I -.,"" ?" "" -. , A Mtf ri I .1 ii i.h ---. i . . I 4. A jwsr. warras.iJ' "S-WifiljaMMj'Sft-rX.! jriiiRK T . tiiiiiiii.iM'ir"wiyiOTwmwy'' t c - llJvNrN'"v'vo ,"v,x-7 BAD BOY IN THE GROCERY A tS.Z-yJS Kj-.JrJfrJv-lJVj i f r ? TTfJCSk iWLjTOitflMD a BBtl IB ffOV fl '! Mill I P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. ? $ A Complete Lino of Staple ? also tho Latest Queensware A Wc arc also making a Specialty of tlw Celebrated l "Jk e ' CANNED s ell Phone 102. Red Cloud Sept. 12th. KIT CARSON'S BUFFALO RANCH WILD WEST AND TRAINED WILD ANIMAL EXHIBITION. TENTH TRANS-CONTINENTAL TOUR. THE LIRQEST WILD , WEST SHOW ON EARTH COMING DIRECT ON THEIR OWN SPECIAL TRAINS OF DOUBLE LENQTH RAILROAD CARS FROM THE BIOOEST RANCH IN THE WORLD. Menagerie of Trainee! Wild Animals From all parts of the Olobe. Daring arid death defying acts almost beyond the realms of lucid Imagination. A COSMOPOLITAN COLLECTION OP COWBOYS AND OIRLS, VANQUEROS .8KNOKITAS, OUARDIS KURALES, CHAMPIONS OP THE LARIAT, ROUQH RIDERS, PONY EXPRESS VETERANS, DARINO ATHLETES, COMICAL CLOWNS, THRILLINO INDIAN FIOHTS AND WAR DANCES. PRINCE BOTLOINE'S TROUPE OF RUSSIAN COSSACKS, The most daring Horsemen in the World. BANDS of SIOUX, CHEYENNE and COMANCHE INDIANS, Fresh from the Camp-fire and Council, making their first acquaintance with pale face civilization. TThc Grand Ethnological Performance concludes with the Superb Spectacular, Dramatic, Historical Fantasy, .ff-t.ro wit u. .. OArrLEJWOxrDOKrii y ", The Battle of Wounded Knee' Jntroducing a vast and motley horde of Indians, Scouts, Trappers and Soldiers. that actually took nctive part in the last brave stand and hopctess struggle the no -iskin made for his freedom and rights. TWO PERFORI Afternoon at t. WATER PROC Jrand, Gold Glittering Free Street Parade TWO MILES LONO at u a. m. dally on the mala thoroughfares. BIG FREE EXIIBITIINS on Show Growls laaeiiilely alter the Parade BRING IN YOUR BAD Our Cowboys will ride them FREE OF CHARGE. J2&O0 will a maM (a amy parson brtnalna m horse op tmulm May avumot rMt DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST JMoon Block, Red Cloud Jn Riverton every Monday 6KI3 G. C. BAILEY About Your .Phone Batteries and Electrical Supplies -.. j (,&Hdrm.3kSa V vw'Ui'a jr s s s S-4W J 1 and Fancy Groceries, C. Patterns In ? n r m GOODS Independent Phono 44 ' SfflSB ES DAILY, RAIN OR SHINE. . 8. Door open One Hour earlier. VAS. CANNOT LEAK. " HORSES AND MULES NEW BAKERY I have opened a Imltory In Red Cloud nnd solicit n share of jour patronage. Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes always in Mock. Phono mo your wants (Ind. phono 188,) Deliver to any part of the city Retail store opposite I'ostof floe, in Dioderlch building. CURTHATFIELD,Prop. Ha Raised Cain With the Cat, the , Bean6 and Other Things, but Suffered Later. A bnd boy entered n grocery store In Htltlgo Rtieet . "Wlint'll It bo. Hon 7" asked tho grocct. "Olvo me n smoked herring, and wrap It up," snlil tlio boy. Then ho looked in oiuiil for diversion. ,. The Htoio cut wns nnleep In tho saw dust. The boy put his foot on tho cat's piny. The cat kowlcd with pain anil lied for tho Hhelter of tho cracker bat i el. A bug of bcatiR was ntandlng In lonrh. The boy kicked n hole In tho bag, ho that the bean rati out on tho floor. "Voii'ip a fresh one, ain't you 7" said the grocer. "O'unii Hurry tip with that hor ling," replied the boy. "Can't you tuo that my I lino Ih valuable?" A decayed oiango lay on tho Uoor beside the orange crate, waiting to bo swept up. Tho boy carefully returned It to tho crate. Then he toyed with the dried beef cutter nnd put it out of gear, after which ho knocked a stark of condens ed cream cans Into tho dill pickle bar. rel. "Here you nre. Now get out," Bald the grocer, handing tho boy a pack age. "I ought to apank you, only I'm busy, ho I'll leave It for your mother to do." In flvo minutes tho boy entered the Htoro again. Ho had tho package In his hand and ho had been crying. "What did you go and glvo me a lamp chimney for, you lobster?" ho said. "I told you I wanted a smoked herring." "DJdn't I give you a herring?" ask ed the grocer sympathetically. "That's too bad. What did your mother say?" "What do you s'pose?" retorted the boy. "She licked me besides, and it's all your fault." Newark News. IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN TRUE How Calhoun Webster With Hlo Un failing Optimism Had the Better of the Deacon. Scott llnnd, a rich Arkansas planter, said at tho recent convention of the Nntlonal Negro nuslnoss League In New York: "The open places arc tho places for you, the farm lands. You won't bo sick out there, and tho ground will love you like a brother. "I a man optimist for my farm brother. I know he must succoed. And any argument you bring against his succoss I can answer optimistical ly. In fact, I'm like Calhoun Washing ton) wno 8al1 bravely, no matter what misfor(uno happened, 'Well, It might have been worse.' "But tho deacon thought he'd got the beat of the optimist, Calhoun, and so ho said to him one day: " 'I bad a dreadful dream last night. I thought I saw the bad place. There was a great lake of boiling, blazing pitch, and we all' were swimming In It you and I, and all our friends. And when we'd get near the shore and try to climb out, ImpB with horns and tails would jab red-hot pitchforks Into our faces.' '"Well, well,' said Calhoun. He thought a moment, then he added: 'But It might have been worse, eh?' '"How might It havo been worse, you fool?' shouted the deacon, an grily. " 'Why,' said Calhoun, 'It might hwe been true.' " Brown Eyes and Color Blindness: Color-blindness Is one of the great drawbacks to a largo percentage of men who would enlist In the United Btutes ntarlno corps, according to tho recruiting officers. "Wo havo a box filled with different colored yarn." Sorgeant K A. Dray ton, of that branch of tho service, said: "We ask tho prospective re cruit to pick out green, for Instance a he is color blind he will Invariably pick all the red"" yarn. Wo place It all back In tho box again and ask him to pick out tho red. in nino cases ou. ot ten out will come the green. "Another strange thing I havo no ticed Ih that most persons who aro color blind havo brown eyes. Onca in a while a person with eyes of a different color Is affected that way, bui as a general rule they aro persona with brown eyes." Girdled World In Ante. Mra. Harriet Fisher of Treaton, VI. J., la known as the "anvil queen," be ing one of the largest manufacturers of anylla in the world. Last year she started out on a globo-glrdllng tour, taking with her a maid and a man lervant. In thirteen months Bhe com pleted her trip around tho world, 18, 000 mileB of which she made in her car. During the whole Journey she had no sorious accidents, and al thnneh she penetrated far Into the uncivilized regions of Asia, Bhe expe. rlenced little more difficulty than It Bho had boon touring in America. A New Zealand 8kate. A letter juat received at Portland recounts how a murine on his majes ty's ship Now Zoalnnd whllo fishing over tho sldo of tho vesaol In Whlddy bay, near Dantry, hooked an onormous Bkato. It was so heavy that six sail ors wero required to haul It onto tho ship's deck. When at longth aboard tho vossel It was found to scalo 137 pounds and to measure six feot from the nose to the tall and four feet six Inches across the back. Its mouth waa sufficiently capacious to take a large sized football. Cli rlM ( Imp'ei ,'n. J7. Or 'or ii I. II-.I. I-I Mill-. Mil', t lit MdMlllll ll.iil itllei ii ile .hiinlii Miis, (.imii I'iIM.W M. Mr-. i;(ltli Kul.iiiM.ii. ll "I I (111 FoloS l.ldnr.y Rcmcd) (Lliiulii; i" "xiciii iiieiiiciiie in pi m en untie fur lioili aunt" ami chronic lil.lin'.v mill liliitliWiilltiienU It is eipi chilly ief (iiniiH'iiilt'il to oltleily pciipli- fiit lis uiimleiliil tonic itml ircotiilinctlvf iiunlltii's, anil the dim iniiiieii' icilef unit cotillon ii gives them. Sold lit Dr. Cook s dnitf store. Report of the Condition -ui"i iii. Webster County Bank MM CLOUD, ftEUfMSHA, Clinrtir No. IDl'l, liHiuporatiil In tliustntuof NcliniMkn. (it I lie i Iomi of Imsliuss Aiiu'iiit :il, lull. ni.iotntciis: I.(ku:m!iihI iHtcoinitM siV),i:yi.:rj OwrilruftH, secured inul iitiseeurcit ilfl.WI I'linilturo nnd I'lMuris l.GOo.oo Ciirrtnt uxpensiKiincI tiixi'N pnld . IWI.77 i ush Ileum . ..'. I7U.WI Hun Iroiu nulloiml ami Mulo bankK ew,i :n CluokHiunt ItuniHof exOtmigu lw I'urrtncy 'J.ili'.oo (lulil coin U.Vl.00 hllfr, ulcktls nnd ciiitM .. r.Tii.70 I'olul ciwli on Itiuul J'JMVH 'l'tl IU0,2l.:i8 I.IAIIII.ITUs: Cnpllnt stock paid lit . fii,000.00 hiirplus fund (mo.oo Undivided proiltH 1 ,'111.01 liidUldiml (k'iosllsHii)iJii't toelufk M,U-J(IOI lli'iiilind and Time eurtlll- cutes of deposit 1U,:IIU.'JM Total deposits ..'. 7.l,Wa,ai l)i posltorH' Kiiaranty fund 111.11 Tti ioo,aiO.:w Sl'ATrior NKIUtASKA. I u County of WisImUt. ( I.S. it. Ki.ouvnck. cashier of the nlKu mined Imiik, do liirehy sweur that the ahovu statement Is a correct and true copy of the report made to the Statu lliiiiklin; Hoard. S. It. ri.Olt.ANUK, vrTKsr: Cashier. 11. V. MlZKU, Director. W'M. CKAlitt.l., Director. SuhscrllR'd nnd Korn to heforo me this 7th day of September 1111 1. o. C. Tkki., (sk'i. Notary Public. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND r.o' .V W LADIES I t k rn-BnafU for Cni-CHK3-T8R'S A i.unu hhanii rii.i.3 in jcfd anaA oi.D metallic boxes, sealed tilth BluKCV) Mljhoa Takb no omra. nrm7MrvA irai-Btli Mil uk tarn III.CHES.TeB a V MAalONO BUANB PU.Lt, for twenty4If years resarded as Best. Baftst. Alwars Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS au EVERYWHERE y-a Don't Delay Ordering a lire insurance policy from us a single day. Fire isn't going to stay iiw.iy because you are not in sured. In fact, it seems to pick out tho man foolish enough to be without. A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY Havo us issue you u policy to-day. Don't hesitate about the matter. The lire (lend limy have your house down on the list for n visit this very night. MARK WHA Tl BAY O. C. TEEL, Rmllmblm Insurance. CATARRH mmwm r'mssrariM tZfcAm irttlK ftUM M Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Qlve Satisfaction. OIVIS RELIEF AT ONOE It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased meiubruno. It euros Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head cmlukly. Restores tho Souses of Tusto and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the, nostrils and absorbed. Largel81te, S0enU.at Druggists or by mallj Tri ,? Wwnibi by mail. at MTWfAS. II Wtrra Ik. Ntw Ysrfc e BRAND lit 3b?:j INSURANCE BS-'J POLICY mWWA llP'll immWaU i iiuiUiliiLyl It I ! 1 A a m a dPt I mfU ? rllBSaa i r iirmHiva RurYo i nxmi i uuinuiu. i j tinny-lrtir S T IMnrDTAFlMr ,ivArviinu 1 Visit our store, inspect the i immense stock and get our prices. We know that We Can Save You Money! SstasssisTslSBMsMssiajSSMSsiTjSsi,,; I Sft I Which 1 "Cheap Co.f' I I Mattpes if WnlCllp, Mattress i Complete; Lom- M r wr tifi NnrrnnU . 1 MJ'O I Guaranteed '44. I 30 Years j, Wis. &z. W. M The "White Swan" i noMtlxely the biggrst mattirs l.irgain fk JS " ii) able. No matttc-ss ai .ir.y price rniigly. on can't go wrong if IT'S GUARANTEED THIRTY YEARS k Come in and see the White Swan nonie toi ju vs ED. A MACK THE FURNITURE MAN Undertaking a Specialty All the Phones S FB PAINT sbsflaB 4tsaW aaf Bafiaa .esaSksli iiuguc5 vrc5tciu ABMJLUIfcLY (JUAKAINlLtD $1.75 per Gallon BanaVaMKSsHsWasaMsai DilDF RDA& uJJJw!! S1HPS0H & KEHW0RTJ1Y Successor To A. C. Bradshaw Exclusive Dealers In Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Meal. : : PHONE US YOUR Foley's Money and Tar Compound Still retains its high pluco us tli best hc(4JM4iold remedy for all coughs and colds, either fur children or grown persons. Prevents serious results from a oold. Take only tho genuine Foley'a Uoney and Tur Compound, and refuse substitutes, For sale at I)r, Cook's drug store, S & nrmmr i Wt?l m s uo. Vvfliun.i. iUn J . y I lOti Py.Soon Lost," Gone g to fieccg in h m m finnCP FewYeixrJ fg is beticr. No other i guaranteed . sou buy a "While Swan." 5lj Mattress and let us put one in your nays. a esr CIAL SALE MmMm. aa U.a.akBsai. vuiiage rainis ORDERS. BELL RED 57 DR.S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST E Successcr to Dr. J. S. BMlQti At the oM stand ever the State Bank. Phene 131. 1 X t I ft la w.