L I'' Sl-Stojifl&fflMRMW txin&f Jijwxut&2ua:to -, .jlh ttitfl UHloilctil S rl tV "- :v. r SaEiI 1 4 Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1,50 VOLUME XXXV 1111. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, AlHJUST ill, 1911. NUMBER KB THE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, m S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer,' C. J. Pope, fm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. University Place In September and Charles Ouy as alternate. The young people of the M. E. church hud a social In the church basement Iat Thuisday evening. (Sanies uiiil ieo-ereatn were the feat- u res. It. S. I'mudlit, wife and daughter departed Tuesday morning for their home in Lincoln after n very pleasant visit with relatives here. They made the trip in their anto. Frank Xewineyer went to Carleton Mondav to visit with ids wife's people. Mrs. Xewineyer has been there for sonio time. They will return to Guide Rock the last of the week. Mrs. G. M. Simpson departed Tues day morning for Osb Kosh, Buell county, Nebraska where her bob George and family reside. They have lust lost their infant with whooping cough and an older child Is very low from the same diseease. j- GUIDE ROCK. Several people have been suffering with severe colds. Miss Cora Simpson goes to Chicago the last of the week. Merl Smith is visiting her aant Miss M.Idella Watt this week. Uerhard Wichman is now holding a position in the State Bank. The D. of H. team will have a prac tice meeting Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Lulu Heall of Bostwiclc teaches In May wood, "Nebraska this year. Miss Mary Helta Is again sewing in' town for a number of her friends. Oscar Mouler and family were up from Superior several days last week. A number from here attended the Baptist convention at Holdrege last week. Miss Nellie Sweet departed Monday for her home at Woodbine, Iowa. She Seven Summer. Specials E HAVE JUST SEVEN WATCHES, three Men's and four Ladies', on which we have ' made the following low prices. These are all standard qualities, fully guaranteed and made by the best known makers. Every one is a bargain at from $2.00 to $6.00 more money, but we got them right and give you the benefit of the saving. LADIES has been the guest of her cousin Mrs. C. L. Boies for several weeks. Mrs. Parsons of Wilson vllle is the guest of her daughter Mrs. Harvey Hilner. Hastings Mllner and wife visited with their son Harvey and wife over Sunday. John Hhpelev and fnmilv have re turned to Hastings after a visit with relatives here. Joe, HoskinB has moved from the Dickerson residence north of Cjms, Molley's to the east side of town. Mrs Hannah J. Crow celebrated her 73th birthday Tuesday, August 20th, by giving a big dinner to her children and their families and other relatives. Rev. N.A. Martin, district superiu- .. 1..M 4li. tlnClnrva .llaffliftf lialfl quarterly conference here Monday I evening. At this meeting S. B. Walk er was elected a lav delegate to the annual comerence wnicu cuuveuus ut COWLES Mr. Stark had friends visiting him over Sunday. Miss Addle Thomas Is here visiting friends and relatives. Cbas. Bennett and family were visit ing in Red Cloud Sunday. -. Willie Thompson went to Hastiof) Wednesday by the way of the But llngtou. Thomas Darrell arrived home from Mluden Tuesday, where be had been ou business. j Miss Rouse, who has been visiting friends here, left Tuesday for her home in Bethany Heights. Our base ball club goes to Law rence Friday to play a social game with our Lawrence frimids. Roy Fowler had a run away in Cowles Wednesday. They broke loose from the wagon and traveled up main street at high speed until they came in contact with the blacksmith shop, No. 1 Solid sterling Silver Cased Ladies' Open Face Chatelaine Watch, Gold Hands. One of the most popular styles now selling in the larger cities. Price $5.00, worth $7.0q No. 3 Twenty year Guaranteed Filled Gold Uunting Case, handsomely engraved, fitted with either Elgin or Waltham movement. The entire watch a durable timekeeper and fully warranted In every respect. $10.00, worth $13.25 No, 2 Twenty year guaranteed 'Filled Oold Open Face Ladies' Watch, Gold Dial, movement fully warrant ed. A reliable timekeeper; first class is every way. Price $9.00, worth $12.50. No. 4 Twenty-five year warranted Filled Gold Hunting CHse, beautifully engraved by band in floral design. Fitted with either Elglu or Waltham movement, gold hands, fancy decorated dial, A watch that with or dinary usage will ast a lifetime. Special 12.75, worth $20.00 T" ;M"""""""'g I R emova S aiei Cfl In order to put up our new building, we must reduce our stock. In addition to the following prices on Corsets, we will give 20 PER CENT OFF ON EVERYTHING IN STOCK vmm , r rU XW.''Y . f Vai A ' -A p . stfKVtk? I ,V .uMjamW .J .JSKSaKTZrr-fj f.V; j j,, , ,'-."(' jgmn&e mr jsa ttvGMssz n ma i H flitV'PIr ' BH I IpF. AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSET! KalamXzoq Corset Co. Exclusive Makers Former price... .-$1.00 Sale price.... $ .84 Former price $1.50 Sale price. .. .$1.20 Former price.... $2.00 Sale price. ...$1.60 Former price $2.75 Sale price .... $2 20 Former price ... . $3.25 Sale price , , , $2,50 All American Beauty Corsets are guaranteed in Style and Fit. Select your style and size and wear it for 30 days, and if not satisfied will exchange it for another or give your money back 111, III ,1 u n in ill ft I "II HI Hi i MEN'S -j No. 5 A twenty ymr Filled Gold Open Face Case, screw beel and back with patent dust proof stem, hand somely engraved by hand, fitted with an Elin movement with dec orated dial and gold bands PrlC9$8.75 0 Usually mold at $312.00 No. 6 Twenty year Filled Hold Cise, engraved bv band, patent dust pi oof j)enduut, screw back and he.el; case is practically waterproof. Fit ted with seventeen ruby and sap phire jeweled movement, patent regulator; one of the very latest models of the watchmaking art. A ' watch for a lifetime of service 911. oo No. 7 A twenty year Filled Cold Case, bund finished ami engraved, patent dust proof pendant, crew buck and bezel, making a case capable of re sisting the hardest kind of wear. Fitted with seveteeti ruby and sap phire jeweled movement, double sunk soft enamel dial, patent regu lator, breguet hairspring. A watch to ktvep the very best time and built to give the utmost durability and service. The movement alone shouluVfell for fid. Special price on the complete watch, ' 016.OO It will pay you well to get one of these watches if you eipect to use one this fall. as these are exceptional values and these prices cannot be duplicated even at wholesale NEWHOUSE BROS. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Proprietor C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector Jeweler and Optometrist F. NEWHOUSE. Dry Goods AGENTS FOR BUTTER ICK PATTERN I where tliey were stopped without much damage Work is progressing nicely on the t.atlnlllnrv nt 4lli flllnllj. ltnnuttl fVlVl'll.Q ' " . ' . . I The new poles are up ana some wires are strung. This work will make the town look more like a city. P. A Good lias received a new ce ment mixer, and is trying it out ou a new ford down on Willow creek. He attatched his engine to it and It work ed fine, and saves lots of hard sliov eling. The base ball game between the Congregational, M. E. and Christian churches last Saturday, resulted in fayor of the Congregationals by a score of 1 to II. This game was noted for the number of errorb. A numbor of auto loads of people wont to llluo II ill Tuesday to attend the good roads meotiug. The com mittee changed their former plans in reference to certain roads leading into Cowles and tho citizens of Cowles are becoming sercno again. GARFIELD Jack Wilmot is on tho sick list. Another flnu rain Saturday night and Sunday. Ilonry Wiggins wns on wind mill row Sunday. The new bridgo on Ash creek near tho Duiikard chiiroh will soon be com pleted. Fiank Amack hauled his hogs to market Monday. Will Fisher was hauling bridgo lumber on Monday. Harry Harris and wife visited at Smith Bros.' Sunday. George Harris bought a bunch of cattle in Kansas last week. A good many Garfield folks arc get ting ready to attend the state fair at- Lincoln next week. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Eli Houchiu, a baby girl of the regular Nebraska weight, ten pounds. John Jackson, u brother of Mrs, Oliver McN'titt, from Oklahoma, is vis iting her this week. Mrs. T. W. White is visiting at Mrs. Ida Kent's this week and with other old acquaintances on windmill row. Mr. Simpson and son from Guide Hock are putting in a new cement bridge on tho road between Guy nam es' and Will Fisher's this week. Col. Wiggins bus traded his place for one on the other side of town and expeuts to movo on It next spring,, Wo hate to loso the Colonel, but our loss is some others' gain. Don and Doone Saundors and their families and Mr. Coulsen and family were outto Smith llros.' for a picnic on tho river and got to the river in time for the rain. LESTER '1 he corn is fine iu this neighbor hood. The society met with Mrs. Floe Saladcn of Red Cloud Wednesday. Miss Nellie Crary of Guide Rock is visiting Miss Mae Frisbie this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Dlair spent Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs. Will Lane. Misses Clara and Lena Rasser spent Sunday with Misses Ella and Graco White. MlssIaey Spraeher and , of Cowles spent Sunday 1 Graco Frisbie. I Misses Januic and Mary Ilandoff of Iowa, Mrs, Collnnd of Oklahoma) Mrs. (Grodbill and Ed. Call and of Kansas relatives of Androw King spent Mon I day 'with him and his wife. I.oyd Hall with Miss Moro people, men and women, are suffering from kidney and bladder trouble than over before, and enoh year moro of them turn for quick re- f lluf and permanent benefit to Foley's Kidney licinedy, which haa-fi-oven It self to be one of tho most effective remedios for kidney and bladder ail ments that medical science has de vised. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. -fct A'- f'1 i 1 '. II I H 1 1 I ,ji 1 f MUkttMfirfaflajai "treats aMM-uaI-T" --1-fc-.., c -r-!. mZCXZ&Z&Mwi.tmm frJtpOVy ft vfcj fymw' 'y ipy r t A-V.f'siii