The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 24, 1911, Image 5

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    r-.'.,.-.. .- .
&immmZV 'ii(SDfisKlffiRy'
' ''' ''M'-HrrrulCTi-jjjtjv-aiahwJi
We Want You to
See Our Finish
By that wciloti'l mean funer
al obsequic", but our superior
quality of high-grade lumber,
wbich is absolutely essential in
any building where beauty and
durability are desired It's the
stiilf used for base, casing, corn
ices and all sorts of interior
work: nud to insure the best re
sults should be of proper color
aud grain, according to the uses
to which itisapplicd. Our
in fir, yellow pine and cypress
(or any other you might care to
mention) was selected with duo
regard to its milling and drying,
and we arc anxious to show it
to you and point out its advan
tagesnatural color and grain
which cannot be secured In
lumber purchased haphazardly
from Tom, Dlelc or Harry. A
look won't cost you a cent, but
may add dollars to the value of
your new home. Come in. We
show you before you buy.
"Fhere'8 No Place like Home"
Saunders Bros.
Lumber -and Coal
Old papers for sale at this olllce.
Lee Keith was in Campbell Tuesday.
Grant Bailey has returned toOmaba
Ward Finley was in Frankllu Tues
day. Dr. Cunningham, Dentist over State
C. E. Putnam wus down from Cowles
Mrs. L M. Wilgors spent Monday In
. Jack Waller was down from Cowles
Willis Fulton was down from Iliver
ton Tuesday.
1 A 1. Ely was a passenger to Blue
Hill Monday.
, E. M. (lard and wife nre home from
Oram! Island.
All kinds of Electrical work done by
Morhurt llros
Louie Schmidt of 'Blue Hill was in
town tills week.
John Havel made a business trip to
Cowles Monday.
Oscar Anderson came down from
Orleans Monday.
. Mrs. Wcideman Is quit sick at the
present writing.
The county commissioners were in
, session Tuesday.
-i Remember the Baud Concert every
: Thursday evening.
' Rome's temples have fallen, but her
good roads survive.
: Chas. Schellak made a business trip
i to Hastings Tuesday. , .,
j Have your picture framed at Sloss'I
' Best selection In town.
Mrs. O. E. Hughes was a passenger
to Hastings Wednesday.
Mike Durdin was down from Blue
Hill Monday on business.
Ralph Beall was down from Auroia
Friday, visiting relatives.
MesdamcsI.S. Bealand Chas. Potter
were in Hastings Monday.
Charley McMillan and Herman Birk
ner went to Alma Monday.
Attorney McXeny was in Winy,
Colo.fTucbday on business,
MissFav Teel arrived homo from
Colorado Tuesday morning.
If you want to know If good roads
are a good thing, ask a horse.
Jerome Wright of Hebron was hi
towu this week visitiug friends.
L. H. Blackledge left for Colorado
Monday morning on a fishing trip.
Misses Mabel Holmgrain and Grace
Kinsel spent Sunday in Guide Bock.
' Miss Rose McGuire returned 'from
a ten days' visit at Campbell Monday.
MIhs Minnie Norton of Superior vis
ited with friends in Red Cloud today.
Oscar Hughes departed for Hastings
Monday to enter Into the auto busi
ness Miss Bernlce Marker Is spending the
week at the home of Mrs. Lois Mc
Keighau. Mrs Jane Magluucss is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Millie "Klndler, In Es
bon, Kan.
Mrs. Bert Carr and children of Ml 11
den are visiting relatives in this city
this week,
Mrs. J. H. Roblnsou, who has been
quite sick for the pabt few days, Is
Allen Blaoklcdge was a passenger
for Alma Monday to witness the avi
ation meet.
Ciarloy Fort was visiting with rela
tives and friends in the city the (list
of the week.
w. U. A. WlUon and wife loft
Wednesday morning for their home in
For sale at a bargain a good Kings-
oury-t nickering grand piano. Mns (.tiM.i.iioiso.
The Diamond Electric Vacum clean
er .demonstrated In your home free.
Call Phone Bed 07.
Mts. Geo. II BarbcrofOratnl Island,
is visiting in the city with her son ().
E. Barber and family.
Remember, yon can not afford to
miss hearing the lecture at the Breth
ren church nest Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kohl of ilostiugs
spent Sunday in town visiting Mrs.
Kohl's brother, Chas. Schellak.
Any party waning dirt to till in on
lawns, enquire of Ellis (Julllford. He
has about 10 loads to dispute of.
Wall paper, paint, varnish, mould
ing, painting and papering contact
ed. Sloss. the Wall Paper Man.
The finest line and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look it over. MoiillAiir Biios.
The Bed Cloud band will go to Nor
ton, Kas.. next week where they will
discourse music at the county fair.
Mike Mclnernev left Sunday for
Buillngton, Kan., whore he has ac
cepted a position in a jewelry store.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gritfcth of
Clay Center, Kas., arrived Sunday
evening for h visit with his parents.
Earn 1150 to $200 per month by
learning a trade at home Start now.
Particulars free. Box r2r, Hooper, Neb.
R. M. Bcatty and sou for General
Blacksmithing, Wagon Work, Horse
shoeing a specialty. At Day's old shop.
Frank Cowdcn, H. A. Lctson, J. H.
Ellinger, Uolton Letson and Stacey
Morhart returned from Chicago Fri
Lee Keith returned home Monday
after a pleasant vacation spent at
Minneapolis, Minn., andOrand Island,
Mrs. Parrish and daughter, Mrs,
Stetson, of Waupaca, Wis., are visit
iug at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Miss Florence Non Balaise, of Lin
coln, Nebraska, is visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Pope this
Roy and Frank Berger returned to
their home at Hastings Tuesday after
a short visit with their uncle, Chas.
Mrs. Homer Morgan of Superior and
her sister, Mrs. Addle Bvler of Kansas
City, are visiting friends and relatives
in Red Cloud.
Miss Ruth Logan of Blue Hill is
visiting at the home of C. 1). Bobinson
and family this week and attending
teachers' Institute.
Miss Bernice O'Kief of Lakewoori,
Nebraska, one of the institute in
structors, is spending the week with
Miss Ethel Garber.
Don't forget that Alan Moritz sells
the Saturday Evening Post and will
deliver a copy to you at your home or
office. Phone Red 200,
J. V. Mitchell has started the erec
tion of a new residence on the lots he
purchased of j..Mf McCalll Chas.
Leuszler has the contract. '
Wanted Piano pupils. University
School of Mslc graduate. Three years
pupil of "Henry P. Eames. Maiue
Smith Beck. Phone Bell 141.
The ladjes aid society of the M. E.
church will have an Joe cream social
on the church lawn Friday evening,
Aug. 25. Everybody invited.
Mesdames J. A. and Darrel Burden
returned home from Kansas City
Saturday, where they purchased stock
for the Burden millinery store.
Miss Rena llerrlgsted' returned to
her home at Denver, Colo., Monday
after an extended visit with Miss
Dorothy Potter and other friends.
Lwlsli 0 thank the people of WcJb
stor county for their support aud my
nomination. If elected, I will till the
ollico to the best of my ability. -Cut-tul'iik
L. Coon.
Dr Warrick, the specialist will meet
eye, ear, nose and throat patients aud
those needing glasses properly fitted
at Dr. Damercll's office in Red Cloud
Tuesday, Sept. 5th.
Mr. and Mrs, Perry of Harvard are
visiting at the home of their son,
Frank Perry and wife. While here
Mrs. Perry was taken seriously sick
and Is under the doctor's care.
I wish to thank the voters of Web
ster County for their liberal support
at the Primaries and I hope to merit
and receive your continued support at
the General Election. W. R. Bailey.
Bruce Robinson, who is located at
Clay Center, Nebr., has been enjoying
a vacation at Princeton, III., came In
Wednesday night for a visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Roblnsou.
The P. E. O, society entertained it
members Thursday evening at the
home of Mrs. J. C Mitchell, in honor
of Mrs, N. H. Morrlsou of Arlington,
N. J., and Mrs, Leroy Porter of Chi
cago. H.C.Carson, the state superintend
ent of the anti-saloon league, will give
one of his famous lectures at the
Brethren church next Sunday evening
at 8 p. m. Everybody invited to at
tend. Miss Carrie Dewitt, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. W. R. Dewitt, southeast of
Red Cloud, was pleasantly surprised
last Friday by the receipt of a fine
piano as a birthday present from her
Far UaM. 1 am again ready to
make farm loans at the lowest rate
and best terms. I am sole agent for
Trcvett, Mattis & Baker. Some pri
vate money
J. H. Bailey, Red Cloud, Nebr.
John Jackson of Broken Arr ow
Okla., is visiting with his cousin, Ed
A mack, and other relatives. This is
the first time the cousins had mo
since 1883, and, naturally, they had a
very pleasant time recalling remnis
cences of their youth.
Friday evening of last week, Mrs. A.
C. Hosmcr and daughter, Mrs. Charles
Whitaker, held a reception at the home
of the former, In honor of Mrs. N. H
Morrison, of Arlington, N. J., who left
Saturday morning to join her husband
at Wcukelman, Arizona.
Wolfe &. -Whitaker, geueial black
smiths, now carry a full line of farm
Implements, surreys, buggies, wagousi
gang plows, gas engines, stacker
ropes, all kinds of machinery and
heavy hardware, and all supplies for
same. Also all kinds of oil.
Mrs. C. li. Hale received a post card
from Mrs. Joe Fogel, at Eldora, Col.,
in which she says: "Greetings from
Eldora, way up near the snow, to you
fellows who are so warm in Bed
Cloud. A nice snow fell last night
on top of the mountains near us."
We wish to announce to the public
generally, that we have the well known
Taylor Ranch for sale. This consists
of 540 acres, 8 miles south east of Red
Cloud. This place needs no commeda'
tion as it is known far and near as the
very best bottom farm in Webster
County. Wai.keb & Kent.
The Odd Fellows have arrived at the
conclusion that they can no longer
continue to remain in their present
cramped quarters and by vote of the
lodge Monday night they decided to
build a larger,more commodious build
ing. The new ball will be equipped
with all modern conveniences and
when completed will be one of the
best buildings of its kind in the state.
J'lineipally through the efforts of
Ucrrttyorge Hummel. Webster county
always lias a creditable display at the
slate fair, and seldom fails to capture
morq than its slmro of premiums. Mr.
Hummel is again preparing an exhibit
and all who have anything which
they deem worthy of sending to the
"biggest agricultural show in the
west" should notify Mr. Hummel be
fore next Monday, August 28.
The Detroit (Mich.) Journal publish
es an excellent profile of our own
"Lefty" Mitchell. In commenting on
Mitchell, the Journal says Mitchell
will be the sensation of the major
leagues in 1012. Mitchell has the
headwork, speed, control, curvcs.lack
ing but one essential part, confidence,
which will be rectified by more exper
ience. Hero's to Mitchell aud hoping
that we may hear of many victorious
battles of Mitchell in 101-2.
Services next Lord's day at the
Christian church as follows: Bible
school at 10 a. m. Preaching service
at 11 a. in,, sermon subject, "A Church
Inspected." Preaching sorvlec at 8 p,
m., scrmou subject, "The purpose of
the Gospel." It Is hoped that each
member of the church will be present
at each of these services, and a cordial
invitation Is extended to the entire
public to come and worship with us,
We urge your .presence, (or tkic op'n.
h .a r 31 u fo, j I . t
To reduce our stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnish
ings, we are offering for sale at
20 Per Cent Discount
all our high grade Suits, including the famous Hart
Schaffner & Marx. A few Suits, odds and ends of
Suit lines, will be sold at a sacrifice.
This slorc is the home of Hart
sidoration of the above named subjects.
C. F. Bosi:, Pastor.
The greatest list of horses ever had
in the west is slated for the State Fair,
Sept. ltb to 8th. The entries in each
of the 10 races range from 8 to 30. On
Monday, Sept. 4th, Governor Aldrich
will dedicato the new grand stand
which Is 80x410 aud has comfortable
seats for 0,400 people. An especially
good program has been arranged for
that day, consisting of the 2:20 trot
for 31,000; the 2:30 and 2:17 paces, each
for WOO; a ? mile dash and K tulle
dash for runners, two miles of the 10
mile relay, aeroplane lllghts, Liberatl's
Military Band and grand concert com
pany and seven vaudeville numbers.
trrlH R. Pltiey
On in It. Pitney was born Nov. 8,
1851 at Ashtabula, Ohio and died Aug.
17, 1011 at the age of 50 years, t) months
and 0 days.
On Sept. 2, 1874 ho married Lydia
Melvina Tubor. To this union were
born two boys and one girl, of whom
the two boys Clyde aud Floyd are still
On the 23th day of October lSSM he
was united in marriage with Cora E.
Harvey, a daughter of W'heelock Har
vey (one of the host known pioneers of
this couuty). There weic born to this
marriage four boys and two girls, of
whom there arn now living Paul, Lynn,
George, Beufro and Dorcas.
Mr. Pitney was a consistent mrmber
of the Christian church, lie belonged
also to the I. O. O. F. lodge of Bed
Cloud. In all the relations of life, son,
husband, father, neighbor and senator,
he deserved and enjoyed the esteem of
those who knew him best.
Orrin R. Pitney, who died Thursday
last, had long been one of the leading
citizens of Webster county. He came
to this country about thirty years ago,
not early enough to take a homestead,
but soon enough to have a good select
ion of the railway lands that were
then subject to purchase at low prices.
He settled on a.cboice farm a few miles
north of what is now the village of
Inavale, and soon approved himself as
a man fitted to take bis part In the
building of a new community, by de
veloping the resources of its soli and
bringing to the land of his choice
those qualities which are csseutial to
Hughe's' Crescent Cottage Paints
$1.7 5 per Gallon
" ,ii.
Red Cloud
Schaffner & Marx clothes
D. D. Sanderson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Ollico In Moou Block.
Bell, Black I; Iud., 10.1
Resilience, Royal Hotel.
Bell, 47; Ind., 27
Calls Answered Day or Night
the organisation of the Intellectual
and moral forces of the neighborhood
for the social betterment of his fellows,
He tlrst came into public prominence
in connection with the Farmers' Alli
ance movement in 1890. He was ono
of the leading spirits in the organiza
tion of that movement, aud was, if not
the tlrst county president, among the
first of those who held that position.
When the Alliance transformed itself
into a new political party, Mr. Pitney
naturally became ono of the leaders of
the new organization. He was for
years one of the mobt lutlueutlal aud
'conspicuous directors of the Populist
movement in thlscounty.and eventual
ly buciiiiH the choice of that Itarty for
' the position of htatu senator. He was
elected, by a good majority, nud in Ills
1 siM vice realized the hopes of those
who had pui meir irusi 111 nun. it
could always be said of Mr. Fituey
that ho never deceived expectations,
he was what he pretended to be,
straight-forward, and reliable. Ills
enemies could never allege anything
against him that savored of crooked
nets, aud his friends felt their confi
dence in his fidelity to his spoken
word, or those obligations which are
uever reduced to formal terms, at all
shaken. Ho inported Into politics the
clement of character, and he maintain
ed himself at all times as deserving
the respect ot political partisan or
political opponent.
The funeral services were conducted
Sunday afternoon at'S o'clock at the
41 Bohool house and his body was in
terred in the 41 cemetery. Rev. Hum
mel 1 conducted the funeral services.
If you want all the news while it is
fresh, read the Chief.
What is the difference between the
President's traveling expenses and x
menu card?
One is the fare of Bill, the other a bill
of fare!
and look over our Bill of Fare before
arranging yours!
You'll Like Our Meats
Most tender our chops, our steaks arc
Kxccllent our ham, salt meats th
All cuts prepared with greatest care
To serve and to please you our aim!
Our Flour
Is the light, dainty pas
try that can be made
from it. IMPERIAL
is the. Flour of them all
Red Cloud Milling Co.
1 have opcued a bal.ery in Red
Cloud and solicit a share of
your patronage.
Freth Bread, Pies and Cakes
always in stock, Phono me
your wants (Iud. phone 188.)
Deliver to any part of the city
lletall store opposite l'ostof
lice, in Dioderlch building.
WlfcN'S PcMlM.
The recent act of April 10th. lHOe.
gives to all soldiers' widows a penskj
of 912 per month, ifred Maurer, the
attorney, lias all necessary blanks,
., ,..jtf
J. WiiV
j ' " ' -mMfcMi, Mm., , it 1 --7-' m
' ' 1 iiM