The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 17, 1911, Image 1

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V ito HHtovlcM Bir-M -"
T'-fw.i-K. nJssr
Pm IMP ll'llitii iijijii mill i ' t4mLm
iIrT" . wUi jiim i 111 Jp l Jj. i Liliji l ''IM L 'JM j,.j j - -J-OwMPrMMan - fmMLWiMMm.
4 Newsftater That flhea The News Flfty-tv Weeks Each Year Fcr 11.50.
volume xxxvmi.
THE New Banking Law is now in force "and!
the payment of every dollar, of deposits in this'
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty
Fund of the State of Nebraska. !
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florence, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
The Cowlcs base bull club defeated
the Iuavalc club on tho Iteil Cloud
grounds Saturday by r score of i to fi.
Mrs. Thomas Paul was taken to tho
sanitarium at Hastings Tueday. Her
son E.irl accompanied her. she is some
lh-ucit Tel rill Is having a severe
time with blood potion tu hi lower
limbs. It stalled by coming lt i-'0"'
tact with poison ivy. .
Mrs. Charlie Fry and children are
spending a few days with her parents.
Orlio Cockrell and Miss Nell Cock
rell speut Sunday at Connie Rasser's-
Mr. and Mrs. John Holcomb called
on Mr. and Mrs .lake Pry Sunday aft
ernoon Joe Blair of Lincoln, who has been
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
(ieorge Blatr, returned homo Friday.
Mlis Lena ltasser returned home
Friday. She has been visiting her
sister, Mts. Charlie Fry, near Guide
Hock. v
Lue Itergfleld has rented the Charlie
Piatt farm for next year, formerly Ed.
Seatou's place. Mr. Scaton and wife
will spond the wluter in California
Quite a number attended the show
at Hastings Thursday. The day was
tine. Some of our boys didn't get
back, but they could not blame it on
the r&in this time. v
Eighty-one ballots were cast at the
primary election Tuesday.
Miss Htldreth of Trenton, Nebraska,
came in Tuesday for a visit with rela
tives. Prof. Gregory came in from Hast
lugs Tuesday to be with us and cast
hts ballot.
Dwight Johnson came home Tucs
day from Lincoln, where he had been
on business, .
W. W. Kitchey, who had been in Illi
nois attending the last Had rites of his
brother, catuo home Tuesday.
There will bo au auto meet in
Cowles, Thursday. Everybody inter
ested in good roads should bo here.
George Holt and R. 1). Thompson
went to Hastings Monday to see a
traction engine and plow in operation
This outfit plows fifteen acres per day
with a l.V horsepower engine, with two
men employed.
Seven Summer Specials
George Hat tin hauled four loads of
hogs to matket.
Archie Harris is woiking for Will
Fisher this week.
Ab Potter Is woiking for Gardner
Stanser this week.
Water, water nothing but water In
Uarfleld for a week.
George Smith spent Saturday night
aud Suuday In Red Cloud. .,
Guy Barnes and wife visited at the
home of Grant Shidler Sunday.
Al Smith and family visited at the
home of Harry Harris Sunday.
Ed Crary of Guide Hock was a
pleasant caller on Windmill Row Sun
day. Clitis Hanson aud sons hauled a car
load of fat hogs to Red Cloud Tues
Most of the Garileld boys aie going
to Hastings Thursday to see the Buf
falo Bill show.
The high water killed lots of corn
on the liver bottom, but some will
have a nice crop of corn anyway.
Tho bottom road is all light for
travel again, except that It is muddy
In some places and rough in others.
The roads are bad since the rains.
No good roads except going straight
up, and not many traveling lu that
E HAVE JUST SEVEN WATCHES, three Men's and four Ladies', on which we have
nana lha f nlliMirinnr Inut nvixar T linen r.wn nil lnnJi.J ....l!l.'.. f ..11.. ..-u-l-.J
...UUv. iiiv lUMunwig ivn pm.. i ucoc aiv an siauuaiu qualities, imiy guaranteed
and made by the best known makers. Every one is a bargain at from $2.00 to $6.00
more money, but we got them right and give you the benefit of the saving.
No. 1
Solid sterling Silver Cased Lailioi' Open Face
Chatelaine Watch, Gold Hands. One of the most
popular styles now selling in tho larger cities.
Price $5.0, worth $7.0q
No. 2
Tweuty year guaranteed Filled Gold Open Face
Ladies' Watch, Gold Dial, movement fully warrant
ed. A reliable timekeeper; first class in every way.
Price $9.00, worth $12.50
No. 3
Twenty year Guaranteed Filled Gold Hunting
Case, handsomely engraved, fitted with either Elgin
or Waltham movement. The entire watch a durable
timekeeper and fully wat ranted in every respect.
$10.00, worth $13.25
No. 4
Twenty-live year warranted Filled Gold Hunting
Case, beautifully engraved by hand lu Moral. design.
Fitted with either Elgin or Waltham movement, gold
hands, fancy decorated dial. A watch that with or
dinary usage will last a lifetime.
Special $12.75, worth $20.00
t In order to put up our new building, we must reduce our
stock. In addition to the following prices on Corsets, we will give
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33 -
American Beauty corsets
' Kalajiazoq Corset Co. Exclusive Makers
Former price.... $1.00 Sale price.... $ .84
Former price .... $1.50 Sale price .... $1.20
Former price.... $2.00 Sale price.... $1.60
Farmer price . . . .$2.75 Sale price ... .$2 20
Former price.... $3.25 Sale price. ...$2.50
All American Beauty Corsets are guaranteed in Style and Fit. Select your style and size and
wear it for 30 days, and if not satisfied will exchange it for another or give your money back
F. NEWH01SE. Dry Goods
No. 5
A twenty year Filled Mold Open
Face Case, screw btvel aud back
with patent dust proof stem, hand
somely engraved by hand, fitted
with an Elgin movement with dec
orated dial and gold hands
Price $8.7 5
Uuually old at 912.00
No. 6
Twenty year Filled Hold Case,
engraved by hand, patent dust proof
pendant, screw back aud be.el;
case ih practically waterproof. Fit
ted with seventeen ruby aud sap
phire jeweled movement, patent
regulator; one of the very latest
models of the watcKmaking art. A
watch for a lifetime of service.
No. 7
A tweuty year Filled (Sold Case,
hand tlnished aud engraved, patent
dust proof pendant, hcrevv back und
bezel, making a case capable of re
sisting tho hardest kind of wear.
Fitted with sevetoeu ruby and sap
phire jew'eled movement, double
sunk soft enamel dial, patcDJt regu
lator, breguet hairspring; A watch
to keep the very best time aud built
to give the utmost durability aud
service. The movement alone
should sell for 110. Special price
on the complete watch,
It will pay you well to get one of these watches if you expect to use one this fall,
as these are exceptional values and these prices cannot be duplicated even at wholesale
E. H. NEWHOUSE, Proprietor
C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector Jeweler and Optometrist
I3urrOak played Guide Hock hero
Hastings Miluer is icported better
this week.
Hugh, tho little son or Dr. 0. L.
Boies, has been very sick.
Mrs. Hannah Oarbor is much better
from her long, scvore Illness.
P. 1). Urawburg has linpioved his
house by putting on a now roof.
Homer l'arkcr spent Monday at the
home of the Delay boys, near the state
Miss Anna Miller is quite ill at the
borne of her cousin, Mrs. George Me
Call. W. S. Lambert and son put lu a ce
ment well curb for Harry Vaughan
Miss Cora E. Simpson spoke on
mission work at tho churches in Ina
vale Sunday.
Mrs. Delia Watt visited with her
brother, Lowls Smith, and family part
of last week.
C. S. Jones is home from Chadron,
where he was employed for the past
three months,
W. A. Seoloy hat been quite 111 aud
has gone to Wriconda Springs, Kan.,
for treatment.
Several auto loads of Odd Fellows
went to lied Cloud Monday night to
visit the lodgo llioie.
There were plays at the opera hotiso
tlueo nights the past week by the
Hiliman itoek company.
Mr. aud Mrs. McCuno of lied Cloud
spent Suuday with their daughter,
Mrs. .1. S. Jones, and family.
Mih O. M, Simpson is enjoying a
visit from her brother, James Simp
son of lllack Durth, near Madison,
Mrs. Tyler returned Saturday to her
home in Kansas, after a week's visit
with her parents, J. S. Gleuson and
Mrs . Howard returned to Ashland
Sunday. hc has been at the home
of J. S. uleason for two or three
Miss Gertrudo Lambert returned
Sunday evening from Oilier, where
she was tbe guest of her sister, Mrs.
D. D. Fanders.
Mrs. Peters and mother went to
Franklin Sunday evening. Tho elder
lady intends moving hero to make her
homo with her daughter.
Mrs. Lyons left for her homo in
Toulon, 111., Suuday. She was ac
companied as far as Lincoln by her
bon, Robt. Garrison,, and wife.
Mrs II. F. Wiit wont Saturday to
Wucouda Springs, Kan., to take treat
ment for neuralgia, with which sho
has been MilVerlng sevcial vN)ks.
It. W. McCallum and sister, Miss
Jessie McCallum, arrived homo Suu
day night from Weeping Water, where
the funotal of Mrs. K. W. McCallum
was held Friday afternoon.
Alva Miner und wife are at tho homo
of the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs.
Alexander Phillips. Tboy are prepar
ing to removo to Broken How, hoping
the change will bonellt the health of
their daughter Haol.
The Misses Hello and Vorna Helium,
after betug detained a week owing to
washouts ou the St. Francis branch,
left Sunday night for their home in
St. Francis, Kan. They are grand
daughters of Mrs, U. W. Hoover.
The now captain of the Degree of
Honor drill team is Mrs. Floyd Simp
sou. Mrs, B, Van Horn is organist,
both for lodge and team. There will
be initiation Tuesday evening, August
29. All members please be present,
Widow's PeisUn.
The recent act of April 10th. 100s
gives to all soldiers1 widows a pension
of 812 for month. Fred Maurer, the
attorney, lias all necessary blnuks.
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