It Is tho result ot an exhaustive
examination of tho muster rolls and
n roll call ot thoso who survived the
An appalling naval dlster attended
with enormous loss of life occurred at
daylight Monday when tho French bat
tleship Llberte blew up in the Tou
lon harbor. The death loss is various
ly estimated from 200 up to 350 or
It subsequent Information bears out
the first advices as to tho extent of
tho loss of lifo on tho Llberte, the
disaster will go down In history as
ono ot the greatest In naval annals,
the Iosb of more than 250 lives on the
American battleship Malno, February
15, 1897, standing second In the mor
tality list.
Tho Gilchrist Elevator company at
McGregor, la., paid a price of $C39.86
for a wagon load of timothy hauled in
by Fritz Mlolke, a farmer living near,
Watson. This Is said to bo the record
price In eastern Iowa for a single
wagon load of grain or seed.
Cool weather, which began Thurs
day, grow more intense Vrlday, and
Saturday snow was reported from
Beveral Manitoba towns.
A quantity of war material and pro
visions being convoyed by a detach
ment of Spanish troops, was captured
near Melllla, Moreeco, by Riff tribes
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
, and Vicinity.
York. Tho eleventh annual sunset
social for all persons over the age of
seventy years, was held In the Metho
dist church, at which there were one
hundred and forty-six present Last
year there were one hundred and ono
present. These numbers do not con
stitute a regular enrollment of those
over seventy years, but just those who
are able to attend the annual meet
ings. During the paBt year five have
died, two men and threo women. Of
those present this year one waB ninety-four
and four wero ninety years of
Sister Just Hears of Crime.
Tecumseh. It is now six years slnco
tho bodies of Mrs. E. E. Hesso and
her daughter, Miss Wauncta McMas
ter, were found at the bottom of an
old well in this city. Though all this
time has elapsed and the story has
been printed all over the country, a
sister of Mrs. Hesse, Mrs. Flora L.
Curtis, of Vale, Butte county, S. D.,
has just learned ot the terrible affair.
Sho has written Sheriff E. L. Roberts
ot this county for particulars.
Flights of Ships snd Oratory.
Superior. The committee on ar
r.uigoments for Sjperlor's fall festlvar
nnd aviation moet, October 9 to 14, Is
meeting with great success. A con
tract has been made with the Curtiss
company for flights on threo days.
W. J. Bryan will speak October 11, and
It Is expected Speaker Champ Clark
and Senator La Follette will be en
gaged. Dog Overturns Auto.
Wahoo. An auto driven by Jeromo
Barnell was overturned by running
over a dog. One of the occupants,
Miss Frances McDonald, a school
teacher, received a broken arm, and
Mr. Barnell and wife received painful
SteHa,--The oil and gas company
organized to prospect on the farm of
A. B. Davison north ot Stella, are
hauling lumber to erect-the derrick.
The machinery has arrived and is be
ing hauled out to the farm. The gas
can be hoard roaring a half mile from
the plaoa.
The 1911 stallion registration law
requires all males, pure bred, cross
bred, grade or Jack to be examined by
a state inspector. i
George W. Kline, secretary of the
university alumni association, has
opened an office In Lincoln and will
start a search for 1,200 alumni ot
which the university now has no trace.
The forthcoming encampment ot the
Nebraska national guard to be held
near Bellevue will cost from $25,000
to $27,000. Fourteen hundred officers
end men are expected to be in camp
for ten days.
Tho funds in the state treasury now
aggregate $488,000, much less than the
usual amount kept on hand. Tho de
pletion is directly traceable to the ful
fillment ot enactments passed at the
last session of the state legislature
and to the fact that receipts have been
very light.
It appears that it would require onlj
a HtUo more shitting of political ques
tions to endow the republicans with
another candidate for United States
senator in the person ot Governor Al
drlch. There are numerous reasons
for believing that the governor haa
some such ambition up his sleeve.
In response to a criticism for not
allowing Lincoln and Hastings na
tional guard companies to return to
their home stations from the state en
campment to" aid in Taf t receptions,
Adjutant General Phelps has produced
an ordor for the war department de
nying leavo of absence to companies
when in camp.
Thestate normal school at Wayne
opened Monday, with, an enrollment
100 per cent greater than that of a
year ago. The senior class numbers
sixteen and the Junior class about
thirty. Tho maturity of the student
oouy is nouceauic.
The adjutant general's office has ap
proved tho election in Company E,
Second Teglment, of J. L. White, G. B.
Gallowey and W. F. Rugg as captain,
first lieutenant and second lieutenant
respectively. The election followed
the expiration ot the commission ot
-Captain F. A. Anderson. The com
pany Is at Holdrege.
Unless collections for the state
treasury come la more rapidly the
state treasurer will be obliged to stop
buying municipal bonds and save the
funds to take ' care of warrants pre
sented on tbo general fund.
J. JT McCarthy of Ponca, chairman
ef the Nebraska La Follette league,
may run for cougrcs in the Third dis
trict as a progressive republican it the
progressives believe his candidacy wjll
help their fight against reaction.
Chris Gruenther has beeaasked to
be a candidate for the democratic nom
ination for congress, in the Third dls-
trlst, but oai aot yet glvea a reply.
Tho beet harvest In western Nobras
ka Isln full blast
Ice famines are reported from sev
eral Nebraska towns.
Shubert will have a high class lco
ture course this year.
The fall festival at Beatrice will W
held the first week in October.
The strike at tho .Missouri Pacific
shops In Falls City has been settled.
Pelaut, a small town near Ponca, li
making plans to have a big corn show,
The dry weather of the last, few
weeks has been very honeflclal to thi
corn crop over the state.
A son ot Hiram Aden, near Auburn,
was found dead on Monday night in a
ravine on his father's farm.
The new Catholic church at Crab
Orchard will be dedicated by Bishop
Tlhen of Lincoln October 17.
Vandals did considerable' damage
to the York flour mill by destroying a
number of windows and casings.
On account of the scarcity of hay,
several Stromsburg 'farmers have built
silos and ore filling them with green
The village board of Hickman has
advertised for bids for the construc
tion ot an air pressure water sys
tem. Fire Warden Randall will invest!
geta a fire hat occurred In Hebron,
destroying a stock ot second-hand
Grain men are of the opinion thnt
tho acreage of fall wheat sown this
fall will show an increase over last
Nebraska bankers are awaiting thi
decision of President Tnft concerning
tho interpretation of the national
banking act.
The Sheridan . county fnlr closed a
most successful four days' exhibit Sat
urday. The 1911 fair was a record
breaker in every respect.
Tho golden wecfdlng of Mr. and Mrs
Isaac Reynolds was celebrated Sundaj
with a surprise party at their homi
six miles east of Table Rock.
As a result of a wrestling bout be
tween Harold Mlltenberger nnd Stan
ley Parish at Cortland, the latter it
laid up for repairs with "a badly broken
J. A. Harris, residing at Steele City,
committed smlclde by drowning him
self In the Little Blue river. Mr. Har
rts had been In poor health for th
past two years.
An old map of Nebraska issued bj
the state board of transportation thai
drew salaries in the early 90'b, hat
been sent to the interstate commorcs
commission to complete Its files.
Thomas Simpson, a Nemaha county
farmer, was badly injured when a
mue kicked at him, striking a pitch
fork, the tines of which hit him in
the face, narrowly missing an eye.
Another grade Is to be added to th
already excellent courso given at Shu
bert by the local schools. The stead)
growth ot Shubert and the increase in
the tuition pupils makes this almost
a necessity.
The educational council of the cen
tral union and northern conference oi
the Adventlst church will be held at
College Vfew beginning October 13.
The council will he in session foi
threo days.
While working in the ditch for the
new waterworks system at Beatrice
Friday, Lee O'Connor of Lincoln and
nooerc waters or Beatrice wece
caught In a cave-in of sand and barely
escaped with tholr lives.
The committee In charge of the ar
rangeraents for the German' day cele
bration to be held in Lincoln October
18 and 19 is now busy, and quite a
number of towns in the state have
been visited and promise of support
The large barn of J. B. Seybold,
near Murray, together with ten head
of horses, Implements, buggies, wag
ons, a Mason automobile, and a large
granary filled with wheat and oats,
wero destroyed by , flro of unknown
origin 'Thursday.
Instruction has been received at
Lincoln navy recruiting station to en
list all the men possible without low
ering the standard of enlistment. Tho
Increase is asked in order to have a
full complement of men for the fleet's
cruise to China January 10.
Thomas Hanson had bis left hand
taken off In an ensilage cutter at
Lyons. Hq had been filling the silo
and had completed the job all but
cleaning up Bomo of the litter. His
hand became caught in the machinery
and severed all tho fingers of the left
J. S. Lamb, an old citizen ot Grand
Island, was horribly mangled when a
switch engine ran over him as be was
passing through a lumber yard.
Some Johnson county farmers will
cut a very good crop from their fourth
stand of alfalfa this year, This has
been a good year for hay but it is
scarce and expensive, nevertheless.
Traced to the home of his- sweet
heart in another state, R. E. Griffith,
formerly station agent at Verdon and
who only a short time ago left that
place with more than $400 belonging
to the railroad amhexpress companies,
was arrested at Clarion. la., Monday.
If petitions In circulation are suc
cessful, the reward for the capture of
the murderer, of the Hesse family at
Tecumseh will amount to $8,000.
A physician had a hard time Induc
ing the 14 months old child of R. B.
Klmback of Beatrice, to disgorge a
screw it had swallowed, but he finally
succeeded and thereby saved its life.
J. P. Pohlman. who was found badly
Injured and unconscious on the bridge
at the foot of Cemetery hill Saturday
evening, died at the Auburn hospital
without having regained conscious
ness long enough to tell how ibt accl-
Ideat asppeaed.
This Woman Had to Insist
Strongly, but It Paid
Chicago. 111 "I suffered from a fa.
ae weaKness ana swrnacu irouuiq.
ana x went .to ws
store to got a bottle,
of Lydla E. PinfcJ
ham's Vegetable.
Compound, bat the)
clerk did sot want
to let tne have It
he said it was no,
food and wanted ma
o try something!
else, but knowing!
aUabout it I Ip-! -slsted
and finally,
arnf. 4f anil T am an
glad I did, for it has cured me. J
"I know of so many cases where wow
men have been cured by Lydla E-PinkV
ham's Vegetable Compound that I can
say to every suffering woman if thai
medicine docs not help her. there is
nothing that will." Mrs. Jaxstzxx,
2963 Arch St, Chicago, 111.
This Is the age of substitution, and
women who want a cure should Insist
upon Lydla 23. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound just as this woman old, and
not accept something else on which the
druggist can make a little more profit.
Women who are passing through this
critical period or who are suffering
from any of those distressing ills pe
culiar to their sex should not lose sight
of the fact that for thirty years Lyala
E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound,
which Is made from roots and herbs,
has been the standard remedy for fe
male ills. In almost every community
you will find women who have been
restored to health by Lydla E. Fink
ham's Vegetable Compound
i?.1?; TntmpsfiftEYtWatti
Sergeant 'Alt! Take Murphy's
name for talkin' In the ranks. '
Corporal W'y, sergeant, 'e weren't .
Sergeant Wasn't 'e? Well, crosa
it hout and put 'lm in the guard room.
for decelvln me. The Tattler.
Unfortunate Man.
A tourist In the mountains of Ten
nessee once had dinner with a queru
lous old mountaineer who yarned
about bard times for 15 minutes at a
stretch. "Why, man," said the tour
ist, "you ought to be able to make
lots of money shipping green corn to
the northern market "Yes, I orter."
was the sullen reply. "You have the
land, I suppose, and can get the
Beed." "Yes, I guess so." "Then why
don't you golnto the speculation?'
"No use, stranger," sadly replied the
cracker; "the old woman is too lazy
to do the plowln' and plantln'."
When a woman calls for her hus
band io "come here a minute," he
knows she has a two hours' Job for
A bowl of crisp
and cream
the thing's done!
Appetizing ..
Ready to serve right
out of the pachage
"The Memory Lingers"
BittU Crwk. MUh,
1 -
r ; &?B5X
2 T ?$3 ,
W. J,4 v
J- IK. . li. T -i?
v J
! li-