The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 17, 1911, Image 8
I" V-H vB-iJ riffle A.l-Jj'.-..,l. irlli,"S,"l T 'M iH-.f.WT,;- ,,t f HMW&'iQrw.vp&wrJwv.tirmtt - ' wiWitrw;-ww,MM-.r -n4-4iSeVWWrt,WjfiSM '(grr-titytAM, 'X v ' "v w V : f y iw..i.'iuiwiiwiwifciwi.i j'iiMiwirtS. i iiv -i ht f- - f -.. -Of- is :? ;, h l. Jfe Wi . i-y , 7 ; 9 f'.H p Jf. '1 f 1 is tnejj; lme to wraer Your Monument for Fall Delivery and have it erected before cold weather sets in. First class material and workmanship guaranteed. Overing Bros. & Co. Dealers in Monuments, Red Cloud J A Complete ? The Home Grocery A. Wullbrsndt, Prop. Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also tho Latest Patterns In Queensware VXSSmtmxStBVSJm We are. alto making a Specialty of tho Celebrated "A. B CANNED me II Phone 102. C." GOODS Independent Phone 44 N'VX'aVV"VVV'X' aNNa" for 500 pounds capacity Don't Throw Away Money By paying more 0PA than 9vU (or this is the price of a BEATRIC E CREAM SEPARATOR Other Sizes at Other Prices The most sanitary separator built. The nly separator supplied with a centrifugal washing device that overcomes all the drudgery of washing up the separator. Mwlitely Cuinnlett TfcrMflhMt kf Beatrice Creamery Co. Ilacela Nckr. We are the local agents for this Separator. Call and examine it. Highest Cash Price paid for Poultry We have excellent facilities for handling Poultry and Eggs. Your patronage solicited George W. Trine Opposite Postoffie. Phones: Boll, black 225; Independent, 1 45 FII HBm I 'II BBBBB HI Mice of FreMwal for lifts. Hrnlrtl bids will lc received by tho Incor iHirAlcit illy of Hrd UlMid, Nulirimkaf until H p , Tiutdny, .Sonteinlirr 0, Mil, at the olllceol the light ninl water coinitiUslouer, for fiiriilMilnif mid Inxtnlllint thu loltfltvlini n)piirntus: One ISO 1 1-1 IiUIi Hprt'd automatic coin-imitnrienKliicu-ltli extension lieil plntv niul oiithonrd bearing fur direct connection to n 7r, klluwnlt olcctrle ifenrraror. , Otio75 kilowatt three pliwiu BO cycle 2200 voltciiKlnc type revolving Held seiierntor. Onu;il-'2 Icllowntt l'ilvolt compound wound direct current lielted oxcller. OiioMlnudnrd generator switchboard pnucl of I l-'i In. hy'Jt In. by 4H In. blue Vermont uinrliloulih MiillU'k'iit Iron niiji"irlM, upon which In iiiouuti'd tho following: line three polii A)i) volt oil HWlteli. Time round pntteru iiinnieleri O-W :uiii. Olio D.l'. S.T. exciter twitch' with dl clmrgc rllpi. One tiiouud detector. One pilot lump. Ont'II point V. M. ilui Hwlti'li iinil re. eeptncle. One rhto-ttiit iiiut hniid wheel. Ono MyneroHcopo. Olio &U limp. Ilplmso CD eyelo 'li)0 volt t:i. tlou watt meter. Al.TKIlNATIVK NO. I. Onel'20 1M' Hlinplo hUji speed automatic vnilno with etteiiHlou imio nud outlxuird iM-arliiK for reeeillon of r, kilowatt electric Kcnerntor. One 75 kilowatt Kinerittor. Maine as original proposal. One.'t I-2 kilowatt exciter, sama ai original propoHiil. Ono mvltcli hoard, Hiimo nn orUluul, pro posal. OnuHyiicroseopo. OiK'Ntiitlon watt meter, Naiito us original proposil. Al.TKKNATIVi: Nt '.'. Hie I'JO 1 1-1' simple lieltcd eorlls-i engine, ("i fi-et I'J Inch two plv leather lieltlu. Oniim kilowatt UOO It. P. M. revolving Held three phase IM eyelo &!00iH hrllid Kenerii. tor. Omill l-'J kilowatt S olt oxeller. sanieas iirlitiial prnpoKil. duo sullelilioard, saint! its nrlulnnl pro posal. One Hyneroeope, name, us nrklniil pro posal. Ono watt meter, Maine as original proposal. lllddcrs are required to sei;reate their pro poMtlh lu order to how tho price I'. O. II. Href Cloud and the Installed llnures. Kaeh hid must he In accordance with the speculations, which may Ih- Meen nt the olllceof the I.Uht and Water Commissioner In lied (.'loud. Nebraska, and accompanied hy a certllled cheek of;& per cent of the amount of the hid, made pnyabletothoClly Treasurer of Hfll cloud, the minio to he forfeited by the miceeiwful bidder In case he falln to enter Into contruct with the City of lied Cloud ami kIo mirety bond acceptable to the city lu the sum of fill per cent of the contract price within ten days after the oceeptance of his hid by the City of lied Cloud. The city reserved the rluht to reject any or all bids, cz? O. U.Tkki.. ity Herk. !. II. It it'll, l.ltcht and Water Commissioner. ( fittinkmftrimf: '' Greater Nfldraska Is just betfiripiiitf N'ebm'tiKh' people Mre prosperous., pro jrrcjblve Hn'il etiturprlslnr. The state tnalntHlns a (,'teut State Kair, whom the Greater NobrHki inoronient nrlnlnatctl. All KoOil' Nobrnskn peoplo Join In boosting for the newer mttl thellreater Nebraska. The State Fnlr and Exposition sur pusses all others even as the state leads all others, Nt:lrnsa is Kood ctiouirh for nil loyal N'ebruiska ijoople anil it Is beltitr made betti'f by svhteinatie boosthif,'. Do a booster and Join tho procession. Must Pny For Paper. TaUiny it paper out of tho postolllee makes tlie recipient, llablo for hill. O. I). Austin, n Ilutler (,Mo ) publisher, sont his miner to Chnrlcs llurire. The latter pnld for it twice and then re fused to pay ngain. He said he order ed it stopped. But the court of rip peals holds that mere acceptance of the paper created a liability. It adds: "The preparation and publication of a newspaper involves much mental Hnd physieial labor as well as an out lay of nloney. One who accepts the paper by continuously talcing it from tho post olllce receives a benefit and pleasure arising from such labor and expenditure as fully as if ho had np propriuted any other product of anoth er's labor, and by such not lie must bo hold liable for the subscription price." llhidcn l'nterprlse. yff44 CfNWS Atkins 8 Barber Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, : window Shades, and : s Hon. James Wilson, secretary of Agriculture, will address the farmers of Nebraska on 'Heelprocity," nt tho State Fair, September .th. Owing to the fact that this is a subject of mom ent in the affairs of the nation nud will be one of tho lending political issues iu the coming campaign, ,a great gathering nriy be expected. UNDERTAKING Visit our store, inspect the immense stock and get our prices. We know that We Can Save. You Money! I Now is the Time .FLY to Buy NETS A good road L'ood thing. to a good town is a In The District Court of Webster Ceun ty, Nebraska. Kmmor L. Kawcett, I'lalutltl. VH. . Miner W'olliiinn Cashlur. v Defendant. NOI'll'KTO ,. MlNKIl U'KM.MA.Vl'.VSIIIIMt: You are hereby untitled that Kmmor I,. I'aweett illed his petition in the District Court of W'ehster'C'ounty, Nebrnska on the Hlh day of July, lilll, against you, the object and prayer of which are to unlet the title to tho follnwIiiK described premises, to-wlt: I'art ol one-half of the north east quarter of Section I, Town 'J. Hatigo" IU, West of the (I l'. M. lu Webster County, Nebraska nnd containing about twenty acres and moro particularly described ns follows: Hounded on the north by the north lino of said section I, on tho west hy laud deeded to one W. W. (lardnenand tho continuation of 5th street In tho village of Cowles on the 'south hy the north boundary of Adams Street of the Vill age of OowIch, on tho Kast by land heretofore deeded to Kdward Oil ford and excepting and reserving the rlght;of way of the It. A M. Hall road through nald lind, hucIi possession com tuenclng on the tot h day of September, 1KM, In the Raid Kmmor I,. .Kawcett, and against any and all claims of whatsoever nature you may liav In tho above described real estate. You art required to answer Bald petition on or liuforo Monday tho :28th day of August, IU11 or xald petition will bo taken as true and Judgment rendered as therein prayed. Kmmoh I.. KAWi'Kxr, Hy Hernard McNcny lllH'Altiiruey. The Hulking Bee in Maine. Ono of the old rural institutions, which Is still In voruo In spite of the jirogreHS of modern invention, 13 thq old-fashioned husking bee. saya the Kennebec Journal. The Journal's cor respondents from various sections of tho state havo been giving Interesting accounts for tho naat two weekB of gatherings of this naturo in their lo cality with the accompanying harvest supper, which seem to differ in but few points from those recorded in the pages of New England story writ ers of 25 and CO years ago. About the only difference seeniH to bo that tho modern fanner ran call all his guests together by telephone Instead of wait ing for Hlower methods of summoning them to bring results. I am offering everything in the Fly Net line at 2Q PER CENT DISCOUNT This 20 per cent from faclory . price makes Nets very cheap. Call and see. Also, my HAR NESS stock is complete. Hours of Early Birds. An observant Frenchman who has, been making notes of the habits of tun feathered fraternity has Just made a time table of tho hours ,they wake of a morning. The chaffinch heads the list with, 1:30 a. m.: at 2:30 the blackcap halls the room, while at three the quail ut- ters his quaint "Pay tes dettes!" (Pay thy debts!") The blackbird does not rise till four o'clock, while the tomtit, even; more of a stay abed, does not com-, pience his day till 4:30, while the rest less sparrow considers the air not suf ficiently warmed for his approval till 5:30 a. m. JOE F0GEL THE HARNESS MAN 4r'WWWWW,'WWW " .SWWW' I v 1 ewwwMM?mwmM tyY4f'W'"fKMltftttftYS,.M,fl 1 I White Swan Mattress gf Complete Com- i Ft fort fcF- 1 Guaranteed M , 30 Years "&.O. pi m. Sfi8 m Which Do You 1 u. . Choose "Cheap Cost" Jf Mattresis m Near Comfort m Soon Lost, Goncfl to Pieces InX I Few Years m jiy' i, nun., e .. .. J i nc YYnuc JWIMl IS )H ML ..aawsaoECSftay ' wjr r luiyalilc. No mattriss ai any fflr 'BoMroui:lv. You can't co wionc il iou buy a ''While Swan. zij ' - , .swu. i-WIii . .,o-.r IT'S GUARANTEED THIRTY YEARS OMliely tbejiiggrst iiialtirss irgairi ; price is better-, Ni other h guarantcr'd fr. ., :i .r, I....V, 'vvi,:.. c;nii' Wi TEED THIRTY YEARS fflk -t Comr in and jec the White Swan M&ttreu ami let us put opejmyaur m heme Ki au uayt." ED. A MACK THE FURNITURE MAN Undertaking a Specialty All the Phones W' Order ts Shew Cause. "K'lMU?: ''otyf.mrt. At a County Court hflil at tlio County Court room In ami (or Haiti county Thurs iluy, Auuiihl Hull A. ! 11)11. In thu uuitttTof tlio g:ile of lVntliuiml II. (iiTliirh, Peecasitl. Un rouillni! ami tlllnu thu petition ut llor iiiiiu I', llerlucli iniytn Unit tlio liiHtru- uu'iitlllt'iloutliolOtliiluy of AiiBiifl I'Hl.uml iui'iortlim to ho thu lust Will iiiitlTt",tiiiut'Ut of thu kiilil ilceu.iM'il may lm (iroveil, iiiprov ul, iroh:vlcil nllowi'il uiitl rtioidi'tl h tho hint JlliinilTestiiinenlof thasnlil IVrilliuiuil II, (li'rliivh, ilcrcnKCil, nil Unit tho (Mention of tho Insiruiiicnt iiiny hui'oiuniltti'il, niul tho tiilinlulstraUou of :ilil i-Htutu uuiy ho i-runtril to W'lllliuu Spllkur, Olto II. (lurhirh niul William derlui'li, im ICxci'iitorH. OuiiKitMii, that Wi'ilncKiliiy thu tilluliivof .Scptciiiliir A. II. 11)11, at ouo o'clock p. in., Ik iissIkuciI for licarliiii huht petition wlicir all liiTKoiiH Intcrihtcil In mlil nialtcr uuiy appear at a County Court to ! hold In niul (or Haul County anil hhow cause why this prayer ol petition hhoulil not ho uninUM; unit that notlcuottho pciuluncy of wilil petition ami tho licurliiK thereof bu itlvt-u to nil pcrxons liitcrtKtiil lu fcald matter, hy puhllhhliiK a oo'py of thin oritur In tlio lleil Cloud chlnf, a weekly newspaper prlntnl In wild county, for three miccehslvc weekK prior to snUl tluy of hearing. 1. M Kkmin, (Seal) County . I uctge. I,. II. llluckleiltfu attorney for petitioner. He Knew the Rate. John M. Love, secretary of the United Association of Gas Fitters' Helpers, said the other day in his Chi cago office: "A union, by keeping its finger on tho labor market's pulse, can tell that market's condition nnd act accord ingly. "In fact, a union has tlio expert knowledge of the old man who went to a dentist's to huvo n tooth drawn. "'It's a double tooth,' said Ihe dem tlst, 'and It will coat you 50 cents. Hut, with gas, it lll bo $1 extra.' " "A dollar oxtra?' sni! tho patient. 'My goodness! Will 1 havo to take 1,1 CO feet?'" Mr f MSr A THaTHiT? , sen. t - ,vwj- in v LINCOLN THE STATES BEST PRODUCTS M V TWO AEROPLANES IN DAILY FLIGHTS LIBERATI MILITARY BAND AND GRAND OPERA COMPANY OF 61 PEOPLE GREAT RACES PATT RSON SHOWS, FIREWORKS. NIGHT RACES VAUDEVILLE. A CATARRH rm Sv? SfM&lW mbBSR QSJBL ntlhi rwi IYFEVER Everything Electrical G. C Bailey Bell, phone, Black 20. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST Moon Block. Red Cloud In Riverton every Monday Lm tf f lae ens Lms tf Pay Kidney trouble and the ills it breeds meaus lust time and lost pay to many a working man. M. uaieut, r:n Little Penna St.. Strcator. Ill , was ho bad from kidney nnd bladder trouble that he could not work, but ho nays! "I took Foley Kidney Pills for only a short time and got ontlroly well nud was soon able to go back to work, and am feeling well and lioiiltliler thun before." Foley Klduoy I'llls are tonic in action, quick in results -n good friend to the working man or woman who millers, from kidney I, Is. For I hale ut Henry Cook'a drug store. W SIMPSON & RIH1K0ETBY Successor to A. C. Bradshaw Exclusive Dealers In Hay, firain, Flour, Oils, Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Meal. : : PHONE IIS YOUR ORDERS. BEll RED 57 Elvs Cream Balm This Remedy le Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. OIVKO RILIir AT ONOI It cleanses, sootbeu, IioiiIh, nud protects the dNoiwd ineuibrano. It curvs Uutnrrh and drives away a Cold in thu Head quickly. Ilostori'H the Sonnqs of Taste mid Smell. Eiwy to uso. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Lnrno Hizo, CO cents at Drnbts or by mail i Trial Blzo, 10 eenta by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 66 Wsrrtn St.. Ntw York. Hay Fever, Asthna ami 8uiier Voids Il Jlust be relieved ejuiekly nnd Foley's Honey atid Tar Compound will do it. B. ,M. Stewart, 10.11 Wolfram St., Chi cago, writes: "I have been greatly troubled during the hot summer months with Hay Fever and 11ml that bv usiiiL' Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound I get great relief." Manyotheis who sull'er similarly will bo glial to benotlt by Mr, Stewart's oNperience. For sale at Henry Cook'a drug store. DR.S. J. GUNNIN6HAM DENTIST Succcsscr to Dr. J. S. EMIQH At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone 131. f?"A ry... r.iV.'tfMUVif iMAtoixamiU!ixtin cct-i aa