The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 14, 1911, Image 3

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    VjTSfc u . n- -j.- -
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Q,W HMliarlfr..
bi " ijrawfiffwiTlwflJTOTHBBHBw sssssMimi
K ggflrBaggggegBaggggggggflSBSJSJnpJr k earv'M
IKJcBPHHtar nBMHl' bsbbbbHbbbbbbHMibbEH6 bsLV
Ly ''gggggBiyv BBBtt BIftiHtaikHVVBRSBHlklC .. msbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbf
Vfrmmidt WBseV'-- ' WHkJ3jBjntaBgaM
THE trial of Henry Clay Ocattlc, Jr., for the murder of his young wife, which Is now In progress nt Chester
field, Vn., Is replete with thrills and senHntlona. The actual standing of the accused, the circumstances sur
rounding the killing and the flippant bearing of the alleged murderer have already made the trial a cause ce
lebre. In the picture above are seen (1) Judge Watson, bdfore whom the trial Is taking place; (2) the interior
of the cell that Is occupied by the prisoner; (3) Henry Clay Beattle, Sr., the father of the accused; (4 Sher
iff Gill, left; Captain Pollock, center; Ucattlo with his straw hat partially conceding his face; (5) crowd outside
the little court house trying to obtain an entrance; (6) profile view of Beattle.
Experience of Oregon Stockman
While at Spring.
Itruck on Right Arm Between Wrist
and Elbow by Snake, Man Makes
Desperate Run for Medical
Antelope, Ore. William J. McGreer,
who threo weeks ago was bitten by a
rattlesnake and all but lost his life, is
one of the few men In Oregon who
have received severe bites and been
able to describe In detail bow It felt.
McGreer was riding the raqge for
horses eight miles east of Antelope.
He 1b a Clarno (Ore.) stockman. He
dismounted at a spring to drink and
was bitten In the arm. He has near
ly recovered, and his story, as printed
in Crook county newspapers Is as fol
lows: "Oh, yes, I'm getting along all right;
but the snake died as a result of his
indiscretion. I've ridden the range so
long that no reptile that bites me can
"You can say for me and I'm an ex
pert now that rattlers don't always
rattle before they strike. This one
didn't. I had Just got Into position to
drink from tbe spring in Galllger con
yon when tbe cuss struck me on the
right arm between tbe wrist and el
bow. It felt as though somo one had
given my arm a hard jerk. The snake
bung on by bis fangs. I knocked him
off with my left band and killed him.
He bad six rattles and was about IS
inches long.
"I Immediately tore my handkerchief
Into strips and bound the arm tight
ly at wrist and elbow. I reached for
my knife, expecting to cut the wound.
When I found I did not have it with
rue, I was scared. My arm did not
Pennsylvania Judge Finally Decides
That Goose Must Be Cooked and
Divided Between Two Women.
Wllkes-Darre, Pa. A dispute over
the ownership of a gooso was settled
the other day by Aid. John P. De-no-hue,
who Is famous locally for his
common sense adjustments of law
suits. Mrs. Alice Krelger of Sblckshlnny
charged Mrs. LouIb Pellnus with tbe
theft of a goose. Each woman claimed
tbe gooso bad belongod to her ever
since It was hatched, and tbe evidence
on both sides was of equal weight.
"Well," said the alderman, after puz
zling over the case, "there Is but one
way to settle It. Each of you women
will go home, will get your flock and
each bring one here. Then you will
place tbe ganders on opposite sides
of tbe courtroom and the goose In
the middle and let her choose to which
i flock she belongs.
"Of course," he added, "there la tbe
danger of her being a flirt."
The women objected to this plan
Ibecause It Involved an outlay In rail
iroad fare of more than the value of
itbe goose.
"Then," declared the alderman, "the
'defendant Is sentenced to take the
goose home, kill It, divide It exactly In
half, and give one half to tbe prose
Finds Prehistoric 8kull.
Laramie, Wyo. E. B. Adair of Lost
Spring, near Douglas, has unearthed
a human skull Imbedded In stone and
believed by archaeologists to have
ante-dated the biblical flood. The
skull Is wall preserved.
pain mo then It was In between my
bhouldcrs. That negro was right who
said It was 'no disgrace to run when
yo's ficalrt, so I got on my horse and
lit out far Antelope, about eight miles
away. By the time 1 reached a mud
hole, about a mile from the spring. I
was having excruciating pains all over
my body, as though my muscles were
all contracting. I dismounted and
plunged my swelling arm Into the
"I think I must have been crazed by
the pain, for here I turned my horse
loose and started on foot for Billy Ma
lone's house, a distance of four miles.
The only tblng I remember from the
time I left 'the mud hole till I got to
Malone's bouse, was eating tobacco.
My chaps were found later about two
miles from the spring, but my hat
hasn't been found yet.
"Tbe horse I was riding was a good
one, and If I had stuck to him he
would have landed me in Antelope In
20 minutes from the time I was struck.
"However, as soon as I arrived at
Malone's ranch John Malone cut open
the wound and Jack Brogan sucked
out as much of the poison blood as be
could. Undoubtedly this service Is all
that saved my life until Dr. Bower ar
rived from Antelope, which was about
15 minutes after they telephoned for
blm. A drummer (whose name I do
not know, but who has my sincere
thanks), brought tbe doctor out in an
"It was some time after the doctor
arrived until be got my arm to bleed
ing. I was suffering Indescribable ag
ony and my arm was swollen to an Im
mense slzo and was a glassy blue
color. Dr. Bower worked with me all
night and I understand took two quarts
of blood from my arm. The doctor and
Jack Brogan took me to Antelope the
next morning, where the treatment
was continued through tbo day. My
Veritable Amazon Has Unique
Position in Rhone Valley.
Record of Madame Jenny Porchet
During Husband's Illness for
Three Years, Makes Her
Choice for Place.
Berlin. Woman's rights, indeed!
What more could the most ardent suf
fragotte desire than to con rol tbe lib
erties of scores of more men. That
Is tbe privilege of Mme. Jenny Por
chet, aged 51 tbe only offlcM woman
Jailer In tbe world.
Her prison Ilea In the pretty town
of Algle, with a population of 4,000,
It. the valley of Rhone. It forms part
of an Imposing range of crstellated
buildings, tbe most conspicuous In
that region.
Thirty jcars age Mme. Porchet
married tho chief warder of the Aigle
prison. When her husband became
seriously 111 she acted In bis place
without tho local authorities being
aware of the fact. Then after three
years' Illness, Percftet died and the
place of chief warder becoming va
cant applications were filed. Several
men applied for tbe post, wbicb Is
fairly well paid and many of them bad
excellent credentials. Mme. Porchet,
however, presented herself before the
lecal commission, explained that dur
ing the three years' Illness of her
husband she had carried on his du
tless so as not to lose tbe place, bad
Introduced several minor reforms
which bad strengthened discipline,
brothers, George and Ed, hnd come
over from Clarno and looked after msj
during that night, and then 1 was utii
dcr the caro of two trained nurses
from Tho Dalles.
"I bellcvo I wns bitten about seven'
o'clock and arrived at Malone's abou
9:30. So It was nt least two and a
half hours before I received medical
Diver Is Given 8llver Rote Bowl lei
Arduous Labor Under Cathedral
Scheme 'Cost $500,000.
London. The dean and chapter o
Winchester cathedral, Hampshire,
have presented to W. R. Walker, i
diver supplied by Messrs. Slebe, Gor
man & Co. of London, a sliver rc-BS
bowl as a memento of his six years'
wnrlr ! oriPAth thn rnthflHrfll WnrlrlnJ
'in about 20 feet of water, Walker bad
10 remove me peai ana seat down tnq
water In the gravel below tbe founda
tions by means of bags of concrete
and concrete slabs. This work has
been arrled on In darkness, and
those responsible for the preservation
scheme have had to trust entirely to)
the con clentiousness and skill of the
diver, ac they could not Inspect the;
work. Tbe scheme, which has cos!
over $600,000, Is now nearly com)
Elghty-Bushel Wheat.
Chtco, Cal. The threshing of 40C,
varieties of grass has been completed,
at tbe government's plant Introduce
tlon gardens at this place. Some vaj
rletles of 'wheat yielded at the rate o
80 bushels to the acre. This Is about;
twice the average yield of common
wheat In California's grain growing
district. The varieties producing mos
heavily are Frletes and Chul wheatsi
H. F. Blanchard Is tbe expert In)
charge of the experiments. Tbe propa
gatlon and budding of deciduous
fruits are now being followed. Cora
breeding Is also under way.
and at the same time made the ptisi
oners' more contented. She concluded
thnt she could carry on the same work
without fear or favor If the commissi
slon would support her.
"I know It is an unsual request to
make, for a woman to rule male pris
oners and keep them In order, but I
am not frightened of a man or bait
a dozen of them."
This statement brought smiles and
m-ds of approval from the members
of the commission, for Mme. Porchet
Is a veritable Amazon nearly six feet
In height, powerfully built, and In the
prime of health. Her face shows a
character as strong as her frame,
with powerful square Jaws, a large
mouth and piercing but kindly eyes.
"Gentlemen," she continued, "you
uay still think that If I were attacked
by a prisoner I woujd be helpless.
Will you kindly ask the heaviest gen
darme on tbe premises to step here
so that i can demonstrate to. you what
I could and would do with a man who
dared to attack me."
The president asked Mme. Porchet
to retire and after tbe commission
had considered tbe matter for a quar
tet ofyan hour she was Informed that
it was unanimously agreed to gUe
her a year's trial and If she gave sat
isfaction the post would bo a perma
nent one.
"Gentlemen, I thank you," she said,
"and I am sure that I will give you
every satisfaction. I did not want to
appeal to your sympathies as 1 have
seven children to bring up and tbe
loss of the position would have mesa
much to them and ma."
Daniel's Companions
in the Fiery Furnace
Suodij School LciiOB for Sept. 17, 1911
Specially Arranged (or Tlilt Taper
I.I'.SSON THNT -tnnlrl 3.
UOl.niiN Tr.XT.-"Tho I my
helper, nml I will not fear wlmt man
feluill do unto me." lldi. 1.1.0.
TIM R. Tho RcpluaRlut iircoiint ntnlei
tlmt tlio ixenMim wai "tho orKimlrliiB clt
li i nml countrlix, nml nit tin Inlinlittitiiti
cf tho i-nrtli from India to Kthlnplit," it ml
plnci'4 tho ditto In tho lith onr of Nelui
!uulnt'7znr. Tills would put tlio event In
tho Inst pnrt of H. C. fivi', ImitiuHiUely
lifter tho destruction of .Tctimnli'iii, on tho
Miik'i ti-ltirn to U.ibvluii.
ri.ACt:.-Hiiblon, the plain of Dura,
Eoincw hero In tho lrltilty of tho olty.
1'I.ACi: IN TI1K IIlSTOHY.-.terilHiileln
i1oHtrorit. Tho .Town In cnptlxltv tlnoiiKli
out tho Ilabylonlc empire. Dnnlcl III tho
mtvIip of tho eniplro In hoiiio p.trt. Joro
jiilnh In JeriiKitloni, Klin; .odiUluli unit
Jiholnchlin enpttvex nt Hiihylou. Kzc
klil at Chebar In Nub) loiiln.
So far ns wo can lenrn, Nebuchad
nezzar's grout nsBeniblngo of pcoplo
from nil over his cmplro hnd for Its
object tho consolidation of his wholo
kingdom. Ho had Just returned from
n triumphant campaign against Ills
enemies In tho west nml south
ngnlnBt Egypt, Syria and Arabia and
ho celebrated his return by the erec
tion of n colossal imago and n grand
religious festival. The golden imago
might mark tho closo of n petlod of
conquest nnd Inaugurate n period of
peace. Tho victories of peace wero
to nbsorb tho remaining halt of his
Tho cmplro wob composed of
various countries nnd races, diverse
from one another In disposition, char
acter and Interests. They wero united
by no natural affinity, but by conquest.
Tho whole cmplro might easily fnll
to pieces.
Nebuchadnezzar would bind theso dl
verso elements by tho power of re
ligious worship, nt n common renter,
of ono chief god over nil the multitmlo
Idols. As the Jews were bound togeth
er by a magnificent tcmplo nt their
capital, Jerusalem, whither all went
up to worship, so Nebuchadnezzar
would plnco nt his capital n huge and
costly Image, tho glory nnd nttrnctlon
of tho cmplro. His making lktbylon
a magnificent city would aid this
work. Great fortifications, toworB,
walls, temples, gates of bronze, hang
ing gardens, palaces, public buildings
of blue, red, yellow and white, tho
Tower of tho Sovcn Spheres, tho Won
der of Mankind pnlace all theso
would attract people to the capital, as
Mohammedans arc drawn to Mecca.
Tho multitudes wero gathered on
tho plain around tho golden Image glit
tering nnd radiant in tho sun. Uesldes
the officers In their richly colored at
tire, there was a motley gathering of
tribes from every direction. All di
versities of speech and dress and man
ners were there.
Heradls cried aloud their proc
lamation In all languages, thut
when tho bands struck their martial
music all the people must fall down
and worship tbe golden Image; "And
whoso falleth not down and worship
eth shall the same' hour be cast into
tbe midst of a burning fiery furnace."
The bands played, and the whole
multitude bowed their faces to 'tho
ground. Then a strange thing took
place; three men stood up alone, and
were conspicuous all over the plain,
like a city set upon a hill, by their
unbowed forms and their splendid
robes of office. These threo were,
Shadrach, Meshoch and Abed-nego, tho
three young men who Joined with Dan
iel In refusing to defllo themselves
.with the king's meat.
Then Nebuchadnezzar in his rago
and fury Bald: "Now if ye be ready,
to obey, the post will bo forgiven. But
If ye worship not, a burning fiery fur
nace! Let the music sound. And who
Is that God that shall deliver you out
of my hands?
The three, with truly magnificent
and unflinching courago, appear to
have answered promptly and without
hesitation, showing that they had care
fully considered the subject and that
with them it was a matter of settled
and intelligent principle; "We bnve
no need to nnswer thee," to explain
how God could deliver them, or why
they must obey him. There was no
time, nor would tho king under
etand. "If It bo so, wo are cast Into
tho fiery furnace, in spite of all you
say, our God whom we serve Is able
to deliver us."
They wero put Into tho furnace.
A writer thinks thoy were bound hand
and foot with their own clothes, Tho
king sat watching tbo issue of tho
matter, looked through the door into
the furnace, and saw a sight nt which
he was astonished and terrified, Ho
was astonished that the threo men
were not consumed; that they wero
loose; that a fourth wns with them.
The thought flashed upon him that lie
has come into conflict with a new and
unknown power. He rose up In haste,
expressing tbe strength of his aston
ishment and terror. Tho princes
saw these men, Tho deliverance wns
public, unmistakable, and proved by
many witnesses, The king recognized
the power of tbo Jews' God.
Tbe miracle would mako such an
Impression on the princes and peo
ple that tho king could more easily
treat tbe Jews kindly. Men who were
so faithful to their God that they
would llo rather than do wrong
would bo faithful to their king, and
could bo trusted In all matters. Hence
they wero reinstated In their places
with mora influcnco and permanenco
than ever,
Thoro aro still fiery furnaces for
thoso who refuse to worship tho gold
en Image social ostracism, unpopular
ity, losses of place and honor, failure
In business.
Why suffer bnckache, headache,
dizziness, weariness, -urinary Irregu
larities nnd other troubles thnt arise
from disordered kldnoys when re
lief Is so near nt hand? Doan's Kid-
Hitjru.tryfrtl noy Pills havo cured
WiJn '! thousands. Mrs.
ucorgo i-.ari, fu uni
son, Neb., says:
"For over a year 1
wns nflllctcd with
terrlblo kidney trou
ble I was subject to
hot flashes, bccpino
dizzy and felt tired
nnd exhausted. Puf
fy spots appeared bo-
neutlt my eyes nnd my foot wero so
swollen I could Bcnrccly wear my
(hoes. I noticed Improvement after I
began taking Doan'a Kidney Pills
and wns soon cured. Tho swelling
and bloating disappeared, I can rest
llko n child nnd havo gained ten
pounds In weight."
, Remember tho namo Doan's.
For Bnlo by druggists nnd goncrnl
storekeepers everywhere. Prleo GOc.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Reckoning by Degrees.
It wnH ono of thoso warm spring
days when tho temperature suddenly
seems unbearably torrid. Thclma,
four yenrB of ogo, broke off her play
to plead thus with her mother:
"Oh, mother, please let mo tnke
off somo of my clothcsl I'm a wbolo
petticoat too hot!"
6top the Pain.
Thn hurt of a burn or a cut stops when
Cole's CnrhollHitlve Is applied. It lieuM
mili'kly and prevent acari. LTo arid Mo by
oriiKKiMd. v'or fren Rnmplo wrlto to
J. V. Culo & Co., lJlucU Ulcr Kails, Win.
Out of the Writeback.
Jonah Joined the Vacation Liars
"Yes," he remarked, "I enjoyed my
ocean trip Immensely."
heiKl2cMtnp fur IHn minplcs of in 7 rry clinic
M tlold KuitMiAMwl HlrlhJur, t timer and Mnllo
IVt Cardu; Ix-millful culiirs mil liiicllrl dcMum.
Atl l'ukt trt Club, TJ1 JuiImoii bt,, Tupoka, KaUMi
The friends of humanity will de
precate want whatever It may ap
pear. Washington.
Mrs. Window' BooMuntr Byrnp'for CJiiMwi
IretlilliK, MiiflenH the mi'rn, rnliirpH I till 11 m in. i
tlon, ulluj h palu, euros wind colic. Sic a buttlo.
Always strive to practico what you
preach, but do not stop preaching If
you bomctlmcs fall. S. Eldon.
ulfc ' 7)t
By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
The Change of Life is the most critical period of a
woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time)
invites disease.
Women everywhere should remember that there is no
other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully
carry women through this trying period as Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots
and herbs. Here is proof:
ml(i" '"" saw 1
Natlck, Mass
went through
I tried Lydla
W la IwHIn
that I had a tumor.
I read one
jjby Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
land decided to try it, and It has made me a well
1 woman. My neighbors and friends declare IS
has worked a miracle for me. Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is worth its weight In gold for women during this
period of life. If It will heln others vou mav nubllah this
letter.' Mrs. Nathan B. Grcaton, 51No.MalnSt.,2frtick,Masa.
Cornwallville, N. Y. "I have been taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for
some time for Change of Life,
a lhnl1 nnuvth
Two doctors advised me to go to the
hospital, but one day whllo I was away visiting,
i met a woman wno tola mo to tako Lydia li.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I did so and I
know it helped me wonderfully. I am very
thankful that I was told to try Lydia 13.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs Wm.
Cornwallville, N. Y., Greene Co.
The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound have thousands of such letters as those abbve
they tell the truth, else they could not have been obtained
for love or money. This medicine is no stranger it has
stood the test for years.
For SO years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
fesaale Ills. No siek woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to its credit
Mrs. Pinkham invites all siek women
to write her fop avdviea. Hha haa
ed thousands to health
juuuvh jhxv aruuuiam
FREE whs two
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That'll Why You'r TiredOut of Sorts
Have No Appetite.
will put you right
in n few days.
They do
their duty..
st nation. '
Biliousness, Indigestion nnd Sick I Ieadachs)
Genuine must bear Signature
Wrlto N. '.. NMXU Unrolii, N;lmlu
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 36-1911.
Nebraska Directory
LruLri-T"jurj'ir'rMri--i'' -i " i ......
I.tUrnt, Kafrnt and Hitrmt method; Nt
fiillo. Toliai'co mul DriiK HabiU aim) mirra
fully trriilril lir the Intrnt nnd nliortrM netk-
imIh. No ptiyiikal or mental ufTrrliij-. Cadi
or Hi-nil for lllornturx and nnlnri.cmnla
50) So. 11 In Street Lincoln, Nssrsttsj
I limit my practice to Heart and Circulatory
ilmenli. Thirty yean eiperience ougM !
mean much to iucIi patienti. Experimental
nd neglect ii coitly and bad. Writ
J. S. LEONHARDT, H. D., Hurt SpttUBsl
1726 N Street Lincoln. Nisraska
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho Saline Springs
Located en our own premlm and uitd In tkt
Natural Mineral Water
Uniurpaned In tht treatment oJ
HetrCstomich, Kldner and Liter Olittaw
.... ,99. O. W. VKRKTT. Mar.
1409 M fetroot Lincoln, Neb.
' -ft 7
- I cannot exvreM what I
during the Change of Life before
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Con
MT" ?
Mmrm biitti
W VgSfrj - , ,
pound I was in such a nervous condition I
could not keep still. My limbs were cold. I
had creepy sensations and could not sleep
nights. I was finally told by two nhyslclana
day of the wonderful cures mada
nervousness, and W,
free of charge.
sjynn, mass
Wi r7!M
"My Pa has lots of shirt to show.
, He says that that's all right v
As long as Ma has Faultless Surety
To keep his shirts so white,"
a FacKafe-Ai Islcntllsf Is farCUsm
l tfV.i .
' . Jfrflgfr1 Kvf j 7h t H fvfa.t.