The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 10, 1911, Image 4

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(Urf Cloud - - Nebraska
i i
altred In the I'oitonicc tillel Cloudlet.,
m Second CUm Mftltcr.
.0 n. HALE
1 nm ft rnmlMfitc for IH-trlcl .twine, ns n
IlcpuMlcnn, nt iiomliintlnn prluinry AukiiM
15,1011. W. I. Mlt'HKWlV.
Next Tuesday In primary tiny You
may not altogether like tit Is piimury
law n lid you may. greatly prefer the
old comcullon system, but lifter nil Wo
iiAX the sj'stcm and must make tliu
best of It. Tlio piimiuy Is tho one
place where tlio Individual voter lias
tlio opportunity of registering Ills
judgment and ho should got out nud
vote. Wo used to hear u good deal
about the i lug uile and the tlu ups
nud the lllco and now nobody seems to
core; thoro Is no rottoneas to cry about
and tlio averago votor lsnppaiontly in
different as to tlio result. However,
as clti.ens we should do our part lllco
men nud go to tho polls next Tuesday
and Hclect our candidates. Every vote
The year nineteen elovon will go
down into history as furnishing the
most extreme changes in weather con
ditions since the advent of the white
mat). No sooner did we make up our
minds along in Juno that tho Rev.
Hicks was correct, and had settled
down comfortably to a real burn out,
temperature tho highest ever known,
sun. the hottest, work the least, when
along comes the weather man, aireet
lonally culled Jupiter Plnvlus by our
many exchanges, nnd trios his hand.
The rains came and tho floods descend
ed and great was the fall thereof. In
July a shower fell about every day
and duilug tho month. ii totnl of U:I3
Inches fell, changing the tears into
smiles, tho failures into successes and
every one congratulating himself that
after all there would be n bumper
crop. But last week Pluvius outdid
bimself. Already this month we have
had 5:57 inchos of rain. The river is
out of its banks nnd is n mile wide.
Railroad tracks havo been washed
away, fences broken down, cuttle nud
hogs drowned nnd still the river Is on
tho rampage. Six years ago the river
was out of its bunks for a day or so,
but from nil indications this is to last
Indefinitely. Fortunately no lives
have boon lost, nltho there wine some
narrow escapes. While the damage to
the bottom lands Is veiy great, the up
land is being greatly benefited and
corn will be the best ever. Alfalfa U
iu prime condition, pustuics and all
growing crops give promise of an ex
traordinary yield.
One. of the best stories of the Hood
which we have heaid is that about Mr.
F. L. Smith aud family on their return
from the show at Hastings. It seems
that they were coming home in their
automobile just this side f Cowles
when it began to rain, hnd, lo and bo
hold, the mud chains hnd been forgot
ten." Down in the bottom of a little
ravine the machine stuck and refused
to go farther. The occupants waited
for the shower to pass, but before long
the water was up to the fenders and
tben they decided to move. They
apent the night in a nearby school
house and in the morning the top of
the auto was barely visible and a rag
ing river had sprung up like a mush
room in tho night. Tho junction of
,WlUw creek pd the Republican is a
Wilderness of water. Tho Builiugloii
railroad imported two hundred men,
steam shovels, a hundred cui loads of
tics nud ato attempting to keep their
track opon along the main line. The
old track for miles Is unshed away.
Ab it is It takes two liouis to mako
tho rui. of twelve miles. The county
couunissloncts estimate the damngo to
bridges iu this county to be between
eighteen nnd twenty thousand dollars
and the roads hnvo buttered a liWe
Here's Yr Chiice.
You can get the Daily State Journal
11 the rest of this year, without Sun
day, for only one dollar, or Including
the big Sunday paper, ouly 11.25.
This is a cut price made just to get
you started rending this splendid pousr,
and at the end 'of the time the pupcr
will be stopped without auy effort on
your part. The State Journal, innddi
tlon to Its wonderful nssociuted press
and special telegraph services, is tho
leader In reporting affairs fiom all
over the state of Nebraska. It is clean,
independent, aud thoioughly reliable.
The publishers think it's tho one No
hraska paper above all others that you
should read, no matter what your
politics. This Lincoln paper will
please your whole family, Thesoouer
you send in the more papers you will
get for your money.
The ilne&t line and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
nd look-it over. Moiuuht Bros.
iPOMTKAIi ADVl'Ili'lSMl'S'li
To the Democratic and Peoples Independent Parties of
Webster County, Nebraska:
Wc the unrieis'gneri, residents of the north pin t of Webster Count', 'e
braska, and afllltntlng with the above pintles, believing that if wo ore to be
successful In the coming election, that It Is necessary that our ticket be dis
tributed over tho county, nud that we will nicot defeat at the polls if our en
tire ticket is selected from nny one locality mid believing that two terms of
ofllee nrc enough fornny ono to ask, ntirt believing that two terms of olllee
are enough for any ono to ask, nnd believing that this section of the county
Is entitled to n candidate, on our ticket, we earnestly request all members of
tho Democratic nhd Peoples Independent parties to vote for A. D. Il.VN.vr.v of
Ultie Hilt far our nominee ns County Judge. We have known A I). Uanney
for n number of years, nnd know thut ho Is qualified in every way to fill the
oltlqo of county judge, and believe that If nominated ho will not only be
olected butwill carry great strength for the balance of our tickoi
We know that thero Is n groat dual of sentiment in this county nt this
time against "three Termers' nnd against nominating all candidates from one
locality, and for theso icasoiis we a?k your suppoi t for A D. Hannky.
Jacob (loll
Herbert llnwlev
L'liich Coos
li. l'ggleston
Wm. Knrr
Aug. Hrosch
I'cler Luhn
A. L. Souckek
0. E Stolfiegon
T. D. Tell
!'. O. Unwhow
August Mat tin
J. Hanson
Geo. J, Kouhler
II. Dlum
l. J. Morten, Jr.
0. Fussier
A I). 0 rube n
John Stabeuow
Con. Wlddeislielm
A li.GMie
K. J. Mnishall
C r. Ound
IVrdlnand Wednian
A. Koplsch
('una. Redden
Tred Waterman ,
It. L. Pol.
T W. McCluio
A. W. Coliituk
H. C. Wright of Rosemont,
Candidate for Treasurer
Henry C. Wright of Rosemont is
just in tho prime of life, 17 years of
age. He came to Webster county In
1877 and settled with his people in
Oak Creek township. He has passed
through all tho hardships of the enrly
settler nnd continuously for thlity
four years ho has resided nud tolled
in tho same township in which he first
lauded He passed through many years
of hot winds nud hmd times ouHho
farm, but has been n merchant iu
Rosemont handling a stock of genoral
merchandise for u number of years,
and is one of the prosperous business
men of tho county, fie has hauled
provisions aud building material
across from Hustings, nnd has lived
to sco all that vast territory sur
rounding his father's farm transformed
into modern homes surrounded by fer
tile nud productive fields. He has
seen the railroad extend its lines and
prosperous towns spring up along its
course Mr. Wright is a real pioneer.
Since 18()0 Mr. Wright has militated
with the People's Independent and
Democratic parties. Ho has, during
this tlm, been an actlvo leader and
woiker lu politics, having attended
nlmost oveiy county convention as
delegate fium Oak Ciock and spent
much time in boosting the ticket. lie
has never bcfoie been a candldato for
oulco. In his present campaign for
county tieiiMiier ho is being encour
aged and backed by hlb homo people
lu llatteriug style. Ills business ex
perience as a merchant qualifies him
for the duties of county treasurer,
and if elected he will personally man
age the affairs of the oOlce. 11. C.
Wright solicits the support of the
fusion voters at tho primary.
1 am aciuulUltUu tur Comity tIihIru at tho
coining primary on Ihultcjiulillcnn ticket.
The miiKirl ot nil In rexpeettuly solicited.
George W. llndsey, Candi
date for County Treasurer
George W. Llndsey, candidate for
the nomination of county treasurer on
the Democratic and People's Independ
ent tickets; comes before tbe voters
with a clean record. Mr. Liudsey has
been actively identified with the Inter
ests ot Webster county for the past
thirty years. He Is a careful, prudent
man, yet vigorous in action and per
forms evciy duty with promptness and
despatch, His lecoid iu the lastlcgis
hit ure Is exceptionally good. He car
ried out every pie-elcctlon piomlseuud
bowed to the line in every bill that
came up for eonsidointlon As an
ofllcer of the people he was fearless
aud courageous aud he voted just as
he said he would on every ingestion.
With such a record made, such a repu
tation established, Mr, Llndsey la en
titled to general support. Extremely
courteous nnd ntfable.he possesses the
necessary qualifications of a success-
PnBfii jHp M
Louis Kruger
J. P. Htnier
Oeoigo Greig
J. K. Martin
Chas. Ooll
C. Kottwlt.
F. T. llopka
Eitno Goos
Jus. Hubatkn
C. Hiillcr
J. I!. Lane
Albeit Kort
G. Hull
M. Dunlin
W. II, Passler
lj. C. Pelslger
lletmau Schmidt
Clyde Smith
It. Johnson
Jacob (oil, Jr.
1M II. Funlio
V. 0. Delahovdo
W. A. McMahan
Chailes Dinger
Oeo. Huppeit
Russell Pel.
J. P. SUbrass
Aug. Heinrlch.
fill public servant. Dveiy penny will
be just as safe iu his hands as Is the
money lu the government vaults in
Washington. Remember Goorgo W
Liudsey, the man who has made good,
and vote for him as the party nominee
for county treasurer.
To the Voters of Webster
I urn a candidate for re-election to
the oflluo of county judge.
I havo not indulged iu "bpecial edi
tions" or done any "political advertis
ing" for tho reason that I am well
known and the character of my work
lu this olllco is knowu to all who have
had business with me, and to many
other observant citizens '
I ura willing to stand on tho recoid
I have made.
It is urged against me that I live iu
Red Cloud, yet It is well known' that 1
have a residenco In Ouk Creek pre
cinct, to which I havo twice removed
wheu out of olllco and this fact should
settlo tho question of location.
It Is further urged that I have held
this office for some time nnd tho best
answer to that Is that tho majority of
the people nro pleased to havo it so, It
being the fact that county judges
hnvo held olllco in Eastern Nebraska
for long periods aud that further oast
there is little disposition shown to
change piobuto ofllceis, long service
being consideied ns tho best guaranty
of correct title to property through
descent and disli ibutlon.
I urn very grateful for the continued
confidence and help I have received
and respectfully solicit your vote on
tho Democratic-Peoples Independent
ticket at the primary. Cordially,
I. W. Edso.v.
E. W. Copleri Makes
A Statement
To the Democratic and Populist
Voters of Webster County: Twoycars
ago for tbe first time in the history of
my life I was a candidate for a county
office. I tecclved tbe nomination on
the People's Independent ticket for
tbe office of Sheriff and Wm. Kirk-
Patrick was nominated on the Demo
cratic ticket, but tbe combined vote of
the two tickets gave Mr. Klrkpatrlck a
small majority. In the interest of the
ticket and party I withdrew from tbe
Populist ticket and did what I could
to elect Mr. Klrkpatrlck and the whole
ticket. I am nguln nsklng you for the
same position tills year. Tf yon sco fit
to nominate some othor man I urn
with you nfter tho ljtli duv of August
for tho success of the entiro ticket,
but if I should bo honoied with the
nomination and election I shall en
deavor to bo honest nnd faithful iutho
discharge of my duties to the best of
my ability. Thanking you for past
favors I am most
Sincerely yours,
"the Vetera ef the De-Mcratlc Mi
Netle's lRJetKiit Party t
Gknilemkn: r
I respectfully solicit your
support at the coming primaries for
election as your candidate for county
olerk. Two years ago when there was
no prospect of defeating Mr. Ross for
his second term, at tbe request of
leading antl-republlcaus, I consented
to the use of my name as a candidate,
solely to assist in putting a complete
ticket lu tho Hold, aud thus making
possible tho election of one or more of
your othor candldntcs. I believe that
my aotiou then was helpful iu preserv
ing our parties in a vigorous and
efficient condition during tbe cam
paign, aud in keeping thorn strong
and courageous to contend with some
show of succcssin the coming election.
Whlle'I do not clm that the party'
is under any .obligation to me,ri yet
feel that Iiu)ouI4J)ei(a, (he Cjltajyeft
to engage in a successful contest.
Peter Merton
Stop in and try our New Fall Styles of
- "d
f THEY have just arrived and are each and every
JJ one an example of Master Workmanship. All
are made with the Wonder Worker Soles and solid
leather heels, which give a new shoe all the comfort
of an old one. We wish to demonstrate this feature
to you and would be pleased to have you inspect
them at your convenience, fj New, snappy lasts from
the greatest shoe markets : : : : :
New Wunderhose for Fall
The Mi
Gasoline and Oil Stoves and Ranges
De Laval Cream Separators
White Lily Electric Washers
Hardware and Implements
All kinds of Plumbing Goods. Work promptly attended to
Windmills, Wagons and Buggies
When I ran against Mr. Ross two
years ago he was asking for a second
term. -I realized it was a hopeless race
but consented to run for the good of
our parties and in'order to fill out our
ticket. Ross defeated me by a small
margin. Having made the race against
Ross when he was asking for a second
term I think I am entitled to make
the race against him when he is now
asking for a third term in tho faco of
strong public sentiment jigainst "third
termers." GEonaEllADKM,.
Annie I. Richards
Miss Annie L. Richards, who has
announced herself as a candidate
tendont.ou tbe Kcpub-
llcan t
deserving your support
for that
e. She is exceptionally
well e
having bad experience
f school work rural,
'nlghacbools. She is a
graduate of our state university, and
iner Droi
H. A. LETSON, -Managed
holds a life professional certificate and
has established for herself a record of
successful teaching during her nine
years of experience. She respectfully
solicits your support at the primary
next luesday.-
Te the Vetera ef Webeter Cwity.
1. I am a candidate for county
3. I am 3o years old, and was born
at Guide Rock, iu this county.
3. I have never before been a can-"
dldate for office.
4, Having served as deputy county
clerk, I thiuk 1 am equipped for tbe
ofllee, both by experience and inclina
tion. ,
5, . I am respectfully asking you for
a first term, not a second or third.
6. It nominated and elected, I shall
consider It an honor to serve the peo-
pie of this county, and will always
do so faithfully and to the best of my
7. I therefore respectfully and ear
nestly ask your support at the pri
mary, and at tbe polls if nominated,
Yours truly, m R, Bajlev.
McCreiry Endorsed
The AdHins county republican con
vention to select thltteen delegates to
the stato convention to be held at Lin
coin, July 25, was held at the court;
house this afternoon. Mayor Miles
was elected chairman and James
(Jrowlcy secretary,
A resolution was adopted favoring
the candidacy of W. P. MoC'reary for
the republican candidate for judge of
tbe Tenth judicial dlstrlot. Hastings
Tribune, July l5tb.
Remember the Band Concert every
'Thursday evening.
I '
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