The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 03, 1911, Image 6
;.' )J-.. ..t. l ,!... 'f tv"AH1' 'ttwwiw...l.)M,WMW-uw,TaMttwt,tw rwr ,, - awcrMBKy25acJBB5SMai3 1 1 1 T. fr.1 J V The Chief C. H. HALE, Publlsncr RED CLOUD NEBRASKA GETS HALF I LOAF HOUSE WOOL BILL BEATEN, BUT , ANOTHER PUT THROUGH. COMBINE HAS BEEN REFORMED Threaten to Go Down the Wholt Tariff Reducing List Hguse May Balk, But Compromlte Re garded Probable. THURSDAY'S WORK IN CONGRE83. Wool Itlll up for final consideration JUKI vote. Hill defeated, 44 to 30. After defeating both tho original La Follctto bill and tlio house bill tho uennte passed. 48 to 32, a com pro iiiIho wool icvlnlon bill, offered by La Follctto. Lorlmcr election Investigating com niltteo continued Its hearing, Elections sub-committee confildercd taking up charge!) agalnsl Senator b'tcphenkon of Wisconsin. Houhc free list bill toported and be enmo tinllnlshcd business. Houho mot at noon. Debate on new cotton tariff revision bill began. Indian conunlttro continued lnvos tigatlon Into Chippewa Indian uffalrs. Postofflco couuulttce continued hear ing on poHtal privileges testimony. House rules romniltlcc decided to rait for investigation of tho so-called "money trust." Washington, I). C. Out of what nppearcd to be a chaotic condition In tho senate, there suddenly arose n coalition of democrats and .Insurgent republicans which bowled over tho Tegular organization and pasted a compromise bill for the revision of the wool tariff by 48 to 32. This now forco In the senate united on a mater ial reduction or tariff duties all down tho line, and flushed with victory is now threatening not only to enact tho fco-callcd Iioiifu farmers' free list bill Into law next Tuesday, but to put through a cotton bill as well. Tho In surgents want the ' sugar nnd steel (schedules Included In tho program. Tho house democratic leaders arc not willing to accept tho compromlso bill as it passed tho senate, but thoy aro moro than willing to meet tho senate conferees. To Make Children's Playground. Chlcugo. In an effort to reform t. thickly populated tenement house dis trict on tho North Side, locally known ns "Llttlo Hell," Mayor Harrison has, at tho request of women's clubs and the social Fettloment workers, or dered traffic stopped on (Jault Place between Chicago avenue, and Oak Btrcet during the summer months to make the street avallablo as a play ground for poor children. There aro fald to be 2,500 children in the dis trict. Had o Borrow Railroad Fare. Washington. K. O. Lewis, president nf tho Lewis Publishing company of St. Louis, testitlcd beforo the. hnuso committee on expenditures in tho post ofllce department that wlieteas a few years ago he was worth $2,000,000 to $:!,000,()00. ho was compelled to bor row money to come to Washington to appear as a witness beforo tho com mittee. Woodruff Throws Up His Job. New York. Timothy L. Woodruff, former lieutenant governor and for mer chairman of the republican state committee, has relinquished control of tho republican organization of Kings county (Brooklyn) whero lie lives. His action Is legarded as a vic tory for hia opponents. Mr. Wood ruff ban been chairman of tho republi can county committee for fourteen years. Steamer Goes on a Rock. Toklo. Tho steamer Kmpress of China of tho Canadian Pacific rail way line, stranded on n submerged rock off Nojlma Saki light while at tempting to romid tho southern point of Awa peninsula, In-bound to Yoko hama Thursday. The passengers were rescued. Attack on Grocery Trust. Den Moines. lloimewlves received oratory freo or charge whllo they bought potntoes and farm produco at greatly reduced rates from hucksters on the city hall lawn Thursday. May or Hanna and Commissioner Schramm spoke to a crowd twice as largo as that whfch scrambled to tho farm wagons dujlng the opening of tho municipal market placo Tuesday. Mayor Hanna criticised tho local "food trust" nnd promised permanent relief In a market house to be built by the city, New York. Steps toward recreat ing the American Tobacco compuny out of tho elements uow composing it, in harmony with the decision of tho fcupreme court of the United States, were taken when announcement was made of the formation of protective committees by tho holders of tho C per cent bonds, tho 4 per cent bonds and tho preferred stock. The com mittees' notico rofers to the desire of tho American Tobacco company to comply with the order of the supreme court, and uxges united action on the part of the bondholder. HR BRIEFLY TOLD! ITEM8 OF INTEREST PERTAINING . TO VARIOUS LOCALITIES. GREATER OR LESSER IMPORTANT the Ncwa of Many Cllmea Told In Short and Pithy Paragraphs, Writ ten Expressly for the Busy Man's Perusal. Washington The removal of Canadian roclprocl ly from tho congressional stage has left things nt tho capital In a decided ly mixed condition. .lames Wilson, secretary of agricul ture, probably will attend the state fair in Lincoln noxt September and deliver an nddrcss on that occasion. Tho alleged discrimination of tho Russian government agaliiHt Ameri can Jews Is being Investigated by tho senate committee on foreign relations. Tho reciprocity agreement botween Canada and the. United States, long a storm center In western politics, passed the senate Saturday by u vote of G3 to 27. The gold pen used by the president In signing the reciprocity treaty was sent to Chairman of tho sen ate flnanco committee, who led tho fight for tho bill In tho annate. Congress will shortly be asked by tho war department to appropriate ?2.u,000 to complete tho work of rais ing the battleship Mnlne In Havana harbor. This will make a total ex pcndlturo of $900,000. Frank Hnletead has been appoint ed chief or the customs division of tho trensury. He succeeds CharleB P. Montgomery, who lcrt to take charge of tho customs affairs of the American Sugar Refilling company. Tho Fcnato has passed the Warren bill allowing homestead claimants In drouth stricken districts of Wyom ing, the Dakotas and Nebraska to leave their lands until April is, 1012, without losa or any of their rights. President Taft signed tho reciproci ty bill Wednesday afternoon. Secre tary of Stato Knox, Seeretniy or Comnierco Nngel, Secretary to Presi dent Tilles, several newspaper men and a battery of photographers wit nessed the signing. Notwithstanding tho fact that the, republican national convention Is moro than a year away, voters over tho country aro writing to progressive senutors and representatives In con Rress seeking dellnlto Information on tho differences between theso progres iIvb and tho administration of Presl lent Taft. Representative Ceorgo W. Norrls will be a candidate for tho United States senate to succeed Senator Nor rls Drown. Ho will not Issuo a for- mnl state at present announcing his canclldarw-, but may do so shortly utter his return homo ut the adjourn ment pf congress. Democrats of tho house of repre sentatives, ntter a prolonged caucus, have ratified by more than a two thirds majority tho cotton tariff re vision bill drafted by tho democratic members of the ways and means com mittee, reducing by nearly one-half the schedule of the Payne-Aldrlch law on manufactures of cotton. General News All grades or rellncd sugar have been advanced 10 cents (u hundred pounds. The condition of tho pope, who is suffering from a sore throat, Is less fcatlsfactory. Hov. Michael Power has been con secrated bishop of Bay St. Cleorge, Newfoundland. The revolution Is spreading in tho south of Haytl, whero heretofore It has niado little progress. Unknown incendiaries stnrted a flro that destroyed several cars of the Iowa Street Railway company. Andrew Anderson, a coal mlucr, committed filicide by stepping In front of a train near Superior, Wyo. A speclnl dispatch to the Mexican Herald from Merlda, Yucatan, says cholera has made its appearance at that place. The Chilean government has refused tho American offers for the construc tion of two battleships of the dread nought type, owing, It is explained to tho high prlceB asked. Several hundred houses were de stroyed when fire bioko out in Stam boul, Turkey, during a celebration. Private dispatches say that Madame Lantclme, the noted Parisian actress, was accidentally drowned In the Rhine, near tho Holland frontier. Georgo W. Glover Is seeking to hnvo tho residuary clause of tho will of his mother, Mrs. Raker O. Eddy, tho de ceased "mother of Christian Science." declared void. Flro starting In a wing of the Kan sas Institute for tho feeblo minded nt Wlnfleld partially destroyed that in stitution. The damage to Gage county bridges from Saturday night's flood is esti mated at between 130,000 and $40,000. Pope Plus has taken cold and Is suf fering from a sore throat, as woll as experiencing the inconvenience of hoarseness. Tho remains of seven other mom icia of tho crow or the Maine were recovered Saturday, bringing tho total found bo far up to eleven. As a result of four cave-ins on the lino of a municipal trunk sewer at Muskogee, Okla., four workmen are dead, six are Injured and seven are misslnir. Flro nt Grand Forks, N. D.,fiwcpt through the business section. Loss $250,000. The Dig Blue river In northern Kansas Is out of Its banks on account of the heavy rains of the last few dnys. Organization of tho dairy cattle congress was completed nt Chicago at n meeting of dairymen and cattle breeders. Tho German cruiser Bremen, which is at Montreal, has been ordered to proceed immediately to Port nu Prince, Haiti. Yeprlm of the Bakhtiarls is organiz ing a force, Including cavalry nnd ar tillery, to opposo the advance of the cx-shnh of Persia. Mabel Warner, n 16-year-old Omaha girl, Is alleged to havo eloped with and married Robert Arentz, a 19-year-old negro of that place. Joo Do Salvo, thirty-live years old, believed to havo been n member of an Italian baud of blackmailers wan found murdered nt Chicago. A telegram fiom Constantinople says' the condition of Sultan Moham ed V Is causing some anxiety. He Is suffering from kidney disease. One man lost his life and forty more narrowly escaped Injury or death In u fire which practically destroyed the Oalvatlon Army barracks at St. Louis. Members of labor unlotiB In America will bo asked to contribute 2fi cents each to raise n fund to help defend McNamnra, accused of the lxs Angeles dynamiting. Alnrmcd by the news thnt cholera Iibb claimed vletlniB in the United States, the superior board of health Iiiib Inaugurated a rigid examination of all passengers entering Mexico. Final unofllclnl returns of Saturday's state-wide prohibition election in Tex as havu reached Dallas, and the head quarters of each side agree upon a r.,000 to G.000 anti-prohibition majori ty. Ar.dro .lagcrsehmldt. the French newspaper man who is trying to break all records for encircling tho globo, has reached Omsk, Slbeila. .lagcr sehmldt expects to mako the trip in forty-two days. Tho plans Tor the new steamer, Ao qultnnln, which the Cunnrd company is building at Clyde bank, have been modified to make tho vessel the larg est In the world. Her length will ex ceed 900 feet. Flro thnt broke out at 1 o'clock on Tuesday morning, completely do stroyed the White Swnn mill nt Clin ton, Mo. The mill was owned by the Bulto Mining company of Kansas City. Tho loss 13 $200,000. Peter ' Fell and Miss Clara Coy were killed and Miss Marie Herman probably fatally injured when the Kansas City flyer struck the automo bile In which they were going to a picnic at Lnngdon, Mo. Orders from the U. S. circuit court at St. Louis require E. G. Lewis and wife to deed over to their receivers nil property in connection with the Lewie cntci prise's at University City, capi talized at over $5,000,000. More than sixty shots were o rhnnged between strikers nnd guards In a garment-strikers' riot at Cleve land Thursday. Two strikers wero wounded and tho police made many ar rests and restored order. Eight inches of rnin between mid night and S o'clock Sunday morning did Incalculable damage In Beatrice and vicinity. The Blue river is next to highest it has ever been, It having been exceeded eight years ago. Blue pike, which form a large part of tho fish In Lake Erie, are threat ened with extinction. The mysterious disease which baffles experts Is kill ing thousands of them) the fish being washed ashore In great numbers. Collapsing under the strain to which she has been subjected slnco her nrrlval at Los Angeles a month ago, Mrs. Ortlo McMunlgnl, wife of the alleged informer in the McNamnra dynamiting case, has been taken to a hospital. A typhoon centering. over Toklo nnd Yokohama reached ' Its height at '.', o'clock' Tuesday morning. Widespread damage has been done In tho lower districts of the cities, which are flood ed, and from fifty to a hundred per sons nre missing. In response to the representations of tho United Stntes to the Mexican government, President do la Barra hns Issued urgent Instructions for tho protection of American ranchers nt Ensenada, threatened by tho so-called llbernls of Lower California. Paris Is sweltering in tho worst hot wave experienced' In twenty-five years which is made more severe by the phe nomenal drouth, not a drop of rain having fallen for a month. President Simon of Haytl appears doomed to follow President Diaz of Mexico, and to give way to another revolutionary government, according to advices reaching Washington. Ono man dead, another fatally wounded and a third shot in two places Is the net result of a pitched battle at Juarez Sunday afternoon be tween tho city pollco nnd Insurgent soldiers. The process of removing tho water surrounding the wreck of tho Maine la practically completed. J. F. Wolters, president of the Tex as antt-stote-wldo amendment commit tee, claims that the prohibition ques tion has carried In that state by a good majority. Although a live electric wire con taining 26,000 volts touched her, burn ing holes In hands and feet and through a steel Ashing rod she carried, Mrs. Margaret Case of Falrpoint, S. D., had a remarkable escape from electro cution. Prompt rescue work saved her life. DEATH IN II STORM EDWARD WILCOX IS KILLED BY LIGHTNING, NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What Is Going en Her and Thert That la of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Broken Bow. Edward Wilcox whb killed by lightning Saturdny night. He wus riding In a wagon with his uncle and cousin, A. Duscnbcrry and son, thirteen miles south of Broken Bow. They were driving rapidly toward home when the bolt came. Wilcox was knocked off the wagon, but tho others received no shock. Death wis Instantaneous. Pumping to Save Fish. Ashland. Water Is being pumped Into Swift's lake from Wahoo creek, the object being to save the millions of fish in that body of water. Tho ex treme dry weather has very materially lowered the waters of the lake until tho finny denizens therein were In dun ger of perishing. This is the lake from which Swift procures his ice to fill his mammoth structure. Dr. Thomas Seriously III, Beatrice. Dr. W. M. Thomas, super intendent of the Institute for feeble minded youth, is very low with ty phoid rever, an outbreak of which litis caused n number or deaths there. Th doctor Is reported In a dungerous con dition and faint hopes are cnte'tulncd of his recovery. River Out of Banks. Table Rook, Neb. Tho Neninhn river Is out or Its banks nud In jmino places n- higher than It has been for years. It is spread out over the bot toms nnd many fields are Inundated. This is caused by the noncompletlon of the ditch in this drainage district. Soapsuds In Boiler. Garrison. KIndler Bros., having had trouble with their thresher, over hauled the boiler and found It full of soapsuds. Part of a bar of soap was also found, put in, of course, by some enemy. NEWS FROM THE STATE HOUSE The state normal board has fixed sixteen years as the minimum age at which students may bo admitted to the preparatory school at state nor mal schools. Dr. (. W. A. Luckey of the state unlverBlty was honored by the Na tional Educational association by be ing elected the N. E. A. director for Nebraska. This Is a well earned com pliment, and Dr. Luckey's many friends throughout the stute congratu late him. Banking conditions in Nebraska nnd In tho middle west generally aro con siderably better now than for somo time past, according to Lincoln bank ers. Wlillp business Is not strong or even brisk, conditions aro said to bo very satisfactory. Fire, due to faulty Insulation, broke out In the roof or tho governor's man sion Thursday afternoon. Damage was confined to the roor and to furnituro nnd walls which wero soaked with water. The flro was discovered by the domestics In the ro:.- of the house and by Governor AMric'.i nnd his fnmllv at tho same time. A Inrgo display ot torpedoes will he ono of tho features of tho naval ex hibit at the Nebraska stato fair. The display will include complete torpe does, such ns are used by Uncle Sam's big warships, and materials used In their manufacture. Attendants will', explnln the manner In which the toi pedocB are fired and details of their manufacture. Secretary of State Walt has In formed county treasurers that ho holds that when an application for reregls trntlon is filed by the owner of an automobile and he Is delinquent to the state on former payments for regis tration for the same number ho now holds, all arrearages to tho stato must be paid before a certificate will bo Is suod on such application for reregls tint Ion. ) A warrant for $10,000 hns been ap proved for partial payment on tho Frank home nt Kearney, which was purchased by the board of public lands and buildings for $24,000 for use as a state hospital for Indigent consump tives. Gnmo Warden Miller recently arrest ed two men at Valley for taking bans less than eight Inches In length. When they wore arraigned In court It was found thnt neither could pay a lino, nnd ns there was no Jail near, it was decided to turn the men loose. Twenty-seven nets were solzed during the game warden's trip. The Nebraska Epworth Assembly was organized nnd Is maintained In the interest of the young men and women of Nebraska. This year's pro gram Is especially planned to Interest them. Parents will do well to consid er the many advantages this assembly makes easily available to their sons and daughters. Tho handsome pros, pectus giving n full list of orators, en tertainers nnd musicians who will oc cupy tho assembly platform this year may be had free or all cost by sending your address to Geo. E. Tobey, Sec retary, NobraBka Bible House, Lin coln, Nebraska. , BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA. Falrbury will got a postal mvlngl bank. Crops are reported excellent in the North Plntto valley. Osceola will celebrate July 2C and 27 as Frontier days. The cornerstone of the new Odd Fel lows' temple nt Salem was laid Sun day. Cedar Bluffs is making big preparti tlons to celebrate Its silver nnnlvrt sary July 26. The Nemaha river nt Salem Is near. iy nry and great numbers of fish nr caught by hand In the holeB of the river. Joseph Yosta, who was injured in t threshing muchlno near Dorchester, it Improving. 'Falrbury now has a new po!lr force, tho mayor having removed tho entire force. George Haywood, an old resident, wus drowned In tho Plutte river east of Springfield. Havelock will celebrate the comple tion of her waterworks system somo time in August. The Catholic church In Aurora hns a new pastor In the person of the Rev Father McKennn. A large portion of tho town i,r tin. ndlllu that was destroyed by fire in tho spring iB being rebuilt. Wymore is ranking big preparations for a running race meet to be held there August 3, 4, nnd 5. Tho old settlers' picnic nnd reunion of Jefferson county will be held In Falrbury some time In August. Arthur Suiter of DoWItt, the boy who had his skull rraetured by being kicked by a horse, will recover. James Bacakos of Beatrice 'got mixed up with an electric fan and will lose several fingers ns u result. -Mrs. Mary A. Havens, a reslden: of Nebraska since the early seventies, died at the homo of her sister in Fre mont. The Odd Fellows will hold their an nun picnic at Avoca August 3. A large line of attractions is being se cured. Alva Steele of Plattsnionth waa sn badly Injured by being kicked by a horse ho was leading, that his recov ery Is doubtful. M. S. Poulson has resigned as super ntendenl of the Nebraska nntl-sj-loon lengue. The resignation will take ef fect on August J. Roy Glothar, a Humboldt boy. loss n linger when he attempted to super Intend tho rcmovnl of u sickle bar fiom a mowing machine. Grasshoppers have appeared on tho farms in tho vicinity of Rokeby in large numbers within the last few dnys and are doing considerable damage to crops. The potato cron In Johnson rnuntv Is the greatest failure it has been in twenty-flve years. But few growers will get as large a yield as their seed amounted to. The dairymen of Bentrlce havo vuiiiumcQ nn uoostcd the prico of milk up to fourteen quarts for 31, giving as n roueon the extremely high prlco of feed. The general store of J. W. Modesitt of Alda was burglarized, the thieves, however, gaining entrance only to tho basement. They carried "away nbout $50 worth of canned goods. Tho rain that visited Nebraska Sat urday night was heaviest in the south east corner of tho state, the center ot the heaviest downpour being at Bea trice and between DoWItt and Crab Orchard. According to the rorort of the school census enumerator, Nebraska City has 1,797 school children, or forty-nino more than the census of 1910 showed. Of these 632 were males and 963 fe males. Gale Harlan, nn employe at Capital Beach at Lincoln, proved himself a hero when ho Jumped into tho swim ming pool at tho edge of the lake and rescued Miss Edith Thomas, seven teen years old, from drowning. tnarles iarmun, a farmer west of Fremont, hns rigged up an Irrigation outfit by meant of a pump propelled by a gasoline engine with which he Is supplying water for a ten-acre tract of potatoes. The rotatorcs are doing fine nnd the yield will be large. Charles Ryslavey, employed in the water department of Beatrice, was badly burned nbout the hands nnd face by an explosion or sewer gas. The man was in a deep ditch repairing a sewer and had struck a match to more closely examine the work when tho explosion occurred. Grain in Burt county Is turning out much better than expected. Somo whent yields as high as rorty bushels to the acre are reported. Secretary Mellor or the state fair reports that concessions amounting to $3,020 have nlready been sold. Lust yenr at this time the total was $1,579. but nt the end of the fair It umounted to $12,908. Ad Decker, who lives between El wood nnd Lexington, hnd his family out In an auto when one wheel came off, upsetting the auto and spilling the ramiiy out. His wife was seriously If not fatally injured. It has been promised that the ex hibit of the navy department In this state this fall will be the most elabor ate ever made at any state fair. The Mennonlto 'deaconess hospital at Beatrice, tho building of which was recently completed, has been dedi cated and opened to the public. Hllo Lyons, a handy man about the horseshoeing establishment of W. A. Watson at Omaha, was sent to the bank to deposit $100 in checks and money. He hasn't reached the bank yet and all efforts of Watson nnd the police to And him or the money have If natty (ailed. Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Why You're Tired-Out of Sort nave Ho Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE., LIVER PILLS will put you right. in a tew days. They do. their duty.. CureCon-i stipatlon. I Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature DEFIANCE STMOM-IKV... Thinnest Man Weds. Tho thinnest man In the world was married recently by Municipal Judgo John R. Newcomer at the city hall. "I had to look three times to see him." said the Judge. Tlio man Is Arthur Atherton, twenty four years old. Though five feet high, he weighs only 38 pounds. Ho mar ried Blnnche -Buckley, nineteen years old, who weighs 13G pounds. Chicago Dally News. A TRAIN LOAD OF TOBACCO. Twenty-four Carloads Purchased fer Lewis' 8lngle Binder Cigar Factory, What Is probably the biggest lot o! All fancy grade tobacco hold by any factory In the United States has just been purchased by Frank P. Lewis, of Peoria, for tho manufacture of Lewis' Single Binder ClgarB. Tho lot will make twenty-four carloads, nnd Is se lected from what Is considered by ex ports to be tho finest crop raised in many years. The purchase of tobacco Is sufllclent to last tho factory more than two years. An extra price was paid for tho selection. Smokers of Lewis' Single Binder Cigars will appre ciate this tobacco. Pmrla Mar. January 16, 1909. "Boy Scout" Movement Spreads. The "boy scout" movement has reached tho Malay peninsula, and Singnporo is to hnvo n flno organiza tion under tho patronage of tho gov ernor nnd chief justice. It Is u good thing in many ways, asido from the military training, nnd bids fair to become ono of the permanent nnd most popular institutions of tho penin sula. All through the British colonies "boy scout" organizations are being formed. AT THE BOARDING HOUSE. "Who is that man," asked tho new bonrdcr, "who is making such a fusa becauso he has swallowed a fish bone?" "That's tho sword Bwallowor at the dimo museum around the corner." FALSE HUNGER A Symptom of Stomach Trouble Cor rected by Good Food. There is, with somo forms of stom ach 'trouble, an abnormal craving for food which is frequently mistaken for a "good appetite." A lady teacher writes from Carthage, Mo., to ex plain how with good food she dealt with this sort of hurtful hunger. "I have taught nchool for fifteen years, and up to nine years ago had good, average health. Nine years ago, however, my health began to fall, and continued to grow worse steadily, In BpRe of doctor's prescriptions, anf. slVs: .MUARTHft BBBBM Mirn T IVER jbwi apius. e&ei&Z&4q everyinmg i could do. During all thl.' time my appetite continued good, onlyj tho more 1 ate the more I wanted to cat I was nlwaya hungry. "Tho first symptoms of my break down were a distressing ncrvousnesc and a loss of flesh. The nervousnesn grew so bad that finally it amounted to actual prostration. Then enme stom ach troubles, which were very painful, constipation which brought on piles, dyspepsia and severe nervous head aches. "The doctors seemed powerless to help me, said I was overworked, and at last urged me to give up teach ing, If I wished to save my llfo. "But this 1 could not do. I kopt on at It as well as I could, each day grow ing more wretched, my' will-power alone keeping me up, till at last a rood angel suggested that I try a dleb of Grape-Nuts f,ood, and from that day to this 1 have found It delicloua always appetizing and satisfying "I owe my restoration to health to Grape-Nuts. My weight has returned and for more than two years I have been free from the nervousness, con stipation, plies, headaches, and all the ailments that used to punish me so, and have been able to work freely and easily." Name given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, "The Road to rVellvlHe," In pkgs. "There's a Reason.- Evp read tfce akove lettrrr A aean ttom tine to time, The? BtetKf "' UU "' w &. ' 't'i... W '&& 4. W . s miSlkmS ... fldtoarfjttift'i