The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 03, 1911, Image 8
mxtpzunerz: rr if, '' , M .TBI Xt t Ji3KJCT -- j! V . - -. y t l IM I'lii m i o T i' iH f $ Vl r?s 1? m rW' h .u That Appearance hed of Monuments is caused by the use of Pneumatic Tools. We use them,- hence our letters are clean and well cut. Come and see. jflK It m fl U-n rQk---flr ci ErS.-B',0C jr V CJ & AAA XA. VW a kut ZD 9 (St Company N-VVAVNxAi vA11VyvrNAVVA mjyf The Home Grocery P. A. Wullbrsndt, Prop. A Complete Lino of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns In Queen&ware 7.n52ZS3HK13HK3Cir33 Wc aro alto making a Specialty of the Celebrated "A. B. CANNED Mali Phone 102. C." GOODS Independent Phone 44 'WAvAvAvAvAvAvA sAfJyst Don't Throw Away Money ly paying more APA for 500 pounds than 9vV capacity for this is the price of a BEATRIC E CREAM SEPARATOR Otkcr SIzm at Other Prices The most sanitary separator built. The only separator supplied with a centrifugal wasning uevice wim overcomes an the drudgery of washing up the separator. MMtaldjr CMraatMa1 TteMfhwt by leatrice Creamery Co. 1 !!. Net. We are the local ageitt for this Separator. Call and examine it. Highest Cash Price paid for Poultry We have excellent facilities for handling Poultry and Eggs. Your patronage solicited George W. Trine j Opposite Postoflie. Phones: Bell, black 225; Independent, 1 4 m MJr ) 0 Atkins 8 Barber i Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, : window Shades, and : UNDERTAKING Visit immense our store, stock met A 111 prices. We k peel the and get our now tnat We Can Save You Money! wa4 SIMPSON & KEWTflY Successor To A. C, IBradshaw Exclusive Dealers in Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Neal. : : PHONE US YOUR ORDERS. BELL RED 57 Political Announcements. The column ol ttiu Chief are open for legitimate ntHettl'-emeiits of nil kinds. Candidates, logiiiillcss of parly HlUHution, lire welentue to me theii' column I'tlt'o of iintioiiiieeinent, $?. JUDl.E DISTRICT COl UT. I herchyaunounce that I inn it candidate or iioiiiliiatlon to tlio olllee of Judge of the District Court of tho Tenth ludldal District, subject tu tin' ill i Mini ot llio Diinioi rallc and l'ioi 'i liiilupi ndeni otcrn lit Die pri mary i In lion on August 1'iUi. Mil. IIAltUY S. Dl'MIAN. JUDGE DISTRICT COURT I Illicit aiiiiouuct thut I inn n candidate mi tin repuhiiiuu id Kct nt the tt1mnry to in in-Ill August nth. toil, fur tlu nomination for.lmlgeof the !0th .liulli Itil District eom litlslng' tlio counties uf Wdisttr. I'laukllu. Ilarlau. il.tiiM, k imh iu iiml I'liiljis I xlmll appru lull your wle. I'.liMI it I . ) i.iim N. Uul Cloud, Nilir. FOR COI'NTV SUl'HRINTEN'DENT. 1 hereby nunounic in.clf a itiiutlilntt' lor tho nomination of county Supirlnti nth nl of Webster county. HUliJu't to tin? will of the lc anil People's Indcpcmlinl par tics nt tho prlnury election to he liclil An KiiHt l'. llui. (JmtrittniH i.. Coo.v. KOR COUNTY St'PRRINTRNDBNT I liL-riliy annoiuiiT nosvll a raiullilatc for tint nomination of county iiipi rlnti ndcnl of WcIhIit lounty," sulijict to tin- will ot the Democratic anil People's Inilcpi'inlcnl par ties at tlio primary tlcetlon to Ijt lulil An mist l"i. Hilt. iir I'll i:. .nuiN.ifiN. rORCOlNTVCI.KRK I htrthy announce in) self ai a lamllilate (or ro-fleetlonas County Clerk of Wi Intel County. Nehr., on llic Itepulillian tlikel, nilijii't to tlio ileeMon of the Miters at 'the I'rlnian CUctlon to hehehl Aumiil lo. 1111- i:. W. Uo-m. KOUCOUNTVOLKUK I hereby aniuiiiicu mt.ilf as a eandhlate for the, olllee of County Clerk of Webster County. Ntlir.. hiilijeit to the will of the ot cm of thuKeinocratleaniirioplo'slnilopenib eut t'arly at the Primary election to be lit Ui Alt. IS. I'Jll. V. K. llII.KY. FOR SHKRin'. I herebv nuounru mynvll a e.unlliWtu for thonoiulmitlouof Hhcrltl ot W'ebster nullity lubjeet to the Mill of lliu Itepulillian viitern, to bo ex present at th primary election Au list lull. Wm. Woi.i n. FOR SIIRRIFl'. I hrnliy Announce mself a lauillilatc for the nomination of .sin rill of Mubsttr toitnty Hiihject to tho will of the Democratic and l'coplii luck-pi licit nt iartlcsat I ho primary tlcetlon Aumist 15th. lull. I:. W. Coei.n.v. FOR SIIHRII-M-' I herrbe aiiuovince mself a eiimliiluto tor thenonilnallon of sin till of Webster r utility mibjtct to the will of the Democratic anil 1'eople'n lmlepiiiileut partliat the primary diction Almost i.i, nil i.i-Km vu lltM-Krit. I'-oucorXTVJUDntJ IlLi I. Ilu.t . Niiiiii.. luneflth. lull. I herpby aunnuiice nijinjlf a a tamlMatu or loiinij niilite of Wibstir ronnty. No-, braska.NiibJcet lo Hie will ol the l:iietiirs of" the Demoi latle ami PioolcV Imlcptmlcut I'm lies ut tin. i-rliuiuy i.lutlon to be htlil AllUUsl ;,, i. A. D. Havm.-i. FOR COI'NTV COMMISSIONER I hereby aiiiiouiiee iiijm If a eanillilatu for Ihonoinlnatlonof lounty i oiniulsxtont r of louiinlMiliiiiir ntstrli-l M. I, s'ubjiet to tho will of the Piople'N liulepcnilinl ami Dcino cratle parties at the primary diction to bo heltl AiiKlist I.I, Kill. CI ho. i:. I'oov. Cltv Treasiter's Rejwrt Auoii'.r 1,1911 To The Honorable Mayor and City Council, Red Cloud, Nebr. (iESrLi:.Mi:N: beg to submit htatoinent of the receipts and disbursements of your Treasury for the period from July 0, lilll, to Aujjust 1, I'Jll. OCCUPATION' FUN 11 Ain't on baud July o $ 1157.58 Receipts 51 1 .HO Disbursements... lutW.:. 400.90 15G'2.(U Balance on band August 1st WATKR FUND , Am'tonband July 5 8 52.Cl Receipts Jl2.fi0 Kleotric Light Fund. E. L. Levy Fund... , ludKUient Fund Firemen's Fund Total on hand Aug. I, mil S. It Fi.oiunci:, Cltv 4G5 53 14U.04 'J84..10 .102.70 8 :i:m)2.73 Treasurer. Disbursements. 185 10 30.30 Balance on hand-August 1,... $ 128 80 WATER LEVY FUNI Ain't on hand July 5, 8 203 39 Receipts ...."... 122 17 325.50 Disbursements 242.115 Loss of Time means Less of Pay Kidney trouble and the ills it breeds means lost time uud lost pay to many u working man M. Riileut,'l2l4 Little retina St., Streator, 111 , whs so bad from kidney and bladder trouble that he could not work, but he says: "I took Foley Kidney Pills for only a short time and got entirely well and was soon able to bo baek to wnrW. ami am feeling well and healthier than before." Foley Kidner Pills are tonic In action, quick in results a good friend to the working man or woman who suffers from kidney ills. For sale at Henry Cook's drug store. FOR COUNTY CLERK We have been authorleil to announce the nnuieof UmitiiK ll.wih'i.t., ol Kcil Cloint, for nomination ot County Clerk, subject to tho will of the Democrat anil People's Independ ent voters tit the Primary election August loth, I'Jll. ' FOR COPNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a i.indldatu for the nomination of county oniniKvlnncr of i oiumlssloiiir District mi. I, nubjict to the i 111 of the People's I ndepindent and Demo iratlepaitlisut thciprlinary ilictlon to bo held AimiiM I". lull. . II. Union r. FOP ROADOVRRtUOEl! I In n by auuoiiuii iujm'H a caui'ldate for Itoad Overseer of Hoad Dlntrlcl No. 0, Web ster county. Mibject to the will of the vntirs of the IlLpuhllcMii patty. .Wim, I'isithlt. FOR COUNTY CLdRK Wo aro authorl.ed to announce W. O. Shannon as a candidate for nomination as county clerk subject to the will of the re publican Miters at the primary diction, August 15th FOR COUNTY CLERK. I hen by announce myself as a candidate for the olllee of county elirkof Webster county, Nebraska, subject to the will of the s oters of the Democratic and People's Inde pendint panics at the primary election to beheld August 1.1, IUI1. i. W. Davis. FOR CLERK DISTRICT CUl'RT. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the olllco of clerk of tho district court, subject to tho will ot tho Demoeiatlc and People's Independent voters at tho primary election to bu held August M, I'Jll. Kiiitii I.. McKkioiian. lialitnce on band August 1, . . . . 8 8:5, 21 GKNKII.W. FUND A m't on band .1 uly 5 8 L'S.ilO Receipts 308.17 Disbursements. :i37.-i: 115.50 v a m KUZU k WW IlCWfl.fg m xr m tJO J Oil pjSoon Lost, Goneji mw " m to f leces in k ' m m (If : V? .. "Cheap Cost" Mattress. Near Comfort Jm vi!''X'y"AW'?''tt'''&M fw W ft w wnite swan m Mattress f Complete Com i rz. fort &- m Guaranteed fl 1 30 Years wMfMMWSBiMiMA M,e "nite ownn is jiOMtntiy toe niRKr't mauiesi inrain tjiU - bujalilc. No nuttrts al .my prlie is better. No oilier is gnaranlct'd (W ' wslroiinly. Yi n -n &. VfSA . . ... r mm .. ... T . iA.Ti I nine in ami ec the White awtn maitrett ami let uj put one in )"v" J)rJ Jv i,.,,,. i,, in .In. 1 Ualanco on hand August 1,. . S 221. l3 KI.KCTUIO I.ICIIIT KL'XIl m't on hand July is, S M.M Receipts 070.01 Dlsbursomouts. W' siroiiuly. You oti't no wiling if ou buy a "While Swan." IPS GUARANTEED THIRTY YEARS. , 1 llahiuce on band August 1,..'. 3 I0.",i uLEtrriiio 1,11111 r levy itn'h Ain't ou"liaud July 5 Receipts Disbursements,. ED. A MACK THE FURNITURE MAN Undertaking a Specialty All the Phones Everything Electrical G. C Bailey Bell phone, Black 20. llalance on baud August 1 JLtDQMKNT FUND Am't on hand July 5, $ Receipts llalance on hand August 1,. No disbursements. FlIIEMKN'S KUNH Am'ton band July 5, Receipts DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST Moon Brock, Red Cloud In Riverton every Monday LESTER Messrs. Friable and Cooper are thru surveying. Lucius Frisbie returned borne from Lincoln Monday. Mr. and MrsJohn Rasser Sundayed at Gotlieb Rasser'a. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Hale Sundayed at Mrs. John Kmlck's. The eorn is looking flue but another rain will soon be needed. Mrs. Chaso Is slowly recovering lifter three weeks' sickness. Mr. ami Mrs. Al Decker, and Mr. Hinl Mrs. Bd Scaton spent Sunday nt Charlio Nasser's. Miss Clara Russer returned homo Saturday, hho had been in Red Cloud during the chautauqua.' Mr. nud Mrs. Charlfe Potter and other relatives of Red Cloud spent Saturday at Sylvester Frlsbie'.s. Miss Mary Holcomb returned homo Sunday. She hud been visiting iter grandparents thru the chautauqua. C. II. Harris lias rented Jake lulling er's farm for next year. Mr. niliuger nnd family tuo going to move to town. Tlie threshers uro malting tho wheat ily in tin Pleasant Hill precinct this wcelc. It Is going from 8 to 13 bushels per acre. The Lester bull team played South Red Cloud Saturday. Tlio score was 5 to 10 in favor of Lester. Our boys looked line in their new suits. 107.001 A birthday dinner was siveu in 11(5.34 I honor of Andrew Kinir Sunday. Those that were preseut were: Mr. and Mrs. I 284.301 Connie Rasser, Tom Simpson. Miss Dollle Rasser, Arch Rasser and Miss j Lacy Decker. CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I hereby announce myself as a candidate (or Clerk of the District Court ol Webster County, ou the Itepnbllcan ticket, subject to the decision ot the voterx at the primary election to be held August l&th., Ittlt. Chas. ft. Hiiolv. Ill The District Court of Webster Coun ty. Nebraska Ciiimor, 1 1. 1'.iweett, Plalutltl. vh. V .. .Miner Wdlman Cashier, Defendant. Noni'K-IO A. MINKIt WKI.I.MAN fA-tll 1 Kill You aro hereby notified that Kmnior I.. I'nw-cctt tiled IiIh petition In .tho District Court ot Webster County, Nebraska on tho Hthday of July. l!ll. aaliiNt you, the object and prayer of which are to quiet the title to the following described prciulscH, to-wlt: Part of one-halt of the north cast quarter of Section 4, Town 'J, Kaiitfe 10, West ol tho 6 P. M. In Webster County, Nebraska and containing atiout twenty acres and more particularly described as follows: Hounded on the north by tho north line of said sictlon I. on tho west by land deeded to one W. W. (lardner and the continuation of 0th Street In tbe lllaweof Cowleson the south by the north boundary of Adams htrect of the' VIII anoof Cowlis.ou the Kant by land herutoforo deedid to IMward lillfordand excuptlut; and rther Iiik the rlbt.ot way ot the II. A M. Hall road throuuh said Uud, suih possession com uuncliiKon the 10th day of September, IS")4, In tho said Cmmor 1.. l'awcctt, and against any and all claluiK of w hatsoevcr nature you may hava In theaboMule.scribod real estate. You ar required toaiiHwersald petition on or beforn Monday the 'JMtli day of August, 11)11 or said petition w III bu taken as true and Judgment tendered as therein prayed. i: MM Oil I.. FAWTKTr, Ity llernard Mc.Veny Ills Attorney. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. We hava been authorised to announce the candidacy ol Oko. W. Lindhky (or the olllee of county treasurer, subject to tho will o( the Democrat and People's Independent partlcsat the primary election August loth, 1911. Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon FOR COUNTY TREASURER. Wohavobccn Authorized to annouce tho candidacy of II. C. WmiiiiT, of Itosomont, tor thoolllcoof County Treasurer, subject to thawltl of the Democratlo and Peoplis In dependent Parties at thelprlinary election August 10th. 11111. 731.02 200.00 FOR TREASURER Vnhaobien nuthorled toanuounco the candidacy of II. W. Koos i for the olllco of futility i reasurer, subject to the will of the Itepubllciiu voters at thu pilmary election August loth. I'Jll. 113.10 112.01 J.m.1 lll.riO S 113.01 FOR TREASURER WuhaNobciuauthorled to aunounco tho name nIO. A. Arnold, of llluu Hill, for the nomination of County Treasurer, subject to the will of tho Democrat ami rcopius inne pendeut otirs at tho Primary diction to bo hwld August 10. Ulli. ' FOR SHERIFF' I horoby aunounco mjsclf a candidate for the nomination ol Shorill of Webster county hitbjeet to tho will ol the Itipulillcan voters, to bo expressed' at tho prliimry election Aug ust 15th, urn. o. D. IIhikii;. SS&i For Sale Jul? mm THE Kfcwl Ike. iyE John "Dutch Butcher' 417.70 55.00 llalance ou hand August 1,.. S 502 70 No disbursements. 'm IIKCAFirULATlOX Ocuupatiou Fund $ 15G2 04 Water Fund 128.80 Water Levy Fund 83.21 General Fund 221.1 May Fever. Atlkaa aid Swaner VtMi Must be relieved quickly and Foley's Honey and Tar Cotnpouud will do it. E. M. Stewart, 1031 Wolfram St., Chi cago, writes: "I bavo been greatly troubled during the hot summer months with Iluy Fever and lind that by using Foley'. Honey and Tnr Com pound 1 got great rellof." Many others who sulfur similarly will be glad to beiiellt by Mr. Stewart's experience. For sale at Henry Cook's drug store. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce my Bel I a candidate for the nomlmitlonof Kherlll'of Webster county subject to th will ol the Democratic and People's Independent parties at the primary election August 10,1911. Jamks MrllliniK. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate tftt Hhcrltrot Wcbstr County, Nebraska, ou the Democratic ticket subject t the decision ol ttiW)tersat tho Primary election to bo held August ll, ltd I. .1, T, IttlTI.KlitlK. CATARRH tlVNt. mem. FOR SHERIFF I hereby aunounco myscK n candidate lor tho olllee of Hherltl ol Webster County, sub- Jcctiothe will ot tho voters of tho Demo. cratlo and People's Independent Parties, Jok W, Chow, ft Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is m Speclfla, Sure to Give Satisfaction. OIVKS RCLIKP AT ONOI It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased uiembrano. It euros Catarrh anil drives away a Cold in tlio Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Tosto and Smell. Easy to uso. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied iuto tlio nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, CO cents at Druggists or by moil ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail, e ELY MOTHERS. 88 Wtrrin St.. Ni Yarlb 1 &,' Jlw ,'tjj n.CL.i. ft.. ifflMmMsmwara