mf . .. J...... ..;,,,..., n!,,,,.,:!. , .....,. ,. w.t.-;.,n,i .'),.,.. ,.. .. i.MH'- I W.Wfcfcim..... I' ft' ws r& & m ,?t r; ; l It-l. 5? ' ;tV i &. fw ! I'- - I m L'i u If V h E Rift. I!.?.S fee m it L1K tk i -j That Distinguished Appearance of Monuments is caused by the use of Pneumatic Tools, We use them, hence bur letters arc clean and well cut. Come and see. fUvermS oros (Si Company kVVAAi Z"vTVvsAv' vN'VSAVX- The Home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. A Complete Lino of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Pattern In Queensware We are also making a 9poclalty of tho Celebrated s Aim Bm CANNED C." GOODS Commissioner Furse WUUuin J. Furols lit tho ptcsunt time tho only duniooiallc ollli-iul nt the state house. He was u piwl n Itil to the inilvMiy oomiul'slou by Governor Shalleiiberger n year"itK to II II the vacancy caused by the death of Wi II Cowglll. M.. Ynrsu is, u young man possessing the energy mttl habits of mlml wlilcli are t iinti eel or I Ik- post Hon Iw Is llllltig tit tlit; present time He hits npplk'il himself to tho prob lems of rati making, physical valine mom nail general iriiini! mullets in way which lias ulrcii'ly proven thu value of Jils biw vices to thu pooptu of NebnisUii and pi ouilses still iiioio for tin- fill in e If hi? Is lutulued on ihtMuil Wit J commission, ll all ordinary t tiles of politics,! Commissioner Futsp, having mado a good record during his (list tenure, h ulilllkd to reiioinlnulloii. Thin rule, it would .seem, should hold good all thu more In bin case because ho bus not even hud one full term as yet. Tills is not to say that others who aspire to the place have no right to able for it, but from tho public stand point It v uld be exceedingly unwise to turn out a good servant just as he is becoming familiar with the matters in his charge, and put some untried person in bin place. Not one single charge has been mado against tho integrity of Mr. Furse, nor bus hi capacity for the work of the railway commission been questioned. The only chance of defeating him for the democratic nomination appears to be in some EjOit of a gumshoe campaign which may be mado in the interest of someone else. It has been rumored that the railroads have men in view whom they would like to seo nomluat ed on both the democialiu and re publican tickets. The democrats of Nebraska cannot alfoid to lot Mr. Fiuse be defeated" in who would not gludly,lf he fipilld.bttv the old home-tend to prevent Us de struction by nn owner to whom It I tintliiiif lull, mi n2 I limno In tin riniriv r ed to ghe place to a nioilunistiiicttire? The habit of moving truth place to plneo and it l largely a habit Is peculiarly Atiioi lean, ami it isacrIous fault. Fpr by that habit American deprive 'liomelves of all hdmc 'sentl uioiit. a i cully important element in the makeup of the well loutkled out ebnvacter. . Political Announcements. Tho columns of tho Chief are open for legitimate tidvpitleinenl of all kind". Candidate, regardless of party HtHliatlon, are welcome to tin these columns I'rli'e of announcement, 83. IMi'piratlriiis me nuv well under way to Imve Nebialm haiidsoimlj and t'tVecllvoly rupt'osenfod at the Omalia liiitid Show fiOin f ctobor 10 to 'J-S til. Coinmeiciul and development as-oi'huioiiH hi vat iotis paits of the tat' have gone earnestly to work gathering and ariniiglng for agvleul- I in nl and other specimens that will JUDlil! Dl&TRICT COURT. I boreb.v announce tluil I am a candidate for.noinlhatloii lo the olllco of .ludgo ol the District Court ot tho Tenth DNtrlet, mlijii't to the decMoii of tlie tJeiiuieritle mill I'coato'H liiitciiC'iuU'iit oIith nt the prl 'nuiry elictlon on Auuinl IMIi, 11)11. It IMtS S. DINUAN. . FOlt SHBItlFP. I licrutiv atinuiico mrsell a ennilliliUu for thotiomlnalfoii ot Hlierltrof Wtflrttnr county Ritlijcct to tlin will of tlio Itciuilillttltt vo t err, to lioo.xprcsP'l at tl primary election Aug ust 16th. lull. m. Woi.rf. " FOR SHIJItlFF, I lirrcliy Announee myself n cnnilMnto for tho iiojiilnalloii of sherlt) uf velntiir oiinty siihjicl to I lit Mill of the Domoiirattc ntul Piopli'H Imtt pumk'iit pnrtliwat the ifrlmnry etictton A muit tr.tli. ion. K. v. C'opi.rm. make the tlnest display to be seen 'at 'appreciate your voir .lUDOft UlSTIUCT COURT I herein aniiouticolliiit I am n cmutlilate ontliercpulillrnii tlekrt nt the Primary to lie helil Aiisutt l'.lli. Hilt, fol- the nomination for.Itiilisi.of thu tuili .liuliilal bUtrlet, eom: prlMm the coimttis of Uilntir, l-'rauklln, llarlnu, il.iuis, Kearney ami rntus. isiiau N. N. tell Phone 102. Independent Phone 44 vanvAvn'an'anaax'nax'x' vaAn'nA" any suoh way as this. Why should Commissioner Furse not bo renominated iu the primaries? And why should lie not be re-elected iu November'.' -The Lincoln Dnlly Star. Don't Throw Away Money By paying more APA for 600 pounds than $DU capacity for this is the price of a BEATRI C E CREAM SEPARATOR Other Sixes at Other Price The most sanitary separator built. The only separator supplied with a centrifugal washintr device that overcomes all the drudgery of washing up the eparator. Abtilnlety Guaranteed Thraaf haul ay Beatrice Creamery Co. Lincoln, Nebr. We are the local agents for this Separator. Call and examine it. Highest Cash Price paid for Poultry We have excellent facilities for handling Poultry and Eggs. Your patronage solicited Ol EftV Fll limi J JTU HI f I I Hay Fever. Aslhma and Summer Celds Must be relieved quickly mid Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will do it. K. 51. dtewurt, lO.'lt Wolfram St., Chi caKo, writes: "I have been greatly troubled during tho hot summer months with Hay Fever and Hud that by using Foley's Honey and Tnr Com pound Igotgreatrclier." Many others who suffer similarly will be glad to benefit by Mr. Stewart's experience. For sale at Henry Cook's drug store. George W. Opposite Postoflie. Phones: Bell, black 225; Independent, 145 White Swan i! 'M ma.. ''A tviatrrpftft '.'i m p Complete Com I TVfort gjfef uuaranteed m 130 Year .ftS.Vn!;.S,i & Which' DoYou Choose '.'Cheap Cost". m Mattress' m Near Comfort w m Soon Lost, Gone ffl to Pieces in V ffl A Few Year Mto&mmiF&0: 'XfA' &. m A'r,",..,t7.? ".: -.. -r. .-. -... ...r ..-?.,..r".Ti.".,:n'a t"7jr Vt I lie rvmio jwnn i liuilinciy lyv uiKKrai iimiiivki i.j.ji.i. y,. ? Inivalt r. No malms.-, at atiy prico is ntttcr. A "" otucr i guaranicro tl!r. i.. " v.... . i. . ti ... 1....." wi.:,. c.T,., i yy l MIIMIj;!) t 1 v lail Ju ln ll Jim mijr .? nn u.4.i IT'S GUARANTEED THIRTY YEARS W Ofcnlnft a Heme. Xotlting Is a greater bar to progress and prosperity than uncertainty. When a radical congress Is in session business waits; when crops are uncer tain farmers keep their cash; when an election Is pending llnaneiers with hold loaus. Everywhere uncertainty causes a suspension of activity, lie lieetbo uncertainty and activity is resumed and business goes abend. Merely to live has Its businesses peets; to hedge oneself about with uncertainties as to futuro plans Is to shut off many opportunities for finan cial advancement and general improve ment. In no phase of oxistenee is this uncertainty more powerful iu its eitect-J than with respect to residence. The mau who does not know where he is to live from year to year is like the tree that is constantly replanted he does not take root ami grow anywhere. This is so true that ownership of real estate presumes prosperity and inter est iu Ideal affairs and lack of one pre sumes lack of the other. Hesides his own feeling of uncertainty to deter him from making permanent advance ment the renter has to combat, the public's presumption of his lack of in terest. The renter not ouly loses tho advan tages already muutioned, but he con tributes his labor and money to the Improvement, upkeep and beautifying of another's properly and Is deprived in this way of investments that would bo for his own benefit If he owned tho property. Most persons latior to glvo a good appearance to the hou't- and grounds of their residence whether they ovn it or not, A largo part of this labor Is of permanent value to tho owner and is iu elYect a gift made by the renter. Knowledge of this fact alone often prevents the renter from making improvements that ho other wiho would make. l'ho homo of a family largely the Land Show. Ileali.iug that much is due to the State of Nebraska, since It is the home state of the LhikI Show, the management has selected the most deslinble section of the Immense Co liseum for the exhibits. The Nebras ka section is in the most prominent part, of the building on tho stage. The exhibits that will be placed there will be soeu from anv point in the huge structure. Whether a visitor to the t.atid Show be in tho midst of n throng on the main tloor or arena, or wheth er he be iu the opposite end of the building on the balcony he will ob serve tho Nebraska display standing out prominently. The University of Nebraska will be. leprosented by an educational exhibit collected by the university at Lincoln, and professois of that Institution will be here to hold what will practically be a, farmers institute on a big scale. Uesides this exhibit, there will be many individual displays The Chad ton Commercial Club has already planned to give a big Dawes County Exhibit. This wus the only county to make an exhibit at the show in Janu ary, and so profitable was this exploit that the olub will come in October to eclipse all other efforts in the line of boosting Arrangements ate also be ing made for u Sheridan county ex hibit under the auspices of the Sheri dan County Uoosters Association. lit own and Cherry counties will also be represeuttd. A feature of the forthcoming show that will be of especial Interest to the farmers of Nebraska is the farm ma chinery department. At the National Corn Exposition the Implement depart ment drew the attention of the very best farmers. This feature was miss ed by them at tho Land Show in January, and to meet this interest an implement department has been ar ranged. All classes of farm machinery used iu the west will be shown. Ma chinery Hall will be located just south of the main exposition building and the entrances to the two sections will bo directly opposite eacli other, each being equally accesslblo from the main entrance. Cl.MKIt l'. ovi-.hmas. Heil Clutul, Nclir. FOlt COUNTY SUPKKINTKNDENT. I hereby a iiinitlilnte tor the nomination ol county Superintendent ot Wctntcr county, subject to thu will ot the DeiuocMtlc and People's Independent par tlcnat thoprlmnry election to be held Au gust ID, 11U1. Ukktiiudk i Coon. FOR Slll-'.IMFF I hereby announce iiiysolt a enintMute' lor the nomination olsliirlll ot Wulmter county inbjert to the Mill or thu liemorrntlo anil People's Independent pnrtlesat the primary oltcllon Annum to, tun.- I'ii.imc UUPi-r.ii. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT I.horcby announce myself a candidate for tho nomination ol county superintendent of Welwter county, subject to the will of the Democratic and People's Independent par (lei at the primary election to ho held Aw lOist V. I'.UI. Itt'TII V.. JOHNSTON. FOR COUNTY CLEIMC I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election as County t'lerU of Weluter County, Nobr., on the Itoptihlleau ticket, subject to the derision of the olcrs nt the Primary Klictlon to he helil August 10, Hill. n. Hois. FOR COI'NTY JUDO E lln.r lln.i.. M:hii., Luueiith. 11)11. I hereby announce myself as n eniulldato or county .imbic of Wehsitr county, Ne braska, subject to the Mill of the electors of tho Democratic and People's Independent Parties at the rrlmary nlcetlon to bo held AiiKiist 10th. mil. A. 1. Hannkv. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of county comuilosloner of commissioner District no. 4, nuhjcct to the will of the People's Independent and Demo cratic parties at the primary election to ho held August 15, 1011. -G m. V.. Coon. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 'l hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of county commissioner of cnmmlsHloncr nUtrlct No. 1, subject to tho will of the People's Independent and Demo cratic parties at thciprlumry fhctlon to bo hi Id August I."., loll. A. II. llnioiiT. , FOR ROAD OVERSEER I hereby announce myself a candidate for Itoad Overseer of Itoad District No. 0, Web ster county, subject to the w 111 of tho voters of tho Republican party. Wit i, t'rsitKit. FOR COUNTY CLERIC I hereby anrotiuco myself as a candidate for the olllco of County Clerk of Webstir County, Nebr., subject to the will of the vot ers of tho Democratic and People's Independ ent Party at the Primary r.lectloii to be hold,. lilll. V. It. IIAII.KV. FOR COUNTY CLERK We hovo been authorized to announce the name of Okoum: It.vniti.r,, of Ited Cloud, for nomination of County Clerk, subject to tho will of tho Democrat and People's Independ ent voters at tho Primary election August llth, 1911. FOR COUNTY CLi-JRK We are authorized to announce W. (). Shannon as a candidate lor nomination as eounty.clerk subject to the will ot the re publican voters at tho primary election. August loth FOR COUNTY CLERIC. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for tho olllco ot county clerk of Webster county. Nebraska, subject to the will of the voters of tho Democratic and People's Inde pendent parties at tho primary election to he held August V, I9H. w- Oavix. !,, Come in Hud tie the White Swan Mattreia and let us"jiut Wriytiht,j$ mV '" x li.tne ku" 30 STT " 0 ED. A MACK THE FURNITURE MAN Undertaking a Specialty AH the Phones Everything Electrical 0. C Bailey Bell phone, Black 20; DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNnmr Moon Block, Red Cloud In Riverton every Monday a lumiiy largely re llects its character and the house that is plunued by the family and built to order can be mado more nearly to meet that family's ueods than any house it may casually rent. The rout er moving from house to hoaso always labors under diflleultles in ndcomtno- dating,uls household furniture to the arrangement of the rooms, and the .careful woman of the house Is constant ly Irritated by the inevitable misfits, which if not endured are only cured at tho expense of frequenfcapurchases. "But the owning of a home carries with it Intanglblo benefits not tucas urcd In any medium of excjiango. To tho family reared in the old home stead every room has a history and about tho whole house cluster memor ies too tender and too snored to bo ox picssed iu words, for after nil tho world is largely governed by matters of sentiment. Where Is the porson Notice of Proposal for Bids. Se.itnl bids will bo received by tho Incor porated city of Kill Cloud, Nebraska, until 8 p. in., Tuesday, September 0, 11)11, at tho olllco of tho light and water eomtulsiloucr. for tiirnlshluij and Installing tho follow In i; apparatus: Ono li II-P hlsh speed automatic coin puuudouglut with extension led plate and outlforud bcarlUK for direct connection to a 75 kilowatt electric generator. One 73 kilowatt threo phaso 00 eyelo SAW volt engine ty;e resolving Hold generator. Onettl-'J kilowatt 123 volt compound wound direct current belted exciter. Ono standard generator switchboard panel of 1 1-2 In. by U In. by 48 In. blue Vermont marble with sulllcient Iron supports, upon which Is mounted tho following: One three polo 2200 volt oil switch. Three round pattern ammeters 0-W amp. Ono'D.P. S.T. exciter switch with dis charge clips. One ground detector. One pilot lamp. OuoH point V. M. plug switch and re. ceptacle. One rheostat and hand wheel. OnoHyncroscope. One ) amp. 3 phase no cycle 2200 volt sta lion watt meter. AT.TKKN'ATIVi: N'O. 1. One 120 ll-P simple high speed automatic engine with extension baso and outboard bearing for reception of 7.1 kilowatt electric gtiierator. Ono 7u kilowatt generator, saute as original proposal. Onell 1-2 kilowatt oxnltcr, same as original pioposal. One swlli bboard, same as oilglnal pro posal. OnoHyucro-cope. One station wall meter, same as original propositi. Al.TKKNATIVi: NO. 2. Ono 120 ll-P simple belted corllss engine. Ii feet 12 Inch two pW leather bolting. Ono"," kilowatt HOO K."P. M. revolving Hold three phase (W cycle 2200 volt belted genera tor. One!) 1-2 kilowatt 123 oll exciter, samo as original proposal. Vno switchboard, sumo as original pro posal. Ono synctosi-opo, saino as original pro posal. Ono watt meter, same as original proposal. lltttdcra are required to aegregato their pro posals In order to show the price 1". O. li. Ilcd Cloud and thu Installed llguras. Kach bid must be Iu accordance with tho apecltlcatlons, which may be seen at tho olllco of the Light olid Water Commissioner In Red Cloud, Nebraska, and accompanied by a certified check or & per cent ot the amount of the bid, made payable to tho City Treasurer of Ked Cloud, tho same to bo forfeited by the successful bidder in rose he falls to enter Into contract with tlie City of Ited Cloud and glvo surety bond at-roptahlo to tho city Iu the Minn of 00 percent ot thu contract price within ten days after tho acceptance of hid bid by the City ot Hod Cloud. Tho city reserves tho right to njtct any or all bids. O. a Tkki., City Clerk. FOR CLERK DISTRICl' COURT. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the olllco ol clork ol the district court, subject to tho will of tin Democratic and People's Independent voters at the primary election to bo held August 15, 11)11. CniTIt L. McKi-.inuAN. In The District Court of Webster Coun ty, Nebraska I'.mmnr L. I'awcett, Plalntlir. , vs. A. Miner Well man Cashier, Defendant. NOTICKTO A. MINnit W'KI.t.MAN CASIUKa: You arc hereby uotllled that Kmmor li. I'awcett fllid his petition In tho District Court of Webster County, Nebmska on tho Bth'day of .Inly, 11)11, against you, tho object and prayer of which nro to unlet tho title to tho following described premises, to-wlt: Part of one-halt of the north east quarter of Section 4, Town 2, Kange 10, West of tho fl P. M. In Webster County, Nebraska and containing about twenty acres and moro particularly diM-rlbed as follows: Hounded on the north by thu north Hue of said section I, on the west by land deeded to one W. W. (larducr and thocouilrmatlon of rtli Stroot lu tho village of Cowlca on the south by tho north Ixnuidary of Adams Street of the Vill age of Cowles, on the Kast by hind heretoforo deeded to Kdward flllloid and excepting and reserving the rlghtif way of the ll. M. Kail road through said land, such possesMoryom menclng on the loth day of September, IRlt, In thcsald Kiuiuor I,. I'awcett, and against auy-und all claims of whatsoever nature1 you may have In the above described real estate You ar required lo answer said petition on or before Monday the 28th day of August, 11)11 or said petition will bo takin as true and Judgment rendered as therein prayi d. KMMOIt I.. KAWCKTTt liy licrnard MoNony Ills Attorney. CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I hereby annouueo myself as a candidate tor Clork ot tho District Court ot Webster County, on tho Republican ticket, subject to tho decision ot tho voters at tho primary election to bo held August Pith., UUI. Ciias. E. RKinr.K. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. Wo hav been authorized to annouueo the candidacy of Oko. W. I.isosiiv for tho olllco of county treasurer, subject to tho will of tho Democrat and' People's Independent partlesat tho primary election August loth, 1911. Swift's Premium " Hams and Bacon FOR COUNTY TREASURER. Wo have been Authorized to anuouco tho candidacy ot It. C. Wnuurr, ol Kosomont. for the olllco of County Treasurer, subject to the will ot tho Domocratlo and Peoples In dependent Parties at tlie primary election August ir,th.. 11)11. FOR TREASURER Wo have been authorized to annouueo tho candidacy ot It. W. ICoont for tho olllco ol county Treasurer, Bubjecl to jbo will of the Republican voters al tho primary election August 10th, 11)11. FOR TREASURER Wo have been authorized fo annouueo tho name ot O.A.Arnold, of llluo Hill, for the nomination of County Treasurer, subject to tho will ol the Democrat and Peoplo's Inde pendent oicrs at tho Primary election lo bo held August IS, mil. SiJI -s&rft For Sale - 'Mj!wh -by Haiiiwr Yost xyn THE " $Slff John "Dutch Butcher" FOR SHERIFF - I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination otShcrlil'ot Webster county subject to tho will of tho Republican voters, to be expressed at tho primary olectlon Aug ust l&th, Hill. O. D. HKimi!. FORSJIERIFF I hereby announce myself a candidate for thonoinliiutlonolBherliTof Webster county aubject tothewlll of tho Democratic and People's Independent parties at tho primary election August 15, 1011. Jamks Mrnmnr. CATARRH FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate lor dRGpil OI neunier uumii, ni-iimnut vit the Mpafratlo ticket subject I tho decision of the voters nt tho Primary election to bo hCld AUgUSt ID. lll. J- T, RUTI.KI10K. D. If, Rim, Light and Water Commissioner. FOR SHRIUFF I hereby annouueo myself a candidate for thoofllceofHhorlirot Webster County, sub ject to the will p( the voters o tho Demo cratic and People's Independent Parties. Jok W, Cuow. S 8 RJIS SI-3P 5 HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM ABtie1 Into ths nostrils is ejulekly akserkeri. GIVES RKLIIF AT ONOI. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects tho diseased membrane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold iu tho Head quickly. Restores tho Senses of Tasto and HmolL It is easy to uso. Contains no Injurious drugs, No mercury, uo cocaine, vo tuor phlno. The household remedy, Frlce, CO cents at Druggists or by mall, ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wirran St., Niw York. v": iijtt l-" r fi x.v.m. a: . . i &-.., . . 'fTWV. . TO jWwikiAU 5' v u -. J,illl...,, J1&. -wAjt-ntaT;'-rr ww-wt!? irtht-,--". miiiffWiiiiniimwwiiW