'.ww 'as!Hty:.JKi- wJra!?9 "wo. vsr5wT!!5!tj?ft2yt5? LI 'UWIM WfVri. B j -r tajssSBWsasssa zsrssrts I , M WWMM u m , K v l K '. i' 'I Publi 1C "We will sell at public auction on the Damcrell & Steward ranch, three miles southwest of Red Cloud, Nebraska, on Tuesday, September 26, 1911 Commencing at I o'clock p. m. sharp, the following property: 11 -Head of Horses and Mules-11 Consisting of I brood marc, weight about 1 400, bred to Jack; 3 Shire geldings, coming' 4 years old, weight about 1200; 1 mule 8 years old, weight about 1200; I mule 2 years old, 3 mules 1 'year old, 2 suckling mirles. 9 29 - Head of Cattle - 29 Consisting of 5 registered Shorthorn cows, 6 pure bred 2-year-old heifers, 4 pure bred Shorthorn heifers, 2 pure bred Shorthorn heifer calves, 7 pure bred Shorthorn bulls, all red; 2 high grade milch cows, giving milk, I yearling steer and 2 calves, grades. 100 . Hogs and Pigs . 100 "Consisting of 6 brood sows with pigs by side, 1 full blood Duroc Jersey boar, balance'good feeding hogs. 100 - TONS ALFALFA HAY IN STACK - 100 TERMS All sums of $10 and under, cash; over $10, a credit of 6 months will be given, purchaser giving note with approved secur ity at 10 per cent interest. Damerell Steward COL. JAKE ELLINGER, Auctioneer. The Home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. A Complete Line ot Staple and Fancy Groceries, alao tlf Latent Pattern In Queensware We are alio making a Specialty of the Celebrated "A. B. CANNED Bell Phono 102. Real Estate Dan Garber & Co. Red Cloud, Nebraska DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST V Moon Block, Red Cloud In Riverton every Monday G. C. BAILEY About Your Phone Batteries and Electrical Suppilet Sale! C. 99 Indopondont Phono 44 $ vA VsAvyvA and Loans Chief Office NEW BAKERY 1 have opened n bakery In Red " Cloud and solicit a share or your patronage. I Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes always ill hiook, I'llOHO 11)0 your wants (Ind. phone 1SS.) Deliver to any part of the city i ... . . ... Retail store opposite Postof flee, in Dioderich building. CURTHATFIELD,Prop. State Fair Premiums Thij following aro the premiums awarded to our county by tho state fair at Lincoln: Thec printed here repre sent Mr. Htinimel'rt district. Tin county is a whole took 41 premiums, 20 of them coming to this part of thi county. Mr. llmmnel took 13 of them and the balance toother parties, Hummel premium On while corn 2nd premium Olomly butcher corn-3rd and tth While pop corn -4th Lalo sweet corn 3rd llrd Hwcet coriy-3rd Kent and largest collection of 10 ears of corn (for state) 2d. Swret potatoes 2di, Sweet pumpkins--2d. Sunflowers 2d. Citron-2d-' Alfalfa 1st. Egg plant 1st. A. J. Bragg, Guide Rock -Calico corn 4 th. I. B. Stanscrand Ed McCuno Mangel wurtzel beets lat. Joe Topham Yellow onions 1st Mr. Dedrick, peanuts 2d. Mr. Moulton, Guide Rock Sorghum 1st. G. Ohmstead, Guide Rock Large whitp dent corn 4th. W. G. Shannon, apples 1st Oliver McNutt apples 2d Geo. W. Hagan, Guide Rock-lHt and 2d on apples Charley Gilham 1st on plums. D. Hefllebower 2.1 on plums. This is a line showing for Webster county on account of the fact that it was all voluntary work. HEALTH AS ANlrfVESTMENT Frateraal inters. Labor taltas. and la- svraice Mamies Erect TafcercN- Itsls SaiiatsrlvM-Hllllsas Wasted Auaally As an investment in the health of their members, four large fraternal orders, two international labor unions, and one of the largest insurance com panies in the United States have es tablished sanatoriuniB for the treat ment of tuberculosis, according to., a statement issued today by the Nation al Association for the Study and Pre vention of Tuberculosis. The Royal League, the first frater nal order to establish a sanatorium, conducts a hospital for its tuberculosis members lit Klack Mountain. The Modem Woodmen of Amcricacouductb one at Colorado Springs, the Work men's Circle, at Liberty, N. Y., and the Independent Order of Foresters have' ono at Ritiiibow Luke, N. Y , aud will soon open n second one at San Fornuii.. do, Ciil. Tliu Intel iKitiouiil Typo graphical Tnion has since 1SU3 oou diluted a sanatorium at Colorado Springs, and the International I'i lilt ing Pressmen and Assistants Union of Atnerie.1 has recently opened a new institution at Uogersville, Tumi. The .Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is now erecting a sanatorium at Mt. McGregor, N. Y., which will be the first of its kind to be established by au "old line" insurance coinpouy. In addition to these institutions al ready established, tho Uenevolcntjiud, Proteectlve Order of Elks, the Forest ers of America, the Knights of Colum bus, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and several other orders are considering the advisability of erect ing sanatorium for their tuberculosis members Some of the large frater nal orders and labor uuions, like the Ladies of tho Maccabees of tho World, the International Photo-Engravers Union, mid-others conducted tieationul campaigns against tuberculosis though they do not have sanatoruiins pf their own. Tho Equitable Life Assurance Society aho has recently established a "conservation department" in which the prevention of tuberculosis will be given especial attention. Other insur ance companies are eonsidei lug similar action. Since the membership of the lead ing fraternal orders alone Is nearly 15,000,000, the National Association estimates that about .'50,000 members of these lodges die of tuberculosis alone every year. Siuco more than half of these llvos could be saved at a comparatively small outlay, the asso ciation figures that the fraternal oi ders are losing millions overy year in douth claims which might be saved. Newspaper Support. . A newspaper, if it has any brains, conscience and inusclo back of it, must continually decidoetween doing its duty and injuring its pocket. In any position but that of an editor the publics is able to separate the individ ual homo from the collective cltl.uu. Hut if an editor does not please them it's at his pockets they aim. Thus it Is tho newspapers learn who their filendsaie. Tho man who reads tin newspaper and admires It all tho year round, yet gives his business suppoit to Homo other concern, whoso princi ples or tho actions of Its editor he detests, is not u friond to tho former newspaper There aro too many men who expoct an editor to slave In de fense of their pot notions and hobbles and advocate their views against tho strongest opposition and coolly with hold the business support by which alone a country newspaper can llvo. Talk about a' paper having a public duty to perform, and an editor havli'g to work for his principles h die when othcih .stand back and oxte lid a lukewarm neutrality. Tho result is the editor tuny starve while laboring for his principle's and the t'atno of right and justice, which they admire but do not support. What is the Campbell Sjstf.m? The principles of the Campbell sys tem apply io overy country t to evuy climate, at.d to every kind of s-oll. it is a Hystem for the pi feet fitting of the soil for the growth of plants, no matter what, the plant may be, wheth er it be wheat, or corn, or cotton, or piMllltltS. Tho Campbell system of soil cultuie pi ot Ides Tor the prcpal at Ion of a seed and root bed containing tho proper amount, of both air and water for the liberation of the gi cutest amount ot plant food In the semi-arid regions and in the inigated districts this moans the stqilng of moisture in the soil for the use of thcVluut in time of need. In the humid regions it often means ditching mid siihdrainagc, but at all times and everywhere it means an equalization of moisture in the soil throughout flie growing year, so that peiiods of drouth, that aic bound to come, shall have little or no effect on tho crop yields. Tin: Wur, Tin: How, and ihk Viii:n The tilnlty of the Campbell systom are tho Why, the How, and the When. There is no gues work about farming under tills system. Tho farmer who knows the Campbell system and uses it intelligently knows that lie will get a crop when he sows his seed -hail and insects alone excepted. First, the rarnier must know why he must do certain tilings. He must know the scientific piinclples govern ing plant life and its relation to the soil. If he does not know this, ho ts liable to misinterpret conditions and make griev.ous errors. Second, he must know how to do the necessary things. He must know what ma chinery to use, aud how to apply it. A deep cultivation where a shallow one is needed may destroy his crop. Third, he must know when to do things. To plow when the soil is dry is fatal, to cultivate corn in the morn ing when it is half grown may do more harm than good, the stalk being brittle, damage may result from the least con tact. . The Soldiers' Ft fends. Representative Adair of Indiana Is a Democrat. Addressing the Repub lican side of the House recently he observed: "For font teen years both brandies t.f Congress have been Republican bj huge majorities and you have had a golden opportunity to reward the heroes of the civil war; but during all this time you have fad them on pi util ises tinl pledges, and year after year refused them the pensions they right fully deserved. . . . The Record will show that practically all the speeches mado iu the House during the past five years in favor of more llberul peusiqns have been made by Democrats. . . . We on this side of tho House who have been fighting the battles of the old soldier during tho past five years understand your methods and purposes, and while you may fool some of the soldiers tempor arily you have not fooled us." Representative Sherwood, of Ohio, Democrat, chairman of the House Pensions Committeo and author of a liberal pensions bill, also denouucod Republican niggardliness mid hypo crisy in respect to pensions. "When the National Encampment of tlioOraud Army mut in my homo town," said tie, "the program-llxers left me off the program at all tile cauiptlrcb and went out of their way to humiliate mo by having Getior.tl lveifer speak, because he hall attacked 1110 and my pension bill on the floor of Congress. What was the result'.' In he following November I was elected by twenty-three hundred mujotity over a Republican who four years lie fore had carried the same district by elghteou thousand majority." Satur day Evening Post. Foley's Kidney Remedy (Liquid) Is a great medicine of proven value for both acute and chronic kidney and bladder aliments. It is especially rec ommended to elderly people for its wonderful tonic and reconstructive qualities, and the permanent relief mid comfort it gives them. Sold at Dr. Cook's drug store. Order U Show Cause RtnUio! XchriMkn. t in tho Comity Court Wuhstcr County, f At a County Court held at the County Court room In ami tor said county Monday, Si))tfiiilcr!lth,A. I. 101 1- In tho nmttir ot tho istato ot Orrln it. I'ltnciy, Deceased. ON rcidliiuandllllini tho petition of Cora i:. I'Unoy jirnylnu that ndniliilotratinn of hiild ustnta may be Krnnteil to horulf, tho HuldCora I', l'ltiu-y, as AdmliiUtratrlx. Oiiiikiii:ii Unit Wednesday , llio Ithilayol UctotiiT. A. I. lUll.at ouo o'clock j. in., la asslmiod for licarliiK sahl iiotltlQit when all liermius lntcrutcd In ald matter may appear at a County Court to ! held In and (or hatd County and bliow cuuws why llio prayer of petitioner Hiiould not dq ernnien; iimi luiu nottruof tho pendency of (.aid petition and tho hearlni! thereof bo nlvi'ii to all pernon8 Interested In said matter, by publlshliiK a copy of tills order In tho lted Cloud Chlof, n weokly newspaper printed In said county, for tlireo conseeutlvo weoks prior to satd day of hearing. I. W. Khhom, (Seal) County Jiulco. Krcd Matirer attorney for potltlonir. f Atkins 8 K Furniture, Rugs, Carpets : window Shades, and : undertaking! ' i iiBii-riiMi -,,-, C Visit our store, inspect immense stock and get prices. We know that We Can Save -.. i i m mmmm Which 1 Y1 WTTUt Mnitross Compile UO or: Guaranteed 30 Years n I v iA Choose ZMlinfMA, w 1 he "Wnite Swan i positively the biggest matttess bargain T-S buyable. No mattress at any price so strongly. You can't go wrong if you buy a "White Swan." ITS GUARANTEED THIRTY YEARS Come in and see the White Swan Maltreat and let us put one in your heme for 30 days. ED. A MACK THE FURNITURE MAN Undertaking a Specialty All the Phones SHWPSOfl & Successor To Exclusive Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Meal. : : PHONE US YOUR ORDERS. BELL RED 57 . i - . CATARRH 2 ? Ksll oSsI ;9o-5 -mi HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM Applied Into the nostril la quickly absorbed. GIVES RELIEF AT ONOE. It clonuses, Hoothts, heals aud protects the diioasiul uienibriiuo resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold iu tho Head quickly. Restores tho Bouses of Tasto and Smell. It is easy' to use. Contains no injurious drills. No mercury, no cocaine, no mor phine. The household remedy. l'rico, 50 couta at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., Ntw York. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound $tlil retains its liili plnt'O ah tho best household remedy for all coughs nntl colds, either for uliildron or grown persons. Prevents serious results from a cold. Tako only the genuine Foloy'a Honey nntl Tnr Compound, nnd refuse substitutes Feir sale at Or, Cook's drug store. A Clmrlty Chajitcr No. 47 Order of the Kastorn Stars, muds at Masonic nail ftlternato Monday's Mrs. Cora Potter, W. M. Mrs. Kdltir'ltobinson, Seoretary. Barber i s s s 5 th our You Money! 'WW,? ft !. "Cheap Cost" g Ma'rtres? fA Near Convfort "4. i lOtS. felSoon Loai, Gone IS m wv"rr".v .r "w m m Few Year fi '&ixsami)i!tK'ie9l is better. No other ii guaranteed KElWTflY A. C. Bradshmv Dealers In FIRE INSURANCE POLICY " tr'.vlT. 1 Don't Dolay Ordering a fire insurance policy from us a single day. Piro isu't going to stay away becmue you arc not in sured. In fact, It seems to pick out the inau foolish enough to be without A PIKE INSURANCE POLICY Have us issue you a policy to-day. -Don't hesitate about the matter. The Are Uend may. have your house down on tho list for a visit this very night. MARK WHA Tl SAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. DR.S. j. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. EMIQH At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone 131, Chief Ads Bring Results Ami Gil i ll mWWwim ' u? mi!r -CTW. II M w "il m-. . mtoafi mv MMMoun twa BKI