The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 21, 1911, Image 4

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?m?JZ fcfc"'''""''la"g"".'1WM"
i ujmum 'laywua
R4 Cloud Nebrikfv
SaUred In the roitofflce AtiRcd Cloud, Nob.,
MScroml CIM Miller.'
James It. Dean. - .-. . - Urokcn How
Willi I. Oldhnm Kenrnoy
Wlllliin f Mark - Aurora
Clarence K. Ilarman .. Holdrcge
J. K. Miller
Charles I.. Anderson
Chnrles T. Knnpp
Hurry H. Diiugnn ... .-
A. I). Ilnnnry
. . Lincoln
.. Ox lord
.. Hasting
lllue Hill
tlcorgo i:. Cihih Wstrlct No. I
A. II. Ilrlght District No. I
Wllllnin It. Ilnllcy . lt il Cloud
Oscar A. Arnold I II no Mill
IMIth L. MclCelghan. lied Cloud
JaiuiH.Mllrldo CowIih
Gertrude Coon . ... '. It id Cloud
I'etiT Merten ... Blue Mill
Socialist Ticket.
., , . J lames Campbell
Huprcmo .ludm..... Jmm.M it. jmrti-iish
ltnltwny CoinmlKssloncr
Kuiory D. Moody
Klbert I. Morrow
llitnnhtu'.trutt tf '.
I . .)eori;u Clark rorter
County .ludi!C......
........Win.,1. Llpplui'olt
...... L. O. ( liiipmau
............Henry Kailijeu
County clerk
ci.H. Perry
County Superintendent..... Mnytue WiiNkoni
Clerk District Court Mnry Daulelson
Commliudoncr 4th l)lst . .Ion. Ilcrhuriter
After unother year tho editor of this
paper has no occasion to change his
verdict in regard to the fitness of I'res.
Taft to continue in oil Inc. Ho In n
wcakvascillatingpolitlcinu, truckling
to the interests and using every arti
fice to cajole the people Into electing
him for a second term. If the Demo
crats cannot find a man to take tint
field against him we give it out cold
that we will throw our strength of one
Vote to the Socialist or Prohibition
party next year. Campbell Citlou.
With the denth of Congressman
Madison at his home iu Dudgu City,
Kansas, last Motidny the. state of Kan
sas loses one of her most noted citi
zens and the United States loses a
most valuable man. Though not of our
political fntth we have always admired
the fearlessness of the man and hare
always believed him to bo honest ns
well as efllcieut. He represents the
new order of statesmen. All parties
now have workers of the Madison type
and the day is now hero when states
men will take the common people Into
their confidences and will legislate for
their gvod and not the welfare of some
Tho Webster County. Fair will be on
in full force next week Mt llladen.
The management this year has :u
r.wiged for a stronger program than
ever before and the public is assured
that there will be something doing all
the timo. All school childieu of the
county below the eighth gnule will be
admitted free on Friday, the closing
clay of tho,falr. A really, truly air
ship will make ascensions every day
auda man fioiu St. Louis has been
secured to make the (lights. This at
traction Is costing the management a
good sum of money, but they will have
u man there who will satisfy the most
exacting. We congratulate Uladeu
upon the thorough manner iu which
those preparations are being made
and can assure her that there will be
a large representation from the south
part of the county visiting there next
week. We would all be there, but
someone must stay home and milk
the cows.
Tho crowded condition of our high
sohool forcibly reminds us that this
district must begin at once to prepare
for new quarters. Either we must
provide more building or else give up
our educational system and we are
ooufldeut that no one will be in favor
of the hitter alternative We owe it
to the city and surrounding country to
provide means whereby the youth
may obtain ns good au education ns it
is posslblo for him to ohtnfei. There
is mi argument presented by tome to
the utTeot that we should exclude nil
children outside of our own district
from attending our schools, but we be
'lieve that to be manifestedly unfair to
those within easy distance of our high
sohool, Iu h majority of cases it
would mean that they would be de
prived of an opportunity of bettering
their iutellectual condition. The non
residents are not many at the most
ad to exclude them would only put
Off tho building which must of necess
ity soon oomo anyway. We might as
Mill face- Iliesiltlajlon mid ilopiil f foi j
Hie cliililri'n.
The installation of u cit dilating
ininiry at inunif,'ii n.'iiooi uiih h ioiik i
felt, want in thjs city. In times past
we have advocated a number of plans
for OHtnblihliiiiK a library here, none of
which seemed to meet with enough
support .to make any hhowinjj,bnt now
that this arrangement has been made
we bellovo Hint it is a step toward a
fine city library In the near future'
Many of the towns of our size in the
state have excellent libraries at the
disposal of their people and the In
vestment has always proven to be a
good one. There arc other things be
sides lights and water which the city
should furnish her citizens and a
library it. one of the most essential of
those other things. Some people are
opposed to the idea of any moneyed
man giving a library to a town, but the
good that is gained from rending first
class literature more than balances
nny fancied taint that might .stick to a
set of boohs. We trust that there will
be u large dcuiand for the books which
the school hoard hns secured so large
that it will bo only a question of time
when a separate building will be de
manded. A. B. Sellnrs Buys Newspaper,
With this Issue of tho Sun Mr. A. B.
Sellars, recently from tho great state
of Nebraska, becomes one of the pub
lishers, he having purchased an equal
interest in the paper.
Of Mr. .Sell am the Sun can speak in
the highest terms! The former editor
has known him since boyhood and all
during that time ho has been a cul
tured, honest business man, highly re
spected and liked by all.
Mr. Sollars was In the Pacific states
two years' ago and visited all tho won
derful places, Including Exeter. He
went on back east and remained a
couple of years, but the remembrance
of Tulnro county's orange groves and
good roads was ever uppermost In his
mind, and as soon as he could he
wandered back again this time to
stay. U. (J. Knight in Kxeter (Cal.)
The Chief Is pleased to welcome Mr.
Sellnrs back to I ho printing frater
nity, unci for the benefit of tho good
people of Kxeter we will say that they
have secured a man of absolute hon
esty, tiiicpiestioued Integrity, and a
booster for home enterprises. Mr.
Sellnrs worked nt the printer's trade
hero for years and the business train-
lug he has since had in other lines
will fit him well for his new position.
Here's wishing Knight fc Sellnrs un
bounded success.
Republican Committee Meets and Re
organizes. At n meeting of the Republican can
didntes Monday afternoon the Republi
can oojinty central committee .whs re
organized and committeemen selected
for the various precincts of the county.
The organization as sefectcd is as
Guide Hock, Frank Bailey.
Beaver Creek, A. ,1. Bragg.
Stillwater, Louie llangett.
Oak Creek, Dick Hoppen.
Potsdam, John Hose.
Elm Creek., Clms. E. Putnam.
Cowles, 0. G. Holt.
Pleasant Hill, C. J. Cooper.
Garfield, Frank It. A mack.
Line, J. W. Mcintyre.
Bed Cloud township, A. B. Pierce.
Bed Cloud 1st ward, II Dlederich
Bed Cloud yd ward, W. G. Hamilton.
Batin, Steele Cummings.
Harmony, Herman Feis.
Glen wood, I), O. Bennett.
Catherton, K. .1. Peterson.
luavale, Frank Koelmel.
Walnut Creek, Harry Chaplain.
Dan Garner was selected as chair
man mid V. 0. Hnuiilton as secretary
and treasurer.
Populist Central Committee Meets
The county central committee of
tho Populist party met at the court
house Saturday, Sept. 10th.
Dr. Rout. Damerell tendered his
resignation as chairman nnd on motion
same was accepted.
On motion O. C. Teel wns elected
Herman Qerlach was appointed com
mitteeman for Elm Creek township to
till vacancy.
After the transaction of business of
minor Importance and discussion of
polltlenl situntion committee adjourn
ed subject to call of Chairman Teel.
The poorest policy nnd the worst
economy is to keop the children out of
school. Every day lost hns its mani
fold effect; tho knowledge gained on
that day is missed, pupil is thrown be
hind, becomes discouraged, has a bad
oitect on the class nnd the very habit
Is to be avoided.
Foley's Kidney Remedy (Llauhj)
1 ii great medicine of proven raluo
for both acute and chroulc klduoy and
bladder ailments. It is especially retV
oinmended to elderly people for Its
wonderful tonle aud reconstructive
qualities, and the permanent relief
and comfort it gives them. Sold at
Dr. Cook's drug store.
Up-to-Date Fall Merchandise
We will be pleased to show you
Former County Clerk
L. H. Fort Passes Away
After lying for a week in an uncon
scious state, i. H. Fort died Wednes
day morning.
Mr. Port was one of the best known
men in Webster county Ho hns
served the public in various clerical
capacities almost from the time of his
arrival here in 1834. Ho was deputy
county clerk, clerk of the district
court, county clerk, city clerk and a
member of the school board. His full i
name was Lofton Hedding Fort, but
ho wns generally known as "Doc"
Fort, although he never practiced
medicine. His father was a pioneer
preacher of eastern Nebriiskn in early
territorial days, mid was stationed in
Omaha in 18110. f,. H , a boy of m,
crossed the plains iu 1803 When the
Union Pacific Railway commenced to
build their lines out of Omnhn, he
went to work In the yards of that cor
poration at omulin and earned his
way through the high school at Coun
cil Bluffs. Iu 1880 ho acted as deputy
clerk of Xetuahn county.
Ho was a member of the i O. O. P.",
the A. O. I'. W., tho M W. A., the
Royal Neighbors, the Rebekalis, nnd
was chief patriarch of the ISncamp
meut at the time of his death.
Mr. Fort wns u member of the
school board at the time the Lincoln
school building was erected. Now that
time has healed the factional dissen
sions concerning the location of that
building, it is generally conceded that
till the members of the 'school board
were faithfully endeavoring to serve
the interests of the public, nnd every
one regrets the bitterness that was
allowed to creep into the discussions
of the day. Mr. Fort was one of the
victims of unjust and reckless cen
sure nt that time, uud he, doubtless,
felt deeply tho unnecessary harshness
with which the members of the board
were criticised for doing their plain
duty. Aside from this brief vis
itation of factional disfavor, Mr. Port
was, during his entire life among us,
exceptionally popular with all classes
of people and ho deserved the general
esteem of his fellow citizens and the
kindness of his neighbors. For the
past two or three years ho hns been
iitllicted with the disease which bo
came berious u few days ago, and
since which time his death becumo
only a ipiestion of the time which his
constitution could resist the coming
Mr. Port was inarried in Nemaha
county to MissAllco (Julbertson, who,
wiin. tneir cnuuren, cjnaries tort oi
Omaha, Mrs, Grace WllteMrs. tfuUlp
Ferguson and Mrs. Npfte Gardner, qf
Orleans stirvlvriffnir Th' A&rVn
were all present at his bedside during
his illness and at the time of his
Q CAREFUL PREPARATION has brought our stocks to
unusual completeness. You will find throughout the store the
splendid assortments that have been gathered for your choos
ing. This is an advantageous time to supply yourneeds for
the fall and winter season. We would direct your attention
especially at this particular time to the up-to-date lines to be
found in Coats, Skirts, Waists, Silks, Dress Goods, Linens,
Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes, Gloves, Sweaters, Laces, Rib
bons, Notions, Carpets, Rugs, Draperies and Lace Curtains.
are ready to
Miner Brothers Company
"A Mighty Safe Place to Trade"
IF YOU LIKK nice, dainty Jewelry
aud goods that are up-to-date, visit
our store. We make a specialty of
(list class goods and our qunlitled
guaranteed is back of everything we
soil. We will soon receive more line
Cut Glass
which is the bet, made by the best
Order to Show Cause.
State of Xi-brnHkn, I in the County Court
Webster County, f
At County Court lielil at the County
Courtroom In and lor said county Monday,
.September lllh, A. I, mil.
IX tho matter of the estate ol Orrln K.
I'ltney, Dccinsril.
o.n rcnillnii and iIIIiik the petition of Cora
i:. I'ltney praying Unit ndmlnlNtrntlon of
wild cstnte may Ik) granted to herxelf, the
said Corn K. I'ltney, as Administratrix.
Ukiik'uki), that Wcdncfulay, the 4th day ol
October, A. I). 1011, at one o'clock p. in., U
aHHlgncd (or hearing said petition when all
persons Intereste'd In mild inntter may appear
at ft County Court to t held In and for said
County nnd hIiow cause why the prnycr of
petitioner should not bo Krantcd; and that
notice of tho pendency ol onld petition nnd
the hearing thereof be given to nil persons
Interested In tiald matter, by publishing a
copy of this order In the Ited Cloud t'hlof, a
weekly uewxpapcr printed In Mild county,
for three consecutive weeks prior tosnlil day
ol hearing. 1. W. Kdson,
(Seal) County Judge.
I'red Maurer attorney for petitioner.
The funeral was held from the fam
ily home this morning at 10 o'clock
under the nuspices of the Odd Fel
lows. Rev. Uose of the Christian
church conducted the services, assist
ed by Rev. E. N. Tompkins of the M.
K. 'church.
' t fty KMMy Pills
f'J WlrWe'a'cH' your individual case if
you have any form or kidney ana
bladder trouble pv urinary irregular
ities. Try them. Sold at Dr. Cook's
drug store.
these New Goods,
-buy or not.
We will sell at public auction on the Damerell & Steward ranch,,
three miles southwest of Red Cloud, Nebraska, on
Tuesday, September 26, 1911
Commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp, the following property:
11 Head of Horses and Mules-11
Consisting of 1 brood mare, weight about 1 400, bred to Jack; 3
Shire geldings, coming 4 years old, weight about 1 200; 1 mule 8
years old, weight about 1 200; 1 mule 2 years old, 3 mules I year
old, 2 suckling mules.
29 - Head of Cattle - 29
Consisting of 5 registered Shorthorn cows, 6 pure bred 2-year-old
heifers, 4 pure bred Shorthorn heifers, 2 pure bred Shorthorn heifer
calves, 7 pure bred Shorthorn bulls, all red; 2 high grade milch cows,
giving milk, 1 yearling steer and 2 calves, grades.
100 . Hogs and Pigs .100
Consisting of 6 brood sows with pigs by side, I full blood Duroc
Jersey boar, balance'good feeding hogs.
TERMS All sums of $10 and under, cash; over $10, a credit
of 6 months will be given, purchaser giving note wilh approved secur
ity at 1 0 per cent interest.
Damerell & Steward
COL. JAKE ELLINGER, Auctioneer.'
whether you