The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 10, 1911, Image 6

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1 t
The Chief
C. D. HALE, Fubllsnor
Three Nebraska Republican Give Sup
port Underwood Springs
Coup on the Fret
List Bill.
Washington. Suprortcd by nil tho
democrats ami by thirty Insurgent ret
publicans tho democrntlc tariff bill,
the third of the big revision measures
brought forward by tho democratic
houso ot representatives, passed that
body by 202 to 91. The bill cuts tho
averngo tariff on cotton manufactured
Roods from 48 to 27 per cent ad valor
em, a 21 per cent reduction in duty
that tho democratic leaders estimate
to reduce revenue by about $3,000,000.
Not an amendment was offered to tho
bill, although the republicans attacked
It vigorously on account of alleged in
creases in certain items over tho
rates of tho Pay ne-AId rich tariff law.
Scarcely had tho cheers that greeted
the passage of the cotton revision bill
subsided when Democratic Lender Un
derwood, calling up tho frco list bill
ns it passed the Bcntito a few days
ago, accomplished a strategic move
which surprised tho republicans. He
asked for a conferenco on all tho
amendments to the free list bill, ex
cept that of Senator Oronna of North
Dakota, rutting cemcntT on tho freo
list. Mo urged that tho house accept
that amendment, adding to it lemons.
Threat of a New Uprising.
Mexico City. Enraged by tho dls-,
missal ot Emlllo Vasquez Gomez from
tho post of secretary of tho interior,
numerous former officers of tho revo
iutlon have openly declared that thoy
would recall their followers and lead
them in a second rebellion. President
do la Harm intimated that Pranclsco
!. Madero 1b the ono really rcsponslblq
for the elimination of Gomez. Ho stat
rd that he did not regard the sltua
tlon as critical.
Oldest Railway Mall Carrier Diet.
Lawrence, Kan. J. D. Herrlngton,
M years old, said to be the oldest man
In tho railway mail service, both from
point ot age and length of service,
died hero Monday. Mr. Herrlngton
entered tho government service as a
railway mall clerk in 1865, at tho
closo of tho civil war, and since that
time has worked on nearly ever road
west of tho Mississippi river.
Ho had served nearly forty-six
Jears continuously.
Start a La Follette Boom.
Madison, Wis. A vigorous campaign
In support ot the presidential candi
dacy of Senator Ln Follutto has been
determined upon at n meeting of tho
cxecntlvo committee of the Wisconsin
branch ot tho national republican pro
grcssivo league. A meeting of the pro
grcsBlvo clans will bo called to bo
held ln Milwaukee, September 12 to
10, when n declaration of principles
will bo rromulgatcd by the'leaguc.
Give a Welcome to Togo.
New York. Tho United States ot
midnight Thursday formally welcomed
to Its shores Admiral Count Ilclha-s-lilro
Togo of tho Japaneso empira
iud naval hero of tho nusso Japan
ese war. The welcome was given
aboard the steamer Lusltanln at Quar
antine by representatives of the state,
war and navy departments and n rep
resentative of Governor John A. Dix.
Peace Treaty Is Sinned,
rarls. American Initiative In unre
stricted arbitration hns been crowned
by tho signing of n treaty of perma
nent peace by the terms of which
Franco and tho United States agree to
6ubmlt to a neutral court all differ
ences that may nilso between them
even though tho dignity, honor anJ
vital Interests of either republic mnj
bo Involved.
Hindu In Chicago Threatens Harrison.
Chicago. Hnspar Shahlnan, a Hin
du, until recently employed ns a per
former by a traveling wild west show,
who declares that Mayor Harrison and
Chief of Police McWeeny had him
discharged from bis last position, was
examined by county Judgo Owens
and committed to the Dunning Insano
asylum. He was unrstcd ln the city
bnll last Saturday after he had made
repeated attempts to enter the ofnee
ot Mayor Harilson. Ho was unarmed
when arrested.
Reapportionment Bill Pastes House.
Washington. The amended house
congressional reapportionment bill
providing that after March 3, 1913, the
house ot representatives shall consist
of 433 members, exclusive of Arizona
nnd 'New Mexico, an Increase of forty
two oyer tho present membership, was
passed by theeenate Thursday without
roll call. The bill now goes to confer
ence between the two Iiouscb for
agreement ns to the senate, amend
ments before going to the president
for his approval.
weeks EVENTS
Review of Events of Greatest Interest
To Readers From all Parts
of the Globe.
Investigation of tho so-called "sugar
trust has been resumed by the houso
Representative Slooji of Nebraska
has made a speech In tho houso In
favor of Immediate pension legisla
tion for tho old soldiers.
A pension of $1 n week for every
man and woman tnoro than sixty years
of ngc Is provided -for ln n bill b
Representative Victor Berger.
Tho Nebraska delegation ln congress
will vote solidly for tho democratic re
vision of the cotton schedule. This
has been determined by a poll of tho
Ono hundred nnd twenty-ono years
ago Monday the United States grunted
its first patent, liy the end of the
week tho patent office expects to
Issue patent No. 1O0Q00O.
Democratic leader Underwood, in
n speech before the houso denounced
us false William J. Liryun's nttack on
Mr. Underwood, charging him with
blocking tariff schedules.
President Tnft expects to send in
the arbitration ticaty between the
United States nnd Great Britain nnd
piobably the treaty with Frnnco be
fore the special session adjourns.
Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Cleveland,
Minneapolis, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Lou
isville, Jersey City, Wilmington, Del.,
and Long Island City will hnvo postal
savings banks in operation on Sep
tember 1.
A threatening letter received sev
eral days ago by Speaker Champ Clark
declared that If congress did not start
a navy yard Investigation at once
twelve pounds of dynamite would be
exploded and that congress would feel
tho shock.
Leaders In both houses of con'
gress believe an agreement will be
quickly reached on both tho wool and
farmers' free list bills, both of which
the president 1s said to be as-determined
as ever to veto.
Representative Sloan of Nebraska
delivered a speech In the house Mon
day severely criticising tho democratic
leaders for their failure to bring u
pension bill into the house for enact
ment into law at this session.
Tho democratic tariff program was
moved up closer to President Tuft
Tuesday when tho senate, by another
remarkable coalition ot democrats and
republican Insurgents, passed n farm
ers' free list bill, after voting down
tho oilqlnal Iioubo measure.
Tho next big investigation to be un
dertaken by tho houso of representa
tives will bo to determine whether
there Is n great banking combination
with power to control credits, ex
changes and deposits, nnd cause busi
ness depreciation and panics.
General Nawa
Fire ut Faucctt, Mo., caused n loss
of $30,000.
Tho Texas legislature met ln special
session Monday.
Flro wiped out the llttlo town of
Pollock, S. D.
Iown Is making efforts to secure tho
next nntlonnl convention qf advertis
ing clubs.
Tho recent prohibition eloctlon In
Texas, In which the "wets" won, may
be investigated.
Attorney General Wiokersham will
bo in Omaha Tuesday, Ortouer 17, to
attend tho National Prison congress.
A 110,000,000 fund for the relief of
Its aged ministers is being contemplat
ed by the general committee of the
Presbyterian church.
Ono of the biggest and most spec
tacular delegations? nt tho Ad Mon's
convention nt Boston nrrlvcd Tuesday
morning from Nebraska.
Polio A. Mansfield, sixty-five years
old, the first woman ever admitted to
the practice of law lu tho United
States, died suddenly nt the home of
her brother In Aurora, ill. .
Four miners were killed nnd nlno
Injured by nn explosion In the mino of
Standard Pocahontas Coal company
at Shannon, W. Va.
From Coney Island to the Pacific
coast on horseback 1b the trip which
Is being undertaken by tho Aber
nathy boys, the two little voternns of
tho saddle, who Inst year rodo Into
New York from Oklahoma.
It Is believed there Is no hope of
saving the Canadian Pacific Railway
company's steamer Empress of China,
which struck on a submerged rock off
Awn peninsula while trying to make
tho port ot Yokohama.
nuwuiiB minion ana n unit 4 per
sent bonds were oversubscribed more
than six times at the Bale made by
Treasurer David L. Conkllng of Ha
waii In New York.
Tho Portuguese consul at Dadajose,
Spain, while entering the consulate
discovered a bomb that had been
placed In the doorway of the building.
Two persons nre known to have
been kllltd, a score are Injured and
practically every business houso In
Abilene, Kan., Is more or less dam
aged as the result of a storm ot wind
and hall which swept orer that vlcln-
1 ity Friday night.
Tho American training squadron
has arrived at Gibraltar.
After being entombed in a mine
cave-In at Joptln, Mo., for seventy-two
hours, Joseph Clary was released lit
tie the worse for his experience. '
The coal famlno continues all ovet
Saskatchewan and Alberta. Even
were the mines opened tomorrow the
famlno would not be dispelled by win
ter. Ninety per cent of the crop In one
of the richest sections of the Niagara
peninsula fruit belt In Canada was de
stroyed by a terrific hall storm Sun
Fifty nations, Including the United
Stutes, are represented at the first
universal raco congress, which was
opened Thursday nt tho University of
At lenst eight nnd perhaps ten lives
aro tost In u flro which partly de
stroyed ono of the main buildings of
the insano asylum nt Hamilton, O.
Colorado day, the thirty-fifth anni
versary of the admission ot tho state
of Colorado to the union, was ob
served Tuesday as n holiday through
out the state.
, The flro which hns been raging for
a week on tho San Bernardino moun
tains in California has assumed a size
far greater than any other In the bis
tory of the range.
A cablegram from Shanghai, China,
indicates that tho relief expected lu
the famine stricken districts of China
from the sprlng'crops huvo been mini
mized by another flood.
The present drouth In Kentucky Is
the worst in years, according to ic
ports from ull over tho state. In many
counties, streams and cisterns are dry
and drinking water Is scarce.
Tho government has taken the duty
off coal Imported Into Canada at nil
ports between Soo, Ontario, and the
Pacific coast to relieve the coal fain
ino in tho western provinces.
A light run on its savings account
department was experienced Monday
by the Continental .National bank of
Salt I.ako City. The regular deposits,
it was stated, were not affected.
Several hundred descendants of
John Alden nnd Priscilla Mulllns, of
Pilgrim fame, aro gathered at 'Dux
bury, Mass., for the eleventh annual
reunion of the Alden Kindred ot Amer
ica. Two women were killed nnd a mnn
probably fatally Injured when an Erie
pasEcnger.trnln running sixty miles nn
hour struck an automobile on a cross
ing at North Randall, near Cleveland,
Murdered, apparently by burglars,
William Henry Jackson, a well known
Wall street broker, seventy years old,
was found dead on the floor of bis
bedroom at the Hotel Iroquois ln New
York city.
Angry because the Chllllcothe, Ohio,
jail authorities had compelled him to
take a bath, John Tarsons, a negro,
attempted to commit suicide by cut
ting his throat with tho handle of a
rusty tin cup. ,
The .voters of Missouri Tucsdny
authorized a bond issue of $3,500,000
for tho lebulldlng of the state" captlol
nt Jcfferton City. Tho building was
destroyed by lire a little more than
six months ago.
Owing to tho continued pressure
brought to benr upon them by candi
dates for re-election of the, Ontario
parliament the leaders of both parties
decided to begin active campaigning
early next week.
Samuel Rompers, Frank Morrison
nnd John Mitchell, the labor leaders,
have been allowed twenty dnyaliy Jus
tice Wright ot tho supreme court In
which to answer tho charges of con
tempt against them.
The first step of the special session
of the legislature towards stringent
saloon regulation ln Texas was taken
when a senate committee reported fa
vorably a resolution for the closing of
the saloons from seven o'clock at
night until six ln the morning, a ten
mile law and a quart law.
As a result of the charges and
counter charges between Democratic
leader Underwood and William J.
Bryan, over Underwood's position on
the Iron nnd steel schedule, it is said
to be possible that a revision of
those schedules will bo added to the
democratic platform for this session.
A daughter was born at the general
ho3pltnl In Sault Ste. Mario to Mrs.
Angelln Napolltlna, tho convicted
slayer of her husband, who wns sen
tenced to bo hanged Wednesday next,
but whoso sentence wns commuted to
llfo imprisonment. Tho Infant Is said
to be robust.
But three cases ot cholera remain at
tho Swlnburno Island hospital at
quarnutlne whero two weeks ago thero
were eighteen.
Three mnsked men robbed the First
National bank of Harlem, Mont.. Mon
day forenoon, but the man who had
the booty in his possession was
killed nnd the money recovered.
Tho arrival of Quceu Wllhelrr.inn
of tho Netherlands, accompanied by
Prince Henry and the infant Princess
Juliana, at Brussels was made the oc
casion for an Immense and cordial
demonstration of good will towanUtke
neighboring atate.
A long report branding as, false in
every particular the chargeB that B0,
000 disabled volunteers, soldiers of
tho civil and Spanish wars, in the na
tional soldiers' homes In various parts
of tho country receive neglectful and
Inhuman treatment has been made
public by President Taft.
Mayor Harrison of Chicago has, at
the request of women's clubs und the
60dal settlement workers, ordered
traffic stepped on Oault Place between
Chicago avemie and Oak street dur
ing the summer months to make the
street available as a playground foi
poor children.
What Is Going on Her and Thar
That la of Interast to the Read
era Throughout Nebraska
anal Vicinity.
Beaver .City. With their combined
ages totaling G.706 years, and an aver
age of 70, the guests of the Priscillas,
who met on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Gaddis ot this placo, have covered
more years together than have elapsed
since tho beginning of historic time.
The oldest man present wns 00; the
youngest, 70. The oldest womnn was
89; the youngest, 70, and one, true to
her sex, refused to give her exact
uge. Tho Invited guests numbered
seventy-five, which Included every per
son 70 years old or above In a town of
Attempt to Burn County Records.
Imperial. 'An .unsuccessful attempt
to destroy the Chase county records by
flro was made by botlng a hole
through the wall of tho stone vault
and paper or some combustible mate
rial Inserted and set on fire. Appear
ances indicate that the fire was start
ed some time Saturday night nnd
smouldered until C o'clock Sunday
morning, when discovered by passers
by, who gnve'the alarm.
Will Lay Cornerstone.
Dunbar. The cornerstone of the
new modern PreBbyterlan church nt
this place, which Is now under process
of construction, will bo laid in a few
days. This Is a magnificent church
edifice for a town tho slzo of Dunbar,
and will cost between SJ12.000 aud $15,
000 when completed.
Coming Gcosv'enor's Way.
Aurora. When J. 11. Grosvenor re
turned home from the populist con
vention at Lincoln he was welcomed
by a. baby boy, which had arrived dur
ing his absence. At Lincoln he waa
elected chairman ot the populist state
central committee ""
Hoxey Making- a Flight
Aviators at the State Fair.
Secretary' Mellor bf the State Fair
Board has closed contracts with the
Wright company for two aviators and
two aeroplanes for the coming state
fair, September 4 to. 8. The contract
calls for four flights each day, each
-flight to consist of raising 200 feet ln
the nlr and remaining up for a period
F. W. Taylor of Denver, who once
occupied the chair ot horticulture in
tho state university, has been called
to take the place of director of agri
culture in tho Philippines, and has
given his acceptance.
State Land Commissioner Cowles
has received word that Dr. Thomas,
superintendent of tho state Institute
for feeble minded nt Beatrice, is very
low with typhoid fever. His condi
tion Is considered serious, but ho him
self contends that he will recover and
that tho disease has about run its
course. One new cuseof fever and
ono death Is reported from tho Institu
tion. Joel Piper, secretary of the state
board ot charities and corrections, has
been nppolnted a member of tho na
tional commltteo on the supervision
ot administration of public penal in
stitutions. The thlrteen-lnch bored well which
the stn-.e ordered dug when twenty
four cases ot fever were discovered
at the Instltuto for feeblo minded at
Beatrice is about completed. It will
furnish enough water for the entire
institution and th9 old well which was
used until recently and water frqm
the creek for domestic purposes will
be abandoned.
C. C. Husted, formerly editor ot the
Dally Pioneer of Omaha, a Danish
paper, and recording clerk In the ex
ecutive office during the administra
tions of Sheldon, Shallenberger and
a part of that of Governor Aldrlch,
died at bis home in Lincoln Sunday.
The board of public lands and build
ngs has let a contract of 1800 for a
burglar alarm for the vault In tho
auditor's office and referred tho bids
for furniture In the auditor's office to
the department heads. A contract for
the erection ot a laundry at the
Hastings asylum was also let for
Exeter will have nn M. W. A. picnic
August 24.
Tho Rock Island depot nt Falrbury
burned Monday night.
Mrs. George Cooper wns seriously
Injured in a runaway at Wymore.
The elevator of the Schaaf Grain
company nt Ord was destroyed by
The Fidelity Trust company, cap
italized at $100,000. has been organized
at Fremont.
Johnson county's loss In bridges
nnd culverts from the recent rains Is
about $10,000.
Masked burglars chloroformed nnd
robbed Mrs. Mary Powell at Kearney
of money and valuables.
Lester Howell, a 9-year-old Howe
boy lost several fingers by getting
them caught In a gasoline engine.
Robort G. Lynch has been appoint
ed postmaster at Roseland, Adnms
county, vice C. M. Caton, resigned.
A case of Infantile paralysis Is re
ported in Nemaha county, the sufferer
belnff Lovcn- Jones, a H-yoar-old boy.
Charles Sullivan fell from tho brake
rods of n train on which he was riding
neat Benklcman nnd sustained serious
but not fatal injuries.
Edward ThomaB, who lives nine
miles west of Broken Bow, was
kicked by a horse while plowing corn
and tho accident may result fatally.
Leo Morris of Preston 'was struck
by a Northern Pacific passenger train
at Huntley, Mont., Tuesday night, sus
taining injuries which proved fatal.
While wading In the still water of
tho Nemaha near Glen Rock, August
Bourlicr of Auburn was drowned. He
was with three companions nnd -they
did not know of his misfortune until
they noticed that he had disappeared.
The race meet follows the Chautau
qua at Nebraska City and will be a
three days' meet from August 22 to
i'4. Already over 100 fnst horses havo
been entered nnd Secretary L. F. Jack
son anys ho expects not less than 1F0
entries of the best horses in this part
of the country.
The federal net prohibiting the use
of the red cross except as permitted
by the American National Red Cross
society has been brought to the atten
tion of Adjutant General Phelps, and
he expects to take measures to ceo
that the act Is enforced.
The banking board will soon insti
tute suit against n dozen or more
state banks that nationalized before
June 1. Banks that did this must pay
at the 1910 State Fair
of ten, mlnuteB. Tho accident which
befell Hoxey on Tuesday morning of
ihc last fair determined tho board to
secure two complete outfits so that
patrons who qprne from a distance will
have reasonable assurance that they
will not again be deprived of the op
portunity to witness modern "bird
men" In action.
four semi-annual, assessments, or one
per cent, of their average dally de
posits, whereas banks that did not na
tionalize are required to pay one as
sessment of one-fourth of one per
cent for the benefit of the guarantee
Two dlscolorod papers, ftnnl proofs
on homestead entries of Orclla Blako
and Samuel L. Yunt, have been re
ceived nt the United Stntes lnnd
office. Tho papers had been water
soaked and were blackened by emoko
from tho -incendiary flro In the Chase
county court houee nt Imperial. Tho
ink on the papers is blurred, but tho
records will be accepted.
Water and sower bonds carried at
a special 'election nt Tccumseh.
Cedar Bluffs Wednesday celebrated
Its twenty-fifth anniversary. Twenty
flvo years ago the town lot salo was
held nnd scores of enthusiastic pio
neers commenced the erection ot
buildings In the cornfields, which at
that time furnished tho slto for the
village. Cedar Bluffs has slnco then''
grown to a population ot 400.
A fire which started In the ware
house ot tho Omaha Implement and
Transfer company caused a Iosb to
Implement and accessory dealers esti
mated at $200,000. The building was
tenanted by sixteen Arms and the Indi
vidual losses run as high as $50,000.
- Aboard two special cars, the Lin
coln Ad club delegates to the national
convention of the associated adver
tising clubs of America left Thursday
for Boston.
A coroner's jury In the Inquest into
the death ot David McFry, who died
at Lincoln Wednesday, brought in the,
following verdict: "Said David JIcFry
came to his death Wednesday, July
26, caused by a fall at 1:30 p. m. Mon
day near Eighth and M streets. The
fall was caused by a blow struck by
John F. Harris." A complaint charg
ing first degree murder was filed in
Judge Stevens' court against Harris.
aaJ atasf flb eta to aa taactrre
Horn el Ik Liver, StosMta sad Bowels,
asty fc isuin.i. saset aWaMatrr sal
awst roBsp h wiaf Straw el Rfs
assl Ossr f Setae, It b aot a atw
asal eafeiaJ neaesy, to is Mel ty
eat tke wV to
aatl streagtkea at
lamllw tenuity is
Waea fayfef
of Ik
Cekriatol ea every
saclraf el tat
Far sale by el
Mrs. Justwed There's nothing la
the house fit to eat. I'm going home,
to my mother.
Mr. Justwed (broke) Walt till I get
my bat, and I'll go with you.
Nothing Doing but Talk.
Tho following Is told ot a federal
official, formerly a senator of the
United States from Kentucky.
In the days of his youth the Ken
tucklan was asked by a friend to sec
ond him In a duel. He consented, and
at sunrise the parties met at the ap
pointed place.
Now It was this Kentucklan's duty
to say the last words touching the
terms of the duel. But, although ha
faithfully performed tbis duty, tha
duel never took place.
A murmur of "Why not?" Invariably
goes round whenever this story laj
told, whereupon the answer is as fol
lows: "For a very simple reason. When
Joe finished speaking it was too dark
for a duel." Chicago JournaL
A Bitter Critic.
Ex-Governor Penny packer, at a din
ner in Philadelphia, said of the di
vorce evil:
"There would not be so many di
vorces if there were not so many,
families of the Dash type.
"Mr. Dash said sternly one day to
his little son.: "
" 'Your mother and I agree that you
require a sound whipping.'
"The little boy's Up curled, and ha
retorted bitterly:
"'Oh, yes; that's the only thing
that you and mother ever do agree
about' "
"Was he generous when a boy at
"Yes; he always let his t school
mates take bis share of tha punish
ment." Judge.
Grocer Sent Pkg. of Postum ana)
Opened the Eyes of tha Family.
A lady writes from Brookllne, Mass.:,
"A package of Postum was sent ma
one day by mistake. ,
"I notified the grocer, but finding
that there was no coffee for breakfast
next morning I propared some of tha
Postum, following tho directions vcrjr,
"It was an Immediate success in my
family, and from that day we have'
used it constantly, parents and chil
dren, tbo for my throe rosy young
sters are allowed to drink It freely at
breakfest and luncheon. They think it
Delicious, and I would bavo a mutiny
on my hands should I omit the be
loved beverage. -
"My husband used to have a very
delicate stomach while we were using
coffee, but to our surprise his Btom
ach bas grown strong and entirely well
since we quit coffee and have been on
"Noting the good effects In my fam
ily I wrote to my sister, who was a
coffee toper, and after much persua
alon got her to try Postum.
"She was prejudiced against It at
first, but when she presently found
that all the ailments that coffee cava
her left and. she got well quickly she
became and remains a thorough and
enthusiastic, Postum convert.
"Her nerves, which had oecoma
shattered by the use of coffee have
grown healthy again, and today she la
a new woman, thanks to Postum."
Nam given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich., and the "cause why" will
be found In the great little book, "Tha
Road to Wellvllle," which comes la
Ever reatl the afcrre letter? A aew
appear, from time tine, Tfcey
are kcbU, true, aa fall f feaaMua
v it t' ' .- k f o "V
iaBduaia vjferlS
mrm ,.
f ,"5
i- -4
,iiVA. -.V i'V)4 JSU? i