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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1911)
14, Id' .'', " -f """"-Tsr."". "TffrtrKJW 'r rntK r.rxw-ww.'MPt.TaMMnxjfMEr ' !w st. v,- irrire----- - vt - .,.-. I u n K W . fc fe lt r ) 6: I ft I i t i . lftt That Distinguish Appearance hed "VAA Political Announcements. o v of Monuments is caused by the use of Pneumatic Jools. We use them, hence our letters are clean and wcil cut. Come and see. Overing.Bros ompany C Atkins IU' r urmture, : window Rugs, Carp'ets, Shades, and : The gull) ill us the Chief are opi'n fbr Icgit'iiintr iulV(rtiTiiii,'nts iif nil i Minis, i umiiiinic, u .tr ncss (ii pant V i for sheriff. I In ri'liv aiiouncc ins self ,t r.m l'.M'p for ihomiuilimtioii of sherlil of ttt-vm-r unity Mthjtct tolhe Will elf the It. p 'Ml ! t rs, to bompresi,l ni Hi primary f!i ! i tt lint l&tll. Illll. M. Woi.H'.. i UNDERTAKIN Kjs. , N-svs. The Home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. A Comploto Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns In Queen sware AKZCaJIWWIiSVMlW?W We are also making a Specialty of tho Celebrated J i "A. B. CANNED Bell Phone 102. C." GOODS Independent Phone 4$ Visit immense .prices. our store, inspect slock and get We know that the our S S aill liitiini, aro wi'li'Diiio to um- these I'liliiniiis I'rit'i' nf iinnotineHiiietit, !. .IUDUE DIMHIUT COURT. I liereby announce that I mih a candidate for iiniiifli'.it loll in tin' iilllrt' of .IihUc )l the District Court of the Tenth .ludlclul Dlstrlcti subject to the decision of the Democratic ami PeopU' Independent voters at the prl marj ili'cllon on August l-Mh. I'M 1 . IIAItltY M. Dl'NOAN. koi i submit. I htreby Viiiiutmet-iiiycclf i itll(! i' for .JUl-HiK UISTRILT COURT I lion by aiiuntiuct ibnt I am a e.-iiidlilalo no tin) ri publican tli'l.i I at the Prlnimj' to be hi'lil August Dili, pill, for the nntnlliHtliiil I for.ludyi ni tlic loth .luilK'lal DUttlit, coin j prltn. the cuimtl-s of WiliKtir. rrnnkltii 1 Harlan. ditm. Kearni and l'lnlp. I nlio II 1appri.ri.iti- jour u . I i vi ni I . in him vv Kt'iU'lotiil. Nilir. We Can Save You Money! s s s vv, SIMPSON & RENWORTHY Successor To A. C. Bradshaw Exclusive Dealers In Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Meal. : : FOR COUNTY hFL'ERlNTENUHNT. I lii-roby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of Conn I. Miperlntendi at of Webster county, ml Democratic ami I tlesat the primary elietlon to be lielil An mist Ifi. ItUI. ilKltritl'lii: I.. fonv. subjiel to tlio lll of Un peoples Inilepeiiilcnt pfir- kor coiw'TY sriM-:uiN'n-:xiEXT I liereby announce mysilf a eanillilate for tin- nomination ol county Mipcrlntenilcnt of Wttwti-r county, Hiibjtct to the will of thv Demoersitle anil Piople's Inilcpcinlcut par tlesnt llie oilniaiy election to be lit tit An Ktist Ifi. tint. ice I'll I-:. .ntiiNMu.v. KOUCOrXTVCIiKWK I hereby aunoiiuce mystlf iih a eatullilati lorrt-ulectlonah founty l IcrU of Welntcr County, Ni-lir., on the Itcpubllcan ticket, subject to the itcelslnn of the oters at the I'ltnmry I'.lcctlnn to bo licbt Aumist Ifi. mil. II. W. I toss. tlu-uomlusitlou of Sherlll'of wttwtrtr i.jiinty subjiel to the will of llm licluoc rath' mul l'eoplcs Imlcpi intent parlies at tlio primary eltrtloli AlUilst If.tll. lull. H). V. loi trv. KOlf SIIKUIFF l hereby announce myself n iiimtlil.Ue for Hie nomination of Slierlil of W'elwtt r i-cmt.ty sul Jed to the will or tin- Hemoinitlc mitt I'tople's Imltpi iiiltut parllinat the primary elietlon Aniist liV. IDll.-l'ii k lit l i y FOiicou.VTYJunun tti.ri. Ititt.. Nkhii.. .itint i I- ' M Mniebv nnnoilnrr uii.elf n n . i n i le or toiiiity .niilne of Wclmtci (om t Sf lirnska.KiiliJift to the will of the .;i( , , r if the liemoecitle anil Piople's hiit pen.'. u( l'nrtlisnt Hie rrliutuj miction to bt U hi uisust rail. mii.. n. hanm i. I'OI! COUXTVCLKKK 1 heioby an ounce- mysilf as a i-ainllilittt lor tlio ollli-e of I '.unity t'lerk of Webster County. Nebr., subject to the will of the vot ers of the Hciuoeratleauil Pioplc'n Inileptiul ent l'artv at ihe Primary Kit ctlou to be hi-hl u. 15, mil. "'.It. IIMI.KV. Don't Throw Away Money $50 By paying more than for COO pounds capacity for this is the price of a BEATRIC E CREAM SEPARATOR tkr Mac at Trie The most sanitary leparator built. The ttly separator supplied with a centrifugal washing device that overcomes all the drudgery of washing up the leparator. MMtitcly CMTMritN TkrMibMt ky Beatrice Creamery Co. Llacola. Nekr. We are the local agents for this Separator. Call and examine it. u fir bbbVh K2C235MK:12Ki PHONE US YOUR ORDERS. BELL RED 57 stess' L K-' V . I Hf 'fi Mm . Nik mm mv jK.Vp in9v' rjSifk wi jx ' Mir?jq 't-JaSP- jv Jasssssi3t0z Highest Cash Price paid for Poultry We have excellent facilities for handling Poultry and Eggs. Your patronage solicited George Oppsjtf Postoffie. Phones: W. Trine Brll, black ll1?', Independent, 145 i.s ua HppllcHble to the ornamentation of a Krttve, on the erection of n stone, us It is to artihlteeture. Your Ideas About a Monument will be carefully curried out on tin or der trlvon us. We study to pletiso eacli Irdiriiltnil patron. Different Monuments for Diff erent Graves. ED. McALISTER KI'JI) CliOl'D, XKUUASKA Due's add to Hed Cloud, wd. .S 'JToO Martha K Smith to Jessie K Ilite, uudv interest in xi sw'4 17-4-12, wd WX) Geo W Holt et ul to F A Good, lots 8, U and 10, block W, Cowles, wd 800 R A AnderHou to Oscar Ander sou, lots .'12, 33 and 34, block 1, Kaley & Jackson's add to Hed Cloud, wd 30 Alice L Scott toC r Gund, lots 1 and 2, block 7, Hoover's add toltlue Hill, wd 2000 Mortgages filed, 81)800.00. Mortgages released, 8f8ll.0O. 10080 Stallions and Jacks Must Have Certificates i-'OK COUNTY CLKUIC have been aulhorleil to announce the nainuof ili.oiuti: II ni:i.i., of Ite.U'loiiil, for nomination of I'ounty C'U i k. subject to the will of the tiemociat and reople's IiulcpLiul eut voters at Uiu Primary elietlon Atiisnsi loth. I'.UI. N FOK COL'N t'Y CLrJKK Wii are authoileil to auiuitiiu-u W. li. Shannon as a cumiltlate for noiiiliiatlou as county clerk subject to the will of the re publican voters nt the primary election. August liith I'OI! CO I XTV COM MISS I ON Kit I heieby atuiounee myself a cnutlMatu for the nomination of rouiity t'liiuiulsslimcr of foiumlssloner nlstrlct .so. t, subjeet to tlio will of the Pcoplc'H liiilepemlint ami Demo eratlepartlen at the primary etirtlon to bo lielil AiiKtist .i, mil. ()i;. .;, c0.v. Toil COUNTY COMMISSIONER I liereby announce uiyKelf a eamlliliite for the nomination of nunty fomiiil-.sloner of rominlsslonir District .so. I, subjiel to the will of the People's luilficu'ilent ami lioitio eratlc parlies nt theiprlmary election to bo lielil Auifiist .1. inn. .. II. IIiiiijiit. KOI! KOADOVKUSKKIJ I litu-ltj aiiuininci uiyu'lf a ciimlldate lor IJoail OMrsterot Uoml Plslrlel No. .1. Web ster i oiiuti . Mibjeet to Ihe w III of the votera of the Itepiibllcan party. Wii.i, Pimikii FOR COL'N I Y' CLERK. I hereby announce inHelf as a candidate for the otllte of county clerk of AVctwter county, Nebraska, subject to the will of the voterno! the Democratic oml I'cople'a Inile pendent parties at the primary election to be held Augtut ID, 1911. CI. W. Davis. FOR CLERK DISTRICT COURT. I hereby announce myself an a caiidlttate tor the otllce of clerk of the district. court, subject to the will of the Demociatlc and People's Independent voters at th primary election to be held August tr, lull. KlllTII I.. MiKkiiihan. CATARRH White awan VM Mattress Complete Com ff 't tort srrrt Guaranteed 30 Years vfflWfiK M s.vrs? 'SSf'r.SfrjS'rssrf.-f'Sfjr. r.-rrrsr- , rv. vmmtfWMmmawwk Which DoYou Choose WA wm "Chear Cost" ffl m Mattresr m m Near Comfort, m Soon Lost, Gone W m to Pieces in h m Few Years m The "White Swan" .r.a.vmw &. is ositicly tbc ltKKr-s' mattipss birgain a price is httler. Nil othrr is i;uarantcc'd yt. MS? " M The "V $ huxahlc. No matttiss at ? MistroniMv. ou tan't I'owiont: i ou buy a "lutr bvxan." 7M ". E o iSseij "gall HAY iWY0KH FEVER IT'S GUARANTEED THIRTY YEARS- & x t'omr iu anil hc the White Swan Matlren anil let us jiut one in ou yjyfy '.v liome lot 30 days.' ' 0 vfi ' i's' ' a ED. A MACK THE FURNITURE MAN Undertaking a Specialty All the Phones ELY'S CREAM BALM Appllod Into tho nostrils Is quickly ubsorben. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It elaanses, noothes, heals ami protects tlio diseased iiiwiihrauu icsiiltuii! from (Jatairh anil ihlvosHwiiy a Cold iu tin Head quickly. 'ii-stoK's tlio tsnnscs of Tusto and Kuioil. it h easy to use. Contain ii" injiuioiis dmg-. 3S'o mercury, no cocaine, uo mor. lililno. Tlio lioiisohold lonu ily, l'riee, CO tents at DrtiggistK or ly mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York. Tin? Stallion Registration Hoard is organized under the new lv with II. R. tsmith. Professor of Animal Hus bandry at tho State University, as I'tcaldeiit: A. Uostrom, Statu Vetoiin- urian,as tin- Vice l'icsiduiit; ami W.K. .Mellor, Secretary of the Statu Hoard of Agriculture, us Secretary, with ollit'i in State Ciipitol, Lincoln. Tlio Hoard will appoint two Inspect or whose duty it will he to inspect all breeding stallion and jacks in No braslcu. Under the new law every stallion itiui jack must liuveuci'itilicale which will show all defects. Those nluictod with hereditary, infections, contagious or transnilssnuUi diseases, such as wcitlial gleet, liielanosiH, per iodio pthalinla, laryngeal hemiplegia or serious defect In general conforma tion will bo denied n certificate. The board will give personal notice, or through tho press, of tho time and placo at which inspections will be made within tho county. Stallion and jack owners must present their animals for examination. The fee will be So.OO, payable in advance. If an owner of brcuding animals fails to prcsont his animal for inspection at Ihe time set, It will coat him SI 0.00 to secure his cut t Ideate, ( LERK Ol-1 DISTRICT COURT I hereby announce myself as a candidate for t'lerk of the District Court of Webster County, on the Republican ticket, .subject to the decision of the voters at the primary election to beheld August loth., lull. I'll s. !:. Kkiiii.i:. In The District Court of Webster Coiin ty, Nebraska Kmmor I.. I'aui ett, riatutltr. vs. . Miner Willtnanrashler. Defendant. Mllll I. lo . IIIVKIt WCI.I.M VN l'slllK t You are In n by notlllul that Ihnuior l. rawectt tiled his petition In the District Coin t of Web-Ur i.'ounty, .Vebriiska on tho Klh day ol Inly, 11)11, imalust you, the object and of hlcli are to iiulet the title to the follow Inu-iU-ci Mud pre mists, to-wlp fail of otu-half of the north uist qu-irter of m ctlou I. Town 'J, Itauite 1(1. West of tho tl I'. SI. In Webster County. Nebraska and eoiitalnlui; about twenty acres n ml moro particularly d scribed as follows: Hounded on the north by the north Hue of said section I. on the wist by laud deeded lo out- W. V. U ard lie r and the continuation of .1th Street Iu the village of Cowles on the south by tho north boundary of Adams Street of the Vill age ol Cowles, on the Kast by land heretofore deedtd to i:l ward Jilford and excepting ami reservlnu the rlghtlof way of the II. t SI. Kail road through Mild lnd, such possession com. incncliiKou the 10th day of September, 1891, In the said Kmmor I,. Kawcett, and against any and all claims of whatsoever nature you may haVln the above described real estate. Ynti ar required to answer said petition ou or before Monday the 28th day of August, 1011 or said petition will be taken as true and Judgment rendered as therein prayed. Kmmor U. Fawcmt, lly llernard SIcNeny Ills Attorney. FOR COUNTY TTiKASUKKK. We have been authotled to announce the candldaeyoflii.o. w. I.i.Misia for thuolllce of county treasurer, subjict to the will of the Deu'iociat and People's Independent partltsat the primary elt ctlou August 1Mb. Hill. Cxi riff'o S Prermtim Hams and Bacon ,)t5t KOIc COI'NTY TKHAhUltKlt. We bin ('been Vuthorled to auuouce the candidacy of II. C. Witimi r. of Itost-mmit, forthetillleeof County Treasurer, subject to the will of the Deiuoi ratlu and Peoples In dependent I'artlcs at thejprlmary elietlon August loth. Hill. Everything Electrical G. C Bailey Bell phone, Black 20. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST Moon Block, Red Cloud In Riverton every Monday DR.S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. 11)11011 At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone 131. KOU TKKASUUKU We have In en authorized lo announce the candidacy of It. W. ICoON r. for tho olllce ol county ireaHiirer, subjii-t lo the will of the Itepiibllcan voters at the primary election August K.tli. Illll. FOK TUKASUUKU We have bten aulhorled to uunnuneo the nameolti. A. Arnold.of Ulue Illll, for the nomination of County Treasurer, subject to the will of the Democrat and People's Inde pendent volt is at the Primary election to be held August 15. mil. Real Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by tho Fort A'b struct Co. fur the week ending Wed nesday, July 2tl, 1911. U K Mcllrlde to Vera Y, lot I aud n)i lot ft, block 8, Le Hauli year has found hoiiiu now iui pi'tivcnieut ou the State Fair (irouuds and when the nt-.t fair dates, Septem ber 1 tli to 8th, roll around, tho visitor will behold a new Ciranil Stand with steel supported roof covering tlio en tiro btruutuie, which covers a space 8(1x210 feet Thi'snew stand is built on the site of the old stand but a little furthur back from tho truck, and con tains 0100 comfortable scats, the upper row of which JslO feel from the ground. An earthen dyke over one half tulle in length and averaging about six feet in height lias been construoted around, tho west of tho grounds to prevent Hood water from Halt and Atitelopo cr6eks from coming on the grounds. Souio of the other improvements are a 'cement floor in tho nuto building and tho Installation of turnstiles opened by'.eolns. FOil SIllUUFF I hnruby announce, myself a candidate for the. nomination nCsherlll of Webster county htihjict to tho will of the Itepublleitu titers, to beeviiressedat the prljuary election Aug ust 1,1th, lull. ti. D. llniHir.. & I v&SMrM i ri w y 17C iv u v &3fe Vfl4j For Sale' 11 Yost XWl r S Jp John TUB "Dutch Butcher" FOU SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candidate for thonoinluatlonofnhcrlil'of Webster county subject toth will ol tho Dcnioeralle and People's Independent pintles at the primary ckctlou August 1,1, lull. .lAMhsMclliuni:. FOR SI I Kill FF 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for.Slu-rlfl'ol Websttr County, Nebraska, on the Democratic ticket subject tt thotUcMon of tho voters at the Primary election to be held August ir. mil. .l.T, Ittili.Kliui:. FOK SHERIFF I hereby announce a ramlldato for tho olllce of Hhtrlllof Webster County, suls Jecttothe will of the voters of tho Demo, erotic and People's Independent Parties. Joif W. Cuow. SOLO HY The Miner Brothers Co. II. A. IXTSO.V, ItOlt. "A Mighty Safe Place to Trade " jppgwsstoiaMa tv9&W&