V4ty9 JM1MrwiMMWn mm 1M - MMNt 4 fc M - . rt4'' 1 -t-SUt V. flrtftlfe yiUL rfrfc.irjMftA WWH RWytcyrniwtNW'1'WMWWMP - .w -i r , si .- i "- ll t I VI. JL 11 ft s E6e,CHIEF d Cloud - - Nebraska. V PUBLISHED FATE1WK,MU!ISDAY wcie at' rfAJv,A'yyi'vy'vyyv'r' stored In the Poitnfllre milled cloud, Ncb at Second Clxi Matter. 0 B. HALE PUUl.tSIIKU THE ONLY DKMOCItATK) 1'APKH IN WKHSTKIl COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET .lUIKIKSSUI'ltKMI Jnincn It. Ik-ati , WIIIIh I). oiitluim William I,. Htnrk CO PUT. Ilrokcn How Kearney Auriirn ItAll.tfAY COM. TO I'll, I. VACANCY, t'lnrcnrc K. Illinium HoMrcKo UHOKNTH OP PNIVKUSITV. J. K. Miller l.lninln Chariest,. AiiilcrKiin . . oxford Charles T. Knapp Lincoln .IUIMIKTKNIII JUDICIAL PISIKICT. llnrry S. iMiuunn .. Uustlim CO I ntv.ipikm:. A. II. Kiinney Mac lllll COUNTY CllM.MISSKtN lilts, (h-orgo K. Conn lilHlrlct No. I A. II. Ilrlijlit ItlKtrlcl No. I COPNTY cl.r.UK. William It. Iliilliy IU d Cloud COPNTY TUIIASPUKU. Osi-nrA. Arnold Hint) lllll ci.iiuk op Pi'sTitirr coiriiT. IMItli I,. McKiIkImu. Hid ( loud COPNTY .HIIKUIIT. Janus Mcllrlile (oh lis C IPNTY SP I'KIt I NTKN HUNT, (lertrmle Ooon. ltrd Cloud (OUONPIt. Peter Mertcn ' Illuc lllll The rlticliifr of tlio old school bell Monday announced tluit school hml commenced ndlti and from all over the district the HUlo ones gathered to begin their year's work. This hast been the hottest vacation the chlhln n have had, and no doubt tlu-y wclcoini thoul rent of fall. We have an e.wi plj it ally Strom,' teaching force thin j'Oir and we are looking forward to a lyo .t successful year. About two iloon of us were down to Superior Tuesday and witnessed the Hatne of basu ball that gave thatthriv lug elty the pennant In the state league. The game was itu exception ally good one and Superior euilaitily has a hall team this year. The win ning of thu tlag by our sister on the east of us is very gratifying to the people of this elty as all our sympa thies were with the Superior team. Hero is our glad hand shake! A "peeking Tom"' has been plying Ills trade over in Garlleld,much to the terror of women who are left alone. He seemed to know when the head of thfc bouse was away because ho ap pealed only at such times. Such con duet deserves the most rigid punish ment ami it is to be deplored that he was uotupprchended immediately after the Urst olfeuse. Sometimes olllcers of the law are criticized for being ton prompt in the performance of their duty, hut for mutters of this kind .speed should bo the only motto. l'u fortunately the culprit has not been caught, but has given this neighbor hood a clean pair of heels. Inlcvost In the game of liunis Is in creasing all over the United States, lilue lllll, Cowlcsand Red Cloud have caught the fever and each place wants toeauj oil' the championship of the county. NVcoll'uras a suggestion to the fair a-tsuclalioii t IntL a tennis tour, iiameut he held hero dining thu fail und all clubs i f Hie county to be in vited and I he championship be decided heie. This lYntuie would attract a good crowd and the pincers id' the other towns rouhl have a melhod of Mitt Hog the question ns to who has the best team - Hluricii l.ntcrprisc. This is an excellent Miggihtlnn and wo believe that the H'air sisioclation will see the wisdom of muMng a coup- ty lentils tournament in e of the uui.ii : featutesof the county fair KdUoi Spuiico U iilwiijs quick to hee anything that will be of benefit to the city or llladen or the county fair and this time lie lias hit two nails on the head with one blow. We predict that the tliirty-llff h annual Webster county fair will be a grand success, Let us all no to LSIadcn and show tliem that we ap preciated the ciowd f i oiii thi-ie on the Fourth. The Invitations themselves Inched to artlllchtl roses. Tuesday evening a thronir of happy, jolly girls, married and unmarried, tilled the spacious residence of Mrs. Albright with smiles, merriment and novel beauty. The rooms were deco rated with pink and white hearts to express the sentimental nature of the occasion. The variety, novelty and beauty of the artificial (lowers in which the gifts were concealed fur nished occasion for delighted choruses of "Ob's " There were roses of all the hues that natural roses wear; but they were of extraordinary size, because the hearts of Mime, were to contain large pieces of linen folded into the smallest bulk. One rather sinall rose contained a letter from Mrs, Ml la Cook Patrick, suggesting that her present was to be found in a larger hiding place. The prl.u was given to the Taylor sisters, who presented a spray of half a dozen gigantic white roes, each of which contained a handsome linen present. The luncheon was served in roses and the rooms were lighted by wax caudles llxed in rosebuds. Altogether the ell'ect was rosy in the extreme and should give a roseate hue and fragrance to the future of Miss Williams, One of the most mirthful amuse ments of the evening was a contest to see who could write out the most ap propriate llrst grocery order of a youthful housekeeper. Among the un married girls there was a lamentable ignorance of proportion. Mrs. Jennie IMatt won llrst prize in this contest, indicating that she Is a practical housekeeper. Miss Cook ami Miss Albright were warmly applauded for the success of their undertaking, and thylr married friends cordially wished for them the speediest and happiest of matrimonial bonds. Norton Appreciates Red Cloud's Band The music as rendered by lletz'Cuti cert Hand is unquestionably the best our people have listened to in many a day. Kach member of this aggrega tion Is an artist, in himself and the fair management is to be congratulat ed upon semiring the services of such an excellent company of high class ar tists. Mr. lletz and thu members of his band have worked mighty hard to please the people all during the fair, and that they have succeeded in their every effort one hits but to watch the interest displayed every tiinu the band strikes up The scries of concerts given by Mr. Met, in the court house park have called forth excellent crowds, another proof that the music is high class and greatly appieciated by the people. Surely Ked Cloud has just cause to feel proud of Mr. lletz and the members of his excellent band. Norton (Ka.) Dally Telegram. Now that is something like. Com ing from a city that a few years ago had one of the best bands in the state of Kansas, where they know what tal- cut !, thefre words of appreciation are gratifying in the extreme. Ked Cloud does feel proud of her baud ami is deeply gi ate ful to Prof, lletz for his painstaking, thorough woik. yy"s A 4 Gnat Advantage to Working Ncn .1. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St , Steuben-villi-, O., says: "For years 1 sitlfered It din weak klnneys and a severe blad dir trouble, I learned of l-'o ley Kidney Pills mid their wonderful cu'ics o 1 began taking them and sine enough 1 had as good results as any I heard about. My backache loll me and to one of my business, expressman, ilmt alone is a great advantage. My kid neys acted free, and normal, and that saved me a lot of misery. It is now a pleasure to work where it used to be u misery. Foley Kidney Pills have cur ed me and have mv highest praise," For sale at l)r Cook's drug store. NEW JEWELRY Linen Shower For i Miss Edna Williams The fact that Miss Edna Williams is expected to become Mrs E.G. Cald well In a few days stirred up Miss Mira Cook and Miss lone Albright to celebrate iter relinquishment of the charms of "maiden meditation" in a worthy manner. They impressed Mrs. h. P. Albright iuto their assistance, who provided the rooms aud conveniences of her commodious aud handsome home. In vltatlons were then sent to some thirty of the most intimate friends of Miss Williams, each of whom was requested to bring some linen kH t concealed iu the heart of a rose, with the assur mnce that a prize would be awarded for the most tosteful lioral desigu. EXCEPTIONAL STOCKS OF .it Up-to-Date Fall Merchandise ' 1& CAREFUL PREPARATION has brought our ttocks to , unusual completeness. You will find throughout the store the splendid assortments that have been gathered for your choos ing. This is an advantageous time to supply your needs for the fall and winter season. We would direct your attention especially at this particular time to the up-to-date lines to be found in Coats, Skirts, Waists, Silks, Dress Goods, Linens, Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes, Gloves, Sweaters, Laces, Rib bons, Notions, Carpets, Rugs, Draperies and Lace Curtains. We will be pleased to show you these New Goods, whether you are ready to buy or not. Th Vlmer Brothers GENERAL MERCHANTS C omoanv "A Mighty Safe Place to Trade" Democratic Candidates Name Committee Officers Last Saturday afternoon the nomi nees of the Democratic aud People's Independent parties held a meeting at which weie present A. I), lianney, O.A.Arnold, .lames McBrido, W. H. Bailey, lieorge Coon, Fred llriglitand Edith I j. MeKeiglmn. Miss Coon was represented by her father, George Coon. A. I). Hanney was elected chairman and Editli L McKeighan secretary of the meeting. The matter of selecting a chairman and secretary for jthe Democratic com mittee having been left to the nomi nees, a motion was made to take a ballot for chairman, and C. I!. Hale was unanimously chosen for that of lice. George W. Hutchinson was uuani inouslj choen as sccrelaiy-treasurer of the committee. After discussing a few minor mat teis the meeting adjourtu d. WF YOU LIKE nice, dainty Jewelry and goods tlntt are up-to-date-, visit our store. We make a specialty of (list clnss goods and our qualified. guarantied is hack of everything we sell. We will soon receive more Hue-. Cut Glass which is the best, made by the best manufacturers. J. C. MITCHELL, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Acrciilanc With Hit Cnrscn Show. They have it, and it Hies, liver since Klta Carson's Bufl'alo Uanch Wild Wist 5-hows billed that they would exhibit a Cuitiss-Farnum bi plane and that II would actually make, a (light piopellcd by a competent avi- at.r, nothing but doubt existed in the minds of the publiu, which had not entirely forgotten that last, year a show iidvtptihed a like attraction aud oaly exhibited a small aeroplane in idel In their side show. However, llarrisburg was tilled with people la-t Saturday, in fact flic large t crowd that ever congregated in the count v assembled to witne-s the street pa r.ide, which, by thu way, wis limt- class aud was followed to the grounds by an expectant throng that number- ol fully lo.OuO people, as It had been runioied that the show really Inula large aeioplane and it was erected rjady for llighl. Alter leaching the grounds at 1 1 ::in. promptly u adver tised, the aeioplane rose from the ground like a majestic bird and soured away in the heavens, Hying over the city, sallintr around iu circles, diving down low one moment aud the next dashing high iu the, air with perfect ease, reminding one of the (light of an enormous eagle. After, remaining In the air ten min utes the aviator directed the biplane toward the show grounds aud landed safely lit the place of starting, amid the cheers of the multitude. The doors to the big show were immedi ately opened and the mighty canvas was crowded by ail enthusiastic crowd that tilled every nrallable seat aud en joyed the wild west performance from WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Quick Meal Gasoline and Oil Stoves and Ranges De Lava! Cream Separators White Lily Electric Wasfeers Hardware and Implements A 1 1 1 1 1 I " 1 T T 1 All kinds or rlumbing Uoods. Work promptly attended S s s , s s s s s s s s s Windmills, Wagons and Buggies I l - , . , . - -. t-h, ! ed audience never left a place of amusement iu our city Harrisburg Chronicle. start to llulsh. :.J V We eau safely say that a mora pleas LiStei U fills In J905 a branch experimental farm was established at North Platte, Ne braska, by the State Agricultural Col lege for the main purpose of thorough ly trying scientific soil culture. The years or 1000, lt'07 aud 1008 sliow about the normal rainfall of elghtecu Inches each year. In IIXM the records of the state on wheat yfelds were broken by ithe, harvest of fifty-four bushels of wheat per acre on this statiouin 1007 tlie records wore again broken by the production of sixty-two bushels of wheat per acre. 1009 was quite dry, and only forty-live and one-half bush els per acre were grown; 1U1U was still more drouthy aud thirty-seven and one-half bushels were grown. Do not these records stand out boldly for scientific soil culture in good years as well as dry? Do they uot mean some thing to you'.' The present, 10)1, Is the record breaker for drouthy condi tions, ami yet this rami will turu a crop that when full conditions are ex plained will bear still stronger evl deuce in favor of scientific tillage. Don't be so unwise as to say, "O, this is only the result or a state experiment station, for what one man can do, to can another, if he knows how. Weather Summary fer Auiwt 1911 Temperature: Maximum 08 deg. on tith. minimum 42 deg. on 28th. Great est dally range 30 deg. on altli. Precipitation: Total (1:0(1 inches. Greatest iu 21 hours .1.00 Inches on 3d. Number of days .with .01 inch or more precipitation . Clear 21, partly cloudy 2, cloudy 8, thunderstorms on 2, ., r, 0, 10, 21, 27. Prevailing wind direotion mv 12 days Rainfall from. April J to Sept. t, 2f.0.'l inches. Ciiah. S. Linnow. ft, . SH a! I i-ii i'-.'fl iw $ a I A WVi W AnWHMtataufcttLfju'! 3H V'f31-1 'H'wyft'!' fttVKKi tWMUMl