The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 07, 1911, Image 4

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;H SaasaMBKWlWtttBftl'l'ff 1WI Tj.v.-,- . wiww,.
A V '
11 i i i
i-UA -J 'TU
vl .R!9"RWlV. "vv ' i JJL.j JTRr
4bbbV- 'dBk Sra r-sS aIC5lY
IBBalsBsursI ?? v BBBBB1 lVi -znarAsws--. ty-" s. s " .satSaRtkw
I sVHlHRBaBUi vf"$' srbsBb1 bh fMHiaHaflMIHBl9iBHI ilLnRsBBBBBBBBctlflRnsY
lMiiiii idiFfra i Abb t , L v9Bll3aU .9PIIP1V' l Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1
1 ibm .. ATBBBflr7aSRRVJKRiBBiBBBBBBskw m. - t -.ii 'ShBBBBBVJTJBBBBBiwSBBr': i b i ii bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrrbb
1 VHnVRSfcB VSuJBMkII bbbbbbbrSBHw B?iBBBBw('aB"9 " Jt j BhKHl'
iWW?5Ei?SaBSBSjBsw5iT..' - iM4 RB9BBflMIHiB3MlllHIfeiaKv'ka JJ
Jured trees, nnd yet n question I IHBMMyBHBWpKHBHWBKM&flQB
n more appropriate designation. Innp- jBJHPrTMHKSjSHBBHScPWflBBB
n beings It' Is more often tlic physl- fMKJfMKSDifSBUKSsSBBBB
cd to net things right. Iff'" lljiff BMffWWBBlii rSlrllrWl
clallst In his cliot-en Held nnd It may MiTOffBBSiipBfi BeBBBBBEBtoMB
deeper one tlinn tto might, DHMHHSBsHiSflflBSBBS&HBlH
to bo made tho subject the BBHHtlWMCrWBBHBSBHBiHMl
in nn Is to For IHHHIGHKShBHkBhII
eltlzon who Is Impelled to Rtudy it PBWWpBPwBMH HH
cess by a man who makes no clnlms BflWjijyjaaK8jyjMB .fi" jSl
Uk V H BwrSb 2i 'null JJQlEHi
jnpf .Is' 'TBMrtlwWiBWIBBKg
i i
K the newer profeR
alons thnt huvo Intcly
been crdntotf In connect
tlon with nRrlcultitro
und kindred puraulta It
Is probable' thnt none
Is moro unusunl or
more Interesting than
that of tree surgery.
Tree Burgeon Is tho
customary tltlo of tho
expert who devotes
himself to ministering to Blck nnd In
whether "tree doctor" would not be
much ns In with trees es with huma
clan than tho surgeon that Is need
Tho tree doctor Is, perforce, a spe
be added thnt the subject Is n much
first thought, siinpect, and Is well w
llfo work nnd tho Ufa study of tho
that, "tree doctoring" within a limit
ties of any farmer or other' private
Just as gardening may bu made a sue
to being a fancy gardener. Indeed,
tho owner of nny wooded land who
desires to preserve tho mature forest
growth Is all but compelled to delve
Into the loro on this subject If ho
does not wnnt to employ a profes
sional forester, and tho farmer who
wants to proservo tho priceless herlt
ngo of the stately trees thnt surround
and shade the Ideally-placed farm
house must do likewise.
One phaso of tree doctoring that
the layman can undertake almost as
successfully as the professional Is
that embraced In preventive meas
ures. With trees, as with all other
growing things, tho policy of tho
ounce of prevention Is a wise one
and moreover there are somo wealthy
men who own large estates In this
country who-employ tree doctors as
the Chinese employ physicians to
keep them well rather than to cure
them after sickness has set In. This
"stitch In tlmo" policy as applied to
trees Is particularly serviceable in the
case of the1 Insects, etc., which play
'such havoc with tree growth If left
to carry on their depredations unmo
lested. It is always preferablo and
usually simpler to bar pests of this
kind from tho cherished trunk and
branches than it Is to banish them
onco they have gained a foothold.
Speaking of' ths responsibility in
tree doctoring directs attention to
tho exceedingly varied 'activities- that are em
braced in tho ministering to our sylvan
treasures. There are numerous different meth
ods of circumventing the caterpillars and other
objoctionablo invaders, nnd there nro llke
wiso any number of prescriptions that may bo
tried out if tho pests havo taken possession of
trees ere tho alarm Is given. Prominent among
uioho inner jemeuiai measures are tno, various
rmsor tree spraying for which special ap-
paratus is now provided and apropos of which
extensive experiments have been carried on to
determine tho most effective formula to be in
troduced as spray. Another branch of tree sur-.
gery deals with the intelligent removal of dead
or diseased limbs of trees and the repair of dam
age done by Are, lightning, high winds, etc. And
Anally we come to the true surgery which in the
case of trees, as with people,1 involves 'the re-'
moval of portions of the vital tissue; the termi
nation of decay or disease1; and the substitution
of other substances jn the case of trees, con
crete being a favorito medium for closing wounds
nd fostering tho healing process.
It might be supposed by many readers that
tree doctoring would be restricted largely to the
country and' suburban districts, but such is very
far from being the case. Indeed, tt would seem
as though the residents of our towns and cities
prize their trees more highly and are willing to
do more to preserve tbem than are the farmer
class and, perhaps, this is natural considering
that tall, stately trees are much rarer in cities
than in the rural districts. At any rate most of
our large cities now employ one or more tree
doctors to look after the trees in their parks and
the shade trees on streets and boulevards,
whereas it is becoming almost imperative for a
man who aspires to the vpoil tlon of tfead gardener
on any large prlvato estate to have enough
knowledge of 'ailing or insect-infested trees to
cope with the situation. - v
The'U. S. Department of Agriculture and the
tate governments In many of our leading spates
In the world Is
thin doctoring
dono co thor
oughly na In the
United 8tatea.
Tho Invention
of special spray
lug apparatus
began nti eaily
UK tho
18S0, nnd
that tlmo
yi-nr 1ms
tho advent
new and
their attention to' the problems presented In this
field. In tho caeo of Uncle Sam's Hureau of
Entomology the activities arc not confined to in
ducing good health In trees but extend to all
Borts of investigations and experiments regarding
injurious insects affecting field crops, fruits,
Binnll fruits and truck crops ns well as tho for
ests and forest products. This research institu
tion has devoted much time and money to the
introduction In the United States of beneficial in
sects that is insects which prey upon those
creatures that harm the trees and is all the
while carrying on tests and experiments with
Insecticides and insecticide machinery. Not the
least Important function of this government insti
tution Is the identification of insects for anybody
who applies for such information. Dy this means
a farmer or' householder discovering an unknown
bug on his trees may ascertain the record of the
mysterious visitor together with hints as to bow
to get rid of him in case he is an undesirable.
Probably the most extensive and most costly
project in tree doctoring in the history of the
world Is that which has been in progress for some
years past in the state of Massachusetts. The
object of this prolonged battle is to exterminate
or hold in check the gypsy moth, which, with
other kindred species, has threatened to destroy
the trees throughout the Old Bay State, if not,
indeed, throughout New England. In this fight
millions of dollars have been expended, the ex
perts employed by the state of Massachusetts
working band in hand with Uncle Sam's experts,
headed by C. L. Marlatt, perhaps the greatest
authority In the world. It is probably a trifle
early to say that the fight has been won, but cer
tain it Is that much headway has been gained and
doubtless the damage will be restricted to its
present area.
Tremendous suru are expended every year in
spraying for orchard Insects. It is estimated
that not less than $5,000,000 Is thus expended
each' year' In, holding. In check the codling moth
and an equally large sum is devoted yearly to
now maintain special departments tnati devote ' treatmerita against ,the San Jose scale, Nowhere
proved apparat
us. Some six or
seven years ago
tho Btcam-pow-or
b p r n y o r
mudo Its np
penrnuco nnd a
llttlo later thero
was evolved tho
gasoline outfit,
which may be
Been In opera
tion today on bo
many farina and
In many city
parks. Whore
the rolson charged liquid employed for sprny
lng must be hauled Rome distance It Is custom
ary to resort to outfits of liberal tank capacity,
and many of these ran go from 150 to 300
gallops. For spraying high .trees t it Is neces
sary to uso an elevated tower or flntform
built upon a wngon nnd with one man on the
tower and two men on th,o ground spraying may
be carried on -with I the greatest possible degree
of efficiency. Of course, a good length of hose is
essential one-half lndh being a popular size,
and It should be cnpable of standing 200 pounds'
pressure per squtio Inch.
Trees In towns and cities are naturally much
more liable to such injuries ns will later require
the practice of treo surgery than nro those In the
country districts. The piling of building material
ngalnst trees, the attaching of guy wires and the
grading of streets or ronds nro all causes pro
ductive of injuries. Overcrowding by other trees,
horse bites and girdling by wire labels aro other
sources of trouble. One of tho worst of nil, how
over, is improper pruning or treo butchery. As
a matter of fact, Intelligent, systematic pruning
and treo surgery aro very cloLely related.
Pruning requires a previous Intimato knowledge
of tho habits of growth of trees, whereas surgery
on the other hand requires in addition a knowl
edge of the best methods for making cavities air
tight nnd preventing decay. Tho principle is
much tho samo ns that employed by tho dentists
who fill cavities in tho teeth of human beings,
nnd this caring for the cnvltles in trees Is the
only means of preserving affected specimens and
snving to this and future generations some of the
noblest specimens of woodland growth. The
favorite mixture for filling cavities Is composed
of one part Portland cement to three parts of
clean, sharp sand. After all decayed or decaying
matter has been, removed from the cavity the
whole cavity Is filled with this thin mortar, and
then, when this has had time to become stiff,
but not bard, there is applied a surface coat
made of one part sand and one part cement and
the surface Is so faced as to exclude all mois
ture from the opening of the cavity.
It should be noted In conclusion that Provi
dence has provided us with the best tree doctor
In the form of that familiar and unappreciated
bird, the woodpecker. The woodpecker is easily
the most useful of all the seven hundred varieties
of birds to be found in the United States and it
is largely because of his constant search for and
warfaro against the four hundred different varie
ties of insects that prey upon our trees. The
woodpecker is not merely a tree doctor, but is
actually a tree surgeon because his most ener
getic quest Is for those Insects that Injure the
tree Internally and to which access can be gained
only by means of the unique equipment with
which nature has provided the woodpecker and
from the employment of which he derives his
name. As a rule the woodpecker makes only
shallow holes so that his work may properly be
dignified as tree surgery that leaves no scars,
which is not the least of its advantages.
"Oh. wad some power the glftle Rive us
To see ourielvee as Ithera sea 'us."
, t Burns.
How surprised some of, us, would be
If we did possess this gift, and now
quickly we would hasten to (make
some changes,!, , ,4
"'tevery'perVonV'skin'ls'a law unto
Itself, and what Is' beneficial to one'
may not be so' to another. You never
sa-w two persons who looked exactly
alike, nor two persons who did things
In exactly the same manner, So It is
with, tho, skin, pa person. has a skin
that la exactly like , another's. How
foolish it' Is, then, to expect the same
treatment to agree, with all skins!
I Certainly, an tilly skin' requires dif
ferent treatment from orie that Is In
cllne'd td be dry. Exactly what agrees
with a given person's skin only can
be discovered by experiment. So if
you find your" complexion "Improving
under a gven .treatment, . do' not
chango your methods, because some
one else recommends a different treat
ment. ' '
.There are, a few directions that will
seldom disagree with any skin. Usu
ally It will be' found beneficial to bathe
the face at night with hot water to re
move' all dirt; 'then massage with good
cold cream. !n the morning all that Is
necessary is a. quick rub with cold wa
ter. Do not be afraid, to rub-the face
a, little. The skin needs exercise as
well as any, other part of the body
How often It Is neglected! 'Pinching
or riibblngl the skin tends to draw a
greater supply oft blood to the parts
massaged. This Increased circulation
brinks extra nourishment with It and
also tends to carry away more waste
Pimples and black-heads show that
the waste material Is not being car
ried away properly but is being left
to clog the pores. Sometimes this ac
cumulation of waste material is due to
lack i of cleanliness. The waste ma
terial la left on the skin and clogs the
pores. so, they canno perform their
work, .gometlme the fault is due to
poor circulation or to diseases of the
excretory organs. If. one .organ. Is in-
capabo( of performing its work, the J
uiuur urpuua (biobi oi necessiur ao
more than their share In 'trying to aid
It. If tho' kidneys and bowels aro no
carrying oft their share of the 'waste
material of, the body, the skin Is bur
dened with an extra amount to be dis
posed of. Sometimes It Is unable to
do this and the waste material Is left
to accumulate tn the skin.
Sometimes (and If we may Judge by
some we meet on, the street, we might
ay oftentimes) the skin Is so coated
with Impurities in the shape of pow
der,, enamel and ' other' preparations
that It finds' It Impossible to' work at
all. If we Would1 exercise the skin a
little more and coat It ft little less
we' would i bare smaller' need for the
coating.. "
Cqprrtslit. mo, by. W. O. qhap-aan.)
! The Resort Prospectus.
"Going to run dally, excursions this
WT . -,'.,
"I , notice you don't advertise a
gorge any more."' ' '
' "No: I made 'ft a 'ravine Instead.'
Some people thought's' gorge meant 'a 1
lot to'eaft,"' . ' i
Sand School Uuoa for Stpt. 10, 1011
Specially Atrftnceil lor Tills I'pr
l.KHSOX T1JXT Oiinlrl l.S-20.
MKMoitr vi:hhi:h, s. o.
MOI.DHN h:XT.-"lt h KoOrt neither to
oat llcsli, nor drink win, nor unyililim
wlictcliy thy brother stumliloth." Uoiu.
TIM1..-I1. P. f.n.V. Tho third year n
Klnu Jcholnliliu (I.omhoii VII,), Tho iicuum
bIoii year of XolmchhriiieMAr, when Dan
iel wn inrrlcd rnptlvo to Hahylou. Tilt
next yenr Is rnJled his tlrnt year.
l'KlllOM.-Threc yeniH, 11. V. C0.V4-O13-I.
on Nchitcluulnt'rxnr'ri return tn lluhylon
ufter itefeiitlut; tlm armies of l'pypt.
ri.ACi:,-Ilntloti on the nuplinitcH. Hn
foio hid ciipthlty Daniel lived In Jvruau
lon. ii,Arn ix tiii: uisrouv.-a King
Hil-rt: 2 Cliron. M:.".-S.
Pnoi'llirrs.-Jerelnlnh nn.l llnlmkkult
Wi'iu pioptii nyliiK at .Teiuxiilem when Dnn
lol was cnirleil tiwny, ami Kreklcl was hli
i'ot)ti'ii)i(iiarv In lluhvloulii, hut not hi
tho city of Hiiliylim. llo mih on tho rlvor
Chobiir, nouthciml of tho city.
At tho tlmo of thlH lesson tho two
great world powcis were In deadly
ronlllct. Tim Kgyptlan nriuy under
Necho had lunrchetl toward Hnbyloti
us far as CnrchoiuUh on tho Euphra
tes, On the other hnnil Nubopolnssar
with tho assistance of tho Seythlumi
hnd conquered tho Assyrians, nnd dc
stroKil N'liicveh, tho capital, II. C. GOO.
The lltibyloulnus marched up tho Eu
phrates nnd met tho Egyptian army
ut Cnrclmmlah, ami defeated them.
Nnbopolnssnr, king of Habylon, Bent
his son Nebuchadnezzar on to Jerusa
lem, who besieged thnt city. Jeremiah
npenks of tho selgo ns In CO I, Jehola
Kim's foui th year, probably In tho
eaily past, s,o that dlffeienco in tho
period covered by tho llabylonlan nnd
tho Jewish years would account for
tho variation. Tho last pnrt of fiOG
1b treated as Xcbtichndiiuzzar'H acces
sion year, and GUI his first year aa
At this tlmo Nnbopnlassar died and
Ncbuchndnezznr hasted bnck to Haby
lon, taking with him a number of cap
tlvea including Daniel mid hla thieo
companions, from royal or princely
families, either aa hostagcB or porsonti
whom ho could train for hlu olllclal
Tho nnmoa of tho four young princes
wero all compounded with tho nnmo
of Ood. Daniel (lod Is my Judge;
llannulah Jehovah la gracious;
Mishael This Is as God; Azailah
Jehovah Is n helper. Their new names
woro compounded with thoso of royal
ty or of idols. Daniel wna named Del
tcshazzar, favored of I!el or Ileitis,
tho great llabylonlan god and goddess.
Tho custom of changing names con
tinues up to this day; any chango
from Mohammedan to Christian, or
tho reverse, being nccompanlng by a
change of natno, Thcso four wero
selected from among tho captives on
account of their nohlo descent, talent
nnd promise of ability, to bo trained
In tho languago and literature of the
Chaldeans, to be trusted ofllcerB.
When theso young mon wero select
ed for their future career, several
things wero appointed for their train
ing, llko tho trniulng of young men
now in professional pchools, after col
lege graduation. Their names wero
I changed, ns noted nbove, so that, at
least omciaiiy, tnoy would bo in Har
mony with tho administration,
and not known distinctively ns
.Jows. Thoy woro to bo trained
In court customs nnd ways,
doubtless 'with other young men of
heathen morals and religion. They
wero given luxurious fooda such as
tho king ato, and costly wines such
as tho king drank. '
Now hero was a strenuous test of
tho 'faith, the' courage find tho self
control of tho young men. Tho eating
of tho king's food would bo a break
ing of the Jewish law as to food, and
thus be a repudiating of tho religion
of the true God. Tho dietary would
almost certainly comprise articles of
food, such as tho flesh of swine, hares,
etc., which the law Interdicted to the
The young men were greatly favored
by having a fpiend at court. God had
brought Daniel into favor and tender
love; had made him to And kindness
and compassion. God had made Dan
iel lovable, giving him attractlvencsi
of person and wisdom of mind; more
over, the Holy Spirit had doubtless
moved directly upon tho heart of
Asbpenaz, turning b'.m toward Daniel.
All true lovo and friendship aro In
spired by God.
Said Daniel to Melzar: "Give us
pulse to eat." Rather, vegetablo food
In general; there Is no reason for re
stricting tho Hebrew word used to
leguminous fruits, such as beans and
peas, which is what tho term "pulso"
properly 'denotes. "And dater to
drink Instoad of the wlno." They be
gan the simple life.
The result of the test was better
physical condition, countenances fair
er, futtor- In flesh. Tho simple life
brought -tiettea 'bodily health, more
,bflauty, -grijAter strength and activity,
:a)fthat'wau needed for the best' work
iltfftVttln hlcrnntit1hv 'rf isltlnh tho hnriv
.u .w ,0uu fw,,, r.. ..-.- .
is capauie.
Something Really Happened at Recep
tlon, and Old Atten'daht 'la ,
The gueats at MrR. Arthur Mlze'a
tea jcHtenliiy afternoon ilcto'ctod nn
odor of homethlng binning. They
looked at each other knowingly and
said: "Poor Mis. MUo,Roniclhlng Is
burning up In the kitchen." Hut the
odor grew stronger, and nt lust ono
woman said: "It nmill tns though
feathers nro burning." Then sudden
ly ono woman screamed: "Mrs. Chal-
lls.,pok,nt yotirlintf" f?urc enough,
iirs. Jim, CdaUI(g"bad;,brpn standing
near n lighted candle, and tho algrctto
on her hat was on lire.
The guests hnd a great time putting
out the fire, The aigrette was what
the Insurance men call a total loan.
An Atchison woman who has gone to
thousands of receptions says tho burn
ing of tho aigrette yesterday Is the
first tlmo alio over knew anything to
really happen at a reception. She
has given up going because nothing
ever happened, hut now will start In
over ngnln. Atchison Globe.
To Cheer Her Up
An old Scotswoman, who had put
herself to considerable Inconvenience,
nnd gono a long way to nco n sick
friend, learned on arriving that the
alarming symptoms hnd subsided.
"An' hoo aro ye tho day, Mrs, Craw.
ford?" Blio liiqulied In breathless
"Oh, I'm qulto weel noo(l thank ye.
Mm. McGregor," woh tho cheerful an
swer. "Quito wool!" exclalmod tho visitor,
"nn' after me hueln' come uao far to
eco cl"
The Brute.
"Men are such rude things," said
tho supercilious girl.
"Has any of them dared to address
you without nn Introduction?"
"No; but In a crowd one got his facn
all mixed up with my hatpin and,
never even said 'excuse mo.' "
Every trainer, In athletics Jn all put
colleges throughout the land! will .con
firm this fact, anfl acts upon It.
1 Therefore stdod thoy beforo tho
king, were the personal advisers, and
'among the leading officers' of the
kingdom. All officers and servants
stood when in tho presence of the
monarch. Ho found them ten tlmos
bet'ter'thnn ail 'tho magicians and as
trologers, Tho magicians, wero the
learned class, tho scribes, tho prjestly
class. "Tho astrologers," reasoners
Irpnt ,thp. , stars, wero, tho scientific
mton;, versqqjin maglc, and occult
science. ' '
't i , l 1, ,i v !
Important to Mothors .
Examlno carefully every bottle ol
CASTOKI A, a safo and sure remedy for
Infuuts und children, and sco that II
ItanraHin af
Signature of tJLjirfJfaz&u
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoriai
A Resulting Ambition.
"Tho English aro a queer people,
aren't they?"
"In what way?"
"I suppose it is a London man's day
dream to bocamo its knight mayor."
Stop the Pain.
The hurt of a burn or a cut stops whn
Cole's C'arbollnalve Is applied. It heals
quickly and prevents scars. 25c and 0a by
cruniclstH. For free sntnplo write to
J. W. Cole tc, Co., Black Ittvcr Falls, Wis.
"Thoso dress uniforms havo a lot ot
''Then tlicy ought to look well at
militia hop."
His Inspiration.
Wagner told where ho got his Insplr
"It was from tho garbage cans b
lng emptied at night," he confessed.
The next time you feel that' swallowing
enation gargle llnmlini Wizard Oil im
mediately, with three p.irts water. It will
save ou days and perhaps weeks of mis
ery from sore 'throat.
Tho only, way In which a man can
have tho last word with a woman la
to say it over tho phono, and then
hang up.
Bend So itamp fur flTmple nt mj Terr cbolo
at Gold mbol Blrtbdar, ttower and Motto
Prat Uardi; beaotltnl colors and totalled dralgna.
Art i'oat Card Club, Til Jackaou St., Topeaa, Kama
Jf a man tells a woman she haa a
musical laugh she will fall for any,
old Joke he may get off. i
Mm. Wlnnlow'a Boothtnjr nyrnp for Children
Uethlntr, softens the buoih, reduces Inflamma
, trba, allaja paui.euras wlno colic, sic s botUe.
Many a man doesn't realize that he
married an angel until she begins to
do the harp act
j6u need the Bitters at once.
Try it. It never 'disappoints.
Clmtmt aad kawtulN la kali.
hoMalM a,lauiU (rawtk.
Mr Talis to Xtitqr Orajr
TllW ASIU.aNII kkbuaska
Wrllo N. Z, HNRLU Uara!aHnbnuka
I i .
f I
"i" 'f
1 imIih...
?' ' ' Ti'w.irre
" - - -... .-,... M-i-i, p-f it " 1 .11 T III I ,1.