iz&Bafflffi r?VMhxl,Zrr,?,xmWr-rr"",'r'v--L .--?fi . uv! syiVTft' Wt"'""Si rwjp r K."Tj s 3fl8-K;.i,, 'J2 , Kia 'tulfrm i-r mmj'jBencsrwHw rawtefetfeww, mvb. kw,,,, ;ar2fiStorL. ft.fTl I Wv V7V-' f ',-''. ' $& k 8 : 9 4 d--.; ft LOGALETTES Ittftuarh MeNeiiy was In Omaha thl week. . . . Dr. Ciitinlnghntii, Dentfct over Slate Bank. Has anybody .seen the water wagon lutelyV Lee JCeltb rcttiriicil fiom Doweoso Saturday. A. C. Statcup of Hastings was hi town Filtlny. All kinds of tilcctrlcitl woik done by Morhatt Bros L M. Cmblll was 11 passenger to Denver Thursday. Frank Hughes of Hastings was in Rod Cloud Saturday. . Warren Longtin N lionio from Hast ings for n hhort visit. Vaughn Hall and WW Cox wero down from llladun Tuesday. Have your picture flamed at Sloss' Best selection in town. . V. A. llnrt of Omaha transacted business in town Friday. Coil (Juinn and Harold Peek of Lin coln were in town Friday. 11. E. McFariund and Clair Wolfe ro turned from Hastings Flday. Miss Alfa Longtin returned Monday from a weik's visit at Campbell. Dr. Crelghton arrived homo Friday from a business trip to Chicago. Robt McBrlde and family left last Friday for an ousting In Colorado. Grant Bnlley came down front Omaha Sunday for n visit with homo folks. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fogel loft Friday for a two weeks' outing la Colorado. , Mrs. J. F. Grimes of Blue Hill is In the city visitlug her son, Ned Grime?. The V. C. T. I!., will meet with Mrs. J. W. Warren next Wednesday aftor noon. Joe Blair came down from Lincoln Tuesday for a visit with relatives anil friends. Harry .Sowter of Boulder, Col., is visiting his mother-in-law, Mrs S. R, Mcllrlde. Donald Warreuof Osawutomie, Kan., is in the city visiting his son, George J. Warreu. Mrs. Ira Smelscr left Saturday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Bert Carr, of Mlndcn. Ray Hale arrived Sunday evening from Missouri, where he has beeu for several weeks. For sale at a bargain a good Kings-btiry-Chlckerlng grand piano. Mns. Elms Gui.lifouii. The Diamond Electric Vucuui cleau or demonstrated iu your home free. Call Phone Red 07. Julia, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warren, is icpoited ill with typhoid fovor. The Degree of Honor meets next Tuesday evening. Uvory member is urged to be present., Oscar Teel left Friday to join hU wife and daughter, who are enjoying an outing in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Overman and daughter left this morning for an ex tended visit in Illinois. Sheriff Hedge returned from' the na tional and state conventlonsof sheriffs at Omaha this morning. Max Moede, who has been .ill with typhoid fever for the past three weeks, is still in a critical condition. I( you expect to need a watch this fall read Newhouse's advertisement, then come and see the goods. Any party wanting dirt to fill in ou lawns, enquire of Ellis Gulliford. He has about 40 loads to dispose of. Charles Schwann left Tuesday morn ing for lis home iu Pittsburg, l'a., after a visit with his son Harry. Uniik Maurer has tho court house poik looking fine. Now. if wo only hai a couit house to lit tho park! Earn $ir0 to $200 per month by looming a trade at home Stait now. Particulars free Box li!5, Hooper, Nob. R. M. Reatty and son for Genera lllacksmithing, Wagon Work, Horso " shoeing a epeoialty, At Day's old shop. Mrs. Whtaie Fisher of Saoratnento, Cal., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Sherman, and other rela tives. The Bed Cloud bs;c ball team played the Inglesido team at Hastings three games last week, losing two and win ning one. Mr. and Mrs John Barkley, who are very ill at their home on South Web ster street, are reported to be improv ing slowly. Well, it is nearly time to tulk fall festival. Nearly all surrounding towns Intend to celebrate. .Surely Red Cloud should, too. Mr. Jarboo will fill Mr. Crcssmau'a appointment next Sunday, AugustlStb, at the Indian Creek school house at ft p. m. All are Invited. Don't forget that Alan Morltz sells the Saturday Evening Post and will deliver a copy to yon at your home or offloe. Phone Red 800. Wanted Man with family wants position on farm, either by month or t Shu ,fir this fi 'or .11 the spring. Editor Hale made Hastings todnv. busiiuss ttip ti The showing of new silverware at Newhouse's is an object lesson in the deslgningof beautiful patterns and a tcvolotlon in low price". Two large furnished rooms for relit, close to town, opposite High School. Inquire of Chat. A, Scholluk, 7th avenue and Webster street. Wanteil-l'iano pupils. University School of MuMrgi initiate. Three years pupil of Heniy P Unmos.-MAim: Smiiii Bi.i-r. Phone Bell HI. Mr. and Mrs 1). W. Turiiure left Wednesday for Chicago, where Mr. Turnuie will purchase a stock of fall goods for Turnuie Itios '.store. Dr. D. 1). Santloison hits rented oilice rooms in the Ditmeroll block, over Wullbiaiidt'.s grocoiy, and expects to occupy them by the end of this week. A i-et of holders for green corn costs but little money and add wonderfully to the ploasuie of roasting cap. Get the holders of New house, the jeweler. IC. H. Nowhouso is just getting in his fall lino of silver tableware. The prettiest line of new goods and pat terns that has ever been brought to tho town. Bladen sent four auto loads of her citizens to Red Cloud Tuesday to In terview tho county commissioners in regard to an appropriation for the Bladen fair. Will Sherwood, a nephew, aud George Harvey a friend, arrived from Houesdale, Pa., Sunday morning, for an extended visit 'with Frank Camp bell and family, who live north of this city. Mr. aud Mrs. Oscar Hughes, Mrs. Bernard McNeny, Miss Bessie Sutton, Pat Carpenter, Frank Peterson, Lloyd Hincs, Silver Longtin, Vincent John ston and Russell Amuck returned from Hastings Saturday. Rev. Chas. A. Rice of Bushuell, Illi nois, will preach at the Baptist church next-Sunday, both morning and even ing; he will also supply the pulpit on the 20th. The pulpit committee gives cordial invitation to all to attend. Do not allow your kidney and blad der trouble to develop beyond the roach of medicine. Take Foley Kidney Pills. They give quick results and stop irregularities with surprising promptness For sale at Henry Cook's drugstore. Wolfe &. Whituker, general black smiths, now carry a full line of farm Implements, ourreys, buggies, wagons, gang plows, gas engines, stacker ropes, all kinds of machinery and heavy hard waic, and all supplies for same. Also all kinds of oil. F. W. Cowdcn, II. A. Letson, nolton Letson, Staeey Morhart, J. II. Ellingcr and Flnvo Grlce departed Tuesday morning for Chicago. Messrs. Cow den, Lotson and Oricc go to ptirchuse goods for their stores. They will take iu the international aviation meet and the major league base ball games. We wish to announce to the public generally, that we have the well known Taylor Ranch for sale. This consists of 540 acres, 6 miles south east of Red Cloud. This place needs no commeda tlon as it is known far and near as the very best bottomfarra in Webster County. Wai.kf.ii & Kkmt. "Put" Carpenter, 'the genial head waiter at the Puritan restauraut, and Miss Bessie Sutton, who occupies a similar position at the Bon Ton, were married Saturday evening. Judge I. W. Edson performed the ceremony. The event was a complete surprise to their many friends, who, with the Chief, extend congratulations. More peope, men ami women, are suffering from kidney and bladder trouble than ever before, and each year more of them turn for quick re lief and permanent benefit to Foley's Kidney Remedy, whleh has proven it solfto be one of tho most effective remedies for kidney and bladder ail ments that medical science lias de vised. Sold at Henry Cook's drug stote, One of the most embarrassing things a country editor has to contend with is the disposition of people to watt un til the last moncut of going to press and then rush in with their items which they want in this week sure." This is particularly the case with those who wish to make announce ments which they expect to have in serted gratis. People do not reflect upon the fact that the paper is made up during the whole week and that its capaolty is limited to just so much and the matter gauged accordingly. If the editor should await tho conven ience of those who have something they want published he would not get his paper out until the next week and then he would have to delay two or throe days until some kind friend had made up his mind about a notice he wauts in but which be hasn't been able to prepare just to suit him. A great many people don't get their notices published in consequence of this disposition to put off to the last minute, but those not interested never notice the omission; the paper appears on time and the world moves 'on just the (same. Old papers for sale ai tliis ofttce- w m i m (0 m n (?) to ( to to to to to 5. we ings, all our high grade Schaffner & Marx. " 1 l 1 1 ouu lines, Charlcs Zlrm verman. Born September 25th, 1003; entered the "upper fold" July 80th, lOllf seven years, ten months, llvo days; brief re cord of a rare ami beautiful life. Yot brief as it was, it revealed the forces that make successful the long est life; born apparently sound and healthy, there wus early developed the fact of disease, which, although its character was tlnally determined and understood, yot battled medical skill, and the body became emaciated and for many months his life was very un certain, but finally ho rallied slowly, and with a masterful spirit ho overcame measurably the -obstacle of ill health and became physically quite strong. At live years of age he entered the public school and for three annual periods did excellent work, maintaining very high grades; promoted regularly to the third grade, he was not permitted to take up its work, but received higher promotion instead, and is already in that school where "they do always see the face" of the Divine Teacher, nnd are "as the angels of God." Although n child, he was eager to as sume the obligations of inaturo life. Almost anything in the way of def inite accomplishment pleased him, aud ho worked unremittingly. Yearning lor the Inrgo txrltrnuiil that the comliiK ytnrs would yield, Kngr-heurtcd ana boy when ilrxthe leans hU (athcr'H Ik-Id. Ills singular spirit of manliness is attested by the fact that lie was known among his classmates aud com rades as "Charles," very seldom- in deed as "Charley." He was tho ac knowledged leader of bis class because of the genius of accomplishment which he possessed. His mental grasp of fact and event was very noticeable. A sermon or a lecture, especially if de void of needless repetitions and plati tudes, secured bis attention unwearied lv to the end, and tils lustrous eyes confirmed to others the vision of truth which he bad gained. With others of his class in school he was a great lover of flowers, and the humblest blossom by the roadway bad its refining lesson to his heart and led him to "Look through nature up to nature's God." His last'llluess was brief, and thete was In its anxious hours a recurrence of those weary days when love fanned the spatk of life into the flame which lasted for seven procious years, but waned and flickered feebly, and went out. "God's finger touched him and he slept." Then (ell upon tho house a sudden gloom; A shadow on those (t-nturcti fair and thin; And softly I10111 tlmt luudied and darkemd room, '1'woaiigi'ln iMtied, where but one went Iu. "Safe in the arms of Jesus, ' "Until the day break, and the shadows flee away," he sweetly rests. In the glory of the eternal morning those who loved and ministered to bim here shall meet bim, and know him, and abide with him through the changeless years of God. a TeOr FllM. We hereby most sincerely thank you for the great kindness shown us in our sad bereavement. You ha've taught us the blessed fact that there are so' many loving, sympathetic hearts among the people of Red Cloud. We are thankful to have raised our family and lived among you Our prayer is that we may ever merit your friendship and in some way, in a measure, repay your kindness. ' Mb, and Mns. B. U. Of khnan. FaraUtM I 'anr again ready to make farm loans at the lowest rate and best terms. I am sole agent 'or Trevett, Mattls A. Baker. Some pri vate money J. H. Ba! a'ley, Rd "OloWf NebVl To reduce our stock of Clothing and Gents' are offering for sale at 20 Per Cent Discount win oe so This store is the home of Hart rlSSSS.I Judges and Clerks For Primary Election Guide Hock -Judges, I. B. Colvin, Win. Miner, Prank Perry, clerks, J. II. Crory, G. Keed. Heaver Creek Judges, K. M. Mount villo, Lewis Heiselt, J. 11. Hamilton; clerks, W. L. Denny, Bee Chrlsmau. Stillwater Judges, J. It. Croicr, O.i Meeuts, B. P. Hudson; clerks, Louis Baugert, John Kulgge. Oak Creek -Judges, W. K. Baker, P. U. Laird, Kd Lcetsch; clerks, J A. James, F. Sehultz. Garfield -Judges, C. G. Barne, K K. Ship-man, Al Smith; clerks, B. V. Watt, Prank Ailes. Pleasant II 111-Judges, B. K Har rington, John Holcomb, James Doyle; eleiks, C. J, Cox, John Saladen. Kim Creek -Judges, C. W. Putnam, Oney Abbey, Fred Huppert; clerks, Jesse France, J. Mintic. Potsdam Judges, Herman Schmidt, Geo. ICoohlor," J. K Martin; clerks, Fred Wohues, F. C. Bttshow. Line Judges, Wm.McCallum,Hr I. T. Amack, John Wilson; clerk", J W .Melntyre, Chits. Autittshoii. U-d l loud Judges, J F. Uiuin, A B. Pierce, M. S. Martin; clerks, tlalllc Thomas, Audi Crablll. Batin Judges, II. Hose, Veuclo Ziijlc, Louis Ktiilrna; cletkn, Fred Mandevllle, Frank Strobl. Gleuwood Judires, Fred Wernor, Sum Hogute, O A. Whelan; dorks, Thos. Duffy, Qc,o. Solomon. Walnut Creek Judges, J. M.Clark, Thos. Hcaton, Oliver Sutton; clerks, H. . Fearu, A. L. Stoner. Inavale Judges, Walt Garner, It. E. Hunter, Clyde Pitney, clerks, C. H. Burgess, Bert Grossmau. Catberton Judges, Otto Skjelvcr, Jr. S. H. Johnson, L. G. Uencrcux, clerks, Kyd Klutter, O C. Olson. Harmony Judges, II. Q. Feis, J. S. Banks, C. C. Stout; clerks, John May, John Hall. Cowles Judges, G. A. Wells, Chas. Bennett, Jim Saunders; clerks, G. G. Holt, M. H. Davis. IIkd Cloud City First Ward Judges, Henry Wolfe, Henry Nowhouse, 15. Weiscli; clerks, L. II. Fort, John Yost. Second Ward Judges, John Bur gess, Win. Crablll, J. N. Pope; clerks, J.J. Garber, Kd MoAllstcr. Real Estate Transfers Real Estate Transfers as furnished by the L. II. Fort Abstruct Co., for the week ending Aug. 11, 1911. John V Emmcrson to Spenco & Bennett wd pt lots 13 and 20 all lots 14 to 19 blk 1 Spences 2d add to Bladen $ 220 S W Foe to B P Mizer wd lot 2 Patmores add to Red Cloud .... 100 I H Holmes to B F Mizer wd sw w 2-1-11 and lots 1, 38, 39, 40 and 22 Patmores add to R C. . 12000 George L Phelps to Murrll Hen- demon wd lota 8 to 13 block 2 Yaiaera add to Red Cloud SCO Murril Henderson to Earl R. Slawson wd lots 8 to 13 blk 3 Yetsers add to Red Cloud 150 Mary C Kennedy to Earl R Slaw son wd nt se nw 35-2-11 1600 Ella M Burt to William E Burt wd aw sw 18-4-12 3000 James II Cleveland to Dennis Lindsay wd lots 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 21 and 22 blk 12 rail road add to RedCloud., 300 Agnes F Geerto Marre Lairango wd lota 11 and 12 blk 22 Red Cloud 1000 Philip M Wolf to Bennett ft Spence wd pt ne ae 7-4-llv .... 0000 " Total 122600 Mortgage, filed $4100 lfortf agearckaaed 440 MuIAmf Suits, including the famous Hart A few Suits, odds and ends of Id at a sacrifice. Red Cloud Nebraska Schaffner 6c Marx clothes IP Jjy Hr W 5 Jg 1 ' .-$-. ftjift'C DIFFERENT BTYLKB is as applicable to tho ornamentation of u grave, on the erection of a stone, as it is to architecture. Your Idea About a Monument will tic carefully carried out on an or der given us. We study to please each individual pat.iou. , Different Monument for Diff erent Grave: ED. McALISTER RKD CLOl'D, - NEBRASKA DR.S. JS. CUNNINGHAM DLNKST Succcsscr to l)r, J. S. EMIQtl At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone 131. CHICHESTER S PIUS DIAMOND LADIES I BRAND Aik;i" UninM for Cm-CltRS-TItR'S A DIAMOND IIUANU 1'JLl.B in Kito aad4 Gold metallic boxen, vct.tcd vrilh BluKC Mbbpn. TAKB no OTUCr,. lnrmlyar Nwrtet atk for CIII.CIII.S.TEK. V IAM0ND BBANB P.U.I.S, fpr twentv-flfO jrcara regarded at Betttiafcit, Atwaya Rellabta. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS S EVERYWHERE SSffi' fgf Mltcktlt-ChafflR '1 (liclnycd) At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell Sunday ufteruoon, July 30, at five o'clock, occurred the marriage of tholr daughter, Mlsn Florence Pearl, to Mr. Lcroy L.Challlu, Perry E. Henry olllciallng. Tho wedding was a very quiet one, besides the members o the family only, two Miss Mailer and Mrs. Henry, were present. After tho ceio mony the bridal party repaired to the dining room, whero all enjoyed tho bountiful tepast prepareiLor tho oo casston. Mr. aud Mrs. Chatlln took the early Mouday morning train for points In the western part of the state, whore they will spend a couple of weeks visiting before settling down in their new borne. Both are well knpwn in this vicinity, having been born and raised in Webster county. The groom is one of Webster county's industrious young farmers, while the bride will well know how to, take ber place in the kitchen as a farmer's wife. Surely all who know Hoy and Florence will join us in wishing them a pleasant and prosperous joumoy through life Ta Auttntblle wiiers, 'l he next meeting of tho Webster County Automobile association is to be held in Cowles, Thursday, August I7th, and you are urgently invited to attend and add your name to the roll if you are not already a member. There, is work for us to do, L, E, Tait, ' Secretary. Wall paper, paint, varnish, mould ing, painting and papering contract ed. Sloss, the Wall Paper Man. ly ' Furnish ft viv ft 0 i iXt 0 0 Hi ft ft viz What Is tho difference between, tho President's traveling expenses and a tnoiiu card? One is tho fare of Bill, the other a bill of fttrol COMB and look ovor our Bill of Fare before arranging yours! You'll Like Our Meats Most tender our chops, our stcuks arc rare. Excellent our 11111110, salt meats tho Bume. All cuts prepared with greatest caro To serve, ami to please you our aim! WM. KOON. BISC u There will be no ques tion about your biscuits when you use our well known Imperial brand of Flour. Be sure of your biscuits. Let your first thought in flour be "IMPERIAL." RED CLOUD MILLING CO. NEW BAKERY I have opened a balery in Red Cloud and solicit a share of your patronage. Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes always iu stock. Phono me your wants (tnd. phone 188.) Deliver to any part of the city Rctull store opposite Postof flee, in DUderlch building, CURTHATFIELD.Prop. Foley Kidney Pills will check tha progress of your kidney and bladder trouble and heal by reaaoviac the apjapaiHBsVHMHBKHHBB Brfllll Wmwmmwm TTHPuLK'P h xWKHLmlmWmi n Cook the Druggist. - asi-JBSajHrtB 1 r I J 1 'f i Ai 1 i 1,1 1 41 1 :"jS ' 3 'ft YT v -v - i ..AITiit. ' " AW.tfitf, &. .i.&!L$ik Ji'l&Ls . u-vrwttxvasaokaa.fi!o'ai;, mtmmmmmmm MBiglafaMaWaWMa '"WMau'd lun UBmm