UAH gaafiatiflg .w. K Prophet Ezekiel a Watchman Sunday School Lenoa for Oct. 1, 1911 apcoauy Arranged lor 1 1115 F4pr I.ESON TUXT-Bzeklcl 3. MKMOIIY VICU8KS-1M9. GOLDEN T13XT-"IIcnr tlio word at my mouth, nml glvo them warning from me." ISzck. 3:17. TIME-Kzcklol was carried Into cxlll J3. C. 97, In tho second deportation by Ncliucliudnczzar from Jerusalem J when 10,000 were carried to Babylon with Kins Jeholachln. Tho profiteer of this lesson was written D. C. 602, nvo years later. Tho first 21 chapters of Kzcklel, concern Inir tho destruction of Jerusulem wer written during the 4 yearS C92-6SS. D. C. &S8 was the beginning of tho last slego of Jerusalem which ended In Its completo destruction. PLACI-Tho Book of Kzoklel was writ ten nt Tcl-nhlb ( Cnrnhlll) on tho river Chebar, one of the largo Irrigating canals of Babylonia, running across tho plain between tho Kuphratea nnd tho Tigris. Ezcklel'a name means "God strengthens." He was a priest, the son of nuzi, probably a family name. Ho was ah,o one of tho Rreateat ol tho prophets. He was probably 30 years old when he began to prophesy in H. C. COT, which would put tho date of his birth In Jostah's reign, about tho tlmo Jeremiah began to prophesy, and five years before Josiah'a great reformation and tho finding of tho book of tho law. Ho wns n married man; and tho sudden death of his wife was mado by dlvlno Instruction a lesson to tho peo ple. Ho went on with his work "with n broken heart, but an unbroken pur poso." Ho wns a man of power nnd cournge, holding his fnco as adamant against wrong, but nttrnctivo and per Buaslvo In encouraging tho jieoplo tc prepare for their return from exile. Ho wns n man of great imagination, using simile, allegory, parables in ac tion, symbols, symbolic actions. H saw visions, and dreamed dreams Ho had spiritual experiences, nut he was nlso tho most practical of men. Flzekiel's model heroes wero Noah. Job, Daniel. They all had lost theii world, but "Noah inaugurated a new world; Job ended by seeing God in tho whirlwind." Daniel did great things for his native country in his new country. Ezeklol was" nn exllo, but In that exilo was a mighty force In tbo renewal of his native land. The God of Israel was an invisible God, without any representation tc tho senses. It was hnrd for the peo plo to reallzo his existence and hit prosencc. It is hard for us, but mucfc harder for them. Tho temple and iti ritual wero an aid. God's works in nature were bis manifestation. The visible effects of obedience, and dis obedience, wero revelations of God'a nature. But times of trial nnd dis aster at first hid his face from them as storm clouds hide the sun. Henco in this dam period Ezekiel was taught to express God's presence, power, glory, goodness, providence, by apocalyptic symbols, 1. c., by symbols which expressed ideas, but could not be put into any pictorial form which might lepd to idolatry. The first chapter is a vision to these symbols, to make God real to tho people; as to Job God made himself known in the whirlwind nnd the storm. Nothing is moro sultablo than that tho voice of God should coruo from the whirlwind. For nir, wind, is one of tho chosen symbols of God working through bis holy spirit, as at Pente cost. It is invisible, as are the great natural forces of tho earth. The prophet wan presented with a Hebrew roll, tho form in which their books wero made, and was bidden to eat it. Tho roll represented tho word of God, his messago to Israel. The prophet's eating tho roll meant thnt ho wob to become so saturated with God's messago that It would bocomo a part of his very being. This gives us "somo guldanco In forming a prop er estimate of what is involved in In spiration. Tho prophet is to absorb 'into himself what is given him from above, and then give it out with bis own lips and in bis own language. "It was in my mouth as honey for sweetness," that is it was good in it self. Dut afterwards it becamo bitter, for it was a terrible messago to glvo to hlu people, so thnt God mado his face as adamant harder than flint, for nil tho house of Israel were impudent nnd hard-hearted. Ezekiel welcomed tho wntchman on the walls. Ho went from franco to nctlon, coming out of tho trance, llko Peter on tho housotop when ho went down to tho messengers of Cornelius. "And I went in blttorness ... of my spirit," sharing with God his righteous indignation against Israel, or the bitterness of having to deliver such nn awful message as ho uttered in tho following chapters, to his .friends nnd neighbors and country men. fto that when he camo to them, he remained thero astonished, in a stupor of grief, seven days. Tho watchman's duty is clearly set forth. He must warn tho people ol .their danger, as by tho voice of God. jWhllo his business was to warn, tho results were with God and the free will ho has given his children. ' God warns us in love in various ,ways that wo may not go heedlessly on to our ruin. He gives warnings in our bodies, by sicknesses, pains and weakness, againBt courses that will ruin tho body, and to teach us to pre pare for death. God gives warnings to tho soul, by tbo pangs of con science, by troubles and afflictions, to keep us from losing our souls. He warns our country, by discontent, in ternal commotions, by strikes, out breaks, anarchies, war, against the oppressions, Inequalities, luxury, lrre- Hsrton, injustice, which will bring flnabJ ruin unless we turn from them. mm HANDY ANTI-KICKING DEVICE Cow's Leg Strapped to Strong Stick Will Keep Animal Quiet While Being Milked. Ry tho use of tho device shown in the cut we succeeded In breaking ono or our cows of the habit of kicking while being milked, says a writer in Antl-Klcklng Device. the Homestead. We put a strnp through each end of a strong stick nnd buckled this around the cow'h leg just before milking. DAIRY RECORDS ARE UP:FUL They Serve as Tab on Milkers and Make Excellent Barometer of Cow's Condition, (By J. BAU.I2Y BUUCK.) Accurate records of each cow's milk yield enables us to weed out the herd and retain only tho money-makers. Tbey serve as a tab on the milkers. If the cows arc not milked clean the fact Is discovered. Poor milking by hired help is discouraged and the dry ing off from Imperfect milking re duced to n minimum. Tho cow's dally record is an excel lent barometer of her physical condi tion. Derangements are moro quickly discovered and checked and better methods of feeding arc encouraged. Hoth owners nnd help are stimu lated to Increaso tho product and It educntcs them in the matter of dairy economy. They Induce better business in the management of the business. A place where business methods have been too long Ignored. They serve as an excellent guide in selecting heifers that are to be raised to replace the cows we annually dis card from the herd. CONVENIENT TRUCK IN BARN Easy of Construction and Will Lessen Dairyman's Labors to a Consid erable Extent. No dairyman can afford to ignore that which will lighten his labor in any way whatever. Do his stable ever so conveniently constructed, ho has A Convenient Barn Truck. enough to do. Henco tho Importance of bis considering tho truck or enr presented in the cut, for which we aro indebted to nn exchange. Made of good lumber, tho only iron nbout it is tho handlo nt each end. by which to draw or push It, and tho Btrnps which are screwed ngnlnst tbo ends, engage tho ends of tbo nxlo outside tho wheels and are screwed flat agalnsth the bot tom of tho truck. The Silo for Dairymen. This Is the tlmo ot year when the dalrymnn or dairy farmer who owns n silo -likes to tnlk about sllago. Good sllago comes as near being Juno pas turo in January as any feed with which the dairyman is familiar. Its succulent or juicy nature especially Ills it for stimulating tho milk flow and keeping tho cow in vigorous health. Probably tho most Important rulo In the profitable dairy Is to keep tho cow's milk flowing as freely ns pos slblo after tbo flow has once been started by parturition or calf-birth. To do this demands right feeding and good caro. Silage is also necessary to right feeding. Sllago Is a cheap feed to cut up and 'valuable to use. It is grown on tho farm. This fact Is ot Importance in this day of hlgb-prlccd mill feeds. Clean Milk. A maker or certified milk, and head of a company which owns 800 cows, 'kept for this purpose at a sanitary milk producing' plant, asserts that every dairyman can get clenn milk in any barn if he takes proper care. This statement should provo Interesting to thoso who lay so much stress on changes In the barn equipment, rather than upon tho ono all important Item of caro. A Valuable Cow. At the cattle salo ot H. W. Woods nt F!nntfirvllln In. n flnllnwav cow caucd Gentle Annie brought 2,- 600. f'"A ' VALUE OF PURE-BRED SIRES Prof. E. H. Fraser of Illinois Experl. ment Station Explains This Feature of Dairying. The value or a tuiod bull lu tho dairy herd In something that dairy farmers are now giving more attention to. Prof. E. II. Frnser of tho Illinois experiment Btntlnn has mado this fea ture of farm dairying a study, and c. plains Us benellts in this wny: "If, for example, the good pure-bred slrol Im proves tho milking capacity of hl. daughters by only ono nnd ono-linltj pounds of milk nt n milking, above thtt production or their dams, this would mean nn increaso or 900 pounds of! milk for the ten months or 300 days during which the ordinary cows should, give milk; they would also be much more persistent milkers; thnt Is, would glvo milk ror a longer tlmo In tho year, nnd would regain their flow or milk; better nrtor an unavoidable shortngq or feed ns in n summer drought. Such, daughters may certainly bo credited on the nverngo with 1,000 pounds roorq1 milk per year than their daniB pro. duccd. At the low estlmnto or ono doU Inr per 100 pounds this extra amount) or milk would be worth f 10 per yenri The average cow Is a good producer, ror at least six years, or until sho gets; eight years old. Each daughter having a pure-bred slro will, thorerore, earn $l!0 more money In her llfctlino be cause of the good qualities of her sire. It will on tho nverago bo four years after purchasing tho slro before hlsj first daughters will hnvo finished their first lactation period and brought in. the Hrst extra S10. Eight dollars and, twenty-three cents kept nt compound. Interest lor theso four1 yonrs nt tlvol per cent, will equal $10, so n daugh ter's Improvement or Increaso of lnJ come the first year Is worth J8.23 at the time her slro Is purchnsed." JERSEY COW'S GOOD RECORD Pedro's Estetla, Bred by Missouri Ag ricultural College, Produces Much Butter. (By C. II. ECKI.KS.) This Jersey cow, Pedro's Estella 197245, as bred by tho Missouri Agricultural college. Her record Tor Pedro's Estella. . 12 months as a three-year-old Is as fol lows: Milk, 11,068 pounds; fat Jn milk, 605 pounds. The average per cent, of fat for the entire year was 6.476 pounds. Com puting the yield of butter on basis ot 85 per cent, according to the rule of the Jersey Cattle club, this cow pro duced 712.12 pounds ot butter In the 12 months. Her weight was 880 pounds nt the beginning or tbo test nnd increased to 960 pounds at the end of the year. The best previous autbentlcal year's record for an nnlmnl of this age is 518 pounds fat. which Is exceeded 87.8 pounds by tho record of Pedro's Es tella. The average amount of grnln fed per day va nbout fourteen pounds, or n total of 5,110 pounds during the year, which consisted mostly of corn, oats, bran and oil meal. Green Fopd for Cows. As in the enso of cows, swine nlsq should bo fed plenty of groen rood in, order to keep tSelr digestive tracts In, the best condition. They should be supplied wjtn plonty or pure, cold wa tor nnd &n abundance or shndo and sanitary wallowing place. Milk clean, but do not "tug" to, keep up tho milk flow. Never forget tho Importance of cool ing milk In a clean plnce. Dairying Is ono of the profltnbl llnon In wlilrli n fnrmor run unpnim Churning Is soon out of the wayj when the cream is in proper condi-j tlon. ; Notico tho cream onco or twico th first ten minutes after starting th churn. To do good work the cream separa-) tor must bo level and on a good solid; foundation. ; Stop the churn as soon as tho butter, granulates if you want to 'work out; all tho buttermilk. Veal calves In hot weather will grow better if kept during the day in; a dark, cool stable. Some dairymen make it a practice to give some mild purgative to cows at tho time ot parturition. A bull tied In the stall will got lazy and useless, besides making extra work In bis care and feed. If you have not a good cellar, nor ice, nor cold water, making good but ter in hot weather is out of tho ques tion. The cream separator, tho silo and the manure spreader should find a placo in tbo equipment at very dairy farm. At y'j- ' ' . It.. r If Wto$i DAIRY HAVE YOU SUSPECTED YOUR KIDNEY3? Thousands suffer from bncknche, headache, dizziness nnd weariness without suspecting their kidneys. Henry G. Leon- hnrdt, Liberty St., Sturgeon liny, Wis., says: "My kidneys wero in such bad shape, tho kidney se cretions passed every fow minutes. I doc tored with tho best physicians and treat ed with a prominent speclnllst, but receiv ed only temporary relief. Donu's Kid noy Pills helped mo nt onco nnd soon I was permanently cured. I really feel that Doan's Kidney Pills saved my life." "When Your Back is Lame, Remem ber tho Name DOAN'S." For salo by druggists nnd general itorekecpcrs everywhere. Prlco 00c. Fostcr-MIlburn Co., Iluffnlo, N. Y. ADDED 'EM UP. Hix You said your gun would shoot BOO yards. Dlx I know I did. Hlx It's marked to shoot only 450 yards. Dlx I know, but thero are two barrels. PHYSICIAN SAID ECZEMA CAME FROM TEETHING "When my little girl was about eight months old, sho was taken with a very Irritating breaking out, which came on her face, neck and back. Whon sho first camo down with it, It camo in little watery-like festers under her eyes, nnd on her chin, then aftor a few days It would dry down In scaly, white cabs. In the daytime she was quite worrysome and would dig and scratch her faco nearly all tho time. "I consulted our physician and found she was Buffering from eczema, which he said came from her teething. I used the ointment he gave me and without any relief at all. Then I wrote for a book on Cuticura, and pur chased some Cuticura Soap and Oint ment at the drug store. I did as I found direction! la the Cuticura Book let, and when she wan, one year old, she was entirely cured. Now she is three years and four months, and sho has never been troubled with eczema lnce she was cured by the Cuti cura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. (Signed) Mrs. Freeman Craver, 311 Lewis St., Syracuse, N. Y., May 6, 1911. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold everywhere, a sam ple of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cutl enro," Dcpt. 2 K. Boston. Lingering. "Did you hnvo a trial before you hanged that horso thief?" "We sure did," replied Pluto Pete. "Ho was a mighty bad man, nnd we wanted to give 'him all the unpleas ant suspenso possible" In 8ecluiion. "Is your mistress at homo?" "Are you tho manlcuro lady?" "No, indeed l" "Then sho ain't at homo, mum." Do you ever havo Hcidnclio, Toothache, or Earache? Most pcoplo do. Humlina Wizard Oil is the bct household remedy and liniment for these everyday troubles. Too mnny officeholders who pre tend to bo working tor their country are merely working it Not feeling Well? YOU NEED A SHORT COURSE OF THE BITTERS It is fine for a weak or overloaded stomach, clogged bowels and sluggish liver. Is ptrsHidsd ttgit a botllt tf H0STETTERS Stomach Bitttrs today. It will set things right in quick time. PUTNAM 1"L fctry A TRAIN LOAD OF TOBACCO. Twenty-four Carloads Purchased for Lewis' Single Binder Cigar Factory. What Is probably tho biggest lot of all fancy grndo tobacco held by any factory in tho United States has just been purchased by Frank P. howls, of Peoria, for tho manufacture cr Lewis' Slnglo Hinder Cigars. Tho lol will mako twenty-four carloads, and la se lected from what In considered by ex perts to bo the finest crop rnlscd in mnny yenrs. Tho purchnso or tobacco Is sufficient to Inst tho factory moro than two years. An extra prlco was paid ror tho solectlon. Smokers ot Lewis' Slnglo Hinder Cigars will appro clnto this tobacco. 1'coria Mar, January 16, 1009. In Cold Storage. "I am afraid, your honor, this pris oner Is a bad egg." "H'ml Then wo'd bettor put him In tho cooler." Stop the Pain. Thfi hurt of a burn or a rut stops when pole's Carbollsalvn Is nppllrd. It heals quickly n lul prevents scars. Ko mid f0c by druggist. For free samplo wrlto to J. V. Cole & Co., Black lllvcr Fulls, Wis. My friend Is doar, but my enemy is nlso useful; tho friend shows mo what 1 enn do, tho enemy shows mo what I ought to do. Schiller. PieasaiitRefiestiLnt aa.auaa 4Bk,SB1 WW wm I a Gentle andEffectiro, CALIFORNIA HO SYMJPCO. In the Circle. oneveroPacfiagja of KioGonuine. DO NOT LET ANY DEiALER DECEIVE YOU., SYRUP OP FIGS AND CUXIR OP SENNA UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION FORMORE THAN THIRTY YEA3S PAST. AND ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS HAS SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS OF IMITATIONS INFERIOR PREPARATIONS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER LESS) THEREFORE, WHEN BUYING. ISototfeMNnmeof tfo Gompam PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROS3.NEAR THE BOTTOM, AND IN VHC CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OP EVERY PACKAGE.OFTHEI CZNUINE. REGULAR PRICE BO PER BOTTLEi ONLY, FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. HUP OP PICS AND FJJXm OP SENNA M THE MOST PLEASANT, WHOLV HE AND EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR STOMACH TROUBLES, HEADACHES AND BILIOUSNESS DUE TO CONSTVATION, AND TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL CmCTS IT IS NECESSARY TO BUY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUWE. -WHICH IS MANUFACTURED BY THE California Fig SyrupCo. W. L. DOUGLAS. 2.50, '3.00, '3.50 &M.0O SHOES WOMEN waar Wi-Douglaa atyliah, perfect fitting, easy walking booti, because thay (ire long waar, aarna as W.LDouglas Men's shoes. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS The workmanship which has made W. L, Douglas shoes famous the world ovei is maintained in every pair. If I could take you into my large fac3ories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W.LDouglaa shoes are made, you would then understand why they are war ranted to hold their shape, fit belter and wear longer than any other make for the price fiaHTMN Tho soinlno hare W. L. IIourUi mwu i mil name aal price stamped on bottom If tou connnt obtain W. I Douslas shoos jour town, wrlto for catalog. Shoes sent from factory to wenrer. all iTiarire nrenald. uuuuiioa, aao ovarii au. urociiHia. kk.-.v . I mm .. . r- . . . w You Can Defiance The best cold water starch ever made. Requires no cooking and produces a gloss and finish un equaled by any other. Makes Shirts, Collars and Cuffs Look Like New. ym- FADELESS DYES The Army of Constipation It Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are responsible they not only give reli they pcrma- ncntlycurcCi llpslion. Mil lions use them for Indlttitioa. Sick Ifttdscas. SsUaw Skis. SMALL riLL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRIC Genuine must bear Signature ( CAREY ACT iMirinninatrrrichta.Qfaa to entry uu Itlr HlTrr rmjrello flni -mfor.L In Anatfca Idaho. M.M aa unltB annual ItiMalltni-nta Amnio wat-riupilT maraa) tovd. IDAHO lUHlUATlON CO., ItlcJiHoM? MaW ?S3 IRRIGATED FRUIT AND TLOWCR TA ATAHAUlttti'lOB. Hliow nUOfliif itlri)lrIXtoL No .now or leu. .lri(o home, itork. tool., Mat ,lrit KrerrttilnK Korn. now. not it. Mm, i ffduft&icSflfre Ii'iUwWI ( Qulcklr tm Wak, Sora Era W. N. U.. LINCOLN, NO. 38-1911. HAS OVEN LED UN TO OFFER ONE SIZE MWUTURZ riCTUU orrACKAcc. In direot ONE PAIItnf mjr 1IOVH , W.f SM.OO HIIOKM will Illi.l tutam mass, inu rAutsoi oruuiary dojv - - - -i...... .-t ...;--- ..--"- ;-v n 'm Depend on Big 16-ounce package for 10 cents. Ask for "Defiance Starch" next time and take no sub stitute. Manufactured by Defiance Starch Co. OMAHA, NEBRASKA fmiaw, r "JIRaCARTEfft m-KBmW V lc - IIVER rT. r-ifcv $e47Z&z I illlll I ' lEs?5lTwMMtantSl I 111 H ' jmwinTnr&xiwmm' ' Tm I HI tLaH 1 cint. or alcoholIIiH brI etr acnejVaVi ts IflvfU B e aa xhiiii a W 117 aVLH S "2! S2f - 171 I II I BLai ttAniwu,ccmnoi. 1 1 11 JUWIW,UWSfMW3. H iMlPSH JM aa m afiiai Ml I VvtafaB 1 aw imw r r - a an Wk lyv4J BH jcAuroMiAnGsTiai? C? 0 yglm I aS3k PI IHBBJH ilMPW. MwatAru K Jpil ' ggL V,',VWw'' SaataJ 1 Wm- WJI fHBfrW rJ raaWiiBWaY,'':''' S tsA'aWaaBE-MBBBBSXL.1 sY KESsf&P ' iH&$ 5ft' bV BsEsflaV I '"Vx):::: .flsESESav bVSEhW. I '::r.f" 1 SkIsEsEBB I bbbi i K . 9 I, -s.v.ta..a4M. mwtmmm$mimmfm!fmmmmm)p-jm