The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 03, 1911, Image 4

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    "f "O UMU-
:tWWi!V)WP't,HMr rtttmmmrrm WMm OT.xOTptomim.iian
jaK'JJ.i-r &W4-vU.jw1
W .y t -u .fir.' . - .- -
h '
Cloud - - Nebraska.
stored In
the Poilomce stilled Cloud, Neb.,
Second CIMMltcr.
1 nni a ennilliliito lor IHMrlrt .ImlKi'. ana
llcpuhlli'nn, n( noinlnnlliiK iirlnmry Aiimmt
35,11)11. ' W. I'. Miywitiiv.
The four Incli rnln of lust night will
now Insure I lie com crop anil the liny
nnd alfalfa. Hut th lnft crop Ih the
smile crop. You call see tho smiles
sprouting up nil over Hie fields ami
streets. Even our lovll looks hnppy
today. We now know why the, linlliin
showed such indifference to Ills stir
ronndiiigH. Ho lived on tho plains niitl
ns tho years foiled along ho learned
that after a dry pll would ooine rnln
nnd after rain the dry weather and
.what was the odds. This year the
smiles and tears have, chimed each
other fast and In uiiulliur goniuatlon
we may learn to wait until tho harvest
ueforo wo allow ourselves to Indulge
In too Diuuh Inmontntions over some
thing which mny never happen
Were It not for the fnet the we em
ployed an expert shorthand reporter
to attend the church base ball game
last Tuesday one of the best orations
over given In the city would have been
losl to all posterity. At the end of the
third inning Deacon Ilert Kaley arose
in the grandstand and Bald in full
"Brothers and sisters, I am Indeed
pleased to see such a large congrega
tion una mil. twiu...uU.. .." . ... Te CUM ,)HS uot bu(,n aWc t(J tfe,
irom your ireijuLMiv ui.y.wu v..-.".. the details of Mr. Gerlaoh's life in
for the CfinuuH. lucked where Mltc e
nbnnuded Ed does not pitch iih we'l
at his wife sink'. Glon Walker, who
caught for darker and Grlce, is better
In the choir than behind the hat. Hut
dlert showed his pluck. Hu stopped
everything that hit his mitt, although
he did not always hold It.
Wo have not space to mention all
tho players. We have chosen those
who have, not been on the diamond
for years for especial consideration.
Ye editor1 implml with varying suc
cess Tho familiar faces of . Lawrence
Huron and Frank Cowden were ab
sent. On the whole, the game was an en-
'juyablu one lo the players and the
spectators. Tlicio was a general dc
sire for the churches to take more in
terest In pood nn lured contests which
would give an appeal alicC of kindly
fellowship anil genial association.
Playing together Is as as much a purl
of life as working together, and If the
churches will do their part toward
the encouragement of wholesome, en
joyable recreation, much good might
result. 9
About as near as anyone can tell,
the score wus 13 to 11 In favor of the
Methodists- Roy Stevens. Hon Wil
liams, James Hllvey, Hootic tiuuuders,
Uay Saunders, Atkins. W. Elevens, E
N. Tompkins, Prof.Morltz, It. Stevens,
Fred Turnure.
Cougregatlonallsts Olen Wnlkei'
Ed darker (south-paw), Flnve Orlee,
Harry (illham, Ed Overlng, Don Saun
ders, Charles Kellogg, James Mitchell.
Wullbriuidt, Turnure.
Umpire Hale.
H "oters For Congregationalism,
(Jotting and Caldwell; for the Meth
odists, Will Overman and Mouutford.
Frei GcrlKh Passe Away SaMealy
Fred Gerlach died I uesday morning
at 1:30 after an acute attack of heart
trouble ou the street Mond&veveulng.
.I'.i'it'ci. lei''sligl
When a man ha resided in a com
munity thirty-nine years a1-an honored
mid respected citizen, lictlve in Its
business, political and social life, hu.
would not lie a bad sort of u man for'
the people to uleiit to a public oillcc
would he?
mm. 'iBFmm
have enioved the services and 1 be
llevc that this Is an opportune time to
Inform you of something which is lay
ing heavily on my mind, I want to
say n word about the brothers that
have come among you today. They
are all good men. They freely give
their time and their services in this
work without salary or pay and I am
sure that you will agree with roc that
they are earnestly devoted to their
ohosen profession. Only one of them
was ever known to backslide and that
was done in your prcseuce this after
noon. Mow these brothers are doing a
wonderful missionary work. They
frequently have scores of people In the
congregation that never darken the
doors of a church building. They are
the only aggregation of the kind
on the continent of America
and they arc deserving of our gener
ous support. It is only fair that we
pay a part of their carfare and hotel
expenses and I theroforo trust that as
the generals pass down the aisles that
vou will each and every one give of
your plenty and If every one drops In
a penny there will be enough and to
Methodists Take a Fall
Out of Congregational
time for this issue.
He drat became generally known to
the people of this county in connect
ion with the formation of tho Farmer's
Alliance in 181)0 Ho was a man of
strlklug figure, a giant in physique,
and of more than ordinary mental and
moral worth. Had he been a fluent
speaker of English he would easily
have been one of the most influential
men of the county. Of commanding
presence, genial manners, and uncom
promising honesty, he lacked only the
power of facile utterance to compel
He servod tho public as a member of
the board of County Commissioners.
He was the candidate of his party for
county treasurer and also for the legis
lature. Hud ho keen uue. of . the earlier
settlers of the county, his deficiency
in our language would probably have
been overcome and it is difficult to
determine the consideration ho would
have achieved. As it was, he will be
remembered with kindness by all who
knew him, and those who knew him
lest trusted him most. He was burled
from his home Thursday at noon.
Mr. dcrlach was born in Germany,
Feb. 8, 1851. He leaves a wife and
several childreirto mourn his departure.
Mr. A. 1) Itunticy, who Is asking the
people for nomination at the coming
pi Unary for county judge, came, to Ne
braska with his parents and settled in
Oak Creek picciuct of tliih county in
1872 and has been a resident of the
county ever sluce From 1881 to 18S5
he attended schoof at Hastings, and
the two years following he studied law
in the olllce of A. M. Walters of this
place, and In 180 wus admitted to the
kar,jiud since then has been success
fully, pnictlciiig in that profession.
May lt, 189C, he was olected village
clerk and attorney, which position he
has sluce continuously held. In the
fall of that year he was elected county
attorney and two years luter was elect
ed to a seeoud term, serving in an
etllclent manner. In IB'.M! ho was
elected u member of the board of
education of this district and three
years later whs chosen its secretary.
He is still ou tho board as Its secre
tary. These are only a few facts we men
tion to permit you to become acquaint
ed with Mr. Hanney and to know what
ho has been doing He does not talk
much about himself or what he has
done; but his friends, who are num
bered by all who hnvo the pleasure of
his acquaintance, will tell you that he
Is a man of conservative and keen
judgment, hnnist in his dealings with
his fellow men, a capable attorney,
and a man in whom they do not hesi
tate to place the ulmo-t confidence
The voters ou the ilemociutic and
peoples independent parties are asked
to vote for Mr. Ilituuey for county
judge on August loth. Itlue Hill
Gasoline and Oil Stoves and Ranges
De Laval Cream Separators
White Lily Electric Washers
Hardware and Implements
All kinds of Plumbing Goods. Work promptly attended to
Windmills, Wagons and Buggies
almost every county convention hs
delegate from Oak Creek and spent
much time In boosting the ticket. He
lias never before been a candidate for
olllce. In his present campaign for
county treasurer he is being encour
aged and baeked by his home people
in flattering style. His business ex
perience as a merchant qualities him
for the duties of county treasurer,
and if elected he will personally inuu
ago the affairs of the office. II. C.
Wright solicits the support of the
fusion voters nt the primary.
The long expected game between
the Methodists audCongregatlonullsts
drew an interested multitude to the
base ball grounds Tuesday afternoon.
The grandstand and bleachers were
thronged with unaccustomed faces.
The rival churches were out in full
force. Kev. A. A. Crcssman and C. L.
Cotting eamo early uud occupied posi
tions of prominence, where their wav
ing hats and words of cheer would be
most offective for the nine heroes who
battled for Congregational victory.
The ladles of the M. E. Aid society
eave an unwonted seduteness to the
The Methodists went Hist to bat
Kev. Tompkins picked out a vacnut
spot beyond the center fielder, rubbed
his hands in the dust, and swung his
bat with u vigor like that of Ty Cobb,
Two hundred sighs fell upon thu
summer breeze from tho ladie.i of his
flock. Three mighty strokes had cut
great geshes in the air, but the ball,
instead of soaring Into the distant
cloud, reposed in the catcher's mitt.
l'rof. Morltz extended his long frame
to meet the approaching missile. Had
bis bat been as wide as a tennis rac
quet, there is little doubt that some
time.duringrthe game the ball would
have implgued upon it and rebounded
Into space. ,.
Fred Turnure modest, unassuming
grasped the stick, and tbe ball hit
bin club for a safe one. Fred proved
to be the star hitter for the M. E.'s.
Ed Overlng, arrayed in a jaunty
suit of white and looking bcuigntly
through his spectacles, saw the ball
just In time to hit It one of his sledge
hammer blows. He also saw every
ball thrown to him at second base,
and hold them. He made double plays
worthy of a major loaguer.
Jim Mitchell hit the ball several
times, and hud he uot stopped to
watch it fielded would have reached
first base more often, Mr. Mitchell
oould sustain a reduction of twenty
pounds and be in better form for the
diamond. '
Ed Garter, who started the flinging
any Sif f erlux Wiaai
Drags herself painfully through her
dally tasks, suffering from backache,
headache, nervousness, loss of appe
tite and poor sleep, not knowing her
ills are due to kidney and bladder
troubles. Foley Kidney Pills give
quick relief from pain and misery und
and a prompt return to health and
strength. No woman who so suffers
can afford Uj overlook Foley Kidney
Pills. For sale by Henry Cook.
Weather Samaiary far July I9li
Temperature: Maximum 108 on lit h,
minimum 40 on 25th. Greatest range
41 on 3d.
Precipitation: Total ii:i:i Indus,
(treat est in 2l hours 2.0T iuchesou tilth
Days with .(11 inch or more !). Clear
20, partly cloudy 10, cloudy 1. Tliun
deihtorms on B, 13, 1.1, 10, 17, 22, 21), Hi),
III. Prevailing wind direction south
west ti.days. Ciias. S Ludlow.
SBRr Br's ? i."
SbbbbHkhT'" ABBBBI
SBBBBBBm.'' if l''aBBH
I inn a emHlliluti for County . I initio at the
t'oiuiiiK primary on Hie ICt'pul'Hcnii ticket.
TliuhUpport i( all U respect luly sollcltitl.
A. . CIthh-OIAN.
H. C. Wright of Rosemont,
Candidate for Treasurer
To the Voters of the Democratic and
People's Independent Part):
I respectfully solicit jour
support at the coming pilmarles for
election as your candidate for county
clerk. Two years ago when there was
no prospect of defeating Mr. floss for
his second term, at tho requost of
leading anti-republicans, 1 consented
to the use of my noroe as n candidate,
solely to assist in putting a complete
ticket in the Held, and thus making
possible the election of one or more of
your other candidates. 1 believe that
my action then was helpful iu preserv
ing our parties in a vigorous and
efficient condition during the cam
paign, and In keeping them strong
and courageous to contend with some
show of success in the coming election.
While I do not claim that the party
Is under any obligation to me, I yet
feel that I should be given the chance
to engage in a successful contest.
When 1 ran against Mr. Ross two
years ago he was asking for a second
term. I realized it was a hopeless race
but consented to run for the good of
our parties and in order to 1111 out otrr-
ticket. Itoss defeated mo by a small
margin. Having made the race against
Ross when he was askiug for a second
term I think 1 am entitled to imiko
the race against him when hu Is now
asking for a third term in thu face of
strong public (ontiuieut against "third
tenners." (Ikoiiue Haiu:ll.
Bloomington, Neb.,
August 14-19
Prominent Speakers will deliver addresses each
Ta the Voters oT Webster County.
1. 1 am a candidate for countv
'-'. I am 30 years old, aud was born
at Guide Ro"k, iu this county.
3. I have never before been a can
didate for office.
i. Having served as deputy countv
clerk, I think I am equipped for the
office, both by experience and inclina
tion. 1. I am respeotfully asking you for
a tlrst term, not a second or third.
0. If nominated and elected, 1 shall
consider it an honor to serve the peo
ple of this county, and will always
do so faithfully and to the best of my
7. I theroforo respectfully atid ear
nestly ask your support nt the pri
mary, and at the polls if nominated.
Yours truly,
Wii.i.iam R. Hailkv.
WMaw's PmmIm.
The recont act of April 10th. lt)0g
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
of 812 tier month, rred Maurer, the
ttoruey, has ail necessary blanks.
Plenty of Shade and Water. Music by Bloomington and Macon
Bands and Drum Corps. Good Amusements for old and young
Merry-go-round, Drills, etc.
Free Tents for All Old Soldiers
The Court House Hall will be fixed up for a rest
and children. For further information address
W. T. BRITT0N, Adjt.
room for old soldiers' women
Henry C. Wright of llosoiuont is
just in the prime of life, 47 years of
age. He came to Webster county ill
1877 aud settled with his people in
Oak Creek township. He has passed
through all tbe hardships of the early
settler and continuously for thirty
four years ho has resided and toiled
in the same township in which he first
landed He passed through many years
of hot winds and hard times on the
farm, but has been a merchant in
Rosemont handling n stock of general
merchandise for a number of years,
and is one of the prosperous business
men of the county. He has hauled
provisions and building material
across from Hastings, and has lived
to see all that vast territory sur
rounding his father's farm transformed
Into modern homes surrounded by fer
tile und 'productive fields. He has
seen the railroad extend its lines und
prosperous towub spring up along its
course. Mr. Wright is a real pioueer.
Sluce l8t)0TMr. Wright has affiliated
with the People's Independent and
Democratic parties. 'He has, during
this time, been 'an"1 Active leadeWnd'
Worker in politics',1-having' attended
McCreary Endorsed
The Adams county republican con
ventlon to select thirteen delegates to
tbe state convention to be held at Lin
coln, July 25, was held at the court
house this afternoon. Mayor Miles
was elected chairman and James
Crowley secretary,
A resolution was adopted favoring
the candidacy of W.'K McCreary fpr
the republican candidate'for judge of
the Tenth judicial distriot. Hastings
Tribune, July loth.
To the Democrttic and Peoples Independent Parties of
Webster County, Nebraska:
We the undersigned, residents of the north part of Webster County, Ne
braska, and affiliating with the above parties, believing that if we are to "bc
successful in the coming election, that it is necessary that our ticket be dls-
tributed over the county, and that wc will meet defeat at the polls if our en
tire selected from any ouo locality, and believing that two terms of
office arc enougli for auy one to ask, and believing that two terms of office
are enough for any one to usk, and believing that this section of tho county
is entitled to u candidate on our tiokot, wc earnestly requost all members of
the Democratic and Peoples Independent parties to vote for A. I). Han.nuv of
Dluo Hill for our nominee us County Judge. Wc have known A D. Ra.nney
for a number of years, and know that ho Is qualified in every way to HU the
olllce of county judge, nnd believe that if nominated ho will not only be
elected but will carry great strength for the balance of our ticket.
We know that there is a great deal of sentiment in tills county at this
time against "three termers" and against nominating all candidates from one
locality, and for these reasons we ask your support for A. D. Ranney.
E. W. Goplen Makes
, A Statement
To the Democratic aud Populist
Voters of Webster County: Two years
ago for tho llrst time in tho history of
my llfo I was a candidate for a county
office. I teceived the nomination on
the People's Independent ticket for
the offloe of Sheriff and Win. Kirk
Patrick was nominated on the Demo
cratic ticket, 'but the combined vote of
the two tickets, gave Mr. Klrkpatrick a
small majority. In tbe interest of the
ticket and party I withdrew from . be
Jacob Uoll
Herbert Hawlev
Ulricn Uoos
H. Eggleston
Wm. Karr
Aug, Brosch
Peter Luhn
'A. L. Souckek
O, B. Stotfrcgen
T. D. Fell
F. O. Buschow
August Martin
J. HanBon
Oeo. J. Koehler
II. Blum
P. J. Merten, Jr.
C. Fassler
A. D. Gruben
John Stabenow
Con. Widdersheim
A. L. Glebe
R. J. Marshall
C. F. Gund
Ferdinand Wedman
A. Kopisch
Chas. Redden
Fred Waterman
R. L. Pel.
T. W. McCluro
A. W. Couunk
Peter Merten
W. II. Fassler
L. C. Peisiger
Herman Schmidt
Clyde Smith
R. Johnson
Jacob Goll, Jr.
Ed H. Funke
F. O. Delahovde
W. A. MoMahan
Charles Blnger
Oeo. Huppcrt
Russell Pel.
J. P. Slebrass
Aug. Hclnrlch.
Louis Kruger
J. P. Bauer
George Greig
J. K. Martin
Chas. Goll
C. Kottwltz
F. T. Hopka
Elmo Goos
Ja9. Hubatka
J. B. Lane
Albert Kort
G. nail
M. Durdln
Populist ticket and did what I could
to elect Mr. Klrkpatrick aud the whole
tioket. I am again nsking'you for the
same position this year. If you see fit
to nominate some other man I am
with you alter the 15th day of August
for the success of the entire ticket,
but if I should be honored with the
nom.lna.tian and election I shall en
deavor to be honest and faithful in the
discharge of my duties to the best of
my ability. Thanking you for nast
favors I am most
Sincerely yours,
E. W. Coplkn.
AiflM fr Sale.
4oo bu., of sprayed summer apples.
On the D. G Norrls farm 5 miles west,
and 1 south of Red Cloud.
I -tfv .