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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1911)
3B&&3 DfiTSi Vi MSlllS-ifefcr: irwwMmw );tiftf mwWs:'-u. .-. MM1'M .-.. S-." 7r i ww TU'-'n r -Td iiW'TU'Wll's " ft; I illPin iffmmmi l INK I . i . i' '-:! "' r T -rn - V r iBWL'Ji.'liJW.J,:.! a. ,r, .. . v?. b '.iff S LOCALETTES s Dr. Sanderson whs in Cowles Tues day. Dr. Cunningham, Dentist over State Bank. ' (Jims Hogate of Bladen was in town Frliliiy. ' Miss-lone Albright Is home from Minnesota. . All kinds of bleetrical work done by .Morliart Bros D.ive Hiunutt ot MeCook visited A. P. Wy last week. Mrs. John Wccsupr ! homo from :i visit at Supeilor. The Comity Commissioners were in cession this week. Remember the Maud Concert evoiy Thursday evening. A. 11. Records anil wife of Hastings arc in town this week. I. 15. Ilyilo of Hastings was down from there Wednesday. Mis. Ii. M Wllgus of Ukluh, Calif., Isvlslllng Mrs. 1. 1 Ueall W. A. Wheeler of Hastings was down on business Tuesday. 13. II. Newhouse went to Omaha Tuesday morning on business Oscar Hughes returned from a busi ness trip at Hastings Saturday. Frank l'erry bus moved into his new residence in tho Piatt addition. Bernard McNeny, who has been on the sick list for a few dHys, Is out again. Mrs. Nate Piatt and daughter went to Cowles Wednesday morning to visit relatives. Miss Hose McGuire spent .several days visiting relatives last week at Inavale. ' Arthur Johnson of Holdrege is In town in behalf of the Nebraska Tele phone Co. Mrs. Stella Patterson and daughter returned home after a week's visit at Kearney. Chas. Schwann and son Harry have left for a week's visit with friends at MeCook, Neb. Jack Masters and wife have moved to Guide Rock, where they will reside in the future. Mrs. Herrick, daughter of N. It. Simpson, is visiting at her fathei's home this week. The Diamond Electric Vaeutn clean er demonstrated in your home free. Call Phone Red 07. The W.C. R. will meet Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Every member is requested to be present. The Red Cloud ball team went to Hastings Wednesday where! hey play ed the Ingleslde team. Mrs. Barbara I'hurcs has commenced excavating on her lots in the south ward for a now residence. Ths telephone gang of the Nebraska Telephone Co are reconstructing the line from this city to Lester. Wall paper, paint, varnish, mould ing, painting and papering contract ed. Sloss, the Wall Paper Man. The iluest. line and best assortment of Harness ever carried before. Call and look it over. Mouhakt Bros. See Dr. Warrick, the specialist, at Dr. Danierell's office Tuesday, August 8tb. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. About 175 tickets were sold from here Wednesday to Hastings. Ring ling Bros', circus was the attraction. Earn $150 to 8200 per month by learning a trade at home Start now. Particulars free. Box 125, Hooper, Neb. Oscar Hughes and wife, Mrs. Bernard McNeny, Ned Grimes and B. 1- Mc Farland took in the circus at Hastings Wednesday. Mrs. P J. Curl of Lnpg Island, Kas., a sister of J. A. McArtlmr, spent Saturday and Sunday with h'm and his family. Mrs. Barbaia l'hare.s left! for Omaha Sunday morning to buy a new line of fall goods for'Uho P. Newhouso dry goods btore. Farm Loans, I am again jeady to make farm loans at the lowest rate and best terms. I am sole agent for Trevett, Mattls & Baker. Some pri vate money . J. H. Ba'.ley. Red Cloud, Nebr r M'ss Mini t.-ok lottinicd Monday from urnVutidod visit with relative at Racine, Wis , and Chicago. She re pit Is a Hue time. M.J. Meluernoy arrived home from Kansas City Sunday morning, where he has just completed a course In the jewelry business. s" 1'iank Watson of Woiner, Kas., is in town today and teports a very heavy rain at Womer; ft' t Inches fell there Wednesday night. .'' H.J. Maurer, C. I). Robinson and Louie Schmidt returned from Denver Saturday morning, whero they had been for an outing. A. T. Walker went to Colorado last Thursday morning for his health. C. 10. Strong joined him at Culberfson and went with him. Wanted Piano nunlls. ITnlversitv School of Music giaduate. Three years pupil of Henry P. Haines. Maiiik Smiiii lit ok. Phono Bell 111. Misses Mabel llolmgruin and Carrie DcWit I spent Sunday in Bostwick with fi lends. Mabel says they can't tell her that It doesn't rain in Nebraska. Dr. Moranville. C. C. MoConkey and tho Independent Phone Co., had euib lug put in front of their places this week, which is a great Improvement. W.vxir.i) Man with family wants position on farm, either by month or on shares, for this fall or inthesprlng. K. K. Si'iiiNUER, R. I. D. No. .'I, care II. C. Harris. Rev. J. M. Bates will hold services at Grace church next Sunday and will start Monday on his vacation, which will be spent mostly in Cherry and Brown counties. Dr. Warrick, the specialist will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses properly Htteu at Dr. DttmcreU's ofllce in Red Cloud Tuesday, Aug. 8th. Foley Kidney Pills will chock the progress of your kidney and bladder trouble and heal by removing the cause. Try them. Sold by Henry Cook the Druggist. Wilber Peterson is the proud father of a bouncing baby boy which arrived Saturday afternoon. Both grandpas are doing well and will no doubt re cover from the shock. Do not allow your kidney and blad der trouble to develop beyond the reach of medicine. Take Foley Kidney I'liis. inflv mvo ouick results huu stop Irregularities with surprising promptness r or saie at nenrv v-ook s drug store. Charles, the seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Overman, died last Sunday evening after a brief illness. The funeral services will be held at tho Overman home next Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock. Wolfe &. Whitaker, general black smiths, now carry a full line of farm implements, surreys, buggies, wagons, gang plows, gas engines, stacker ropes, all kinds of machinery and heavy hardware, and all supplies for same. Also all kinds of oil. We wish to announce to the public generally, that we have the well known Taylor Ranch for sale. This consists of 540 acres, G miles south east of Red Cloud. This place needs no commeda tion as it is known far aud near as the very best bottom farm in Webster County. Wai.kkr & Kknt. Dr. I). D. Sanderson has decided to pitch his tent in this city and be a permanent resident. The Doctor is a graduate of Barnes Medical College located at St. Louis and comes highly recommended. We extend the glad hand and welcome Doctor Sanderson to our city. In order to fill the store room of the Cowdcn-Kaley Clothing Compauy's building with the very best furnishing goods, Mr. Frank Cowden, the senior member of the firm, leaves for Chicago and other eastern markets the first of next week. He will be gone about ten days and is very confident that he will return with some exceptional bargains. In 11K)S the'inanagemoi.t of the State Pulp built an auditorium with 5,000 comfortablo seats in which tired sight seers might rest and enjoy oeveral con certs each day by one of tho best bands I to bo secured In the United States. September 4th to 8th this year the ! wonderful A. Liberates New York City Military Band and grand opera con- 'cert company of 41 Instrumentalists ' and 20 Blngers some of whom are the best Italian grand opera soloists to be I am a candidate for re-election to the office of County Judge and ask the support of the Peo ple's Independent - Democratic electors at the primary. I. W. EDSON. 4. . '''&AaJa2tJJraa'a''''a'' - - ;.53'.'S.5.'S.'5:S.1'5 ft ft (tv to m i (t to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to we ings, all our high grade Schaffner & Marx. Suit lines, found in the country will be heard in concerts at 10:80 a. m , and 1 :30 and 4 p. in. The name "Llberatl" explains the merit of this musical organization to music lovers. More people, men and women, are sulfcriug from kidney and bladder trouble than ever before, and each year more of them turn for quick re lief and permanent benefit to Foley's Kidnev Reincdv. which has Droven it self to bo one of tho roost effective i remedies for kidney and bladder ail ments that medical science has de vised. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. As an example of the ideal at vari ance with the real or practical we might point to our street crossings. Wc can readily see that it would be very well to have the entire city slope on one continous plane but as the years go by and the dirt in the street floats away we ilnd that in some places the crossings are two feet higher than the streets. An exciting ball game was played on the local diamond Friday between Oriole, Kas., and the local team. Bar ber pitched fcr the locals and Dickson for Oriole. Red Cloud won the game 10 to 9, taking 13 innings to make 'the winning run. Numerous errors were made on both sides. Another game will be played by these teams in the near future. The unusually large ruin of lust night played havoc with the railroads both east, west and north of this city. Bridges were washed out and. trains were unable to get in or out. Train No. 15 was compelled to remain here Among the passengers were ex-Hover- Shallengerber and his daughter The Governor made this ofllce a pleasan call. He is always genial and inv esting and wc were pleased with t.. visit. Mrs. Beauchamp held her large audi ence spellbound for more than an hour. Her lecture was simply grand. She is a brilliant, intelligent woman of power; she carries away with her the blessings and prayers of some of the best men and women of our city. Daily News, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Mrs Frances Beauchamp will be in Red Cloud the 10th and 11th of August and will speak on two lire topics of the day, "Temperance and Woman Suffrage." Free at the M. R. church. COWLES ' Mr. Ida Squires Is on tho sick list. We are glad to learn Mie lb better at this writing. Miss Jessie Squires came down from Hustiugs Tuesday for a short visit with old friends, C. W. Fuller and family autoeddown from Lincoln Wednesday. They re port Lincoln and vaclnity very dry. Jas, Hayes, who has been visiting relatives in this vaclnity for a short time,-started home Tuesday at Litch field, Nebr. Aunt Pine Paul, whofbas been sick for some ti,me,,ls some bettor at pres ent. 8hebas,a nurse attending her rom Hastings. Earl Pauland wife efHolyoke, Colo., are here in their auto making a visit with relatives. Earl Paul is the son of Uncle Todd Paul of this place. E. White received his goods Thurs day and is moving out on a farm north west of town. Ho has moved from near Oberlin, Kas. Miss Avos Ritchoy went to Hastings Friday to visit a friend that she got acquainted with on returning from Philippines recently. Miss Vena Brubaker, who has .been acting as cashier of the Campbell Bank for a number of weeks during a .raca? .tion of the' cashier, came home TmeSr day. "t. it- v -wih..n.ih urijjj CJTo reduce our stock of Clothing and Gents' are offering for sale 20 Per Cen Suits, including the A few Suits, odds will be sold at a Tliis slorc is the home of Hart Geo. Holt of the tlrm of Holt A. Boren went to Lincoln Monday to bring back a new Bulck ear. Ho sold his last car to Dr. Boren. Tho Cowles base ball fans went to Guide Rock Tuesday to cross bats with that aggregation and won with a score of 2 to 1. It was a good amateur game. Thomas Darnell our accommodating B. & M. agent, has commenced build ing a new house in the south part of town. There have been a number of good buildings put up in Cowles this spring. The Cowles fans crossed bats with the Inavalo bunch Saturday and trim ed them up with a score of 3 to 7. The features of the game were the strike outs by Vance and tho umpiring of Jack Waller. Quite a number of our people went to the Epworth Assembly Wed nesday. Among those whom we were aware of going were Mr. and Mrs. Keeney, Mrs. Grccnhalgh, Miss Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Saunders and Miss Brubaker. A quite a number of our autoists went to Red Cloud last Thursday to organize an auto club for this county. F. A Good of this place was elected president. This is certainly a loug step in the right direction. System about the road wot k is tho only way to make good roads and make them permanent. We are all sorry to learn of tho death of Mr. Fred Oerlaeh at Red Cloud Tuesday morning. Fred had been ailing for some time and he went hr-Hbt Sprint's for treatment. He sign) there a short time and getting no oeiier rciurneu as lar as ueu noi:a f where he passed away. He was well acquainted in and around Cowles and hjiB a host of friends. We take this chance of expressing our deep sorrow foj his family and relatives. ' McNeny May Get In Race Henry C. Richmond of Omaha, chief clerk of the house at the late session of the legislature, was in the city yes terday on business connected with his position. While hero Mr. Richmond added to the list of democratic candi dates for the United States Senate a name which he asserts will have to be reckoned with before the primary 'campaign closes next April that of llernard McNeny of Rod Cloud. Tho Gmalia man says that ho is not exactly making or unmaking candi dates and does not pretend to bo an active factor in the politics of the stato, but asserts that his opinion Is, following a trip into western Nebraska, from which lie only recently returned, that the Webster county barrister will be, a formidable figure in tho race for the toga. "I have great respect for the trio, Sballenberger, Thompson and Reed, who have already announced themsel ves for the plaee," said he today, "but I am of the opinion that several other name will be added before the demo. cratlc ballot is made up next spring. You may set it down right here that McNeny, if he yields to tho demand being made upon him to enter tho race, will make the other gentlemen look to their laurels." According to the Omaha man, At torney McNeny has all the qualillca tlons necessary to give him prestige in the race, a marked virility and an eloqueuco that has made him a central figure iu Fifth district politics for some time. "McNeny is a hater of sham In poli tics," said Mr. Richmond, 0'aud his word b as good as gold. He, however, has never been ambitious along the' Vnepf.oflloe sacking and the demand. forjllsntryyoojouiff from pupy, of ' - Si - - -' ' ' - - -J ', X 'J ' '- '- at sacrifice. Discount Red Cloud Nebraska Schaffner & Marx clothes s.e?T.4T - ,it tr OTMTS IFA mm n i MK. mt'SK' h Pi !& mm Hm 'A i Wm THE STATES BEST PRODUCTS mr.p rrfHN WW 'Tf?' r'r'PC w mmmmsm -i - v v iu TWO AEROPLANES IN DAILY ("LIGHTS LIBERATI MILITARY BAND AND GR&ND OPERA COMPANY OF 61 PEOPLE GREAT RACES PATTtRSON SHOWS, FIREWORKS. NIGHT 23tfn BISCUIIS There will be no ques tion about your biscuits when you use our well known Imperial brand of Flour. Be sure of your biscuits. Let your first thought in flour be "IMPERIAL." RED CLOUD MILLING CO. NEW BAKERY I have opened a bakery in Red Cloud and solicit a share of your patronage. Frcik Bread, Fies, and Cakes always iu stock. Phone me your wants (Ind. phone 188.) Deliver to any part of the city Retail stoic opposite Postof lice, In Diodcrluh building. CURTHATFlELD.Prop. bis frlelidb over the state, is a senti ment aroused by works and deeds of a man who does things worth while. The Fifth district has had Us Lairds and its MoKoigbans, but tho Red Cloud man, iu my estimation, Ib the Beer of them all. His election to the 'nited States' senate would be a mat ter of congratulation to the peonle of this commonwealth." Sunday State Journal, ..-., . D I IIII '-. KyHQ ' ' Zfc '1 Furnish ft ft Or m i ik'f b 0 0 tt ft ft famous Hart and ends -of o8T - !!i9i dT v mn jf jl iu RACES. VAUDEVILLE. What is the difference between the President's traveling expenses and a menu card? One is the fare of Bill, the other a bill of fare! , COME . and look over our Bill of Fare before arranging yours! You'll Like Our Meats Most tender our chops, our steaks are rare. Kxeelleut our ham, salt meats the same. All cuts prepared with greatest care To servo and to please you our aim! WM. KOON. is as applicable to the ornamentatioa of a grave, on the erection of a stone, oa ik in iu uruuucciure. Your Idea About a Monuwnt will bo carefully carried out on an or der given us. We study to pleaso each individual patron. Oinmrmnt Monument for DI9 mvnt mravm. ED. McALISTER RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA Have your picture framed at Slogs' Best selection in town. m w vtjEj'1 VI - mA BBBBBBBBJKR3IClc ssaiawaavavaiuuuiJUMSMMUBM f. at IV .A I r .I 11 If i: h m k ST S !. 'V f J1 w ' n f M s i v M ii. s , y i 9 ii. &. WW. '.&& p'MIsKJSWfl bitiMdfatHUtk aMaaMHWHMBMMk MMMMtaMMMt SB